HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 2, 2009 o~ Planning & Development Committee Agenda, { Monday, November 2, 2009 PI KERI Council Chambers 7:30 pm Chair: Councillor McLean PART "A,y PLANNING INFORMATION MEETING PAGES INFORMATION REPORT NO. 09-09 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment -A 18/09 1-15 2121401 Ontario Limited (VIVA Retirement Living Corp.) 1884 Glengrove Road (Lots 42, 43, 44 and Part of Service Road, Plan 509) City of Pickering PART "B" PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORTS 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 31-09 16-34 .Pickering Official Plan -Informational Revision 1'6 (Housekeeping Matters) RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report PD 31-09 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding . Informational Revision 16 (Housekeeping Matters) for inclusion in Edition 6 of the Pickering Official Plan be received; and 2. Further, that the Informational Revision 16 of the Director, Planning & Development, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 31-09, be adopted for inclusion in Edition 6 of the Pickering Official Plan. (II) OTHER BUSINESS (III) ADJOURNMENT Accessible * For information related to accessibility requirements please contact P I C K E N C Linda Roberts Phone: 905.420.4660 extension 2928 TTY: 905.420.1739 Email: Irobertsecitvofpickerinq.com City 0~ 0 1 I CKERIN INFORMATION REPORT NO. 09-09 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF November 2, 2009 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment -A 18/09 2121401 Ontario Limited (V!VA Retirement Living Corp.) 1884 Glengrove Road (Lots 42, 43, 44 and Part of Service Road, Plan 509) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is located at the northwest corner of Kingston Road and Glengrove Road and is approximately 0.77 hectares in area (see Attachment #1); - one vacant, detached, 1 Y2-storey brick dwelling, one vacant, detached bungalow, a single detached garage and several small storage sheds currently occupy the site. The structures are proposed to be demolished in the course of the development of the site; - the surrounding land uses are: north - one and two storey residential dwellings; south - Kingston Road and a 16-storey apartment building; west - a veterinary clinic and 4-storey stacked townhouses; east - a medical building housing a chiropractic centre and spa. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant has requested to amend the zoning by-law to permit a 135 unit rental retirement residence on the subject lands (see Applicant's Submitted Plan - Attachment #2); Information Report No. 09-09 Page 2 02 - the proposed flat-roofed, 6-storey building, stepping to 4-storeys on the north and southwest sides, will consist of 31 assisted daily living (ADL) units and 104 independent living (IL) dwelling units; - the proposed building is to be located at the south and southeast section of the subject property in close proximity to Kingston Road; - living units will be located on the second through sixth floors; - the ADL units will provide a higher level of supervised support and care; - the ADL units will be approximately 31.5 square metres to 50 square metres while the IL units will be approximately 42.7 square metres to 81.7 square metres in size; - communal eating facilities will be provided and none of the living units will be outfitted with cook-tops or ovens; - first floor facilities include: day care for 25 to 30 children, administrative offices, and a variety of amenities, restricted to residents only, including cafe and lounge areas activity lounges, library and gym, craft room, hair salon/spa treatment room, heated salt-water swimming pool; - a theatre will be located in the basement; - outdoor facilities will include play facilities for the day care, walking paths and a garden area; - surface parking for 69 cars. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Provincial Growth Plan Places to Grow, the Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, identifies the Pickering Town Centre Neighbourhood as an Urban Growth Centre; Urban Growth Centres are to be planned as focal areas for investment in institutional and region-wide public services, as well as commercial, recreational, cultural and entertainment uses to accommodate a significant share of population and employment growth; the required review of the Pickering Official Plan (to bring it into conformity with Places to Grow) may result in changes to the boundaries, designations, prescribed densities, and other policies pertaining to the subject and other properties along Kingston Road; 3.2 Durham Regional Official Plan - the Regional Plan designates the subject property Urban System - Regional Centre; - Urban System - Regional Centres are to be planned and developed as the main concentrations of urban activities within area municipalities, providing a full array of community, office service and shopping, recreational and residential uses; . - the proposal complies with the Durham Regional Official Plan; Information Report No. 09-09 Page 3 03 3.3 Pickering Official Plan - the City of Pickering Official Plan designates most of the subject property Mixed-Use Area - Downtown Core (Town Centre Neighbourhood) and the northern portion of the property as Urban Residential Area - Low Density (Liverpool Neighbourhood); - the Downtown Core/Town Centre Neighbourhood is intended primarily for residential, retail, community, cultural and recreational uses at the greatest scale and intensity in the City, serving City-wide and regional levels; - Urban Residential Area - Low Density (Liverpool Neighbourhood) areas are intended for residential uses, home occupations, limited offices serving the area, and limited retailing of goods and services serving the area; community, cultural and recreational uses; compatible employment uses, and compatible special purpose commercial uses serving the area; - the Liverpool Neighbourhood policies require that Council recognize the proximity of its low intensity development relative to the Town Centre Neighbourhood and accordingly, consider the concerns of the nearby residents in the Liverpool Neighbourhood when considering development proposals, for lands in the Town Centre; - the facility is considered to be a Community Use, as the residents will be relying on a central kitchen facility for their meals. This use is permitted in both land use designations; - no density provisions apply to community facilities; however, the permitted floor space index (FSI) (total building floor space divided by the total lot area) for properties within the Downtown Core is up to and including 3.0 FSI. The proposal has an FSI of 1.56. Restrictions on size, height and/or floorspace of non-residential developments should be considered within Urban Residential Areas where neighbourhood character and/or environmental constraints warrant; - the Compendium Document to the Pickering Official Plan contains development guidelines affecting the lands. Through the rezoning and site plan approval process the proposal will be reviewed to ensure overall conformity with the principles contained within the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Development Guidelines and the Pickering Downtown Core Development Guidelines; - the proposal complies with the Pickering Official Plan; 3.4 Zoning By-law 3036 - the subject property is currently zoned "R3" - Detached Dwelling, Third Density Zone; - the existing zoning permits single detached dwellings; - an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to allow the development of the proposed retirement home; - the applicant has requested an appropriate zone that would permit the proposed development. Information Report No. 09-09 Page 4 4.0 PRE-SUBMISSION COMMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE 4.1 Resident Comments - a neighbourhood open house was hosted by the owners and applicant on June 17, 2009; - 25 neighbourhood residents and property owners attended; - concerns were raised in regard to traffic, school busses, property values, fencing, adequacy of proposed number of parking spaces, services and site grading, possible future expansion, the provision of day care, availability of medical consultation, the Kingston Road sidewalk location, issues with snow ploughing on Kingston Road and Glengrove Road; - subsequent to the meeting, the Planning & Development Department received a written submission from Dr. Donald E. Roden, owner of Sheridan Veterinary Services, abutting the subject property on the west, outlining concerns regarding traffic congestion and an opportunity for shared access, parking adequacy, building height, building location, loss of existing vegetation, the density of the proposal and loss of visual exposure of his clinic building (see letter Attachment #3). 5.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 5.1 Resident Comments none received in response to the circulation to date; 5.2 Agency Comments - none received to date; 5.3 City Department Comments in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by the City's Stormwater & Environmental Engineer: • no objection to the rezoning; however, detailed review of and adjustment to stormwater management design factors will be required prior to site plan approval (see memo, Attachment #4) 5.4 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • reviewing the studies, reports and plans submitted in support of the application; • ensuring that the proposed development is compatible with and sensitive to existing surrounding development, including traffic, noise, level of activity, scale and intensity of the uses; Information Report No. 09-09 Page 5 05 • resident and neighbouring owner concerns; • reviewing the application in terms of its level of sustainable development components; • reviewing the application in terms of the constraints and benefits the proposed use will have on both the subject.property and on the surrounding community, given the function of the surrounding community; • reviewing that adequate information has been provided, that technical requirements are met and that the proposed development is appropriate at this location; • finalizing the conveyance of the portion of the service road right-of-way north of Kingston Road to the applicant for development in conjunction with the subject property. 6.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 7.0 OTHER INFORMATION 7.1 Appendix No. I - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have comments on the applications at the time of writing report; 7.2 Information Received - copies of the plans and studies listed below are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: Conclusions summarized here are for information purposes only. Further review and staff/agency comments are still required. outline of Sustainable Initiatives (comments required from City and Region Engineering) • outlines the provision of a variety of small-scale initiatives; staff may recommend additional initiatives through the course of more detailed review; Information Report No. 09-09 Page 6 1 6 - Planning Analysis Report (comments required from City and Region Engineering) • concludes that the proposal is appropriate, desirable and represents good planning; - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (comments required from City and Region Engineering) • indicates no evidence of past, potentially harmful activities nor any subsoil/groundwater contamination and no further environmental investigation is warranted at this time; - Limited-scope Phase II Environmental Site Investigation (comments required from City and Region Engineering) • confirms suitability of the subject property for human habitation. No further environmental study is warranted at this time; - Parking and Traffic Study (comments required from City and Region Engineering) • estimates maximum peak parking demand to be 31 spaces. The study concludes that the increase in site traffic will not have any significant effect on traffic operations at intersections or on roadways in the area except that the southbound movement during the afternoon rush-hour will operate with an acceptable, rather than good, level of service. Improvements to the intersections of Glengrove Road, Glenview Road and Kingston Road, including possible right turn lane, the provision of stop lines and centre- line tail pavement markings, would improve operations; - Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report (comments required from City and Region Engineering) • finds that all utilities are available to service the site, an on-site stormceptor and rooftop and parking lot detention will provide quality and quantity control of the site-related stormwater; - Environmental Noise Analysis (comments required from City and Region Engineering) • determines that maximum permitted indoor noise levels can be achieved by using appropriate construction materials and methods and by providing air conditioning to the suites. The areas of the outdoor amenity spaces (including the area of the outdoor day care play area) will experience sound exposures below the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) criterion limit. With proper engineering design, all requirements for mechanical equipment interfacing to the outdoors can be designed to comply with the MOE noise guideline limits. Additional road traffic generated by the proposal will be insignificant relative to existing traffic volumes in the general area, and is not expected to create adverse noise impact; Information Report No. 09-09 Page 7 07 - Shadow Studies A901 -A904 (comments required from City and Region Engineering) • concludes that some overshadowing of residential properties lying to the north and northeast will only occur between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM in early winter. No overshadowing of residential properties will occur between 9:00 am and sunset throughout spring, summer and early fall seasons; - Site Plan; (comments required from City and Region Engineering); - Elevations A-301 - A-304; (comments required from City and Region Engineering); - Site Grading and Servicing Concept; (comments required from City and Region Engineering); - Plan of Survey (comments required from City and Region Engineering); - Landscape Plan (comments required from City and Region Engineering); 7.3 Company Principal - . the owner of the subject property is 2121401 Ontario Inc. (V!VA Retirement Living Corp.); - Freeman Planning Solutions Inc. (Rob Freeman) is the applicant. r A Isa J Uell s Lynda aylor Plan Manager, Development Review IJ:jf Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development 08 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 09-09 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) Dr. Roden, Sheridan Veterinary Services- 1398 Kingston Road COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development Department - Development Control ATT fMENT#-L-TO 09 IN T 02-21 0 o d EVERTON STREET o. w - z a o w 0 LANE o a ~ o -SQUARE r a FIELDLIGHT o BOULEVARD 0 CRESCENT ~O JP ROSEFIELD ROAD O r w GLENGROVE GLENGROVE PUBLIC > y~ SCHOOL O" PARK ROAD w z w ~ ~oPp BRANDS COURT > 0 z `ENNO w J SUB T P~O~M~RE AD O R SQL PRE 0 c 0 PICKERING NpR~N RECREATION ~ COMPLEX ESP NPpE ESPLANAD ENE PICKERING 22 CIVIC COMPLEX PARK p,EFENBAKER COU y AND p ENTRAL LIBRARY SpvjN W O ~NPDE J O SNE ESP j City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOTS 42, 43, 44 AND PART OF SERVICE ROAD PLAN 509 OWNER 2121401 ONTARIO LTD. (VIVA RETIREMENT RESIDENCE) DATE SEPT. 21, 2009 DRAWN BY J13 FILE No. A 18/09 SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY IJ N oTeranetrcEnterpriaea Inc. antl its suppliers. All righta Reservetl. Not a plon of survey. - pN_g g ts Reserved. Not a plon o/ Survey. 2. MPAC ono ila supplier. All ri h ATTACHMENT 9.0-STD D ~ d 9 INFORMATION REPORT- 1 0 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN A 18/09 2121401 ONTARIO LTD.(VIVA RETIREMENT RESIDENCE) N72'47'55"E 75.83 s. °y m a - s~ - 3 zrs ~X Y O Ll/ 8 ~remnt d Lr- 3 W n > u N O h & 4 STORE) 4ROSaPREY ROOF z W ®a ❑ a n ~s O 6 STOREY ROOF o 1 STOREY ROOF ,an (STAIR ® F) v A Y nu MECAHNICAE h x RETI2EMENT COMMUNITY Aa ® +F s j - ROOF STAIR 4 STOREY ROOF 3 o / . O 0225 „d. V4 THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED SY. THE CITY OF PICKERING, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERVICES, - OCT 6, 2009 SHERIDAN VETERINARY SERVICES 1398 Kingston Road, Pickering, ON L1V 1B9 Tel: (905) 839-7061 (905) 831-1131 27 July 2009 Lynda D. Taylor Manager, Development Review Planning and Development Department City Of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Re: VIVA Development Proposal Dear Ms. Taylor: Thank you for extending to me the opportunity to meet with you on the 26th of June. I found the discussion with you and staff members Mila and Isa productive and want to express my appreciation to you for addressing my questions and concerns pertaining to the proposed VIVA retirement development in the Kingston Road and Glengrove Road area in Pickering. The concerns expressed at the public meeting were primarily as follows: • TRAFFIC CONGESTION at Kingston Road and Glengrove Road; • PARKING and the questions concerning adequacy for staff, residents, guests and delivery vehicles; • HEIGHT and its effect on neighbouring homes and businesses; • LOCATION of the building on the property and its proximity to property lines; and the resulting impact on neighbouring homes, businesses and roadways; • FOLIAGE as it relates to protection of existing trees, particularly where they help separate boundaries and thus lessen the impact on neighbouring properties and roadways. As requested, I am putting my questions and concerns in writing. I trust that you will appreciate in reading this overview that the depth of my concern is significant. APPOINTMENT PREFERRED .00 . F" IF Mon., Wed., Fri. 7:30 am - Tues., Thurs. 7:30 am - 8:00 pm INTM Sat. 9:00 am - 4:00 pm fter HTours: 41i 6-920-20021905-576-30' ATTACHMENT#-..3-To INFORMATION REPORT# In preparation for this letter, I visited and studied the following: • The site itself and the surrounding properties; • The nature, impact and style of all present buildings along Kingston Road; • The ambitious future model of the Pickering downtown core, which the Province of Ontario has recognized as an, Urban Growth Centre in the greater golden horseshoe; an area where high density, mixed use development and infrastructure investment is highlighted. The model did reveal new structures located close to roadways and further that buildings greater than two stories high should be tiered or set back to lessen he overcrowding impact. along the major roadways, thereby enhancing the visual impact for the entire Pickering community; • Hollandview Trail (photographs enclosed) for comparative information and additional retirement facilities to help me assess how, in my view, this type of proposed structure would impact the neighbouring properties. In an objective manner, I would like to comment on the questions and concerns expressed. I will do so in the order set out earlier: • TRAFFIC CONGESTION: In 1984, when the gully or swale was created along the north side of Kingston Road between Glengrove Road and Glenanna Road, discussions were held about access to my property at 1398 Kingston Road, the VIVA project property, then owned by Mcleod, and the City of Pickering property (adjacent to and fronting on Kingston Road). It was concluded then that traffic matters would best be addressed when redevelopment was being planned and in particular, that a mutually shared access or entrance should be considered at that time. As 1 stated during our session, I am willing to consider a mutual entrance to the two properties from Kingston Road, on a realistic dollar basis. This new entrance could perhaps be located at a greater distance from Glenanna Road which would In turn improve traffic flow and enhance pedestrian safety concerns, while at the same time addressing some concerns expressed about traffic congestion at the intersection of Glengrove Road and Kingston Road. I would reiterate here that any cost sharing would have to be realistic for me to consider this option and the location would have to be positive for all of the concerned parties. • PARKING: I do perceive from my general observations that the proposed parking area appears adequate for most occasions, especially if all VIVA staff knew and agreed that on street parking for staff on the secondary roads was not permitted. Still, parking, represents 25% of the land surface and if one utilized underground parking for residents and staff, this would have a significant positive impact on the options for height issues, structure location on the property and impact on existing foliage. ATTACHMENT # 3 TO INFORMATION REPORT# O 9 _O 13 • HEIGHT: If there were less surface parking, the building's footprint could be larger, without lessening the green space area, so that the height of the building could be lowered without impacting the density. Ideally, with tiered levels, the visual impact for the community would be improved as well as the specific visual impact from both Kingston Road and Glengrove Road. • LOCATION OF THE BUILDING ON THE PROPERTY: With less surface parking, it would allow more flexibility in locating a more typically balanced location from the property lines, thereby lessening the height impact and improving the visual impression from all directions. • FOLIAGE: Less surface parking provides a greater opportunity to retain more sizeable foliage. This would negate the necessity of replanting and taking more time for growth. This in turn would provide the necessary foliage barrier to lessen the visual impact of the new building. • DENSITY: One could ask whether the density would become too great if the proposed development were to proceed. Perhaps the developer should consider purchasing additional property, especially since the land fronting on Glengrove Road immediately to the north is currently listed for sale. Clearly, this would permit more flexibility to properly address all of the issues on the agenda, especially to lower the density and thereby control the negative impact. I have set out to this point, from a layman's perspective, what I feel should be reasonable planning concerns and I have outlined several options. Obviously though, this it is not simply an objective, altruistic exercise for me. I have personal concerns that drive these comments. I graduated in 1971 from the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph. In 1977,1 began practicing at the rear of the Hub Plaza and expanded in size at that location as additional space became available. In 1992,1 made the significant business and subsequent financial investment in relocating to 1398 Kingston Road. This move was undertaken for a number of reasons, among which were the following: • Greater size to assist in growth; • Improved exposure to assist in growth; • Better control of my financial destiny. At the present time, those goals have been achieved. When I started my practice in Pickering in 1977,1 had the only veterinary practice in the east end of Pickering. Since that time, business competition has increased dramatically and by locating to 1398 Kingston Road, I placed myself in a favourable competitive position. It is an obvious current goal to retain that business edge by continuing to grow the business at its current location. ATTAMWENT#-2-TO 4 INFOR AAMON REPORT# My belief in the value of my building is captured clearly in the yellow pages, on my business cards, my letterhead and envelopes. I feel that it gives me a competitive advantage and therefore, any change that negatively impacts my exposure will be financially detrimental to me and my staff. All of us are concerned and anxious that a towering structure to be constructed so close to Kingston Road and our lot line will have a very negative impact on the image that we have been trying to sustain and improve upon. From my perspective, my Pickering practice and the real estate form the primary foundation of my financial planning for retirement, which can only be negatively impacted if the draft plan is approved as presented. I know that no one should have the right to control forever how adjacent properties are used or developed. I recognize the value of municipal planning that attempts to define a strategic and well developed overall planning strategy. But the VIVA proposal that, with the city's assistance, will allow it to virtually build to the street line has a direct impact on my business that is dramatic and harmful, I believe that in the planning proposals, there is the opportunity to ameliorate the negative impact on my location and my business and in closing, I would encourage the city to explore all of the alternatives. I await with eager anticipation the discussions and ideas that evolve ahead. I feel confident the planning process will bring with it some sound decisions that will overcome the concerns addressed in this letter. Thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to outline my thoughts. I trust that I will be informed of each and every step along the way and that the best interests of the Pickering community will prevail. Yours very truly, Donald E. Roden, DVM Cc: Regional Councillor, Rick Johnson CC: Councillor David Pickles CC: Robert P. Morton, Solicitor City v~ ATTACHMENT* I/ TO 15 INFORWIAMN REPORT PICKERING MEMO To: Isa James October 7, 2009 Planner II From: Marilee GadzoVski Stormwater & Environmental Engineer Copy: Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Manager, Development Control Subject: Rezoning Application A18/09 Viva Retirement Living , Glengrove Drive City of Pickering File: 0-4100 I have reviewed the Stormwater Management Report for the above-noted rezoning application and have no objection to the rezoning. However, as the report was quite detailed and will most likely be proceeding to site plan stage very shortly, I,offer the following comments that need to be addressed for the Site Plan Application. Section 4.3 states that the allowable release rates for the site were calculated based on a pre- development runoff coefficient of 0.45 and a 10 min. rainfall intensity: The assumption for the runoff coefficient is not valid given the current hard surfaces of the three residential lots. Moreover, these 3 lots are not typical residential lots as they are extremely large and do not exhibit an imperviousness of 36% (equivalent to C of 0.45). Measurements from the aerial photography estimated (very generously) that the current hard surfaces are only approximately 6% of the total site area. Given this, the allowable release rates need to recalculated to accurately reflect existing conditions. A pre-development runoff coefficient of 0.25 should be utilized, which will result in more water quantity storage required. In addition to the above, the time to peak of the pre-development peak flow should be estimated from the Airport Formula or equivalent method and not assumed as 10 min. This.site is entire undeveloped (except for two houses) and is drained by overland flow not directly connected to the storm sewer. A quick check confirmed that a time to peak of approximately 21.82 min. was obtained. Given the extent of the seriousness of the downstream flooding concerns within the Krosno Creek watershed, it is very important to accurately reflect existing conditions, which will directly impact the amount of post-development storage that is required. Consideration should be given to take the clean roof runoff (or at least partial) into the proposed infiltration trench, instead of directly. connecting it to the storm sewer. Please ensure that there is a provision of an overflow from the proposed infiltration trench back to the storm sewer system. 1 6 REPORT TO City o¢~ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE PICKERING Report Number: PD- 31-09 Date: November 2, 2009 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Pickering Official Plan - Informational Revision 16 (Housekeeping Matters) Recommendations: 1. That Report PD 31-09 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding Informational Revision 16 (Housekeeping Matters) for inclusion in Edition 6 of the Pickering Official Plan be received; and 2. Further, that the Informational Revision 16 of the Director, Planning & Development, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 31-09, be adopted for inclusion in Edition 6 of the Pickering Official Plan. Executive Summary: Not applicable. Financial Implications. No costs to the City are anticipated as a result of Council adopting this recommendation. Sustainability Implications: Most items in the proposed Informational Revision identify community facilities, such as new parks and the waterfront trail. These items address the objective of a healthy society. Other items reflect new roads constructed, which address the object of responsible development. Overall, the Informational Revision is a step in the continuous process of updating the Pickering Official Plan to assist the decision making process for achieving a sustainable City. Background: The Pickering Official Plan contains a combination of official policy and other information: The "official policy" includes the bolded and numbered policies, and the schedules (land use structure, transportation system, resource management, several Oak Ridges Moraine Schedules and various rural settlement plans). Report PD 31-09 November 2, 2009 Subject: Informational Revision 16 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 2 17 Background, contextual and illustrative information is also provided. It may appear as introductory and explanatory text, maps (as opposed to schedules), and contextual and symbolic information on the schedules. Council may change the maps by Council resolution (as opposed to a formal amendment process under the Planning Act for the schedules and policy). In addition, contextual information on the schedules may be updated without amendment. Edition 6 of the Pickering Official Plan is being prepared. The new edition will incorporate various amendments that have been approved since the last edition compiled in June 2008. The new edition will also include the results of the Ontario Municipal Board decisions on appeals, and Council resolutions. Further, the new edition will contain revisions to the explanatory and informational text and maps. Some of the Informational Revisions to be included in Edition 6 will reflect matters already endorsed by earlier business of Council. However, some additional changes on the maps and a rural. settlement Schedule are required to reflect the following: • construction of new subdivision streets; • construction of City parks and facilities; • identification of new proposed City roads, parks and facilities; • addition of other contextual information not previously appearing (i.e. waterfront trail). The changes are identified and listed for information in Appendix I to this report. These specific changes to the Neighbourhood Maps and Rural Settlement Schedules are incorporated and shown as "Exhibits" to Appendix I. After receiving this Report for information, it is recommended that Council adopt Informational Revision 16 for inclusion in Edition 6 of the Pickering Official Plan. APPENDIX Appendix I: Informational Revision 16 and Exhibits. A to L. Report PD 31-09 November 2, 2009 Subject: Informational Revision 16 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 3 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Deepak Bhatt, MCIP, RPP Neil Car&JL M , `PP Planner II Director, Planning & Development Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP .Manager, Policy DB:jf Copy: Chief Administrative Officer (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the conw-deration of Pickering ' Cogan it ~t T m J. Quinn, R, bWX III hief Administrative Officer APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 31-09 1 9 INFORMATIONAL REVISION 16 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN 2 0 INFORMATIONAL REVISION 16 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this revision is to change the informational Neighbourhood Maps and contextual information on Settlements Schedule IV of the Pickering Official Plan in order to keep the Plan current, such as: additions or deletions to the City's road network; add, delete or revise references to existing, proposed community parks and facilities; and other matters of a similar technical or housekeeping nature. LOCATION: Numerous references through the Plan on the Neighbourhood maps and Schedule IV. BASIS: Edition 5 of the Pickering Official Plan was prepared in June 2008. In reviewing the informational Maps and Schedule IV contained in that version, various housekeeping and technical revisions have been determined to be necessary and appropriate for inclusion in the new consolidation of the Pickering Official Plan (Edition 6). ACTUAL REVISION: The Pickering Official Plan is hereby revised as shown on attached Exhibits and listed as below: 1. On Map 11, Rosebank Neighbourhood: Add the "Waterfront Trail" and its symbol in. Legend; (see Exhibit A); 2. On Map 12, West Shore Neighbourhood: - Add the "Waterfront Trail" and its symbol in Legend; - Add an "Existing Park" symbol at appropriate locations for: a) Cliffview Park; b) Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park; c) Glen Ravine; and d) Vistula Ravine; (see Exhibit B); Informational Revision 16 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 2 21 3. On Map 13, Bay Ridges Neighbourhood: - Add the "Waterfront Trail" and its symbol in Legend; - Add an "Existing Park" symbol at appropriate locations for: a) Alderwood Park; b) Parkham Parkette; c) Douglas Ravine; and d) Bayshore Tot Lot; - Remove "Proposed Park" symbol from the location southeast of Kingston Road and Dixie Road intersection; (see Exhibit C); 4. On Map 14, Brock Industrial Neighbourhood: - Add the "Waterfront Trail" and its symbol in Legend; - Delete Montgomery Park Road, Susan Drive, Sandra Drive, Jodrell Road and Conmara Avenue to show existing condition within the "Water Pollution Control Plant" area; - Delete the identification of a "Future Conservation Area" in the vicinity of the Water Pollution Control Plant; (see Exhibit D); 5. On Map 17, Dunbarton Neighbourhood: Partially replace the "New Road Connections (Proposed)" with new parts of the following streets: a) "Wingarden Crescent"; b) "Shade Master Drive"; and c) "Golden Ridge Road"; (see Exhibit E); 6. On Map 18, Town Centre Neighbourhood: - Add a "Proposed Pedestrian/Bicycle connection" symbol over Highway 401 at Go Station and also along CN Rail; - Remove a "Proposed Park" symbol from the location south east of Kingston Road and Dixie Road intersection; (see Exhibit F); 7. On Map 19, Village East Neighbourhood: Rename the shopping centres east of Brock Road as follows: Informational Revision 16 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 3 22 a) From "First Simcha Shopping Centre" to "Smart Centre"; and b) From "Home & Leisure Centre" to ".Shops of Pickering"; (see Exhibit G); 8. On Map 20, Highbush Neighbourhood: - Add an "Existing Park" symbol at appropriate locations for: a) Valley Ridge Open Space; b) Thicket Open Space; Replace the "New Road Connections (Proposed)" with new parts of the following streets: a) "Calvington Drive"; and b) "Rockwood Drive"; (see Exhibit H); 9. On Map 21, Amberlea Neighbourhood: Add an "Existing Park" symbol at appropriate locations for: a) Sunbird Trail Park; b) Sequin Park; and c) Summer Park; (see Exhibit 1); 10. On Map 23, Brock Ridge Neighbourhood: - Add an "Existing Park" symbol at appropriate location for: a) Clearside Park; Replace the "New Road Connections (Proposed)" with new parts of "Southcott Road"; (see Exhibit J); 11. On Map 24, Rouge Park Neighbourhood: Add an "Existing Park" symbol at appropriate location for: a) Nature Haven Park; Add the new street "Nature Haven Crescent"; . (see Exhibit K) 12. On Schedule IV-8, Barclay Estates: Add the new street "Hollywood Court"; (see Exhibit L) Attachments: Exhibit A to Exhibit L EXHIBIT'A' TO INFORMATIONAL REVISION 16 MAP 11 NEIGHBOURHOOD 1: ROSEBANK 23 E GWENDOLYN ROUGE STREET TC LIRT N Z O 2 FCONRTf~ PARK L F ROUG O OURT S AON AR OAT 8 E I 1027 - 0 0 AVEN Q. O A81NGD Tgti / COUR~ - C f ~N D U E STONEBRIDGE Y A E RO!.D P O ~ / O UYTON'j 8 ~ LAN i a W LOUR c 'Z-71 t F o x O] ) DOWNLAN Q~f ~ N ROUGE ` po O Y CiPCIE ENOEL K O P °A~f $ avE o oa C Y qf+, O f o O G w ~N A ROUGE K po z R CAL AHA W O Op MA TAI. < UU _ oSTE STREET I C COURTLLO A UVa 3' DarvE :O N Z C U~ ~ ; U E r C N CT NE M U"}~ a HOOUURT OH CR A VI M T/`A ; , ~ m U / CR BROADGRE .p C ROLE ROUGE PARK A o LMOSS • AREA µOj~p p` x ° • off A o I ■ p P D cOU N~/ ❑ O N S PET,/COAT CREEK CONSERVATION ARoe Ho / • • 1♦ ROOD AVENUE of I 0 -TA LAKE ONTARIO N LEGEND SYMBOLS NEIGHBOURHOOD NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) BOUNDARY PARK PUBLIC ELEMENTARY O DETAILED REVIEW AREA SCHOOL PROPOSED PARK SEPARATE ELEMENTARY - PLACE WATERFRONT TRAIL SCHOOL OF WORSHIP © COMMUNITY CENTRE ❑ FIREHALL 'ANDS FOR WHICH COUNCIL HAS ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES (REFER TO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) L LIBRARY SC SENIOR CENTRE - CITY OF PICK ERING PLANNING do DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER, 2009 OTIEc LV.H°AND MU-ST BB`e EDITION N CONIUNCTION WITH°THE NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS OTHER SCHEDULES AND MUTT TEXT. APPEAR ON SCHEDULE I PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION b: Chapter Eleven Urban Neighbourhoods 145 EXHIBIT'B' TO 2 4 INFORMATIONAL REVISION 16 MAP 12 NEIGHBOURHOOD 2: WEST SHORE WET 0 p OuRT ID K ~ pUw ~ ~O rt • . pP F r gg E°a EAU d O M w p o51a EEEwR Ufa SIEPP NUE •p•R,^pN ' - µZER 4 uN R Nr,i 8 A n ?N a CR~ DwpNi STREET / y STREET m 0/ -E d LT I 8 STOOP j f• / ~ ] Ti pwRDEI 2 / • ~y ~ E= L • op. ,TE. y C L F 0 f<y -71 BnTS E S ~2 CO, NS _ / 9wNpX ~ T ~ / S pR~rt R N U ■ uN i I M^ ❑ • EwveN- P L7 m6 121 TRC D pNEBn„DED ° ]W TR E am Gsr piav ` C,u G y 5 - MM~ -lACNCnwx ROAD U R~B ~ SuNR13Ew i sG u ^ c> / ~e I ; M~r wr Esr ,xwK S ❑ EE L U 3 ° ~Rp DRT STREET NE ~ SwR / u ~ORVR~° r ` u~ A OUST G BRpwDpRE P - a LAKE ONTARIO pE ROAD W/ o 0- X11ccc .1 p~ PETT/COAT CREEK R • / CONSERVATION ARO N LEGEND SYMBOLS - NEIGHBOURHOOD NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) BOUNDARY PARK DETAILED REVIEW AREA PLACE O OF WORSHIP ~ PROPOSED PARK PUBLIC ELEMENTARY V Boom°■. WATERFRONT TRAIL SCHOOL YACHT CLUB SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 0 FIREHALL PUBLIC SC SENIOR CENTRE SECONDARY SCHOOL © COMMUNITY CENTRE © LIBRARY SWIMMING POOL CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER. roRms 2009 OTIC4 L P"N AND Musi BE REDITION CONIINCTION WITIDTIE NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS oTIER SCHEDULES S AND TIE TEXT. APPEAR ON SCHEDULE I PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION b: Chapter Eleven Urban Neighbourhoods 149 EXHIBIT'CTO INFORMATIONAL REVISION 16 MAP 13 25 NEIGHBOURHOOD 3: BAY RIDGES - - - M ME~DDW z / M cPEPMO sNoy / a L_ COuwDBERPV / 4 4 MMEI•TRE T w F / P112 '7l0lgL ♦ u STREET \ TNaZEP = ♦ a - / * ANE ER SC UNERO ORNE S j ¢ / ¢ f O / STPEET 0~~O © ORpON wVEN ,t p ST~Rf 1 < C O NS N STREE -E Tj R.WOEB • - „ ¢ Q a iP E • ~ < V E 4 C°u • O j O JP u REG d • ` O ¢ OwfNOUN w~2N PlA r a' • DENS # r ~o sY ~ j $ ; ~ oUICEET;TRE M E 4e -ERwYE D ' i . < S 0. RO r 4 i FREN ANS G NDE 4 = 2 ` ♦ ~ Z NlcooX,~ Y • u BIOW S-RER • E~ PN4C W ■ 'a {n ~ iONAVE • BwW T O ROwD ~ i } N S • w WwTES POIN u RTDE SIRE p2 sS U < - q REST 2Ti CoE eTAVE ,.5. 5 -E. ST. l ¢O 9 f O ~ I-R ear EAST Pamr [ a CF I" uRT p MORES. I STREET o irvsuFrv POURS HET ❑ ° X~RK - zQ R~~`~Drv ~ i LAKE ONTAR/O MONTGOMERY • PwRX V a LEGEND SYMBOLS NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS NEIGHBOURHOOD (PROPOSED) BOUNDARY © COMMUNITY CENTRE - PLACE DETAILED REVIEW AREA OF WORSHIP PARK PUBLIC ELEMENTARY O WATERFRONT TRAIL SCHOOL PROPOSED PARK SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL M MARINA H PEDESTRIAN BICYCLE CONNECTION (PROPOSED LANDS FOR WHICH COUNCIL HAS HISTORIC VILLAGE ® ARENA ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES .(REFER TO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) 4~ GO-TRANSIT STATION YACHT CLUB SENIOR CENTRE FIREHALL CITY OF PICK ERING PLANNING do DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT LB LAWN BOWLING SEPTEMBER, 2009 FC L Pw°Oµo uusi BE w°E:L) IN CO-UNCTION WITI TIE NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS OT.ER SCNEOUEES AND TIE TEXT. APPEAR ON SCHEDULE I PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION b: Chapter Eleven Urban Neighbourhoods 153 2 6 EXHIBIT'D' TO INFORMATIONAL REVISION 16 MAP 14 NEIGHBOURHOOD 4: BROCK INDUSTRIAL ~ ~ SRC f E .,a.,...~...... CM- 2 / l_' I Il ~ / C T== 4 G _ 111- Plcrv EairvC Cfrv EaniirvC STrvn°rv , ♦~~N~~~~. t Q amE OV AR0 N LEGEND SYMBOLS (PROPOSED) ROAD CONNECTIONS ONNECTIONS NEIGHBOURHOOD C PROPOSED BOUNDARY ❑ COMMUNITY CENTRE DETAILED REVIEW AREA PLACE ❑ OF WORSHIP ~ PARK PUBLIC ELEMENTARY WATERFRONT TRAIL 06 SCHOOL M MARINA SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A ARENA HISTORIC VILLAGE FIREHALL C COMPLEX GO-TRANSIT STATION C/L & VCE TRALL LIBRARY SC SENIOR CENTRE R7C COMPLEXION CITY OF PICK ERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT LB LAWN BOWLING Is SWIMMING POOL I~SEPTEMBER. 2009 ZSFFlCNL -N -ID a i OF READ N N . OP TIC CONJUNCTION IK WTIN OTNE NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS OTNER SCNEULES MD THE TENT. APPEAR ON SCHEDULE I PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION b: Chapter Eleven Urban Neighbourhoods 161 i EXHIBIT'E' TO INFORMATIONAL REVISION 16 MAP 17 27 NEIGHBOURHOOD 7: DUNBARTON a 3O ~F SN SCE COLONM sQUA E M _,MID °`CrNE UE ID 4~ DRrvE 4NBU y O STREET H„' GENE NJf'P 4C E O VA ~ E ocNAC cR ~r CEM ° cR m Oj1 R CRE E CE CEM °OLRT E 37 ✓~B U PAR IDEOR NOLNT L O uC ST R {u O U C4R LE 2 READ SQUARE ` IPISSINO SQUARE ° AMBERLEA 2 ORACELAN LOUR p CRESC p 40. L,P COUR ~ ~ u MONTEAO `O T ] QE M owl cou° couR DAD O aD 4 e i c S ] co 4 RAMO p E RESC R OJ U 0°~U % m6 SAUCfEN ° R NB ERFOY MONTC O° 4°J~ E ~ M ` C °(F~ ~ O SQUARE - RIOGEWOO MALDE LOUR L LANE 1 O Q WBLENURS N D CRESC MILLBANNTOA ~ R ~ RI n p 3 j R J ROAD NEW p CR 5. N < U O T 0 0 3 NEW STR p i Q DRrvE O ERON 0 O F C.E. UJA- - Rcouwr 38 M o ° O R M a = O F C ESCEN U Up U CRESCEN = WOODRU C wRCADM 50. - ~ wvE v ° OLENANNA 2 w r p o CIWRNWO OuwT --RAN tt 4 CRp_ t~ t 1, 0, U COURT O 'U Nt' , W ST-11 -E n a ASNFIELD E I - .THE U w w IT I y O RT. a O n a ° u r O NE ] S O n :15L~4Y o uNE " j ° W EOCE CRESCEN N ,3' p j V~ ~4 - C 99 TNM Z ° - 2 O O D y FUVELLE m 5 A J CRESCENT ¢ O- ANUE COU ~P~N ~ Z SQUARE L OU z P 3■ , S Z MEADOW S P 10 m EIRAE❑BURNp ~~~---!!!~!yy. °AtR ICI e1 , M '2 RIDGE p ~P44 2 CRESCENTm I ~I ST BR AY LN UJ FF U ~WC D 3 FORW 00 O °A EDDEWOOD -9U av CRES. COUN ~ap TRN m a ] U 41NMANE OUDBERRY WEYBURN } ( V 5 uCE COURT =p =S p3 (11I~I~U,1~ N COURT W LOU 0 ° RAT M ❑ M U p SNADYBROOR PGA LAURI p°~ ] SOUAR UN O r'J ~ 3 < BI P P 4PE SNEPPwRD AVENUE SNE ~pN~ a R M`'° RO I R C p p ROAO ' t~2ER O ` SUNDOWN = u Rig 9 - O pAVLI NT STREET C S. C TT StREEt C GI RNNVTDAY V 9 PLACE ■ LEGEND SYMBOLS - NEIGHBOURHOOD C NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) BOUNDARY COMMUNITY CENTRE DETAILED REVIEW AREA PLACE ❑ OF WORSHIP PARK LANDS FOR WHICH COUNCIL HAS ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES PUBLIC ELEMENTARY D (REFER TO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) 06 SCHOOL *O PROPOSED PARK ^ KINGSTON ROAD CORRIDOR J \ DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES SEPARATE ELEMENTARY CEM VVV (REFER TO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) SCHOOL CEMETERY H PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE CONNECTION (PROPOSED ) SEPARATE SECONDARY 15 SCHOOL SC SENIOR CENTRE PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL FIREHALL HISTORIC VILLAGE LB LAWN BOWLING CITY OF PICKERINC FA SWIMMING POOL PLANNING h DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER. 2009 7FVC L PUN°ANMD Masi °BC a°EAD N CON UINCTION K. WITI TIE NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS °TNER SCIEDULES AND THE TERT. APPEAR ON SCHEDULE I PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION b: Chapter Eleven - Urban Neighbourhoods 177 EXHIBIT P TO 2 8 INFORMATIONAL REVISION 16 MAP 18 NEIGHBOURHOOD 8: TOWN CENTRE m O O m LUTT ORT EVERTO m p W U SQUARE Z m MONTEAG COUR N O WTHE 4 J LAN C U CI MU MUR R W g N LL V U 7 O I m m p J O~V COURT j SQUARE u , U 0 m CRESCENT BOULEVARD 0 a O SQUARE - RIDGEWOO MALDEN C~ANBOROUG p Q O r ROSEFIELBOA QQ Q / 0 p J 0 w rc - KI E 0 In J 6 = D W 2 U a O CRES. O Z y"< U A p > J Y~ ;O; L F•p UQ FI j BRAND20U W y K Z❑ m i~P 0 0 W r uE d G, w~ U O W ROAD 0 u..l y 11 OLENPNNA 2 3 GE w / CIR 0 O I W W W / ~]//i~~ y I~U.~. OR C SC III ROWNTRE p0 u U p Z Q O NADL Rl.r tt a p J U O O J w 5PJ p m m O THEE < 4.. ¢ C W ; m M O I D EFF_NBAK R e THMONT = O N C/` COURT' j~1I O P m RA 0 4 y -'I COURT H O KM CULROS 1 T SOVT J a 11 AVENUE U CRESCENT 0 O COUR SOpR / O 0 ' pPRK~Av S. w aloes W 0 I 3 CRIES. LOUDBERRV . COURT / < . / m / A LANCE P / U IL W Ja+6 ¢ / m rc 6 - / ~ Gift }O D ~ Y F • p p POPRAD AVENUE c U NZER 0 J < o m <P ZiAYFARER TATRA LANE RO O p / / N 9 LANE S(~ DRIVE p < m w fmL v IFS' O DRAV gtREEt V`0' C N © L~ FORDON pVEN T 0 U =TJJFttp A 9 \IIL JIII O m Op,A TOO Q FUSCH IA 9 K ILl a STREET w LANE Z J ~ ~ M, JNE - p m N "E.- REGA 0 W O N 0 = O GPRVOLI J Q C PIA LEGEND SYMBOLS NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS PROPOSED NEIGHBOURHOOD ( ) BOUNDARY PARK DETAILED REVIEW AREA PLACE OF WORSHIP ® PROPOSED PARK - - SPECIAL POLICY AREA PUBLIC ELEMENTARY LANDS FOR WHICH COUNCIL HAS SCHOOL ® ARENA ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES (REFER TO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) 'p GO-TRANSIT STATION LB LAWN BOWLING A KINGSTON ROAD CORRIDOR J \V^ DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES ^ c(~ (REFER TO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) ^/L &VCENTRAL LIBRARY SENIOR CENTRE H P EDESTRIAN/BICYCLE CONNECTION (PROPOSED) RECREATION RC F COMPLEX FIREHALL © COMMUNITY CENTRE ❑AI SWIMMING POOL CITY OF PICK ERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ,CSEPTEMBER. 2009 7ccicsi.~ ou FOMo uusi Z' - IN .-UL.N-IONXWITH THE NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS OTHER SCHEONULES AND THE TEXT. APPEAR ON SCHEDULE I PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION b: Chapter Eleven Urban Neighbourhoods 181 EXHIBIT'G' TO INFORMATIONAL REVISION 16 MAP 19 29 NEIGHBOURHOOD 9: VILLAGE EAST O. Z 1~i Li DRIV ° 0 Y Q w Q W ~ tt tt m ~T F~ a I ~ U BLUEBIRD ENT FINC KINGS TO AD 37 O rc o O 0 AD i P to It X w D 000 W I W I~ D a Q I ¢ O O D z m o O m ¢ LL I O B INBRIDG W U DR. ]O U SON Z E BANBU w I KNOS G~RGU O Sus=- ~i~~' Q In z Al I I COU TLL U < I. N m FA-1 DRIVE Y p DRIVE L 0 E 3 O % ¢ Q LE O I I D 10 F- UE~p 4 G~RG o - W O W Z M w W ~2 L 3 3 0 Nq! w Q ° j GETA U DO m T Y m p CIRCLE ~ - h 0 4 PICKERING PARKWAY - u DREYBE RCcd Z z COUR 4 d h I-o S. ~ olC✓~I?i~vC DIEFENBAKER 2 4 p COURT O e P N 0 D Y COURT U r a • w .000 o 0 a > K~pY P pR KELLINO LFO / \ N LEGEND SYMBOLS NEIGU - BOUNDAORYRHOOD CEM CEMETERY NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) DETAILED REVIEW AREA PARK © POLICE STATION D LANDS FOR WHICH COUNCIL HAS RC RECREATION ❑ ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES D COMPLEX ARENA (REFER TO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) ^ KINGSTON ROAD CORRIDOR J \ r DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES O PROPOSED PARK FN SWIMMING POOL VVV (REFERTO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) CITY OF PICK ERING PLANNING 4 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER, 2009 ,Tc" PI-.N rD MIST BE READiON+ CONJUNCTIONKWITI TIE NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS OTHER SCHEDULES AND THE TE.T. APPEAR ON SCHEDULE I PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 6: Chapter Eleven Urban Neighbourhoods 185 O EXHIBIT'' TO INFORMATIONAL REVISION 16 MAP ZO NEIGHBOURHOOD 10: HIGHBUSH (7) 7 'r- LTONA FOREST AREA R O U G E PARK GD~y~\OOB AREA 3 DEER D SPARR O CRESCEN Q NJRf't C~C~ Qhh' O W z SpNO U U Q MELDRON > ICKADEE O HJ t I ~ ~ ~~~RO o~S Og -0,) D O ROJG f ANDHURSTCR 0 p F J O WOODSM OO NO RDA 2 > O ESCEN DRI D' of ° ==CRE-S.EI o SAN CHERRY PINE GROVE D W O K W TRANQUIL ❑ O O W W 00 U COUR O Q 3j r D CR CENT y pp 50 AR ALTONA FOREST' It W r O Z COPLEY STREE Z, 0 > r WESTCREEK DRIV AREA STRO U ;W PROHI W I > SECORD STREE ¢ O(r STREE N UTTERN❑U Q > Q 0 tt it STREET > TILSON r (r W 0 O COURT - Z O RT W Q r O Q 7ROL, v UPN 0i Q y KET CRES. w w W ; O 0f WHITEPIN D In Q W LANCREST W O E tOP U U d p > A 2 tR w WEST 0 W O 9T STREET ; FO a F D CRESCE W U K ; Zz F, R GATE Z 3 O W _Z U p 0 O W Q j d STREE Y D Z STA VIE C j FOXWO j p F- W COURT O A Q PINEVI F rc rc G Z IAN SWEETBRIAR U UI OW D p 0j. AUTUMN COU LAWSON STREET C w TWYN RIVERS DRIVE N1~7 E:] IM WOO W HOWELL > - LEGEND SYMBOLS NEIGHBOURHOOD NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) BOUNDARY DETAILED REVIEW AREA PARK LANDS FOR WHICH COUNCIL HAS PUBLIC ELEMENTARY ADOPTED DEVELOP ENT GUIDELINES -SCHOOL (REFER TO COMPEMNDIUM DOCUMENT) SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (VSEPTEMBER. 2009 0 `c S V'v,r AND MUST ee°c READ IN co°r UNCTIONKWITHi°THE NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS OTHER SCHEDtILES AND THE TEIT. APPEAR ON SCHEDULE 1 PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 6: Chapter Eleven Urban Neighbourhoods 189 EXHIBIT T TO INFORMATIONAL REVISION 16 MAP 21 31 NEIGHBOURHOOD 11: AMBERLEA CDgp _ co, a - n j D C Z, W a = w~, '~+w ~ wcscE - ~ wENC~c ~NUE Ow ~ry~ SEW ® o Is ° LJ CEM C ' EM El CE w II vAR I oRi O.Dww f 37 IT TAP" R o MO~A .p ] EwLP.TE D y`I. R Cw~ E° W a LTONA FOREST OwiFt~,,0 q~J' p AREA D 16 3 - fAVCEEN ~ O T y w n B O SEC G ; O p O wNry~ } ~Erc s E ow aRlm~ . 3 g M6 IT" 1 ~C-EE h S o Y OwivE - r t o N,. o0 CRESEE Woo w cRESD ~P D Z, so. co, 0 n HE T wOO Ms 4 s uNE 9 L ALTO NA FOREST aliLIT j ~ ~ s I,u ~ cRE AREA zTwouOs F u J - rvE o i g m N R'i o o ~ o D U~ u M J CwE 3 o sow q \ g w-ECEZ.g LL T g roc ~ qq € ~a D° ET L-J € a w F E - W Noe- EPYOW LEGEND SYMBOLS NEIGHBOURHOOD CEM CEMETERY NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) BOUNDARY PLACE DETAILED REVIEW AREA OF WORSHIP PARK 16 PUBLIC ELEMENTARY HISTORIC VILLAGE SCHOOL SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ® PROPOSED SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SEPARATE SECONDARY SCHOOL CITY OF PICK ERING PLANNING do DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OSEPTEMBER, 2009 T.E V. FICISAL PU FO'No PART BE READ TIN CONJUNCTION wWITN°THE NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS OTHER SCHEDULES AND THE TE><T. APPEAR ON SCHEDULE I PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 6: Chapter Eleven Urban Neighbourhoods 193 EXHIBIT U TO 3 2 INFORMATIONAL REVISION 16 MAP 23 NEIGHBOURHOOD 13: BROCK RIDGE H IRO CONCESSION MAPLE HAD N g 4 / K ° CDU DOu 0 / n c W SOY yG~ r ROpO ~ ~ ° p6 '(i s m ~P GQ ,,DR •oErE pD 0 15 M G LPN p CRO 2 A u 0 6 a,D f1 G~ G~ Dm OA WIL O O R (Nm1 U C Z yW U HA OUR S T COU HILL 0 O yA BENTLEEYY L4Nf y Q SAGGINS U N K COU A O M LYN O l O°L T y BEARE Srgffr f of ~ ¢ p ~F~ 4 N Z COURT ,A GS L O REPP~WO q NB9 O tt l r~ O 0 LL j m 1 A-J Q GATE U 5 < ( r Z U ■1 CRESCEN 1P ■ GREENMO 1 y~ W 1 ~ OTC y 1 Ja W f TERR CR = O W I~ 1 p i ? £ O m O McBRAD WJJ O REESCOR? LO F W GANDAL C ; ° Q`f ° D R CRT. C O ALPIN qIR/yf 0 CRIES. Q o , O LANE S O, 1 ROAD 1 T fti p o r U1 fb0 ; m J Q % L , NroRO # ; S > w w 1 ❑ CORRIDOR OR, D ° 1 a r > m O PATH ~ N 0~ U I O u p c m G~~ 0o m cf 'QF $ D ~S` RIRC 04 STR ° B dC LUEBIRD COURT E W U _ I CRESCENT N BLOOM FI DJ PARKDALE STREET COUR PIN I 37 KINGSTO R An wNTON ~ O 6 O LEGEND SYMBOLS NEIGHBOURHOOD NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) BOUNDARY PARK PLACE DETAILED REVIEW AREA OF WORSHIP PROPOSED PARK LANDS FOR WHICH. COUNCIL HAS ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES PUBLIC SCHOOL E M CEMETERY (REFER TO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) O PROPOSED PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER, 2009 QrvlcuL vu °RNMO P4Rr THY w°e.N coO THE PICKERINC TIE NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS OTHER SCREDUALES AMMO THE TEXT. APPEAR ON SCHEDULE I PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION b: Chapter Eleven Urban Neighbourhoods 201 EXHIBIT W TO INFORMATIONAL REVISION 16 MAP 24 33 NEIGHBOURHOOD 14: ROUGE PARK CORRIDOR HYDRO O Q RD 27 Y Z < 0 Y 5 O y Z O O O , 'H6GpHr J► VAPaEt nn[W'RH x If O LL 37 CI.SAi ° TD 0 - - SOUARE Z NIPI 27 AMBERLEA 940 CRA F' -53 c^ Q1~4 ALTONA FOREST RoA 0 RI COU LOUR AREA 2Cl,CF -'ARK GOI~ ~R SAUDEEN 0.~~ JP4 ERA © DEERNA BERfTOYL MONTC OO I 42F' lAN - LOUR LANE SPARK LL CRESCENT O 9 CRE z~°HURSt GEC °QyH' u $ g W ; Q ~ ; ys m w~ O DRNE > COU - ~,~y{..' U ELORON = iCNADEE N < F1 S CAf ; W U 2 cRESC pOV. a .UR WOODSMERE ~ U CRESL O NODRR Sv2 Z 0 ° N CRESCENT .-RNWO NCOUR O0 MIRAN ~IQ SAN CHERRY PINE GROVE D tt / O o o Hu rRANOw * n cou / ` © 1 A NEIELD° ON U LOUR T ❑ O /I/ o f y> 0 C DRNE J6 D UQ 50 ALTO NA FOREST A DRI aw>YJI LANE IRI LEGEND SYMBOLS (PROPOSED) NEIGHBOURHOOD SEPARATE ELEMENTARY NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS BOUNDARY SCHOOL DETAILED REVIEW AREA j PUBLIC SCHOOL PARK LANDS FOR WHICH'COUNCIL HAS PROPOSED SEPARATE O ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES PROPOSED PARK O (REFER TO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF PICKERING 'PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ' SEPTEMBER. 2009 l7FF.cv_l• PU`OANIAO PART 9E REAO IN %GNIT.E K?n ° THE NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS OTHER SCHEDULES AND TIE TE:T. UNCTION W APPEAR ON SCHEDULE I PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 6: Chapter Eleven Urban Neighbourhoods 205 3 4 EXHIBIT U TO INFORMATIONAL REVISION 16 SCHEDULE IV - 8 SETTLEMENT 8: BARCLAY ESTATES KI ALE wq j > BY-PA i m A VI EM CEM A g D G p 0 ° rc i 0 m n A m w z J N > Z W J W ~ O J N Q ST ON FOREST GLE BIR WOOD CREEK ESTATES EST ES FIFTH CONCESSION ROAD - . . - - N LEGEND SYMBOLS COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL CEM CEMETERY OPEN SPACE SYSTEM- NATURAL AREAS RURAL SETTLEMENT BOUNDARY IIIIIII ' NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SEP,1EMBER, 2009 T 5 P FORMS ART OF EDITION 6 OF THE PICKERING FICU.LIM LAN AND MUST BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITI TIE OTHER SCIEDULES AND TIE TEKT. PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 6: Chapter Twelve Rural Settlements 242