HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 45-09 130 City REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PICKERING Report Number: OES 45-09 Date: October 13, 2009 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 City of Pickering Comments File: D-7400 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 45-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the Director, Planning & Development, regarding the 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) and Preliminary Design Study, August 2009, be received; 2. That Council endorses the Technically Preferred Route (TPR) consisting of the Highway 407 East Mainline and the two North-South Freeway "Links" connecting Highway 401 in West Durham and in East Durham (See Attachment 1); 3. That Council supports the transitway corridor, the locations of transitway stations and the maintenance yards within Pickering in principle, as the basis for the submission of a future separate environmental assessment; 4. That Council requests the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) to work with City staff to determine alternative strategies for the seven cultural heritage properties in Pickering proposed to be displaced in the FIEA Report (See Attachment 2); 5. That Council requests the MTO to consider a better location or retain flexibility to re- orient the proposed interchange at Westney Road to accommodate a more easterly alignment for the Greenwood By-Pass on Westney Road, should the Region of Durham's Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Greenwood By-Pass support such an alignment; 6. That, as previously requested in Report No. OES 07-09, dated January 12, 2009 (See Attachment 3), Council requests all proposed grade separations within Pickering include raised sidewalks (1.8 metre minimum width) on both sides of the roadways, and dedicated bicycle lanes (1.5 metre minimum width) on the outer lanes on both sides of the roadways at MTO expense; Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) 131 and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 2 7. That Council requests the MTO to install a gateway feature at Lake Ridge Road in Pickering as a component of Community Value Plan (CVP); 8. That Council requests MTO to relocate and replace ball diamonds, play grounds, and parking, etc. located at Don Beer Memorial Park north of Highway 407 in the Hamlet of Brougham which is being significantly impacted by the proposed alignment, and that MTO be further requested to work closely with the City of Pickering and the Federal Government to find a suitable location, all at MTO expense; 9. That Council endorses the comments and recommendations made by staff to the MTO, dated August 4, 2009 (See Attachment 4) and further requests MTO to incorporate them into the FIEA Report; 10. That Council endorses the concerns raised by staff on the FIEA Report to the MTO in Appendix 3 of Report OES 45-09 and further requests MTO to incorporate them into the FIEA Report; 11. That MTO revise the FIEA to take into account the data and status updates contained in Appendix 4 of Report OES 45-09; 12. That following the approval of FIEA Report, Council requests MTO to work closely with City of Pickering staff during the subsequent design and implementation phases of the 407 easterly extension; 13. That a copy of the Report OES 45-09 be forwarded to the MTO, the 407 East EA Project Team, Region of Durham, all Durham area municipalities, and Transport Canada; and 14. Further, that the City Clerk be requested to forward Report OES 45-09 and the October 13, 2009 Executive Committee decision on this matter to Ontario Ministry of Environment (MOE) by the required deadline of October 16, 2009 and forward Council's decisions on this matter following the Council meeting of October 19, 2009 to MOE. Executive Summary: The final phase of the Individual Environmental Assessment (IEA) focused on the preparation of FIEA Report to document the process, results and recommendations of the Highway 407 East EA Study. The FIEA Report released by the MTO was received by City of Pickering on August 28, 2009. Comments were requested to be provided to the MOE by October 16, 2009. The TPR and recommended design presented in FIEA Report includes the easterly extension of Highway 407 Mainline from Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 35/115 in CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) 132 and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 3 Clarington (approximately 50 kilometers) and the two North-South Freeway "Links" (approximately 10 kilometers each) connecting to Highway 401 in West Durham and in East Durham, while the transitway component and the support facilities within the corridor have been developed at a conceptual design level and are subject to future Class EA studies. However, the design, work completed by the Project Team for both the highway and transitway components of the corridor and the associated support facilities has been to a significant level of detail to confirm the feasibility of the proposed infrastructure. Release of the FIEA Report provides the City of Pickering an opportunity to provide input to the MOE on the proposed alignment and specific design elements in Pickering for the proposed Highway 407 - East Extension. These comments follow Council's earlier comments (see Report OES 07-09, Attachment 3), in which Council supported the TPR (including interchanges at Brock, Westney, Salem and Lake Ridge Roads) and requested that all grade separations on Highway 407 Mainline in Pickering include sidewalks of 1.8 metres width on both sides of all bridge crossings and bike lanes of 1.5 metre width on both sides of all interchanges at MTO cost, among other requests. Presentations to Committees of Council by MTO and their team of consultants in March and July 2009 clarified that the proposals for Highway 407 include 1.5 metre dedicated bike lanes at Brock and Lake. Ridge Road interchanges and 1.5 metre sidewalks at Brock Road, Lake Ridge, Westney and Salem interchanges and at the Kinsale/Audley Road bridge crossing in Pickering, to be constructed at MTO expense and that, although sufficient land would be acquired and bridge/interchange designs will accommodate potential future widening for the other bike lanes, sidewalks and sidewalk widening, such improvements would only occur on a cost-shared basis with municipalities. In addition, other comments raised by Members of Council at the July 6, 2009 presentation respecting interchange locations at Westney and Salem Roads, treatment of cultural heritage resources and road tolling-for Highway 407 were conveyed to MTO by staff. Despite Pickering's requests, the FIEA Report failed to record and address the requests made by the City of Pickering. Financial Implications: There are no direct financial implications to the City of Pickering with respect to adopting the recommendations of this Report. The construction of pedestrian sidewalks and on-road dedicated bicycle lanes on all the grade separations should be an integral part of the provincial investment. However, should MTO not fund the total costs of such items, or not implement the cultural heritage recommendations of Report OES 45-09, the City of Pickering may have to consider such funding costs in the future. Sustainability Implications: Construction of the easterly extension of Highway 407 (with the proposed pedestrian sidewalks and on-road dedicated bicycle lanes on all the bridge COR00227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 4 33 crossings/ grade separations) will not only strengthen the economy, but the recommended treatments for Highway 407 crossings will promote healthier lifestyles through active transportation modes for the future residents of Pickering. Background: 1.0 The Individual Environmental Assessment Process The background to the IEA process, the consultation process followed by the IEA Project Team, the previous comments provided by the City Staff and Members of Council of Pickering and responses by the IEA Project Team/MTO staff to date are summarized in Appendix 1 attached to. Report OES 45-09. Appendix 1 highlights comments on the location proposed for Highway 407/Westney Road Interchange, protection for the Rogers Homestead (3805 Salem Road) and other cultural heritage structures, provision and funding responsibilities for sidewalks and bike lanes at grade separations and proposed tolling of the Highway 407 East expansion. The Final 407 FIEA Report and Preliminary Design Study were received by the City of Pickering on August 28, 2009 from the MTO. The public was advised that the FIEA Study could be viewed at the City Clerk's Office and Pickering Central Library, in Pickering. Comments were requested to be provided to the MOE by October 16, 2009. The FIEA Report does not include any of the revisions requested by the City of Pickering or acknowledge any of the issues raised by City Staff or Members of Council. 2.0 Findings & Recommendations of the FIEA The findings and recommendations contained in the FIEA Report and Preliminary Design Study for the Highway 407 East Extension within Pickering are summarized in Appendix 2 attached to Report OES 45-09. The summary sets out what is proposed for the Highway 407 East Mainline and the transitway corridor across north-east Pickering and for each road crossing, road closure and interchange and provides a basis for following the discussion of the concerns of Pickering in the following section. 3.0 Discussion on Pickering Concerns 3.1 Proposed Westney Road Interchange on Highway 407 Mainline in Pickering: At several of the earlier meetings, City staff requested that decisions on the location and orientation of the interchange at Westney Road remain flexible until such time as an acceptable alignment of the proposed Westney Road by-pass of the Hamlet of CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) 134 and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 5 Greenwood has been accepted by a Region of Durham Environmental Assessment (EA) on this matter. The Region of Durham's EA Study for the Greenwood By-Pass on Westney Road is currently underway. On August 4, 2009 the City of Pickering reiterated their position to the MTO that the location for the proposed interchange of Westney Road on the Highway 407 Mainline has inclined the Durham Region to shift the alignment of the Greenwood By-Pass on Westney Road more westerly from the alignment shown in the City of Pickering and Region of Durham Official Plans (See Attachments 4, 7 and 8 respectively). This may have a significant negative impact on residences in the Greenwood community. Consideration of City Comments - Received.from MTO (August 26, 2009): MTO recognizes the potential and the ongoing EA Study of Greenwood By-Pass on Westney Road by the Region of Durham. Further, MTO has indicated that as there is no approved EA for the realignment of Westney Road (Greenwood By-Pass), the planning and preliminary design work for the Highway 407 FIEA Study requires the Westney Road Interchange to be sited on the existing Westney Road alignment. MTO in its response to the City of Pickering (See Attachment 9) has further indicated that: "The Recommended Design for the Westney Road Interchange is fixed given the proximity of the adjacent interchanges. However, there is some flexibility with respect to the design of the south side of the interchange to accommodate a more easterly realignment of Westney Road for the Greenwood By-Pass." City of Pickering's Position on MTO's (August 26, 2009) Reply: At this point, the City of Pickering does show its support on the Proposed Interchange sited on the existing Westney Road alignment. Staff continues to urge.that the MTO consider the City's request and the Highway 407 East FIEA be amended to retain flexibility to re-orient the angle of interchange of Westney Road on Highway 407 Mainline to better accommodate a more easterly alignment for the Greenwood By-Pass, should the Region's EA for the Greenwood By-Pass support such an alignment. 3.2 Cultural Heritage Impacts: The FIEA includes an assessment of the impacts of the proposed alignment of the Highway 407 East extension on the individual farmsteads, residences, roadscapes and viewsheds. Within Pickering, seven individual residences or farmsteads are identified for displacement in the REA to accommodate the proposed transportation corridor, interchanges and maintenance facility, including • 3500 Sideline 16; • 3675 Sideline 14; • 3680 Sideline 14; CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 6 1 35 • 3805 Salem Road (Wing Rogers Farm); • 3720 & 3750 Salem Road; • 4005 Kinsale Road; and, • 3860 Lake Ridge Road None of the foregoing properties have previously been assessed for their heritage values by the City of Pickering. None are designated under the Heritage Act. However, in spring 2009, City officials became aware that the MTO had commissioned a "Heritage Assessment of 3805 Salem Road" conducted by Archaelogix Inc., in 2003, which contained strong recommendations to protect the Rogers homestead with recommendations that the buildings be left in situ and be protected by a heritage easement or designation under the Ontario Heritage Act. Despite the strong recommendations of the Archaeologix assessment, the FIEA . proposes an alignment for Highway 407 that will displace the Rogers homestead buildings. Other recommendations, less preferred by the Archaeologix assessment, include moving all the buildings together, perhaps to a museum, move individual buildings separately, or, if demolitions are necessary, to salvage an extensive list of materials from the four buildings. Consideration of City Comments - Received from MTO (August 26, 2009): MTO acknowledges that the heritage assessment of #3805 Salem Road was carried out and completed for this property. MTO clarified in its response to the City of Pickering (See Attachment 9) that all potential options regarding this heritage property will be reviewed in conjunction with Pickering Staff to determine the adequate built heritage strategy for this property. MTO in its response to the City of Pickering's August 4, 2009 comments have further indicated that: "The EA Report includes a commitment to "Develop a 407 East Built Heritage Relocation Strategy in subsequent design phases" which will identify opportunities for relocation and/or adaptive re-use. Consultation with municipalities will be ongoing through subsequent design phases and will include discussions regarding displaced built heritage resources." City of Pickering's Position on MTO's (August 26, 2009) Reply: At the July 6th Joint Committee Meeting, Pickering Councillors suggested to MTO officials who were present that the proposed alignment of Highway 407 East be changed to preserve the Rogers Homestead or to move the Salem Road interchange further east to avoid disruption to the cluster of buildings on the Rogers property, or to relocate the buildings at MTO's cost. CORP0227-07/01 revised i Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) 36 and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 7 City staff subsequently wrote to MTO officials and requested that MTO discuss alternative strategies for all seven cultural heritage residences or farmsteads proposed to be displaced by the 407 with City staff before final decisions on their disposition are reached (See Attachment 4). Despite the Councillors' requests and the written request regarding cultural heritage matters, the FIEA not only failed to satisfy the requests, it also failed to even record that the meetings occurred or that any requests were made by the City of Pickering. The City is disappointed that the FIEA does not record the City's comments and is concerned that the REA does not convey these comments to the Minister of the Environment. A member of the Pickering Heritage Advisory Committee has now evaluated the heritage merits of the seven Pickering residences or farmsteads proposed to be displaced and has concluded that: • 3805 Salem Road, 3720 & 3750 Salem Road and 4005 Kinsale Road have `significant historical value' and 3860 Lake Ridge Road, 3500 16th Sideline and 3675 14th Sideline have `historical value'. 3.3 Concrete Sidewalks & Bicycle Lanes: As previously outlined in Report OES 07-09, endorsed by Council on January 12, 2009, the City of Pickering is reiterating its request for 1.5 metre wide dedicated bike lanes and 1.8 metre wide sidewalks to be designed and constructed at all interchanges and grade separations of Highway 407 East proposed in Pickering at MTO expense. Consideration of City Comments - Received from MTO (August 26, 2009): Within Pickering, the design for sidewalks and bicycle lanes as proposed in Final FIEA by MTO and the Project Team is as follows: • Sidewalks & Bicycle Lanes on Brock Road & Lake Ridge Road • Sidewalks on Highway #7, Westney Road, Salem Road and Kinsale Road with cyclists movement accommodated within 1.5 metre shoulder area; and • Sideline 14 will have a shoulder area which will accommodate pedestrian and cyclist movement Despite several earlier requests by the members of Council and staff, MTO's response on the cost sharing was as follows: "The additional structure width for sidewalks and bike lanes will be the subject of cost sharing discussions with the City and the Region during the detailed design and implementation phases of the study. " CORP0227-07/01 revised I i Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 8 137 MTO also confirmed in their reply (See Attachment 9) that the text in the Final EA Report has been extended and read as: "Sidewalk and bike lane requirements at crossing road structures will be confirmed, in consultation with the Region and local municipalities, during subsequent design phases. This will include a review of proposed locations as well as proposed sidewalk and bike lane widths." City of Pickering's Position on MTO's (August 26, 2009) Reply: The City of Pickering should not be burdened with any costs of creating active transportation facilities on the Province's infrastructure. Members of Council were disappointed that the Province's most significant infrastructure project in Durham Region is not supporting Provincial Policies such as the Ontario Accessibility Act, the Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Metrolinx Transportation Plan. 3.4 Concerns raised by City staff on the FIEA Report: Some other concerns are raised by city staff respecting the FIEA Report, which are addressed in Appendix 3 to Report OES 45-09. 3.5 Data Updates on the FIEA Report: A number of sets of research data were collected early in the EA study and should be updated in the FIEA Report. Suggested updates are addressed in Appendix 2 to Report OES 45-09 Appendices: Appendix 1 - Background of the IEA Study Appendix 2 - Findings and Recommendations of the FIEA Report Appendix 3 - Concerns raised by city staff on the FIEA Report Appendix 4 - Data update on the FIEA Report Attachments: 1. Technically Preferred Route 2. Map - Heritage Properties identified in the corridor (within Pickering) 3. City of Pickering's Report No. OES 07-09 4. City of Pickering's (August 4, 2009) Letter to MTO addressing Members of Council Concerns 5. MTO's Response to City of Pickering's Report No. OES 07-09 6. Plan - Illumination Requirement 7. City of. Pickering Official Plan (Schedule II-Ed.5, Transportation System) 8. Region of Durham Official Plan (Transportation System) 9. MTO's Response to City of Pickering's (August 4, 2009) Letter to MTO 10. Map - Sidewalks/Bicycle Lane Locations at Crossing Roads 11. Typical 10-Lane Section for 407 Mainline 12. Recommended Preliminary Design of Highway 407 Mainline within Pickering 13. Technically Recommended Route within Pickering & West Durham Link CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 9 138 Prepared By: Approved/En rsed By: Kashif Shaikh, M.Eng, P.Eng. Evere untsm Coordinator, Transportation Engineering Director, Operations & Emergency Services Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Neil Carr IP,,APP Principal Policy Planner Director, Planning & Development Richard . Holbo , P. Eng. Divisi Head, M nicipal Property & Engineering RH:ks Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration ;of Pickering City u cil 1-e~,1,7 o as J. Quinn, Chief Administrative MR; MM III inistrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 101 3 9 APPENDIX - 1 of Report OES 45-09 BACKGROUND OF THE IEA STUDY The Individual Environmental Assessment Process of Highway 407 East Extension (From Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 35/115. in Clarington) (i) Need & Justification: To address the.long term transportation needs in the Region of Durham and surrounding areas, MTO commenced the EA for the easterly extension of Highway 407 in the year 2002. The Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Highway 407 East IEA were approved by the MOE in January 2005. (ii) Provincial & Federal Process: In addition to addressing the requirements of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act (OEAA), the FIEA Report is also designed to satisfy the requirements of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA). (iii) Technically Recommended Route (TRR): In 2007, MTO and their Project Team presented the Technically Recommended Route (TRR) to the Municipal Technical Advisory Group (MTAG). The TRR (See Attachment 13 for TRR within Pickering) included the Highway 407 Mainline, both West and East Durham links connecting to Highway 401, and all proposed interchange locations along with recommendations for realignment of some roads. (iv) Consultation during the IEA Study: The Highway 407 IEA Study was initiated in January 2005, following the approval of 407 East EA ToR by the MOE in 2005. Since 2005,- MTO retained the following.multi-disciplinary team of experts to carry out the study: (i) AECOM (formerly TSH), (ii) McCormick Rankin Corporation, (iii) URS Canada Inc., (iv) AECOM (formerly Gartner Lee Limited), (v) Ecoplans Limited, (vi) RWDI, (vii) Meridian. Planning Consultants, (viii) DBH Soils, (ix) AS[, (x) Unterman McPhail, (xi) Parish Geomorphic, (xii) Thurber Engineering, and (xiii) Golder Associates Ltd. With an extensive consultation program in place, the Project Team: • held a number of meetings with municipal and regulatory agency staff; • held a total of 5 Public Information Centers (PIC's) within Durham Region to inform and receive public feedback; and • organized a series of workshops to facilitate the generation of a CVP to obtain feedback from stakeholders and residents in communities adjacent to the proposed 407 alignment, and input into design elements. City of Pickering staff have attended the municipal meetings and all the PIC's, and subsequently provided feedback to the 407 East EA Project Team and updated the Members of Council throughout the EA study process. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) 140 and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 11 In addition, at municipal stakeholder meetings and specific meetings held in Pickering, staff has always urged the Project Team to reduce the number of road closures and include sidewalks and dedicated bike lanes on the proposed interchanges and local road crossings within Pickering, where none had been originally proposed. (v) Report No. OES 07-09: At its January 12, 2009, Meeting, Pickering Executive Committee and later Council endorsed Report No. OES 07-09 (See Attachment 3), and forwarded it to the Project Team in which the following was summarized: • the Technically Preferred Route (TPR) for the easterly extension of Highway 407, including the. transit way corridor/facilities and the north-south freeway links connecting to Highway 401; • the proposed preliminary design, road closures, transitway facilities and maintenance facilities; • input/comments from City Staff on the preliminary design, road closures and transit facilities; • details on the revised preliminary design by the 407 East Project Team, based on City staff's feedback; • project updates, next steps, etc Report No. OES 07-09 supported the Highway 407 East TPR for the easterly extension of Highway 407, including the transitway corridor/facilities and the west and east links connecting Highway 401, with the following specific revisions: • that the preliminary design be revised to include raised sidewalks (1.8 metre wide) and dedicated bicycle lanes (1.5 metre wide) for all 407 East bridge crossings in Pickering; that MTO acquire and transfer to the City of Pickering sufficient land for 18 metre-radius cul-de-sacs for the candidate roads for permanent road closures; • that MTO minimize environmental impact on surrounding properties within the study corridor and seek amicable resolution of property acquisitions with affected property owners; and, • that MTO consider a better location for the highway maintenance facility (proposed at the north-east quadrant of 'Salem Road interchange) that does not conflict with potential urban development plans of the City. (vi) MTO's Response to the Report No. OES 07-09: MTO responded in writing to the City of Pickering's recommendations (See Attachment 5) as follows: • Sidewalks & Bicycle Lanes: MTO's proposal for sidewalk and bike lane facilities within this IEA study is to construct 1.5 metre wide dedicated bike lanes for the Brock Road and Lake Ridge Road interchanges only, and 1.5 metre wide sidewalks at Brock Road, Lake Ridge Road, Westney Road, and Salem Road CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 12 141 interchanges and the Kinsale/Audley grade separation at MTO expense. Also, MTO indicated that sufficient land would be acquired and bridge/interchange design would include potential for widening to accommodate bike lanes, sidewalks and sidewalk widening to 1.8 metres wide on a cost-shared basis with the municipalities. • Land Transfer on Permanent Road Closures: MTO agreed to acquire and transfer sufficient land to the City of Pickering for 18 m radius cul-de-sacs at the proposed road closure locations. • Property Acquisitions: MTO indicated that it would seek amicable agreements to acquire needed property from affected property owners. MTO may also need to expropriate if agreements could not be reached. • Highway Maintenance Facility: MTO agreed to move the proposed highway maintenance facility from the north-east quadrant to the south-east quadrant of the Salem Road Interchange. (vii) Presentation by MTO Staff to Pickering's Executive Committee (March 2009): MTO staff provided an update to Executive Committee reiterating their positions set out in the earlier letter (See Attachment 5) on; • the recommended preliminary design of the TPR and supporting facilities/infrastructure; • crossing road treatment strategies, proposed sidewalk and bicycle lane locations on highway interchanges and crossings, and permanent road closures; • an update on the final round of PIC, preparation of EA Report and CEAA screening document, implementation strategies and next steps; • an update on the CVP, information on water course crossings, storm water management strategy, illumination requirements and impact assessments within the corridor; and, • the announcement by Province that it will retain ownership and control of Highway 407 easterly extension, and it will be tolled to pay construction and maintenance costs. (viii) Draft FIEA Report: In accordance with the ToR for this Project, the Draft IEA Report was presented to staff at a working session on June 15, 2009. City staff was present and took part in the discussions. Comments on the Draft FIEA Report were requested by July 20, 2009. (ix) Presentation by Project Team to the Executive Committee (July 2009): The Project Team attended City of Pickering's Joint Planning & Executive Committee Meeting on July 6, 2009 and updated Members of Council on the Draft IEA Report proposals, the next steps and implementation strategies for the Project. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) 142 and Preliminary Design Study -,August 2009 Page 13 Although Council adopted the staff recommendation to endorse the TPR in January 2009, individual members of Council raised a number of new concerns at the July 6tn meeting, including: • the location and orientation of the proposed Interchange at Westney Road should be flexible to accommodate the location of the proposed Greenwood By-Pass of Westney Road that is to be determined by a Region of Durham Environmental Assessment; • the proposed alignment of Highway 407 Mainline be changed to preserve the historic 3805 Salem Road (Rogers Homestead), to move the Salem Road interchange further east to avoid disruption to the cluster of buildings on the Rogers property, or to relocate the buildings at MTO's cost; • the City of Pickering should not be burdened with any costs of providing active transportation facilities (i.e,: sidewalks and bike lanes) on the Province's infrastructure. Members of Council raised concerns about the suggested cost sharing for sidewalks and bicycle lanes on the proposed interchanges and bridge crossings; • strongly opposing tolling on Highway 407 East Extension and the North-South Links on the basis that there are a significantly smaller number of roads entering and exiting Durham Region compared to the number of roads entering and exiting the Western GTA from the Central GTA, many of which were provincially funded and currently have no tolls. However it was noted tolls could be used to fund upfront installation of 1.8 metre wide sidewalks and dedicated bicycle lanes. (x) Staff Comments on MTO's Presentation: Following the presentation, a letter was also sent to MTO by City staff on July 20, 2009 (revised August 4, 2009) regarding the . immediate concerns raised by the members of Council on the Highway 407 easterly extension within Pickering (See Attachment 4). CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) and Preliminary Design Study - August 20.09 Page 1413 APPENDIX - 2 of Report OES 45-09 FINDINGS & RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FIEA REPORT 407 East Extension (from Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 35/115 in Clarington) (i) Recommended Design for Highway 407 Easterly Extension: The FIEA includes a recommended design for the transportation corridor and associated support facilities, as summarized below: • Highway 407 Mainline from Brock Road to Highway 35/115 (approximately 50 kilometers); • Two north-south freeway "links" connecting the proposed extension to Highway 401, one in West Durham and the other in East Durham (approximately 10 kilometers each), • Protection for a dedicated transitway corridor (approximately 60 metres in width plus transitway stations); • Two highway maintenance facilities, one at the south-east quadrant of Salem Road in Pickering and another in Oshawa; • Two transitway maintenance facilities, one in Ajax and the other in Whitby, none in Pickering; • Two commercial vehicle inspection facilities, one between Salem Road and Kinsale Road (east bound direction) within Pickering and the other in Oshawa; • Three truck lay-bys on the north-south freeway "links", none in Pickering • A total of 5 Gateway Features are proposed to be installed in this Project, one in Brougham (Pickering). (ii) The Recommended Design within City of Pickering: In Pickering, the Recommended Design for the transportation corridor includes 4 arterial road interchanges, 3 bridge crossings of roads, 3 permanent local road closures, 4 transitway stations, 1 commercial vehicle inspection station and 1 highway maintenance facility. A detailed section-specific description of the recommended designs are provided below: (iii) Interchange Configurations: The following are details for the proposed arterial road full interchanges within Pickering: PROPOSED ULTIMATE SIDEWALKS BIKE ARTERIAL ROAD FOR No. OF LANES LANES FULL INTERCHANGE Realigned Brock Road 6 Yes Yes Westney Road 6 Yes No Salem Road 6 Yes No Lake Ridge Road 6 Yes Yes CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) 144 and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 15 In response to the City staff's recommendations and concerns raised in several MTAG Meetings, the Project Team has made the following revisions to the interchange configurations in-Pickering: • Realigned Brock Road Interchange: Shifted south, in order to accommodate the realignment of the highway, to accommodate the existing irrigation pond on the Dutch Master Nursery property located on 3735 Sideline 16. • Lake Ridge Road/Highway 407 Mainline Interchange: At the fourth round of PIC's the interchange at Lake Ridge Road/Highway 407 Mainline was proposed to be designed as a simple "Diamond" configuration (requiring left or right turns to access the freeway ramps from Lake Ridge Road). However after City Staff's feed-back an improvement to the Lake Ridge Road/Highway 407 Mainline interchange design has resulted a full interchange "Parclo A4" configuration. This improved design of the interchange should accommodate increased traffic more efficiently than the previously. designed "Diamond" configuration. (iv) Grade Separations: The FIEA includes a recommended design providing structure openings at locations where Highway 407 corridor passes over/under crossing roads that will be large enough to accommodate an additional expansion of the roadway (e.g. road widening and sidewalks) beyond the planned road improvement within the 2031 planning horizon. The following are the proposed treatments at grade separations within Pickering: CROSSING PROPOSED TREATMENT ROAD STRUCTURE ULTIMATE SIDEWALKS BIKE N,o. OF LANES LANES Highway 7 Crossing Road 6 No No (East of Brock under Highway 407 Road) Highway 7 is to be realigned to the north, as a four lane highway having a signalized intersection at the Realigned Brock Road Sideline 14 Crossing Road 2 No No over Highway 407 Kinsale Road Crossing Road 2 Yes No over Highway 407 CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) and. Preliminary Design Study -August 2009 Page 16 145 (v) Permanent Road Closures: Existing Brock Road (Regional), Paddock Road & Sideline 4 (local) are the roads in Pickering proposed to be closed. Brock Road is proposed to be realigned to the east as already approved by the Region of Durham's Brock Road EA Study. Additionally, cul-de-sacs will be provided north and south of Highway 407 for all of the roads proposed to be permanently closed within Pickering, and in'order to provide appropriate turning circles for maintenance, emergency and other vehicles, MTO has agreed to transfer sufficient land to the City,of Pickering for each road that is proposed to be closed (See Attachment 5). MTO will be required to replace the existing material in kind in accordance with the current standards for all proposed roads within Pickering where permanently closed and/or re-aligned. (vi) Realignment of Sideline 16: The Recommended Design proposes realignment of Sideline 16 (north of Highway 7 and with no sidewalks or bicycle lanes) connecting to the realigned segment of Highway 7, west of Highway 407. Sideline 16 will terminate as a T-Intersection. The southern leg of Sideline 16 will meet.the realigned Brock Road at a T-Intersection with the realigned Brock Road south of Highway 407. (vii) Transitway Stations: Three transitway stations are proposed in Pickering, as follows: • South-west quadrant of realigned Brock Road interchange; • South-west quadrant of the Westney Road interchange; and • South-west quadrant of the Salem Road interchange; (viii) Highway Maintenance Facility: A highway maintenance facility was initially proposed in the northeast quadrant of Salem Road Interchange in Pickering. Council requested a more suitable location that does not conflict with potential urban development plans for these lands. Consequently, the FIEA proposes to relocate the highway maintenance facility to the southeast quadrant of the Salem Road Interchange. (ix) Maintenance or Re-routing of Trans Canada Trail: Paddock Road, west of the Greenwood community is designated as part of the Trans Canada Trail system. The proposed design would allow for a north-south trail connection at Paddock Road in future and the trail will be maintained through the East Duffins Creek structure situated immediately east of Paddock Road. The Project Team has indicated that the need for signage for the trail will be determined during subsequent phases of detail design. (x). Don Beer Memorial Park: Community and Recreational facilities, specifically ball diamonds, play grounds, a parking lot, etc. located at Don Beer Memorial Park near Brougham, are significantly impacted by the proposed highway mainline. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) 146 and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 17 (xi) Dutch Master Nursery Encroachment: The earlier proposed transportation corridor encroached on the southern area of the 3735 Sideline 16 (Dutchmaster Nursery). As requested by the Council members and City staff, the MTO and Project Team in conjunction with the owner of Dutchmaster Nursery made a refinement to the 407 corridor in the vicinity of Sideline 16 which minimized impacts to the business, specifically the irrigation pond. With the TRR presented in the Final. FIEA, the pond and the commercial buildings associated with the nursery are not encroached upon. (x ii) Kinsale Hamlet: The TRR for Highway 407 Mainline is in close proximity to the Kinsale hamlet creating a barrier effect between Kinsale and access to areas north of the transportation corridor. (xiii) Cultural Heritage Landscapes & Built Heritage Resources: Within Pickering a total of seven individual residences or farmsteads are identified for displacement in the FIEA to accommodate the proposed transportation corridor, interchanges and maintenance facility (See Attachment 2), including • 3500 Sideline 16; • 3675 Sideline 14; • 3680 Sideline 14; • 3805 Salem Road (Wing Rogers Farm); • 3720 & 3750 Salem Road; . 4005 Kinsale Road; and, • 3860 Lake Ridge Road (xiv) Cross Sections: Although the initial number of lanes to be provided on opening day will be further determined through subsequent design phases of the project, the FIEA is seeking approval for the 2031 lane requirements which includes ten lanes for the Highway 407 Mainline in Pickering and six lanes for the north/south West Durham Link connecting Highway 401 (See Attachment 11). Some key elements of the cross section include: • Closed median: Closed Median is a concrete barrier and storm sewer system in the median for a 10-lane and 8-lane section of the 407 Mainline and the West Link, • Open Median: Open Median is no concrete barrier with ditches in the median for a 6-lane section of the 407 Mainline and the East link • Right-of-way's Right-of-way is being protected for High Occupancy Vehicle Protection: lanes; and the minimum right-of-way width of 110 metre for the mainline corridor and 60 metre for the transitway corridor is being protected in this IEA CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 18 1 4 7 (xv) Illumination: The illumination requirements for opening day will be determined through subsequent design phases. However the Preliminary Design in the FIEA Report proposes the following 2031 illumination standards within Pickering: (See Attachment 6): • Full illumination on the mainline; and • Full illumination in the vicinity of freeway to freeway interchanges (xvi) Construction Methods & Staging: MTO and the Project Team have considered the Construction Methods and Staging at a conceptual level as part of the FIEA Study. Detailed staging plans will be developed during subsequent design phases. i CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment$1EA) and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 19 1--4 APPENDIX - 3 of Report OES 45-09 CONCERNS RAISED BY CITY STAFF ON THE FIEA REPORT 407 East Extension (from Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 35/115 in Clarington) Section-specific general concerns raised by city staff on the FIEA Report are provided below: (i) Functional Design Elements for Road Crossing Structures: At various municipal stakeholder meetings, Pickering staff provided input to the Project Team on the cross- sections of road crossing structures passing over and under Highway 407 Mainline (within Pickering) City of Pickering recognizes that the land use will significantly change because of the easterly extension of Highway 407. This will change the demands on the crossing roads within Pickering. These road crossings within Pickering (of the Highway 407 Mainline) may also lead to higher Average Daily Traffic (ADT). City Staff is therefore requesting MTO to upgrade road segments between Highway #7 and Seventh Concession Road to a bituminous surface. Upgrading these roads to a paved/bituminous surface will not only bring the gravel road up to the City's standard but will also provide enhanced safety to the road user. This will further reduce the need for dust control and maintenance cost. Therefore the MTO and Project Team are requested to investigate the technical and economical feasibility including environmental and social impact (if any) of upgrading these existing gravel roads to a bituminous surface. Based on this, MTO is requested to prepare and include detailed cross sections with all active transportation facilities, and detailed engineering design for these roads, and provide the City Staff an opportunity to review the design elements of these crossing roads in the future design phases of the Project. (ii) Construction Staging/Phasing & Detour (Traffic Management Plan): The easterly connection to the current terminus of Highway 407 at Brock Road will require closure of existing Brock Road both north and south of the extended Highway 407. Pursuant to the approved Region of Durham Brock Road EA, the Brock Road will be realigned to by-pass Brougham to. the east. Consequently, the Highway 407 Final FIEA proposes a full interchange at the realigned Brock Road. East of the Hamlet of Brougham. In addition, Highway 7 is to be realigned to the north, as a four lane highway having a signalized intersection at the Realigned Brock Road. It is anticipated that Highway traffic from Highway 7 will access Highway 407 by way of Realigned Brock Road. Recognizing that the traffic management will be a significant consideration at the tie-in points at Brock Road and crossing roads within Pickering and the difficulties with .detouring the traffic during phases of construction, staff request an opportunity for input to a traffic staging plan (well in advance) showing the preferred detour route mapping. Before any detour or temporary route is opened to the traffic (within the City COR00227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 20 14 9 of Pickering) all essential signs must be in place. Affected residents should also be informed by the MTO. Further, staff is requesting that the MTO add the construction of all local road crossings and proposed interchanges within Pickering to the Staging Plan identified in Section 8.1.12 of the Final FIEA Report and indicate specifically that this will be undertaken in the same timeline as the construction of Highway 407 Mainline. (iii) Proposed Trail at Paddock Road: City Staff is requesting MTO to incorporate accessible design criteria in the design and- construction of the proposed trail at Paddock Road. The trail should be 3.0 metre wide and be surfaced with asphalt. Also, it is requested that MTO provide signage with information on the trail for users. (iv) Don Beer Memorial Park: City staff is requesting MTO to incorporate provision for compensation of the significant impact on Don Beer Memorial Park near Brougham, and provide details as to how and when the loss would be compensated and/or replaced within Don Beer Memorial Park or an alternate location. We understand and strongly recommend that this should also be reviewed in consultation with the City Staff and Federal Government at the same time. (v) Gateway Feature at Lake Ridge Road: City staff is requesting MTO to install a gateway feature at Lake Ridge Road having a landscape and signage treatment as part of the CVP, similar to the existing gateway feature at the Highway 401/Brock Road interchange. (vi) Driveway Accesses: MTO should ensure that the existing residential/farm-field driveway accesses are serviced by road frontages where road closures and/or re- alignment of roads is proposed within Pickering. This will provide safe and functional access to individual properties. (vii) Typical Cross Sections and Road Profiles: Typical Cross Sections and Road Profiles for the crossing roads within Pickering should be reviewed by City staff during future design phases. (viii) Traffic Signals: Staff understands that the local interchanges which will require traffic signals will be identified during the subsequent design stages. Hence, traffic signal requirements at ramp terminal intersections will be determined in future phases of work. (ix) Plantings in Natural Areas: All proposed plantings within the natural. areas shall be of native species. Non-native species could be used at the interchanges where decorative landscape features are proposed in the Recommended Design. (x) Vegetation: Items like vegetation, clearing and grubbing, tree protection are extremely sensitive issues for the City of Pickering. Accordingly the City requires a slope CORP0227-07/01 revised ~k . Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) 150 and Preliminary Design Study -August 2009 Page 21 restoration plan addressing the need for replacement plants and trees for loss of existing tree/vegetation for the construction corridor and for slope stability. I i CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 45-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: 407 East Final Individual Environmental Assessment (FIEA) and Preliminary Design Study - August 2009 Page 221 51 APPENDIX - 4 of Report OES 45-09 DATA UPDATE ON THE FIEA REPORT 407 East Extension (from Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 35/115 in Clarington) Detailed section-specific data updates on the FIEA are provided below: " (i) Section 3.3.2 of the FIEA Report: Total Population and Employment Forecasts by Local Municipality and Region, 2001-2031 projections shown on page 3-44 reflect data provided by the Region of Durham during an early stage of the Region of Durham's Growing Durham Study which was tasked with implementing the Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Since that time, the Region has adopted Amendment 128 to the Durham Region Official Plan to affect conformity with the Growth Plan. Amendment 128 contains different population and employment forecasts (see pages 34-35) that would amend the projections for Pickering for 2031 to 225,670 for population and 76,720 for employment. The figures for the other municipalities have also been changed. Accordingly, the Environmental Assessment for the 407 East extension should be revised to reflect the population and employment forecasts contained in Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 128. i I CORP0227-07/01 revised }-~-5-05 5 f`•'x~, I;•7f~i Y..~F~E a , 4. ' `~~3 x'••3°;~y'~"~ ~ t~ J2 m o R LL, • S tee.. ,4 t S- \ cri. t ~ ,.n Y v m j ■ r ~ 1I U -11 o f I II -i-t~C._F•'~!Er'~-`J•~.,, ~!"~'sPl~,i~t.~e 4G-0 1 2- t)-- Ontario 153 Exhibit 5-1 Heritage Resources - Section 1 (Brock Road to Kinsale Road) ~ q - .t , U 'r - - e ° 3e pop ' ¢ W o } d N k?O F t AN_ T7 3675 SIDELINE 14 e # x`• 3680 SIDELINE 14 .c, a # 3500 SIDELINE 16 A . 6~ o URS NwIwA, 2ni)s 12 I?r .esr, a;i NAkT .';i! !._s :ciat~s 6;G El -J d~;E' -j-(-, I~ 0aTt; 45- 01 > irft{)ilCt r3~5r.= {ii4'i4~ ili IFiG ~:G'COfi{iflt?rtii°L~t:51C~1i ~y- i'f'CIti1L]G Lr Ontario `5 4 Exhibit 5-2 Heritage Resources - Section 2 (Kinsale Road to Ashburn Road) w f/ rp .a a ~e y* sf N # i 5 z ~ f,;.,~~ war I m~jg ~ • * OF`W y _ F ~Sa 4 N ~ ~y ~ o mow- ' 4 ~y _y Q F 3860 LAKE RIDGE ROAD J 1; ~!y 4005 KINSALE ROAD 3805 SALEM ROAD .Q (WING ROGERS FARM) 5 ~ .s w 4 ` - - ~ ~ 3720 & 3750 SALEM ROAD ~ d .3 R v try ~i 3 n ' O UR t; ;<~,,tr, /r;{}g 14 ttltrirRail P.nc.Pi{aii 15 o::sa?zr.> ATTACHMENT# 3 _ TOREPORT# OES '45-.01 City of REPORT TO _ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PICKERIN Report Number: OES 07-09 1 5 5 1 Date: January 12, 2009 From: Everett Buntsma- Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 07-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services, regarding the Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment be received; 2. That Council support the Highway 407 East Technically Preferred Route (See Attachment #1) for the easterly extension of Highway 407, including transitway corridor/facilities and the two north-south links connecting to Highway 401; 3. That the Highway 407 EA Project Team revise the preliminary design for the proposed bridge crossings over Highway 407 (See Attachment #2) within Pickering, to include: (a) raised sidewalks (including sufficient right-of-way and the inclusion of platforms with .1.8 metre minimum width) on both sides of the roadways for all 407 East bridge crossings in Pickering; (b) dedicated 1.5 metre-wide bicycle lanes on the outer lanes on both sides of the roadways for all 407 East bridge crossings in Pickering, while maintaining the proposed pavement width of 3.5 metres for each vehicle lane; and, (c) lighting of appropriate quality, intensity and standards; 4. That the Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) acquire and transfer to the. City of Pickering sufficient land for 18 metre-radius cul-de-sacs for the candidate roads for permanent closure (existing Brock Road, Paddock Road and Sideline 4), and any other lands required for municipal rights of way; 5. That the environmental impact on surrounding properties within the study corridor be minimized and mitigated with adequate measures as well as that amicable resolutions be sought with affected property owners; 6. That Council request the 407 EA Team to consider a better location for the highway maintenance facility that does not conflict with potential urban development plans for these lands; and ,ATTACHMENT#- TO REPORT#___._ of Report OES 07-09 REVISED January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental. Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route 156 & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 2 134 7. Further, that a copy of the Report OES 07=0:9 be forwarded to the MTO the 407 EA Project Team, the Regional Municipality of Durham, and all Durham Area Municipalities. Executive Summary: The Technically Preferred Route (TPR) and Preliminary Design is proposed by the 407 EA Project Team, for the easterly extension of Highway 407 (including transitway corridor/facilities and two north-south links to connecting to Highway 401). The proposed alignment of Highway 407 in Pickering in the TPR is similar to the one shown in the Pickering Official Plan and the Durham Region Official Plan. Staff supports the TPR and recommends that Council also supports the same. Although in earlier versions, existing Brock Road, Sideline 14, Paddock Road, Sideline 4 and Kinsale Road were identified as the candidate roads for permanent closures, as a result of input from City Staff, Paddock Road and Kinsale Road were removed from the list of permanent road closures. Also, realigned Brock Road (to by-pass Brougham), Westney Road, Salem Road and Lake Ridge Road are proposed to have full interchanges along the corridor. A 60m wide transit-way corridor is proposed on the south side of the Highway 407 Mainline and on the west side of the West Durham Link connecting to Highway 401. A Commercial Vehicle Inspection facility is proposed on the south side of Highway 407 Mainline (eastbound lanes) east of Sideline 4. A highway maintenance facility is proposed on the north east corner of Highway 407 and Salem Road which City staff is recommending it be relocated. The City Staff supports the Technically Preferred Route and strongly recommends that the Environmental Assessment for Highway 407 conform to municipal official plans and policies, and the environmental impact on surrounding properties within the study area be minimized and that amicable resolutions be sought with affected property owners. A federal environmental assessment is also being carried out by the 407 EA Project Team to address federal issues such as navigable water and fisheries for the crossings and dealings with federal lands. Sidewalks and on-road dedicated bike lanes should be provided for all bridge crossings in the TPR to conform with the policies of the City of Pickering Official Plan, the Region of Durham Transportation Master Plan, Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and to align with the policies proposed for municipalities in the Metrolinx Transportation Plan. CORP0227-07101 revised ATTACHMENT#-3- TOREPORT# DES 49-01 3 of Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment 157 City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 3 Financial Implications: There are no financial implications with respect to adopting the recommendations of this Report. However, should the MTO not accept Council's recommendations that the Province design, construct and fund the costs associated with the recommendations of Report OES 07-09, the City of Pickering will be required to fund such significant costs in the future. Sustainability Implications: Construction of Highway 407 with . the proposed crossings and facilities, as recommended by the 407 EA Project Team will not only strengthen the economy, the staff recommended treatments for the Highway 407 crossings will promote healthier lifestyles through active transportation modes for the future residents and employees in north-east Pickering. Background: 1.1 The Environmental Assessment Process has resulted in a Technically Preferred Route Although the Environmental Assessment (EA) for Highway 407 was commenced in 2002, the EA Terms of Reference were not approved by the Minister of the Environment until January 2005. Since then, over the last four years, the 407 EA Project Team held a number of meetings with municipal and other regulatory agency staff. Four Public Information Centers (PIC's) were also held during this period to inform and receive public feedback. City staff took part in the municipal meetings and also attended the PIC meetings. The 407 EA Project Team organized a series of workshops to facilitate the generation of Community Value Plan (CVP) for the 407 East project. The purpose of these workshops was to gather comments from the stakeholders residing in communities adjacent to and within close proximity to the technically recommended route. The 407 EA Project Team confirmed that Highway 407 and a transitway are needed and also conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the merits of a large number of alternative routes for both the 407 Mainline and the East and West Links. Following an earlier presentation of a Technically Recommended Route (TRR) and after detailed consideration of numerous options for the different segments and elements of possible alignments of Highway 407 and a transitway from Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 115/35 in Clarington, along with two CORP0227-07/01 revised I 1 5 ATTACHMENT# 3 TOREPORT# 4ES 45-0~ Report OES 07-09 ot January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 4 north-south links connecting to Highway 401, a revised alignment called the Technically Preferred Route was presented to the-public at Public Information Center #4 meetings in June 2008. 1.2 A Federal Environmental Assessment of Highway 407 is also underway. In conjunction with the provincial environmental assessment, a federal environmental assessment is also being carried out by the 407 EA Project Team to address federal issues which include impacts on fisheries and on federal lands. Staffs understanding is that once the Federal EA is completed, it will be submitted directly to Environment Canada. 1.3 The Preliminary Design includes details for proposed highway facilities and for road crossings. At a meeting in April 2008, the 407 EA Project Team advised City staff about proposed treatments of road crossings and facilities in Pickering for the easterly extension of Highway 407, as follows: (a) Proposed Permanent Road Closures • Existing Brock Road • Sideline 14 Paddock Road • Sideline 4 • . Kinsale Road City staff strongly opposed permanent closure of all of the roads/crossings with cul-de-sacs (with the exception of Brock Road). Staff argued the importance of maintaining the current level of permeability in a north-south direction to reduce bottlenecks, provide choice, ensure continuous access to adjacent properties, as well as to facilitative maintenance operations and effective emergency services for existing residents. Staff advised the 407 EA Project Team that the City's Official Plan designated crossings on all north-south roads intersecting Highway 407. Staff further advised the 407 EA Project Team that these roads will need to serve the future urban growth area in north-east Pickering identified in Schedule 'F' of the Durham Regional Official Plan (Consolidation) dated: June 5, 2008. Staff anticipates these lands to be designated as urban as a result of the Region of Durham and City of Pickering future implementation of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. CORP0227-07101 revised ATTACHMENT# 3_ TOREPORT# OCE _ ot~._ 159 Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 5 (b) Interchanges within Pickering . Full interchanges were proposed at the following locations: • Realigned Brock Road (to by-pass Brougham) • Westney Road • Salem Road Lake Ridge Road at Highway 407 (partial interchange) The Highway 407/WestneY Road interchange will limit the options for the alignment of the Westney Road by-pass of the Hamlet of Greenwood, for which an Environmental Assessment will be commenced shortly by the Region of Durham. In addition to the proposed road crossings at interchanges, re-aligned Highway 7 was identified as a crossing road. (c) Proposed Transitway Corridor and Transitway Facilities A 60 metre wide transit-way corridor is proposed on the south side of the proposed easterly extension of Highway 407 and on the west side of both the west and the east Durham freeway links with transitway stations at a majority of the interchanges (See Attachment #2). The following interchanges in Pickering are proposed to have transitway stations: • Realigned Brock Road Westney Road • Salem Road; and • Lake Ridge Road (d) Proposed Highway Facilities A large highway maintenance facility is proposed in the north-east quadrant of the proposed Salem Road interchange. City staff commented that in the Growing Durham Study (September 2008) Salem Road is identified as growth corridor for high density residential, office and employment development. Whereas the location of a transitway station would serve workers and residents transportation needs at Salem Road, a large highway maintenance facility would create a barrier to a continuous high density growth corridor on Salem Road. CORP0227-07/01 revised 16 0 ATTACHMENTS TOREPORT# QES 4S-01 Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East -Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 6 A vehicle inspection facility is proposed on the east bound lanes of Highway 407, east of Sideline 4. 2.0 Preliminary Design revised based on City Staff's Input/Comments As a result of discussions/meetings with City staff between April 2008 and September 2008, the 407 EA Project Team revised the preliminary design for some elements of Highway 407 in Pickering. City staff requested sidewalks.and on-road dedicated bicycle lanes be designed and constructed on both sides of the roadways for all proposed bridge crossings. Following the 407 EA Project Team presentation to Planning & Development Committee on October 6, 2,008, Pickering Councillors reinforced the City's vision of sidewalks and on-road dedicated bicycle lanes on all proposed bridge crossings. Staff also requested that sufficient right-of-way be acquired to accommodate the sidewalks and on-road dedicated bicycle lane facilities and requested that platforms for sidewalks be constructed (including land, grading and bridge work). The revised preliminary design presented by the 407 EA Project Team to City staff at a further meeting in October included the following changes: (a) Interchanges within Pickering • Interchange for Lake Ridge Road upgraded to a full-interchange; (b) Permanent Road Closures: • Kinsale Road and Sideline 14 removed from the road closure list; (c) Proposed Bridge Crossings & Treatments: PROPOSED TREATMENTS BRIDGE CROSSINGS Realigned Brock New interchange proposed with sidewalks (both Road sides and a bicycle lane one side Highway 7 Proposed to ass under the Highway 407 Sideline 16. To be realigned with no sidewalks or bike lanes Sideline 14 Proposed to pass over Highway 407 with no sidewalks and no bike lanes CORP0227-07101 revised ATTACHMENT # 3 TOREPORT# oES 45-01 --2of!~-- 1 61 Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 7 PROPOSED TREATMENTS BRIDGE CROSSINGS Westney Road A new interchange is proposed at Westney Road with no bike lanes but is now proposed to be constructed with potential for sidewalks to be added later at City cost Salem Road A new interchange is proposed to pass over Highway 407 with no bike lanes but is now proposed with potential for sidewalks to be added later at City cost Kinsale Road Proposed to pass over Highway 407 to realign to. the east of its current location with no bike lanes but is now potentially proposed for sidewalks to be added later at City cost Lake Ridge Road Proposed to pass over Highway 407 with a proposed full interchange with no sidewalks or bike lanes (d) Highway Facilities: • Change from south side to the north side is proposed in locating a highway maintenance facility at the Salem Road interchange. 3.0 Discussion And Comments on the Highway 407 .East Environmental Assessment 3.1 The Technically Preferred Route is supported. The TPR proposed by the 407 EA Project Team through north-east Pickering proposes an alignment similar to the one shown in the Pickering Official Plan and the Durham Region Official Plan. The proposed route has an interchange with the approved Brock Road realignment (to by-pass the Hamlet of Brougham), proceeds eastwards to the north of Highway #7 with interchanges at Westney and Salem Roads and passes north of the Hamlet of Kinsale before it proceeds to the interchange at Lakeridge Road where it splits into the easterly Mainline and the West Durham freeway link to connect to Highway 401. Staff supports the Technically Preferred Route and recommends that Council also support it. CORP0227-07/01 revised 1 6 2 ATTACH MENT# 3 TOREPORT# Q GS 45.0 of Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design.(September 2008) Page 8 j ; 3.2 Revisions are recommended to the Proposed Road Crossing Treatments During earlier stages of the Environmental Assessment, the EA Project Team proposed no sidewalk or bicycle lane accommodation for the underpasses or bridges proposed to cross Highway 407 in Pickering. Now that the EA has advanced to the preliminary design phase, the 407 EA Project Team are still proposing only a very limited accommodation. City staff's understanding is that a bicycle lane crossing with `potential' (as proposed by 407 EA Project Team) for a sidewalk on a bridge or underpass means there is sufficient right-of-way and is designed and constructed to accommodate the width of a sidewalk on each side at a later date and at no initial cost to the City of Pickering. Construction of wider underpasses or bridges during initial construction is estimated to be significantly cheaper than as later additions at City's cost. While construction with the 'potential' add sidewalks in the future is an improvement, bike lanes and sidewalks should be constructed at the time that Highway 407 is first constructed. Sidewalks and bike lanes should be provided on both sides of the road to. encourage active transportation on all major roads in new communities to support complete communities, foster healthier lifestyles and reduce demand for vehicular trips (improve the modal split). The Pickering Official Plan calls for a transportation system designed to offer a range of travel choices balancing the need to accommodate automobiles with pedestrians and cyclist safety and convenience. It not only requests assistance from the Province to correct the barrier effect of Highway 401 but also requests that the barrier effect of. Highway 407 be minimized by providing appropriate vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian crossings at all existing north-south roads in Pickering. The existing north-south roads will be needed to serve the future urban growth area in north-east Pickering currently identified in the "Durham Regional Official Plan. The Region of Durham is in the process of completing the Growing Durham Study and will adopt an Official Plan amendment by June 2009 to implement the Growth Plan. At that time, in order to implement the .Province's- imposed population and employment targets, it is anticipated that most of north-east Pickering will be designated as an urban area for development before 2031. The new urban area will include high intensity growth nodes and corridors. The City of Pickering will subsequently follow suit with more detailed policies. The Region of Durham Transportation Master Plan includes a Transportation Demand Management Policy to reduce single occupant vehicle dependency by promoting alternative transportation modes such as cycling and walking. CORP0227-07/01 revised ATTACHMENT# 3 TOREPORT# arS Ns~oq 1 63 of ! 1._ Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway.407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 9 The Environmental Assessment for Highway 407 should conform to the official plans and policies of the municipalities that it runs through. The Province's Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe provides direction to municipalities for the design of new urban areas required. to accommodate population and employment targets. Growth is to be managed by reducing automobile dependency and increasing modal share of walking and cycling with safe and comfortable travel through linkages between intensification areas, adjacent neighborhoods and transit stations including dedicated bicycle lanes on the major street network. Since these new communities are mandated by the Growth Plan to foster active transportation as part of the policies, the Province should not build a significant new Highway in a manner that would frustrate that objective. The. Metrolinx Transportation Plan proposes more precise and aggressive policies and a series of strategic directions for municipalities to translate the mandated policies of the Growth Plan into actions and programs, with the matter of active transportation facilities on roads a major theme. The City of Pickering or the Region of Durham should not be burdened with any greater costs of creating the active transportation facilities necessary on Province's infrastructure. Since the Highway 407 East Extension is a major .Provincial infrastructure in an area recommended for urban development to implement a Provincial Plan, and since that Provincial Plan requires safe and convenient pedestrian and cyclist facilities, the construction of the pedestrian sidewalks and on-road dedicated bicycle lanes on all the proposed crossings should be integral part of the Provincial investment in communities. As a minimum, the bridges should be built with a wide platform at the Province's cost to permit future installation of sidewalks when new communities are built on the abutting lands at a municipal cost. By contrast, all three-proposed road crossings of the Highway 407 West Durham freeway link in the Town of Whitby (Taunton, Rossland and Kingston Roads) are proposed to have sidewalks constructed on both sides and a bike lane on one side. The lands abutting the West Durham link in Whitby are proposed to be designated as urban area for development before 2031 in the Growing Durham Growth Plan, conformity exercise as are the lands north and south of the proposed Highway 407 Mainline in north-east Pickering. Lower standards should not be proposed for the road crossings in Pickering on the mainline. CORP0227-07/01 revised 1 6 4 ATTACHMENT#-3 TOREPORT# OES 4S-0y Io of I Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route i & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 10 The City of Pickering would be disappointed if the Province's most significant infrastructure project in Durham Region in this generation (Highway 407) did not support similar Provincial policy directions. Staff is accordingly recommending that City Council request the Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment Project Team to revise the preliminary design for the Highway 407 road crossings and facilities in Pickering to: • design and construction of raised sidewalks (including sufficient right-of-way and the inclusion of platforms with 1.8 metre minimum width) on both sides of the roadways for all 407 East road crossings in Pickering; • design and construction of dedicated 1.5 metre-wide bicycle lanes on each side of the outer lanes on both sides of the roadways for all 407 East road crossings in Pickering, maintaining the proposed pavement width of 3.5 metres for each vehicle lane; and, ` • lighting of appropriate quality, intensity and design. 3.3 Pickering requires sufficient land for cul-de-sacs to terminate the roads to be closed. Existing Brock Road, Paddock Road and Sideline 4 are proposed to be permanently closed with cul-de-sacs constructed north and south of Highway 407. Existing Brock Road is being replaced by a realigned Brock Road, Paddock Road is located in the greenbelt and has less potential to serve future demand in future urban growth areas and Sideline 4 due to of the location of the vehicle inspection station which would require an unusual long bridge and/or underpass. Accordingly, Staff agree these roads are the best candidates for closure, if any are necessary. In order to provide appropriate turning circles for Pickering maintenance, emergency and other vehicles, it is recommended that Council request the MTO acquire and transfer to City of Pickering a sufficient land for 18 metre radius cul- de-sacs for each road that is proposed to be closed. 14 Environmental Impact and Conflicts with Property Owners Should Be Minimized Environmental impacts on properties surrounding the proposed Highway and on streams, valleys and other sensitive natural features should be minimized by careful design and construction of Highway 407. In addition, design and property CORP0227-07/01 revised ATTACHMENT# 3 TOREPORT# OCS 45-0 6 5 ___LL of 12 1 Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 11 acquisitions should be implemented to minimize and/or mitigate impacts on affected property- owners. It is recommended that Council request that environmental impact on surrounding properties within the study area be minimized and that amicable resolutions be sought with affected property owners. 3.5 The Location of the.Highway Maintenance Facility Should Be Changed - A highway maintenance facility is proposed to be located in the north-east quadrant south of the Salem Road Highway 407 interchange. Staff commented that, in the Growing Durham Study, Salem Road is identified as a Local Growth Corridor for high density residential, office and employment development' The location of a transitway station proposed for the south-west quadrant would serve workers and residents transportation needs at Salem Road. However a large highway maintenance facility would create a barrier to a continuous high density growth corridor on Salem Road without supporting the growth corridor. Staff recommends that Council request that the 407 EA Team consider a better location for the highway maintenance facility that does not conflict with potential urban development plans for these lands. Attachments: 1. Technically Preferred Route prepared by MTO and their Consultants 2. Preliminary Design (Summary of Existing & Proposed Municipal Infrastructure) prepared by MTO and their Consultants for proposed bridge crossings 3. Proposed Sidewalk/Bike Lane Location Plan prepared by MTO and their Consultants indicating Potential Support Facilities CORP0227-07/01 revised 166 ATTACHMENT# _ _3 TOREPORT# QC- 46-01, Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East- Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 12 i .,Y"•. Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Kashif Shaikh, M.Eng. Everett B sma Coordinator, Transportation Engineering Director, Operations & Emergency Services "Oe Steve Gaunt, MCIP, PP N Carr I , RPP rincipal Planner - Policy Director, Planning & Development Ric rd W. H orn, P. Eng. D' ision Head, Municipal Property & Engineering RH:ks Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City ouncil s ~j Th J. Quin DMR, M III Chief Administr e Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised ATTACHMENT# 3 TOREPORUJO-t -OO 1 t3 . j .a w171 9 s .k: O J L W 5 . 1Y I z kr,r F4sk ~ , ~ t fit - ~Lfa4f=`t I V Qf Y~i{cl _ b, rr ' c3 ~ - F - F a 7 "7-11 P :ti to w.c p r ' ti ! k It-j i ~t u f13~1 t _ A - n t" w lkfrl( ~L 4b, .K ±kI r. ,t r i k, . fj~ 1F t. _ 1 1 J 4cal y • ATTACH MENT# TOREPORT# OES 45-09 q of a~ w a~~ E R w 3 ~ ° w°~ 3° a S P° m~ 4 S R a n ~ 5.';~; ~r m C. M g 5~~ ~ s.~ ~ ga TH g ~ I x 's n 3, - ' P oo 0 n B ffi~ S S fi~ ffi ffi~ S ffi S ffi~ S S SSag g~ffi g ~ s S 8 8 8 8 S~ Z ~ ffi a ~ a s' 's a" ffi s a "s a s" s ~ o as $s :'s: a $ g ~ 's s ~ ~ ~ ~ E g I ~8 O 8 8 8 8 8 8~ 8 8 B 8 8 8~ S 8~ S S ' 3 8. 8 ~ ~ ~ g 7 R s .j J o gc E 6~ 5 g ~ fi ~ g~ g g g I g g I 3 3~ k - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~fffff ~~f~~§ f~f f f~ ~f~$f I~ j g g ~ ~ S S p5, $Q 5g yG•q5 gc, ~ I ~ E' F s s i i i i{ a a F a i a i s a a z 3 G > > @ N o Z...I - O NI> ~ ~ > g ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ s N ~ & ~ ~ N ~ N g aIM I g~ ~ € € 8 i iF i n i C R W L k R r ` i f G a - - -MENT#t Tr.n~eno d8S +•kS:~ =of p n P g o 169 50; 12 g n 8 m C L G 4 p o 8 S Y 8°° Is p a» C~ €sff~ffflgfff gggffgf C V ¢ „ l a- m C , rS S ~ ~ ~ $ S ~ S Aa W s ~ ~ P ~ ~ ! g9 gz F n I ~ F °o d e 61 c y aa~ 55~ 5 S ~ 55 5°5 E~ 8 8 8 8 8 8 F S 8 S 8 8 ~ 8 S ~8 S =y 8 fF ~ S 8'~~ 8 8 8 S S S S S 8~ S g 8 S 3 6 3 S S 'g g' 8 S 8 S 8 8 8 S g g S g' 'g' 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 i 8 8 81 g 8 ~ 8~ S g. ~ ~ o ~ s g s ~ s ~ ~ s s $ s 8 ~ $ ~ s ss 's 's s ' s o s 81 is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !!"'~N SIP =aQ ~ O - N ffffffffiffffffffffffffff ff'ffffff~ffg I fff,I fffIffff.fffffffff i ff'ffff 'f~~Ni 3 ffgffffffffffffff:fgffff ff'ffff f!f.fiaf:f ~ ~ I F f:ffffffffffffffff~ffffff ff'ff:f f~ff(fff NI - I ~3 3 F F F F n~ s F s i F F E F F 3 ~ n F a~F F F€ a n > a a > a > a a a s > s, b $ € 3 ~ € a €v8 F 3 3 ~ i 's £ € r € > i € € ~ a ~ g € s 3 °a °s a s 6. € i F ii a € € i i€€ E a z a€$€ a € >f F i i; 8 i F D e Y 9 B £ f 5 6 f I F I 'Y 1 I ATTACH T # /G of A 170 I a ~ n y'S _ t's' fi Y @ x ~ L b Y. g, g U H n I g 3F' ~ E w~ .Y B ~ a ~ 9 u ~a 6 r m'~ "a e g ?7 Sa 5- g Npj 3 ~ 4 i I I ~ s ms ~ a I ~ - _ x e ~ F4 • ss~~ I I i~~ ~ 2 a ;RI MR - o x~ ~ d --f- s - E p o I~ a y$ s I - o n Y a 3~ a s. I ly ~ ~ R >Y I g - a ~ I I-#-- 10REPORT+f-5 9 r ° O T. I o V . - o, I a~ 00001 N se LA N__~..•.. r vovo m m m m r t» o c vi Z ~mDD 1 1 c m $m a r•' Z o~, ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT#QeS145-0h - - - -L3 l C - r _ m , \T71 zt u o of I ~9^ 0000` - _ z ff (A Ln Ln L p. z vmmm•-._- H I X X. X ;u v~ m~ 'DDDD a2 S 0000 c ~n rmOCz O m o A !2 n ~o W, W N z z -ni Z S G) to 2 \ ~ I 0 g $ \ o m ly 1 l $ m I-D I ATTACHMENT#-L- TOREPORT# OCS 4S-0 b! 53- o t fOREPORT# 4E5 07-o r9F~.7 y 1C? { Loi .1__._ 173 t C; r t i` w tI - }144 ~ ;fig r cl) x P1w 3 Nn { _ i~w t xW ? r ' C q t O ~Awq3 A, ? 15 cis l . ' yrs'~ Pr Y: ~c.` co V J 4a r - 47 - y~ e O Cl) CL p f~~ Co v~ 'r L) e. .1Aw M~MIfI - -f rn :2 = jr.,~~ tits p v ;o c ~ 05 Fn 05 a. ~4~" 0 0 ATTACH MENT#t T O REPORT# 7A of 5 tf r of Omp 41 I PI. Cl n 'A L l A .N . rAe 7- kill Ffee ['616k.6 I"i's E)t y'~ ~ ~ NG c w Er L# trim :s. '-J'A I I'M V.1' G, ENCY SERVICES Dl- NT 1 i'iti i}''al I'rs } ear it ,ir~4terirt;t, Division august 4, 2009 (REVISED) Dan Rernollino, P.Eng, Project Manager 407 East Environmental Assessment Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) Planning & Environmental Office T' Floor, Building 'D' 1201 'Filson Avenue. Downsview, ON MOM 1J8 Subject: 407 East Individual Environmental Assessment (lEA) and Preliminary Design Study. Staff Comments on the presentation to Pickering Joint ExecutivelPlanning & Development Committee Meeting on July 6, 2009 File: D-7460 Thank you for attending the July 6, 2';)00 Joint Executive/Planning & Development Committee Meeting and updating n,F~;,-gibers of Council on the Draft Environmental Assessment Report for the. 407 East Individual Environmental Assessment (lEA) and Preliminary Design Study- Although. Council has indicated that it s,_ipporks the proposed Highway 407 East Technically Preferred Route (TPR) for the easterly extension of Highway 407, including transitway corridor/facilities and the two north-south links connecting to Highway 401, individual members of Council expressed a number of concerns abort certain aspects proposed by the Draft 407 East EA at the Joint Committee meeting. Revised as shown in {tafacs on Page No A U I ATTACHMENT# - TO REPORT# b~ S 45- y of 5 407 East individual Environmental Assessment (IEA) August 4, 2009 1 75 and Preliminary Design Study Page 2 Proposed Interchange at Westney Road At several earlier meetings with the 407 EA Project Team, City staff requested that the location and/or orientation of the proposed interchange at Westney Road remain flexible to accommodate the location of the proposed Greenwood By-Pass of Westney Road that would be determined by a Region of Durham Environmental Assessment. Although Council adopted the staff recommendation to endorse the technically preferred route in January, 2009, the concern about its impact on the Greenwood by--pass of Westney Road remained. The location for the Westneyd407 interchange shown on the technically preferred route for Highway 407, caused the Region of Durham to shift the alignment of the Greenwood By-pass of'1 estney Read from the alignment shown in the City of Pickering and Region of Durham official plans to a location much closer to a number of residences in the Greenwood community, with anticipated negative impacts. The new alignment is reflected in the study area selected by the Region of Durham for the BA for the by-pass. The Region of Durham EA for the Greenwood by-pass is currently underway with completion expected late in 2009. At the July 6th joint committee meeting, a member of Council requested that the proposed interchange at Westney Road proposed in the Draft Environmental Assessment Report for the 407 be relocated farther east to accommodate a more easterlyGreenwood By-pass, among other matters. Another member of Council suggested as an alternative that the alignment of the interchange remain at the location shown in the Draft 407 EA and be reoriented to angle the interchange to accommodate a more easterly location for the Greenwood By- Pass, This would lessen the impact on properties located on the east side of Westney Road, south of the Sixth Concession Road. Such a reorientation would be similar to the orientation proposed for the 407/Brock Road By-pass interchange. At this time, the City requests that the 407 East F-A be amended to retain flexibility to re- orient the angle of the 407NVestney Road interchange to accommodate a more easterly alignment for the Greenwood by-:pass, should the region's EA for the Greenwood by- pass support such an alignment: Cultural Heritage City officials recently became r~tir~ e, that the Ministry had commissioned the "Heritage Assessment of 3805 Salem Roar;" conducted by Archaeologix Inc, in 2003, which contained strong recommendasio;is to protect the Rogers Homestead. Despite the strong recornmendation on page 15 of the Heritage Assessment, the technically preferred route for Highway 407 would displace the homestead buildings, Other recommendations, less preferred by the heritage Assessment, include moving all ATTACHMENT#_ TOREPORT# 2C ~5"Vy 176 of 407 East Individual Environmental Assessment (IEA) August 4, 2009 and Preliminary Design Study Page 3 the buildings together, perhaps to a museum, move individual buildings 'separately, or, if demolitions are necessary, to salvage an extensive list of materials from the four buildings. At the July 6`r" meeting, suggestions were made by Councillors to change the proposed alignment of Highway 407 to preserve the Rogers Homestead or to move the interchange further east to avoid disruption to the cluster of buildings on the Rogers property or relocate the buildings at IVITO':s cost. At this time, City staff request that if MTO is considering moving the subject buildings to another more suitable location, input be obtained from City Officials. It is also requested that INTO continue to retain tenants, if possible, in order to ensure continued maintenance of the buildings, until such time as final decisions about the disposition of this heritage resource are reached. City staff intends to consult with our municipal heritage committee regarding all of the seven cultural heritage residences or farmsteads identJied for displacement in the Draft r Environmental Assessment Report. Therefore, staff request that MTO withhold final decisions regarding their disposition unt.l this consultation occurs. It is anticipated that the results of the consultation will be r :fiect ,~d in a report that staff is preparing for Council consideration early in SeptembA_~r for submission to the Minister of the Environment, Further, it is requested' that MTO officials discuss alternative strategies for all seven cultural heritage residences or farmsteads to be disrlic c ed by the 407 with City staff before final decisions on their disposition are reached. Cost Sharing on Concrete Sidewalks & Bicycle Hanes At the joint committee meeting, members of Council raised concerns abort the provision and cast sharing for sideways and bicycle lanes on the proposed interchanges and bridge crossings, The City of Pickering should not be burdened with any casts of creating active transportation facilities on the Province's infrastructure. Members of Council were disappointed that the Province's most significant infrastructure project in Durham: Region is not supporting Provincial Policies such as the Ontario.Accessibility Act, the Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the tvtetrolinx Transportation Plan. A member of Council also questioned whether the proposed sidewalk provisions proposed for Highway 407 meet the requirements of the Ontario Accessibility Act. As previously outlined in Report OES 7.00, endorsed by Council on January 12, 2009, the Highway 407 easterly extension is a major piece of Provincial infrastructure in an area recornmended for urban development to implement the Provincial. Growth Plan.. The Growth Plan rewires safe and convenient pedestrian and cyclist facilities. The construction of pedestrian sidewalks and on-road dedicated bicycle lanes on all the ATTACHMENT#--J-- TOREPORT# 6ES 4sv0y 4 _ of 177 407 East Individual Environmental Assessment (IEA,) August 4, *2009 and Preliminary Design Study a Page 4 proposed crossings should be an integral part of the Provincial investment in communities. In Report OES 07-09, the City requested that MTO, design and construct raised sidewalks (including sufficient right-of- way and the inclusion of platforms with 1.8 metre minimum width) on both sides of all 407 East road crossings in Pickering; and design and construct dedicated 1,5 metre-wide bicycle lanes on each side of the outer lanes on both sides for all 407 East road crossings in Pickering, maintaining the proposed pavement width of 3,5 metres for each vehicle lane. At the joint Planning & Develo ment/Executive committee meeting, you clarified that MTO's proposals for sidewalk and bike lane facilities are to: construct 1,5 metre dedicated bikes lanes for the Brock Road and Lakeridge Road interchanges only, and 1.5 rnetre sidewalks at Brock, Lakeridge, tllestney and Salem interchanges and the Kinsale/Audley bridge crossing at MTO expense; and that, sufficient land would be acquired and brid'gelinterchange design would include potential for widening to accommodate bike lanes, sidewalks and sidewalk widening to 1.8 metres on a cost-shared basis with the municipalities, At the presentation, you indicated that an internal revie of IVITO policy for provision of active transportation facilities on Provincial highway projects was underway and also that you would review the requirements of the Ontario Accessibility Act as it may apply. The City of Pickering ;wishes to reiterate its request for 1.5 metre dedicated bile lanes and 1.8 metre sidewalks to be designed and constructed at all interchanges and bridge crossings of Highway 407 proposed in Pickering at MTO expense. Tolling on Highway 407 Easterly Extension and the North/South Links Also, at the joint committee meeting, members of Council indicated opposition to the Government's decision to toll the easterly extension of Highway 407, on the basis that there is a significantly smaller number, of roads entering and exiting Durham Regioh compared to the number of roads entering and exiting the Western GTA from the Central GTA, many of which were provincially funded and currently have no tolls. However, although the decision on tolling is beyond the scope of the 407 Project Team, several members of Council noted the revenue stream from tells could pay for the sidewalks and bike lames, without requiring municipal cost-sharing. ATTACHMENT# J 1'0 REPORT# DES U 5"01 Of 178 407 East Individual Environmental Assessment (IEA) August 4, 2009 and Preliminary Design Study Page 5 I trust that these concerns vvill be recognized and reflected in amendments to the individual environmental assessment submitted to the Minister of the. Environment and look forvrard to continued dialogue as this important project moves forward, Yours truly Richard , Holborn, ',Eng. Division Head, Municipal Propert,/ Engirieering IR H: €cs Copy: Director Transportation & F'iel'd Services, Legion of Durham Project Consultant (Brenda ,Jamieson, AECOM) Chief Ad I i-ninistrativeOfficer (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer Director Operations & Emergency Services Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works Director, Planning & Development Manager, Policy Principal Planner Polly (Steve Gaunt) Coordinator; Transportation Engineering AT TACHMENT# . TO REPORT# oe 55 4!S-D of _ 3-- 1 79 Nfinistry of'Fransportation Mir'-S*iti des Transports , RallniNl' and Envtrcrrnerztai ffi`c Bv a_av Cprtriile-gion i Cf':€r r3 71rn; i I'd Po Bldg. •O- nt ;ics (rq certr:; 3' eta, i , iii, !2 0t vJii r , Avenue rJLiii9v'tf1§' dJP7 'v13N,11v 120s.7 ? vu`;,• f r t`eh. Fax.: 41 T&ec_: 41,63-235,3446 f 3 fSti% ~%e'( March 7, 20010 The Corporation of the City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON r 7,. 775 L1 `J 6it7 Q 11, 4 J V l To: Debi Wif coX I ~~T~ ~eJ*r Lk_ City Cler:.k'~~~ ,w~...,..~. RE: 407 East Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments can Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design Ministry of Transportations Responses Your File No..: A-14401 Thank you for your January 215`, 20100 correspondence with accompanying Report OES 037-09 containing the City of Pickering's comments regarding the Highway 407 East EA. The Ministry responses to the recommendations contained in the Report are provided below in italics. 2. That. Codncil support the Highway 407 East. Technically Preferred Route for file easterly extension of Highway 407, including transitway corridor/facilities and the two north-south links convecting to Highway 401: T~ortk you for your sup1,,)orr of the 407 East Tr-arisporlatlvrj Corridor, The City's support for th.e Technically Preferred Route has been documented. 3. That the Highway 407 East Project Teams review the preliminary design for the proposed bridge crossings over Highway 407 within Pickering to include: a raised sidewalks (including sufficient right-of-way and the inclusion of platforms with 1.8 metre minimurn width) on bath sides of -the roadways for all 4017 East bridge crossings in Pickering; b, dedicated 1.5 metre-wide 7icycle lanes on the ou,er lar,es on both sides of the roadways for all 407 Ea i . :ir.a crossings in Pickering ; while maintaining the proposed pavement wide -.cif 3.5 metres for ea--h vehicle lane: and c) lighting of appropriate quality, intensity and standards. ATTACNMENT# s- TOREPORT# OE TS 49`o 1 ~ 80 of 2 The proposed approacl, for the treatment of s r'ewa ks end bike lanes at structure locations took into consideration the Grow,,,, d `era, Growing Durham, existing Official Plans, existing cycling plans, current infras r ucture and existing MTO policies, practices, procedures and guidelines. Throogh the Pickering area, the Recommended Design includes.- side, alks and bike lanes can the Brock Road and Lake Midge Road structures and sidewalks on the Wesrney Road, Salem Road and Kinsale Road- structures, with cyclist movements accommodated within a 1.5 m shoulder area. At the Sideline 14 structure, the shoulder area will accommodate pedestrian and cyclist moverrrents. With respect to sidewalk and bike lone widths, the Recommended Design allows for a 1.5 m sidewalk on both sides of the structure. Oppoilunities to increase the sidewalk width to 1.8 m can be reviewed during subsequent design phase. For structures with dedicated bike lanes, a bike lane width of 2.5 rra will be provided on bath sides of the structure in accordance with brlc'dge defiigrr standards. Lighting of appropriate quality, intensity and standards will be provided where applicable. 4. That the Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) acquflre and transfer to the City of Pickering sufficient land' for 18 metre-radius cut-cue-saes for the candidate roads for oermanent closure (existing Brock Road, Paddock-Road and Sideline 4), and any other lands required aor municipal rights of way: MTO will acquire and transfer sufficient land to the City for 18 m radius cut-de-sacs at the proposed road closure locations as well as other lands required for municipal rights of way associated theirn:uok.ipal road crossings and realignments. 6. That the environmental impact on surrounding properties within the study corridor be Minimized and mitigated with adequate measures as well as that amicable resolutions be sought with affected property owners-, The environmental effects associated with the undertaking have been assessed, with rniticdation and compensation measure s/strategies dovelopecd where appropriate. In addition., the Community Value Plan identified enhanced mitigation measures which will be OCILrded as ccanrr;ait nrents daa the EA Reiaort. The Ministry will endeavour to continue to seek amicable resolutions with affected property' owners regarding potential environmental effects and property acquisition requirements, 6. That Council request the 40 A Team to consider a better location for the highway maintenance facility that' does not conflict with potential urOan development plans for these lands: While consideration was being given to situating the highway maintenance facility In the northeast quadrant of the Salem, Roan Interchange, the recommended location for the laiclhv,lay maintenance facility is the southeast quadrant of the Salem Road Interchange as presented on the playas presented at PIC #5. It is our understanding ATTACHMENT4_ t~REPORT __.!2_eS 45'"~ I 3 at 3 1~1 that this addresses the concerns raised by City stoff regarding conflicts with ,ootentiai urban developm nt,plans for the lands north of the proposed 407: corridor. I trust the foregoing responses are helpful and clarify t` -o Ministry's position. Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to c_ ttsrt rne. We look fom/ard to your continued support and cooperation on this irnpoilant ini;:ative. Sincerely, Chan Rernoilino, P.Encg. Project Manager 407 East Environmental Assessment -Tel. 416-255-'5516 CC" Tires Sorochinsky (URS) D. Allingham (AECOM) B, Jamieson (AECOM) D. Proudloot (:MTV}) S. Wrey (MTCt 82 G\~.>9~v1~'tR~r3_ t0 :4"r 64.SB;~_,QCS 45-01 Ai Ai- 82 T I I ~ i n ~ y, 1 ri ~7 6• , ! f cr top ! i 4 CD a _ 37 Ono - ~ ~ dp r ell, t Aid _ f } irl REPOR 1 3 OWNSHIP OF UXBRIDGE d N C p n °n r m a m & WW N Z Z 2 W Z p 6 - lidz A N W W d N = Z h 7 W N ' ` m N = N N / O W Z W Z W Z W O • O G O W N O N N Z m EIGHTH CO CESSION ROAD EIGHTH ONCES N ROAD 3 Z N a W J O Y WO N N m h N Z W ~ W N z O O / W 2 m Z w ? O 4 ZZj l O W / O VI W e ; O _ VO-1 W / m O RO VO-1 ION RO m S n D46 , G m W 0 i p / W K n D40- z W N O Y O ri~p7,+M, ` YFx•?k:". 1 W W IO m cY W O ''y93Y1 ] r d' :I L3 G Z N W m W D Y. LL ' • N KIN O G HIGH WA m _ff I IXTH C G^^.OG ' • 1tyGTC~.I~. •p'~~ F G i F REST o O . . . ON o A ..D m O z . ' w 3 o ♦ N .Np.....: ••..m.• • TOWN OF AJ o~D48 m W m I 38 D 8 W SCHEDULE IITO THE O m z PICIMRING FGW O - • OFFICIAL PLAN O FO { TRAIL 39 EDITION 5 POP • PIN TAUNTON HEIGHT / w TRA L TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM n t♦ I R~' THIq - EMSTING FUTURE D FREEWAYS O m W TYPE A ARTERIAL ROADS / 7 TYPE B ARTERIAL ROADS . ~ F TYPE C ARTERIAL ROADS COLLECTOR ROADS - - LOCAL ROADS I9 FREEWAY INTERCHANGES i' O 40~ UNDERPASSES/OVERPASSES v RAILWAYS .g GO RAIL - O GO STATIONS Lrj • TRANSIT SPINES 1 nr TRANSIT FEEDER SERVICE ~.a Y4D1~e DEFERRALS w.r wwn m~w~ ~eC ~ wn TOREPORT# _i ~rrrLY ~ar ~ itI ;e r g J►kk", l F--.. ..,,.~.tiu . u rte.. kt ilk 'Q ri ~t 1 ~ ~ _ r t , T ~ ~ L. ' 7•~r..^ y C._ .7 Nom. 't[C C t f1 ► l .~'1 3%u& wo 411 E 511 a W • s"`` f j - 5 r LU, w yr w ♦ ` } z .7 Q r _ a w w / 's ATTACH MENT# y TOREPORT# OC-S ~S~U~ NE; s3-tstry of Transportation r~ cSt~r{? cis Ti ~rns~ort~, Ontario Planrjny~ and Endironrres7". f ~JrfsC C. vr= z cif .a ~i e4 de jj Cf"raral Region 3rd Floor, Bldra `o' Region du Ce 1, 18 5 I F 9? Wilson 4kt nje ddi t,,r i;} Dow, rrsvewa, ON MA4 'U8 ?231, avenue Wkon Tf-I. 415,235-5485 Dovmsview. ON MiM 1J8 F px.: 4i:8-235-3446 i 41 235.5485 August 26, 2009 r t t,t: Mr. Richard W. Holborn, P_Eng. Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON LIV 6K7 Dear Mr. Holborn.. Re; 407 East Environmental Assessment (EA) Draft Environmental Assessment Report Thank you for-your letters of July 20 and August 4, 2009 regarding the 407 East Environmental Assessment. We appreciate the comments and feedback you have provided on the Draft Environmental Assessment Report. The attached table provides responses to he issuer raised in your letters. In addition, a table has been posted on the hone page of the 417, East EA 'website (wwvvAQ eastea.com,, detailing all written comments received through the pre-submission process and the Project Team responses to these comments, The EA Report has been finalized for submission to the Minister of the Environment for approval, taking into consideration the comments received during the pre-submission process. The formal review period begins on Friday August 28, 2009. The EA Report will be available for review from August 28. 2:009 to October 16, 2009 at a number of review locations, including local municipal offices, select local libraries and MOE offices; and the AECOM' and MTO Project Offices. Please refer to the study website for further details regarding the review locations. . Please rote that all comments on the EA Report are to be submitted directly to the MOE Project Officer, Mr. Jeffrey lea. His contact Information is as follows.-. Mr. Jeffrey tea, Project Officer Ministry of the Environment Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch 2 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 82A Toronto, ON M4V 1L5 Tel, 416-314-7213 Fax: 416-314-8452 E-rTiail; .Jett .C e t z,;,ntzir<o.ca I ATTACHMENT# 9 TOREPORT# OLS 4S-0 a of 186 Should you have any questions or concerns, pleaso do not hesitate to contact me, We look forward to your continued cooperation or, this important initiative, ~i~~erely, Chan Remollino. P. Eng: Project Manager 407 East Environmenial. Assessment Enclosure ec: D.. Praudfoot (IVITO) 8, Jamieson (AECOM) ATTACHMENT# q - TOREPORT# QC-S 3 of~ 187 W x r _ z,2 e, x _ Y ~ ~ L' yj •r^ m .1 ~9 ~ ~ L fj t1 l'y +e C ~ I C> U Jl 4 u, C V ~ _3 ~ U J t% v` c w ."F tr ~ .`J r ~ C. s E CS "47 u k `z c C3. us - c u. m m+ a. c € i. G L..~ rv C.' fi CL 7 ~ 'c. 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JS w g;~ ro y V ..r n C' co JJ <j2'1' 'G 7 GJ G~i J R! v tEt ;r ,L a ! CY C } C N C r" .T R ) 1) '".t ~ _ m ~ a vi ~ 3 t,; I Q t) G., d> ~ u; J 5. ns ~ c' c 4 c ~ sn ✓ 'a ~ v CJ t, F. y, N ~ ~ q „2 c q .c to 3 a r b G 7 t~ J a) x; C1 y a v: = r v ~ ~ G rr c ~ c 'C7 ~ Ct c us cy K, 4U q . n ~ a: u; o u, c n n o u ° r c > E a i w a c, I 6 0 ~ O cr ~ v> '.i ~ 4 r . „ h ~ Y~ c cam. S G 1 ATTACHMENT#--9- TO REPORT# 6es 45-o y 188 of 4 3i G ~ ~ L to Fi - 4) ^a :J G Y A CV L' - 32 b r r LD G to r~ R C' G.. ~11 YS t '5 S" ~ nj C3 4 4 t- cy ^3 c =fix G v _ r c sn z Gil ✓I i!~ g S G J t 3 4 2", s . 4 C. N t r L' c o 0, C* sj i s c t,. ' O .,1 c J 4 [J r - s ' 74 a .a c> o'F a ( - C 4s if - C C'. 3 4 l" 4R - 4, 7 t X x_ C ,1, µF ,P G _ ..I 11 µ J. 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