HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 28-09 REPORT TO City 00 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1 1 KERI Report Number: PD 28-09 Date: October 5; 2009 87 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Request for Site Specific Exception to the Council Adopted Development Guidelines for the Rosebank Neighbourhood James Micklewright 447 Toynevale Road (Lot 1, Plan 389) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Report PD 28-09 respecting a request from James Micklewright for a site specific exception to the Council Adopted Development Guidelines for the Rosebank Neighbourhood for the subject property located at 447 Toynevale Road be received; 2. That should Council determine that there is merit in proceeding with consideration of the request for a site specific exception to the Development Guidelines for the Rosebank Neighbourhood, that the Planning & Development Department be authorized to give notice of the request to property owners within a 150 metre radius of the subject property, the neighbourhood Ratepayers Association and applicable external agencies impacted by the proposal, and to hold an Information Meeting at the December 7, 2009 Planning & Development Committee Meeting; and 3. Further, that the Planning & Development Department prepare a. Recommendation Report, following the public consultation process, for the Planning & Development Committee's consideration early in 2010. Executive Summary: The Planning & Development Department has received a request from James Micklewright, the owner of 447 Toynevale Road, located at the southeast corner of Toynevale Road and Oakwood Drive, (see Location Map - Attachment #1), for a site specific exception to the Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines for the subject property. The proposal is not associated with another development application requiring Council consideration. The owner is seeking approval from Council for a site specific exception prior to applying to the Durham Region Land Division Committee to sever the rear portion of his property to create a new building lot, and prior to applying to the Committee of Adjustment for relief from various zoning requirements. Planning Staff is seeking direction from Council to address the owner's request. Report PD 28-09 October 5, 2009 Subject: Request for Site Specific Exception to the Council Adopted g Development Guidelines for the Rosebank Neighbourhood Page 2 Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development Sustainability Implications: The proposed Development Guideline Amendment will provide the opportunity to create an additional lot from the subject lands, utilizing existing services. Background and Proposal Description: The Planning & Development'Department has received a request from James Micklewright, owner of 447 Toynevale Road, for a site specific exception to the Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines within Design Precinct No. 2 to permit the creation of an additional building lot from the property, having a depth of approximately 15 metres (see Location Map - Attachment #1 and Rosebank Neighbourhood Design Precinct Map - Attachment #2). The provisions of Rosebank Neighbourhood Guidelines applicable to these lands require new lots to provide a minimum lot depth ranging between approximately 30 to 36 metres. The subject property is a corner lot, located at the southeast corner of Toynevale Road and Oakwood Drive. The lot currently supports one detached residential dwelling, with a frontage of 15 metres on Toynevale Road, and a depth of approximately 61 metres along Oakwood Drive (see Location Map - Attachment #1 and Applicant's Submitted Current Site Plan - Attachment #3). The property is currently zoned `R4' by Zoning By-law 2511 which requires a minimum lot frontage of 15 metres and lot area of 450 square metres. The existing lot provides significantly greater depth than the minimum required by the Development Guidelines. The proposal is to create an additional lot from the surplus rear yard area, with a wide (30.48 metres) frontage on Oakwood Drive, but a shallow depth (15.24 metres). The new lot configuration would be similar to a corner flankage lot, but at an internal location (see Applicant's Proposed Plan - Attachment #4). Both the proposed severed and retained lots would comply with the R4 zoning with respect to lot area and frontage, but the new proposed lot fronting Oakwood could not be developed without variances from current zoning requirements (including but not necessarily limited to front yard and rear yard depth). Report PD 28-09 October,5, 2009 Subject: Request for Site Specific Exception to the Council Adopted Development Guidelines for the Rosebank Neighbourhood Page 3 89 Discussion: Requests of this nature are typically considered in conjunction with associated development applications (zoning by-law amendments/draft plans of subdivision). However, there are no associated Planning Act applications respecting this development proposal that will come before Council for consideration. Should this Development Guideline exception request be approved, the owner intends to apply to the Durham Region Land Division Committee for severance to create a new lot, and to the City's Committee of Adjustment to vary multiple zoning performance standards necessary to accommodate the proposed development. Staff are bringing this matter forward to the Planning & Development Committee as the requested exception is a significant deviation from the guidelines and thereby warrants Council's consideration. The applicant has requested Councils' opinion on this request prior to submitting other related applications. This is a unique, site specific proposal and reflects a development scenario that was likely not contemplated at the time the Development Guidelines were prepared. Consequently, prior to staff preparing comments on the request, we are seeking- Council's authorization to notify area residents of the request and seek comments on the matter. Should Council decide there is merit in considering an exception to the guidelines, we recommend that an Information Meeting be held for this site specific exception request at the December 7, 2009 Planning & Development Committee Meeting, and that a Recommendation Report be forwarded to Planning & Development Committee in early 2010. As a request for a site specific exception to the Development Guidelines is not an application under the Planning Act, Council's decision respecting the request is not appealable to the Ontario Municipal Board. However, if the applicant proceeds with this development proposal through severance application to the Durham Region Land Division Committee and variance application to the City Committee of Adjustment, these related applications will be appealable to the Ontario Municipal Board. It is through these associated applications that deviation from the Development Guidelines may be addressed by the Board. A letter submitted by the applicant outlining his proposal is attached to this report (see Attachment #5). Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Rosebank Neighbourhood Design Precinct Map 3. Applicant's Current Plan 4. Applicant's Proposed Plan 5. Applicant's Letter requesting Exemption to the Council Adopted Development Guidelines for the Rosebank Neighbourhood L Report PD 28-09 October 5, 2009 Subject: Request for Site Specific Exception to the Council Adopted go Development Guidelines for the Rosebank Neighbourhood Page 4 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: (Ashley Ye ood Neil Carroll MCP, RPP nner I Director, Planning & Development Lynda T ylor MCP, R P Manager, Development Review AY: LT: jf Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City C ci T J. Uin CM 4K hi f Admi e Of ficer 7 ATTACHMENT# L1---TO REPORT# PDT - 91 K\NOSS O a z r J W W LER-J z a U TOYNEVALE ROAD TOYNEVALE ROAD w BJEC R o W U U V) w C) ROSEBAN v PUBLIC z z SCHOOL A/2F o COURT w z MEMORIA o ui ~ w ocF DRIVE ~ J z _ z ° a o ° ° = w PTEI~- W J N Gp C) a O z a X090 :D MAITLAND DRIVE o O Z OO w > 0 Y O Q O O m COWAN C OG City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOT 1, PLAN 389 w OWNER J. MICKLEWRIGHT DATE SEPT. 8, 2009 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. N/A SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY AY N I Te ranet cEn terprises I- Intl its suppliers. All rights Reserved. NIl o plon of s,rvey. PN'1 2009 MPAC Intl R. suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not I plan of Survey. ATTACHMENT#-,2-TO REPORU PD. g' 0 9 2 Cctq o~ PICKE Rosebank Neighbourhood Section Al R(Isebank Neighbourhood DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES 9(<e STREET AG \NG5~0 / a 27 0 / DRIVE p O 9 p Z L DRIVE m 000 0 ROUGE L N VALLEY W 22 COURT O1 ~e CATEJ f O AU EDG ~GCf P Z r~i 2 LANE ~N Q BROOKRIDGE ~G O U li Ojn 4 Z GATE N pj SZ 3P i - EVELVN p Y F(^~, Q RpA AVENUE GRANITE C - OURT C HAMPTON G COURT OKLAHOMA 447 TI VALE A INGDON ~\~GZTO , gHprp CRT. -o R'l-t. / couRr p j STONEBRIDGE m rc ~ p LAYTON LANE Z > Z 38 p O R~ - W COURT } O O\ W IOj G DOWNLAND p D\ tt rc o 2P / CR i U Q K IR j ENGEL O U OReF OR~I.e W E O IQ ~P~ 2 O 3 k~Q`k, J O G AN O CALLAHAN > O O \21 > r jh T. STREE 1C pg p p W ROUGE op p Z (u 'EL~oG ° p Z W `p~ OST R/ W V m N UGE MAITLANp W N U \C T. F PE RO PARK DRIV p Z BRIAN VICTOR LA / > CRT RT O O -0, AREA u HOUSTON ROUGE C WAN p CIRCLE / PARK o i cXX / REEK _ o a /y ROAD AREA O IV KIMT N N / POD o CR U PETTICOAT CREEK o / CONSERVATION AREA NOMAp / \\v\1 ROA/ O v O ROOO AVENUE / ~O BELLA VISTA ZO LAKE ONTARIO / N LEGEND ®DESIGN PRECINCT No. 1 ®DESIGN PRECINCT No. 2 ®DESIGN PRECINCT No-3 ATTACHMENT#.3.-TO REPORT# PD._ INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S CURRENT PLAN 93 J. MICKLEWRIGHT TOYNEVALE RD. 15.2m j E E Lo in r r 15.2m -1~ EXISTING 1 DWELLING f t I*-- 1.3m w g > ¢ Y 1.3m 0 I O ? EXISTING E GARAGE r ~ ~ EXISTING `CHAIN LINK FENCE EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE 1 f 15.2m iV THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, SEPT. 11, 2009. ATTACHMENT REPORT# PD a d 9 94 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S PROPOSED PLAN J. MICKLEWRIGHT TOYNEVALE RD. PROPOSED DWELLING PLACEMENT 0 ' M l 1 w O ~ 1~ G } f ! PROPOSED DWELLING PLACEMENT #2 II ~ ~ !I OusoC>Uv,- vv 15.2m ~ I I ~ ~V THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, SEPT. 11, 2009. ATTACHMENT# s TO RECEIVED REPORT# PD 0 95 JUL 0 9 2009 July 9, 2009 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND To City of Pickering Building Department DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Attention to: Ashley Yearwood Address of interest: 447 Toynevale Road, Pickering, ON This proposal, put forth on this day is to ask for relief of Design Precinct Number 2 and allow for a lot depth of 15 meters, whereas the normal or regulatory guideline calls for a minimum lot depth of no less than 30 meters. My indication here is to request for a lot severance and propose a new frontage of approximately 18 ft that would face Oakwood Avenue. And furthermore to have a 5 ft rear clearance and a functional sideyard outdoor activity area of approximately 25 ft by 50 ft. I have attached a drawing of my intentions and interpretations on my proposal for future reference. If you have any questions you can reach me at (416) 568-0199. Sincerely, ~4es Micklewright