HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 25-09 REPORT TO TYC 's' EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE I ~KERI Report Number: CS 25-09 Date: September 14, 2009 06 From: Gil Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: City Policy - ADM 010 - Standards for City Policies & Procedures - File: A-1100 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 25-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That City Policy ADM 010 Standards for City Policies & Procedures be approved; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering give effect thereto. Executive Summary: City Policy ADM 010, which is the overall policy on the preparation, approval, distribution and maintenance of comprehensive policies and procedures originated on May 5, 1998. City Policy ADM 010 has now been revised to encompass many legislative and operational changes made within the City, which are in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act. Along with City Policies, there now exists City Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures to further communicate the City's operations in an open and transparent manner. The effective management of the City's operations must be guided by City policies and procedures. The systematic preparation and distribution of policies and procedures ensures that the City's decision-making process operates in a timely and consistent manner. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications with the approval of this policy. Sustainability Implications: The revision of this City Policy included streamlining the distribution of policies and procedures and reduced the need for various print copies. City Policies and Procedures are also now available on the City's Internet and Intranet, allowing users to access sustainable-friendly copies without unnecessary waste. I Report CS 25-09 September 14, 2009 Subject: ADM 010 Page 2 07 Background: A policy, procedure and standard operating procedure is an authorized written document specifying organizational goals and expectations that in a given set of conditions, guide and,determine decisions. These decisions are to facilitate the achievement of organizational standards, support organizational relations, provide for organizational planning and enhance consistency of the decision making process in the interpretation and application of policies, procedures and standard operating procedures. All staff should refer and adhere to policies and procedures for guidance in handling City matters and revisions and audits should be conducted on an annual basis to ensure manuals are current and accessible to all City staff and external stakeholders. Attachments: 1. ADM 010 - Standards for City Policies & Procedures Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Lisa Harker Debi A. Wilcox Coordinator, Records & Elections City Clerk q Gillis A. Pa erson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GP:lh Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit C uncil r~ o as J. Qua , RD , CMM III 01 Chief Administr tive Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised Attachment No. 1 Cry to Report CS 25-09 CITY POLICY PICKERING .Policy Title: STANDARDS FOR CITY POLICIES & PROCEDURES Policy Number: ADM 010 Reference: Date Originated: Date Revised: May 5, 1998 Municipal Act, 2001 May 2006 January 23, 2009 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact: Deputy Clerk Policy Objective The City of Pickering is committed to the systematic preparation, approval, distribution and maintenance of comprehensive policies, procedures and standard operating procedures, capable of supporting the daily decision-making process in all areas of operation in a timely and consistent manner. A policy, procedure and standard operating procedure is an authorized written document specifying organizational goals and expectations that in a given set of conditions, guide and determine decisions. These decisions are to facilitate the achievement of organizational standards, support organizational relations, provide for organizational planning and enhance consistency of the decision making process in the interpretation and application of policies, procedures and standard operating procedures. Index 01 Definitions 02 Roles and Responsibilities µ 03 General 04 Guidelines for Preparing City Policies, Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures 05 Hierarchy of Policy, Procedure and Standard Operating Procedure Development 06 Packaging of Policy Manuals 07 Policy and Procedure Numbering and Indexing 08 City Policy and Procedure Form Preparation 09 09 Standard Operating Procedure Form Preparation 10 Policy, Procedure and Standard Operation Procedure Approval Process 11 Policy and Procedure Ownership and Responsibility 12 Policy Filing Systems 13 Maintenance Procedures Appendix 1 Manual Distribution List Appendix 2 Transmittal Advice / Form Appendix 3 City Policy Template Appendix 4 City Procedure Template Appendix 5 Standard Operating Procedure Template Appendix 6 City Policy, City Procedure and Standard Operating Procedure Approval Process 01 Definitions 01.01 City Policy - A general statement of the City's intentions or objectives in various administrative matters that provides a consistent organizational approach in dealing with such matters. It is narrow enough to give clear guidance, but broad enough to provide for discretion. 01.02 City Procedure - Instruction to all City officials and employees on how to carry out the intent of the City. It states clearly and precisely what must be done, who is to do it, how it is to be done, and when it is to be done. A City Procedure is applicable for more than one department. 01.03 Standard Operating Procedure - Detailed instructions authorized by a Director and normally compiled into a Procedure manual, directed to employees in the department. It states clearly and precisely what must be done, who is to do it, how it is to be done, and when it is to be done (job specific). I 01.04 Policy Coordinator - The individual designated as responsible for the function of coordinating, maintaining and distributing City policies, procedures and standard operating procedures. 01.05 Policy Coordinating Committee - The designated staff members responsible for ensuring policies, procedures and standard operating procedures are developed, reviewed, distributed and revised according to established approved standards. Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 2 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 10 01.06 Policy Owner - The department responsible for origination and maintenance/revisions to the policy, procedure and standard operating procedure. Policy, procedure and standard operating procedure owners are identified in the Distribution List and maintained by the Policy Coordinator. 02 Roles and Responsibilities 02.01 Council to: a) actively support and adhere to City Policies and Procedures; and b) approve City Policies as required. 02.02 Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to: a) actively support and adhere to City Policies and Procedures; b) identify, determine and prioritize policy, procedure and standard operating procedure requirements for the City; c) recommend new policies and procedures to Council, or amendments to existing policies and procedures to Council for approval when required; d) review, amend or approve policies, procedures and standard operating procedures when required; e) determine requirements for policy and procedure orientation; f) review and approve distribution list for policy and procedure manuals; and g) review and approve distribution procedures for policy and procedure manuals. 02.03 Director to: a) actively support and adhere to City Policies and Procedures; b) direct and support the development/preparation of draft policies, procedures and standard operating procedures, when the need is recognized or when directed by the Chief Administrative Officer; Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 3 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 c) ensure appropriate reviews are carried out when revising or drafting policies, procedures and standard operating procedures specifically with: (i) All affected departments (ii) City Solicitor (when appropriate) (iii) Policy Coordinator d) incorporate recommendations of other areas,' if appropriate; e) review final draft policies, procedures and standard operating procedures created by the department or which affect the department; f) recommend approval of proposed policies, procedures and standard operating procedures to the Chief Administrative Officer or Council; g) present to the CAO Management Committee all policies and procedures relating to the department if required; h) initiate policy, procedure and standard operating procedure orientation as deemed necessary or when directed by the Chief Administrative Officer to City staff; and. i) annually review policies, procedures and standard operating procedures for which their department is responsible and prepare amendments when the need is recognized. 02.04 Policy Coordinator to: a) recommend and prioritize the development of policies, procedures and standard operating procedures to meet City requirements; b) recommend the policy, procedure and standard operating procedure distribution list to the Chief Administrative Officer for review and approval; c) ensure distribution list remains current; d) prepare distribution labels (name/department/date/transmittal number); Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 4 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 12 e) prepare transmittal advices for distribution (individual labels for each); f) maintain historical policy and procedure transmittal files (standard operating procedures do not require historical files); g) coordinate photocopying and distribution of policy, procedure and standard operating procedure manual revisions; h) ensure that all policies, procedures and standard operating procedures are kept current by assigning a policy, procedure and standard operating procedure `owner' to each document and following up with these individuals on a routine basis to ensure that documents are being updated; i) ensure that established guidelines are monitored and updated to meet current City requirements; j) advise appropriate staff of new policies, procedures and standard operating procedures, after they have been adopted or amended; k) provide assistance or advice to departments in the development, amendment or updating of policies, procedures and standard operating procedures; and 1) periodically review and conduct site audits to make sure manuals are current and accessible, advising the responsible department when revisions are required. 02.05 Policy Coordinatinq Committee: a) the Committee will consist of one representative from the offices of the Chief Administrative Officer, City Clerk, City Solicitor, Human Resources and one other department; b) the Committee will meet on an as required basis to coordinate the development and maintenance to ensure format compliance of all policies, procedures and standard operating procedures; c) the Committee will report to the Chief Administrative Officer , through its Chairperson, the Policy Coordinator; and d) the Committee will provide guidelines for packaging, indexing, labelling, distributing, numbering and other standards required Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 5 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 I 13 for the development and maintenance of these polices and procedures. 02.06 User Department to: a) actively support and adhere to City Policies and Procedures; b) ensure procedures and standard operating procedures are created for all job functions as required; c) ensure all policies, procedures and standard operating procedures are reviewed annually to keep current with job functions; d) ensure that policy, procedure and standard operating procedure manual updates are incorporated into their manuals; and e) ensure that the policy, procedure and standard operating procedure manuals are accessible to all staff in their associated work areas. 03 General 03.01 Policies, procedures and standard operating procedures shall be researched and drafted by the department that will be responsible for the administration and interpretation of the policy, procedure or standard operating procedure. In some instances, cross- departmental committees may be established for policies and procedures. 03.02 A policy, procedure or standard operating procedure should receive management input from all involved employee groups prior to approval. 03.03 It is the responsibility of the City Clerk to forward approved policies and procedures to the Policy Coordinator for word processing and distribution. 03.04 All staff should refer to the policy, procedure and standard operating procedure manuals for guidance in handling a variety of matters. Only when clear directions do not exist in the manuals, should departments seek guidance elsewhere. 03.05 All Directors and Division Heads are responsible for monitoring adherence to policies, procedures and standard operating. Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 6 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 ~4 procedures and should remedy any deviations or difficulties as they occur. 03.06 Policies, procedures and standard operating procedures are set as follows: a) Council will approve broad policies; b) the Chief Administrative Officer will approve policies and procedures pursuant to the Chief Administrative Officer's By- law and the limits of authority of his/her office; c) procedures in support of, policies and procedures may be prepared by departments, Task Forces and Committees for review and approval; and d) standard operating procedures are written specifically by individual departments for that particular department and job function or task and are approved by the Department and Chief Administrative Officer. 03.07 The following is a breakdown of the various sections.of the policy, procedure and standard operating procedure manuals and what they contain: a) Administrative (ADM) - Records associated with subjects that reflect general office functions, council and legislative services, including but not limited to, records management, reproduction services, mail services, telecommunications, computer systems, customer care, composition of Council, standing committees and boards. b) Development (DEV) - Records associated with the planning and development of the municipality and the building permit functions that accompany it. c) Financial (FIN) - Records associated, with administration and management of municipal funds, expenditures and resources, including but not limited to, user fees, accounts payable, accounts receivable, assessment, taxation, payroll, insurance, and Purchasing. d) Human Resources (HUR) - Records associated with hiring, discipline, discharge, wages, salary administration, job evaluation, performance evaluation, benefits, safety, conditions Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 7 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 15 of employment, training and development and other related topics. e) Law (LEG) - Records associated with legal matters, including regulatory and legislative matters pertaining to the formulation and administration of by-laws, agreements, contracts and the administration of permits, licensing and by-law enforcement. f) Operations (OPE) - Records associated with the planning, design, development, engineering, construction and maintenance of local infrastructure, including streets, roads, water service, sewers, solid waste removal, environmental management, City owned facilities, parks, open spaces, emergency services and recreation. 03.08 City procedures and standard operating procedures are an extension of City policies and are prepared if further detail is required. 03.09 No policy, procedure or standard operating procedure drafts, except those initiated by Council will be prepared without approval in principle from a Director or the Chief Administrative Officer. 03.10 City policies, procedures and standard operating procedures, should be written using basic writing styles and standard forms. 04 Guidelines for preparing City Policies, Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures (see City Procedure - ADM 160-001 Communications Procedure) 04.01 Organization - Arrange details of the policy, procedure or standard operating procedure in a logical sequence that the reader will find clear and understandable the first time he/she reads it. a) group the information into subjects; b) use bold headings and underlining where appropriate; c) use numbers and letters to itemize steps or show a progression; d) avoid repeating the same information; and e) use standard format at all times. 04.02 Simple Language and Sentences - Simplicity is the foundation of good policy, procedure and standard operating procedure writing. Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 8 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 16 Always present information in the clearest possible way. Rather than using extensive vocabulary, creativity or originality, stress clarity, consistency and simplicity. 04.03 Brevity - Generally, shorter is better. Shorter sentences are often easier to read and are usually received more favourably by the reader. 04.04 Positive and Direct Form - Give instructions to the reader. Avoid vague, non-committal language. Choose precise words which exactly suit the purpose. 04.05 Readability - Test the finished product for flow and clarity by reading it aloud. If you have to backtrack to understand the statements or if the sentences or ideas do not flow smoothly, a rewrite is needed. If the writer has problems reading aloud, another person reading it for the first time will have difficulty both in reading and in comprehending. 04.06 Format - Provide standard page headings and indexing in the same location on all forms. Use the same clear, easy-to-read font (Arial) for all material. Be consistent in margins, heading spacing, paragraph spacing, etc. 04.07 Punctuation/Spelling - Use of correct punctuation and spelling improves the appearance of the document and ensures clear communication. 04.08 Appendices - Appendices should be used to include samples of forms, exhibits, etc., referred to in the policy, procedure or standard operating procedure. 04.09 Forms - Any special forms to be used should be noted in the text with samples and instructions on how to complete them, including required signing authorities. 04.10 Time Lines - Time limits, dates, specifications, measures, etc., should be spelled out in the procedures and should designate who is responsible for carrying them out, leaving no doubt whether more than one (1) department or function could be involved at different stages. Policy Title: Standards for.City Policies & Procedures Page 9 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 17 05 Hierarchy of Policy, Procedure and Standard Operating Procedure Development 05.01 Policies, procedures and standard operating procedures are developed according to an established framework or hierarchy that includes three (3) levels. 05.02 Level One (1) - City Policies - This level contains all of the formal, Council approved policies that exist for the City. 05.03 Level Two (2) - City Procedures - This level exists to provide additional detail, supporting procedures and documentation to policies developed and contained in Level One (1). Procedures are cross-referenced to the originating policy and should be placed behind the corresponding policy within the Green Manual. 05.04 Level Three (3) - Standard Operating Procedures - Standard Operating Procedures apply only in the department in which they are developed (specific job function detail) and distribution is normally restricted to the specific department involved (The Policy Coordinator also maintains a copy). 06 Packaging of Policy, Procedure and Standard Operating Procedure Manuals 06.01 Packaging standards have been established for all levels of policy, procedure and standard operating procedure manuals to provide a professional look and consistency. 06.02 a) Policies and procedures (Level 1 and 2) are kept in the Green binder with embossed gold printing. b) Standard Operating Procedures (Level 3) are kept in the brown binder with embossed gold printing. 06.03 The front cover and spine of the binders are labelled in gold print according to a specific standard. a) On the top of the front cover (and spine) is the City Logo. b) On the bottom of the front cover (and spine) is the volume. c) On the centre of the front cover (and spine) is the specific title of the manual identifying the contents. 06.04, All levels are color coded for printing as follows: Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 10 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 ~B Level 1 - Policies - print on white. Level 2 - Procedures - print on yellow. Level 3 - Standard Operating Procedures - print on blue. 06.05 All levels are filed as follows: Level 1 - Policies - filed in green binder in alpha/numeric order. Level 2 - Procedures - filed in green binder behind the policy it relates to in numeric order of creation. Level 3 - Standard Operating Procedures - filed in brown binder in alpha order. 06.06 Procurement of binders and tabs is completed by the Policy Coordinator. 07 Policy, Procedure and Standard Operating Procedure Numbering and Indexing 07.01 Numbering and Indexing is a very important dimension of policies and procedures because it facilitates cross-referencing from policy to procedure to standard operating procedure. 07.02 The numbering and indexing of procedures is broken down into three (3) components: a) Classification - A three (3) character identifier that relates to a major business function of the Corporation is assigned to policies (i.e. ADM, LEG, HUR, etc.). b) Category - A three (3) digit number which represents the numeric block of the policy (i.e. 010, 020, 030, etc.). c) Sub Category - A two (2) digit number assigned to a City procedure to further breakdown the procedure in order to reference and index the number of procedures that relate to the main policy (i.e. 001, 002, 003, etc.). 07.03 The numbering and indexing of Standard Operating Procedures is created by referencing the Policy (i.e., FIN 030) it applies to and the alpha name of the SOP (i.e. Cash Procedure - FIN 030.). 07.04 The following is an example of how the main index should look within the Green Policy Manuals: Protocol Policy -ADM 110 - Flag Raising Procedure -ADM 110-001. Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 11 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 19 08 City Policy and Procedure Forms Preparation 08.01 Policy or Procedure Title - (to be typed in capital letters). This is the name of the policy or procedure and will identify the document for indexing. It should be simple and should express the way the policy or procedure will be referred to or asked for in the future 08.02 Policy or Procedure Number - The number of a new policy or procedure will be determined and assigned by the Policy Coordinator subsequent to it being approved. The numbering criteria will be as follows: a) Policies - will consist of Classification alpha letters (ADM) and Category numeric numbers (010) (i.e. Protocol Policy - ADM 110); and b) Procedures - will always be cross referenced with a policy so the number would be the six (6) alpha/numeric policy numbers, plus the number that relates to how many procedures have been crossed referenced to this policy. Each number is assigned in sequence order (i.e. Flag Raising Protocol Procedure -ADM 110-001, Proclamation Procedure -ADM 110-002, etc.). 08.03 Reference - If the policy or procedure relates to an Act, By-Law, Resolution or motion, etc., reference is made to it. If a policy or procedure replaces a previous or cancelled policy or procedure, a reference is also made (i.e. Resolution # 120/06, By-law # 6232/06 or Municipal Act, etc.). 08.04 Date Originated - This is the date that the policy or procedure is approved and will be provided by the City Clerk or the Chief Administrative Officer. 08.05 Date Revised - This is the date the policy or procedure was revised by Council or the Chief Administrative Officer and will be provided by the City Clerk or the Chief Administrative Officer as appropriate. All revision dates should be listed in this box. 08.06 Approval - The Chief Administrative Officer will sign all policies, procedures and standard operating procedures as the final approval. 08.07 Point of Contact - The point of contact box is only found on procedure forms. The Point of Contact is the owner of the Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 12 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 20 procedure and is provided if the reader requires further clarification on the procedure. 08.08 Policy and Procedure Objective - This provides a brief explanation of why the policy or procedure is necessary and what it is intended to do. 08.09 Index - This provides a list of all subjects in the document and the pages it can be found on. 08.10 Definitions - Any definition that is required to clarify the contents of the policy or procedure is listed in alphabetical order. 08.11 Responsibilities - This section will contain the detailed breakdown of responsibilities for all aspects of the policy or procedure. The responsibilities will be defined in order of organizational hierarchy in a top-down fashion. 08.12 Procedures - This section will contain specific procedure guidelines for the policy or procedure in general (i.e. how and what is to be done, who performs the actions in logical order,, and provide either a broad description of the sequence and/or a flow chart of actions which must take place). 08.13 Appendix - Used for forms, samples, templates, flowcharts, checklists, etc. Presented in the same order as introduced in the body of the document (numbered 1, 2, 3), 08.14 Page Numbering = Pages are numbered for ease of reference and placed at the bottom of the page and includes the Policy or Procedure name and number. 09 Standard Operating Procedure Forms Preparation 09.01 Standard Operating Procedure Title - Contains the name of the standard operating procedure. The title should be simple and should express the way the document will be referred to or asked for in the future. All standard operating procedures should be filed in alphabetical order by title, in the applicable department. 09.02 Department/Division - Applicable Department/Division (i.e. Corporate Services Department, Clerks Division). 09.03 Section - Applicable Section within the Department Division (i.e. By-law Enforcement Services Section). Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 13 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 21 09.04 Date Originated - The date the standard operating procedure was approved. 09.05 Approval - Standard operating procedures must be approved by the Department Head, the Division Head and final approval by the Chief Administrative Officer. 09.06 Date Revised - When a revision is made to a Standard Operating Procedure the revision date is listed in this box with all previous revision dates listed in date order. 09.07 Reference - Applicable resolution number, by-law number, governing corporate policy or procedure. 09.08 Overview - This unnumbered section provides a brief summary of the document. 09.09 Required Competencies - This unnumbered section sets out the areas of competency required to perform the described procedure or task. It includes training, licensing, certification and/or trade/ professional requirements (i.e. Registration as a Professional Engineer). Each competency is listed in a bulleted list. 09.10 Definitions - Any definition required to clarify the contents of the standard operating procedure are listed in alphabetical order. 09.11 Procedures - This section sets out a detailed step-by-step description of a task or activity and indicates the position that is responsible for each step (i.e. instructions for task preparation, set up, execution, timelines, completion, clean up, etc.). 09.12 Appendix (unnumbered section) - Used for forms, samples, templates, flowcharts, checklists, etc. and are presented in the same order as introduced to in the body of the document. 09.13 Pages - Pages are numbered for ease of referencing and are located at the bottom of the page and includes the standard operating procedure title. 10 Policy, Procedure and Standard Operating Procedure Approval Process 10.01 Policy, procedure and standard operating procedure drafts are often developed by individual departments who are responsible for the actual "policing" of the policy, procedure and standard operating procedure and will be reviewed by affected areas prior to approval and implementation. Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 14 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 22 10.02 Once the Policy, procedure or standard operating procedure has been developed and reviewed by all affected areas it is then forwarded to the Policy Coordinator for review by the Policy Coordinating Committee. The Committee reviews for consistency, format and organization of contents. If the document requires any revisions subsequent to the review by the CAO Management Committee, the document is returned to the originator for correction or change. 10.03 Once a standard operating procedure is sent to the Policy Coordinator for review it is sent directly to the Chief Administrative Officer for approval. 10.04 Once a policy or procedure is complete, the policy developer will then attend a CAO Management Committee meeting and present the final draft for their review. Members of the CAO Management Committee will be requested to forward any comments/suggestions directly to the policy developer within one week. 10.05 Once all changes have been submitted to the policy developer from the CAO Management Committee the policy developer will incorporate the changes into the document and will then forward the final copy to the Policy Coordinator. 10.06 Once finalized, the Policy Coordinator determines the classification of the document (i.e. ADM, DEV, etc.) and assigns a number to the document. 10.07 The Policy Coordinator prepares and sends a covering memorandum outlining the changes made to the document to the Chief Administrative Officer for final approval. 10.08 The Chief Administrative Officer approves the document and directs staff on whether the policy or procedure requires staff orientation through the Policy Coordinator. 10.09 If the document requires Council approval the Policy Coordinator will return the document to the developing department for that department to prepare a Report to Council. 10.10 If the document does not require Council approval but the Chief Administrative Officer has instructed orientation sessions then the Policy Coordinator directs the department to proceed with the orientation sessions. Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 15 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 23 10.11 If no action is required on the approved document the Policy Coordinator registers the document in the Central Registry for policies and procedures and the approved copy is printed and ready for circulation. 10.12 The final copy of the document is forwarded to the print shop for photocopying and returned to the Policy Coordinator for distribution according to the approved distribution list. 10.13 The Policy Coordinator prepares and sends to the people on the distribution list a transmittal advice page that itemizes the contents of the material being circulated, the new document and updated Index pages for the Manuals. 10.14 The Policy Coordinator also provides an electronic copy (via email) of the new document to all staff and places the new document on the Intranet and Internet via the Laserfiche system. 10.15 The Policy Coordinator will create a historical file ("Master Copy") if one does not already exist and place the original document and any amendments to the document in it. These files are indexed by the assigned policy or procedure number. 10.16 Historical files are not created for Standard Operating Procedures. 10.17 It is the responsibility of individual user departments to file the copy they receive in the appropriate location in their manuals. A specific individual is assigned this responsibility in each department. 10.18 Amendments to a policy or procedure follow the same procedures documented above. When submitting any amendment for approval, the amendment should be clearly identified before presenting the revised policy, procedure or standard operating procedure to the Chief Administrative Officer and/or Council. This facilitates the review of specific changes and simplifies the approval process. 10.19 There may be times when it is necessary to have the City Solicitor review a document (where legal or human rights implications are involved). This procedure will be coordinated by the Chief Administrative Officer as required. Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 16 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 24 11 Policy, Procedure and Standard Operating Procedure Ownership & Responsibility . 11.01 The value of the policy, procedure and standard operating procedure manuals can only be determined by their usage. Information must always remain current in order to be useful. 11.02 To ensure that information and policies, procedures and standard operating procedures are kept current, each policy, procedure and standard operating procedure is assigned an owner department. 11.03 It is the role of Directors to review the policies, procedures and standard operating procedures assigned to them on an annual basis and provide updates to the Policy Coordinator when required. 11.04 Routine updating that is not significant (i.e. not affecting meaning. or intent) in impact does not require that the document go through the amendment process for approval (i.e. department name changes, position title changes, etc). 11.05 If the revisions are significant in impact (i.e. affecting meaning or intent), the revised document must go through the approval process again. 11.06 Owner departments are responsible for arranging orientation processes with the Human Resources Division if deemed necessary by the Chief Administrative Officer. 12 Policy, Procedure and Standard Operating Procedure Filing Systems 12.01 Two (2) separate filing systems with respect to policies, procedures and standard operating procedures will be kept: a) historical policy files (exclusively for policies); and b) transmittal files (for policy as well as procedure manuals). 12.02 Historical Policy and Procedure Files: (a) Maintaining a complete historical file of information associated with the development of a policy or procedure is important backup. (i) Individual files are set up for each policy or procedure. The file is labelled according to the Policy :Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 17 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 25 alpha/number assigned it by the Policy Coordinator (i.e., ADM-010). (ii) Each file contains the original document, a note identifying the document owner and a copy of any revisions made to the document. (iii) The individual files are only set up for policies and procedure and are not required for Standard Operating Procedures. 12.03 Transmittal Files: a) Maintaining transmittal files is very important in the event that updates have to be recovered due to loss or failure of the user department to file updates in the manuals located in his/her area. Each transmittal contains the covering transmittal sheet and a list of policy, procedure and standard operating procedure changes associated with that particular transmittal advice. 13 Maintenance Procedures 13.01 The importance of ongoing revisions to a manual cannot be overstated. The process requires time and effort as well as a commitment to the finished product. Keeping the manuals current is a high priority. Outdated manuals can result in confusion, interfere with the quality and consistency of services provided and may lead users to the conclusion that they are unreliable and should not be used at all. 13.02 Inclusion of outdated documents defeats the purpose of the manual and renders it virtually useless. Remember that all outdated material must be removed from the manual and destroyed. 13.03 The individual roles and responsibilities in the maintenance process have been defined in this policy. Appendix 1 Manual Distribution List Appendix 2 Transmittal Advice / Form Appendix 3 City Policy Template Appendix 4 City Procedure Template Appendix 5 Standard Operating Procedure Template Appendix 6 City Policy, City Procedure and Standard Operating Procedure Approval Process Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 18 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 26 APPENDIX 1 POLICY PROCEDURE AND MANUAL DISTRIBUTION LIST DEPARTMENT/ NAME POSITION LOCATION EXTENSION NO.OF DIVISION SETS Clerks Debbie Shields Deputy Clerk Civic Complex 2019 1 Council/Customer Judy Hodgson Manager, Civic Complex 2165 1 Care/Office of Customer & Sustainability Administrative Services Culture & Suzanne Secretary, Recreation Complex 3228 1 Recreation Moore Recreation Complex Katrina Pyke Education & Museum 905.683.8401 1 (Acting) Collections Officer Kim Bradley Coordinator, Eastshore Community 2078 1 Recreation Centre Programs Heather Butler Recreation Civic Complex 6100 1 Programmer For: Petticoat Creek Nancy Sands- Coordinator Recreation Complex 1 Bayley Aquatic For: Dunbarton Pool Programs Bob Godden Foreperson, Ice Recreation Complex 3233 1 Arena Don Beer Arena Chief Lucy Ross Administrative Civic Complex 2121 1 Administrative Assistant I Officer Human Resources Kathy Administrative Civic Complex 2017 3 Dennison Assistant I Corporate Valerie Administrative Civic Complex 2925 1 Services Webster Assistant II Information Jon Storms Manager of Civic Complex 2163 1 Systems Information Technology Operations & Margaret Administrative Civic Complex 2172 1 Emergency Donaldson Assistant II Services Operations & Carol Administrative Operations Centre 5249 1 Emergency Redmond Assistant I Services Fire Services Nancy Moreno Administrative Fire Hall 5 2080/2180 7 Assistant I Planning & Karen Bragg Administrative Civic Complex 4701 1 Development Assistant II Legal Services Katherine Legal Services Civic Complex 2159 1 Stoddart Assistant Library Cathy Grant CEO Library 6236 1 Corporate James Halsall Internal Audit Civic Complex 2029 1 Services TOTAL 27 Copies Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 19 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 27 APPENDIX 2 THE CITY OF PICKERING MANUAL DISTRIBUTION TRANSMITTAL ADVICE NUMBER: ISSUE DATE: All old pages must be removed and discarded to avoid following obsolete policies, procedures and standard operating procedures/procedures. REMOVE FROM YOUR MANUAL INSERT IN YOUR MANUAL I c ' ISSUED TO: ISSUED BY: Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 20 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 28 APPENDIX 3 CITY POLICY PI rKERIN Policy Title: CITY POLICY STANDARDS Policy Number: ADM Reference: Date Originated: Date Revised: X Month, Date, Year Month, Date, Year Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact: Policy Objective Index 01 Definitions 02 Procedures 03 01 Definitions 01.01 01.02 02 Procedures 02.01 02.02 Appendices (Numbered 1, 2, 3) Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 21 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 29 APPENDIX 4 eiN CITY PROCEDURE PICKERING Procedure Title: CITY PROCEDURE STANDARDS Procedure Number: ADM Reference: Date Originated: Date Revised: X Month, Date, Year Month, Date, Year Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact: Procedure Objective Index 01 Definitions 02 Procedures 01 Definitions 01.01 01.02 02 Procedures 02.01 02.02 Appendices (Numbered 1, 2, 3) Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 22 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 3 0 APPENDIX 5 Ctrs 00 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE PICKERING Procedure: Department/Division: Section: Date Originated: Approval: Approval: Date Revised: Reference: Pages: INDEX SECTION/ SECTION/SUBSECTION TITLE PAGE # SUBSECTION Overview 2 Required Competencies Definitions 01 Procedures Appendix I Overview: Required Competencies: Definitions: 01 Procedures: 01.01 01.02 Appendix: The following form has been developed to support the various processes outlined in this Procedure: Appendix 1 Policy Title: Standards for City Policies & Procedures Page 23 of 24 Policy Number: ADM 010 31 X O o w W aXi ai a c ate) 3 IL U Q N ° o CL -o 0 . 0. N v > O -0 cu > o .C fl U a Q a) O N a) 0) U o n U A r 7 .a.i L O ti. U-z- (0 a (0 C 1 N ~ U C CL 0" r N p O Z -Fu CU cn a' a 3 O cu c cn C: C W > t 0 C6 o CL m S .0 O r co -0 Q C > C O L O N a 0 c Q. N E a) io 0~ 2 y O O Q N c~a Q o 'O O a) a) C `O co f~0 0 O a N 0 N r N 0 w C O cn c O c i2 E -0 (D O C LO) O a) N a) O (D 0 7 7 O O _O a) E cu c O aj p a°) ate) oU ~ ` U U m ° o O u~ coU w N r- 0 r - U a) 0 a V d d O 3 U o C 0 u L) 0 r 7 O a v~ a c cn ¢ v~ a m U cn ¢ c/~ U 0 CZ ¢ v) I 'u, cc L Q O co co VJ CY) C ~ r+ C V C ca U 0- 3 - a) c 0 O O co n. 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