HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 06-09 City o~ REPORT TO Executive Committee ICKERING Report Number: CAO 06-09 Date: September 14, 2009 01 From: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Pickering Off-Leash Dog Park - Approval to Proceed with Park Development - File: 0-8100 Recommendation: 1. That Report CAO 06-09 of the Chief Administrative Officer regarding the Pickering Off-Leash Dog Park be received. 2. That Council approve the establishment of an off-leash dog park within the lands owned by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority west of Valley Farm Road and south of the Third Concession Road (Grand Valley Park). 3. That staff be directed to work with the Leash Free Working Group and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) on a detailed design of the off-leash dog park, and upon approval by the TRCA of that design, that staff be directed to commence development of the off-leash park, using available funds in the 2009 Budget approved by Council for this purpose. 4. That staff be directed to review the City's Responsible Pet Ownership By-law 6811/07 and forward to Council any necessary amendments that are required to permit the establishment of an off-leash dog park as set out in this Report. 5. That staff be authorized to execute the necessary approvals and relevant documentation. 6. That a copy of this Report be forwarded to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the Leash Free Working Group. Executive Summary: Over the past few years, the City has been working with a residents group (the "Leash Free Working Group") to establish an off-leash dog park in Pickering. Numerous sites were identified and reviewed, but unfortunately (and until very recently) no locations had been found that were fully acceptable to all concerned. In July 2009, the CAO was determined to bring about a resolution to this long-standing matter. The CAO contacted Brian Denney, CAO (TRCA), and subsequently approval was given by the TRCA Board to establish an off-leash facility on TRCA-owned lands Report CAO 06-09 September 14, 2009 Pickering Off-Leash Dog Park Page 2 02 west of Valley Farm Road and south of the Third Concession Road (Grand Valley Park). The approval to use the lands'is conditional upon the City obtaining site plan approval for the off-leash facility from TRCA. The TRCA location was discussed with representatives of the Leash Free Working Group and meets with their approval. It is now appropriate for Council to consider the matter and give direction to staff to work with the Leash Free Working Group to finalize a site plan for the off-leash facility for TRCA's approval, and commence development of the park with funds that have previously been approved by Council for this purpose. Financial Implications: In approving the use of these lands for an off-leash facility, TRCA advised that the City would be responsible for all expenses in developing the park, including taxes. In 2008, Council approved $30,000 for the development of an off-leash dog park (Account 5780.0822). These funds are sufficient to commence construction of the off- leash facility 'at this location. In 2009, property taxes paid by TRCA for all of their lands at this location (approximately 196 acres) was $2,046.00. It is expected that based on the City's use of a portion of these lands (approximately 102 acres), that our contribution to taxes would total approximately $1,000 per year. Sustainability Implications: The proposed off-leash facility would be the first of its kind in Pickering, providing a new active recreational opportunity for residents to enjoy. The active off-leash and associated parking facilities would be located within existing open areas on the subject property, representing an appropriate re-use of underutilized and previously active portions of the lands. The proposed facilities will not negatively impact on the surrounding natural environment. Background: In September 2006, Council considered correspondence from a group of residents interested in establishing an off-leash dog park in Pickering. The matter was referred to staff, so that staff could work with the resident group to investigate and report back on potential sites for off-leash dog parks in Pickering. Currently there are no areas within the City where dogs can run at large. Following referral of the matter, staff and the resident group (the "Leash Free Working Group") commenced what turned out to be a very lengthy and at times frustrating process. Numerous potential off-leash locations across the City were identified and evaluated. Despite the significant time and effort that went into the process, by June 2009, no locations had been identified that were fully acceptable to all.concerned.. For Report CAO 06-09 September 14, 2009 Pickering Off-Leash Dog Park Page 3 G3 the majority of previously identified sites, possible conflict with adjacent existing residential or public recreational uses was often cited as a major concern. In an effort to resolve the matter, in July 2009, the City's Chief Administrative Officer got personally involved and spoke with the Chief Administrative Officer of the TRCA about the possibility of using their lands within the Duffin Creek valley system south of the Third Concession Road and west of Valley Farm Road (Grand Valley Park - see Attachment 1). Portions of Grand Valley Park were used several years ago by the City for summer camp programs; however due to conflicts with the active landfill site adjacent to the lands, the summer camp programs were relocated. The lands have since been used sparingly by the public to access the Seaton Hiking Trail and for dog-walking purposes. As a result of the CAD's request to expedite this matter, the TRCA Board considered the matter on July 24, 2009, and approved the use of these lands for an off-leash dog park, subject to the following conditions: 1. The City carry out a site analysis and develop a site plan for the dog off-leash area in compliance with TRCA's Policy and Operational Procedures for Managing Domestic Animals. 2. Approval by TRCA staff of the site plan. 3. Any terms and conditions required by TRCA staff. TRCA also noted that the City would be responsible for all costs involved in the development of the off-leash facility, including the taxes associated with the management and operation of the lands, which is standard practice. The City already manages a number of Authority-owned lands in Pickering for parks and recreation purposes under a "Management Agreement" with TRCA. To facilitate the development of the off-leash park, TRCA has agreed to add the subject lands to that Management Agreement. In total, the lands are approximately 41 hectares in area (102 acres), although only a portion of the lands will be needed for the off-leash facility and associated parking area (see Attachment No. 1). The remaining unused portions of the subject lands will be reviewed for possible future use, including consideration for new public trail loops and connections. Users of the adjacent Seaton Hiking Trail will greatly benefit with improved and safer access to that portion of the trail system, and use of the associated parking facilities. A meeting was held with representatives from the Leash-Free Working Group on August 7, 2009, to discuss the potential use of the lands for off-leash purposes. The Working Group representatives agreed that the lands are very suitable for off-leash Report CAO 06-09 September 14, 2009 6i&kering Off-Leash Dog Park Page 4 purposes, and look forward to working with the City on the final design and development of the park. There are many features to consider in the development of this park, and we would ensure there is an active role for the Working Group representatives. Through the commitment of the City and the Working Group it is felt that Pickering's Off- Leash Dog Park has the potential to be second to none in the Greater Toronto Area. It is recommended that Council approve the establishment of an off-leash dog park on TRCA-owned lands west of Valley Farm Road and south of the Third Concession Road, and direct staff to work with the Leash-Free Working Group and the TRCA in finalizing the detailed design of the park. Attachment: 1. Map - Grand Valley Park and proposed City of Pickering Off-Leash Dog Park. Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: % /Thorn Fn- uk T m s J. Quinn (Acti g) hief Administ ive Offic Chief Administrative Officer TM: RT:AM Copy: Directors Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City u fs C 01 m Quinn, M C M III hief Administrative Officer i / ATTACHMENT# I TOREPORT# CEO-C_~O -9 05 / / / / ` CONTROLLED OFF-LEASH LEASH PROPOSED' f PARKING ♦ i THIRD C CESSION 00, s ♦ Otis, GOaa~ap~` ~ Sao LANDS TO B , ADDED, TO .THE, MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH TRCA (GRAND VALLEY PARK) ti HARROW- . YL No ~ . L 0 8 p80~ GOSSAMER DRIVE . T G GL~H . ROAD CRESCENT GREENMOUNT ADOWLANE RIGBY DRIVE Tmom TIMBER COURT 9¢ NNA ILE GATE ROAD zy O~ TRNLWO°D o~ CRT. So HALSEY LANE LL NILDROSE CEOARWOOD COURT, 9~ey REVISION . SCALE " MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING City 00 NITS Landscape & Parks Development, DRAWN A. MOSTERT PROPOeED Off -LEAet i FAG I L I TY APPROVED GRAND VALLEY PARK - DATE AUGUST 2009 THIRP OONOESSION ROAD _