HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 14, 2009 City 00 Minutes / Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Meeting Thursday, May 14, 2009 MKKERING 7:00 pm Pickering Museum Village - Redman House Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Carol Brown, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Cowan, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Pat Dunnill, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Allan Espenlaub, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rhonda Lawson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Suzanne Primrose, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill Weston, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Absent: Bill McLean, Regional Councilor - Ward 2 Marisa Carpino, Supervisor, Culture & Recreation Bill Utton, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Staff Stephen Reynolds, Division Head, Culture & Recreation Present: Tony Prevedel, Division Head, Facilities Operations Katrina Pyke (Acting) Education & Collections Officer Mandy Smiles, (Acting) Volunteer & Program Coordinator Sandra Gelbard, Museum Program Assistant (Recording Secretary) Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Introductions Laura introduced Tony Prevedel. 2. Site Walk About Hotel . Architect John Rutledge. Possible start date: Monday, May 25, 2009. It will not interfere with Steam up on Sunday, May 24, 2009. Recommended bit goes to Council Tuesday, May 19, 2009. Fence will be erected around the Hotel. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Loci Barn Possible start date: July - August 2009. Interference with Spirit Walk will have to be discussed. Possible start date can be changed so that it is after Fall Family Festival, Sunday, October 4, 2009. Tender has gone out, closes Monday, May 18, 2009. Everything must be taken out of the Log Barn. Barn will be moved to the south of its present location. It will take 2 days to move for the preparation of the poured concrete foundation. Loci House Future project: poured concrete foundation will be installed. Boardwalk in the Villacie The City will need sketch of boardwalk project. The City will provide funding; Woodwrights Guild will do the work. Trail Possible start date: to be discussed at later date. Looking at new design. Stairs at upper site will be removed (how it is replaced is still to be determined in the new design). Switch Back Ramp will be installed to the left of the stairs. Lighting from Collins House to the Steam Barn Drive Shed is presently being designed. Redman House Architect: Paul Jerika North door will receive a similar porch like the south entrance to the building because of ice build up in the winter. Leakage between the two buildings: original Redman House and the back addition will be fixed. 3. Advisor & Foundation Laura went through the amendments to the "Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Duties & Responsibilities" to be implemented by 2011. Pat announced that he has resigned from the Advisory Committee, however, will continue to Chair the Foundation and represent the Foundation at the Advisory Committee Meetings. Pat will Chair the Foundation for one more year if he is elected. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Foundation has drawn up "Foundation/Advisory Committee Interrelationship". Updated copy includes new item 3 & 4 with a total of 8 items. Laura asked for clarification on item 6, "like any other group," This means Volunteer Groups within PMV. Carol feels that the Advisory should be the group in the end to say what should be done. Steve asked for clarification on item 7 "proceed or not." Should read "proceed with funding or not." Point was made that the Foundation will not provide funding for projects.they feel The City should be providing funding for. Steve mentioned that the Capital Budget items are for items exceeding $5,000.00. Bill W. request at least 1 or 2 members of the Foundation sit on the Advisory Committee. Carol feels item 2 was out of place, however, should stay in Foundation to address the document to be placed in the later of the document. changes that were discussed this evening. Rhonda drafted a form for the Foundation to look at and Rhonda revise called "Request for Funding". The Request for Funding form will provide a paper trail. Steve requested that Rhonda email this form to him. First request needing approval using the draft Request for Foundation Members Funding form. Item: Vacuum for the Collection Requested by: Laura on behalf of Katrina. Cost: $1,517.66 + tax = $1,755.00. Note: Advisory Committee members can only be assembled with Pickering residence; however, the Foundation can have members from other municipalities. 4. Approval of Minutes and Agenda Motion That the minutes from May 4, 2009 be approved. Moved by Rose Cowan Seconded by Carol Brown CARRIED Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Motion That the agenda for May 14, 2009 be approved. Moved by Rhonda Lawson Seconded by Paul Savel CARRIED 5. PMV New Mandate Laura read document written by Katrina. Document asking "that the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee consider and endorse the expansion of the museum's mandate time period as written in the Mission Statement to include Pickering Township's development from 1810 to 1920." Concerns regarding above statement were as follows: • where will we store additional items that will be taken in due to the new expansion of time? • PMV should put a cap on its time line and not go any further then 1920. Steve mentioned that if the City acquires additional lands that the Heritage and Cultural Committees Mandate would be outside of the PMV Mandate of 1810 - 1920. Motion That Katrina's new mandate is implemented. Moved by Rose Cowan Seconded by Carol Brown Pickering Museum Village's new mandate will be 1810 - 1920. CARRIED 6. Work Plans - Everyone reads "PMVAC "2006-2010 Work Plan (Year of Focus: 2008)" Motion To forward 2006-2010 Work Plan (Year of Focus 2008) to Council. Moved by Rhonda Lawson Seconded by Paul Savel CARRIED Laura handed out the "PMVAC 2006-2010 Work Plan (Year of focus: 2009)" Laura will send a copy to Marisa. Laura Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 2009 Annual Work Plans will be presented at the August PMVAC committee meeting for review and endorsement before being submitted to Clerks. Rhonda handed out the "PMVAC Restoration & Capital Projects Sub-Committee 2006-2010 Work Plan (Year of Focus: 2009)" Greenwood Library has been designated as a heritage building. Goes to Council on Tuesday, May 19, 2009. 7. Budget Steve mentioned that On site Walk 2009-2010 report will going to Council after budget is approved. Executive Committee Meeting all items was approved. Capital was all approved. All looks good for Tuesday, May 19, 2009 for PMV. Steve, Pat & Bill W. are to sit down and discuss the Foundations donation to the Hotel Project. Steve will go through the agreement to see the arrival of Steve Provincial & Federal donation. 8. Upcoming Events Mandy asked if any one is available to help out to let her know. June 14, 2009 - 12:00 pm - 4:30 pm Kids Day July 11, 12, 18 & 19, 2009 Whodunit? The Backroom Back Stab Tickets go on sale: June 12, 2009. Cost: $50.00 Cater by: "burbs bistro & bar" Chef: Kevin Brown 1900 Dixie Road North, Pickering, ON L1 V 6M4 September 17, 18, 24, 25 & 26, 2009 A Spirit Walk Page 5 CO R P0228-2/02 9. Bicentennial Suggestion made that a book be written or video be made to document the early days of the Advisory and the Foundation. The heads of PMVs Volunteer Groups met in January 2009 to discuss their plans for the 2011 Bicentennial. Next meeting for the heads of the PMV's Volunteer Groups will be June 1, 2009. The City's goal is to bring the community together with year round activities. Heritage, Arts, Sports & Service groups will be working together. 10. Next Meetings Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 7:00 pm Pickering Civic Complex (Tower Room) Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 7:00 pm Pickering Civic Complex (Tower Room) Meeting Adjourned: 8:35 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 6 CORP0228-2/02