HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 17-09 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ERING Report Number: CS 17-09 Date: July.6, 200Y 9 8 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: 2008 Year End Audit Recommendations: 1. That Report CS 17-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the Audit Results Report as submitted by Deloitte & Touche LLP be received for information; and, 3. That the 2008 draft Audited Consolidated ;Financial Statements for the City of Pickering be forwarded to Council for approval Executive Summary: This report provides the auditor's Audit Results report, independence letter and the draft Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2008. I am pleased to advise that once again, the auditor did not find it necessary to issue a Management Letter for 2008 and they have Issued a letter to that effect which is attached. An update of comments previously identified and their current status has been attached. Financial Implications: The financial results for 2008 were once again favourable and contributed to the City being able to bring in a small property tax increase for 2009. However these results, as in prior years, are primarily a result of one-time occurrences and can not be relied upon to continue year after year to produce these favourable results. Sustainability Implications: This report does not contain any sustainability implications. Background: The audit of the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2008 has been completed. The auditor's Report to the Executive Report CS 17-09 Date: July 6, 2009 2008 Year-End Audit Page 2 a ~1 9 9 Committee - Audit Results is included as Attachment 1 and also includes the auditor's independence letter. This report, prepared by beloitte & Touche LLP, summarizes the results of the December 31, 2008 audit.and comments on significant matters regarding the auditor other matters they may believe to be of interest to you. Nothing of significance was noted. On an annual basis the auditor is required to communicate all relationships between the City and the Firm that may impact on their independence in addition to confirming their independence with respect to the City. The Independence Letter in Appendix 1 of the attachment confirms that Deloitte & Touche LLP is independent with respect to the City. Again this year, the auditor did not identify any new management comments and a letter has been prepared indicating same. However an update has been prepared by staff for comments previously identified and their current status. This summary is included as Attachment 3. The draft Audited Consolidated Financial Statements are included as Attachment 2. They are the responsibility of management and have been prepared by City accounting staff under the direction of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer. Deloitte & Touche LLP are responsible to express an opinion on these Consolidated Financial Statements based on their audit. An unqualified opinion has been provided. The Consolidated Financial Statements includes the activities of the City of Pickering Public Library Board. The City's investment in Veridiah Corporation is accounted for on a modified equity basis which means the City includes its share of Veridian's income or loss in the Consolidated Financial Statements. I am pleased to advise the Committee there were no problems or questionable items 1. have to report to you at this time. However I would like to summarize some financial highlights. Overall net assets increased over prior year by approximately $9.0 million. This was due to an increase in financial assets of approximately $20.0 million offset by an increase in liabilities of approximately $11.0 million. Financial Assets The change in financial assets from prior year was due to the City's increase in the investment portfolio of $16.9 million combined with increases in taxes receivable and the increase in the investment in Veridian Corporation. The investment portfolio balance under management increased by $16.9 million over the prior year. The primary contributing factors were the large receipt of funds in November for the debentures issued on the City's behalf of $8.5 million and the Investing in Ontario Provincial grant of $3.9 million in addition to the overall increase in deferred revenue of approximately $3.7 million attributed to collection of Development Charges and Federal Gas Tax funds. The taxes receivable increase of approximately $1.5 million over the prior year is reasonable since total taxes billed increased over the prior year. The outstanding Report CS 17-09 Date: July 6,2009 2008 Year-End Audit Page 3 2 Q Q receivable balance at December 31, 2008 represents 8.9% (2007 - 8.3%) of total tax revenue. This slight decline in collections could be a reflection of the downturn in the economy in the latter half of 2008. The increase in the investment in Veridian Corporation arises due to the City's share of Veridian's net income offset by the dividends received from Veridian during the course of the year. Liabilities The increase in total liabilities of approximately $11.0 million is primarily due to the increase in deferred revenue of approximately $3.7 million and the net increase in long- term liabilities of $7.3 million. Deferred revenue increased by approximately $3.7 million which arises from the increase in the obligatory Reserve Funds. The Obligatory Reserve funds are made up of the following: Development Charges, Parkland, Thilyd Party/Developer's Contribution and Federal Gas Tax. In compliance with generally accepted accounting principles, these restricted funds are to be reported as deferred revenue. The Development Charges Reserve Fund and Federal Gas Tax fund balances increased because of the timing of receipt of funds and occurrence of related capital expenditures. The net increase in long-term liabilities of approximately $7.3 million represents the debentures issued on the City's behalf of $8,506,000 offset by the annual principal repayment of the outstanding debentures. Revenues & Expenditures Consolidated revenues and expenditures are comparable with the budget with the exception of Government grants and fees, General government expenditures and Planning and development expenditures which are discussed below. The budget for Government grants and fees includes provincial and federal grant monies for both current and capital expenditures but the amount primarily represents grants for capital related expenditures. The higher revenue reported compared to budget is primarily due to the Investing in Ontario grant of'$3.9 million received in November 2008. This amount was included in revenue upon receipt of the funds and will be reported in capital budget figures when it is utilized for future capital projects. This amount in conjunction with the debenture funds, also received in November 2008, contributed to the significant increase in the Capital Fund balance from prior year. General government expenditures, which includes purchased services, insurance, tax write-offs, contingency and Administration and Corporate Services departments was underbudget by approximately $2.3 million. There is not one specific factor driving this under expenditure but multiple underages in cost centres within the Departments and the contingency account. Report CS 17-09 Date: July 6,!,2009 2008 Year-End Audit Page 4 201 Planning and development expenditures are underbudget by approximately $1.6 million. This is primarily a result of under expenditures in the Planning Division consulting account of $1.3 million which arose from some studies not being started or not completed during 2008. For example the Official Plan Review - Phase 2, budget of $200K, had no expenditures incurred. The Seaton Neighbourhood Plan, budget of $800K, to be funded 100% from landowners, had no expenditures as funds were not received from the external parties. This in turn also contributed to the underexpenditure seen in the revenue line for Other Contributions and Donations. As you are aware capital expenditures for projects may be incurred over multiple years therefore comparisons of actual to budget are not meaningful. Total capital expenditures incurred were significantly lower than the 2008 budgeted amount. Approximately $7.5 million of the total capital expenditures of $9.6 million were for 2008 approved projects. The balance of the expenditures was for projects budgeted and approved in earlier years. Attachments: 1. Auditor's Report to the Executive Committee - Audit Results 2. 2008 Draft Audited Consolidated Financial Statements 3. Auditor's 2006 Observations - Continuity and Update of Management Responses Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: w' rr ~J \ Kristi a Senior Gillis A. Paterson Manager, Accounting Services Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer KAS/vw Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council T 15ins J. Qui , D R., III Chief Administrative Officer ATTACH M ENT #.L.TO REPORT 0.05-I 1 'o f 202 Delolotte. The Corporation Of the City ofPickering Report to the Executive Committee - Audit Results Year ended December 31, 2008 i 203 Deloitte. Deloitte & Touche LLP 5140 Yonge Street Suite 1700 Toronto ON M2N 61_7 Canada Tel: 416-601-6150 Fax: 416-601-6151 www.deloitte.ca June 22, 2009 Private and confidential The Members of the Executive Committee The Corporation of the City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering ON L1 V 6K7 Dear Executive Committee Members: We are pleased to submit this report on the results of our audit of the consolidated financial statements of The Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "City") for the year ended December 31, 2008. Our audit was completed in accordance with the audit plan; presented to you on November 10, 2008. Our professional standards require that we communicate with you certain matters that may be of interest to you in fulfilling your obligation to oversee the financial reporting and disclosure process for which management of the City is responsible. This report is designed to summarize certain aspects of the 2008 audit of the consolidated financial statements, comment on significant matters regarding the audit and other matters which we believe will be of interest to the Executive Committee (the "Committee"). This report has been provided to the Committee on a confidential basis. It is intended solely for the use of the Committee and we. disclaim any responsibility or obligation to any third party who may rely on this report. The matters addressed in this report are a by-product of the financial statement audit and may not necessarily identify all matters that may be of interest to the Committee in fulfilling its responsibilities. We wish to express our appreciation for the co-operation we received from senior management, finance staff and the many employees of the City with whom we work in the discharge of our various responsibilities. Yours sincerely, Chartered Accountants Licensed Public Accountants 204 Table of contents Page Status of the audit, audit scope and related representations 3 Matters to report to the Executive Committee 4 Audit findings • Management judgments and accounting estimates 5 • Adjusted differences 6 • Unadjusted differences 6 • . Omitted disclosures 6 Areas of audit focus 7 Appendices Appendix I: Independence letter Appendix ll: Management letter The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 2 2008 eport to the Executive Committee 205 Status of the audit, audit scope and related representations • The audit of the December 31, 2008 consolidated financial statements is substantially complete, with the exception of the following matters: • Receipt of actuarial confirmation related to WSIB; • Receipt of the management representations letter; and • Approval of the financial statements. • Our auditors' report on the 2008 consolidated financial statements will: • be signed following approval by Council; • be dated June 16, 2009; and • state that the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City as at December 31, 2008 and the results of its operations and the changes in its financial position for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. • The audit approach was consistent with the audit plan we presented to you on November 10, 2008. Our audit was conducted in accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Auditing Standards ("GAAS") and our firm standards. • We examined, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements, therefore, we would not necessarily detect all weaknesses, errors or other irregularities that might have occurred. • We assessed the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management. • We evaluated the overall financial statement presentation. • Tests and procedures that we considered necessary were used to form an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. • We relied on the work of the City's actuaries in the calculation of the post-employment benefit liability and WSIB benefit liabilities. • We did not rely on the work of the City's internal auditor in determining the nature, extent and timing of our work. • We are independent of the City as is required to provide an independent audit opinion. A copy of our annual independence letter to the Committee is included in Appendix I to this report. The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 3 2008 Report to the Executive Committee 206 Matters to report to the, Executive Committee As discussed in our audit plan, the following reportable matters are required to be reported to the Executive Committee. Where points of interest are connected with a reportable matter, we have made reference to the relevant area of this report or the consolidated financial statements 1. Significant weaknesses in internal control relating to No significant weaknesses in internal controls the financial reporting process relating to the financial reporting process were identified. 2. Illegal acts None noted. 3. Significant transactions inconsistent with the None noted. ordinary course of business, including fraud or possible fraud. 4. Unusual related party transactions. None noted. 5. New significant accounting principles or policies The City implemented PS 2700 Segment Disclosures - see additional note disclosure and schedule in the City's consolidated financial stateMents. 6. Disagreements with management None. 7. Management consultation with other accountants None noted. about any significant auditing or accounting matters 8. Unusual transactions that significantly increase the None noted. risk of loss 9. Actions that, if they became public, might cause None noted. embarrassment 10. Non-compliance with regulatory requirements None noted. 11. Major issues discussed with management that None noted. influence audit appointment 12. Management's judgments and accounting estimates Reaspnable (see page 5). 13. Misstatements, including unadjusted audit None noted. differences 14. Difficulties encountered during the audit None. 15. Limitations placed on the scope of our audit None. The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 4 2008 Report to the Executive Committee I i I i 207 Management judgments and accounting estimates Management judgments and accounting estimates The preparation of the consolidated financial statements requires management to exercise judgment and utilize assumptions to make estimates. The key areas where management estimates are required are as follows: • Post employment benefit liability and WSIB benefit liabilities; • Allowance for significant property tax appeals; • Allowance for doubtful accounts receivable; • Accrued liabilities; and • Contingent liabilities - litigation. Post employment benefit liability and WSIB benefit liabilities Management uses the assistance of an actuary in determining the post-employment benefits liability and the WSIB benefit liabilities. The amounts recorded in the financial statements were based on the January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2008 valuations, respectively. Property tax appeals and doubtful accounts receivable Management makes estimates for significant property tax appeals and the provision for doubtful accounts receivable. Management makes these estimates based on the information available, at a point in time, when preparing the financial statements. Accrued liabilities Management is required to make estimates, mainly for services received to December 31, where invoices for such work have not been received prior to when the accounting records are finalized. Also included in accruals at December 31, 2008 are amounts relating to the non-union compensation review which commenced in 2006 and which is yet to be settled. The accrual is based on budgeted amounts for 2007 and 2008. Contingent liabilities - litigation When preparing the consolidated financial statementsa management makes estimates relating to litigation based on the information available, at a point in time. As disclosed in Note 18 to the financial statements, the City recognizes liabilities in the financial statements related to litigation when management and legal counsel have assessed the outcome of the legal claim as likely and the amount can be reasonably estimated. Management has determined that the outcome of any legal actions outstanding as at the reporting date is not determinable and accordingly, no provision has been made in the consolidated financial statements. Overall, we believe the accounting policies selected and the application thereof to be appropriate for the City. Estimates and assumptions used have been assessed against standard practice and appear to be reasonable. The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 5 2008 Report to the Executive Committee i 208 Audit findings (continued) Adjusted differences No adjustments were made by management as a resullt of our audit work. Unadjusted difference No unadjusted differences were noted during our audit. Omitted disclosures As part of our audit procedures, we reviewed the disclosures provided in the consolidated financial statements and compared them to the disclosure requirements of the PSAB handbook. We identified minor omitted disclosures which were discussed with management and deemed immaterial. i The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 6 2008 Report to the Executive Committee 209 Areas of audit focus On November 10, 2008 we reported to you our planned key areas of audit focus. The following summarizes our findings in respect of these areas: Area Issue Response Conclusion Year end cut-off Determine if cut-off of Focused substantive testing on Satisfactory. revenues and expenditures accounts payable, accrued is appropriate. liabilities, deferred revenue ano accounts receivable. • Test disbursements and cash receipts subsequent to year enO. • Test supporting assumptions foriaccrued liabilities, deferred revenue and accounts receivable. Actuarial Accuracy and completeness • Retview actuarial report Satisfactory. determined of certain liabilities such as including related assumptions. liabilities Workplace Safety and Insurance ("WSIB") and • Ensure appropriate accounting Post employment benefits. treotment has been applied. • ReNiew related financial statement note disclosure for accuracy and completeness. • Colmmunicate with actuaries on ;our reliance on their reports for audit purposes. Reserves, Approval of transfers to and • Substantive testing on the Satisfactory. reserve funds from reserves and reserve continuity of material and capital fund funds. transactions to determine if transfers are in accordance with Council approvals and/or legislative requirements. The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 7 2008 (deport to the Executive Committee 210 Areas of audit focus (continued) Area Issue , ri t Investment in Compliance with PS 3070 Review accounting for Satisfactory. Veridian "Investment in Government Investment in Veridian Corporation Business Enterprise". Corporation and related disclosures. • Review financial statements of Veridian Corporation. • Communication with Veridian Corporation's auditor on our reliance on their auditor's report for purposes of the Citys audit. Management Requires management judgment Focused review of Satisfactory. estimates (i.e. allowance for assessment calculations and appeals, accruals, contingent support. liabilities, etc.). • Discussion with management. • Analytic review of related accounts. Capital Fund Revenue Recognition • Substantive testing to Satisfactory. determine whether • Capital expenditures-year end restricted contributions cut-off (i.e. development charges, gas tax, conditional grants) have been recognized as revenue in the appropriate period. • Substantive testing on accruals relating to capital expenditures incurred before year end. The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 8 2008 Report to the Executive Committee I 21 1 Areas of audit focus (continued) Response Area Issue YI II I I Y w"' Public sector accounting Selection of appropriate Review of significant Satisfactory. standards accounting policies, accounting policies, adequacy of disclosures implementation of new and treatment of non- standards and any routine transactions. unusual transactions. • Impact of any new or Work with City staff to determine if appropriate upcoming accounting implementation plans standards (e.g. are in place to enable segmented information compliance with the fiscal 2008 (PS 2700); new standards. tangible capital assets disclosure 2008, (PsG#7), recognition and measurement.fiscal 2009 (PS 3150)). The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 9 2008 Deport to the Executive Committee 212 Appendices The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 10 2008 Report to the Executive Committee 21 3 Appendix I --independence letter eLLP Deloitte, 5140 en Yong e Street 5140 Suite 1700 Toronto ON WNW Canada Tel: 416-601-6150 Fax: 416-601-6151 www.deloitte.ca June 22, 2009 The Members of the Executive Committee The Corporation of the City of Pickering The Esplanade 1 Pickering ON LIV 6K7 Dear Executive Committee Members: We have been engaged to audit the consolidated financial statements of the Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "City") for the year ended December 31, 2008, which includes: • The Corporation of the City of Pickering; and • The Corporation of the City of Pickering Public Library Board. In addition, we have been engaged to audit the Corporation) of the City of Pickering Trust Funds. Canadian generally accepted auditing standards ("GARS") require that we communicate at least annually with you regarding all relationships between the City and our Firm that, in our professional judgment, may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence. In determining which relationships to report, these standards require us to consider relevant rules and related interpretations prescribed by the appropriate provincial institute / ordre and applicable legislation, covering such matters as: (a) holding a financial interest, either directly or indirectly, in a client; (b) holding a position, either directly or indirectly, that gives the right or responsibility to exert significant influence over the financial or accounting policies of a;client; (c) personal or business relationships of immediate family; close relatives, partners or retired partners, either directly or indirectly, with a client; (d) economic dependence on a client; and (e) provision of services in addition to the audit engagemej t. 214 Appendix I - Independence letter (continued) The Corporation of the City of Pickering June 22, 2009 Page 2 We have prepared the following comments to facilitate our discussion with you regarding independence matters arising since May 15, 2008, the- date of our last independence letter. I We are not aware of any relationships between the City and our Firm that, in our professional judgment, may reasonably be thought to bear on independence that have occurred from May 15, 2008 to June 22, 2009. The fees (exclusive of GST) billed from May 15, 2008 (the date of our last independence letter) to June 22, 2009 are as follows: City of Pickering • Balance of audit fees for the year ended December 31, 2007 $ 4,750 • Audit for the year ended December 31, 2008- interim billings $55,000 • Auditors' report dated March 28, 2008 for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues for the year ended December 31, 2007 $ 3,800 • Review of records retention by-law and research related to various accounting issues $ 5,500 • Auditors' report dated March 20, 2009 for the Transfer pf Federal Gas Tax Revenues for the year ended December 31, 2008 $ 3,800 City of Pickering Public Library Board • Balance of audit fees for the year ended December 31, 2007 $ 1,000 Audit for the year ended December 31, 2008 - interim billing $ 4;500 GAAS requires that we confirm our independence to the Executive Committee in the context of the Rules of Professional Conduct of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. Accordingly, we hereby confirm that we are independent with respect to the City within the meaning of the Rules of Professional Conduct of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario as of Jung 22, 2009. This report is intended solely for the use of the Executive Committee and others within the City and should not be used for any other purposes. Yours truly, Chartered Accountants Licensed Public Accountants 21 5 Appendix II Managerr~ent letter Deloitte, 5140 e & Touche LLP 5140 Yonge Street Suite 1700 Toronto ON M2N 6L7 Canada Tel: 416-601-6150 June 22, 2009 Fax: 416-601-6151 www.deloitte.ca The Members of the Executive Committee The Corporation of the City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering ON L 1 V 6K7 Dear Executive Committee Members: We have recently completed our examination of the consolidated financial statements of the Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "City") for the year ended December 31, 2008. Our audit was designed to provide a basis for formulating an opinion as to whether the consolidated financial statements present fairly in all material respects, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, the financial position, results of operations and changes in financial position of the City. As part of our examination we reviewed and evaluated the design and implementation of certain entity level controls and business cycle controls in order to assess audit risk in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. The main purpose of our review of controls was to assist in determining the nature, extent and timing of our audit tests and to establish the degree of reliance, which we could place on selected controls; it was not to determine whether internal controls were adequate for the City's purposes. The scope of such a review of internal controls is not sufficient to express an opinion as to the effectiveness or efficiency of the City's internal controls. While the audit did not include an in-depth evaluation of all systems of internal controls or all aspects of any individual system and should not therefore be relied upon toi identify all significant internal control weaknesses, or all errors, irregularities or inefficiencies that might occur, we undertake to report such matters to you when they come to our attention. We did not identify any significant internal control weaknesses during the audit to be reported. We understand that management will provide the committee with an update on the status of any outstanding comments from our prior years' management letter. Yours truly, gi- Chartered Accountants Licensed Public Accountants 216 Deloittel,,, ATTACHMENT#.~&TO REpm-r. aCS -p Q 217 I Consolidated financial statements of The Corporatio of the City of Picke ' December 31, 2008 O 5w Qocviwif in z?lCLI uiy cfPidoa fiy N»es - Tun I?(16~f79k 6✓z3/t79 ~23PM FOR DISCUSSION PURL OSES ONLY The Corporation of the City Pickerin 21 B g December 31, 2008 i Table of contents t Auditors' Report .1 Consolidated statement of financial position .................................4............. ........2 Consolidated statement of financial activities ............................................................................3 Consolidated statement of changes in financial position .......................4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 5-19 Consolidated schedule of operating fund financial activitl a bala e - Schedule I 20 Consolidated schedule of capital fund financial acts esjand fund ba nce - Schedule II ..................21 Consolidated schedule of reserves and reserv fund financial a vities and fund balance - Schedule III 22 Consolidated schedule of segmented d losures - le IV and V 23-24 O S Doaa~eni in ?110A lSiyof Pkkr lig tibias-Jun 11(!8179,! Q/73ib9,' 3•T3NN FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 219 DeIoit<e & T LLP 5140 Yonge State 1700 Toronto M2N GL7 Canad Tal• 16-601-6150 F 416.601-6151 deb te.ca Auditors' Report To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of The Corporation of the City of Pickering We have audited the consolidated statement of financial positi The Co on of the City of Pickering as at December 31, 2008 and the consolidated financi activities and of changes in financial position for the year then ended. These financ' is are a responsibility of the City's management Our responsibility is to express an opini n these ei statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadi genlerally auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perf audit to o ble assurance whether the financial statements are free of material ent. An audit ' ludes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclo Arfman ' statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used si made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statem In our opinion, these con soli dated cial statements resent fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Corporation of the ity of Pickering at December 31, 2008 and the results of its operations and the changes in its positio or the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accouing 1 Chartered Accoun Licensed Public co June 16, 2009 5 Dea w"in21104LHyofAnkerigghbfv-.Tun12Q'SMkN2&W,•S23M FOR DISCUSSION PUR~OSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering 220 Consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31, 2008 2008 20 7 Financial assets Cash 4,466,058 3,445,5 Investments (Note 4) 63,622,45 46,714 60 Taxes receivable 13,678, 1 12,1 ,647 Accounts receivable 4,88 ,862 5 74,265 Other current assets 5 7 564,288 Investment in Veridian Corporation (Note 5(b)) 38 3 8 6,782,634 Promissory notes receivable Note 6 0 0 25,069,000 0 895 287 130,488,293 Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities /36,1,738 11,168,320 Other current liabilities 81,469 Deferred revenue (Note 7) •32,424,941 Long-term liabilities (Note 10) 8,796,011 Post-employment benefit liability (Note 9(a)) 2,343,250 WSIB benefit liabilities Note 9 b 643,045 66 857 312 55,457,036 Net financial assets 84,037,975 75,031,257 Non-financial assets Inventory 192,417 246,361 Net assets 84,230,392 75,277,618 Municipal position Operating fund (Note 12(a)) S 125,000 (51,077) Capital fund (Note 12(b)) Sch fu u I 13,405,505 2,294,298 Reserves and reserve nds o 0 h ule III 26,555,196 23,927,149 Equity in Veridian Co on Not 66,747,338 64,894,654 106,833,039 9.1,065,024 Amounts to be reco red Note 11 (22,602,647) (15,787,406) Municipal ositi 84,230,392 75,277,618 Approved by: !n?210atyofP1d6wlnyFS-Aw12(1&79,k"3&", MAN Paget FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i -221 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Consolidated statement of financial activities year ended December 31, 2008 zoos /2007 Budget Note 19 Unaudited Actu Actual Revenues Residential and farm taxation 30,742,064 30, 45,111 28, 4,606 Commercial and Industrial taxation 7,598,765 ,717,742 ,309,321 Taxation from other governments 7,123,031 7, 2,628 7,118,526 User charges 7,364,193 , 431566 7,596,332 Government grants and fees 5,845,525 , 366 2,155,636 Other contributions and donations 1,891,84 67 9 655,349 Development charges and developer contributions earned 96 00 637, 1,983,824 Investment income 1,0 ,000 1,23 ,452 1,749,766 Penalties and Interests on taxes 1 0,000 2, 4,549 1,822,600 Fines 8 ,400 36,602 800,559 Interest on promissory notes 1 qWJW 5 0 ,905,244 1,905,244 Other 00 420,756 620,293 Total revenues 67 2 68,754,899 62,712,056 Expenditures (Note 15) Current Protection to persons and property. 17,161,109 14,330,659 General government /17,820,881 9,939,453 11,813,917 Transportation services 6,584,698 6,109,154 Environmental services 177,688 119,365 Social and family services 367,864 385,401 Recreational and cultural services . 17,603,022 16,529,901 Plannin and develo ent 1 895 566 1,774,748 57,516,563 53,729,400 51,063,145 t Capital General government 1,188,430 995,223 1,014,811 Protection to persons an roperty 1,714,980 560,131 1,342,124 Transportation government 5,123,100 3,598,227 5,978,241 Environmental servic 330,000 14,515 132,408 Social and family S rvices 438,000 200,958 25,029 Recreation and tural services 9 982 300 4,224,411 2,186,944 18,776,810 9 593 5 10,679,S57 Total ex ndi es 76,293,373 63,322,865 61,742,702 Veridian jare ratfon Equity of n et in VNote 5(c)) - 3,574,684 3,654,619 Net reve es (expenditures)/ (9,054,505) 9,006,718 4,623,973 /(D e) Increase in ounts to be recovered al repayment f debentures (1,544,251) (1,190,648) (1,132,989) al repayme of Internal loans (1,163,140) (1,162,514) (1,225,949) ds from bentures Issued 7,358,350 8,506,000 - ds fro nternal loans - 597,000 mplo nt benefits liability 220,250 26,300 be t liabilities 442 153 47 2 6 4 650 959 6 815 241 1 782 9 4 a increase in non-financial assets - 53 944 36 6 1 in fund balances 4,403,546 15,768 015 2,877 6 0 /n 2210 MY ofPf FS-Aw t2(JW7D,CQ/Z,t/2 Ok 24PM Page 3 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 222 The Corporation of the City bf Pickering Consolidated statement of changes in financial position year ended December 31, 2008 2008 2007 Operating activities Net revenue 9,006,718 4,623,9 Equity share of net income of Veridian Corporation 3 574 6 3 654 19 5 432 0 4 9 354 Uses Increase In taxes receivable (i, 4) (769,661) Increase In accounts receivable (882,241) Increase In other current assets - (33,925) Decrease in accounts payable and accrued liabilities (303,823) (6,456,946) Decrease in WSIB benefit liabilities (47,286) (1,844079) (81190,059) Sources Decrease in accounts receivable Y3,700,797 03 - Decrease in other current assets 71 - Increase in other current liabilities 47 20,301 Increase in deferred revenue 2,990,649 Increase in post-employment benefit Ilabil" 50 26,300 Increase in WSIB benefit liabilities 53 - S,303,421 3,037,250 Net Increase decrease In cash from erations 8,890,698 (4,183,455) Investing activities (Increase) decrease in investor is (16,907,591) 4,152,862 Dividend received from Verldi oration 7 1,722,000 1,640,000 (15,185,591) 5,792,862 Financing activities Proceeds from deben res issued 8,506,000 - Principal rea men of debentures (1,190,648) (1,132,989) 7,315,352 (1,132,989) Net increase in as 1,020,459 476,418 Cash be inns ar 3,445,599 2,969,181 Cash, end AN year 4,466,058 3,445,599 b~2210aYyofffdwingFs-Junigpavy9 Q/29/ og.J2fPMt Page4 FOR DISCUSSION PURIpOSES ONLY 223 The Corporation of the City f Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statemients December 31, 2008 1. Signiflcant accounting policies The consolidated financial statements of The Corporation of the City of Pickers (the "City"') ar the representations of management prepared In accordance with generally cepted accounts principles for local governments as established by the Public Sector Accou ng Board ("PS N) of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. Significant accounti policies adopte by the City are as follows: (a) Reporting entity (i) Consolidated statements The consolidated financial statementIs reflect the e , Ila venues and expenditures of the operating fund, capital fund eserve funds reserves. The reporting entity is comprised of the activ' s of all committ es of Council and the City of Pickering Public Library Board wh is controlled b the City. All material inter-fund transactions and b nces are elimin ed on consolidation. (ii) Investment In Veridian Corporation the City's Investment in Veridlan Co ora nd its bsidiarles is accounted for on'a modified equity basis, consist t with g II accepted accounting principles as recommended by PSAB for inv. Ments in gov nment business enterprises. Under the modified equity basi of accounting, V ridlan Corporation's accounting policies are not adjusted to form Ito those o the City, and inter-organizational transactions and balances a not eliminated a City recognizes Its equity interest in the annual net income I eridia Corporation In Its consolidated . statement of financial a viti ponding increase or decrease in its investment asset acco nt. Divi dsI th the City may receive from Veridian Corporation and oth capital tr ns are reflected as adjustments in the Investment asset count. (Ili) Operations of S ool Boards and e, Regional Municipality of Durham The taxation t tier-Cevenues, npitures, assets and liabilities with respect to the operati s school bards and the Regional Municipality of Durham are not refle idated financial statements. (iv) Trust ds Tru funds and their lated operations administered by the municipality are not co solidated, but a reported separately on the Trust Funds Statement of Financial ivities and Sta ment of Financial! Position. s Cecunrnt in ZIIGN GryofPlafmrlny AbMS - Jim I2(IBI79j 6?3/t79J?3 P!N Page 5 FOR DISCUSSION PURIf OSES ONLY i 224 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December-31, 2008 1. Significant accounting policies (continued) (b) Basis of accounting (1) Investments Investments are recorded at the lower .of cost plus accrued terest and ma t value. Any premium or discount at purchase of an invest nt is amortized ver the life of the investment. (ii) Tangible capital assets Tangible capital asset expenditures Incurred durin e. a rec ded as capital expenditures in the consolidated statement of fin ncial activi (iii) Accounting for Property Tax Capping Provision resulting from e Ontario Fair Assessment System The net impact In property taxes as d res of the applica n of the capping provisions does not affect the Consolida tement of nandal Activities as the full amounts of the property taxes w0 1 oweve , the capping adjustments are reported on the consolidated 5 me nanc I Position as a receivable from the Region. (iv) Deferred revenue Deferred revenues represent ser charges an which have been collected but for which the related servic have yet to be rformed. These amounts will be recognized as revenues i h ear t services are performed. In addition, any contributions receiv d wi I strictions are deferred until the related expenditures are mad . (v) Post employment efits The present val of the cost of p vtiding employees with future benefits programs is recognized employees ea ese entitlements through service. Actuarial gains and to es amortlz over the average remaining service period ("ARSP-). T e fined ARSP to be 15 years (2007 - 16 years}. (vi) Invento Inven ry is valu a lower of cost and net realizable value. Cost is determined on eighted-avera basis. (vii) vernment tran rs G ment sfers are recognized in the financial statements In the period in I eve giving rise to the triansfer occur, eligibility criteria are met, and ason le Imates of the amount can be made. (viii) Us mates The p aration of financial statemeots in conformity with Canadian generally acce ed accounting principles requites management to make estimates and as mptions that affect the reported amounts in the financial statements and a mpanying notes. Actual results could differ from these estimates. s Dawn in 22tal 01YO akeHho hkft -An 12(18Mk &WbD9.~ &23PM Page 6 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 225 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2008 2. Ajax Pickering Transit Authority Effective September 4, 2001, a joint Board of Management was established b he City of Pickering and the Town of Ajax by way of a Merger Agreement for operating transit system across Pickering and Ajax. Operations, under the control of the joint board commenced effective January 1, 2002. In January 2005, the Councils of the City of Pickering and the Town of jax passed a r olution agreeing to the transfer of the responsibilities for transit services to a Regional Mu ipality of Durham (the "Region'). On January 1, 2006 the Ajax Pickering T si hority transferred its operations to the Region as part of the Durham R i nsit Co fission in accordance with Regional By-law #85-2004. Negotiations wit a egi ere mpleted during fiscal 2008. At the Council meeting of September 15, 008, Counci lution 182/08 was passed officially dissolving APIA. 3. Operations of school boards and the Regional M i ' lity of D ham Further to Note 1 (a) (iii) requisitions are made by e g al Mu pality of Durham (the "Region") and School Boards requiring the City t colie perry es and payments in lieu of property taxes on their behalf. The amounts co ed an are summarizes as follows: R ion School board Taxation 78,507,629 41,561,056 Payments in lieu of taxes 5,023,581 486,200 83 531,210 42,047,256 4. Investments The investments have a a lue of ,180+506 (2007 - $47,043,975) at the end of the year. Investments are o s ury bills, bankers acceptances, medium term notes, discount notes and b nds. DeasmW inW0A 01yefF1dW7 y AbW -An Y&V8 7$f 6/23 523 pm Page 7 FOR DISCUSSION PUPOOSES ONLY .226 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2008 5. Investment in Veridian Corporation (a) Veridian Corporation Is jointly owned by the City of Pickering, Town of x, Municipality of Clarington•and the City of Belleville. TheClty has a 41 per cent int st In Veridian Corporation. Veridlan Corporation, as a govlernment business enterp se, Is accounte or on the modified equity basis in these financial statements. Verldia Corporation se s as the electrical distribution utility for a number of communities inc ding the four n ed above and conducts non-regulated utility sorvice ventures thro gh its subsidiari The following table provides condensed supplementary con id financial formation for the corporation and its subsidiaries for the year ended a ;er 31: 200 2007 Financial position: Assets Current 6/67,366 75,527,060 Capital and Intangibles 14140,321,861 Other 1 6,900,487 Total assets 2X,985,485 222,749,408 Liabilities Current /~~/23,821,779 08,931,221 53,948,442 Long-term debt - 60,794,000 Other 18,293,223 Total liabilities 132,753,000 133,035,665 Shareholders' equity Share capital 67,285,173 67,285,173 Contributed cap' I 24,910 24,910 Retained ea 26,922,402 22,403,660 Total shareholders' 94,232,485 89,713,743 Total Iiabill 'sand sha Id ' equity 22.61985,485 222,749,408 Financi activities: Rev nue 228,759,331 235,271,455 O e e 9,211,416 6,878,200 ses 229,252,005 233,235,950 et 1 e t year 8,718,742 8,913,705 S Duaewirln?zra~ afyofilcfrrrlnynbnss-Jun lZ(18J79j6/23/tl9 5?3aM Page 8. FOR DISCUSSION PURL OSES ONLY 227 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2008 5. Investment In Veridian Corporation (continued) (b) City of Pickering's equity represented by: 2008 2 7 ,Promissory notes receivable Note 6 25,06 /,000 25 69 0 0 Investments in Veridian Corporation Initial investment in shares of the Corpotation /,4 , 30,496,196 Accumulated income 5,321 11,910,637 Accumulated dividends received 5,020) (6,733,020) Increase in value of investments 8 82 1 108 8 1 Total investment 38,635,3 8 36,782,634 (c) Equity in Veridian Corporation /2008 2007 Balance, beginning of year 64,894,654 62,880,035 Equity share of net Income fort year 3,574,684 31654,619 Dividend received from Veridi C (1,722,000) 1 640 0 0 Balance end of year 66,747 338 64,894,654 (d) Contingencies and guara ees of Veridian orporation (the pCorporationff) as disclosed in their financial stateme are as follows, (1) Insurance clai s The Corpor lo s mbe of the Municipal Electric Association Reciprocal Insuran E") which was created on January 1, 1987. A recipro insu exc nge may be defined as a gr oup of persons formed for the purpo of exchan ' g 'procal cotracts of Indemnity or inter-insurance with eac other. MEARIE vides general liability insurance to member electric utilities. I urance premiu charged to each member utility consist of a levy per $1,000 of ervice revenue bject to a credit of surcharge based on each electric utility's cl ' perie . Insurance limits of up to $30 million per occurrence are covered M E. 1) i An a Io has been brought under the Class Proceedings Act, 1992. The plaintiff class eks $500 million In restitution for amounts paid to Toronto Hydro and to oth Ontario municipal electric utilities CLDCs") who received late payment pe alties which constitute interest at an effective rate in excess of 60% per year, ntrary to Section 347 of the Crimidal Code. Pleadings have closed In this action. e action has not yet been certified: as a class action and no discoveries have been held, as the parties were awaiting the outcome of a similar proceeding brought against Enbrldge Gas Distribution Inc. (formerly Consumers Gas). S Doanwit lnWw 01yofHdw1ng NOW -Am 12(18179,! &23M. W3HN Page 9 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 228 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2008 5. Investment in Veridian Corporation (continued) (d) Contingencies and guarantees of Veridian Corporation (the "Corporatio as disclosed In their financial statements are as follows: (continued) (11) Other claims (continued) On April 22, 2004, the Supreme Court of Canada released decision in the Consumers Gas case rejecting all of the defences which d been raised Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc., altholugh the Supreme ou of Canada d not -1 permit the plaintiff class to recover damages for any a prior tot issuance of the statement of claim in 1994 challenging the vali ty aym t penalties. The Supreme Court of Canada remitted the matt ba to t n rio Superior Court of Justice for determination ofthe dama s. At the end of 006, a mediation process resulted In the settlement of the dam ges payable by bridge Gas Distribution Inc. After the release by the Supreme Court ada of Its 2 4 decision in the Consumers Gas case, the plaintiffs In I e paym t penalties class action indicated their intention to pro ceed w li ation ainst the LDCs. To date, no formal steps have been taken to a the fo ard. The electric utilities Intend to respond to the action if dl when It s on the basis that the LDCs' situation may be distinguishable m that of Con mers Gas. The Corporation estimates it Ilected late pay ent penalties of $5,339,593 from and after 1994. No determi ion of the port' n of these payments which may have constituted interest at an p ssible ra has been made. (111) Contractual obligation - ydro a rks Inc. ("HONI') The Corporation's s sidiary, Ve laj nnections Inc. ("VCI'), is party to a connection and recovery ag ' ent with HONI related to the construction by HONI of a transf er station des dated to meet VCI's anticipated electricity load growth. Const on of the prof Was completed during 2007 and VCI connected to the transf tlon duri g 2008. To the t t the project is not recoverable from future transfo do ectio evenues,; VCI is obliged to pay a capital contribution equal t the diffe a tween these revenues and the construction. costs alloc ed to VCI. Th nstruction costs allocated to VCI for the project are esti ated at $9,974 70. (Iv) P yments in lieu corporate Income taxes 0 h 22, 07, the Province of Ontario released the 2007 Ontario Budget. The dge no ced that new rules would be put in place to limit tax deductibility for res al by municipal electric utilities ("MEUso) to municipalities. Interest e deductibility for the Corporation and other Ontario MEUs would be consi a with OEB cost-of-capital rules. As of February 29, 2008, regulations for these ew rules were not released by the Minister of Finance. In the absence of the new ulation, the amount of additional tax liability related to excess interest ca of be determined. The Corporation and subsidiary, VCI, paid interest to nicipalities of $4,620,344 during 008 that may be subject to the new tax egulations. (v) Environmental liability Environment Canada has Issued new, regulations governing the management of polychlorinated biphenyis (PCBs). The Corporation is in the process of determining the extent and impact that the new regulations will have on the Corporation. As at December 31, 2008, no obligation has been accrued regarding the new regulations. 5 DMM&7t In 22164 OfyefAWwrkgAbfrt- Jun M7dl79X 6/2MX.~ 5-23 AN Page 10 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i 22" The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2008 5. Investment in Veridian Corporation (continued) (e) Lease commitments Future minimum lease payment obligations under operating leases a as follows: 2009 715,300 2010 627,800 2011 578,800 2012 140,000 2013 74,000 Thereafter 2,000 2,137,900 6. Promissory notes receivable Promissory notes are payable by Veridian rporotion and V than Connections Inc. in the amount of $7,095,000 and $17,974,000 r pect vely, with n interest rate of 7.6% and maturity dates of November 1, 2009. se promissory tes are convertible into common shares at the option of the holder at t m n share for every $1,000 of principal then outstanding on or before the turf 7. Deferred revenue 2008 2007 Obligatory reserve fu s Ytributions Development ch a es 26,413,355 23,528,009 Parkland 1,984,486 1,557,607 Provincial ga x - 523,014 Federal ga 3,084,862 2,144,075 Third a D o is rve (Fund 2,043,667 2,129,222 33,526,370 29,881,927 Other nearn n s 2,599,368 2,543,014 eQcN 36,125,738 32,424,941 S Doainort in 2210A aty of PY *wft hbfrs - run JAVW79r 6✓2&W, "3 Pill Page 11 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 230 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2008 7. Deferred revenue (continued) Continuity of deferred revenue is as follows: 2008 20 7 Balance beginning of year 32,42 /,941 29 34,292 Restricted funds received 6 3,013,542 z General funds received , 1,558,140 Interest earned. 1 .94 510 1,259,499 5,664,990/ 5,831,181 Revenue recognized in current operations 562, 3 313,379 Revenue recognized in capital operations 1 40 80 2,527,153 1,904,193 2,840,532 36 25,738 32,424 941 Balance, end of year 8. Interfund loans As a means of funding various capital onsj, fund are borrowed by the Capital Fund from Development Charges and Parkland lig nds. These funds are secured by promissory notes with interest rat rangi m 3. % to 4.7% and various payment terms ranging from 2 years to 9 years. a financi gements and ultimate repayment are approved by Council through th current budg rocess. Although these notes have payment terns as noted above, they a repayable on d and. For the purpose of these financial statements, the loans are in uded in amoun to pe recovered (Note 11). The following is a summary of the related to s otlated, b function: 2008 2007 Roads an/~n~-'\ 1,307,327 1,903,668 Communbraries a parks 1,308,514 1,732,892 Protectio321,252 442,584 Environm50,544 66,956 Munici al 33,949 38 0 3,021 586 4,184,100 s Geavaart m 22141 OtyofAdw&g hbtes. Junl2(J8179,F 6123879,• U3 PM Page 12 FOR DISCUSSION PURF~OSES ONLY i 231 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2008 9. Post-employment benefit liability (a) Post-employment benefit liability The City makes available to qualifying employees who retire before t age of 65, the opportunity to continue their coverage for benefits such as post-re ' ment extende healthcare benefits. Coverage ceases at the age of 65. The City a o provides full t' e and permanent part-time employees a sick time entitlement an any unused ent ement is accumulated year to year. This accumulated entitlement is t vested and is orfeited at the time of retirement or termination. The post-empioym t nefits oblig on at December 31, 2008 and the changes in the accrued bene o on for t 2008 fiscal year was determined by actuarial valuations prepared as J a 20 Information about the City's benefits liability is as foil s: Accrued benefits liability, beginning of year 2,343, 0 2,316,950 Prior period service cost i5 00 - Current service costs i ,800 142,800 Interest on accrued benefits 87,200 115,500 Amortization of actuarial losses (gains) 39,200 (25,000) Benefits aid during the year (348,650) (207,000) Accrued benefits liability, end of year 2,563,500 2,343,250 Accrued benefit obligation 3,332,700 2,050,400 Unamortized actuarial' losses i (769,200) 292,850 Accrued benefits liability, end ,6f e 2,563,500 2,343,250 The main actuaria ons a toyed in the actuarial valuations are as follows: (i) Discount to The pr sent value a ecember 3$, 2008 of the future benefits was determined usin a discount rate 6.0%. (ii) D tai costs trend to he urrent tre cost at January 1, 2008 was 4.0% increase per annum. (iii en he care trend rate alth care costs were asst med to increase at 9% in 2009 and decrease by crements per year to an ultimate rate of 5% per year in 2017 and therea r. s Omonw► In 2WOA 0), offfdaw ng nbW -San 12(1&M 612147P &23HN Page 13 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i The Corporation of the City of Pickering 2 3 2 Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2008 9. Post-employment benefit liability (continued) (b) Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) benefit liabilities Effective January 1, 2001, the City became a Schedule II employer u der the Workpla e Safety and Insurance Act and follows a policy of self insurance for a risk assodat with paying benefits for workplace injuries for all its employees. The IB administers e claims related to workplace injuries and is reimbursed by the C oration. Th e W15 IB benefit liabilities at December 31, 2008 and the changes in th liabilities for th fiscal . a year were determined by actuarial valuation prepared s at a bar 31, 20 8. a Information about the City's WSIB benefit liabilities is s II 20 8 2007 Accrued WSIB benefit liabilities, beginning of y r /64,04S 690,331 Expense for the year 15,719 Benefits aid durin the ear 63 0.05 Accrued WSIB benefit liabilities end of r /1,085,198 643,045 The main actuarial assumptions em oyed in the actu "al valuations are as follows: Discount rate The present value as at ce 20 of the future benefits was determined using a discount rate 6.0%. (ii) Inflation rate The rate of Inflat n was assumed o;be 3% per annum. (iii) WSIB Admini tion Rate Liabilities f W nefits ve been increased 30% to reflect the administration rate cha A WSIB Rese a Fund lished in 2W1. The Reserve Fund balance at December , 2008 was $ 91907 (2007- $1,103,109). In addition, the City purchased two lnsu ce policies that rotect the Cty;against significant claims to the Corporation. The oc ational acciden insurance pays igss claims up to $350,000 per work related accid . The excess w ers compensation indemnity insurance has a $350,000 ded i will pa for claims up to and Including $25,000,000 per work related ac de 10. Lo -term liabili The bala of long-term liabilities is made up of the following: 2008 2007 Th municipality Is responsible for the payment of principal and Interest charges on long-term liabilities Issued by the Regional Municipality of Durham on the City's behalf. At the end of the year, the outstanding principal amount of this liability is 16,111,363 8,796,011 s Ooawwtin227 AatyofPieM-*VAbtar-An l2(1&?Pk&23010*"JAN Page 14 FOR DISCUSSION PUROOSES ONLY 233 The Corporation of the City of Pickering ' Notes to the consolidated financial statements s December 31, 2008 10. Long-term liabilities (continued) (b) The above long-term liabilities have maturity dates of July 15, 2009, D ember 23, 2009 July 12, 2011, 2016 and 2021, November 1, 2012, November 21, 20 , 2018, July 15, 2014 and December 23, 2014 with various interest rates ranging f 2.65% to 5.6°/ . Principal repayments are summarized as follows: 2009 1,891,393 2010 1,683,228 2011 1,753,158 2012 2,792,188 2013 1,390,327 Thereafter 6,601,069 16,111,363 (c) Long-term liabilities include a principal su of $ ,000 a 'Refundable Debentures' which may be raised by the. Issuance of d entures r a urther period not to exceed 10 years. (.d) The above long-term liabilities have n approved b ouncil by-law. The annual principal and interest payments re ired to service ese liabilities are within the annual debt repayment limit prescribed the Ministry of unicipal Affairs and Housing. (e) Interest expense recorded in t e ye t these long-term liabilities is $466,281 (2007 - $474,451). 11. Amounts to be recovered 2008 2007 From futuZ Post-em2,384,500 2,164,250 Internands 3,021,586 4,184,100 XatL Net lon16,111,363 8,796,011 From reseWSIB b fYO~ 11085,198 643,045 22, 602,647 15, 787,406 12. nicipal fund lances at the end of the yeor The City's fund alances are comprised of the following: (a) Opera ng fund balance 2008 2007 For general reduction of taxation 125,000 (51,077) S Dnawwt/nZUOAOtyefMdawfngAbW-Tun t2(W?Yk6/13A7P 5r23PM Page 15 FOR DISCUSSION PU"OSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering 2,13D 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2008 12. Municipal fund balances at the end of the year (continued) (b) Cap/tal fund balance 200 2 7 Funds available for acquisition of tangible capital assets 14 5 32 ,625,356 Acquisition of tangible capital assets expected to be Financed by long-term liabilities (595,42 ) (3,230,007) Financed by taxation or user charges (50,840) Financed b donations and contributions 50 3 (50,211) 13 405 OS 2,294,298 (c) Reserves and reserve funds /22008 2007 Reserves set aside for special pu oses by;Cound Working capital 400,000 400,000 Self insurance 951,391 951,391 Replacement of capital uipment 618,419 683,214 Contingencies 1,401,340 1,328,080 Rate stabilization 17,374,935 15,491,176 City's share for de elopment charg 1,168,494 745,244 Transit - 120,999 Continuing st i O 750,534 713,821 Vehicle repl eme 172,547 122,547 Easement ettlement 131,279 - Eastern ranch 80,000 55,000 Move ntario 8,243 308,243 Ca I asset mana ent 75,000 - Tot re 23,132,182 20,919,715 ese n se aside for specia es by Council Recreati programs and facilities 192,845 180,880 Acquis on of tangible capital assets 1,516,365 1,458,193 Squ h courts 92,530 119,057 W B 1,339,907 1,103,109 imal shelter 152,896 146,195 Men's slow itch 128,471 - 16tal reserve funds 3,423,014 3,007,434 otal reserves and reserve funds 26,555,196 23,927,149 S cbarnrnrin227acs►yofPia6rrlignbrss-Jr~nl2ry8rr9xQ✓2523aM Page 16 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY I 235 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2008 .13. Pension agreements The City makes contributions to the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement stem (OMERS) which is a multi-employer plan, on behalf of the members of its staff. The pi is a defined benefit plan which specifies. the amount of the retirement benefit to be rec ived by the employees based on the length of service and raffles of pay. Contributions on account of current service for 2008 were $2,034,410 2007 - $1,828, 5). 14. Trust Funds Trust funds administered by the municipality amounting to $ 8,070 (20 77,274) have not been Included in the Consolidated Statement of Fnanci Position nor ha their operations been included in the Consolidated Statement of Financial vities. 15. Classification of expenditures by object The Consolidated Statement of Financial Actia ex nditures by function; the following classifies those same expenditures by jed: 2008 2007 Salaries, wages and employe37,308,861 35,963,876 Operating materials and su13,037,951 11,881,810 Contracted services 2,262,138 2;054,598 Rents and financial expense947,568 961,143 External transfers to others 172,882 201,718 Tangible capital assets 9,393,465 10,679,557 Total expenditures b owoft 63 322,865 61,742,702 O ons 16. Rela1pra VerlThe v electricity and services from Veridian Corporation (Note 5), a corpis a principal sharehplder. Veridian also provides streetlight and powrvices on a contract basis. 2008 2007 ransactions Revenues Interest n promissory notes 1,905,244 1,905,244 Prope taxes levied 42,558 42,093 Expen s El rical energy and services 1,941,923 1,919,134 Bala es counts payable and accrued liabilities 406,725 393,505 Promissory notes receivable 25,069,000 25,069,000 5 CawrrarrlnzztM aryofPVcingnfre-JunfZparr9~Q✓z3ro9 az3aM y Page 17 1 FOR DISCUSSION PUR"ES ONLY i The Corporation of the Cof Pickerin 2 3 6 -City g Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2008 17. Guarantees In the normal course of business, the City enters, into agreements which cont guarantees. The City's primary guarantees areas follows: (1) The City has provided indemnities under lease agreements for the a of various fac ties or land. Under the terms of these agreements the City agrees to demnify the counterparties for various items including, but not limited to, al iabilities, loss, ts, and damages arising during, on or after the term of the agreeme . The maximum mount of any potential future payment cannot be reasonably estI at (ii) The City indemnites employees and elected officials r v rio s incl ing, but not limited to, all costs to settle suits or action$ due to ass ation with , subject to certain restrictions. The City has purchased liability i rance to mitiga the cost of any potential future suits or actions. The term of the Ind nification is n explicitly defined, but is limited to the period over which the indemn ed party served s an employee or elected official of the City. The maximum amou of any potential ture payment cannot be reasonably estimated. (iii) The City has entered Into agreements that! ay Inde sties in favour of third parties, such as purchase and sale agree nts, c entia agreements, engagement letters with advisors and consultants, uucing ag nts, leasing contracts, information technology agreements a service agreem nts. These indemnification agreements may require the City to mpensate coun rparties for losses incurred by the counterparties as a result of breac In represents ' nand regulations or as a result of .litigation claims or statutory san ons that. may uffered by the counterparty as a consequence of the transaction th a Indemnities are not explicitly defined and the maximum amount of 21/ ny Po ursement cannot be reasonably estimated. The nature of these indemnifl on agreemen revents the City from making a reasonable estimate of the maximum ex sure due to the if ficuities in assessing the amount of liability which stems from the unp ictabilityof futu events and the unlimited coverage offered to counterpartles. Historical) , th sty has no made any significant payments under such or similar indemnification a and reforel no amount has been accrued in the consolidated financial t e pest to these agreements. 18. Contingent liab ties Utlgatlon The City he be named as defendant in certain legal actions in which damages have been sought. T of th a actions is not determinable as'at the date of reporting and accords ly o pro ion as been made in theses financial statements for any liabilities which may r ult. 19. dget figures The approved erating and capital budgets for 2008 are reflected on the Consolidated Schedule of erating Fund Financial Activities and Fund Balance, Consolidated Schedule of Capital Fun Financial Activities and Fund Balance, and the Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities. he budgets established for the capital fund operations are on a project-oriented basis, t costs of which may be carried out overione or more years and, therefore, may not be comp able with the current year actual amounts. As well, the municipality does not have a bud t for activity within Reserves and Reserve Funds, with the exception being those tr sactions which flow through either the operating or capital fund budgets. Budget figures ve been reclassified for the purposes of these consolidate financial statements to comply with SAB reporting principles. S 0oanernf1HMOA0fyefP1d HftJAbfes-Jun12(18179.k&2. VP&23AM Page 18 FOR DISCUSSION PU"OSES ONLY 237 The Corporation of the .City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2008 20. Tangible capital assets For fiscal years commencing after January 1, 20019, the City will be required t report tangible capital assets in its consolidated financial statements in accordance with Th ublic Sector Accounting Handbook of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants Ion PS3150 - Tangible Capital Assets. The City is currently working toward obtaining t necessary information in order to comply with PS 3150. Public Sector Guideline 7 equires the disc sure of tangible capital asset information in the notes to the financial statem is to the exten hat reliable information is available. For 2008, the City has identified ority of the anoible capital assets and Is currently working on finalizing the opening b a s for these ssets. As at December 31, 2008, the City does not have any detailed tangib c ssed i rmation to disclose. For the year ended December 31, 2008 tangible capital a nditures incurre during the year are recorded as capital expenditures in the consolidated tement of fina ial activities. 21. Segmented Information The City provides a wide range of services to its ide Segmented information has been provided in hedule IV f following City Services: • Protection to persons and property • Public works services • Recreation and culture • Planning and development • Social and family services • General government Revenues and expenditures di ly attributa each segment are reported by segment. Typically general government penditures are tuned In support of all services. Similarly general government revenu including taxes re, used to finance all activities of the City. For purposes of segmented re rtin , general vemirnent revenues and expenditures have not been allocated to the of r but er ar* shown separately. 22. Comparative figu Certain compare ve figures have n reclassified to conform with the current year financial statement pre ntation.. oaw wt in 2zra4 Of), of PYcfisrng hbAcs -Tin 12(IeV79,! 6/23W9 32d AN Page 19 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 38 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Consolidated schedule of operating fund financial activities and fund balance - Schedule I year ended December 31, 2008 /2007 2008 Budget Note 19 Unaudited A al A Revenues Commercial and Industrial taxation 7,598,765 42 7,309,321 Residential and farm taxation 30,742,064 j336,242 11 ,994,606 Taxation from other governments 7,123,031 28 7,118,526 User charges 7,364,19 7,596,332 Govemment grants and fees 308,5 9 615,023 Other contributions and donations 1,066 97,461 Investment Income 1,0 ,000 38 1,632,872 Penalties and Interest on taxes i, 0,000 49 1,822,600 Fines 8 o 02 800,559 Interest on promissory notes 1, , 0 44 1,905,244 Other 00 571,625 Total revenues 59,794M 60 134 505 58,464,169 Expenditures General government 12,270, 4 9,939,453 11,813,917 Protection to persons and property 16,62 ,182 17,161,109 14,330,659 Transportation services 6,7 ,720 6,584,698 6,109,154 Environmental services 66,758 177,688 119,365 Social and family services 400,246 367,864 385,401 Recreational and cultural services 7,820,881 17,603,022 16,529,901 Planning and development 3 495 162 1,895,566 1,774,748 Total expenditures 57,516,563 53,729,400 51,063,145 Net revenues 2,245,005 6,405,105 7,401,Q24 Financing and transfers Dividend received fro m Verid n 1,694,000 1,722,000 1,640,000 Transfers to capital fund '(3,278,993) (3,405,174) (2,242,532) Transfers from (to) rase and rese s 1,937,379 (2,801,151) (4,456,014) Increase (decrease) in unts to be erect Principal repayme of debentures (1,544,251) (1,190,648) (1,132,989) Principal repaym t of internal loan (1,163,140) (1,162,514) (1,225,949) Post-employm t t liability - 220,250 26,300 WSIB benef! la - 442,153 (47,286) Decrease I re In non na al assets - 53 944 36,601 (2,355,005) (6,229,028) (7,401,$69) operating fund ba nce (110,000) 176,077 (845) Operfund balance, Chan:Fnning be of year 110,000 (51,077) 50 32 O ng fund bala oe, end of ear - 125,000 (51,077) iez2roCiiyofaa~mrngFS-Tunlt(ltelr9tE✓29/2no9 SvAI Page 20 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 239 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Consolidated schedule of capital fund financial activities and fund balance - Schedule II year ended December 31, 2008 2008 2Budget Note 19 Unaudited Actu. 1 Revenues Grants 15,537,000 7 867 ,540,613 Other contributions and donations 825,000 ,982 373,499 Development charges and developer contributions earned 965,300 63 , 1,983,824 Other 150,000 84,514 48,668 Total revenues 477 30 8 350 64 3,946,604 Expenditures Protection to persons and property 1 1,342,124 General government /330,0 /4,224,5411 3 1,014,811 Transportation services 7 5,978,241 Environmental services 5 132,408 Social and family services 8 25,029 Recreation and cultural services 2,186,944 Total expenditures 1 776 810 9,593,465 10,679,557 Net expenditures (11,299,51/0) (1,242,818) (6,732,953) Financing and transfers Transfers from operating fund X7,358,350 310 3,405,174 2,242,532 Transfers from reserves and reserv/fus 850 442,851 978,374 Proceeds from debentures Issued 8,506,000 - Proceeds from internal loans - - 597,000 Net financing and transfers 1j,299,510 12,354,025 3,817,906 Change in capital fund balance O - 11,111,207 (2,915,047) Capital fund beginning of - 2,294,298 5,209,345 Capital fund, and of ear - 13,405,505 2,294,298 In 2210 6/y offfdW- W FS- An MtSB179,1 LiIMM09- S26 PM Page 21 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 240 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Consolidated schedule of reserves and reserve funds financial activities and fund;balance - Schedule III year ended December 31, 2008 zoos /18,3 Revenues X Other contributions and donations 136, 3 Investment income 13 14 2 47 401,283 Net transfers from (to) other funds Operating fund /2,801,151 4,456,014 Ca ital fund 42 85 (978,374) Total net transfers 2,3S8,30 3,477,640 Change in reserves and reserve fund balance /2,8,047 3,778,923 Reserves and reserve funds, be innin of ear 49 20,148,226 Reserves and reserve funds, and of year /26,555,196 23,927,149 O. 1nW00?yofAr %"VF5-Am12(18179,k 6✓Y3/Zdi09. A-24 AN Pape 22 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 241 a 0 a 0 0 ,4 woo Nvo1% L o a0MV4o 0 Min O 1oa0Ch a 0 co N V In O '0' M 0 A et IV al N V 10 V N 'a MMO f\ of OD l NOa ~ODO M N th o 4T ~t O It m O t0 N N In M In In at 0 N tll M In 0 m rl M N rl f*4 N ~D et M In 94 ~ ~ n f\ d' O f\ N ~ M - OD Of H a o et 0 M In v 44} N In O 40 In p~ 10 0 M rI . ao a m i s 0 4M0 In SKNto 1n m M10 N d C wNO0~ ONwr%et rl NM N w O E % Oi O O P at n d' a n N at M ri Naar11+1 in MOM O VII a In M 0 In a s a0 N a In a qv In I # 0 It a In 0 a Ln IV 0 In n as ON n N m00 at O O M N N da' ON} N I^0 O r^i ai 94 94 M N In c w OND i aND M' O 111p0 W O O N qr vIn a) A c a a 1MO M,Ma ln~ O ° a .r ai ao a _ m IL v c 4& 10 O In a 0 N in O M ao "I In 0 tom O ao0N aetnM 94 a T+ d'a In OMO "1I~N9a V n et a o M M N d m 10 a 1o of ~ v O 1p 1p a oa O rl 1D Cf a0 N N N ~i10 10 M1O M N N N N ~ cc in In N aQ CZ b 0 -W N in a I% 10 10 N 1% V O .i n 94 M N ^ in it M V ' ° 2 i ..I o ' 10 N In •1.1 14 A ; ai 10 10 a fO D r. ^ a 06.4 O m .i r1 I~ n m M a0 10 M N l4 I w O ~ d ~a 0 .,mot 4& v w 1o aD n ON O M a a In et ° ^94 "M1 Oat n Oat1 O M M 000 U N Of M a 10 r1 Of 14 N~ .1 n aC MN INO O nt N M94r~i 10 T4 94 O ILn d 94 14 In rl In C H 00 4A V "~E 4.4 O w p h N Cy O C , V H ; 2 al C i O O O c cc m k xma,°,~ ° c c °w v IOU, p a > m sn (L) c w I L- r_ -M c "u, > CL N " t'-°~'° d-°' o a oLa is mm mcL ono a1mE ++atas cma~a - o i I i i f~ C i/! M N M .-i Ot U0 0 co .-I In M V Il It N 2 4 2 O N (n In tD t0 N .-1 00 v .-r N t0 O In n N O M O N _4 co N OD rl t0 00 e-! t0 In O M% Lr r` 14 M * N M O M N t0 Ot co N .y 0% It O tD t0 w N) %0 t0 O N It N tC d t0 In N O v Gt w o O to Ot al tO to U ^ Ln in co n I fnn ~J N r+ Ln 1-4 .-i M O 1-4 tR w m M N %D w In, co w t• O to to +-1 d O Gt It to O 0% N 14 N et .-I Ot m N .-4. Ot c E N N O N N in co; It O Ch M 0 O co O rl OD to n ri Lf1 ll1 OD M .-1 M d' t O (P c co In W O Ot Il% at to N V4 N V-4 M .4 Ot O! N M N N O 0% O n .-1 OD N N O v C I Ln n N '-1 M v iA to co M N d': N ^ .-I C N to as t0 OD•In o+ O N n t0 E Gt to to N In. M tD v O OD 4 fl 10 N It elz N 00 +~-1 Ot N N 00 N I C to . ri M M N 4A N M O Gt N at 00 to C: O Lnn nn Nle N N C 0 t0OOt IMn 0OODD W N N C M tO N M C j rl ri N 01 C N i/! 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C h mp N n O Ct N Gt tD tO to ~ A"' O C tO -I M t0 In * of In 4 N O It N :i O v O t0 rI .-1 It O Ot tD d N In ,-I 00 N lw o± In 00 N et N r/ O N .-I N ~~yy a+ N O M M N OD n t0 .-I M Ln Gt to tfi 1~1 0 1n tO rl t0 O r 1 M N M M r1 C d y C rl N .-1 .-i M C> 10 0 Gnn N 4-1 w O ~ ! ^ q Cd N C G C 0^ ~ C a W C C fCZ ~ b-1 > 0 y= x W N u i> V C C > y C q w .0 M 0) U o y a > Rs L 7 Cn q z o O we > su C 3>. txd i i ,i a> W > U CL 2 L- L- e, 9 CL 0~ x IT o~ ov ~o061 lu c ~oo~ za U 0 243 i Financial statements of The Corporatio o City of Picke ' g Trus unds December 31, 2008 O 5WWaRmtIn22I02WOT 0AudrN0w(-W2&0179,&JVA1f FOR DISCUSSION PURE OSES ONLY I I 244 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Trust Funds I December 31, 2008 Table of contents Auditors' Report ......1 Statement of financial position 2 Statement of financial activities and fund balances .....................3 Notes to the financial statements ....................................................4 O s noo,~~rMzzlozooe nwrfi~ndsnbtesG en~~9ax FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 245 Deloitte & Tou a LLP 5140 Yonge Suite 1700 I Toronto M2N 6L7 Canad Tel- 16-601-6150 F .416-601-6151 Aeloitte.ca Auditors' Report To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of The Corporation of the City of Pickering We have audited the statement of financial position of The Co on of the of Pickering Trust Funds as at December 31, 2008 and the statement of finaaci ' 'es and d balances of the Trust Funds for the year then ended. These financial statements nsib' ty of the City's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinio on th c' statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance'. =t generally acce auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perfo audit to ob reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material ent An audit ' eludes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclos c' statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used si etas made by management, as well as. evaluating. the overall financial statemen resentati o . In our opinion, these financial is present fair , in all material respects, the financial position of The Corporation of the City of Pi eying Trust Fun as at December 31, 2008 and the results of operations and cash flows of th ds for a yearthen ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accoun ' ip Chartered Acco Licensed Publ' un June 16, 200 S Doae~uit/n721010AB7iwFAaiabAbfrs~b/23/G9,a•19AN FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 1 i The Corporation of the 2 4 6 City of Pickering Trust Funds Statement of financial position as at December 31, 2008 200 2007 Dorothy Card OHRP Estate T tal To Financial assets Investments - 277,351 7,351 256,674 Interest receivable - 8,905 8,905 18,360 Loans receivable 1,814 814 2,240 1,814 286,$6 28 7 277,274 Trust Fund position 1,814 L62S6 28 ,070 277,274 O In 1211 TOOB hwt }iNds fli~mrc+~alsMfenwr# Cf Q✓7d/ZQ09 F 2 DPM Page 2 FOR DISCUSSION PUROOSES ONLY 2A7 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Trust Funds Statement of financial activities and fund balances year ended December 31, 2008 200 2007 (Dorothy Card OHRP Estate tai To I Revenues Interest 161 11,222 //>11,383 10,452 Expenditures Provincial payments 558 1,658 Administration char es 29. - 29 87 587 - 587 1,745 Net revenues (expenditures) (426) ,222 /277,274 0,796 8,707 Fund balance be lnnln• of year 2,240 7134 268,507 Fund balance end of year 1,814 256 288,070 277,274 O I !e 22112008 tMt An* fimr ddsfafwssnfs (#21440 a02342A09, SWAM Page 3 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i I I i 243 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Trust Funds Notes to the financial statements December 31, 2008 1. Accounting policy i The financial statements of The Corporation of the City of Pickering Trust nds are the representations of management prepared in accordance with Canadian nerally accepte accounting principles. Significant accounting policies adopted Include: I _ Basis of accounting Revenues are recorded in the period in which the transactions r events o rr that gave rise to the revenue. Expenditures are reported on the accrual basis of accoun ' g which recogn' es expenditures as they are incurred and measurable as a result of the rec pt of goods or s ices and the creation of a legal obligation to pay. Investments Investments are recorded at cost. The cost of in stme pro ates their fair value. .2. Ontario Home Renewal Program The Ontario Home Renewal Program r RP') was estab . hed by the Ontario Ministry of Housing in 1973 to provide grants for u es to ake loans to assist owner occupants to repair, rehabilitate and improve thei om t perry standards. Individual loans are limited to $7,500 of which the ma um fo able ortion is $4,000. Effective July 16, 1993, the Pro nce of Ontari d ntinued this program. Unused funds were remitted to the Province on M h 1, 1994. 0 nding balances of loans Issued prior to July 16, 1993 will continue t be administe under the terms of the original program. The City continues to administer th collection of an outstanding loans and remit the proceeds, net of a 5% administration fee to h ry of nicipal Affairs and Housing. "OHRP" loans r eceiva a , 2008 are comprised entirely of repayable loans of $1,814.(2007 - $2, 0). In ven f the sale or lease of the home or in the event of the homeowner ceasi to occupy me, the balances of the repayable loan immediately become due and yabie by the h meowner. 3. Dorothy C rd Est4te The City f erin as biished a trust fund !for the Dorothy Card Estate for the care and upkee of th sti a deny. The fund balance; is comprised of investments and accumulated ante st amoun o 286,256 (2007 - $275,034). 4. tatement of sh flows A statement cash flows has not been presented as the information is readily determinable from the fln nclal statements presented. i Doasnent/a221020M rhatFunds Abfes~ 6✓28r09 WVAN Page 4 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i 249 i Financial statements of The Corporation City of Picke ' Public Libra Board December 31, 2008 • O SW DDCL~/eMOBHdmrligQ1pAibFo-fJbo~das~I2d(7I4NC6/23/179.•&MPM FOR DISCUSSION PURI OSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering 250 Public Library Board December 31, 2008 Table of contents Auditors' Report .....1 Statement of financial position .............2 Statement of financial activities and change in fund balance ..........................3 Notes to the financial statements .........................4-7 O I i I Ioammw/n moo Q✓d AW, x31 PM FOR DISCUSSION PURROSES ONLY 251 Deloitte & T LLP 5140 Yonge Suite 1700 Toronto M2N OU Canad Tel- 16-601-6150 F 41e-601-6151 .deloitte.ca Auditors' Report To the Members of The Corporation of the City of Pickering Public Library Board, Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of The Corporation of the City of Pickering We have audited the statement of financial position of n of City of Pickering Public Library Board as at December 31, 2008 and the statem of 'ties and change in fund balance for the year then ended These financial is are the ibility of the Library Board's management. Our responsibility is to express an op' on on these cial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally ted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform nable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material m* em An u examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures ' the financ ments. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and signifi t estimates by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentati In our opinion, these financial s present ly, io all material respects, the financial position of The Corporation of the City o is 'c brary Board as at December 31, 2008 and the results of its operations and the char in i cial sition for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accoun 'ples. Chartered Ac un Licensed he Acco is June 16, 09 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering 252 Public Library Board Statement of financial position as at December 31, 2008 2008 2007 Finandial assets Cash 2,31 2, 0 Accounts receivable 63 Due from the City of Pickering 93 41 772 9 600 /43,645 Liabilities Current Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 117,10 82,018 Deferred revenue 8,388 13,350 Due to the Government of Canada 349 459 Post-employment benefits liability Note 3 12010 117,300 245 7 213,127 Net financial liabilities (1 ,337) (169,482) Non-financial assets Prepaid expense 29 237 52,182 Net liabilities /(120,100) (117,300) Board position Amounts to be recovered (120,100) (117,300) O 1a22f0APldw*y-QHy-Ae6/!c-U&wy*=tPJZ0M144.fk&Z/IQD9,•" M Page 2 FOR DISCUSSION PURROSES ONLY 5 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Public Library Board Statement of financial activities and change in fund balance year ended December 31, 2008 2008 2007 Budget Note 7 Unaudited Actual Actu Revenue City of Pickering grants - operating 4,638,235 ;4,2 ,549 4, 0,554 City of Pickering grants - capital ];95,900 9 0 197,880 Federal grants 93,000 20 7,487 Province of Ontario grants 119,775 7 133,875 Fines and other receipts '88 000 5 199,952 4,234,910 4 792 593 4,549,7!M Expenditures Operating Salaries Salaries and wages 2,718 ,0 2,/,661 2,628,979 Frin benefits 2 547,7515 3 97 6 364 305 3,176,735 Material, supplies and utilities Books 614,350 534,948 502,541 Utilities x;99,882 175,873 192,249 Other supplies :581595 51,405 53,315 72 8 762,226 748,105 Services Repairs and maintenance ?j ,508 275,162 227,773 Insurance ,282 34,090 42,013 Travel 4,528 4,008 10,397 Consulting and professional 30,100 37,489 17,880 Advertising 19,370 34,555 10,562 Conferences 8,295 1,936 7,457 Postage O 6,000 5,442 6,248 Telephone :50,020 48,659 52,501 Seminars and educa ' n 8,500 8,855 6,873 Vehicle repairs and aintenance 10,864 2,682 1,763 Miscellaneous 21 063 17,319 16,679 175,S30 470,197 400,146 Total operatin a re 4,046,010 4,596,728 4,324,986 Ca vital ex De di s 2 a@8,900 17S,720 197,880 Total ex a itu 4,034,910 4,772,448 4,522,866 Net rave es - 20,145 26,882 Increas (decrease) in /assets s to be recovered - 2,800 (5,700) Decre a in non-financi (22,945) (21,182) C nge in fund bai - - - QMi nd balance be nin of ear - und balance d of year - !n?210A Ndw*WO Owti-128(714t1X Qi/?VXW, &40 PM Page 3 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 254 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Public Library Board Notes to the financial statements December 31, 2008 1. Significant accounting policies The financial statements of The Corporation of the City of Pickering Public brary Board (th "Library Board") are the representations of management prepared in ac rdance with Ca dian generally accepted accounting principles for local'govemment establis d by the Public or Accounting Board (PSAB) of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Ac ntants. Significant accounting policies adopted by the Library Board are a I s: Basis of accounting (a) Accrual basis of accounting . Revenues and expenditures are reported on the acc 1 basis of accou ing. The accrual basis of accounting recognize revenues as they are amed and mea rable; expenditures are recognized, as they are incurred and meesura a as a result of a receipt of goods and services and the creation of a legal obligation to a . (b) Tangible capital assets The historical cost and accumulated amort' action for ibi capital assets are not recorded for Library Board purposes. Ta ible capital a acquired during the year are reported on the statement of financial ivitles and cha a in fund balance as capital expenditures in the year of acquisitio (c) Post employment benefits The present value of the cost of rovi o es with future benefits programs Is recognized as employees ea ese en emle through service. Any actuarial gains or losses are amortized on a st Ight-line b s er the average remaining service period (ARSP) of employees. The ctuary estimate the ARSP to be 15 years (2007 - 16 years). (d) Use of estimates The preparation of fi n ' temen in conformity with Canadian generally accepted accounting principl i a ment to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amo nt , a sties and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the ate of nan al statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenditures ring the pe Actual results could differ from those estimates. 2. Capital ex ditures Capital ex a were curred to acquire furniture and equipment in the amount of $175,7 ( 7 $ 7, 3. P t-employment eflts liability he Library Boar makes available to qualifying employees who retire before the age of 65, the opportunity to ntinue their coverage for benefits such as post-retirement extended healthcare benefits. Cov ge ceases at the age of 65. The Library Board also provides full time and permanent art-time employees a sick time entitlement and any unused entitlement is accumula d year to year. This accumulated entitlement Is not vested and therefore is forfeited at the ti a of retirement or termination. The post-employment benefits obligation at Dece er 31, 2008 and the changes in the accrued benefit obligation for the 2008 fiscal year was etermined by actuarial valuation prepared as at January 1, 2008. S QoaAmtinT2lQBPlaforrinpQfyRrbl~aLidrq~•60osdf2Q(21441X6/2310P*31PM Page4 FOR DISCUSSION PURE OSES ONLY 2 5 5 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Public Library Board Notes to the financial statements December 31, 2008 3. Post-employment benefits liability (continued) Information about the Library Board's post employment benefits liabilities as follows: 2008 2007 Post-employment benefits liability, beginning of ytrar Current service costs 15,800 Interest expense /1/,3,000 8,000 Amortization of actuarial losses 800 Benefits aid durin the ear 2 (30,300) Post-employment benefits liability, end of year 1 100 117,300 2008 2007 $ $ Accrued post-employment benefit obligation 171,300 126,200 Unamortized actuarial losses (51,200) (8,900) Post-employment benefits liabili 120,100 117,300 The main actuarial assumptions a ployed I e is anal valuations are.as follows: (a) Discount rate The present value as at ecember 31, 20 of the future benefits was determined using a discount rate of 6.0%. (b) Dental cost trend ra The current den co cost t 3anuary; 1, 2008 was 4.0% per annum. (c) Extended heal care tren Health Cos were assumed Increase at 99t In 2009 and decrease by 0.5% increments per year an ultimate rat of 5% per year lm 2017 and thereafter. 4. Pensio g me The L• rary B k contributions to the Ontorio Municipal Employees Retirement System (OM S), which ulti-employer plan, on behalf of eligible members of its staff. The plan Is a fined benefit pi that specifies the amount of the retirement benefit to be received by the ployees based n the length of service and rates of pay. Contributions i the amount of $161,830 (2007 - $149,696) were paid to OMERS on behalf of its members usng the year. S Doamwtin 271QBNdrrGg QtyR~bNe L/bn~• dadd-116Y7141(~ N73 M, &31 PMT Page 5 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering 2 5 6 . Public Library Board Notes to the financial statements December 31, 2008 5. Statement of changes In financial position. A statement of changes in financial position has not been presented, as th related informa n Is readily determinable from the flnancial statements presented. 6. Guarantees In the normal course of business,.the Library Board enters into re ts, whic contain guarantees. The Library Board's primary guarantees are as foil s. (i) The Library Board indemnifies employees and board me bens for various ems including, but not limited to, all costs to settle suits or actions d to association th the Library Board, subject to certain restrictions. The Library has purchase lability insurance to mitigate the cost of any potential future suits or a 'ons. The term o e indemnification is not explicitly defined, but Is limited to the period a hich the in emnified party served as an employee or board member of the Library rd axim amount of any potential future payment cannot be reasonably estima ([I) The Library Board has entered into agre em is that nc de indemnities in favour of third parties, such as purchase and sale a ements, con ntiality agreements, engagement letters with advisors ac suonts, outso ing agreements, leasing contracts, information technology ;nd g menta and serv agreements. These indemnification agreements may re the Library rd to compensate counterparties for losses incurred by the counterparti a result of aches in representation and regulations or as a result of litiga on a _ tory sanctions that may be suffered by the counterparty as a conseque ce of rksa ion. The terms of these indemnities are not explicitly defined and the aximum oun of any potential reimbursement cannot be reasonably estimated. The nature of these indemnifl tion agreemen prevents the Library Board from making a reasonable estimate of the ximum exposu due to the difficulties in assessing the amount of liability, which stems fro he predictabi of future events and the unlimited coverage offered to counterpartie H Ily, the brary 'Board has-not made any significant payments under such or similar i e ifi ements and therefore no amount has been accrued in the Statement of Fn vial on w' respect to these agreements. 7. Budget frgu Budgets esta fished for capita expenditures are set on a project-oriented basis, the costs of which may a out ov r one or more fiscal years and may not be comparable with the current y r u oun 8. Ta ible capita is F r fiscal years co mencing after January 1, 200$, the Library Board will be required to report ngible capital is in its financial statements ip accordance with The Public Sector Accounting Ha book of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, Section PS3150 - Tangible Cap I Assets. The Library Board is currently working toward obtaining the necessary Information order to comply with PS 3150. Public Sector Guideline 7 requires the disclosure of tangible ital asset Information in the notes to the financial statements to the extent that reliable formation is available. For 2008, the Library Board has identified the majority of the tangib capital assets and is currently working onifinalizing the opening balances for these asse . As at December 31, 2008, the Library Board does not have detailed tangible capital ass information to disclose. For the year ended December 31, 2008 tangible capital enditures incurred during the year are recorded as capital expenditures on the statement of nanciai activities and change in fund balance. S Qvaur~/nz2~araafaa~goY~fl~L/endpias~~~e(ti4/t~6/x?in9~3rvdri Page 6 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 257 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Public Library Board Notes to the financial statements December 31, 2008 9. Comparative figures Certain of the prior year's comparative figures have been reclassified to co form to the cu nt year's financial statement presentation. O S D00AWWtIn22100Adorf~c~~+iubkC~fb~vya,ad-lz t+~rt6✓WK.5.31 gw Pagel FOR DISCUSSION PU"SES ONLY ATTACHMENT #..I-TO REPORT#ILP-01 Auditor's 2006 010servations 258 Management Responses Summary (Attachment 1 to Report CS 30.08 Updated June, 2009) i) Security Policy Deloitte's 2006 concern was the lack of all encompassing documentation pertaining to system security policies and ! procedures. It was perceived that since Information Technology (IT) had only developed one policy, that being the Personal Computer (PC) Use Policy (ADM030), that certain aspects of security had not been addressed. During the 2007 review, Deloitte became more familiar with the comprehensiveness of the PC Use Policy. Additionally, Deloitte understands that IT updates the policy at least once per year to ensure its currency, and schedules bi monthly training sessions on the policy for new staff. The policy is posted on the intranet to allow access for all employees. New employees are also provided hard copies of the policy for ease 'of reference. IT does not rest alone on the PC Use Policy to ensure network security. In 2005, a penetration test was performed to test the City's network defences, both internal and external. Weaknesses were uncovered regarding the internal defences. It was recommended by the security firm that the City begin to implement login tokens, and the City did so. By 2009, all employees who access a computer will require a login token to connect to the City's computer network. To maintain our diligence, a follow-up security penetration test will be performed during the third quarter of this year. In addition, IT develops security-related login messages several times per year. In conclusion, this concern is considered addressed and closed. Update: The PC Use Policy (ADM030) was rewritten so that it is now an overview for Information Technology (IT) and its function. The specifics of the policy are now contained within the procedure ADM030-001. The procedure, including security-related matters, was updated in 2008. A security penetration test was performed as planned, and IT performed very well regarding security- related systems. IT conducted nine security training sessions over a period of three days. Additional login tokens have been budgeted for within 2009, and all staff will be assigned a token by the end of 12010. The multi-year purchase of login tokens is budget related. Review of Logical Access Rights Deloitte rightfully addressed the issue of logical access rights, and the need to ensure that only those employees rightfully entitled to access specific files and systems are permitted to do so. In 2007, IT implemented a system that provided employee 'file access rights upon request of the Department Head. During May 2008, IT will issue an email reminder to all Directors and Division Heads reminding them of this service. When the odd employee terminates their services with the City, the replacement employee is usually granted the same access rights as the previous employee. 259 To conclude, the concern is certainly legitimate that only authorized employees should be permitted access to certain files and systems. We feel for the above reasons the City is addressing this concern appropriately. Therefore, this concern is considered addressed and closed. Update: During 2008, IT implemented ,a system to provide Directors the ability to request employee file access rights. The notification of this service was emailed to all Directors. To date, there have been no requests. iii) Documentation Deloitte correctly identified that a number of IT functions/tasks were not documented, including day-to-day tasks,, network-monitoring activities, and the reviewing of audit logs. It is acknowledged that documentation is a requirement if absolute consistency is required. However, one must also consider the limited staffing available to IT. The development of documentation is one thing, to monitor that the documentation is being followed is another. It needs to be noted that it was never the intent of IT to monitor the audit logs being backed up. The intent was merely to have copies of the audit files should reference to them be required. All user requests are currently documented) by way of the Help Desk. All inventory changes are documented by way of an in-house developed tracking system. Therefore, two of the most important activities within IT are indeed documented. We believe the intent of Deloitte's recommendation is in fact being fulfilled. Thus, this issue has been addressed and closed. Update: Change Management documentation procedures were implemented during 2008. Furthermore, in early 2009, a Software Acquisition Policy was drafted and is under review with implemenotion in 2009. iv) Change Management Procedures and Documentation Deloitte has noted that the City lacks formal change-management procedures and documentation. In a larger organization, this would indeed be a concern. In the City, network changes, other than employee adds and changes, are implemented only by two employees, they being the ;Supervisor, Network Support and the Network Analyst. Application changes, such as for the financial and property- based systems are not an excessive concern since they are purchased systems and not in-house developed. As a result, system changes are fully tested prior to them being received by the City. Changes to the databases are controlled by the DBA. As can be noted, indirect controls currently exist. However, the essence of Deloitte's arguments for change management procedures and documentation are valid. Starting in June, in-house tracking systems will be developed that will include the need to seek approval before certain tasks can be performed. Systems will be developed for both application and network changes. Change control will be further enhanced for the application and DBA changes in that all significant changes to application and DBA systems will now be approved by IT prior to the I i 260 changes being enacted. For both network and application changes, should the changes be significant enough, the Manager, Information Technology must provide approval to proceed. Since IT will be implementing Deloitte's recommendations, this concern is addressed and closed. Update: Formal change controls were put in place for all application and network changes during 2008. The systems were developed in-house, and reside on the intranet where they are only accessible by IT staff. v) Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning (BCDR) No one disputes the necessity of BCDR. What can be argued are the resources required versus that available to be applied against it. As previously reported, the City spent approximately $23,000 during 2004 to have Deloitte develop a first- phase plan. The result was a list of computer-related systems that would be restored in priority sequence should a disaster befall IT. Council declined to authorize the $40,000 funding required to restore the number one system, that being the telephone system. It was then rOcognized that the City could not support the expenditures related to a full-scale BCDR due to the limited funding that is available to the City as a whole. The City, while not pursuing a full-fledged BCDR system, is proceeding in a methodical manner, adding to IT's capabilities on an annual basis. An informal estimate of implementing all aspects, excluding the development of an actual plan, was approximately $1.2 million which was deemed by staff to be too high a cost to implement in one year. In 2008, Council approved approximately $270,000 for various aspects of this and other initiatives identified by the Auditors and/or Manager. IT will be implementing a SAN solution, virtual servers which will allow for quicker restoration of systems, and', the O'Brien room will be wired to accommodate servers and PCs should a disaster strike the Civic Centre. Each year since 2004, new capabilities have been added to IT's repertoire of response tools. It is anticipated that this will continue! in future year's budgets. The need for a BCDR has been acknowledged. The City has on a yearly basis further responded to that need. To conclude, we believe the City is meeting the main requirements, and will continue to do so. As a result, this matter is considered addressed and closed. Update: All projects identified within Report CS . 30-08 were implemented during 2008. Furthermore, IT has enhanced the capabilities of the MEOC located in Claremont, and plans are in place to continue to do so. Each year as budget affordability provides, aspects of Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery measures are put in place. In this way, while taking longer, the city avoids a very large budget increase in any one year for these purposes.