HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 05-09 i 1 6 REPORT O A EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ICKft Report Number: CAO 05-09 Date: July 6, 2009 From: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program - Direction to Proceed with Program File: D-1100-001 Recommendation: 1. That Report CAO 05-09 of the Chief Administrative Officer regarding the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program be received; 2. That staff be directed to proceed with the issuance of a Request for Proposals to hire a qualified consulting team to undertake the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program in accordance with the Terms of Reference set out in Appendix I to this Report; 3. That Council Resolution # 210-08 of October 20, 2008, concerning the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program be rescinded; 4. That Council request financial assistance from, the Province of Ontario to undertake the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program and 5. Further, that a copy of this Report be forward to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure„ the Ontario Realty Corporation, the Region of Durham, the Trustee for the North Pickering Development Management Inc. and the Sernas Group on behalf of the Seaton Landowner Group. Executive Summary: On October 20, 2008, Council passed Resolution # 210-08 concerning the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (see Attachment No. 1). Through that Resolution, Council took a position on a number of matters, including: • Endorsed Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program; • Endorsed a collaborative management approach to undertaking the Program between the City and the Seaton Landowner Group; and • Authorized the issuance of a Request for Proposal by the Seaton Landowner Group to qualified consulting firms to undertake the Neighbourhood Planning Program in accordance with the approved Terms of Reference. L Report CAO 05-09 July 6, 2009 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Page 2 162 Since that time and despite our repeated requests, staff has been unable to obtain the agreement of the Seaton Landowner Group to work with the City in a collaborative manner to undertake the comprehensive Neighbourhood Planning Program. Moreover, rather than pursuing a collaborative approach, two of the Seaton landowners have recently submitted Official Plan amendment. applications to the City for the approval of neighbourhood plans for their lands. We have also been advised that other Seaton landowners are considering submitting similar Official Plan amendment applications. The interests of the City are not well served if neighbourhood plans for Seaton are prepared by individual landowners on a neighbourhood by neighbourhood basis rather than on a comprehensive basis. This "piece-meal" planning approach also provides little confidence that the vision for Seaton as a sustainable urban community will be respected or achieved. Accordingly, it is recommended that Council rescind its previous direction to proceed on a collaborative basis with the Seaton Landowner Group, and direct staff to proceed with the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program as a City initiative, in accordance with the Terms of Reference set out in Appendix I. Financial Implications: There re no financial;implicati s to the City to send out a Request for Proposals (RFP). Sta ouncil in September on the results of the RFP with detailed information on cost. As noted in the recommendations to the Report, financial assistance is being requested from the Province of Ontario to undertake the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program. It is the intent that this work be funded by the Province (and/or others) not the City. The estimated cost of the Program as outlined in the Terms of Reference is approximately $800,000. The exact cost will not be known until the proposals are received through the RFP process. Sustainability Implications: Seaton is intended to be a national and potentially international model of urban sustainability. Accordingly, an important initial step in the Neighbourhood Planning Program as set out in the Terms of Reference is the establishment of performance measures to benchmark and assess the ongoing sustainability of Seaton. As part of the program, a number of performance measures will be developed including measures related to energy conservation, building and community design, cultural heritage conservation, accessibility for the disabled, air quality, human health promotion and environmental net gain. Report CAO 05-09 Judy 6, 2009 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Page 3 T 163 Background: The provincially approved CPDP isets out a vision for Seaton as a sustainable urban community supporting 70,000 residents and 35,000 jobs - a vision that the City shares and supports. Indeed, this vision for Seaton was adopted by the Province in large part because of the input provided by the City and others during the preparation of the CPDP. The CPDP also outlines a three stage planning process. Stage One involves the approval of the CPDP and complementary Official Plan amendments by the Region and the City. Stage Two involves the approval of a number of other plans and studies that work together to facilitate the logical phasing and development of Seaton. It also includes the preparation and approval by the City of detailed neighbourhood plans. Stage Three involves the ongoing role of the City lin managing change in Seaton over the long term. In October 2008, Pickering Council passed Resolution # 210-08 which is attached to this Report as Attachment No. 1. This Resolutions, provided direction on a number of important matters related to the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program, including: • Approving Terms of Reference for undertaking the comprehensive Neighbourhood Planning Program for all of Seaton, including a number of revisions made by Council to address and clarify matters related to public consultation, conflict of interest, community, facility requirements, the early introduction of transit services, and jobs in the Highway 407 employment corridor prior to residential development; • Endorsing a collaborative management approach to the study between the City and the Seaton Landowner Group, and requiring a Management Committee Agreement with the Landowner Group in order to formalize the collaborative working arrangement; • Authorizing the issuance of a Request for Proposal by the Seaton Landowner Group to qualified consulting firms interested in undertaking the Neighbourhood Planning Program; . • Appointing the Director, Office of Sustainabiility; the Director, Planning & Development; and the Manager, Policy to a Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Management Committee; and • Confirming Council's desire to have the final decision on any matters regarding the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program, and requesting City staff to formally report to Council regularly for information, direction and endorsement as necessary and as work progresses. Report CAO 05-09 July 6, 2009 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program page 4 164 Following Council's approval of this Resolution, in order to move forward with the project, the City sent a draft "Management Committee Agreement" to the Seaton Landowner Group for review and comment. No formal response was received. Follow- up conversations with various landowners ensued, and it became increasingly apparent that some of the landowners were not prepared to proceed in a collaborative manner with the City as long as, the approved Terms of Reference contained a provision requiring jobs in the Highway 407 employment corridor before residential development. In addition, over the past few months, a number of discussions have been held at the request of the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure to see if consensus could be reached between the Province, the Seaton Landowner Group, the Region of Durham and the City on a possible path forward with respect to the remaining planning and other pre-development work associated with Seaton. Despite some progress being made on some issues, no consensus was reached on moving forward collaboratively with the City's Neighbourhood Planning Program. In fact, during the course of these discussions, two of the Seaton landowners chose to submit individual Official Plan amendment applications to the City for the approval of Neighbourhood Plans for their lands. Amendment applications were submitted for seven separate neighbourhoods. These submissions "started the clock" and set the stage for possible Ontario Municipal Board appeals. They also send a very clear message that there is no longer a consensus amongst the Seaton Landowner Group to work collaboratively with the City on the Neighbourhood Planning Program. This leaves the City with very little choice but to proceed with the Neighbourhood Planning Program as a City initiative. It would not be in the best interest of Pickering if detailed neighbourhood plans for Seaton are prepared on a neighbourhood by neighbourhood basis by individual landowners and then submitted to the City for our review and approval (or approval through an appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board). A developer-driven, "piece-meal" approach to neighbourhood planning is inappropriate for a community as large and important as Seaton. It:also provides little confidence that at the end of the exercise, it will be possible to achieve and maintain the vision for Seaton as a sustainable urban community of 70,000 people and 35,000 jobs. It is therefore recommended that Council rescind its previous direction to proceed on a collaborative basis with the Seaton Landowner Group, and direct staff to proceed with the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program as a City initiative, in accordance with the Terms of Reference set out in Appendix I. The Terms of Reference are very similar to the Terms of Reference endorsed by Council in October 2008, except that changes have been made to delete or modify any reference to a collaborative management approach with the Seaton Landowner Group and to update the status of related studies and background information. The changes are not substantive - there are of a technical or housekeeping nature in order to allow the City to move forward at this time with the Neighbourhood Planning Program as a City initiative, with funding assistance from the Province. 1 Report CAO 05-09 July 6, 2009 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Page 5 165 Although "collaboration" with the Seaton Landowner Group will no longer be an explicit requirement of the Terms of Reference, input from the Seaton landowners (and others) will be sought regularly throughout the Neighbourhood Planning Program, and all studies, background information and applications. submitted by the Seaton landowners will be used as input to the process. Appendix: I Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Terms of Reference dated June 2009 Attachment: 1. Pickering Council Resolution # 210-08 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Thomas E. Mel uk o as J. Qui (Acting) Chief dministrative Offic Chief Administr ive Officer Neil Carr Director, Planning & Development Catherine Rose Manager, Policy TM:jh Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City ouncil u ? 0~ o s J. Quin DM , MM III j T~f Chief Administr a Officer APPENDIX 1 TO REPORT CAO 06-09 166 TERMS OF REFgRENCE SEATON NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING PROGRAM JUNE 2009 167 CENTRAL PICKERING DE~1/ELOPMENT PLAN SEATON NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING PROGAM 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction Over the next 20 years, a significant amount of Pickering's new growth will occur in the existing urban area as infill and intensification. The City is also planning for the development of a greenfield urban area for 35,000 jobs and 70,000 persons. This urban area is referred to as the Seaton Community. The City of Pickering is seeking the professional services of a qualified Consulting Team to undertake the Neighbourhood Planning Program for lands in the Seaton Community. The study will be undertaken in cooperation with the Province of Ontario, the Region of Durham, and in consultation with the public, agencies and other stakeholders. The selection of the Consulting Team is to be to the satisfaction of the City. 1.2 Seaton Community Location and Area Seaton is bounded generallyby Highway 7 to the north, the West Duffins Creek to the west, the C. P. Railway to the south, and the boundary between the City of Pickering and the Town of Ajax on the east. The Seaton Community, together with lands to the west to the boundary between the City of Pickering and the City of Toronto - Town of Markham, comprise Central Pickering (see map, Attachment #1). The Seaton lands have a rich cultural history. Early occupation of the land occurred following the retreat of the Wisconsin glacier in about 9500 BC. First Nations continued occupation and settlement of the area until Euro-Canadian farm settlers began to dominate starting in the 1800s. The hamlets of Green River, Brougham and Whitevale, which abut the Seaton lands, developed to serve the farm communities and remain tpday as small settlements. Whitevale and its environs are designated as a Heritage District. Following a recent history of expropriation by the Province for the development of a new community, designation of the lands as "urban area", numerous planning studies, and finally a land exchange between the Province and several developers, the future of the Seaton lands its now one of urban development. 18 June 2009 Page 1 Central Pickering Development Plan 168 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Recommended Terms of Reference Nevertheless, over 50% of the land in Seaton is being retained in a rich and extensive natural heritage system. Lands in the natural heritage system will remain in the ownership of the Province. Through the land exchange, about half of the developable lands (about 620 ha) are now in the ownership of four major developers. The Province has retained ownership of about one-third of the residentially-designated lands (about 225 ha), and all of the employment lands (about 400 ha). 1.3 Central Pickering Development Plan The most recent planning study completed was by the Province of Ontario in 2006. The Province completed the Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP), under the Ontario Planning and Development Act. A significant amount of background and planning work was completed during the preparation of the CPDP. The Plan contains land use designations and detailed goals, objectives, policies and implementation strategies for Seaton. Most importantly, the Plan contains a clear vision for a sustainable urban community. 1.4 Sustainable Pickering Pickering Council launched a comprehensive Sustainable Pickering program in 2005. The program is grounded on five sustainability objectives (healthy environment, healthy society, healthy economy, responsible development, and responsible consumption). Various initiatives have been and are being undertaken by the City and its partners under each of these objectives, including initiatives related to climate change, energy management, environmental protection, job creation, waste reduction and sustainable development. In 2008, Pickering became the first municipality in Ontario to establish an Office of Sustainability to oversee and guide Pickering's transformation from a suburban community to a sustainable City. It is the City's expectation that the development of Seaton will make a substantial contribution to this transformation, and set a new benchmark for sustainable community development in Ontario and Canada. 1.5 Initiating the Neighbourhood Planning Process On May 22, 2007, Council passed Resolutlion #114/07 authorizing staff to initiate the process for hiring an appropriate conWting firm to prepare neighbourhood plans for Seaton. The Terms of Reference for this Study wero prepared by City staff with input from the Seaton Advisory Committee, senior City staff, and landowner 18 June 2009 Page 2 169 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Recommended Terms of Reference representatives, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing representatives and the Region of Durham representatives. City Council endorsed the Terms of Reference on XXXX, 2009. 1.6 Public Engagement & Consultation The City of Pickering is committed to public involvement, participation, openness and accountability in addressing land use issues. The public includes the City's residents, business-people, landowners, relevant public agencies, and other interested groups and individuals. In keeping with the City's fundamental approach to doing business, inclusive and meaningful public involvement must also be integral to the undertaking of the Neighbourhood Planning study. Section 4.0 of the Terms of Reference identifies the requirements for the Consulting Team to outline their specific approach to public stakeholder and First Nations consultation. 1.7 The Consulting Team The City of Pickering is looking for a superior interdisciplinary consulting team to undertake. the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program. As project manager, your past experience demonstrates your abilities to coordinate major multidisciplinary projects of a similar scope and scale, exercise strong financial control, integrate and/or inform work underway through related studies by others, and creatively address competing interests. Your team demonstrates strong leadership skills and a commitment to implementing the model of sustainable development set out in the Central Pickering Development Plan. Your team brings expertise in sustainable community development, urban design, housing, retail market assessment, parks and recreation, transportation, engineering, planning, landscape ecology, communication, consultation and engagement, report writing and drafting policy. Your team values the extensive base of work completed, for the Central; Pickering Development Plan, recent reports by the Province and the Landowner Group, and related work by the City of Pickering, and is willing to build upon it. 18 June 2009 Page 3 Central Pickering Development Plan 170 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Recommended Terms of Reference 1.8 Consultant Selection The consulting team shall include in their proposal a section on Conflict of Interest. This section shall contain inform, ation respecting disclosure of possible conflict of interest, including any business, financial or other interest respecting the lands, owners/developers of the Seaton lands, or prospective owners/developers of the Seaton lands. The Evaluation criteria to be used by the Selection Committee for reviewing the proposals and recommending a consulting team to Council may include, but shall not be limited to, the factors listed below, The Selection Committee may apply different weights to the different factors: • Overall completeness and quality of submission • Relevant company experience, scope and value of similar completed projects • Professional qualifications and experience of project personnel • Understanding of Provincial, Regional and Pickering objectives for the development of Seaton • Experience with planning and developing innovative and marketable projects in the GTA, and with sustainable community design • The quality of the public and First Nations consultation programs • Creative approach to completing the study • Approach to incorporating leading edge sustainable community design • Approach to integrating and informing related implementation studies • Detailed project schedule, timetable and work program • Cost effectiveness to deliver project • The advice of references provided in the submission • The oral and visual presentation, if selejcted for an interview 2.0 THE PROJECT 2.1 Purpose of the Project The purpose of the project is to undertake ' the Neighbourhood Planning Program for Seaton. The CPDP identifies a numbjer of implementation studies and the proponents for those studies. The CPDP identifies the following studies as being required in relation to the neighbourhood', planning program: development of sustainable performance measures and benchmarks; preparation of neighbourhood plans and related amendments to the Pickering Official Plan; a retail market analysis; and the affordable housing strategy. To complete the neighbourhood planning program, the City has identified several other matters 18 June 2009 Page 4 171 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Recommended Terms of Reference that need to be addressed (such as urban design guidelines, development guidelines, and a community services and facilities plan). 2.2 Relationship to Other Implementation Studies Where other implementation studies have been completed by others, the consulting team shall integrate, where appropriate, the findings and recommendations of those studies into the Neighbourhood Planning Program. i Where studies are in progress or commence during the course of this project, the consulting team shall where appropriate integrate available information, findings and conclusions, and inform those studies through work on the Neighbourhood Planning Program. The chart on the following page lists the other implementation studies, some of the key topics of that study related to the Neighbourhood Planning Program, the status of the studies, and the proponent. Study Name ° a s.. iropo, _ Topics r~ ` . I'ro ram . z r Highway 407 (Seaton Lands) Economic Completed Province Development Study - Detailed land uses and policies - Detailed road patterns - Urban Design Guidelines - Sustainability Guidelines - Phasing - Implementation strategies DurhamNork/Toronto Transportation Study In progress; Province Draft Report completed January 2009 Natural Heritage System Management Plan Completed Province Master Trails Plan Study - Principles for trail heads, network - NHS/ development interface Seaton Trail Management Plan In progress Oak Ridges Moraine Trust; City; T CA Water Balance Stud Completed Province 18 June 2009 Page 5 72 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Recommended Terms of Reference Fiscal Impact Study (Pickering) In progress Landowners - Phasing Fiscal Impact Study (Regional) In progress Landowners - Phasing Master Environmental Servicing Plan In progress; Landowners - Phasing Existing - Precise location of road/creek crossings Conditions - Location and size of stormwater management Report facilities completed - Location and size of major community facilities August 2008 - Trail network - 3-D Groundwater Model - Major utility placement - Energy management plan Transit Development Charge By-law (Regional; Completed* Region excludes Seaton. Note: Completed* November 2007, effective January 1, 2008 Development Charges Study & By-law (Regional Completed* Region water, sewer, roads and soft services. Note: By- law excludes Seaton for water and sewer, but includes Seaton for roads and soft services Water Supply, Sanitary Sewerage and In Progress; Region Transportation EA (Regional) Regional - Detailed locations of water, roads and sewers Council - Phasing selected consultant in June 2009 Conformity amendments (Durham Regional Pending Region Official Plan Development Charges Study & By-law (Regional Pending Region water, sewer and transit for Seaton only) Conformity amendments (Pickering Official Plin) Pending city Development Charges Study & By-law (City - In progress; City excluding Seaton) Background Study completed May 2009 Development Charge Study & By-law (City - Pending City Seaton specific) Duffins Creek & Carruthers Creek Watershed Completed TRCA Plans *Under appeal 18 June 2009 Page 6 173 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Recommended Terms of Reference 3.0 DETAIL OF WORK TO BE UNDERTAKIN BY THE CONSULTANT 3.1 Neighbourhood Planning Program 3.1.1 Seaton Community Sustainable Development Program The CPDP identifies siz broad sustainable community principles. The principles include: • fostering a healthy natural environment; • encouraging a healthy built environment; • ensuring economic health; • creating opportunities for public education and public awareness; • fostering social and cultural well-being; and • providing appropriate measures for monitoring and measuring success. The preparation, review and approval of development applications within Seaton will be carried out with the view to achieving these principles. Performance measures are to be established and incorporated in the Neighbourhood Plans to play a role in the. ongoing success at achieving sustainability. Building on the City's work on sustainability, including our Measuring Sustainability initiative, Draft Sustainable Development Guidelines for Neighbourhoods and for Draft Plans, Rezonings, Site Plans and Building Permits, and Draft Sustainable Neighbourhood Scorecard, Partners for Climate Protection Plan, and the sustainable development principles and guidelines in the CPDP, the consulting team shall prepare the Seaton Community Sustainable Development Program. The Program shall include: the preparation of sustainability performance measures and benchmarks for the development of Seaton, integrating the sustainability guidelines from the Highway 407 (Seaton) Economic Development Study, performance measures and benchmarks for matters including but not limited to energy conservation, building and community design, transit usage, cultural heritage conservation, accessibility for the disabled, air quality, human health promotion and environmental net gain; the monitoring process; identification of short, medium and long term actions that address integration of the community sustainability principles in the Neighbourhood Plans; and implementation of the Program into the development review and approvals process including recommended official plan policy support. 18 June 2009 Page 7 Central Pickering Development Plan 174 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Recommended Terms of Reference 3.1.2 Urban Desiqn Guidelines Urban design guidelines help bridge the gap between policy, zoning and site development, and knit together public and private spaces. With higher intensities of development, urban design becomes a key element to creating livable communities. Building upon the neighbourhood development principles and guidelines in the CPDP, the urban design and sustainability guidelines contained in the CPDP, and the City's existing design principles and considerations in the Pickering Official Plan, the consulting team shall prepare the urban design guidelines for Mixed Use Areas and Residential Areas. The Guidelines shall: use text, graphics, drawing and maps as required; address urban form, architectural control, landscaping, public realm, streetscapes, focal points, and significant views and vistas; place particular emphasis on development in Mixed Use Areas and development adjacent to arterial and collector roads; and identify recommended official plan policy support; The Guidelines will become the basis for the draft Development Guidelines (see task 3.1.8). Urban design guidelines have been prepared for the Employment Lands through the Provincial Highway 407 (Seaton Lands) Economic Development Study, and is the basis for the draft Development Guidelines (see task 3.1.8) covering the Employment Lands. 3.1.3 Affordable Housing Strateay It is an objective of the CPDP that the Seaton Community provide an adequate range of housing opportunities that respond to existing and future needs; and characteristics of the anticipated population in terms of form, location, size, cost and tenure. The CPDP requires the preparation of a strategy detailing the means to achieve a 25% target of new residential units in housing forms considered affordable to low and moderate-income households. The strategy shall identify appropriate housing forms and shall be implemented through the neighbourhood plans. Contributions to the 25% target may vary by neighbourhood. In the context of the overall housing objectives for Seaton, the consulting team shall prepare an Affordable Housing Strategy to achieve a 25% target of new residential units in housing forms considered affordable to low and moderate-income households. The Strategy shall identify: the appropriate housing forms considered affordable to low and moderate-income households; the . recommended distribution of such forms within and between 18 June 2009 Page 8 175 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Recommended Terms of Reference neighbourhoods; and the recommended official plan policy and other implementation measures to achieve the target. 3.1.4 Retail Market Analysis The CPDP designates lands for mixed uses. The mixed use designations permit, in addition to medium and higher density residential uses, the introduction of retail uses. The CPDP requires a retail market analysis to assess and rationalize the amount of retail floor space to serve the population in Seaton. The consulting team shall prepare a Retail Market Analysis. The analysig shall: determine the amount, location, hierarchy and distribution of retail uses for the population in Seaton, in keeping with the vision of Seaton as a sustainable, mixed-use, transit-supportive and pedestrian-friendly community; and identify recommended official plan policies to implement the results of the analysis. In completing the Retail Market Analysis,; if a concentration of commercial floor space is proposed exceeding 56,000 m2 or larger on an individual or cumulative basis, the analysis is required to ensure the proposal does not unduly affect the planned function and viability of any other Downtown Pickering or other local Centre. The Seaton Landowner Group prepared ,.a retail market analysis in September 2005, and is to be used as input to this study. 3.1.5 Community Services and Facilities Plan Community, cultural, recreational and other public uses are an essential component of the development of the Seaton Community. The Consulting Team shall prepare a Community Services and Facilities Plan for Seaton to guide the provision of recreation, parks (including open space and trails), culture (including libraries) and other municipally provided facilities. The Community Services and Facilities Plan shall: include the projected demographic profile for Pickering and Seaton for the next 20 years (to build out); include an assessment of trends in parka, recreation and leisure services over the next 20 years (to build out); identify leading examples of best practices regarding parks and recreation and municipal facility development demonstrating sustainable development,. successful joint and mixed use facilities, and other strategies to achieve land use efficiencies; identify the community needs and uses in all areas of recreation programs, facilities, services, parks and open space and other facility needs including an appropriate hierarchy, function, and 18 June 2009 Page 9 I 176 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Recommended Terms of Reference property and facility sizes and locations; and the anticipated timing and phasing of uses relative to the timing of development. For clarification, in identifying joint and mixed use facilities, the consultant should look at integration of facilities among different providers (Regional, City, school board, places of worship, etc.). A Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP) is underway, and anticipated to be completed during 2009. One deliverable of the MESP is to identify the number and general locations of major community facilities, including emergency service facilities, secondary schools, neighbourhood and community parks, and recreation complexes. The consultant should confirm or revise the community facilities information from MESP in light of the work from in the Neighbourhood Planning Program, 3.1.6 Neighbourhood Plans The CPDP requires the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans to implement the Central Pickering Development Plan. Neighbourhood Plans will become part of the Pickering Official Plan by amendment. The CPDP states that it is an objective in respect of employment to "Plan for a community that will accommodate 35,000 jobs" and with respect to housing and mixed use, to "Plan for a community with a population of up to 70,000 residents". Developers within Seaton have prepared and submitted to the City draft plan of subdivision applications. Some developers have prepared official plan amendment applications. for Neighbourhood Plans for their lands. These plans are input to the preparation and analysis of neighbourhood plans. The consulting team shall prepare Neighbourhood Plans for all lands in the Seaton Community, whether the lands are part of the natural heritage system, the employment lands, or the mixed use and residential designations. The consulting team shall: identify appropriate: neighbourhood boundaries combining more than one pocket of developable land where appropriate; and prepare a comprehensive Neighbourhood Plan for each neighbourhood. The Neighbourhood Plans shall: address the list of matters detailed in Appendix A to this Terms of Reference; integrate where appropriate the results of the background and other related studies such as but not limited to the Highway. 407 (Seaton) Economic Development Study, Natural Heritage System Management Plan and Master Trail Study, and the Master Environmental Servicing Plan; use policies, designations, schedules and maps as necessary; 18 June 2009 Page 10 1 177 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Recommended Terms of Reference and implement the vision of a sustaiinable mixed use, transit-supportive community. 3.1.7 Draft Conformity Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan Amendments are required to the Pickering Official Plan to bring it in to conformity with the CPDP. The Neighbourhood Plans will also be incorporated into the Official Plan by amendment. The consulting team shall prepare: drat policy and schedule amendments to Pickering Official Plan incorporating the Seaton Neighbourhood Plans as well as revisions to other sections of the Official Plan as may be required to reflect the findings of the outcomes of the Seatorn Community Neighbourhood Planning Program; and prepare draft revisions to the informational text and to the maps in the Plan as necessary. The consulting team shall also identify draft Regional Official Plan amendments that may be required as a result of the Pickering Official Plan amendments. 3.1.8 Draft Development Guidelines for the Compendium Document to the Pickering Official Plan In Pickering, some urban design guidelines and other development controls are identified in Council-adopted Development Guidelines. The Development Guidelines are contained in a Compendium Document to the Pickering Official Plan. The consulting team shall prepare draft Development Guidelines for Seaton. The Guidelines shall: identify appropriate lands or corridors requiring Development Guidelines; incorporate relevant material from the Neighbourhood Planning Program that is to be Council-adopted, rather than form part of the Official Plan. 4.0 COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND FIRST NATIONS CONSULTATION Community consultation is an integral part of undertaking the neighbourhood planning study. Community consultation provides an opportunity to explore and test options with the public, agencies, development industry and others. The Consulting Team shall: design and undertake effective and inclusive Community Outreach and First Nations Consultation programs, with the objectives to engage, obtain comments from, and exchange information with, members of the community, on an on-going basis during the study; describe their 18 June 2009 Page 11 17~ Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Recommended Terms of Reference approach to public, agency and other stakeholder consultation, including how the community Outreach Program will engage and obtain the views of Pickering's multicultural population, and other groups who are less inclined to participate in traditional planning processes; describe their approach to engaging First Nations, Metis and other aboriginals in this process; and prepare a Community & Agency Consultation Report and a First Nations Consultation Report. 5.0 DELIVERABLES For the reports listed below, it is anticipat ' ed that a "Draft", a "Revised Draft" and a "Final" Report will be required. The Management Committee may give direction during the course of the Study on whether any particular report does not require both the draft or revised draft version. 1. Seaton Community Sustainable Development Program 2. Urban Design Guidelines (for required areas) 3. Affordable Housing Strategy 4. Retail Market Analysis 5. Community Services and Facilities Plan 6. Neighbourhood Plans (for all lands in Seaton) 7. Draft Pickering Official Plan Conformity Amendment & Related Draft Regional Plan Amendment 8. Draft Development Guidelines 9. Consultation Report(s) for Community, Agencies & First Nations For the deliverables listed in section 5.0,; the Consulting Team shall forward to the City of Pickering the following: • For each "Draft" Report: 25 draft copies (paper); one copy in digital format using the Microsoft Office suite of applications (all mapping to be provided in AutoCad.dwg or.dxf); one copy in PDF); • For each "Revised Draft" Report: 25 copies (paper); one copy in digital format using the Microsoft Office suite of applications (all mapping to be provided in AutoCad.dwg or.d4; one copy in PDF); • For each "Final" Report: 100 copies (0aper); one camera ready copy of the final version; one copy of the final version in digital format using the Microsoft suite of applications (all mapping to be provided in AutoCad.dwg or dxf format). 18 June 2009 Page 12 1-79 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Recommended Terms of Reference 6.0 SCHEDULE AND WORK PROGRAM The Consulting Team is to provide a detailed work program and schedule as part of the response to this RFP. It is an objective to complete the study within 8 - 12 months. 7.0 STUDY MANAGEMENT 7.1 General The City of Pickering will manage the study. A Management Committee consisting of 3 members from City staff, being the Director, Office of Sustainability; the Director, Planning & Development, and the Manager, Policy, will be established to provide strategic direction -to the Consulting Team, and liaise with the Seaton Advisory Committee. The Management Committee will also be responsible for supervising the study work to ensure that it is carried out in accordance with the Terms of Reference and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. The Consulting Team shall meet with the Management Committee on a regular basis as well as at milestones during the study. The Management Committee shall monitor study progress, liaise with the Consultant, the Province and the Region of Durham, and exercise budgetary control and revisions to the Terms of Reference. The Management Committee may identify additional issues for which options may be necessary to generate discussion, when additional public input may be required and whether both draft and revised draft reports are required in all instances. The Management Committee shall also be responsible for the circulation of study products, notices and:approval of consultant liaison with the public and other agencies. In addition, the Consulting Team shall be responsible for recording, typing and distributing minutes of the Management Committee meetings, subject to the approval of the Management Committee. 7.2 Technical Support Team A Technical Support Team will be established to provide technical advice and guidance to the Consulting Team. The 'Consulting Team shall meet with the Technical Support Team as needed to address issues, obtain comments and at milestones during the study. The Consulting Team shall be responsible for recording, typing and distributing minutes of Technical Support Team meetings. 18 June 2009 Page 13 . Central Pickering Development Plan 180 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Recommended Terms of Reference 7.3 Seaton Advisory Committee of Council The Seaton Advisory Committee of Council receives updates from, and provides advice and guidance for the consideration of, senior City staff and others as may be invited, on the many related studies and activities respecting the development of Seaton. It is anticipated that the Consulting Team would update the Committee at milestones during the study. APPENDICES A Detailed Requirements for Neighbourhood Plans B Selected List of Resources Available jWmmsMMphnnkV%8Won Nsld Plan\TemnoRte112 Ml RecomnsnMdToRSMMWPIL"*MUMTSj - 18 June 2009 Page 14 181 Appendix A to the Recommended Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program - Detailed Requirements to be Addressed in Neighbourhood Plans (must be read in conjunction with section 3.1.6 of the Terms of Reference) Housing and Mixed Use 1. The Neighbourhood Plans shall include: (a) preparation of the transportation network including transit, arterial, collector and local road, and a pedestrian and bicycle systems plan based on the overall network developed through the Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP), and considering the results of the Master Trail Plan component of the Natural Heritage System Management Plan and Master Trail Plan Study; (b) consideration of previously completed archaeological and heritage assessments; (c) identification of drainage boundaries and stormwater management system/facility locations, type, preliminary sizing and discharge quantity, quality and sedimentation targets based on the findings of the MESP and functional servicing plans; (d) identification of detailed community facility requirements including but not limited to municipal facilities, and such other facilities as elementary and secondary schools and places of worship; and (e) identification of environmental sustainability measures. 2. The Neighbourhood Plans shall reflect the following principles: (a) creation of a compact neighbourhood structure with an appropriate mix of land uses to serve local residents and visitors; (b) integration of commercial, residential and employment uses, both horizontally and vertically, to ensure that neighbourhood centres are popular and active destinations, supported by transit and proximity to open space; (c) provision of a range of sizes of lots and blocks to encourage a variety of housing types and sizes, and to create flexibility and options for intensification particularly within mixed use nodes and corridors; (d) consideration of pedestrian requirements for safety and comfort in the location of transit stops, day care centres and community facilities; (e) provision of the highest development density at the neighbourhood centres; Appendix A to the Recommended Terms of Reference for the Page 2 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 June 2009) 182 (f) provision of variations in the design of blocks and streets around natural elements such as woodlots, creeks and topography, to enhance views and achieve a distinctive neighbourhood character; (g) permission for individual lots to integrate elements of the surrounding natural and cultural heritage; (h) making the garage a subordinate elements of the residential development; (i) providing for laneways to support alternative garage locations, where appropriate; and (j) ensuring that surface parking areas are not dominant features of mixed use development areas. 3. The Neighbourhood Plans shall identify and incorporate appropriate strategies to realize the objectives of the Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP) for higher density, transit supportive development by: (a) beginning with the first residential ;neighbourhood and employment lands along the 407 corridor, facilitating the early introduction of transit services, alterative transportation facilities;, and retail and service uses to accommodate residents' needs; (b) setting achievable targets for the construction of higher density residential uses along transit spines; (c) providing for financial incentives for the creation of higher density and/or affordable housing; and (d) enabling development intensification over time. 4. The Neighbourhood Plans shall contain policies: (a) enabling the provision of retail and service commercial uses in the community to serve the needs of residents and businesses, such that sufficient retail and commercial uses are planned to meet local needs, in forms and locations consistent with'the objectives and polices of this Plan for urban design; (b) identifying.and establishing a hierarchy of retail and commercial uses for the community that addresses, among other matters, city and region-wide market demand and supply considerations, the Pickering Official Plan policies with respect to the primacy;of the Downtown Core, and taking into consideration the results of the Seaton Retail Market Analysis. Appendix A to the Recommended Terms of Reference for the Page 3 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 June 2009) 183 Employment 5. With respect to Employment, the Neighbourhood Plans shall establish policies: (a) reflecting the objectives and primary locations for employment from the CPDP; (b) requiring high performance standards for development and site design in the employment areas; (c) requiring employment areas to be readily accessible by alternative modes of transportation, including vehicular, transit, bicycle and pedestrian; (d) implementing the results of the Highway 407 (Seaton Lands) Economic Development Study completed by Hemson Consulting Limited, et al (April 2007); and (e) requiring the commencement of the development of the employment lands along the Highway 407 corridor prior to the commencement of the residential neighbourhoods; 6. Schedules 6, 7, 8 and 9 to the CPDP serve as examples of the key principles and policies to be addressed by the Neighbourhood Plans, and together with the policies of the CPDP, provide a vision for achieving the goals and objectives of the CPDP. The Neighbourhood Plans shall be prepared having regard for the contents of those four schedules: (a) Schedule 6: Neighbourhood Planning Guidelines - Gateway Neighbourhood; (b) Schedule 7: Neighbourhood Planning Guidelines - Central Neighbourhood; (c) Schedule 8: Neighbourhood Planning Guidelines - Employment Lands; and (d) Schedule 9: Urban Design Guidelines. General 7. The Neighbourhood Plans shall incorporate an appropriate policy framework, which supports and incorporates into the development review process, the results of the various other studies required by this Terms of Reference, including: (a) the Seaton Community Sustainable, .Development Program, as required by section 3. 1.1 of the Terms of Reference; Appendix A to the Recommended Terms of Reference for the Page 4 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 June 2009) 184 (b) the Urban Design Guidelines, as required by section 3.1.2 of the Terms of Reference; (c) the Affordable Housing Strategy, as required by section 3.1.3 of the Terms of Reference; (d) the Retail Market Analysis, as required by section 3.1.4 of the Terms of Reference; and (e) the Community Services and Facilities Plan, as required by section 3.1.5 of the Terms of Reference. 8. Subject to the refinements that may be made through the various implementation studies, including the Neighbourhood Planning Program, the Neighbourhood Plans shall incorporate: (a) the basic structural elements of the CPDP, as shown on the following four Schedules to the CPDP: (i) Schedule 2: Land Use; (ii) Schedule 3: Natural Heritage System; (iii) Schedule 4: Transportation; Network; and (iv) Schedule 5: Servicing System; (b) the goals set out in Part 2 of the CPDP respecting the following: (i) Natural Heritage; (ii) Cultural Heritage; (iii) Social, Institutional, Open Space and Recreational Facilities; (iv) Transportation and Transit; (v) Servicing; (vi) Employment; and (vii) Housing and Mixed Use. Natural Heritage System 9. The Neighbourhood Plans shall establish! the appropriate land use policies and designations to reflect the Primary Natural Heritage System Designation, considering the objectives and policies in the CPDP, the results of the Natural Heritage System Management Plan -and Master Trail Plan Study, and the results of the Neighbourhood Planning Program. Cultural Heritage 10. The Neighbourhood Plans shall establish the appropriate design, land use and development policies to reflect the Cultural Heritage objectives and policies of the CPDP. Appendix A to the Recommended Terms of Reference for the Page 5 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 June 2009) 8 11. More specifically with respect to Cultural Heritage, in the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans, recognize the importance of cultural heritage features by: (a) where possible, creating a development pattern that reflects the historic concession grid in order to integrate wood lots, hedgerows, tree lines, and filed pattern into the new urban pattern and Natural Heritage System; (b) protecting and maintaining culturail heritage landscape elements such as treelines, hedgerows and the rolling topography, where feasible; (c) ensuring new development and land uses near or adjacent to cultural heritage landscape features respect cultural heritage patters and their integrity; (d) viewing the Natural Heritage System and open spaces associated with social facilities as opportunities for cultural heritage resource integration and protection; (e) requiring the urban design guidelines prepared as a component of the Neighbourhood Plans address conservation of significant cultural heritage resources and landscape features,; and the integration of significant views associated with these features into the design of the new urban community. In particular, these considerations shall be an integral element of the design of public spaces. In the preparation of the urban design guidelines, the assessmentiand recommendations contained in the Fall 2005 Report entitled "Cultural Landscape Assessment Central Pickering: Seaton Lands" prepared by Wendy Shearer Landscape Architect Limited shall be considered; and (f) integrating and conserving locally significant individual heritage buildings or related features, where appropriate into neighbourhood designs. 12. Further with respect to Cultural Heritage, the design and preparation of the Neighbourhood Plans for lands adjacent to and including parts of the Hamlet of Whitevale Heritage Conservation District shall: (a) demonstrate an appropriate transitional design and compatibility with the area's existing character, including;, use of social, institutional, open space and recreational and renewable energy systems to serve as a buffer and referred to as Hamlet Heritage Open Space; (b) direct north-south and east-west arterial road assignments away from the built up area of the Hamlet of Whitevale; (c) protect where feasible, built-heritage features and structures; and Appendix A to the Recommended Terms of Reference for the Page 6 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 June 2009) 186 (d) ensure that new development is gienerally consistent with the character of existing buildings. 13. The relevant Neighbourhood Plans shall: (a) address uses in the Hamlet Heritagp Open Space adjacent to Green River; (b) enable the expansion of the Brougham Pioneer Cemetery; and (c) identify appropriate trail and pedestrian connections to the hamlets. 14. The Neighbourhood Plans shall incorporate an appropriate set of policies about First Nations cultural and spiritual connection to the Area and strategies for dealing with long-term protection of archaeological resources through the development process, including, but not limited to, the following: (a) requiring the development process to be undertaken in a respectful manner; (b) requiring as a condition of development approval, the retention of an appropriate archaeological monitor, preferably of First Nations' ancestry and funded by the proponent of the! development; and (c) requiring for licensed archaeologists to assess any land alteration and/or grading in the Natural Heritage System considered to have archaeological potential. 15. The consultant shall actively seek the input and advice of First Nations in considering the most appropriate actions to take with respect to the protection, commemoration, long-term management and/or mitigative excavation of archaeological sites. Social, Institutional, Open Space and Recreational Facilities 16. With respect to Social, Institutional, Open'Space and Recreational Facilities, the Neighbourhood Plans shall: (a) reflect the objectives of the CPDP; (b) identify and refine the locations for the social, institutional, open space and recreational facilities, in light of the results of the Community Services and Facilities Plan, the Highway 407 (Seaton Lands) Employment Land Study with respect to a potential university/college site, and the MESP; and (c) identify alternative means of providing for social, recreational or cultural amenities that enhance the quality of the natural or build environment Appendix A to the Recommended Terms of Reference for the Page 7 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 June 2009) 18 Y and/or reflect the sustainability benchmarks developed through the sustainable development program. Transportation Network 17. The Neighbourhood Plans shall incorporate an appropriate policy framework to implement the objectives of the CPDP, with respect to transportation, transit, active transportation and the road network. 18. In particular with respect to Transportation, the Neighbourhood Plans shall establish a policy framework: (a) requiring road connections to be , completed through conditions of draft approval; (b) establishing a robust local road network to support arterial functions; (c) defining a street structure based qn a modified grid that provides a high degree of permeability, access to key locations, and supports pedestrian and bicycle movement; (d) designing roads with reduced rights-of-way dimensions wherever possible to promote intimate streetscapes and neighbourhoods with sense of place, while respecting operational and safety requirements; (e) incorporating where appropriate, narrow lanes, on-street parking and central medians in the road design to encourage slow moving traffic through residential areas and mixed) use neighbourhood centres; (f) supporting the requirement for interconnected roads through conditions of plan of subdivision approval; (g) designing streets as public spaces that link with the open space system; (h) identifying conditions of subdivision approval may be imposed establishing street trees and boulevard landscaping for various reasons including shade, contribution to neighbourhood character, and reducing stormwater runoff; (i) address alternative transportation facilities (including park and ride, car pooling, bicycle storage areas, bus bays and accessible transit stop pads) in order to encourage and maximize the use of public transit from the earliest stage of development; and (j) address commuter parking and transit stations. Appendix A to the Recommended Terms of. RefOrence for the Page 8 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 June 2009) 188 19. Further with respect to transportation, to inform ongoing or future environmental assessments, the Neighbourhood Plans shall: (a) identify locations where road widenings should be undertaken in a manner that protects, incorporates and/or commemorates key heritage characteristics, such as treelines and hedgerows associated with traditional road allowances, and identify the required development measures (special grading and drainage, road wideniog off-set to one side) to protect these features; (b) in recognition of the unique heritage character of the Whitevale Road corridor from the Hamlet of Whitevale to the proposed Whitevale Road By-pass: (i) integrate new development; along this corridor in a manner that is compatible with the existing !cultural heritage value or interest of the landscape, properties and structures; (ii) determine an appropriate road cross-section, traffic management measures and accessibility that are compatible with the character of this corridor; (iii) evaluate and recommend ;appropriate measures such as lower rights-of-way widths, a pedestrian oriented streetscape and reduction of motorized vehicular traffic, as a way of conserving heritage attributes, context and character of the corridor; (iv) address Pickering Council's Resolution #04/06 (see attachment) respecting the potential extension of the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District easterly to Sideline 16 in light of previous Whitevale Heritage District Background Study, landscape work prepared under the Natural Heritage System Management Plan, the Landscape Study by Wendy Shearer, and the ability to achieve the population and development objectives of the CPDP; and (v) identify locations where road cross-sections should feature drainage ditches instead of curbs and gutters to extend or maintain the visual character of rural roads in new neighbourhood. 20. With respect to transportation, the Neighbourhood Plans shall also: (a) encourage minimum rights-of-ways widths on roads where feasible and appropriate; (b) establish design and landscape detail for road cross-sections to achieve the creation of high quality public realm, with particular emphasis on the ease of pedestrian movement alone and across the road; and (c) establish policies enabling areas around interchanges, the GO station, and other major transit areas to support accommodate more intensive development and higher densities. Appendix A to the Recommended Terms of Reference for the Page 9 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 June 2009) 189 21 Also with respect to transportation, the Neighbourhood Plans shall be - accompanied with an analysis of travel demand sensitivity to determine that the transportation network, level of service and community design objectives of the CPDP will be achieved. Servicing 22. The Neighbourhood Plans shall incorporate policies on the phasing and timing of development considering: (a) the results of the Highway 407 (Seaton) Economic Development Study; (b) the results of the MESP; (c) the results of the Regional Class Environmental Assessment; (d) the results of the Fiscal Impact Studies; (e) creation of a transit supportive community; and (f) the City and Regional objectives to enable the development of jobs in the Prestige Employment Lands ahead of or concurrent with residential development. 23. With respect to servicing, the Neighbourhood Plans shall establish policies as follows: (a) requiring the submission of functional servicing plans prior to draft subdivision approval, and outlining the requirements of those plans based on the CPDP,. the MESP and, where appropriate, the Regional Class Environmental Assessment; and an understanding of the design of best management practices identified in the MESP and Regional EA; and; (b) integrating the results of the MESP and, where appropriate, the Regional Class Environmental Assessment, with respect to stormwater management, utilities, ground and surface water performance standards, aquatic habitats, and energy management. Implementation 24. To ensure the development of the community does not cause a financial burden on either the City of Pickering or the Regional Municipality of Durham with respect to facilities, services and infrastructure, the Neighbourhood Plans shall Appendix A to the Recommended Terms of Reference for the Page 10 Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 June 2009) 190 include an appropriate policy framework for the implementation of financial measures and financial agreements, including such matters as: (a) front-ending agreements, cost-sharing agreements and development charges; (b) the results of the Fiscal Impact Studies being undertaken for the City of Pickering and the Region of Durham; and (c) enabling the imposition of appropriate conditions of development approval requiring the cost of development, of community services and facilities to be fairly shared by all benefiting; parties, as conditions of development approval. J:VOQm enbW4nnYp18sa1on NWghbouMood Pkn%Tsm aWRon2WYYt onTemsl&krw Y.0ou P ~ 191 CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT soft as required CLERKS DIVISION cie m Acbm - copy of DIRECTIVE MEMORANDUM Co npmdwmto Folow _ Receive n IMorTrmd1on January23, 2006 RECEIVED To: Neil Carroll JAN 2 5 2006 Director, Planning & Development C)F pi; -KERING CAN ING pF~ELdPMENT Front: Debi A. Bentley pEPARtM[NT City Clerk Subject: Direction as per Minutes of the Meeting of City Council held on January 16, 2006 Designation of Heritage Conservation District COUNCIL DECISION RESOLUTION #04/06 WHEREAS section 8.1 of the Pickering Official Plan states that Council shall respect the City's cultural heritage, and shall conserve and integrate important cultural heritage resources from all time periods into the community; and WHEREAS section 8.4 of the Pickering Official Plan states that City Council, in consultation with its heritage committee, shall implement the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act, including the designation under the Act of heritage conservation districts where appropriate; and WHEREAS policy 2.13(n) of Council adopted Amendment 13 to the Pickering Official Plan, which implements the results of the City's Growth Management Study, states that for the Central Pickering Area, Council shall recognize the heritage character of the Whitevale Road Corridor and require the design of new development to be compatible with the existing heritage, features and site; and WHEREAS policy 2.13(1) of Council adopted Amendment 13 to the Pickering Official Plan identifies the need for a neighbourhood planning process for Central Pickering; and Directive Memorandum January 2 2006 92 WHEREAS the City of Pickering has designated by by-law the Hamlet of Whitevale and its surroundings, including lands on either aside of Whitevale Road to the east of Sideline 26 as a heritage conservation district; and WHEREAS Heritage Pickering, the City's beritage committee, has approached Council requesting a potential extension of the heritage conservation district designation through Seaton along Whitevale Road, from the east limit of the existing heritage conservation district to Sideline 16, extending one half a concession in width north and south of Whitevale Road and including Whitevale Road itself (the "Study Area"); and WHEREAS section 40 of the Ontario H~ Act permits the Council of a municipality, in consultation with its heritage comrnittee,ito undertake a study of an area of the municipality for the purpose of designation! of a heritage conservation district; and WHEREAS section 40.1 of the Ontario Heritage Act permits a municipality undertaking a study under section 40 of the Act to designate by by-law a defined area as a "heritage conservation study area" for a period of up to one year. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby directs staff, as input to the neighbourhood! planning process for Seaton, to undertake a heritage study of the Study Area in the context of an urbanizing area consistent with the City's Growth Management Study / Amendmment 13, and prepare an appropriate by-law designating such area as a heritage conservation study area; and THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all landowners within the Study Area, Heritage Pickering, the Minister of Culture, he Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ontario Realty Corporation, the North Pickering Land Exchange Team, and DEL Property Management. Debi A. Bentley /dw Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Appendix B to Recommended Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program - Selected List of Resources Available 193 The Regional Municipality of Durham Official Plan, Consolidation June 5, 2008 Pickering Official Plan, Edition 5, June 2008 City of Pickering Sustainable Development Guidelines - Consultants' Final Report, prepared by Dillon Consulting Limited et al, May 2007 Working Draft Sustainable Neighbourhood Scorecard, City of Pickering, May 2007 Sustainable Indicators - The Benchmarking Process, City of Pickering, June 2008 City of Pickering Growth Management Study: Phase 2: Preferred Growth Management Concept and Structure Plan, Dillon Consulting Limited, Sorenson Gravely Lowes Planning Associate Inc., Joseph Bogdan Associates Inc., Enid Slack Consulting Inc., February 2004 Central Pickering Development Plan, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, May 2006 Summary of Background Studies: Cultural Heritage; Housing and Mixed Use, Natural Heritage System, Social, Institutionali Open Space and Recreational Facilities; Transportation Network; Water and Wastewater Servicing System; for Proposed Central Pickering Development Plan, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, July 2005 Durham/TorontoNork Area Transportation Study, Transportation and Infrastructure and Service - Quick Starts, TSH for Ministry of Transportation, February 2007 Highway 407 (Seaton Lands) Economic Development Study, Final Report, Hemson Consulting Ltd. et al, for Ontario Realty Corporation, April 2007 Highway 407 (Seaton Lands) Economic Development Study, Appendices, Hemson Consulting Ltd. et al, for Ontario Realty Corporation, April 2007 Seaton Community: Master Environmental Servicing Study, Existing Conditions Summary Report, prepared by Sernas et al, for the North Pickering Community Management Inc., August 2008 Seaton Community: Master Environmental Servicing Study, Existing Conditions Appendices, prepared by Sernas et al, for the North Pickering Community Management Inc., August 2008 Natural Heritage System Management Study and Master Trail System, Final Report, Schollen & Company Inc., et al, for MMAK October 2008 Water Budget Assessment for the OPDA Development Planning Area (Seaton), Clarifica, Water Resources and Environmental Consulting for MMAH, July 2005 A Watershed Plan For Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek, A Report of the Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek Watershed Task Forces, Toronto & Region Conservation for the Living City, August 2003 Appendix B to the Recommended Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 June 2009) Page 2 . 194 Ontario Realty Corporation, Class Environmental Assessment, Environmental Study Report, Acquisition of Oak Ridges Moraine Lands in Richmond Hill and the Sale or Disposal and Severance of Lands in, Pickering (Seaton), Marshall Macklin Monaghan, January 2006 Cultural Landscape Assessment, Central Pickering: Seaton Lands, prepared by: Wendy Shearer Landscape Architect Limited, date stamped February 28, 2006 Seaton Built Heritage Assessment, Prepared for the North Pickering Land Exchange Team, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Planning and Development Division, Prepared by: Andre Scheinman, Heritage Preservation Consultant, November 2004 Seaton Cultural Heritage Resources Assessment, Summary Report, Volume I, by Hough Stansbury Woodland Naylor Dance Limited-Prime Consultants, July 1994 Seaton Cultural Heritage Resources Assessment, Technical Appendix, by Hough Stansbury Woodland Naylor Dance Limited-Prime Consultants, July 1994 Volume II Seaton Cultural Heritage, Resources Assessment, Confidential Appendix, by Hough Stansbury Woodland Naylor Dance Limited-Prime Consultants, July 1994 Volume III The Hamlet of Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Study, Background Report, prepared by The Town of Pickering, August 1989 The Hamlet of Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Study, The District Plan, prepared by The Town of Pickering, June 1990 Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Guide, prepared by The City of Pickering Draft Plan Applications and supporting information for Metrus lands in Seaton, December 2007 & December 2008 Draft Plan Applications and supporting information for Lebovic lands in Seaton, January 2008, & April 2009 Seaton Landowner Group, Compiled Concept Plan, Sernas, January 2008 Seaton Retail Analysis, IBI for Seaton Landowners Group, September 2005 Durham/Toronto/York Area Transportation Study, Draft Final Report, TSH for Ministry of Transportation, January 2009. Draft Plan Applications and supporting information for Mattamy lands in Seaton, March 2009 Draft Plan Applications and supporting information for White Sun lands in Seaton, May 2009 Official Plan Amendment Applications, submitted for Lebovic lands in Seaton - Neighbourhood Plans for Neighbourhoods 6, 10 and 11, April 2009 Official Plan Amendment Applications submitted for Metrus lands in Seaton - Neighbourhood Plans for Neighbourhoods 3, 4, 5, and 9, April 2009 City of Pickering - Major Community Facility Needs and Locations for Seaton, Letter, June 2009 pdocument$Wannkv%SeatonWWPlen%Temso1ReP2009WRe ndedAW Wbd3loTemsolRsl/WWw2WO 1 5 R .wcrn. wuo rr 11 x 4S i z ~a ROU J Z ~amM 3 O Q . I y Q O 3 WHITEN Z O F- 1 yy Y 2 t X Q ear. ~ ~ f I R rc , Z CORD R ^y 1 ' 0 .J1Ywnt1L { "-0 . nor .o~. nra OOD X Q O O 2 O HYDRO R OR ■ H u r 1. CORK d cDRO ■ arc ~ _ ■ ' r City of Pickering Planning & Development Department CENTRAL PICKERING SATE: JUNE. 19, 2009 /V Dotes Saure.. / THE S EATO N COMMUNITY T.rontt Et. Inc. end at .rPmey. All rights Reserved. Not Net o Pion of u trvt. O 2003 MPAC end its tumey. AH rights tttrwa. Not Not o pion of Su Survt. ATTACHMENT# TOREPORT# O`05-09 196 Council Resolution # 210-08 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Dickerson 1. That Report PD 35-08 of the Director Planning Development regarding the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program be received; 2. That the draft Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program which requires appropriate opportunity for public engagement and consultation, be endorsed as set out in Appendix I as amended as follows: Section 18 (Consultant Selection) - First paragraph to read: The consulting team shall include in their proposal a section on Conflict of Interest. This section shall contain information respecting disclosure of possible conflict of interest including any business, financial or other interest respecting the lands, owners/developers of the Seaton lands or prospective owners/developers of the Seaton lands; Appendix A Section 1 (d~- identification of detailed community facility requirements including but not limited to municipal facilities and such other facilities as elementary and secondary schools, and places of worship; Appendix A Section 3 (a) - beginning with the first residential neighbourhood and employment lands along the 407 corridor, facilitating the early introduction of transit services, alternative transportation facilities, and retail and service uses to accommodate residents needs; and Appendix A Section 5 (e) - Requiring the: commencement of the development of the employment lands along the Highway 407 corridor prior to the commencement of the residential neighbourhoods. 3. That the collaborative management approach to the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program between the City of Pickering and the Seaton Landowner Group (North Pickering Development Management Inc.) be endorsed; 4. That to formalize the collaborative management approach, the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to enter into a Management Committee agreement with the Landowner Group that is consistent with the terms and conditions set out in Section 2.2 of this Report; 5. That the issuance of a Request for Proposals by the Seaton Landowner Group for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program be advertised appropriately, authorized to the consulting firms listed below and any additional consulting firms wishing to submit a Request for Proposal, following the execution of the Management Committee agreement between the City and the Landowner Group: 197 • Bousfields Inc; • Malone Given Parsons Ltd. • Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd. • planningAlliance • Planning Partnership • Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. • Walker Nott Dragicevic Associates Limited • Weston Consulting Group Inc.; and • Young Wright/ISIGroup 6. That the following City staff be appointed to the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Management Committee: the Director, Office of Sustainability; the Director, Planning & Development; and the Manager, Policy; 7. That Council make the final decision on any matters regarding the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program, and that City staff formally report to Council regularly for information, direction and endorsement as appropriate on the work of the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program as it progresses; and 8. Further that a copy of this Report and Councils resolution be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, the Ontario Realty Corporation, the Region of Durham, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, the Trustee for the North Pickering Development Management Inc. and the Sernas Group on behalf of the Landowner Group.