HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 31-09 e`tq REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE I KERI Report Number: OES 31-09 1 4 Date: June 8, 2009 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Architectural Services - Don Beer Arena Accessibility Improvements - File: A-1440-001-09 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 31-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding Architectural Services be received; 2. Notwithstanding the Purchasing Policy, the proposal submitted by Jurecka + Associates Architects Inc. to provide architectural services for the design of accessibility and operational improvements at the Don Beer Arena be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $105,000 and a net project cost of $100,000 including disbursements for the architectural services for the Don Beer Accessibility Improvements be approved; 4. Should the grant funding applications for this project be approved, that Jurecka + Associates Architects Inc. be engaged for the contract administration with costs to be included and funded as part of the total contract award, which will be dealt with in a subsequent tender award Report to Council; 5. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the Don Beer Arena Accessibility Improvements architectural service as follows: a) The costs of Phase 1, detailed design in the amount of $100,000 plus GST to be financed by a transfer from the Don Beer Reserve as per the approved 2009 Capital Budget; b) The costs of Phase 11, contract administration, in the amount of $30,400 plus GST will not be awarded until such time as grant funding for construction is confirmed; c) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and 6. That staff at the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Report OES 31-09 June 8, 2009 Subject:. Architectural Services Don Beer Accessibility Improvements Page 2 Executive Summary: The Don Beer Arena Accessibility Improvements project was approved by Council in the 2009 Capital Budget subject to grant funding being made available by the Federal and Provincial Governments. The detail design for the project needs to be initiated immediately in order to meet the target construction start date of September, 2009. The Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the Division Head, Facilities Operations recommend that Jurecka + Associates Architects Inc. be retained to provide architectural services for the Don Beer Arena Accessibility Improvements project. Sustainability Implications: The proposed rehabilitation of the Rink One area of the Don Beer Arena, including the front lobby and second floor community centre will make this facility totally accessible to all Pickering residents. The proposed lateral expansion with a new building envelope will provide a higher standard of insulation, thereby reducing heat loss and heat gain. An extensive "green roof"will be installed over the new roof areas and will serve to offset the heat island effect, retain storm water and improve the carbon balance in the air. New mechanical and plumbing systems will reduce water consumption and improve energy efficiency. Financial Implications: 1. APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS O & ES Capital Budget Location Project Code Source of Funds Budget Required Don Beer Arena 5715. Don Beer Reserve $100,000 2. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTING SUMMARY Architectural Fees, Phase 1 $96,000 Disbursements 4,000 Total $100,000 GST 5,000 Total Gross Project Cost $105,000 GST Rebate (5,000) Total Net Project Cost 100 000 (Under)/Over Budget p CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 31-09 June 8, 2009 Subject: Architectural Services 16 Don Beer Accessibility Improvements Page 3 Background: The City of Pickering has submitted applications for Federal (RinC) and Provincial (Ontario REC) funding to assist with the capital construction costs associated with the proposed Don Beer Arena Accessibility Improvements. The proposed funding for this project is as follows: Federal Provincial Grants $1,680,000. Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund 420,000 Don Beer Reserve Fund 100,000 Debt Financed 320,000 Total Funding $2,520,000 In order to meet target dates for construction in September, 2009, detail design needs to be initiated immediately. Funding for Phase I of the architectural fees can be provided through the existing Don Beer Reserve. In 2008, Jurecka + Associates provided architectural and contract administration services for the rehabilitation of Rink Two at Don Beer Arena. Jurecka + Associates has also provided the conceptual design and associated preliminary cost estimates which enabled the City to proceed with grant funding applications on this project. Architect services were provided to our complete satisfaction. The Director, Operations & Emergency Services and Division Head, Facilities Operations recommend Jurecka + Associates Architects Inc. be retained for the design of the Don Beer Accessibility Improvements Project. Under Section 04.09 of the City's Purchasing Policy, a formal Request for Proposal should be called with respect to professional services. An exemption requires Council approval. At this time, only the detail design services are required. Should the City be successful in obtaining grant funding, the contract administration costs will be dealt with in the subsequent tender award Report to Council The Director, Operations & Emergency Services and Division Head, Facilities Operations recommend an exemption of the formal Request for Proposal for the architectural services for the Don Beer Arena Accessibility Improvements, Jurecka + Associates have performed similar services to our complete satisfaction and are familiar with the Don Beer Arena. Moreover, Jurecka + Associates are in the unique position of being able to complete the design in a timely manner in order to meet target construction. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 31-09 June 8, 2009 Subject: Architectural Services Don Beer Accessibility Improvements Page 4 ~ The adoption of Recommendation 2 accomplishes this. This report and the recommendations have been reviewed with the Manager, Supply & Services and Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer who concur. Attachments: 1. Proposal from Jurecka + Associates Architects Inc. dated May 19, 2009 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Tony Prevedel Everett untsma Division Head, Facilities Director, Operations & Emergency Services Gillis Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer TP:mld Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council r Thomas J Q~roative , R R, CMM III Chief Admini Officer CORP0227-07101 revised f0 REPORT #L~L:,51-60 i of -a-- 1 .Jurecka + Associates architects inc. 83 Harbord Street Toronto, ON, M5S 1G4 February 2, 2009 tel 416-972-9385 fax Revised May 19, 2009 866-475-7256 Y ~ niail@jurecka.com Tony Prevedel City of Pickering One, The Esplinade Pickering, Ontario L1V 61<7 Re: Proposal for Professional Services: DON BEER ARENA CHANGE ROOMS EXPANSION DETAILED DESIGN SERVICES Dear Mr. Prevedel: We have now designed schematic proposals for added skater's change facilities, ex- panded lobby and elevator access at Don Beer which would meet the future needs of the triple facility. In our last proposal we suggested a budget for schematic planning and now that there is an approved "vision" in place that seems to meet those needs, this fee proposal is provided to help you budget funds for the project to move forward in the near or not-so-near future. Amounts are based on the design being completed during 2009 with construction in 2010. We ask that you allow us to revisit these if the project does not move forward this year. We look forward to working with you on this and trust that this outline form proposal is sufficiently clear. We are always willing to clarify any aspects or to meet with you to re- view it in detail. Sincerely, Paul Jurecka Jurecka + Associates Architects Inc. Do, r E,'eer Arena Gliancieroems ProPC:>al for Professional SON/Ce , February 2. 2009 ATTq 1-,M NT#-/ a., fO RI PORT#6)(5 f-OCI 19 1.0 FIROPOSMD PROJECT TEAM Architects: JURECKA + ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS INC. 83 Harbord Street Toronto, Ontario M5S I G4 Tel: 416 972-9385 Fax: 866-475-7256 Project Architect Paul Jurecka, OAA MRAIC President, Jurecka + Associates coordination, liaison, project management Design and technical support Blair Jurecka Senior Designer Roberta Matarrazzo Designer Structural Engineers: HALSALL ASSOCIATES LIMITED 2300 Yonge Street.. Suite 2300 Toronto, Ontario Tel. 416-487-5256 Senior Engineer Shahe Sagharian, P.Eng. Principal, Halsall Associates Ltd Mechanical Erwineers: ES T I CONSULTANTS INC. 214 Merton Street, Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M4S 1A6 Tel. 416-847-1200 Fax. 416-847-1203 Partner--in-charge (Mechanical) Eric Wong, P.Eng. Senior Designer. Asim Hader, P.Eng. Electrical Errgirleers: AXIOM ENGINEERING 214 Merton Street, Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M4S 1A6 Tel. 416-847-1200 Fax. 416-847-1203 Partner-in-charge (Electrical) John Gulino, P.Eng. Don BeefAreoa Changerooms Proposal for Professional Services February 2 2009 2 10 1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The following are the design elements to be included in the scope. Refer to the plans and elevations attached for context .1 The lobby will be expanded toward the entrance roadway to form a drop-off with a canopy serving the first arena. • re-configure the driveway entrance and parking to align with the rear lot; • handicapped accessible lobby will provide sheltered ramp and ele- vator as well as protected access to the hall stair ; ..2 Change rooms (First Floor Plan): will be reconfigured and ex- panded, including: • building additions to to south and east; • 6 change rooms with toilet and showers similar to rink 3; • Exit modified to pass through addition; • New storage room. .3 Public washrooms (First Floor Plan): The existing kitchen will be removed and HC accessible gang washrooms will be provided: .4 Revisions adjacent to rink 2 to include a new lunch room, reno- vated change rooms to rink 2, official's change rooms in existing " storage. .5 Renovation of the hall on the second floor including all new energy efficient HVAC. New HC accessible washroom (unisex) to serve the Hall above. .6 Terrace with intensive Green Roof accessible from the Hall above the change rooms addition. .7 New cladding and signage on the East Fagade. We understand that your current vision is to have tender documents to your pre- ferred list of contractors for construction during 2010. We believe that Pickering should be committed to building healthier neighbor- hoods in all senses of the idea, which includes building healthier buildings. The renovations should incorporate any environmentally healthy or sensitive ap- proaches and equipment and we will look for opportunities that will improve the sustainability of the existing building. Don Beer Arena Changerooms Proposal for Protessional Services February 2. 2009 ATTACHMENT; 4 21 17 it VVORK PROGRAM Phase 1 (2009) 3.1 Confirm program requirements, review regulatory framework, de- termine program to meet budget and schedule. We will meet with the Pickering Stakeholders to discuss and priori- tize requirements. We will bring to the discussion the regulatory requirements for the proposed use and occupancy, and the recommendations from the Engi- neer for mechanical installations. From confirmed measured drawings we will prepare design drawings and a preliminary budget for approval. meeting 1 3.2 Design Development & Budget Review We will provide Pickering Stakeholders with design drawings and outline specifications developed to meet your requirements. We will incorporate any changes and suggestions from you at this time. We will provide a schematic design budget estimate for review and discussion. meeting 2 3.3 Prepare tender documents and specifications The information learned in previous phases will be developed on AutoCAD into documents and specifications suitable for construction. Architec- tural, Mechanical, and Electrical drawings in imperial measure will be coordi- nated and packaged with written specifications to give a thorough description of design intent with regard to new and refurbished work. Drawings will describe the modifications in plans and sections with supporting details. A review of the design will be conducted at 90% complete to confirm program compliance. We will obtain from the Contract a final price for the pro- posed work, which will incorporate any pre-ordered items. The documentation will include but not be limited to at least the following draw- ings: Floor Plan(s) with partition types, dimensions, layout, and details Reflected ceiling plan(s) coordinating the ceiling, lighting, & mechanical_distribu- tion Building sections; Full wall sections; Elevator details; Schedules of doors, lintels, and finishes Details, interior elevations, cross sections Written specifications for principal trade sections. meetings 3&4 Don Boer Arena Changerooms Proposal for Professional Services February 2, 2009 ATTACHMENT i_()REPORT#~ 22 Phase II (2010) 3.4 Permit Submission We will accompany you to make application for building permit and liaise with building officials as required until the permit is received. Note: under regulations in place since Jan. 1, 2006, the "applicant" needs to be the owner or owner's agent. 3.5 Tender & Preparation of Contract We will prepare and distribute tender documents to a selected list of 3-4 contractors pre-approved by Pickering Stakeholders. We will conduct a mandatory site visit, answer questions from contractors, prepare and distribute any required addenda, and assist in the review of bids and contract award. We will prepare a standard CCDC2 construction contract. 3.6 Contract Administration, Site Review We will review shop drawings, attend regular meetings with the General Contractor, provide clarifications as required, document any required changes or instructions required and certify payments. We will make periodic reviews of the work during the construction to confirm compliance with the con- tract documents and report discrepancies. We will issue the certificate of sub- stantial completion at the end of the construction. We will issue deficiency list(s) and follow up as needed. Our service includes documentation and distribution of all minutes of meetings. 12 (bi-weekly) meetings Don Feer Arena chnnrferoo ms Proposal for Professional Services February 2, 2009 ATT CHMENT#...j__... fO REPORT# 4.0 FEEE The complete scope of coordinated consulting services as described in the Work Program 3.0 will be provided to the City of Pickering for fees as described below. Fees include for all salaries, overhead, and general conditions. We rec- ommend that you carry an additional sum to cover normally reimbursable and out of pocket project expenses such as printing, and couriers. Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, & Electrical design Estimated total consulting fees: Phase I (2009) Items 3.1 - 3.3 = $ .96,000.00 Phase II (2010) Items 3A - 3.6 = $ 30,400.00 Consulting total $ 126,400.00 PLUS GST Note: Not included: Testing, surveying, storm water, landscaping or other spe- cialized consulting Hourly rates of staff: P. Jurecka Principal Architect $110 / hr. B. Jurecka Associate/ Project Architect $ 85/hr R. Matarazzo Designer/ Draftsperson $ 55/hr J+A Junior Designer/ Draftsperson $ 45/hr Junior support or administrative staff $ 35/ hr recommended disbursements estimate: $1,500.00 Don Beel'AiemB C;hangeroom, Ptoposaf to/,Professicna! Services Fehmaiy 2, 2009