HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 1, 2009 (Council) Cttq 00 COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA K Jl~T~ Monday, June 1, 2009 Council Chambers Immediately Following the Regular Planning & Development Committee Meeting 1) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST 11) NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS PAGE a) Referral from the May 19, 2009 Council Meeting 1 Notice of Motion Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) 128 The Growing Durham Study b) Correspondence dated May 27, 2009 from the Director, 2-3 Planning & Development to the (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer with respect to the Notice of Motion, Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) 128, The Growing Durham Study III) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW IV) ADJOURNMENT Accessible For information related to accessibility requirements please contact ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ Linda Roberts P ~ G ~ Phone: 905.420.4660 extension 2928 TTY: 905.420.1739 Email: Iroberts aacitvofoickerina.com CI I _ _ I I M I NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS REFERRED AT THE MAY 19, 2009 COUNCIL MEETING REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT (ROPA) 128, THE GROWING DURHAM STUDY WHEREAS the draft versions of the Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA)128, The Growing Durham Study incorrectly identified the inclusion of the Provincial Central Pickering Development Plan (Seaton's) employment target of 35,000 jobs to the planning horizon of 2031, and WHEREAS the City of Pickering, the Region of Durham and the Province of Ontario lead the Highway 407 (Seaton Lands) Economic Development Study (Hempson Consulting Ltd. 2007) which concluded that a range of 16,700 and 20,000 jobs in the employment areas of Seaton, and that 15,000 jobs in other areas of Seaton could be achieved by 2031, and WHEREAS The Council of the City of Pickering previously passed a motion of a "Jobs First" policy for the development of Seaton and, WHEREAS in order to achieve a "Healthy, Complete and Sustainable Community"•an "appropriate ratio of jobs to population" is defined in the ROPA 128 at a ratio of 1 job for every 2 people, and WHEREAS the Provincial Central Pickering Development Plan (Seaton), Pickering Planning Staff, and Pickering Council have supported the designated 35,000 jobs and 70,000 people, at a ratio of 1 job for every 2 people, and WHEREAS in the final version of the ROPA 128, Seaton has now been allocated 71,345 total population and only 12,346 jobs in the employment areas, and 4,130 jobs in other areas, for a total of 16,476 jobs to the planning horizon of 2031 which is a ratio of 1 job for every 4.33 people. Therefore be resolved that the Council of the City of Pickering here by withdraw its support of the ROPA 128 which does not support the Sustainable Development standards of the Central Pickering Development Plan nor of the City of Pickering. And that a copy of this motion be sent to the Regional Municipality of Durham, the Provincial Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and the Premier's Office. Cal oo ,;s, _ 02 PICKERING M E M 0 To: Thomas Melymuk m ,-ryr May 27, 2009 (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer From: Neil Carroll . Director, Planning & Development Copy: Chief Administrative Officer ,Manager, Policy Subject: Referral from the May 19, 2009 Council Meeting - Notice of Motion - Regional Official Plan Amendment 128, the Growing Durham Study File: D-1240-006 At the May 19, 2009 meeting of Pickering Council, a Notice of Motion was introduced by Councillors Littley and Johnson, regarding Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) 128, implementing the Growing Durham Study. Specifically, the Motion compared the employment forecast for Seaton used in ROPA 128 to the employment objective in the Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP), and used the apparent discrepancy as a rationale for Pickering Council to withdraw its support of ROPA 128. Council referred the motion to the June 1, 2009 meeting. The purpose of this memorandum is to comment on and provide context to the various numbers quoted in the Notice of Motion. The information demonstrates that the forecast for Pickering's employment in ROPA 128 does not prejudice the ability or right of Pickering to achieve 35,000 jobs in Seaton. Therefore, Council should maintain its support of ROPA 128. Timeframe for Achieving Jobs Two of the objectives of the CPDP are to plan for a community that will accommodate 35,000 jobs and up to 70,000 persons. This equates to a ratio of 1 job for every 2 persons. The CPDP does not identify the timeframe for which these objectives are to be met. By contrast, ROPA 128 has a horizon year of 2031. Recognizing that growth will not stop in 2031, however, the Growing Durham Study also forecasts population and employment growth for the period 2031 to 2056 and used these projections to determine a long term urban structure. These forecasts are not included in ROPA 128. The Hemson Study stated that at "full build out", a total potential employment of 35,000 jobs could be generated in Seaton, depending on the achieved employment density and developable site area. However, the Study did not identify 2031 as the projected date to achieve 35,000 jobs, as stated in the Motion. The Report notes that areas like Seaton often take more than 20 years to build out. The timing to achieve the 35,000 jobs in Seaton will be affected by a variety of factors including the time table for installation of services, the marketing and release of Provincial lands, market interest, as well as the ability to attract major institutional uses such as a post secondary institution or a medical facility. Ne Notice of Motion is therefore comparing an interim employment forecast for the year 2031 from ROPA 128 (16,476 jobs) with a long term planning objective in the CPDP (35,000 jobs). The Motion uses this interim forecast to then calculate a Seaton jobs to people ratio for 2031 of 1 job for every 4.33 persons. This lower ratio is not representative of the employment expectations for Seaton. The higher ratio of 1 job for every 2 persons remains applicable to Seaton and will be identified in the City's Official Plan. Thus, City Council should continue to support ROPA 128 at the same time as it continues planning to achieve 35,000 jobs in Seaton and a ratio of 1 job to every 2 persons. Top Down Study ROPA 128 is a top-down exercise using finite employment and population allocations provided by the Province to the Region. In accordance with the direction from Regional Planning Committee, employment and population was allocated to each area municipality using a Region-wide "balanced growth scenario", creating "complete communities" with both jobs and persons in new urban areas. The amendment itself does not breakout the forecast for Seaton nor does it impose a cap on jobs being created in existing designated areas. In addition, ROPA 128 maintains the Region's long term objective to achieve a ratio of 1 job for every 2 persons over the long term, despite the Province only allocating employment and population to the Region at a ratio of 1 to 3 for the period up to 2031. Thus, the desired jobs to persons ratio in ROPA 128 is consistent with the CPDP objectives. Despite ROPA 128, the existing Durham Regional Official Plan recognizes Seaton as having special status. The Regional Plan identifies Seaton as a Specific Policy Area that is to be developed in accordance with the Provincial Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP). The policy further states that a separate conformity amendment will be considered at a later date for the CPDP lands. Based on this policy alone, Council should continue supporting ROPA 128 and maintain its planning objectives for Seaton. Conclusion Based on the foregoing, it is recommended that Council continue its support of the recommendations of the Growing Durham Study as contained in ROPA 128. Expansion of the urban boundary in the Regional Official Plan into northeast Pickering is appropriate at this time, and is fully supported by staff. CR:jf X\Documents\Planning\Growth Plan Implementation\CR - MemoTMmMalionl9May09.d0c May 27, 2009 Page 2 Regional Official Plan Amendment 128, the Growing Durham Study