HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 28, 2009 Czry Minutes / Meeting Summary i i Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee April 28, 2009 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Jim Simpson, Chair Terence Arvisais Keith Falconer Susan Gardner Joanne Glasser Rhonda Lawson Gordon Zimmerman Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk Linda Roberts, (Recording Secretary) Absent: Richard Fleming, Vice-Chair Councillor Johnson Kelly McLean Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome J. Simpson welcomed everyone to the meeting and informed the members that Gordon Willson would be addressing the Committee tonight with respect to the Whitevale United Church and the Whitevale Spring Festival. 2.0 Approval of Minutes All G. Zimmerman noted the following amendment to the minutes; Item 5.2 under Other Business - Growing Durham -"Clarks and Rogers farms" should read "Clarkson Rogers farm". Moved by K. Falconer Seconded by G. Zimmerman That the minutes of the March 31st meeting be approved, as amended. CARRIED 3.0 Delegations Gordon Willson appeared before the Committee and provided an overview of the history of the Whitevale United Church, Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) which is designated under the Whitevale Co servation District. He noted the Church is currently up for sale and in dire need of repairs. Other comments noted as follows: • Building has amazing acoustics • Would be very suitable for a performing arts centre • Plan is to keep as a public space • Service to the community • Looking to expand on what was started 4 years ago • May be eligible for grant through Ontario Heritage Society A brief discussion ensued with respect to available grants. G. Willson noted there is a strong community support for the Church and indicated they have until May 2 to make an offer. It was also noted that Council approved $20,000.00 to assist with the operating costs. A question and answer period ensued. G. Zimmerman noted the following: • How applicable is the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Guide to the Church • Review statement of designation, Committee needs to be precise on the wording for designation to ensure Debi to action proper protection - strong wording is needed. D. Wilcox noted she would ask T. Moore, Chief Building Official to assist with this. Whitevale Spring Festival: G. Willson provided the Committee with information on the upcoming Whitevale Spring Festival: • To be held Saturday, May 23 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm • Event is a low key family event • Hoping to include a tour of the Church' J. Simpson encouraged all committee members to attend and also requested assistance from the membership to help out with a booth(similar to what was done on Heritage Day) as well as provide manpower for the tour of the Church. Assistance would be required from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please advise D. Wilcox, L. Roberts or J. Simpson if you are available to help Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) out. J. Simpson questioned whether we could ha*e the Display Board at the event. D. Wilcox indicated we could have staff provide assistance in delivering and picking up-the board for the Debi to action day of the event. G. Willson questioned the Committee's assistance in preparing a more compact booklet of the Whitevale United Church to hand out during the Whitevale Spring Festival. G. Willson Debi to action indicated an approximate budget of $150.00 would be required. S. Gardner questioned whether the Committee had a CD on the Church. J. Simspon indicated one had been done on the Jim to action history of Whitevale and noted he would make it available at the next meeting. 4.0 New and Unfinished Business All 4.1) Greenwood Schoolhouse (Library) Report D. Wilcox provided an update on the Greenwood Schoolhouse (Library) Report. She noted a report would be going forward at Debi/Jim to action the May 11, 2009 Executive meeting to be held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 pm. J: Simpson will meet with D. Wilcox to prepare a formal presentation. 4.2) 20 day Notification The Committee was provided with informabonrn on a public information meeting to be held on May 4, 20019 at 7:30 pm in the Council Chambers with respect to the city initiated revisions to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. This was received for information purposes. 4.3) Draft Plans of Subdivision: Draft plans of subdivision were received by the Committee for review and comments: A 01/09 - Part of Lot 25 to 28. Concession 5 • Provide status update on the Committee's previous request for the realignment of Sideline 26 • Maintain site lines of the district - provide a buffer • Observe cultural landscape and heritage conservation Page 3 CORP0228--2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & .Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) • Will definitely impact existing designated heritage homes - strong concerns with respect to this • Please clarify what Blocks 345 and 346 are A 02/09 - Part Lot 25 to 28. Concession 4 • Provide status update on the Committee's previous request for the realignment of Sideline! 26 • Application definitely impacts heritage,properties, in particular House #53 - 3185 Sideline ~6, north part of Lot 26, Concession 4 • Maintain site lines of the district - provide a buffer • Observe cultural landscape and heritage conservation • Will definitely impact existing designated heritage homes • Please clarify meaning of medium density in Blocks 376 and 373 A 03/09 Part Lot 24 and 25. Concession 5 No comments at this time. A 04/09 - Part Lot 24. Concession 5 • Request that Planning review the plans to ensure they Debi/Linda to action are being sympathetic to the requirements of the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District. 4.4) Properties for review: 3280 Sideline 16 1710 Whitevale Road 1740 Concesson 5 J. Simpson showed maps of where the above properties are situated through a power point presentation. He noted they are all owned by the ORC and are not currently on any lists. He requested that the City respond back to Ellen iKowalchuk at ORC to confirm whether these properties were included in the Debi to action proposed extension of the Whitevale Heritage District beyond Whitevale Road. He also requested the Committee obtain a status update from the Planning department With respect to the Committee's previous request for pursuing the extension of the Whitevale Heritage District. 4.5) Highway 7 through Kinsale Page 4 CORP0228-2102 ! Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as ~ appropriate) Discussion ensued with respect to the Ministry's comments on the above. R. Lawson provided background information on a number of properties and also provided pictujres. J. Simpson thanked Rhonda for all the research done on this Rhonda to action and requested that she prepare a summary and forward this to the Director, Planning & Development. He also asked that the properties which have already been disposed of be included as well and that a copy be forwarded to D. Wilcox in order to have the information forwarded on to the Committee. 4.6) 2009 Budget Update D. Wilcox provided an update on the revised budget, a copy of which was provided to members. She noted ra student from the University of Toronto should be available to the Committee at no cost. She also noted areas of concern in the budget and indicated she would be meeting with Councillor Johnson in order to note these concerns. It was also noteed that Council had approved the Committee's 2009 work plan. 4.7) 2009 Work Plan J. Simpson noted the need to look at our work plan again, as we have had two resignations from the Committee. The work plan will be discussed further at our next meeting. He requested that the members email him as they complete items on the work plan in order for him to keep it upL to date. 5.0 Correspondence All 5.1) Resignations J. Simpson informed the Committee that resignations had been received from D. Panesar and S. Curran. D. Wilcox advised the Committee that the ad should be appearing in the next issue of Pickering News Advertiser for the two vacancies. 6.0 Other Business All 6.1) G. Zimmerman noted that he would be attending the CHO Conference in Peterborough. 6.2) J. Simpson informed the Committee of the fire which had taken lace at 2710 Brock Road, a City owned designated Page 5 CORP0228-2/02 i Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) property. D. Wilcox will request an update regarding the City's position with respect to repairs of the property, as well as Debi to action insurance. 6.3) Accessibility Training - J. Simpson informed the Committee we had received a request to have someone in attendance at a Heritage Pickering meeting for approximately Linda to action one hour to provide mandatory accessible customer service training to all members. It was suggested a summer meeting for this, possibly the July meeting. 6.4) K. Falconer - noted today has been proclaimed as National Day of Mourning. D. Wilcox informeq the Committee that the City of Pickering had acknowledged (National Day of Mourning at the City of Pickering today. 6.5) R. Lawson - noted she had done a walk around the Salem Church, located just south of Salem and Highlway 7. She noted the Highway 7 extension would impact the Church, but that it was not identified anywhere. J. Simpson explained the process and requested members to inform the Committee as you become aware of properties, so that the process can be started. G. Zimmerman can provide information on the steps involved. It was questioned how to obtain the property Owner's information. J. Simpson noted members could email L. Roberts and she could provide this information as regyested. R. Lawson also questioned the availability of Vests to wear when inspecting the properties. D. Wilcox noted these could be made available as required. Simply email Iroberts(&-cityofpickering.com once you have the dates they will be needed, and we will obtain them for you. 6.6) Display Board - L. Roberts noted the lobby has. been booked for the month of May. J. Simpson regiuested the members be notified once the board has been erected in the lobby. It was suggested Snap Pickering be contacted to take Richard to action pictures of the display board at the May meeting. 7.0 Next Meeting: May 26, 2009 Page 6 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 8.0 Adjournment Moved by R. Lawson Seconded by T. Arvisais That the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 9:36 m Copy: City Clerk Page 7 CORP0228-2/02 i