HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 23, 2009 AP14* Minutes / Meeting Summary Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee April 23, 2009 10:00 am Main Committee Room Attendees: Doug Dickerson, City Councillor, Ward 2 (Chair) Jennifer O'Connell, City Councillor, Ward I (Vice-Chair) Tom Melymuk, (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Lynn Winterstein, Manager, Marketing & Business Development Chantal Whitaker, Coordinator, Sustainability Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy Lynda Taylor, Manager, Development Review, Robert Starr, Manager, Development Control Tim Moore, Chief Building Official Ross Pym, Principal Planner - Development Review Grant McGregor, Principal Planner - Policy' Marilee Gadzovski, Stormwater & Environmental Engineer Jack McGinnis - Durham Sustain Ability Marla Shim, Executive Assistant, Council (Recording Secretary) Absent: David Pickles, City Councillor, Ward 3 1. erne-& Introdogl ris Councillor Dickerson welcomed everyone to the meeting and passed along regrets from Councillor Pickles who is away on Provincial business. 2. Sustainable Deve Copies of the Sustainable Development Guideline 2: Subdivisions, Rezonings, Site Plans & Building Permits and Summary of Scoring for Mattamy's Duffin Heights June 2008 Plan - January 2009 were distributed to atten0ees. • Planning & Development staff gave an ovorview of the Planning & guidelines and the scoring system Development staff • Mattamy's draft plan was used as an example to illustrate will prepare a the scoring second edition of the • General discussion ensued regarding possible Sustainable improvements to the guidelines Development Guidelines. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 J 3. Eastern Power Copies of Eastern Power - Brock West Biomass Proposal were distributed to members. • J. McGinnis advised that additional comments/questions were received from the public, with a mixture of approval and opposition • It is felt that Eastern Power did not provide enough details of their program • Eastern Power has made it clear that they will no longer ask for public input and are hoping to receive "formal support" from the Committee and the City for the project • It was suggested that the Committee subunit a report to J. McGinnis and staff Council noting that they do not object to the process, but are will prepare a Council not willing to support it prematurely report, in consultation • Will need to get consensus from Council with Councillors • Councilor O'Connell informed members that she strongly Dickerson, O'Connell opposes biomass and will not support it. She does not want and Pickles. Pickering to be the guinea pig and feels that too much extra land will be used for the project • It was discussed and agreed that the Council report should Staff will assist note that they do not have a consensus preparing a letter from • Add a condition that if the trial were to go ahead, it will be Councillor Dickerson to necessary to receive input from an outsid$ agency Eastern Power asking for more clarity. 4. Sustainable Ow, ft- Copies of the new Sustainable Pickering Logm were distributed to members. • C. Whitaker advised that the logo was unanimously selected by staff, who worked with an award winning company to design the logo • The website will articulate the meaning. of the logo and explain how the branding is portrayed • It is unique to Pickering and integrates all of the concepts that we are trying to promote 5. Sustainable • The new site will be WX compliant; it will Mink to the A meeting will be held corporate site with IT staff to discuss • The new website will allow several options] for refreshing enhancements, pages including adding Flickr • Will promote sponsors (corporations) by having a special to the City's website. feature page with their bios • The home page will have an ambassador's component to encourage additional people to participate jin the program Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 i 6. Firth Hour - U ate • Prizes were donated by TRCA, OPG and Pickering Town Centre • A Media Release was sent out to recognize participants and winners • Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade has already posted the photographs on their website 4r •B~aines~ : _ _ • T. Melymuk advised that a motion was passed by Council Planning & for the Sustainable Committee members to comment on Development staff to the pros and cons of Bill 150 draft a report on Bill • Planning & Development staff will prepared a draft and 150 for discussion with report back to the Committee. At that timo, the the Sustainable Sustainable Committee will decide if the comments Committee. should be in the form of a letter and sent directly to the Province, or whether the report will be forwarded to the Planning & Development Committee and Council for endorsement and submission to the Province • J. McGinnis distributed a drawing depicting a Renewable Energy TrainingNisitor Centre • Investigating the opportunity to have a solar farm/ demonstration site and interpretative centre in a speck . location in Pickering • J. McGinnis noted that a presentation was made to Council last September and he has been (having regular discussions with Veridian staff • C. Whitaker commented that some of the new revolving solar technologies allow for increased performance and multiple land use. z ^h. -nC May 26th at 2:00 pm. Meeting Adjourned: 12:55 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 3 CORP0228-2/02