HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 19, 2009 APAIftN Minutes / Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee February 19, 2009 7:00 pm Pickering Civic Complex Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Cowan, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Pat Dunnill, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rhonda Lawson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill McLean, Regional Councillor - Ward 2 Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill Utton, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill Weston, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Leigh Gardner, Administrative Assistant I (Recording Secretary) Absent: Carol Brown, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Suzanne Primrose, Pickering Museum Villsige Advisory Committee Staff Stephen Reynolds, Division Head, Culture.& Recreation Present: Marisa Carpino, Supervisor, Culture & Recreation Katrina Pyke, (Acting) Education & Collections Officer Mandy Smiles, (Acting) Volunteer & Program Coordinator .:r ' i 1. Welcome and Int o0 s Steve welcomed attendees and thanked everyone for 2008 contributions. • Good news. Received letter approving funding from Federal and Provincial government for up to $295,000 each for the Restoration & Upgrade Project ($885,000). • Project to take place over 2009!- 2010 • Councillor McLean thanked the, Foundation for their patience and hard work. Oity is working on getting land to.the west of the site. Very optimistic. Would be a good addition to the Museum • Pat Dunnill also thanked everyone for their hard work and is excited and looking; forward to the work ahead. Page 1 CORP0228-2102 • Laura asked Councillor McLean to advise Council of the Committee's thanks for all of Council and staff's hard work on the grant application. 2. Selection of Committee Chair Motion: Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Paul Savel That Laura Drake be elected Chair of the 2009 Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee. CARRIED 3. Approval of ►d Mln Motion: Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Rhonda Lawson That the agenda of February 19, 2009 and the minutes of October 16, 2009 be approved CARRIED 4. Ad Hoc Corn Discussion on Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rhonda to revise to Duties and Responsibilities separate Committee • Mandate was updated responsibilities from • New sub-committees created; Special individual member Events/Volunteer Activities Committee; responsibilities Collections Committee; Restoration and Capital Expenditure Committee • Number of events attended may be too specific • Sub-committees are to meet and report back to PMVAC 6 Updates Budget • Currently being reviewed by senior staff before going to Council (scheduled early May) • Capital will be revised to reflect. Building Canada Fund - Pickering Museum Village Restoration and Upgrade Project grant • Current - proposed additional hours for Museum Program Assistant and Collections staff was deferred to 2010 Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Foundation • Pat Dunnill advised no Foundation items to raise at this time • Confirmed $180,000 commitment to restoration Cultural Plan • Marisa provides an update of the City's Cultural Strategic Plan • Initiative between stakeholders and staff • Meetings have taken place • There are 6 sections in the plan, written by staff • Staff to review draft of the first $ sections in March • Draft will be finalized for stakeholders to review by April/May • Consultation phase (sections 44 5), with summary and results by the fall; (pending budget approval for consulting fees (approx. $30,000) Annual Workplan • 2006-2010 workplan (2008 Status Report) Members to get any handed out by Marisa comments back to • Katrina completed the status column Marisa by March 2nd • To go to Council in May as a Committee Report for approval for 2008 • 2009 - collections should be first priority Marisa to email format • Each sub-committee to set respective goals for to committee members 2009 and discuss at next Committee meeting • Councillor McLean commented, that he is Next meeting April 15th concerned the Region of Durham is not promoting the Museum as much as they should Katrina Pyke to call be Pat Olive at Durham Region regarding museum promotion 0., Overview Promotional Plan 2009 • Mandy reviewed Marketing Plan handout • Promotions by mail drop, post cards, LED, media releases etc VIV Night • Wednesday, April 22"d (also Eajrth Day) • Invitations will go out closer to the date Page 3 CORP0228 -2/02 j Education & Public Programming • Christmas craft very successful, 4 kids craft clubs. Four Saturdays leading iup to Christmas were sold out (minimum of 19 kids at each session) • Education tours down last year. (great the year before) • Christmas in the Village has gone down as well as outreach • Successful PA Day Camp on February 13th • Will try to do cooking workshops in the fall 7. Other Business & AdIper tent` _ • Staff are keeping track and providing information with the widening of Hwy 7 • Museum sign and bell tower is responsibility of province. • Katrina Pyke setting up binders with dividers for Would appreciate PMVAC to be consistent with Ministry of Culture feedback from Museum standards. committee members Mandy provided handouts of promotional materials. Posters can be posted wherever members choose. She can send more if required. • Dine & Safe Program discussed by Rose. She has a package for the Museum' • Volunteers should keep track of hours (could be a 2009 objective in the annual workplan). Council would be interested in this information • Katrina Pyke discussed the Trillium Grant received by Gas & Steam Barn Volunteers. Harold needs to do an unveiling to recognize the project. Will be having a Grand Whistle during the Steam Up event in 2009. S. Next Meeting Thursday, May 14th at 6pm at the Pickering Museum Village (on site meeting, dress appropriately). Thursday, August 13th and Thursday, OctoboIr 15th at 7pm at Pickering Civic Complex Tower Room). Meeting Adjourned: 9:15 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 4 CORP0228-2/02