HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 31, 2009 City o~ Minutes / Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee i i March 31, 2009 I rKERI 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Jim Simpson, Chair Richard Fleming, Vice-Chair Terence Arvisais Shirley Curran Keith Falconer Susan Gardner Rhonda Lawson Kelly McLean Devinder Kaur Panesar Gordon Zimmerman Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk Lisa Harker, (Recording Secretary) Absent: Councillor Johnson Joanne Glasser Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome J. Simpson opened the meeting and welcomed new Heritage Pickering members. He also introduced John Sabean as a delegation and a previous member of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee. 2.0 Approval of Minutes All Moved by Keith Falconer Seconded by Terry Arvisais That the minutes of the February 24th meeting be approved. CARRIED 3.0 New and Unfinished Business All 3.1) Greenwood Schoolhouse/Library Report John Sabean gave an overview of this report and the history Pagel CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) behind the Greenwood Schoolhouse. Would like to encourage the committee to move forward with this designation as quickly as possible. G. Zimmerman added a note about the architecture. The building is in almost the same shape as when built, is made with local materials, and the re-design has maintained the main room on the inside. Moved by Richard Fleming Seconded by Kelly McLean 1. That the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee recommend to Council the designation of the Greenwood Schoolhouse/Library municipally located at 3540 Westney Road; and 2. That the City Clerk be requested to prepare a report in this Debi to action regard for the May 11, 2009 Executive Committee. CARRIED The Committee recommended that the Clerks Division create a report to go to Council with the designation package. J. Simpson to be added as a delegation along with the report to Council for the May Council meeting. The Committee requested a copy of the Council report to review at the April Heritage meeting before going to Council. L. Roberts to verify that G. Zimmerman's pictures (hard copies) are included in the Report. Linda to action 3.2) 2009 Budget Update The City Clerk provided a status update and a detailed. overview of the tentative budget for 2009. The U of T student Debi to action has not been approved yet. Debi to follow up with the Committee. Discussion ensued. It was requested for L. Roberts to have the display set up for viewing by Committee members at the April meeting. Further discussion ensued on other marketing opportunities to increase Linda to action the publicity of the Committee. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Clerks Division to send a letter to Durham College requesting students to work with the Heritage Pickering Advisory Linda to action Committee. 3.3) Work plan discussion J. Simpson provided an overview of his presentation to Council. He would like to suggest that members commence working on their work plan items and keep either J. Simpson or L. Roberts apprised of accomplishments throughout the year. J. Simpson will ensure that the spreadsheet is kept current. L. Roberts to re-send copies of work plan to all members. Linda to action 4.0 Correspondence All 4.1) Heritaqe Matters publication J. Simpson distributed the most recent issue of Heritage Matters for information purposes. 4.2) CHO News - 2009 Ontario Heritage Conference J. Simpson distributed copies to members for information purposes. L. Roberts to scan and email publication to all Linda to action members. 4.3) Renaissance Society of St. Theresa Catholic Secondary Correspondence was received from the Renaissance Society of St. Theresa Catholic Secondary school with respect to a request for endorsement for the addition of a mandatory Canadian history course for the Grade 12 curriculum. J. Simpson requested clarification from D. Wilcox regarding the procedure to endorse documents of this nature. Moved by Shirley Curran Seconded by Keith Falconer 1. That the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee endorse the addition of a mandatory Canadian history course for Linda to action the Grade 12 curriculum for St. Theresa Catholic. Secondary school and request that Council endorse the petition; and Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 2. That the Durham District School Board be copied on this request. CARRIED 4.4) Heritage Consulting Services Correspondence from the Director, Planning & Development with regards to the contract with ERA Architects to provide Heritage Consulting Services to the City was received for information. 4.5) Bicentennial Information Correspondence received from Mayor Ryan requesting community organization participation in the Bicentennial was received for information. 4.6) Tariff Fee - Land Registry Offices Correspondence from the Land Registry Offices with respect to the waiving of the tariff fee for searches at the Land Registry Offices for municipal heritage members which is valid until March 2010 was received for information purposes. 5.0 Other Business All 5.1 Duffins Heights Neighborhood Information Session G. Zimmerman provided an overview of the Duffins Heights neighborhood information session held at City Hall on March 30th. D. Wilcox to follow up on 2630 Brock Road to determine if Debi to action on the City's Heritage Registry. 5.2 Growinq Durham G. Zimmerman provided an overview of the Growing Durham meeting. He raised the proposal of having the Clarks and Rogers farms being designated as heritage properties this year as these properties may be in danger due to the tentative 407. 5.3Whitevale Church J. Simpson provided an update on the activity happening at the Whitevale church. The Whitevale Residents Association is very concerned about the possibility of the sale of the church. J. Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Simpson advised that on April 1 S there will be an Emergency Meeting of Whitevale Residents Association at 7:30 pm at the Whitevale Community Centre, if members are interested in attending. 5.4 Highway 7 J. Simpson provided the Committee with an overview of an email received from the Director, Planning & Development regarding activities on the Highway 7 widening. Heritage Pickering has expressed their concern about the potential impact of the environmental assessment on the properties that are involved and would like to preserve heritage properties The email noted that Heritage Pickering's concerns are being taken into account in the EA process. Members can contact design project teams with any comments. D. Wilcox to investigate specific properties - 2890, 3110, 3275 Highway 7 (properties with potential direct impact). L. Roberts Linda to action to send out specific details of properties to all members. J. Simpson advised that the ERA Consultant will be attending the May Heritage Pickering meeting. G. Zimmerman also reminded Committee members that there are opportunities for attending conferences (see correspondence #4.2). Members are encouraged to attend the various conferences and report back to the committee and noted that there are mileage funds available for members. 6.0 Next Meeting: April 28, 2009 7.0 Adjournment Moved by Gordon Zimmerman Seconded by Kelly McLean That the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 5 CORP0228-2/02