HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 25, 2009 City 00 Minutes I Meeting Summary i*i Accessibility Advisory Committee i i Wednesday, February 25, 2009 PI rKERI 7:00 pm. CAO's Boardroom Attendees: Kelly Collins, Chair Stephen Little, Co-Chair Terence Arvisais Aisha Heywood Zoia Horne Councillor Littley Gwelda MacDonald-Tuttle Prem Noronha-Waldriff Lisa Harker, Recording Secretary Absent: Alton Atkinson Patricia Dawn Korol Keith Falconer Sharon Farrell Kathi Joy Mayer Jacques Tardif Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome KC Kelly Collins gave an overview of the Committee and its mandate for the new members. All members then provided an introduction of themselves. 2. Adoption of Minutes November 26, 2008 All Moved by Aisha Heywood Seconded by Stephen Little That the Minutes of the November 26, 2008 meeting be adopted. CARRIED 3. Fire Services - Emergency Plan GF & SA Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Gord Ferguson, Deputy. Fire Chief & Simon Almond, Deputy Fire Chief appeared before the Committee to discuss accessibility issues in the City of Pickering's Emergency Plan. • Discussed: What is considered an emergency? • The goal of tonight's meeting is to take back any concerns from the Committee that would not have been thought about and discuss how the Committee and Fire Services can strengthen their team effort to address any outstanding issues. • The Provincial government mandates that in any emergency, "All people must be self-sufficient for 72 hours". This is due to insufficient resources to reach everyone in an emergency situation. • The City of Pickering's Emergency Plan is very generic in nature and not risk-specific. • Fire Services has formed a good working relationship with Red Cross. • In 2009, all Fire Services staff will be trained in accessibility issues. • Gord & Simon answered questions regarding a dispatch database that could identify or list those with disabilities in case of an emergency. Obstacles to this database include the cost (1.5 million) and issues regarding the security of those vulnerable individuals. • Councillor Littley will enquire about this database at Councillor Littley to the Regional Health & Social Services Committee action meeting and follow up with the Committee. • Gord & Simon also responded to questions regarding evacuation plans for those with disabilities, including plans for group homes, residential homes and seniors homes. 4. 2009 Accessibility Work Ian All Kelly & Stephen outlined their thoughts and ideas for the Committee's 2009 goals. • Brochure Launch. • Working towards broadening the Committee's exposure in the Community. • Community events - partnering with other events and setting up a booth. • Participation in the Regional Accessibility Expo in September 2010. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Councillor Littley suggested a Poster Contest for schools for Councillor Littley to Accessibility Issues. The prize would be free sailing lessons action on behalf of Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club. Councillor Littley to speak with Jim Dike from the Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club Kelly to action to discuss further. Kelly Collins to speak with her contact at Durham Region District School Board to enquire about holding such a contest. • AODA Standards - ensuring the community is aware of the standards. Councillor Littley suggested a presentation to the Ajax/Pickering Board of Trade to pass on the standards to their members. • Kelly suggested setting aside a percentage of the yearly budget for promotions. • Prem to speak with the Supervisor, Marketing, Research & Communication regarding getting the Prem to action Committee involved at all City events. • Lisa to speak with the Planning & Development Department regarding whether or not the business Lisa to action standards are being communicated to developers and regarding feedback about the incorporation of accessibility standards into the sustainable design standards. 5. Standards for Customer Service PNW Prem gave an overview of the City's progress to date with regards to Policies, Procedures and Training for the Standards for Customer Service. Training is to be completed for all full-time staff by the end of March, and for all part-time, contractors and volunteers by the end of the year. 6. Other Business & Adjournment All • Provincial Grants - Prem to follow up with facilities to discuss obtaining grants to complete Accessibility Prem to action Workplan items. • Prem to invite Tony Prevedel, Division Head, Facilities Prem to action Operations to discuss how items in the Accessibility Workplan are prioritized and completed. 7. Next Meeting All • The next meeting has been scheduled for March 25, 2009. Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 3 CORP0228-2/02