HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 5, 2009 City a¢~ Minutes Pickering Advisory Committee i i On Race Relations & Equity 5, 2009 PICKERIN March 7:00 0 PM Main Committee Room Attendees: Raymond George Facey, Community Appointee Steve Holt, Community Appointee Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Devinder Kaur Panesar, Community Appointee Tiera Dookhie, J. Clarke Richardson School Becky George, Pickering Public Library Emily Honsberger, Dunbarton High School Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Councillor David Pickles, Chair Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Sylvie Morel-Foster, Durham Catholic District School Board Philip.Howard, Durham District School Board Item Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / / (summary of discussion) Status Ref (include # deadline as a ro riate 1.0 Welcome All M. Carpino welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the table. She then introduced Keith Richards, Diversity Coordinator with Durham Regional Police Service. K. Richards provided background information on his association with the Durham Regional Police Service, which he has been involved with for the past 18 years. He explained how the position of Diversity Coordinator was developed and provided an overview of their community outreach. He explained the youth initiative mentoring program which has been highly popular, and noted the following; • Open to all youth between the ages of 14 and 18 • Opportunity to work with the officers over the summer months • Learn a variety of skills, including CPR/first aid, public speaking, fitness, K9 unit, traffic • Pro active approach, recruitment is not the intent • Youth can in turn mentor other young individuals • Region wide program • Still space available - email K. Richards if you know of anyone who may be interested in participating K. Richards advised that he would be available to attend our meetings whenever possible, in order to be the Committee's contact for the Durham Regional Police Service. Marisa introduced Lucy King, Membership Director for the Hispanic Canadian Alliance of Ontario. L. King provided background information on the Hispanic Alliance organization which was founded in 1996 by a group of volunteers in order to assist newcomers with social needs and to provide support and similar interests in culture and language, as well as providing resource information for new residents. She noted they are trying to put together two fundraising initiatives per year, as they do not receive any funding. They will be having a dinner and dance on May 30th and would like to do something similar in November to include children as well. They are trying to involve youth between the ages of 4 and 12 years with sports activities throughout the year. She noted this is open to everyone. M. Carpino suggested they could form a youth sub-committee, such as our own [YOU]nity in order to involve more youth. In this way, youth enjoy working with others their own age and plan activities for their own age group. 2.0 Review & Approval of Agenda & Minutes All Marisa reviewed the action items from the February 5th meeting minutes and provided an update. The agenda and minutes were approved by the Committee. 3.0 Updates 3.1) jYOUlnity's Diversity Leadership Camp E. Honsberger provided an update on the Diversity Leadership Camp to be held on March 16th and 17th at the Pickering Library from 9am - 3 pm: • Grades 6 - 8 to participate • Budget is complete - was provided to M. Carpino • Guest speaker has been confirmed • [YOU]nity attended principal's meeting to explain camp and seek support in choosing students • 17 registrations to date • Still time to register if you know anyone who would like to participate - registration will be open until next week • Emailed reminder to all principals • Still following u on the sponsorship of the t-shirts 2 Certificates - B. George to email names to M. Carpino as soon as possible to move ahead with having the certificates printed Becky/Marisa to action 3.2) Race Relations Forum M. Carpino provided an update on the Race Relations Forum scheduled for Wednesday, March 25 at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers. She informed the Committee that everything had been completed, with everyone being confirmed. She noted the invitations had gone out to the members via email and requested that everyone please RSVP. She noted that during the ceremonies, the members will be recognized, so she encouraged everyone to attend. K. Richards noted that he would be attending. M. Carpino noted the display of winning entries will be up in the main lobby for the month of March. 4.0 Review 4.1) 2009 Annual Work Plan & 2008 Annual Report M. Carpino reviewed the details of the 2009 Annual Work Plan and the following was noted: • Proclamations - It was noted that June 21St is National Aboriginal Day M. Carpino requested that should anyone be aware of other proclamations, to please let her know • Outreach - M. Carpino has contacted Louise Farr-Chambers who works for UOIT, Durham College and Trent University in the hopes of having students come out to the Race Relations meetings. Louise will get back to Marisa with an update to her request • Members were reminded and encouraged to attend any other events being hosted by other cultural organizations • S. Holt recommended using an online interactive community survey on the website S. Holt also inquired about a Town hall symposium - M. Carpino will Marisa to follow up on this item with Councillor Pickles action • The 2009 Annual Work Plan will be placed on April agenda for final review 2008 Annual Report Marisa to action Community Survey - M. Carpino will send to members again - to be placed on April agenda Multi-faith calendar - it was suggested we add an explanation along with the event to include the history and meaning of that particular celebration, which could be a way to generate more interest. Marisa to action M. Car ino will make an changes to the 2009 Annual Work Plan and 2008 3 Annual Report. She will discuss the possible date for presentation to Council with Councillor Pickles. The Committee was in agreement to handle the presentation in the same manner as last year, with one committee appointee and one youth member participating in the presentation. 5.0 Other Business 5.1) Coffee House E. Honsberger provided a brief overview of this event, stating this is art oriented, with songs and poetry. She noted this was a relaxed talent show, which is all youth oriented. S. Holt questioned whether the committee had considered obtaining judges, possibly from the music industry, and indicated he could provide contacts for them. Larger venues for this event were also discussed. 5.2) Sikh Khalsa Day Parade D. Panesar informed the committee of the Shikh parade which will be taking place on April 26th starting at 12:00 pm at the Better Living Centre in Toronto Devinder to and ending at Nathan Phillips Square. Events will begin at 9:00 am which action will include food, information, martial arts demonstrations. This is a free event. She noted she will bring flyers to the next meeting. 6.0 Next Meeting Next Meeting: April 2, 2009 at 7 m in the Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 pm Copy: City Clerk 4