HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 14-09 City REPORT TO ' COUNCIL I KERI Report Number: OES 14-09 Date: March 23, 2009 ! 91 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project - Tender No. T-17-2008 - Request for Additional Funding - File: A-1440-001-09 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 14-09 regarding additional funding for the Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project be received; 2. That additional expenditures in the total amount of $150,000 (GST excluded) be approved; 3. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the additional required expenditures from funds received under the "Investing in Ontario Act, 2008"; and 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take any actions necessary to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project was approved by Council on November 17, 2008 as per Report OES 37-08 by the Director, Operations & Emergency Services. As noted in the above report, the original budget for this project was $1.5 million, but this was increased by Council to $1.9 million to reflect the Tender amount which took into account the real costs given the economy and market trends. Additional funding to make up the difference at the time of the tender award was made available by a combination of Federal Gas Tax (50%) and funds the City received from the "Investing in Ontario Act, 2009" (50%). Report OES 14-09 March 23, 2009 Subject: Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project - Tender No. T-17-2008 i 192 - Request for Additional Funding Page 2 The tender for the above noted project was awarded to BWK Construction Company Ltd. by Council on November 17, 2008 at a total project cost as follows: T-17-2008 $1,698,000 Consultant Fees 150,000 Tender & Misc. Costs 2,000 Construction Contingency 50,000 Total Project Costs $1,900,000 It should be noted that the construction contingency, noted above at $50,000, represents only 2.9% of the tender cost which is significantly less than a standard contingency of 10-15% for this type of aged facility. The project is approximately 40% complete to date, but due to the age of the existing facility and unforeseen problems encountered during the initial stages of construction, a number of additional costs have been incurred which has depleted the Council approved contingency amount of $50,000.00. The purpose of this report is to request additional funding in the amount of $150,000 to complete the project as originally envisioned and to correct the inherent problems with the structural and mechanical/electrical systems. Early in the construction phase, as the existing building envelope was exposed, it was discovered that the original masonry and block work was poorly constructed, necessitating a costly change order to rectify. The existence of asbestos and mould was also uncovered and had to be dealt with in an expeditious manner in order to avoid construction delays. A detailed listing of the required additional costs is attached to this report. Financial Implications: The majority of the additional expenditures do not appear to qualify under the criteria for Federal Gas Tax Funding. Therefore, the required additional funding of approximately $150,000 is recommended to come from the Provincial grant provided under the "Investing on Ontario Act, 2008". A total of $3.9 million was originally provided to the City of which $200,000 was previously committed for this project. CORP0227-07101 revised Report OES 14-09 March 23, 2009 193 Subject: Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project - Tender No. T-17-2008 - Request for Additional Funding Page 3 Sustainability Implications: The existing roof structure and mechanical systems have reached the end of their useful life cycle, and currently are experiencing failure in several key areas. As a result of roof leaks, the brick veneer and structural elements are also experiencing failure and will need total replacement if not repaired soon. Replacement of the roof will resolve the leakage issues and improve the insulation factor, thus resulting in the reduction of maintenance costs. In addition, removal of the asbestos materials and mould as identified on the project will provide for a healthy sustainable workplace for both patrons and employees. Background: During the course of some of the early stages of construction, as some of the building fagade was removed, a number of deficiencies and concerns came to light which needed immediate attention. The consultant has prepared a detailed listing of these issues and their related costs,. which is attached to this report. Major issues on the project related to asbestos and mould removal, rectifications to original masonry and block work, as well as a number of mechanical and electrical deficiencies. The purpose of this report is to request additional funding in the amount of $150,000 to complete the project as originally envisioned and to correct the inherent problems with the structural and mechanical/electrical systems. Attachments: 1. Report to Executive Committee OES 37-08 2. Summary of Additional Costs Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Ton Pr edeI Everett Buntsma Division Head, Facilities Operations Director, Operations & Emergency Services CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 14-09 March 23, 2009 Subject: Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project 194 - Tender No. T-17-2008 ' - Request for Additional Funding Page 4 Approved/Endorsed By: Gillis Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer TP:mld Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ~A f-T~ Thomas J. Q n, RDMR, M III Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised Cary o~ TOREPORT#iF'CCj uu_._7 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 19 r P ~ ER Report Number: OES 37-08 2 7 Date: November 10, 2008 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project - Tender No. T-17-2008 - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 37-08 regarding T-17-2008 for the Dunbarton Indoor. Pool Renovation Project be received; 2. That Council ratify the approval by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's summer recess of proposal no. RFP-4-2008 for the supply of energy ventilation and pool dehumidification systems for the Dunbarton Pool; 3. That Tender T-17-2008 submitted by BWK Construction Company Ltd., at a cost of $1,782,900 (PST and GST included) be accepted; 4. That the total gross project cost of $1,995,000 (GST included) and a net project cost of $1,900,000 including the tender amount and other associated costs be approved; 5. That Council approve the re-allocation of the Federal Gas Tax funds associated with the 2008 capital project for the Frenchman's Bay - Master Plan Phase One (5410.0805.6182) and that these funds be re-submitted in the 2009 Capital Budget; 6. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project as follows: a) the sum of $1,000,000, as provided for in the 2008 approved Capital Budget, to be funded from Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund; b) the sum of up to $500,000, as provided for in the 2008 approved Capital Budget, to be financed by the issue of debentures through the Regional Municipality of Durham, over a period not exceeding fifteen (15) years, at a rate to be determined; c) the additional project costs estimated to be $400,000 be funded from the Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund ($200,000) and from the funding the City will receive from the "Investing in Ontario Act, 2008" ($200,000) including any additional unanticipated costs; s± 1 9 r-~c Report OES 37-08November 10, 2008 Subject: Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project Page 2 28 t of i d) the annual repayment charges in the amount of approximately $49,800 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2009, continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid, -and any financing cost to be paid out of the Current Budget; e) the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has updated the City's 2008 Annual Repayment Limit and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Annual Repayment Limit for debt and financial obligations, as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario and would not cause the City to exceed the updated limit, and therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval is not required prior to City Council's authorization; f) undertake the financing of this project or portions thereof -that cannot be accommodated through the foregoing through internal loans, Infrastructure Ontario - OSIFA Loan Program, or a financial institution offering long term financing under similar terms and conditions; g) the Treasurer is authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; 7. That the draft by-law attached to this report be enacted; and 8. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project was approved by Council in the 2008 Capital Budget for the amount of $1,500,000. As an integral part of this project, and in order to expedite delivery of the required mechanical equipment, RFP-4-2008 was approved on August 7, 2008 in the amount of $277,000 plus GST to allow Engineered Air to commence the fabrication. The existing roof structure at Dunbarton Pool has reached the end of its useful life cycle, and the existing structural components are showing signs of failure. 'This needs to be repaired as soon as possible in order to protect the integrity of the facility. As well as the structural degradation, the internal mechanical, ventilation, filtering and dehumidification systems have also reached the end of their useful life cycle and need replacement. CORP0227-07101 revised Report OES 37-08 November 10, 2008 197 Subject: Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project Page 3 The successful bidder is BWK Construction Company, with a bid of $1,698,000 (net of GST). Adding additional costs for consulting, miscellaneous and contingency translates to a final estimated cost of $1,900,000 (net of GST). The approved Capital Budget for this project is $1,500,000 resulting in an additional capital requirement of $400,000. The additional costs will be funded from two sources: 50% from Federal Gas Tax Funds and 50% from the funds the City will receive from the "Investing in Ontario Act, 2008". When the City prepared its 2008 Capital Budget, it utilized 100% of the available 2008 Federal Gas Tax funding. Staff have become aware that the Frenchman's Bay Master Plan Projects - Phase 1 funded 100% from Federal Gas Tax funding will be delayed this year. This project is delayed mainly due to Provincial staff concerns that are being addressed by City staff. Therefore staff are recommending that this project be re-budgeted in 2009 and that the 2008 Federal Gas Tax funds originally allocated to this project (Frenchman's Bay) now be transferred to fund the portion of the additional expenditure attributable to the Federal Gas Tax portion of the Dunbarton Pool project. As a result of other funding being available, awarding of this contract will have no financial impact on the 2008 Capital Budget. It is evident by the small spread between the three low tenders, that the low bid reflects the real cost given the current economy and market trends. It is recommended that the low tender be accepted and Council adopts the revised funding strategy for this project. Financial Implications: 1. TENDER AMOUNT T-17-2008 $ 1,698,000 GST 84,900 Total including GST 1,782,900 GST Rebate ( 84.900) Total $ 1,698,000 2. APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS Culture & Recreation Capital Budget Location Proiect Code Source of Funds Budget Required Dunbarton Indoor 5713.0804.6181 15 year debt 500,000 500,000 Pool Renovation 5713.0804.7505 Federal Gas Tax 1,000,000 1.000,000 Project Funds Available 1,500,000 1,500,000 CORP0227-07101 revised 1 1- 9 a; tw~sw~"' Report OES 37-08 al November 10, 2008 Subject: Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project Page 4 30 3. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTING SUMMARY Associated Costs T-17-2008 - Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project $1,698,000 Consultant Fees 150,000 Tender & Miscellaneous Costs 2,000 Construction Contingency 50,000 Total Project Costs 1,900,000 GST 95,000 Total Gross Project Cost 1,995,000 GST Rebate (95,000) Total Net Project Cost $1,900,000 4. Project Costs under/(over) Approved Funds ($400,000) 5. FINANCING FOR OVER-EXPENDITURES Federal Gas Tax $200,000 Investing in Ontario Act, 2008" 200.000 Provincial Grant $400,000 The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has provided the funding recommendations and concurs with this report. Sustainability Implications: The existing roof structure and mechanical systems have reached the end of their useful life cycle, and currently are experiencing failure in several key areas. As a result of roof leaks, the brick veneer and structural elements are also experiencing failure and will need total replacement if not repaired soon. Replacement of the roof will resolve the leakage issues and improve the insulation factor, thus resulting in the reduction of maintenance costs. Background: Tenders have been received which closed on Wednesday, October 8, 2008 for the Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project. An advertisement was placed in the Daily CORP0227-07/01 revised A-FrA Hl`'i E NT 4_ e r ? i I` + ~S f ? Report OES 37-08 -'L----° November 10, 2008 199 Subject: Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project Page 5 31 Commercial News and on the City's website. Fourteen (14) companies picked up a tendering package. A mandatory site visit was held on Monday, September 29, 2008 and fifteen (15) general contractors attended of which seven (7) bidders responded and submitted a bid for this project and one (1) was unable to bid at this time. One (1) addendum was issued during this tender call. Our consultant, TSH Architects Ltd. (TSH) has undertaken the necessary reference checks related to the general contractor and their sub-contractors, and are recommending acceptance of the low bid, being BWK Construction. BWK Construction is currently working for the City of Pickering on the Recreation Complex Expansion. The consultant's letter also provides an explanation of the higher than expected construction costs. The bidding summary is attached. It is evident by the small spread between the three low tenders, that the low bid reflects the true cost given the current economy and market trends. It is recommended that the low tender be accepted and that Council adopts the revised funding strategy for this project. BWK Construction provided three (3) references; one being the City of Pickering as they are currently working on the Recreation Complex Expansion. Staff have no concerns recommending BWK Construction as they were a pre-qualified contractor previously and all references were checked. TSH's original budget estimate for this work was approximately $1,500,000. The majority of the cost increases can be attributed to the following items: • significantly more structural work is required to reinforce the mechanical room floor and adjacent roof areas to carry the weight of the new mechanical equipment • a new electrical service has to be brought in from the adjacent high school • existing light fixtures in changerooms need to be replaced • additional privacy change cubicles need to be added • four de-stratification fans to the Natatorium need to be added • handicapped lift to pool deck needs to be added • revisions are required to the gas service and an allowance has been included in the tender for this work • a number of existing conditions involving locations of pipe chases have been encountered requiring additional scope to deal with them • ceilings in washrooms and showers were not originally planned to be replaced, however replacement will be necessary due to work in the mechanical penthouse • the tender for the supply of the mechanical equipment is slightly higher than originally budgeted for CORP0227-07/01 revised 2 00 I~,i:N rz iTEFORT#Ct- /LI CJ~I Report OES 37-08._ ag November 10, 2008 Subject: Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project Page 6 32 The Dunbarton Indoor Pool operates seven (7) days per week, starting as early as 5:00 am and ending at 10:30 pm. Users of the facility include: 1. Pickering Swim Club 2. Durham Board of Education 3. Learn to Swim Programs 4. Masters Swim Club 5. Female Only Swim 6. Public Swimming Program 7. Durham Synchro 8. Pickering Dragonboat The Learn to Swim Programs alone have a total of over 700 participants, including 100 children in leadership programs that feed into our staff complement. Revenues from Learn to Swim lessons were approximately $256,000 in 2007 and other revenues from rentals, admissions and memberships was $115,000. It is important to note that, even through the cost on this project has increased; the overall cost of undertaking the^renovations is still far cheaper than the alternative of building a new facility, the cost of which would also include demolishing the old one. For comparison purposes, the cost of a total reconstruction of the existing pool facility on the same site was estimated to be approximately $7.8 million by our consulting and the cost a new small community centre with a pool was estimated to be $11.7 million excluding land and site development costs. A copy of this report is attached for information purposes. In May of this year, the Provincial Government passed the "Investing in Ontario Act, 2008" that allows the Province to allocate a portion of its surplus to address the Province's accumulated deficit and to fund municipal capital projects. Under this Act, the Province is going to allocate $1.1 billion to municipalities of which Pickering's share is $3,912,526. Ontario Regulation 277/08, made under the "Investing in Ontario Act," confirms that the funds can be used for capital expenditures. Due to the complexity of the project, and the ancillary need to provide a facility changeroom as part of the renovations, the total project cost is over the approved budget by the amount of $400,000. In addition, whenever a renovation occurs for a building that is over thirty-five years old, there is a small possibility that there may be additional unanticipated costs. If these additional costs occur, amounts exceeding the $50,000 construction contingency identified will be funded from the City's "Investing in Ontario" funds. CORP0227-07/01 revised :`°€'T.ACt- MENT#...J_,__- i REPORT# ~~j Report OES 37-08 of November 10, 2008 01 Sub' Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project Page 7 2 The Health & Safety Policy, Workplace Injury Summary Report, current WSIB Council Amendment to Draft #7 (CAD-7), Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board and Certificate of Insurance as submitted by BWK Construction has been reviewed by the Coordinator, Health & Safety and is deemed acceptable. In closing, staff recommends the award of this contract to BWK Construction. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager, Supply & Services and the Senior Financial Analyst. Attachments: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum dated October 14, 2008 2. Facilities Operations Memo dated August 5, 2008 3. Consultant's Report (TSH) dated October 15, 2008 4. Consultant's Memo (TSH) dated January 17, 2008 5. By-law to authorize the Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project and the issuance of debentures in the amount of $500,000. Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Tony Prevedel E?ve tt sma Divi sion Head or, Operations & Emergency Facilities Operations ces Approved/Endorsed By: Gillis Paterson Director, Corp rate Services & Treasurer Vera A. Felgemach , CPP, CPPO, CPPB,, PM, CMM III Manager, Supply & Services CORP0227-07/01 revised A7TACHMENT# TOREPORT# 202 of Report OES 37-08 November 10, 2008 Subject: Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project Page 8 34 TP:mld Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration it of Pickering Ci Co T m s J. Qui RDM MM III Chief Administra ive Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised City v~ J 1_1 ATTACHMENT# 1 --a. fO REPORT#.L 203 of C, 1 c RI MEMO To: Tony Prevedel October 14, 2008 Division Head, Facilities Operations From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Subject: Tender for Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovations Tender No. T -17 - 2008 Tenders have been received for the above project by the closing date of October 8, 2008. Ten bidders were invited to participate. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News and on the City's Website. Fourteen (14) companies picked up a tendering package for a non- refundable fee of $100.00. A mandatory site visit was held on Monday, September 29, 2008 and 15 general contractors attended of which eight (7) bidders responded and submitted a bid for this project and one (1) unable to bid at this time. One (1) addendum was issued during this tender call. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tenders shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions; unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly, which has been done. All deposits other than the low three bidders may be returned to the applicable bidders as provided for by Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03(w). Three (3) bids have been retained for review at this time. SUMMARY PST included, GST included Bidders : Total Tendered After Calculation Amount $ Check BWK Construction $1,782.900.00 $1,782.900.00 Charterhouse Projects Inc. $1,800,750.00 $1,800,750.00 J.J. McGuire General Contractors $1,857,450.00 $1,857,450.00 A-Plus Contractors $2,092.650.00 $2,092.650.00 Ross Clair Contracting__ $2,225,475.00 $2,225;475.00 Tasis Contractors Inc. $2,257,500.00 $2,257,500.00 Ga Company Limited Unable to Bid D.J. McRae Contracting Automatic rejection - Bid deposit not sufficient. Reference: Purchasing By-law No. 5900-01, Procedure No. PUR 010-001, 10.04, Item 9(d), IB Item 18, 19„ 20; TS Item 1, 2, 3. Z O AITTACHMENT # T O REPORT# t14-._OCj Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 2t; ~trle'f6~g will be requested of the low bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call. Please advise when you wish us to proceed with this task'. 36 (a) a copy of the Health and Safety Policy to be used on this project; (b) a copy of the current Workplace Injury Summary Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Workplace Injury Summary Report document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); (c) a copy of the current Clearance Certificate issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; (d) the City's certificate of insurance completed by the bidder's agent, broker or insurer; (g) list of sub-contractors in accordance with GC Item 30, Form FT-2 Include the following items in your Report to Council: (a) if items (a) through (h) noted above, are acceptable to the Co-ordinator, Health & Safety (b) any past work experience BWK Construction Company Ltd. including work location; (c) without past, work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (d) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (e) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (f) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (g) related departmental approvals; (h) any reason(s) why the low bid of BWK Construction Company Ltd. is not acceptable; and (i) related comments specific to the project. TSH Architects Ltd.-as the consultant on this project will be reviewing submissions and making recommendations to you. The consultant should also review carefully all submittal information based on tendering instructions. If the consultant notices any infractions or information rn)ssing during the evaluation, please contact a member of Supply & Services as soon as possible. Please do not disclose any information to enquiries except you can direct them to the City's website for the unofficial bid results as read out at the Public tender opening. Bidders will be advised of the outcome in due course. If u require further information, please feel free to contact me or a member of Supply & Se ices. •j yVera A. Felgemacher of Attachments October 8, 2008 Page 2 Tender No. T-17-2008, Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovations z } y;AChMENTt l.,._s f. W EPOR 37 205 U L W S_ N • O 0 0 • ~ 0 CL 0 r C 0 0 O Q o8 V 0 h ~n- Lli cc cc U a o - ~ Q N Q o v Z Q 2~ s Wz ~x > > cu Ir W w 0 F- LL O w w 13 I}_- Z 3 a m , U w F- is a O o ~ ca O o m oh c N m 0 \ \ I- F Z c N 5.0 W W W W W W W } } } } } } } } m r a= H y Z O W t5 .6 W cc @ C U a a E o c ~ ca w rn U y c LL z' c d Q v a F- m U o o c E cn m m o 105 U y U F}- m U E 2 w c c@a co U m U U U 0 - v p 7 N N Y t' U aJ 20 kc l s`e rr.~._.l 38 _ FQREPORT# 6rS-14- ~ I Ott MEMO To: Thomas J. Quinn August 5, 2008 Chief Administrative Officer C~ From: Tony Prevedel Division Head, Facilities Operations E TO Copy: Director, Operations & Emergency Services COPY C, 1 R, _ <,CULAtL Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer _j - Division Head, Culture & Recreation ' )UPICIL PK4. i CA0 MG NIT COM r O { Subject: RFP-4-2008 Request for Proposal j Supply of Energy Ventilation and Pool Dehumidification System Dunbarton Indoor Pool File: 0-8000 f The City Council approved budget for this overall project is $1.5 Million. A large component. of the total project involves pre-ordering of ventilation and humidification equipment due to the large lead time required from ordering to delivery on site. Public tenders were issued on two separate occasions by Supply & Services. On the first deadline for submission, there was only one bid but it was late and therefore rejected. On the second deadline for submission, there was only one bid and it was rejected due to lack of a tendering deposit. Copies of the summary memoranda from Supply 8 Services is attached. As time was of the essence in processing the necessary equipment, Supply & Services initiated a process to obtain proposals directly from a shortlist of qualified suppliers, with the technical assistance of our consultants, TSH. A copy of the summary from Supply & Services is attached. Two proposals were received, and we recommend that the City issue a purchase order in the amount of $277,000 plus applicable taxes to Engineered Air in order to initiate the delivery process of the necessary equipment. Co-ordinator, Health. & Safety has confirmed a WSIB certificate of clearance is not required from a supplier building the equipment on their own. site. What insurance coverage is required will be checked with Stan Karwowski or Gil Paterson. If required, this must be received prior to confirmation of a purchase order and work start. The two proposals have been reviewed by our consultant, who recommends the award to the low bid from Engineered Air. A copy of the consultant's recommendation is attached. 39 C - a 7 h l~OrU g TSH Architects Ltd. . 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario, Canada LIN 9.12 architects (905) 668-9363 Fax: (905) 668-0221 E-mail: tsh@tsh.ca www.lsh.ca October 15, 2008 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng, O~EMT O S a -s Division Head IIECEtVEO Facility Operations Division FILE City of Pickering Mck Pickering Civic Complex AKEY TO One the Esplanade ~ 1E . tilAYO COUNCIL Pickering, Ontario CAO CtEhK L 1 V 6K7 i aec coleIN SEIIVKE8 UPI WMAN NIOUR ai M►E O/S CENTRE IEOAL FAC OIERATIONS OFFICE SUSTAIN Dear Mr. Prevedel 0! AN & nEv Re: Tender for Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovations Tender No. T-17-2008 TSH Project No. 22-32135 TSH has been given copies of the three low bids received for the above project for review and evaluation. As requested we report herein. Bidders Amount Tendered GST Total Amount Tendered BWK Construction $1,698,000.00 $84,900.00 $,1,782,900..00 Charterhouse Projects Inc, $1 795,000.00 $85,750.00 $1,800,750.00 J.J. McGuire General Contractors $1,769,000.00 $88,450.00 $1,857,450,00 The above noted bidders had the three lowest tender submissions of the seven tenders that were opened on October 8, 2008. One other tender was received however it was deemed non-compliant by the Purchasing Department as the Bid deposit was not sufficient. Tendering for this project followed a general advertised tendering process. That is, bidders were not subject to a pre-qualification process resulting in an invited list of bidders. All Bidders were in attendance at the mandatory site visit held on September 29, 2008. All tenders were received prior to the specified tender closing time. All bidders acknowledged receipt of the one addendum that was issued during the tender period. B.Knoll of TSH was in attendance at the tender opening along with the following individuals from the City of Pickering: Vera Felgemacher, June Karas and Christine Richardson. City of Pickering TO REPORT Dunbarton Pool 2 l~ - October 15, 2008 2 T Several Unit Prices were requested of the Bidders. All three of the above bidders submitted comparable prices for unit prices for additional masonry work. These unit prices will be used during construction to evaluate additional masonry restoration work that may arise. Completion of the List of Subcontractors was not a mandatory requirement of the tendering process and only one of the above bidders completed this form at the time of tender submissions. The Tender Amounts include Cash Allowances per the following: Independent Inspection and Testing. $8,500.00 The Supply and installation of the Splash Aquatic lift to be installed On the pool deck, providing access to the pool by handicapped $8,000.00 persons , Building Signage $2,000.00 For the services of a Pest Control Company to treat the length of the beam between the high school roof and the pool roof for carpenter ants while the roof is opened for roof repairs. $,2,500.00 Mechanical Allowances (Refer to Section 15000 Art. 17. the Mechanical Contractor to include in the tender Price to the General Contractor Cash Allowances of $339,100.00 Total Cash Allowances Included $369,100.00 It is noted that the above mechanical allowance includes an amount of.$299,160.00 for the supply of the mechanical units. These units were previously tendered and the City has issued a Purchase Order for this work. The City's Purchase Order will be assumed by the Mechanical Sub-contractor upon award of the contract. It is to be noted, that the Cash Allowances do not include for a contingency allowances for additional costs incurred during construction for unforeseen work. BWK provided three references; one being the City of Pickering as they are currently. working on the addition to the Pickering Recreation Complex and the other two being two school boards for school additions. We contacted the school boards however, we have not yet had a response from these prior to completion of this letter. Recreation Complex project and all references were satisfactory at that time. . TSH's original budget estimate for this work was approximately $1,500,000. The majority of the cost overruns can be attributed to the following items: • Significantly more structural work was required to reinforce the mechanical room floor and adjacent roof areas to carry the weight of the new mechanical equipment. • A new electrical service had to be brought in from the adjacent high school. • Existing light fixtures in Changerooms were replaced. • Additional privacy change cubicles were added. • New staff change/washroom facilities (not originally in budget) • Four de-stratification fans to the Natatorium were added City of Pickering Dumbarton Pool ; #'•ea, R!!'9 TMl -O REPORT#-6 G 1 Ocher 15, 2008 c 3 II 209 • Handicapped lift to pool deck was added • Revisions were required to the gas service and an allowance has been included in the tender for this work. • A number of existing conditions involving locations of pipe chases were encountered requiring additional scope to deal with them. • Ceilings in washrooms and showers were not originally planned to be replaced, however replacement became necessary due to work in the mechanical penthouse above the ceilings. • The tender for the supply of the mechanical equipment was slightly higher than originally budgeted for. Based upon the low tender submission of BWK Construction Company Ltd. we recommend that the city give consideration to this company for the award of Dunbarton Pool Project to them. Yours very truly, B P1111'. Manager, Architecture 1 0 ATTACHMENTA- 1 70REPORT# 06 fG -6 J 42 MEMORANDUM TO: Len Hunter FROM: Barry Knoll DATE: January 17, 2003 RE: Dunbarton Pool TSH Project No. 22-32135 Re-Construction of Dunbarton Pool Option 1 Scone of Work • Demolition of entire building structure down to slab on grade • Removal ofcntire Pool Filtration system, underwater lighting, piping etc. associated with Pool System including new drain line • Removal of existing ceramic tile from pool deck and pool tank • Construction of slightly enlarged Change Room/Lobby area (subject to negotiations to increase foot print with Durham District School Board) • Construction of state of the art Natatorium Area with windows new finishes and mechanical system. Natatorium constructed slightly enlarged towards the south and west (subject to negotiates with School Board) • Construction ofnew second level viewing area with second level meeting space • New elevator to second level • Include contractor overhead and profit, design fees, contingency allowance of $200,000. . Total Budget Estimate $7,757,000. GST not included Option No. 2 Construction of a small community center having the Pool as the focus. Facility would include the following components: • Natatorium - G lane leisure style pool with separate therapeutic tank and hot tub/whirlpool. Co-ed sauna. 12,350SF • Gymnatorium, dividable full size single gym, sprung wood floor 6400 • Aquatic staff offices 500 • Aerobic studio .1800SF • Change Rooms 8300 • Smaller multi-purpose/community use rooms 3500 • Public Washroom 750 • Pool Mechanical 1200 • Storage 750 • Mechanical Mezzanine 2200 • Circulation space, Lobby, entrance viewing 6500 Total Building Area 44,250. SF QA 071 1:11'ICOJIiC`I'S'~3•I'raiccts'~2.321J~'•1{LIIiN'1'CORRI:51'oNt)[NCC:1111?\10RANDUM I K-01-MA(V T~ 0I!•■ 4 3 ~t 4 R PORT 'Cr Ivtcmot~ndum to January 17, 2008 2 211 Estimated Building Construction Cost $8,500,000. Bait nark Site Development $700,000. Contractor OH & Profit $800,000. Pecs and Contingencies $1,440,000. Furnishings and Equipment $300,000. Total Estimated Cost 11,740,000 Not included in the above is purchase of land, GST, extensive site development costs. i I 1:'.I'RojPC'rS1.'2.1'r(+'ccts'22-321331i-CI.11:NT C01t111:S1'C)NDI:NCL-*.Nll.•NIO1tANDUkI I I6-01-08.doc TM ~'O REPORT #1Lu''~~ _ THE CORPORATION 4 4 2' ~ F PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to authorize the Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project in the City of Pickering and the issuance of debentures therefor in the amount of $500,000. WHEREAS Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that a lower- tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting matters within the spheres of jurisdiction described in that Section; and, WHEREAS Subsection 401(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that a municipality may incur a debt for-municipal purposes, whether by borrowing money or in any other way; and, WHEREAS Subsection 401(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that a lower-tier municipality in a regional municipality does not have the power to issue debentures; and, WHEREAS The Regional Municipality of Durham has the sole authority to issue debentures for the purposes of its lower-tier municipalities including The Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "City"); and, WHEREAS the Council of the City wishes construction to proceed in respect of the Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project; and, WHEREAS before authorizing the construction,to proceed in respect of the Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project on the date hereof the Council of the City, had the Treasurer update the City's Annual Repayment Limit, the Treasurer calculated the estimated annual amount payable in respect of such project and determined that such annual amount would not cause the City to exceed the updated Limit and, therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval is not required as per Section 401 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and the regulations made thereunder', AND WHEREAS after determining that Ontario Municipal Board approval is not required, the Council of the City approved Report OES 37-08 on the date hereof and awarded Tender T-17-2008 for the Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation Project. BY-LAW NO Page 2 213 NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City proceed with the construction of the project referred to as "Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation"; 2. That the estimated costs of the construction in the amount of $1,900,000 be financed as follows: a) That the sum of $500,000 be financed by the issue of debentures by The Regional Municipality of Durham over a period not to exceed fifteen (15) years; b) That the sum of $1,200,000 be funded from the Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund; and c) That the sum of $200,000 be funded from the Provincial grant under the "Investing in Ontario Act, 2008". . 3. That the funds to repay the principal and interest of the debentures be provided for in the annual Current Budget for the City commencing in 2009 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 17th day of November, 2008. y David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk 2 1 4 wad .b.. Project: Dunbarton Indoor Pool Renovation AECOM Project Number: 22-32135 Date February 22, 2009 SUMMARY OF ADDITIONAL COSTS Reference Description Amount PC-01/BWK#5 Miscellaneous Mechanical Revisions $15,100 PC-02/BWK#6 Additional Structural Reinforcing to Mezzanine due to Mechanical Equipment weight increase $2,900 PC-03/BWK#7 Miscellaneous Electrical Breakers and disconnect for condensing unit $2,700 PC-04/BWK#8 Miscellaneous Electrical $2,100 BWK#9 Room 102C Floor Drain $1,500 PC-05/BWK#10 Sloped Masonry Wall Removal, New Metal Siding at North Elevation $24,200 PC-06/BWK#11 Miscellaneous Electrical $9,000 PC-07/BWK#15 Paint Pool Ceiling, add double doors to exterior $26,900 PC-08/BWK#12 Miscellaneous Electrical $8,200 PC-09/BWK#13 Prepare and epoxy paint existing pool light surrounds $2,700 PC-10/BWK#16 Replace existing hair dryers $4,300 BWK#14 Storage costs for mechanical units $2,800 BWK#19 Relocate rain water leader in the penthouse $1,800 Page 1 , OES u 6 215 Reference . Description Amount BWK#20 Remove and replace existing water valves $1,400 BWK#21 Replace cracked valve in entry vestibule $1,200 Mould removal in Natatorium $15,000 PC-11 Support for cracked Siporex roof panel $12,000 BWK#22 Restore drywall and paint where removed due to asbestos $6,400 BWK#23R Ceramic tile repairs and restoration work $4,400 PC-12 New basement light fixtures $4,000 Miscellaneous $1,400 Total $150,000 Page 2