HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 9, 2009 .... CiitJ (J~ Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, March 9, 2009 Council Chambers 7:30 pm Chair: Councillor McLean (I) DELEGATIONS 1. Jim Simpson, Chair Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Re: 2008 Annual Report and 2009 Workplan 2. Emma Docherty Transportation/Environmental Planner AECOM Re: 407 East Environmental Assessment and Preliminary DesiQn Study (II) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION PAGES 1. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 12-09 1-6 First Nations Trail Proiect - Western Gatewav RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES 12-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the First Nations Trail Project - Western Gateway be received; 2. That Council acknowledge that staff will be proceeding with the tendering of the Western Gateway project prior to 2009 budget approval; 3. That, notwithstanding the provisions of the City's Purchasing Policy, Council approve the appointment of Johnson Sustronk & Weinstein to provide consultant services for the Western Gateway project at an estimated cost of $30,000; 4. That Council provide approval to modify the 1977 agreement with the City of Toronto, to relieve them from the responsibility to maintain the eastern approaches to the Rouge River pedestrian bridge; Accessible e- PICKE~G For information related to accessibility requirements please contact Linda Roberts Phone: 905.420.4660 extension 2928 TTY: 905.420.1739 Email: lroberts@citvofoickerina.com UUf o~ Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, March 9,2009 Council Chambers 7:30 pm Chair: Councillor McLean 5. The Council provide approval to enter into an agreement with the Canadian National Railway Company, for the reconstruction of the pedestrian crossing under the CN Rail lines; and 6. That a copy of this report be forwarded to the TRCA for their information. 2. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 05-09 7-17 Application for Minor Variance to Sign By-law 2493/87, as amended - Pickering Brock Centre - 1755 - 1805 PickerinQ Parkway RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 05-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the application for minor variance to Sign By-law 2439/07, as amended, submitted by B~yfield Realty Advisors on behalf of Pickering Brock Centre, for property municipally known as 1755-1805 Pickering Parkway, be approved as follows; a) The request to permit an increased height for the proposed pylon sign 'B2', Highway 401 frontage; b) The proposed roof top signage for Unit A16; 3. That the application for minor variance to Sign By-law 2439/07, as amended, submitted by Bayfield Realty Advisors on behalf of Pickering Brock Centre, for property municipally known as 1755-1805 Pickering Parkway, be denied as follows; c) The request to permit an increased height for pylon sign 'B1', Brock Road frontage; d) The request to permit an increased height for pylon sign 'A1', Pickering Parkway frontage; and 4. That the appropriate officials be given the authority to give effect thereto. Cil1J ,,~ Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, March 9, 2009 Council Chambers 7:30 pm Chair: Councillor McLean 3. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 03-09 18-21 Formal Quotations - Quarterlv Report for Information RECOMMENDATION That Report CS 03-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer regarding Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information be received for information. REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 12-09 Date: March 9, 2009 I" , 0 1 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: First Nations Trail Project - Western Gateway File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1 . That Report OES 12-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the First Nations Trail Project - Western Gateway be received; 2. That Council acknowledge that staff will be proceeding with the tendering of the Western Gateway project prior to 2009 budget approval; 3. That, notwithstanding the provisions of the City's Purchasing Policy, Council approve the appointment of Johnson Sustronk & Weinstein to provide consultant services for the Western Gateway project at an estimated cost of $30,000; 4. That Council provide approval to modify the 1977 agreement with the City of Toronto, to relieve them from the responsibility to maintain the eastern approaches to the Rouge River pedestrian bridge; 5. The Council provide approval to enter into an agreement with the Canadian National Railway Company, for the reconstruction of the pedestrian crossing under the CN Rail lines; and 6. That a copy of this report be forwarded to the TRCA for their information. Executive Summary: The First Nations Trail Project - Western Gateway involves the reconstruction of the waterfront trail from the Rouge River to Dyson Road and Bella Vista Drive. The design, completed and approved by Council in 2005, was not tendered at that time due to unresolved issues with the City of Toronto regarding their responsibility for maintenance of the approaches to Dyson Road as outlined in a 1977 agreement between Metropolitan Toronto and the Town of Pickering. The City of Pickering was looking for a financial contribution from the City of Toronto towards this project, in return for relieving them of their responsibility of the maintenance of this area. Recently, staff were advised that funding for the project will be available from Waterfront Toronto, in conjunction with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority's Port Union Project. As the Port Union Project site limits were defined as extending 50 Report DES 12-09 March 9, 2009 Subject: Western Gateway D2 Page 2 meters east of the Rouge River, Waterfront Toronto has agreed to fund this section of the Western Gateway project, for up to 50% of the costs, to a maximum of $500,000. Financial Implications: The construction cost for the project is estimated at $925,000 which includes $30,000 for consultant services by Johnson Sustronk & Weinstein. A request for funding for this project, in the amount of $425,000 has been included in the 2009 budget. Staff are determining whether a portion (up to 80%) of the City's share of the cost will qualify for Federal Gas tax funding with the balance to be debt financed. The Waterfront Toronto have agreed to fund up to 50%, to a maximum of $500,000, for all hard and soft project costs for works within the Designated Waterfront Area. Sustainability Implications: The construction of the Western Gateway Project will provide improved accessibility to the waterfront trail system and will encourage and promote walking and cycling activities along the Pickering waterfront. The tree, shrub and ground cover plantings proposed will provide additional stability of the east bank of the Rouge River, provide a buffer between the waterfront trail and the CN Rail lines and increase the urban forest cover in the Rosebank Neighbourhood. Background: The First Nations Trail Project - Western Gateway involves the reconstruction of the existing waterfront trail just east of the Rouge River. This section of trail currently consists of some asphalt surface, aging timber ramps and steps up the east bank of the Rouge Valley leading to Dyson Road and a dirt path to Bella Vista Drive. There is a pedestrian crossing under the CN rail lines that also needs upgrading to meet CN Rail safety requirements. Due to the current condition of the steps and lack of accessible trail in this area, the City has had to provide staff to assist in the moving of bicycles through this area for events such as the Great Waterfront Trail Adventure. The proposed construction will complete the waterfront trail as a hard surface, accessible system through the City of Pickering. It will provide an upgraded connection to Dyson Road in the Rosebank neighbourhood and will remove the hazardous steps from the main waterfront trail, improving safety and increasing access for all users. The project will be constructed in two phases so that access can be maintained along the waterfront trail at all times. Phase 1 will incorporate new poured-in-place concrete ramps and steps to Dyson Road, to be used as the detour route, while construction of the main waterfront trail to Bella Vista Drive is completed. Phase 2 includes the installation of a pre-engineered pedestrian bridge and construction of an asphalt path to Bella Vista Drive, where vehicular parking will be provided for non-resident trail users. Plantings are proposed to enhance the area and to provide a buffer to the rail lines. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 12-09 March 9, 2009 Subject: Western Gateway Page 3 :' t '13 L Although not part of the project at this time, there are plans to create a gateway structure, incorporating sculptural artwork that will celebrate the cultural heritage of the First Nations, whom this section of the trail was named after. Interpretive signage will be included as part of this installation which will be included in a future year's budget. This project will be managed by the City of Pickering in partnership with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the co-operation of CN Rail, who are both land owners within the project area. Permits for construction have been received from the TRCA for the proposed works and an approval in principle has been obtained from CN Rail. An agreement between the City and CN Rail, to permit reconstruction of the grade separation for the pedestrian underpass is being prepared by CN Rail at this time. The design and working drawings for the project were completed by the consultant firm of Johnson Sustronk & Weinstein and approved by Council in 2005 and are ready for tender. The Purchasing Policy requires three competitive quotes, however we are recommending the use of Johnson Sustronk & Weinstein for consulting services for contract administration and field inspection for this project due to their intensive involvement so far in the detail design and approvals. This means there should be significant cost savings for their continued use. The project was not tendered at that time due to unresolved issues with the City of Toronto regarding their responsibility for maintenance of the approaches to Dyson Road as outlined in a 1977 agreement between Metropolitan Toronto and the Town of Pickering. The City of Pickering was looking for a financial contribution from the City of Toronto towards this project, to relieve them of their responsibility of the maintenance of this area and this has been obtained. . Pending Council direction, the project could be issued for tender by early March 2009. As we anticipate the construction period to be approximately 6 months, proceeding with the tender is critical so that construction can commence in early June and be completed before winter of 2009. Attachments: 1. Letter from Waterfront Toronto Re: Port Union - Western Gateway Project, dated February 12, 2009. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 12-09 Subject: Western Gateway lr-4 March 9, 2009 Page 4 Prepared By: A~~~ Coordinator Landscape & Parks Development =.:> Q 044ll.t-le+ ~rrell Selsky v . . Supervisor Engineer.'ng & Capital Works c</"f Vera A. Felgemacher C.P.P., CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M., CMM III Manager, Supply & Services DS:am Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Everett unts a Director Operations & Emergency Services ~.-...-.'.-'-"-.."- -----.,.., ~/ ...~ ______ a Gillis A. Paterson Director Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ~ t 0/ (ltC.I>Aa . (~4 D Thomas . Q nn, RDMR, CMM III ,- Chief Admini trative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised :~--'..----" - AT'U\CHMENT#_jroREPoRT# uES \2-0~ -1-.. ci _._.?L 05 WATERFRONToronto 20 8AY STREET, SUITE 1310 TORONTO, ON M5J 2N8 1,1' 416.214.1344 FoX: 416.214.459\ WNw,towaterfront.ca February 12, 2009 Mr. Brian Denney Chief Administrative Officer Toronto Region and Conservation Authority 5 Shoreham Drive Toronto, Ontario M3N 1S4 Ms Elaine Baxter-Trahair Waterfront Project Director Waterfront Secretariat Urban Development Services City Hall, 12th Floor, East Tower 100 Queen Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Dear Brian and Elaine, Re: Port Union - Western Gateway Proiect Waterfront Toronto has reviewed the letter from the Toronto Region and Conservation Authority ("TRCA") which was also sign~d by the City of Toronto (the "City") dated November 26,2008 recommending the Port Union - Western Gateway project. Waterfront Toronto has had an opportunity to discuss the project with TRCA staff and has received confirmation from TRCA that the project will be implemented with its existing bUdget of $25,363,163. Waterfront Toronto is pleased to inform TRCA and the City that it supports the proposed Western Gateway initiative and also has the support of all government stakeholders. Based on the letter and discussions with TRCA, Waterfront Toronto understands that the project is to be developed in two phases. Phase 1 consists of creating poured in place concrete ramps and steps leading from the pedestrian bridge to Dyson Road. This Phase 1 construction work will serve as a detour while Phase 2 is being built. Phase 2 is expected to be the main waterfront trail and consists of two components: 1) installation of a pre-manufactured pedestrian walkway I viewing platform beginning at the pedestrian bridge and hugging the east bank of the Rouge River underneath the existing CN bridge, and 2) construction of an asphalt path leading from the pedestrian walkway to Bella Vista Drive, where vehicular parking will be provided. Vegetation will also be planted to enhance the area while providing a buffer from the CN railway; , Waterfront Toron1o is aware that the City of Pickering have prepared design drawings and secured all required approvals and permits with the exception of finalization of the pedestrian underpass agreement with CN Rail, which is expected imminently. As per the Certified Copy of Resolutions of the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation dated April 24, 2003, the ea~tern-most side of the Designated Waterfront Area is 50 m east of the east bank of the Rouge River. This boundary 1 ( 11ENT#_L_, TOREPORT# OE S 1.1-01 2 01 2. 06 forms the eastern-most side of the project for which Waterfront Toronto is eligible to fund. This has been confirmed by conversations with TRCA. The estimated cost for the project, including all hard and soft costs, is $1.0 million. The City of Pickering is proposing that Waterfront Toronto fund up to 50% of the costs, to a maximum of $500,000, which is applicable only to project costs incurred within the Designated Waterfront Area, as defined in the Certified Copy of Resolutions. TRCA is recommending the amount be funded with expected cost savings from the contingencies from the ongoing Port Union Waterfront Improvements Project. TRCA has confirmed and is confident that it can complete the Western Gateway Project and the Port Union Waterfront Improvements Project within its approved budget of $25,.363,163. Waterfront Toronto would like to schedule a meeting with TRCA to discuss the amendment of the delivery agreement as well as TRCA's risk management of both the Western Gateway and Port Union as part of Waterfront Toronto's Enterprise Risk Management Program to ensure successful iinplementation and completion of the project. Waterfront Toronto recommends moving forward with the Port Union - Western Gateway project and will undertake the amendment of the delivery agreement and necessary documents to support this initiative with TRCA. Furthermore, because there is no change to the project budget, no amendment will be required to the Port Union Contribution Agreement. Waterfront Toronto feels the Western Gateway project would help to enhance the Port Union Waterfront -Improvements Project, and the entire waterfront as a whole. Waterfront Toronto appreciates TRCA's continued support and involvement in the Waterfront Initiative and looks forward to the completion of the project. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, cc John Piper, Senior Advisor, Mayor's Office, City of Toronto _ Brenda Patterson, General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation, City of Toronto Thomas J Quinn, Chief Administrative Office, City of Pickering Nancy Gaffney, Waterfront Specialist, TRCA Francine Belanger, Director, Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative, Environment Canada Nancy Mudrinic, Director, Municipal Infrastructure Branch, Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal Jane McGrath, PM - Construction, Waterfront Toronto 2 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 05-09 Date: March 9, 2009 '17 l. From: Gillis Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Application for Minor Variance to Sign By-law 2493/87, as amended Pickering Brock Centre 1755 - 1805 Pickering Parkway - File: L-2340 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 05-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the application for minor variance to Sign By-law 2439/07, as amended, submitted by Bayfield Realty Advisors on behalf of Pickering Brock Centre, for property municipally known as 1755-1805 Pickering Parkway, be approved as follows; a) The request to permit an increased height for the proposed pylon sign 'B2', Highway 401 frontage; b) The proposed roof top signage for Unit A16; 3. That the application for minor variance to Sign By-law 2439/07, as amended, submitted by Bayfield Realty Advisors on behalf of Pickering Brock Centre, for property municipally known as 1755-1805 Pickering Parkway, be denied as follows; c) The request to permit an increased height for pylon sign 'B 1', Brock Road frontage; d) The request to permit an increased height for pylon sign 'A 1', Pickering Parkway frontage; and 4. That the appropriate officials be given the authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: An application for a minor variance to Sign By-law 2439/87, as amended, has been submitted by Bayfield Realty Advisors on behalf of Pickering Brock Centre for property municipally known as 1755 - 1805 Pickering Parkway. Report CS 05-09 March 9, 2009 Subject: 08 Application for Minor Variance, Pickering Brock Centre 1755 - 1805 Pickering Parkway Page 2 Financial Implications: Not applicable Sustainability Implications: Not applicable Background: An application has been received by Bayfield Realty Advisors on behalf of Pickering Brock Centre who are the owner of the property previously known as the Pickering Home and Design Centre. The owner is undertaking a renovation and re-branding to establish the property as the "Shops at Pickering Ridge". A request for a minor variance has been submitted relating to the installation of 3 new pylon signs for the entrances on Brock Road and Pickering Parkway, as well as one proposed along the 401 frontage, and roof top signage for the unit previously occupied by Papp's restaurant (Unit A 16). . In reviewing the application with the Planning & Development Department, the following comments are noted: Proposed Pylon Sign for Brock Road Frontage The proposed pylon sign located on the Brock Road frontage, identified on the submitted site plan as sign "B1" requires a variance as the proposed height is 1 0.6 metres whereas the by-law permits a maximum height of 7.5 metres. It is recommended that the request to permit an increased height for proposed pylon sign "B1" be denied. A pylon sign with a height of 7.5 metres (maximum permitted under existing by-law) will provide significant exposure at this location and consequently there is no compelling reason to support an increase in height. City staff have recently prepared a new draft sign by-law for review which proposes a reduction in the maximum height permitted for pylon signs from 7.5 to 6.0 metres. The intent of this approach is to reduce the visual impact of signage on the streetscape of major roads in the City. Proposed Pylon Sign for Pickering Parkway Frontage The proposed pylon sign on the Pickering Parkway frontage, identified on the site plan as sign "A 1" requires a variance as the proposed height is 1 0.6 metres whereas the by- law permits a maximum height of 7.5 metres. This proposed sign requires a further variance to permit a video display which is not permitted by the City's sign by-law. It is recommended that the request to permit an increased height for proposed pylon sign "A 1" be denied for the same reasons as the proposed Brock Road pylon sign "B 1". The request to introduce video display on the proposed pylon sign "A 1" is not supported. The proposed sign is to be located approximately 1 00 metres away from the CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 05-09 March 9, 2009 Subject: Application for Minor Variance, Pickering Brock Centre 1755 - 1805 Pickering Parkway Page 3 0(' :J existing residential homes on Larksmere Court. There are a number of homes that back onto this commercial plaza and we are concerned that the introduction of a video display on the pylon sign at a significant elevation may be an unwanted distraction to the homeowners. The draft sign by-law prepared by staff for review prohibits video displays which are located within 200 metres of a residential zone, if the display is visible from the residential zone. Proposed Pylon Sign for Highway 401 Frontage The proposed pylon sign located on the Highway 401 frontage, identified on the site plan as sign "B2" requires a variance as the proposed height is 1 0.6 metres whereas the by-law permits a maximum height of 7.5 metres. In speaking with the representative for the applicant, Clerks Division staff have been advised that verbal approval has been received by the owner from the Ministry of Transportation, however, they have not received their formal permit to date. The City does require the MTO permit to be submitted prior to formal approval being issued by the City. It is recommended that the request to permit an increased height for proposed pylon sign "B2" be approved. This sign is adjacent to Highway 401 and is well separated from Brock Road and Pickering Parkway. Its exposure and massing impact is to the highway and not to the community or local streetscape. The draft sign by-law prepared by staff for review would permit this type of signage to a maximum of 6 metres, and staff would still recommend the variance in this instance based on the above comments. Proposed Roof Top Signage A variance is proposed for unit A 16 which was previously occupied by "Papp's restaurant". There is a new tenant that desires a more prominent and unique sign proposed to be mounted on the roof of the unit. The City's sign by-law prohibits roof top signage. The front facade of this and other units in this complex have recently been increased in height, to provide increased visual presence and signage opportunity. The heightened facade does provide significant area for more traditional wall mounted signage. However, roof top signage has been utilized with success in the City provided it is not the dominant form of signage across the development. The limited use of roof top signage can provide an attractive architectural element provided the signage is tastefully designed. The details of the proposed sign indicate that the signage will be constructed of individual channel lettering that is backlight with LED lights at a scale that is in keeping with the design of the building. Considering the type and character of development at this centre and the location of this unit at a strategic corner focal point of the centre, staff support this variance request.. It is important that roof top signage only be considered on an individual unit by unit specific basis. Improper or over-usage could seriously negatively impact the overall design of the complex. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 05-09 March 9, 2009 Subject: '1 0 . . I .; _ Application for Minor Variance, Pickering Brock Centre 1755 - 1805 Pickering Parkway Page 4 In summary, the pylon sign proposed for the entrance on Brock Road is not supported due to its excessive height. The video display pylon sign proposed for the entrance on Pickering Parkway is not supported due to the height and concerns the video display may impact neighbouring residents. The pylon sign proposed for the 401 frontage and the roof sign proposed for unit A 16 are supported by the Planning & Development Department. Attachments: 1. Application for minor variance to sign by-law as submitted by Bayfield Realty Advisors 2. Site plan and specifications for each proposed sign. Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: ~~C'a.J- Debi A. Wilcox, CMM III City Clerk ~~;>< Gillis Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council f (- (t4t!-sA-;'1) C If--d Thom s J. Qu n, DMR, CMM III Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised T -\0 '. \eft.- . C;+i C DEe 1 8 2008 I ATTACHMENT , / TO REPORT' cs t-D'I DEe 0 2 2008 1 1 .. BAYFIELD REALTY ADVISORS INC. 5001 Yonge Street Suite 301 Toronto, ON M2N 6P6 T.416.227.1552 F. 416.227.1554 November 7,2008 City of Pickering Planning Department Pickering, ON Dear Sir/Madam: Re: Pickering Brock Centre Line 1755 -1805 Pickering Parkway On behalf of Pickering-Brock Centre Inc. the owner of the Shops at Pickering Ridge, please accept this letter in support of an application for a sign variance made on our behalf by Teksign Inc. and Dominic Rotundo. We seek your approval in allowing the installation of 3 new pylon signs, and roof top signage for unit #A 16 at the shopping centre. The pylon signs and roof top signage are reflected in the attached artwork and elevation drawings respectively. J Branding: Pickering-Brock Centre Inc. has invested a very significant amount of capital dollars in the renovation and turn around of the shopping centre once known as the Pickering Home and Design Centre. The centre is still referred to by this name; the new pylon signs will help us to establish the Shops at Pickering Ridge name within the city and amongst its citizens. Visual Impact & Aesthetics: The new pylons signs we hope you will agree are a considerable improvement from the existing pylon signs both at our centre and the other shopping centres in the immediate area. The colour and graphic presentation combine to create a simple, clean, distinct and prestigious image for the shopping centre and our tenants, The design while simple and clean, will also attract the attention of customers, and will help to alleviate some of the access issues faced by the centre. * I t: I 1 2 - 2- Unit # A16: The roof top sign we are requesting to be placed on top of the parapet wall of Unit A 16 is similar in scale and design to the existing Extreme Fitness roof top sign. The sign will create symmetry between the two halves / sides of the shopping centre and allow the restaurant tenant leasing the premises to create some uniqueness for itself and theunit. Unit A 16 is well known within the community as the former Papps Restaurant, which is positive and negative as Papps has both a good and bad reputation with its patrons. The unique roof top sign will help the new tenant who is an existing ownership group from within the City of Pickering to establish a fresh design and start for the new restaurant. We hope the new pylons along with the substantial investments we have made in securing new tenants, renovating the building exteriors, and upgrading the landscaping thus far will differentiate and distinguish the Shops at Pickering Ridge from its competitors and ensure its future survival and success. We thank you in advance for your consideration and anticipated cooperation. Please feel free to contact the undersigned to discuss these matters or to arrange a site visit to more thoroughly review our request. Yours truly, BA YFIELD REALTY ADVISORS INC. , t ~---- Vish Brijbassi Vice President \ \ \ i\ I'. [ ! i I :<. ~ <a 0- \ t ~ T'0 ~ .,..- ~I :t:I: b: CJ ~ J2 ~ I- ;2 w :E ::c ~ 5 \\ ~\ i.\ :<. ~" ~~ o-<g, "2 6- "''" ~~ ~~ o <>. , .,., -1\ ill, -..... \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -;:1:\ ~\ e.\, 't\ '" Z- C? ~ 0- ',,', 't\ 9~~ciQ~:1~1.6f1'J ) ~,,~ e1.V'1zflO'SJ " t....Q9..~$. ;..a~ll69 ,~... _;; --':-::~-~,,~. ~o~. ok "\'''":'___--:_ ,. ~\ "j; ~, \ t ~ Z~ I I i I I i "'To, .... "" 0 <CI <7> 0; .... ." ;.... -' "" _" cr: 0 ~ a.. z '''' <<: 0> "i. iU ;;; iU .. " ;0 i5 Ll .c:: 0 en en .. > o a c. <{ iV ;0 o ~] -~ gn~=f1 ~]0] c.~s;:.~ ~~~ . 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""=lil ~~~ ~;;~ :::>2= ~'~,~ ~=~ ~~:i ~ ;s ;;;; ~ '" '" '" i2 ~ '" a 15 >- "" '" ... =- C> a: ... ... .. ... i= z = z C> G = .. Q a: ... a: Q u- S '" = ... "" e l; z n Z r 6 en Z o ~ <.;l Z :::l ::!: ::;; o <.;l "" a:J z o {.!:J z a: w "" <.;l a:: ~ Z Q I .. ;2 = ... fb <.> z C> <.> (J ~j ~ I' ~ @l~ fij, ~ ~ ;; m' u ; ~ i ~~ ~, il~ .:.! ~I! r- ~I:i:! fr I- LU1 5 ~Ij~ . ~!~ CiUI o~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 03-09 Date: March 9,2009 1 B From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 03-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer regarding . Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information be received for information. Executive Summary: Council approved the Purchasing By-law on November 5, 2001 which includes a request to have a summary of contract awards arising from the formal quotation process be forwarded to Council as information only on a quarterly basis. Financial Implications: Not applicable Sustainability Implications: The City's participation in cooperative purchasing initiatives reduces paper and administrative costs. Background: In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 04.06, a summary of contract awards arising from the formal quotation process is provided herein for the information of Council. ... Report CS 03-09 Subject: Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information ~9 March 9, 2009 Page 2 Reference No. Award Date T -283-2006 August 19, 2008 CL2008-30 October 21,2008 CL-2008-17 November 6,2008 Formal Quotations Summary October 1,2008 to December 31,2008 PST Included / GST Extra (unless stated otherwise) Description Award Cooperative tender for Mixing of Sand and Salt Host: Region of Durham Participants: Durham, Oshawa, Whitby, Pickering, $11,100 Clarington Vendor: Miller Paving Limited Effective to May 31, 2009. Year 3 of 3 year contract Cooperative tender for Traffic Hardware and Posts Host: Municipality of Clarington Participants: Durham, Oshawa, Whitby, Pickering, $6,420 Ajax and Clarington Vendor: UCC Industries International Effective to September 30, 2009 Year 1 of 3 year contract Cooperative tender for Traffic Signs Host: Municipality of Clarington Participants: Durham, Oshawa, Whitby, Pickering, $16,401 Ajax and Clarington Vendor: Owl-Lite Rentals & Sales Effective to May 31 , 2009 Year 1 of 3 year contract Status Ongoing operating costs 2008- 2009 Ongoing operating costs 2008- 2009 Ongoing operating costs 2008- 2009 Report CS 03-09 March 9, 2009 Subject: Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information Page 3 20 Reference No. Description A ward Status Award Date Co-operative tender for Culvert Host: City of Oshawa Ongoing C1152-06 Participants: Ajax, Pickering, operating November 11,2008 Whitby, Oshawa, Clarington, $26,440 costs 2008- Region of Durham, Scugog 2009 Vendor: Armtec Effective to May 31, 2009 Year 3 of 3 year contract Co-operative tender for Tax Bill Production, Printing & Mailing Host: Ajax Ongoing T07047 Participants: Ajax, Pickering, $5,943 operating December 9,2008 Whitby. costs 2008- Vendor: Bassett Direct 2009 Effective to December 31, 2009 Year 2 of possible 3 years Stump Removal, Supply, Various hourly Q-64-2008 Delivery & Planting of Trees and October 10,2008 Vendor: Cressman Tree equipment Complete Service and Dutchmaster Nurseries rates Q-65-2008 Parks Signage $27,110.00 Complete October 28, 2008 Vendor: Maximum Signs Q-68-2008 Replace flooring - West Shore November 18, 2008 Community Center $37,176.19 Complete Vendor: Carpet Corral Q-70-2008 Seniors Driveway Snow Operating October 27,2008 Removal $75,000.00 costs 2008- Vendor: C & R Paving 2009 Q-77 -2008 Whitevale Bridge Repairs November 18, 2008 Vendor: Bob Hendricksen $10,400.00 Complete Construction Ltd. Q-78-2008 Walkway Repairs $41,900.00 Complete December 15, 2008 Vendor: Royalcrest PavinQ Report CS 03-09 March 9, 2009 ~lJbject: Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information Page 4 -2-i Attachments: Not applicable prep~d By: C1 ~r? Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services C.P.P., CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M., CMM III Approved/Endorsed By: ~..~".7~'.':::::'.~.....", <.. ...~._.~r;;;;__L.~. Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council i~ ~ C (Ad~a ) qt6 Thomas J. Qui , RDMR,-CMM 111-) Chief Administrative Officer