HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 2, 2009 Cillf (J~ Planning & Development Committee Agenda Monday, March 2, 2009 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley PART "A" PLANNING INFORMATION MEETING INFORMATION REPORT NO. 04-09 PAGES SUBJECT: City of Pickering Official Plan Amendment, OPA-08/003/P 1-24 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 19/08 S.R & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. And S.R. & R. Bay Ridges (Plaza II) Ltd. Part 1 Plan of Part of Block Y, Registered Plan No. M-16 Plan 40R-3151, And Plan M 16 Part of Block Y, RP WR-414 Part 1 to 3 City of Pickerinq Accessible ._ PICKER~.G For information related to accessibility requirements please contact Linda Roberts Phone: 905.420.4660 extension 2928 . TTY: 905.420.1739 Email: lrobertsav.citvofoickerina.com " "; \ I -) CiilJ o~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 04-09 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF March 2, 2009 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: City of Pickering Official Plan Amendment, OPA-08/003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 19/08 . S. R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. and S. R. & R. Bay Ridges (Plaza II) Ltd. Part 1 Plan of Part of Block Y, Registered Plan No. M-16 Plan 40R-3151, and Plan M16 Partof Block Y, RP WR-414 Part 1 to 3 City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject lands are located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Bayly Street and St. Martins Drive; a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1); - the larger parcel is currently being developed for a townhouse development and mixed use buildings containing commercial floor space on the ground floor and two condominium apartment towers ('San Francisco by the Bay'); - the smaller parcel of land included in the application contains a commercial plaza that is occupied with five commercial units; a temporary sales centre for the development is also located on the property; - the site's topography is relatively flat; - the construction of 110 townhouse dwelling units is nearing completion and a plan of common element condominium has been approved for the townhouse development; - access to the townhouse development is provided by a driveway off of St. Martins Drive and a future access from Bayly Street will be provided with the development of the mixed use portion of the project; surrounding land uses are: north - across Bayly Street is the CN rail line and Highway 401; south - townhouses and apartment building; east - open space lands being the Douglas Ravine; west - on the opposite side of St. Martins Drive are detached dwelling lots that front onto Tanzer Court; Information Report No. 04-09 Page 2 ; ..', l.) l 1.1 BackQround City Council on October 3, 2006 passed By-law 6705/06, which was subsequently approved by the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), to permit a mixed use development of 473 dwelling units (120 townhouses and 353 apartment units) and 2000 square metres of commercial floor space on the larger parcel of lands; - the owner received approval from the Committee of Adjustment which was subsequently approved by the OMB to permit 25 additional dwelling units on the larger parcel of lands for a total of 498 dwelling units; a Site Plan Agreement has been approved and registered for the 120 townhouse dwelling units and the mixed use building containing the two apartment towers on the large'r parcel of lands; - the owner has received final approval for the common element condominium plan for the townhouse portion of the site. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - to permit development of a new mixed use 25 storey building located in the north-east corner of the combined property having a total of 237 condominium apartment dwelling units and 400 square metres of gross leasable floor space (see Applicant's Submitted Plan, Attachments #2 to #3); - this would result in the overall site having a total of 734 residential units and 2,408 square metres of gross leasable floor space; - the applications propose to distribute the density over the entire land holdings; - the applications are to allow, as an exception for the subject lands only, an increase to the permitted density and the Floor Space Index (FSI), which is defined as the total floor area of all buildings on a lot divided by the total area of the lot; - the requested amendment to the Official Plan is to permit a residential density of up to 225 units per hectare (uph) and up to a Floor Space Index (FSI) of 2.6 while the zoning by-law amendment is to permit the implementation of the proposed development; - overall, the project's intensification will result in an FSI of 2.26, and a density of 217 uph, however, the applicant has requested flexibility to respond to detailed site plan negotiations, market forces, and planning techniques, therefore the actual amendment requested for the Official Plan Amendment is to permit up to 2.6 FSI and up to 225 uph (see chart below for existing Official Plan designation and the proposed/requested); Current Official Plan Limit Proposed 140 uph 217 uph 2.5 2.26 Density FSI Requested 225 uph 2.6 - the proposed site plan does not propose the creation of any new municipal streets, rather the extension of private roads/laneways created in the first phase; it is anticipated that the apartment building will be subject to a traditional condominium application in order to create the individual dwelling units; Information Report No. 04-09 Page 3 ~, '"iJ 1 H , 11,'/:' the apartment building complex with the commercial component will have underground parking for the residents and surface parking for commercial users; the following chart outlines the proposed site details (the bold lines indicate the result of adding proposed Building 'e' on the approved development): Details of Proposed Development Total Lot Area Building "C" apartment dwelling units Building "A" apartment dwelling units (previously approved) Building "B" apartment dwelling units(previouslyapproved) Number of apartment units (Buildings A, B & C) Townhouse dwelling units(previously approved) Total number of dwelling units Apartment Building 'A' height (previously approved) Apartment Building 'B' height (previously approved) Apartment Building 'c' height Building 'A' - Gross Leasable Area' Building 'B' - Gross Leasable Area Building 'c' - Gross Leasable Area Total Gross Leasable Area Townhouse parking required Buildin'g 'A' parking required Building 'B' parking required Building 'c' parking required Total parking required Total parking provided 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.375 ha 237 235 142 614 120 737 16 storeys 18 storeys 25 storeys 1,337 m2 662 m2 408 m2 2,408 m2 266 spaces 354 spaces 207 spaces 316 spaces 1,143 spaces 1,148 spaces 3.1 Durham Re~ional Official Plan - designates the subject lands as Living Areas; areas designated as Living Areas are intended to be predominantly used for housing purposes, and may include limited office, retail and personal service uses; in consideration of development applications in Living Areas the intent of the Plan is to achieve a compact urban form, including intensive residential, office, retail and service and mixed uses along arterial roads and in conjunction with present and potential transit facilities; Bayly Street where it abuts the subject lands is designated as a Type A Arterial Road; - the subject lands are also designated Regional Corridor, Regional Corridor shall be planned and developed as mixed use areas, which include residential, commercial and service areas with higher densities, supporting higher order transit services and featuring a higher degree of pedestrian oriented design; - the applications appears to comply with the policies and provisions of the Durham Region Official Plan; Information Report No. 04-09 Page 4 LJ t~.~ 3.2 Pickerina Official Plan the Pickering Official Plan designates the subject lands as Mixed Use Area - Mixed Corridors Area; permissible uses within Mixed Use Area - Mixed Corridors Area include, amongst others, a variety of residential uses including townhouses and apartment buildings, retailing of goods and services, offices and restaurants; the Pickering Official Plan establishes a density range of over 30 and up to and including 140 dwelling uph for development within a Mixed Use Area- Mixed Corridors Area; the applications will result in a density of 217 dwelling uph which has resulted in the application to amend the Official Plan to permit, as an exception for the subject property, an increased site density; the subject lands are within the Bay Ridges Neighbourhood of the Official Plan; the subject lands are within a Detailed Review Area and the Bay Ridges Plaza Redevelopment Development Guidelines have been adopted by City Council (see Section 3.3); Schedule II of the Pickering Official Plan - Transportation System designates Bayly Street where it abuts the subject site as a Type A Arterial Road; Type A Arterial Roads are the highest order arterial road and are designed to carry large volumes of traffic at moderate to high speed; Bayly Street is designated as a Transit Spine where a higher level of transit service is to be encouraged; Schedule II of the Pickering Official Plan - Transportation System designates St. Martins Drive where it abuts the subject site as a Collector Road; Collector Roads are designed to provide access to individual properties, to local roads, and to other collector and arterial roads; the applications will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Pickering Official Plan during the further processing of the applications; 3.3 Bay Ridae-s Plaza Redevelopment Development Guidelines - the Bay Ridges Plaza Redevelopment Development Guidelines were adopted by City Council on October 3, 2006; - the Guidelines establish guiding principles for the development of a residential/mixed use project; - the urban design objectives stated in the document are to: . create a higher intensity of development and to provide a mix of uses to create a vibrant urban community; . provide for a range of housing choices; . identify, protect and enhance the public realm and open space features; . promote development of the site based on sustainable development principles; . retain retail commercial uses at a scale that serves the surrounding community; Information Report No. 04-09 Page 5 i.1 :.~' - the applications will be assessed against the Bay Ridges Plaza Redevelopment Development Guidelines during the further processing of the applications; 3.4 Zoning By-law 3036 - the lands are zoned 'C-2' - General Commercial for the lands associated with the existing commercial plaza at 1251 Bayly Street; - the balance of the lands associated with the "San Francisco by the Bay" project are zoned 'RH-MU-2', 'SA-LW', 'MD-H6' and 'SA-8' which are residential and mixed use zones in Zoning By-law 2520, as amended by By-laws 6705/06 and 6786/07 that permits the development; - the 'C-2' General Commercial zone recognizes the existing commercial uses presently carried on the commercial plaza; - the applicant's proposed to amend the zoning by-law in order to allow for the proposed third tower on the subject lands. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - two resident comments have been received to date, both in opposition to the applications (see Attachments #4 to #5); concerns expressed related to emergency measures, traffic, evacuation, parking, environmental and there are more appropriate locations in Pickering for high density development; 4.2 Agency Comments - the Region of Durham and the Toronto Region Conservation Authority have no objection to the applications subject to certain conditions; (see Attachments #6 to #7); - the following agencies or departments advised they have no objection to the applications: Enbridge Gas Distribution; Veridian Connections; Hell Canada (see Attachments #8 to #10); 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the applications to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: . ensuring that the proposed development is compatible with, and sensitive to, existing surrounding development; . reviewing the sustainability proposal for the development; . reviewing the compatibility of the proposed building height in relation to the surrounding land uses; . concluding arrangements respecting the provisions of appropriate stormwater management facilities to service this development; Information Report No. 04-09 Page 6 C) (~ . reviewing the preliminary site plan to ensure adequate site function; . reviewing traffic impacts, both on the municipal streets and on-site traffic management to ensuring appropriate traffic movements; . reviewing the building location on the subject property to ensure that the relationship of the proposed building to Bayly Street and the Douglas Ravine is reasonable; the Planning & Development Department will conclude its position on the applications after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 5.1 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest; the Region of Durham has advised that this Official Plan amendment application is exempt from Regional approval; 5.1 General Procedurals written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding either the proposed official plan amendment application or zoning by-law amendment application, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the proposed official plan amendment and/or zoning by-law amendment, does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Pickering before the official plan amendment or the zoning by-law amendment is passed, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision of the proposed zoning by-law amendment application or official plan amendment application, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law or makes a decision for this proposal. Information Report No. 04-09 Page 7 , -j ~,.j 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received - full scale copies of the applicant's submitted plan and reports are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department including: . Planning Justification Report; . Traffic Review Report; . Urban Design Report; . Noise Feasibility Study; 6.3 Company Principal - the owners of the subject lands are S. R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. and S. R. & R. Bay Ridges (Plaza II) Ltd; Stephen Warsh is a principal of S. R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. and S. R. & R. Bay Ridges (Plaza II) Ltd Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner - Development Review RP:ld Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development 'l') ;~ ,) COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) Rodger Wade - 1210 Random Street (2) Mike Danischewsky - 1113 Tanzer Court COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) Durham Planning Department (2) Toronto Region Conservation Authority (3) Enbridge Gas (4) Veridian Connections (5) Bell Canada APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 04-09 ~TIACHMENr#~TO 1',LCn,n -,', rw REr-CR1' # v!. !:;; :z. ", ~) ifW.Q \ > ~ -' J.,Y ,\0 I uS ~" CJ -;:c)' , \'\ , \'\ ^ ~ \ r ~ M\GM\N{>.'< L 0'.5', n - BA S,Rle' / IlJ \3{>.'<L'< ~ . x x x SUBJECT PROPERTY C> PEACE I-- ? POPRAD ~:. 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DATE FEB, 2, 2009 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. A 19/08 & OPA 08/003 SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY RP ~a~~r~~eutC;~~erprise5 Inc;. cnd as suppliers. AU rights Reserved. Not 0 plan of survey. PN-3 2005 MPAC and as suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not 0 pIon of Survey. ATT.~C~JMt:f'\!T~ Z TO INFORii!:ATI01\1 REPORT# 04 - 09. INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN SR&R BAY RIDGES LIMITED. A 019/08 & OPA 08/003/ BAYLY STREET ~ '~ "-- ...::!.~!_:r ;-. ,~ ' qj~ ' ~~:cL./0~/"/"",/,,; "/" '" '" '-, ,,// I"~ , ", '."" /'/ ~ / r81:~;.,~ ,w""'.'.'. IlL-., I ':t I !:€i: ~ ~ ';[)r( - ~,l~T";:~~~ W "< : /: !.::l- IUSID!foI~I\LCOil/f' I 0 ~ fit BUILDING "e" · 0.. ~{ ...... l.;' C ---" , ~ , I .If '~i~;Ef~ i j : / - /~ - -g""'" 1-"-=-"" 237 units : Q / ~ ' 1 1fT ~ , , ~ , ", (" ( " I' , " ,/I ...:..."".-- --, w,'""" ,'"" " '. , ,', X' ill c.~ ~ l!" ~11,J!1,J\L!)ING!J : I' . 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A 019/08 & OPA 08/003/ --l I i 1.., ~> --.,.......; -;:.:...-- San Francisco By the Bay Proposed Residential Development Building C l' THIS IJAP *4S PRODUCED Br THE CITY Of' PIC/(~ PlANNING k ocvnOPllOH OEPNmIOIT. INI'Of/MATION k SIJI'PORr Sf7IV/CES, OCroBER 6, 2008. ^""'~ t'kl~.S!;;~j"'~ l.l fl"A M e ~"'~\.(J;':~ ~uVi~.....,~ lJ ~ "J ~~ i '\';1 ".' . _ ; ,f~ F'<C'F>","":\'T'~" . O"~ -t,.., r't~~f ~,!f'\ ~ iil~.:;; - ~ ., i ( ,~-- QUESTIONS & COMMENTS From Roger Wade 1210 Radom St., #404 Pickering, ON L 1 W 2Z3 905-837-0475 RECEIVED CITY OF PICKERING NOV 2 1 Z008 Regarding - San Francisco by the Bay Development COUNCILLORS' OFFICE 1. As a community we are led to believe that any new development projects will provide a net benefit to us in the way of jobs and net revenues. Are you on Council certain that this development will provide future, long-term jobs? How many small businesses have failed in our shopping malls and plazas? How many "Casita" types of small business have closed at waterfront nautical village area? 2. Emergency Measures What is the response time between 7-9 am and 4-6 pm for bringing in Fire - Ambulance- Police? What will response time be when 1200-1500 more people live at San Francisco by the Bay? How many more Policemen - Paramedics - Firemen will need to be hired? Can our Fire Department service high rise buildings? The above emergency measure questions will all require additional taxpayer funding. 3. Emergency Evacuation (Nuclear) It is my understanding that the Provincial "Places to Grow" study stated that no development should take place within a 3 kilometer radius of nuclear and hazardous plants. Did our Planning Department approve the San Francisco by the Bay site knowing that it violates this Provincial recommendation? Adding 1200-1500 more people at Bayly-Liverpool and possibly that many more at the Art Thompson Arena site will add to emergency measures and emergency evacuation future problems. This Bayly-Liverpool intersection is now the 8th worst accident intersection in Durham Region. 4. Traffic Study Has a real study on Bayly from Whites Road, east and west and LiverppoLQ,ol;ld, Jlo,r~h:-south been conducted between 7-9 am and 4-6 pm on cars, busses, trucks? B. ., Has this study been conducted under rain, snow and ice conditions? Add another 1000 or more vehicles! San Francisco by the Bay - 1 - Questions & Comments l'n . .., /1 ~~,ci ~,.~,-..- '-',; L i" c/ ::!'::'1~:J~,.~l(i:; ;ii :"~....,,;:-.,."..._t~ _.'~,~~.,..ltiU".I'lL~. 5. Has San Francisco by the Bay considered the noise (401) factor on the north side? 6. Parking We are still an automobile society. Has Council and Planning studied the need for additional parking at the GO Station? It is full most days now. Tiered parking (above ground) costs are approximately $30,000 per car. Who would pay - Pickering or GO? Has San Francisco by the Bay planned for at least 1 car per unit plus parking for commercial visitors? Is this guaranteed? 7. Environmental The proposed 24-storey building has only a 10 metre setback from the Douglas Ravine (environmental lands) . Is Council going to approve this illegal setback? 8. Has the Developer still planned for 30,000 square feet of retail commercial space? 9. Can Emergency and Waste Management vehicles easily access this site? 10. Is Pickering Council sincerely addressing for any and all development projects the social- economical and environmental needs on behalf of us, the taxpayers? 11. Does the City have a per capita cost for infrastructure services? Summary All of these questions mean that we, the taxpayers may be facing many future additional infrastructure costs. Personally, I do not believe the Developer has shown much respect to Pickering and its citizens - it has reneged on the parklands and the $500,000 that was to come back to Pickering. The Developer agreed to this initially and is now going back through the O.M.B. to get this money back. The Developer has changed the plan many times and it is not building what was proposed at the workshops. Thank you for your attention. San Francisco by the Bay - 2 - Questions & Comments d 'J'f) !:?l;rC?{~;;ft~ .Q4..~Q~L. from: Mike Danischewsky [mailto:danischm@nflcanada.com] Sent: November 3, 2008 11:07 AM To: Wilcox, Debi Cc: O'Connell, Jennifer, Councillor; Dickerson, Doug, Councillor Subject: City of Pickering - OPA-08/003/P Zoning Debi, I am emailing regarding my staunch opposition to City of Pickering Official Plan Amendment, OPA-08/003/P Zoning By- law Amendment Application A 19/08 (SR&R Bay Ridges Plaza II). ! understand that Pickering is a high growth area. However, the location of the new application is unacceptable. Adding 734 units to a location that will have one entrance onto a small side street, St. Martin's and I assume one off Bayly is irresponsible to the current neighbourhood. This new building will increase the # of units to approximately 2,000. Most of these residents will own a car. Quite simply, the infrastructure is not able to handle the traffic. We have seen this on my street, Tanzer Court, during the road closure of St. Martin's - a constant flow of traffic travelling at high rates of speed. Add a minimum of 1,000 cars daily once this development is complete and you have ruined a small neighbourhood. I'd like to see the studies the City of Pickering OP conducted that determined this neighbourhood could manage this increased traffic without putting pedestrians, children and other motorists at risk. Please let me know if the proposed traffic light at Sf. Martins and Bayly was approved at this site. COP is building "downtown" by The Home Depot. Is this not the ideal location to put condominiums and other high density mixed use buildings? There is also prime real estate north of the 401 where Makimono and Tropix are located (both of these restaurants have changed owners within the past year, are not in good locations and unfortunately may not survive) and the SW corner of the Pickering Tow,n Centre (which is never full even at Christmas and I believe that section is for lease or sale). These locations fit much better into a high density plan and are still within a five minute walk of a major rail station and other amenities. Scarborough built their "downtown" around the Scarborough Town Centre. Pickering is placing a third condo in a small area with the developers paying a fee so they don't have to include green space in their building. Where is the vision by the City planners? Build where the infrastructure is already in place to support it. You st'iOuldn't put a square peg into a round hole no matter how pro-development you are. On this building site, Councillor Dickenson, respectfully, you are completely wrong to support it. Over the next few years, COP will experience substantial growth. We need to attract business to support this growth in order to alleviate the tax burden from residents. We also need to ensure building takes place where the current infrastructure is in place to support it. Don't be grab-bagging just to obtain the tax windfall - that's what Toronto did with their waterfront and look how it turned out. I've copied Councillor O'Connell on this as her Ward will feel the overflow of traffic along Bayly and at the Whites Rd 401 exit. Despite my objections, we all know what the end result will be. If enough people/council voice their opposition, the developer will amend the plan and the approved condo will have only 18-21 stories instead of 25 and Councillor Dickinson will state what a good job he did for the current residents of his ward while balancing the need for development in Pickering. Please file this opposition in accordance to the Planning Act Application I received. Regards, Mike Danischewsky Coordinator,. Events & Football Development NFL Canada 47 Colborne Sf, Suite 401 Toronto, ON . M5E 1PB (416) 322-6214 - ph 1 The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E 4TH FLOOR PO BOX 623 WHITBY ON L 1 N 6A3' CANADA 905-668-7711 Fax: 905-666-6208 .o-mail: planning@ dgion.durham.on.ca www.region.d12rham.on.ca A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning "Service I;xce/lence for O(Jr Communities" t'L1 -r[j :~':~:':J~~:':i"-~-j"'.:"'Ju~,~~~~ January 12, 2009 Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP Planning and Development Department City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1V 6K7 Mr. Pym: Re: Regional Comments for a City of Pickering Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Submitted by S.R. & R. Bay Ridges (Plaza II) Limited, File No.: OPA 08/003/P and ZBA A19/08 We have reviewed the above-noted applications to amend the City of Pickering official plan and zoning by-law. The following comments with respect to the Regional official plan, Provincial policy, delegated review responsibilities and Regional services are offered. The purpose of the official plan amendment application is to increase the permitted density and floor space index to permit a mixed use twenty-five storey building located on the south side of Bayly Street west of Liverpool Road. The proposed building will consist of 237 condominium apartment dwellings and 400 square metres of gross leasable floor space for retail commercial and limited professional office uses. The purpose of the zoning by-law amendment application is to permit the implementation of the proposed development. An approved S.R. and R. Bay Ridges Limited development (San Francisco by the Bay) is adjacent to the subject property and includes a condominium townhouse complex and two mixed-use, retail and residential, condominium towers. Reqional Official Plan The subject lands are designated "Regional Corridor" and are adjacent to Bayly Street, a Type "A" arterial road and "Transit Spine" in the Regional Official Plan. The subject lands are also in the vicinity of a "Transportation Hub." "Regional Corridors" are to be developed as mixed-use areas, which include residential, commercial and service areas with hi~r:d\~~si!l€?"i\J i~: rl !j .il ~,,~~ .~,"'*. a"so\i" "..." .,,",," @ .Ji\f.,j i~ S .20.09 ~:.' ;~ (~ t< E.: R .~ 'j\J G D c: ;~~~~. i~~;~k;~;Pi\;lI.:NT 100% Post Consumer I '.' '. lr, I:}, .,'(..i."., Ot 1.- oq ;, J, :'I'::",::::7~~:;j-('i; ':';-:.._~.;":.I.!:!~l~~~ i t, supporting higher-order transit services and featuring a high degree of pedestrian oriented design. Type "A" arterial roads permit large scale mixed-use, high density development with shared or combined access. Development adjacent to "Transit Spines" and "Transportation hubs" should be high density with buildings oriented toward the street to reduce walking distances to transit facilities, support drop-off facilities, bus bays, bus loops, bus shelters, walkways, tails and other pedestrian and cycling facilities as well as limited surface parking. Provincial Policy and DeleQation Review Responsibilities Provincial Policy Statement The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) indicates that one of the factors to sustain healthy, livable and safe communities is accommodating for a range and mix of residential, employment (including commercial), recreational and open space uses to meet long-term needs. The PPS supports density for new housing which efficiently uses land, resources, infrastructure and public service facilities and supports the use of alternative transportation modes and public transit. The proposal is consistent with the PPS. Growth Plan The subject lands are within the built boundary of the 'Growth Plan. The Growth Plan encourages intensification in the built-up area. Intensification areas should achieve higher densities thanthe surrounding areas and be planned and designed to provide a diverse and compatible mix of land uses to support vibrant neighborhoods. This development would facilitate the intensification targets set in the Growth Plan policies. The proposed amendment conforms to the Growth Plan. Environmental Protection Under the Environmental Protection Act a Record of Site Condition (RSC) is required to be filed with the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) for a , change in property use from commercial to residential. Acknowledgement that an RSC was filed electronically in the MOE Environmental Site Registry should be submitted to this department for review. Noise A Noise Feasibility Study, prepared by HGC Engineering, has been submitted in support of the development. The study provides calculations and recommendations that would appear to meetthe requirements of the Region and the Guidelines of the Ministry of the Environment. lJ".... HI . G --', ......-; QLl '"0 ,I , '1.j.,-::,,,~,",_:<:,.,,,,;:;~~~ The study recommends a 2.4 metre noise barrier on the fourth floor outdoor amenity area, central air conditioning systems in all residential units, specific design and material requirements for widows and building fagades and warning clauses. An agreement between the City of Pickering and the applicant should contain the necessary provisions to ensure the implementation of the noise attenuation measures and warning clauses as recommended in the report. Natural Heritage The subject property is within the vicinity of a creek tributary and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority regulation limit. Comments from the conservation authority. should be obtained to protect the watercourse' and surrounding natural environment from adverse impacts of development. Reqional Services The applications have been reviewed by the Regional Works Department and Durham Region Transit. Detailed engineering drawings should be submitted to the Works Department for review and approval through the subsequent site plan application process. Sanitary Sewer Services and Municipal Water Supply Previous comments offered by the Regional Works Department on the adjacent San Francisco by the Bay development indicated that the area downstream of the property has a history of basement flooding and that a replacement sanitary sewer would be required through development of the subject property. An existing 250 mm sanitary sewer is required to be replaced from the new 375 mm sanitary sewer and cross Pine Creek to existing manhole number 19-144 north of Radom Street. Water supply is available to the subject property from an existing 300 mm watermain on Bayly Street. . Site Access Access is to be provided fromthe adjacent San Francisco by the Bay development. Additional access to Bayly Street will not be permitted. A centre raised median on Bayly Street will be required.' .. ."Q~tftL Transit Multiple transit routes currently provide service all around the subject property on Bayly Street, Liverpool Road and St Martins Drive. Durham Region Transit has indicated that the proposal does not present any significant transit impacts. Conclusion Based on the foregoing, we support the proposed official plan amendment and zoning by-law amendment applications provided.that the requirements for a record of site condition and Regional services are addressed. Lands should be zoned using the holding symbol "h" and removed by amendment to the by-law at such time as the Ministry of Environment has acknowledged submission of an RSC and following execution of a Regional servicing agreement as part of the site plan application process. In accordance with Regional By-law 11-2000 this application is exempt from Regional Approval. Please advise the Commissioner of Planning of your Council's decision. If Council adopts the amendment, please forward a record to this Department within 15 days of the date of adoption. The record should include the following: · two (2) copies of the adopted amendment; · a copy of the adopting by-law; and · a copy of the staff report and any relevant materials Please contact Dwayne Campbell, Project Planner in this Department should you have any questions or require additional information regarding this matter. l~ Kai Yew, K1CIP, RPP Manager Current Planning Copy: Regional Works Department - Pete Castellan Durham Region Transit.,... Phil Meagher onservaNfiOn for The Living City October 21, 2008 .7 ., ". {')U_~Lh,O --~ v 1 " t " '-:-'-:;;;'_'~''':;'~~~'',~:'!':,;:.:~;;.A~'' CFN 41023.04 VIA E-MAIL AND MAIL Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP Planning and Development Department City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1 V 6K7 Re: Official Plan Amendment Application No. OPA-08/003/P Zoning By-Law Amendment Application No. A 19/08 1216 -1261 Bayly Street (Bay Ridges Plaza) City of Pickering S. R. & R. Bay Ridges Limited a'nd S. R. & R. Bay Ridges (Plaza II) Limited Dear Mr. Pym: Thank you for the opportunity to review the above referenced applications received October 15, 2008 in support of Phase II of the San Francisco by the Bay project. We have reviewed the following documents: . Planning Justification Report, prepared by Commercial Focus Advisory Services Inc., dated August 13,2008 . Drawing Nos. RZ-OO to 09, prepared by Kirkor Architects, Submission No.1, dated July 22, 2008; . Drawing No. SG-2, Site Grading Plan Building "C", prepared by Sernas Associates, dated October 2006; . Drawing No. L:1, Preliminary Landscape Design, prepared by James McWilliam Landscape Architect, dated May 2008. We offer the following comments: TRCA Permit Requirements The subject property is partially within a TRCA Regulated Area. In accordance with Ontario Regulation 166/06 (Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses), a permit is required from the TRCA prior to any of the following works taking place: 1. straightening, charlging, diverting or interfering in any ',vay with the existing channel of a river, creek, stream or watercourse, or for changing or interfering in any way with a wetland; 2. development, if in the opinion of the authority, the control of flooding, erosion, dynamic beaches or pollution or the conservation of land may be affected by the development. Development is defined as: 1. the construction, reconstruction, erection or placing of a building or structure of any kind; 2. any change to a building or structure that would have the effect of altering the use or potential use of the building or structure, increasing the size of the building or structure or increasing the number of dwelling units in the building or structure; 3. site grading; 4. the temporary or permanent placing, dumping or removal of any material, originating on the site or elsewhere. The applicant should contact TRCA staff to obtain permit approval prior to the issuance of any municipal grading or building permits. F:\HOME\PUSLlC\OEVELOPMENT SERVICE~~E9I-9~~lft~M~fi2P - 1261 SA YL Y _1.DOC 5 5horeham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.~~-~-==-;ij)~ ), b~l- ~l':L :.:.. ";';J~ .,,', "'~"~',:'i:-~n.<"'l:~i Ross Pym - 2 - October 21, 2008 Identification of Development Limits The development limits adjacent to the valley have been identified through the review and approval of the OPA, ZBA and Site Plan applications for Phase 1. The limit of development is 10 metres from the top of bank and we understand that this 10 metre buffer along with the remainder of the valley lands has been or will be shortly conveyed to the City of Pickering and has been rezoned to an open space category. The proposal for Phase II appears generally consistent with the approved development limits. However, there is a discrepancy on the drawings as a 700 mm armourstone retaining wall within the buffer is illustrated on Drawing L-1. This wall should be removed from the plans and the landscape plan should be consistent with Drawing No. SG-2, Grading Plan and the previously approved Drawing No. L-1, Landscape Overall Plan, prepared by James McWilliam Landscape Architect, dated July 2007, Revision No.4, revised July 31,2007. Stormwater Management The Planning Justification Report states that the formerly approved storm water management scheme accommodates the development of Phase II. The applicant should submit a detailed SWM Report confirming the best management practices to be incorporated into Phase II to meet the requirements of the approved SWM scheme. We defer review to the City of Pickering unless input is requested. Sewer Servicing Per our comments on Draft Plan of Condominium Application CP-2008-03 for Phase I, the applicant should apply for and obtain a permit under O. Reg. 166/06 for the sanitary sewer crossing of the Pine Creek south of Radom Street, west of Douglas Avenue in Douglas Park, if required by the City of Pickering and/or Region of Durham. Ravine Stewardship Plan A Ravine Stewardship Plan for the valley slopes, to TRCA satisfaction, is required as part of Phase 1. Recommendation In light of the above, we have no objection to the approval of the Official Plan and Zoning Amendment subject to the landscaping concept being revised to be consistent with that approved for Phase 1. We trust this is satisfactory. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. ~SinCererY, fI ~ --t teven H. Heuchert, MCIP, RPP, MRTPI Manager, Development Planning and Regulation Planning and Development Extension 5311 cc: Steven M. Warsh, Partner, S & R Development Group Limited (bye-mail) Stephen I. Fagyas, Commercial Focus Advisory Services Inc. (bye-mail) F:IHOMEIPUBLlCIOEVELOPMENT SERVICESIOURHAM REGIONIPICKERING\1216 - 1261 BA YL Y _1.DOC ",0, ()1~L.get .~.....,:.\",.._"_..,,,..,;,,"~-...>t.!;._ ENBRIDGE ENBRIDGE GAS DISTRIBUTION INC. 500 Consumers Road North York ON M2J 1P8 OCTOBER 20, 2008 Mailing Address P.O. Box 650 Scarborough ON M1K 5E3 ROSS PYM PLANNER -DEVELOPMENT REVIEW CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING CIVIC COMPLEX ONE THE ESPLANADE PICKERING ON L 1V 6K7 ] ;3 Dear Sirs: RE: OFFICAL PLAN AMENDMENT, OPA-08-003/P ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 19/08 S.R. & R. BAY RIDGES LIMITED & S.R. & R. BAY RIDGES (PHASE II) LTD. PART 1 PLAN OF PART OF BLOCK Y, REGISTERED PLAN NO. M-16 PLAN 40R-3151, AND PLAND M16 PART OF BLOCK Y RP WR-414 PART 1 TO 3 CITY OF PICKERING Enbridge Gas Distribution requests that the following conditions be included in the subdivision agreement: 1. The developer is responsible for preparing a composite utility plan that allows for the safe installation of all utilities, including required separation between utilities. 2. Streets are to be constructed in accordance with composite utility plans previously submitted and approved by all utilities. 3. The developer shaH gradeaii streets to final elevation prior to the installation of the gas lines and provide Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. with the necessary field survey information for the installation of the gas lines. 4. It is understood that the natural gas distribution system will be installed within the proposed road allowance. In the event that this is not possible, easements will be provided at no cost to Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. .L .:.:~ ('') '1 7"1 .....'~ "'I \ ~ C\ ~}':'=,~<,~~~ Enbridge also requests that the owner I developer contact our Regional Sales Development department at their earliest convenience to discuss installation and clearance requirements for main, service and metering facilities. Yours truly, ..--- ,/J . " _ ).'~' Tony Ciccone Manager, Network Analysis Distribution Planning (416) 758-7966 (416) 758-4374 - FAX TC: q I'~'\ \~'1. ~T'-{ ) O. I i -1'"",(,1 .~--r'D_~~~~._~,~~~~ (I VERIDIA.N CONNF.CTIONS DEVELOP!vfENT APPl.ICATION REVIEW ~..~ -=] PROJECT NAME: S,R, & R. Bay ridges LleL & S,R, & R Bay Rjdge~ (Plaza II) Lllniic'c[ r"V.~"" I ADDRESS/PLAN: Pan 1 PIMl of Part ofBlm;k Y, ancl Plan MIG P,~rl: oEBlock Y. I{P Wr-414 Part 1 ro 3 13a II Street & SI:. lVJartLns Street: ~UNICIPALI~Y: Pickedng . . REF NO.: OPA-08/003/P,A 19/08 SUBMISSION DAT;E: Oetobe!; 6, 2008 'rhe following is an ovenriew of 11'le gc:neml req_dn::mellts rheApplicanl: i~ Hkely to meet ill ord~. "0 obtain :'l complete elec.:l:l:kll power ~upply sysl:em to tlus sin,: "od within Illt: site when: 511bclivision in some form is involved. The commenl:~ below ale b,~~ed on prelimi.nalY infonnatioll onl)' and are sL~bject to reviJ\ion. In all Caoc:s V eridi~m'5 st<1ndard Condil:iC)n~ of Servicl:: dOClUllell(: ~c:ts out the requiremenl:~, terms and conditiol1~ for the provioiol1 of ell::cl.dc SCl-vlCe. This review docs 1101: constitute :tIl Offer to Connect. 1. Veric.lian has no comment on this appIic.:;-l.tion. Tecb:J1cal Repre$emativc: Dt:llzil Sam;!d 1PhO", PP/df P~\{Jrri~,~e1I\Dcvd"'f'ITlt;l1t Applic;I.i:i/JI1 R~vjc\v\1)ickcril1s\2UOH\S.1\.&R.lhy Rldgt,S Ltd. - I'"rt uf Block Y. 1'lal1 M-lG & PIliI', M16, IJatl: ..,rHluck 'y RP WR-4H. P,1tt 1 to 3..;JCJc . Ex!:. 3261 !~ ~+ '\f(0. - ". l'",{' - '\Cj """""f'P~:'r""~ C,! Y 0 i;'Jk;ij"~"_.,j1'!I. iiU.".:Soi _ JC' Be" Development & Municipal Services Control Centre Floor 5, 100 Borough Drive Scarborough. Ontario M1P 4lrl2 Tel: 416-296-6291 Toll-Free: 1-800-748-6284 Fax: 416-296-0520 October 22, 2008 Town of Pickering Planning Department 1 The Esplande Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 2 -~~ Attention: Ross pym cn"V"'"-,, ,...., ......".j ~ 1 ~-.J r-" i-';I:-, "';,'; ;""f"">-! J -. F' "'\" "..' J'"", i\ '" .~..; ;yil':" jJHHifnl'/!;i .R, r)t:~/iI::t;::: ,l~~ "d\".-ii - ... '-'~~~1! ,.vi\/j......,-- Q;::P:l ?-RT~ ..,..;':;;:' li;;l, j -. n~- h'JCi\it Dear Sir/Madam: RE: Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment Application Location: NE corner Bayl st. and St. Martin Or. Your File No: OPA-08/003P, A 19/08 Bell File No: 43600 Thank you for your letter of October 6, 2008 requesting comments on the above- referenced application(s) . A detailed review of the Official plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment application has been completed and an easement may be required to service the subject property, depending on a review of more detailed applications under the Planning Act. please be advised that Bell Canada requests to be circulated on any future draft plan of subdivision, draft plan of condominium, site plan, or any other development application, that is proposed to implement the subject Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment application. Through these processes, Bell Canada will provide a more detailed review and comments with respect to any requirements Bell Canada may have to service the subject property. Should you have any questions please contact Janice M. McConkey at 416-296-6430. Yours truly /~~~ .N John La Chapelle, MClP, #" Manager - Development & RPP Municipal Services, Ontario . - ., vancouver 2010 QSe9 PREMIER NATIONAL PARTNER