HomeMy WebLinkAboutM 96/09 May 21, ~ 996 RECE'V~ 0 T OVJN ()f PtCIC (Nh<J MAl 2 3 1996 . (, .... / Parkint s..- tbr HMcSappecI Ptnons Pl(te 2 INTERDEPARTMENTAL M:;:MORANDUM r'~:_ . ._,~ ~TMENT it is a traffic cahning I11CaS\1rC utilizes existing puhlic infrastnlcturc one alten.alive to resolving the parking issue allo\vs landscaping to be Inaintained because people \\'ould not need to cxpnnd their driveway Area 2 - includes Faylee Crescent, Brands COUI1 and Fieldliglll Boulevard bet\VeCll Glenanna Road and Itosefield Ruad. A Inap of Area 2 is attached as Exhibit hJ" A chart setting out the nUlllber of units, the total nlllllhcr of Oil-street and off-street parking spaces, the number of vehicles parked on the road on Wednesday, 1\1ay 15th at 9:00 p.OL, and the nunlber of parking spaces availahle if :>cflllit parking is introduced is attached as Exhibit "4". It nUlst be noted that the Illlnlhcr of parking spaccs availCtl~ie if pennit parking is introduced is based 011 the prclnise that perlnit parking should he allo\\'cd on one side of the street bcing that ::;ide which has the 1l10st spaces availahle and that the opposite side would be signed as UNo Parking", IMPACT OF ON-S'rREE'f PARKING nle staff team looked at both the positive and negative illlpacts of O!l-stlect parking and determined the following: lne positive ianpacts ofon-st reci parking are: "Il1C negative irnpacts of on-street parking are: interference with street Illaintenance interference \vith SIlO\\' P )o\\;ng inl.:rferencc \v1th garhagc pick up childrens' safety drive\vay visibUit y emergency v(~hiclcs and huses fnay he hlocked if parkillg is alto\ved Oil both sides higher potential for proper1y darnages increased cxpectat ion of hy-Ia.,v en forcerllcnt takes a"'B.y parking for visitors some residents do not want parking on their side of t!:~ ,-oad substantial start-up and adnlinistration costs cluttering of street \vith signs The study team noted that there are a number of tovmhousc developnlcllts in the area and questioned how these dcvclopincnts affect on..strcet parking even though they hAve parking areas on their sites for residents and visitors. If a Pcrn,it P?arking f)rogranl \\':lS established, it was questioned if residents fronl a to\vnh('usc dcvclopn1cnt should he treated any differently fronl (he residents vvho have houses thnt front onto the roads. COST OF PEltl\1rr PARKING 111c costs involved in perlnit parking arc the cost of "Perlnit Parking" and ~~t'-l() Parking" signs, the cost of posts ,to affix the signs \vherc thcre arc IlO existing light standards, cost of labour and cquiplncllt to install the signs and an adrn:uistralioll ~:ost t()r processing the parking pertnits. ^ brcakdo\V11 of the costs for Arca 1 is as foll(nv~: Permit Parking Signs 16 @ S 10 No Parking Signs 9 @ $8 Posts 20 @ $18 Labour & Equiplllcnt 56 @ $25 Adnlinistration 56 @ $25 $160 $72 1;360 $1,4dO $1,,100 ~rOl'AI., $J,]()6 Given ti~e fact that there arc 56 spaces in Area I that are s\litahlc for perln:t p;u king, it would be appropriate t () establish a charge () r $60 per pet 11litt 0 '.) tfsct the a I: 0\'<: cnst s in the first year and the on-going 11laintcnancc costs in suhscq\lclat ycars. It sh 0 u I d be not cd t hat 0 nee a fee fo rap c n 1\ it par kin g spa l' tis cst a h \ i sh ed, it \ V () \11 d he appropriate that the salllC fee be charged in ~II areas of the 'I'O\\'I\ evcn if the costs arc sonlc\vhat highcr or lo"\vcr than those costs "Icurred for I\rca I. (:rl.Y OF rr()lt()Nrr() t:XPF:Rlt:N('t: The City of "roronto is seen as the Inodel for estahlishing a Pennit Parking Plogratll and therefore it \vould he approp.-iate to pro\'idc an ovcfvic\v of their Progralll and IHl\V it \vas cstablishcd. rIllc conl~ept of ')'olonto's P~nnit Parking Progranl is to Plovide for on-street ovenlight parking for (~ity residents \\'ho havc 110 aherllativc parking facilities. 'Ille Progralll originated as a rllcans of providing ovcrnight parking ill areas \,-here there \vas all acute sh0rtage of oA:strect parking accornlllodation. ^ priority SystClll has becn est ahlish cd for the Issuance 0 f I' crlllit s for perlnit pa rking locations as follo\\'s: I, occupants of prellliscs o\vning a tllotor vehicle :lnd having 110 off-st rcet parking facilities 2. occupants ofprcrniscs O\\11ing a 111otor vehicle \\'hc!'c there is no off-street parking availablc and \vhere there is more than one car. 3. occupants of prerniscs \vherc oO:'strcct parking facilities arc; .,\'nilnhle hut \\'here there arc 1110rc cars than off-street Pllrking \Vl11 aCCOllltlHHL.t c. 111 e 'hours for pc fill it par k i h g va ry r r 0 III 2: 00 n. n 1. to): () 0 a. It 1. 011 res i d <.' Jl t i ;,1 s t r e e t s. t () 10:00 p.ln. to 7:00 a,lll. on residential dO\V11tO\\'1 streets, to 7:0d )l.lll. to 7:0{) a,lll. i:~ the vicinity of Maple L,ea f Ciardclls. I\S lhe lllllllber of perl'luls issued Il)r permit parking on a streetllaJlle basis increased, space 01' (cll a ill sl red s bc(,1f IIC Illled, whcn~as other lIearby stred s had a surplus of space. /\CCUI dillgly, the eil y allowed permit holders to park their vehicles on any authurized Slrcet ill the al(;a in which they reside. AI1erial roads, natural buundllrics (parks, ravines, etc.) alld raihvay lines are chuscn as boundaries for perluit parking areas. III the late I 97(l.;, the Cily redcliHed the classes of motor vehicles which are eligible for parkillg permits to inclllde vallS, pallcltrucks or pick-up trucks, designated by the Ministry of Transport as "Primarily Personal/Recreation Use". Commercial vehicles remain subject to the original restrictions. 'I'hc dt:llland for 011- st I t:ct overll igh t parking in the Cit)' has exceeded the nUluber of 011- strcet parkiilg spaces a,'ailablc. '111e llumber of cOlllplaints w(~re ever increasing frolU n;sidclIts ill 1IIIIy sllbscribd permit parking areas because of persons with adequate off- street parkillg f:lcilities utilizing the permit parking system. A:; a result, the City approved a t wo-t ier p erlllit II a rkill g fee st ructu re ,...h e r\?b y permit hold ers ,....it h II 0 off- street park ing av?::~I!)le would pay $'6G per year, and permit holders Wilh olrstreet parking would pay a tel~ ~)r $300 per y~:ar if !hey chose to park on the street rather than of1:strcct. t= X PElt .t: N ( 't: () F ()' I' Ilt:l{ S l J II lilt 11,\ N l' III N I (: I P ,\ I "rr .t:S ^ survcy \vas ~ollJucted of Ajax, \\'faith~.. ()sha\va, Claringtoll, Markhalll, H.iclllllond IJill alld Vaughall to dctcrmillc if thcy ha\'c permit parkillg 011 allY Hrects. None of these 1l1ullil:ipalities have pcrtuit parking ill any areas ortheir jurisdiction. ")I(~Kt:~{IN(;'S t:XPi:ltlt:N('t: \'''l'rlll'.~I{I\lrr I),\RKIN(; Whcn the ~1ctro l~ast 'I'radc Ccntre \vas cOll1pletcd anL the Fica Market 1l10ved to that building, the strects ill the Village East subdivision were clogged with cars on Sundays because theclltirc parking lot at the l\1I:'rC \\'as not cOlnpleted. III order to alleviate this problcm, COllncil passed By-law 2236/86 on JWle 2, 1986 that allowed for pennit parking on the streets in the Village I.:ast suhdivision on Sundays only betwecn 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.ll1. 'l\vo p<.~nllits, one for an oC~\1pant and one for a visitor, were issued to each houschold in this suhdivision at no cost. ')11is Pertllit Parking Progralll \vorked \vell only for the shor1 tenn because of the follo\ving: I. Many rcsidcn: s parked on the strcet but forgot to put thcir pennits in a visible area of the car and they Wl~re ticketed. Onley expected these tickets to be cancelled, ho\vcvcr, it \vas difficult for stal!' to dcterlllillc if the vehicle belonged to a resident or a pall on of the flea Inarket \vithout doing a licence check. 2. Many visitors of the rcsidcnts got tickets because the resident either forgot to give thenl a perlllit to put in the car, had lost the pennit, or did not feel inclined to run back Ollt to their visitor's car to put the permit ill it. Again, the residents eXl>cctcd thesc tickets to he cancelled. J. In order to provide a legal permit parking area on the streets, signs had to be posted about every 200 fc\;t it long the boulevard and Illany of the residents cOlnplaincd about the unsightliness of these signs. Onl'~ llll~ parking Illl al lh~ 1\1 FTC' :IS lidly completed, CoulIl:il passed By-law 3504/90 UIl JUlll~ 25, It)l)\) to leIH:allh~ Pt..~nL:l Parking I)rogralll OJl these streets. III ~ 1'11\\ n wa S a I' p 1 oa(h~d by lhe resident s of the to'\1IhollSe l:ulIlplcx on Ilona Park H,04':~ ; l ll)(j I to provide a Pel1l1it Par~.~llg 1~'ogranl for the occupants of the to\\11houses only. This is an older, I X unit townhouse complex that provides only one olf.street pal killg space for each occupaul and no visitor parking is provided. On December 16, 199 J, ('ouul;il passed By-la\v ]Xl)~1/91 to provide a perlllit parking an.:a 011 the south side of l hesollth leg II f Ilona Pa I k Road fl>r a distance of 67 metres which is the frontage of the lO\\'lIhou:.;~ ~olllple,\. ()1l1y Ol)~ pCrlnit is issucd each ycar to each uuit at 110 cost. l \ 14'.' . ~ ) { N : \ '1'1 \.' . ~ S Th~ study leallllo()k~d 'II :lb'l::..lil', ' 1\ :"~lIl1ii parking and dclellllined the following: rc:Jucc cllf{)(C~IJH~n~ ,,'11 aII~~f.'1(:d ."tIV(~ts p' ohibit pal K',!it" Oil Ull~ Side 0:' t~' : strl~t:t and 41110\\' parking :It all tillll.S on the u p p 0 ~ , i l e sid ~ () r t ~ 1 L S ~ ' '.~ l' t prohibit on-~.ate,'_l I)~qkil\g ;,1 ~,t ,~'I"'..: IlH:atioJls \\'hich havc previously illlpaired ~\: 1 {) \ V r e III {) \. a i ? tl J :: a II s i I r 0 U ~ ,,: .\ coutiUlJC aggJeS~;I\'~ tiLk~(;'~.~ u' ~,. ,(\\!'.....,' people to park off.strect ill arcas \\hl~rC Ih~rl' all: pa/l,:.:~ ~1I,: :l,.;~" approach alea schools, churches, plaz.as and other O\\'I1CI s pf JLH kill!. I,' , 1'~ f,~~'tcnniIlC if area residents can park in those p a ,. kill g I () t s (h P' j Il~! t I \t.~ C V t: ;! ;: . f.. j f . ~ ~,. s Initiate an C\t\..~Il~~~\'t. a~h'l~l ~~ ,:,;.,' dlJpaig.j (h:ril1g the \"intet' to cdurH,tc rcsidClllS 011 thc IIcccssity for paf~il1!? olf.,'., 'j 'hU;'lg aUld ancr a sno\v f~lll. ('()N (~l ~l:S 10 NS The issue being ~onsidclcd ill this report is that a limited numbcr of rcsidents complained ahout beillg tickcl(~d f(),. pal king their car Oil the road dUliulj the \Vlnt~r \llonths \vhen the '1'0\\11 \....as undcI1aking a 1l10rC intcllsivc Icvel of cnforcemcp~ Iff th\: i"~'l{ ilq Dy-Iaw ill oldclto keep the lOads clear fill will!r,;r control. During other illli':~ ' "'h.; Jl~jr or during II I cviolls wintcrs, VCI Y lew comp la in I s wcr c received because tilt: I";,rkillt, By-law was being l~llrOlccJ 011 a cOlllplaillt ol1ly or a:;-llccJ hasis. Permit parking should hc seen as a mcans ('. l'roviding somc additional parking for rC'~idCllts only \vhcll there are 110 other altcnlativcs. ']lle City of'l'orOlito notes that its 'Penllit Parking I)rogralll is ~)nly illlplclllCiltcd on streets or i~l areas \vhcre there are no off. ~t ff~ c t p a .. kill g f;l c i J it i c s a va i ) a b Ie. Where there alt~ slIlJiciellt off.strcet parking facilitics, such as drivcU'dj" :\!lCi garages, a va ila hlc tl)/ residcnt s, t hc n egat ive imp act:; of peonit parking f.1I C.\\~'\~'l :h~ positive illlpacts of it. No othl~1 suburban Cllllllll11Zlir .cs have a J}crtnit Parkill~ PrOf . ~n because of the ploblclllS it creates. 'rile chart set out ill Exhihit ('.1" sho\vs that even ill a very dCI1~c residential area such as E vert on St rect, M clllory I.:lllc and Roscllcld Road, there arc ";\1 ffi(;icllt on:'st reet parking spaces available to thc r csidcllt s and if pcnnit IHI1 ~ing were int rodUi.:cd. if would actually Jessen the nUlubcr of Oil-street parking spaces Hvailahle. lOO STREET N(). () f" D\V F: l~tJIN {; { J N rrs Everton Street 44 Meolo Lane 38 Rosefield Road 20 between Fieldlight L l DIva. ~nd Finch Ave EXI-IIBlrI" "4" I N(l. ()F' {J f"' f"- S 'I' It E .~~r PAR.KING SPA C [S 99 89 49 l N(). (} F ()N- s~rlt F: f~' r Jl,\RKIN(; SrA(~.:S 14 27 57 .. N(). ()F \'t:III(]Jf:S N() ().' Pt:ltt\lrr P ^ It K .: () () N It (~ A I) I) ^ R KIN (; S I) ^ (/' t::-, () N rr,' P f (~I\ I J " \' ^ I 1., A II I J t: j . : \' . : N I N ( ; ------ ------ - ------------.------- _________x_______ _______ .__ ______~_____________j 21 16 ---- - --- J() - - -- - ----- -------- j2- - -- - - - -- -I