HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 08-09 Ciiq o~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 08-09 Date: February 9, 2009 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: T elus Mobility Lease Renewal Sideline 24, Between Highway 7 and Highway 407 Recommendations: 1 . That Report OES 08-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a lease renewal agreement with TM Mobile Inc. ("Telus") substantially on the terms set out in this Report. Executive Summary: Telus wishes to renew its site lease for a further term of five (5) years on the same terms and conditions as its existing site lease save and except for the amount of rent payable and an expansion to the permitted uses. Financial Implication: Telus has offered to pay the City an annual rental rate of $20,000.00 plus GST for each of the five years of the term of the lease renewal agreement. Sustainability Implications: The expansion of, and additional uses within, an existing communications site reduces the need for duplication of sites and infrastructure in another location. Report OES 08-09 Subject: Telus Mobility Lease Agreement Date: February 9, 2009 Page 2 :~ 3 Background: By a site lease dated January 29, 2003, the City leased to Telus a portion of the road allowance between Lots 24 and 25, Concession 5 (Sideline 24, between Highway 7 and Highway 407) for a term of five years ending on August 31, 2008. The annual rent was $6,000.00. The original lease contained a provision that the term could be renewed for three further periods of five years each with rent adjusted by an amount equal to the change in the Canadian Consumer Price Index (all items). The original lease was amended in February 2007 to expand the leased area. The rental rate was also increased to $8,000.00 per annum for the balance of the term of the original lease. Telus now wishes to use a portion of the compound area to install an equipment shelter for use by Rogers Wireless. Given this change in use, and based on recent staff research into the market value of similar lease arrangements, staff requested that the rent be increased from $8,000.00 to $20,000.00 per annum. Telus has agreed to pay this rent. Attachments: 1. Draft Lease Renewal Agreement. 2. Original Site Lease dated January 29,2003 (without Survey). 3. Lease Amending Agreement dated February 16, 2007 (without Revised Survey). Prepared By: Everett Director Operations & Emergency Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci~y Council ~~P7v/-f C f~ cJ -td Thomas' J. uinn, RDMR., CMM II . Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT # 1 TO REPORT OES 08-09 1 of 2 34 RENEWAL LEASE This Renewal Lease is made as of September 1, 2008 BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING (the "City") - and - TM MOBILE INC. (the "Tenant") WHEREAS by a site lease dated January 29,2003 (the "Original Lease"), the Tenant leased a portion of the road allowance between Lots 24 and 25, Concession 5 (Sideline 24, South of Highway No.7) legally described as Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 40R-22360 (the "Original Premises") for a term of five (5) years ending on August 31, 2008; AND WHEREAS by an amending agreement dated February 16, 2007 (the "Amending Agreement"), the Original Lease was amended to expand the leased area to include the area shown as Parts 1 and 2 on a Topographic Plan of Survey and Site Layout Drawing dated February 5, 2007 (the "Expanded Area"); AND WHEREAS the Tenant wishes to install an equipment shelter for use by Rogers Wireless as shown on Site Plan Drawing C2630-S02 dated May 28, 2008 (the "Site Drawing"); AND WHEREAS the City and the Tenant wish to renew the Original Lease, as amended by the . Amending Agreement, fora further term of five (5) years commencing on September 1,2008. NOW THEREFORE the City and the Tenant agree as follows: Lease 1. The City leases to the Tenant the Original Premises and the Expanded Area on the same terms and conditions as set out in the Original Lease save and except as hereinafter set out. Use 2. The Tenant may use the premises for purposes of installing and operating the Rogers Wireless equipment shown on the Site Drawing. Term 3. The term of this Renewal Lease shall be five (5) years commencing on September 1,2008, (, ATTACHMENT # 1 TO REPORT OES 08-09 2 of 2 35 and ending on August 31, 2013. Rent 4. The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord for and during each year of the term of this Renewal Lease the sum of TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($20,000.00) (plus G.S.T.) of lawful money of Canada which sum shall be paid in advance on the first day of each year of the term, the first of such payments to be made on September 1, 2008. The annual rent payable during any further extension to the term shall be at a negotiated rate or $20,000.00 with an adjustment for the Canadian Consumer Price Index (all items). Original Lease 5. All other covenants, provisos and stipulations contained in the Original Lease, as amended by the Amending Agreement, shall remain in full force and effect and the City and Tenant hereby mutually agree that they will perform and observe the several covenants, provisos and stipulations in the Original Lease, as amended by the Amending Agreement, as fully as if such covenants, provisos and stipulations have been repeated herein in full with such modifications only as are necessary to make them applicable to this renewal lease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Renewal Lease. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING PER: Dave Ryan, Mayor PER: Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk TM MOBILE INC. PER: PER: I ',' 36 ATTACHMENT # 2 TO REPORT OES 08-09 1 of 5 SITE LEASE Site No. ON- 11.:56 This Lease is made as of January 29, 2003~ BET WEE N: TIffi CIIY OF PICKERING, (the "Lessor') and 1M Mobile Inc. ("JELUS Mobility") A. The Lessor represents i:rnd warrants to TELUS Mobility that it is the owner or lessee of the real property(ies) described in Schedule "A" (the "Premises'') or is the properly authorized agent of such owner or lessee and has the authority to enter into this Lease. B. The Lessor has agreed to grant to TELUS Mobility a lease to it of the area(s) described in Schedule "B" (the ''Site'j being a portion of the Premises, NOWTHEREFOREfor the rent (plus applicable sales tax and goods and sellJices tax) set out in Section J payable by TEL US Mobility to the Lessor and the following covenants, conditions and agreements, the Lessor hereby leases to lELUS Mobility the Site together with its appurtenances herein described all on the Terms and Conditions set out below. Subject to receipt by TELUS Mobility of necessary regulatory and municipal consents with respect to TELUS Mobility's proposed use of the Site, the Lessor grants to TELUS Mobility: (i) the right to build, maintain, occupy and use on the Site an equipment building (the "Shelter") or other designated room described in Schedule "B"; (ll) the right to construct, install, operate, maintain and repair on the Site such equipment, devices and trade fixtures (collectively, the "Equipment'') as may be necessary for the carrying on of TEL US Mobility's telecommunications business; (iii) rights of access, including appropriate easements, servitudes and rights of way on. over and through the Premises, with personnel, vehicles and necessary equipment to the Site and its appurtenances; and (iv) the right to use the Site, including the Shelter and the Equipment, for the purpose of a telecommunications business and any other purposes as are incidental thereto. TO HA VE AND TO HOW for a term offivft,. (5) years (the "Term'j commencing on.s ~p-J.el'V"lu..e r I ,2003 (the "Commencement Date") and ending ontf"h;lt{ 3 I ' 2008 and any extension term(s) as provided in Section 2; all in accordance with and subject to the Terrns anH Conditions hereinafter provided Address ofl-essor: One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 Attention: Richard Holbcrne Facsimile: 905420 9685 Telephone: 90542046114204660 2119 CITYOFPICKERING ,,1 " By fr ~ Name: Britc.e TUo:~ \0(" Title: Cb' 0.-\e.r'K.. GST Regisfr, , 10 1M Mobile Inc. 200 COl1silium Place, Suite 1600 Scarborough, Ontario MlH 313 Attention: Real Estate Director Facsimile: 1-800-788-6622 Telephone: 1-800-815-5715 Jail~lill~~ ~, ~@~~i!i]HI(fJ:lf Manager, Government A1fiJ\n & Real Es(al~ April 29, 2002 ./1/7 TEFJAS A.ND C:)l-JDmONS O!'\ r:;S6 1. Rental Rate. For th~ rights grapte.d by'\hI 1.~tiM'1~rr2-J;r~~1I9,RfE28g ~?B~lIY shaH pay. to the Lessor rent at the rate of $6,000.00 per annum plus apph~61e provmclal sales tax and goods .~QfeF.riyes t~ yearly In advance, dunng the Term (and any extension tenn(s) as pr<?'{Ided below); proVlded tliat the Lessor has properly obtained a regJstratlOn number for GST pW'pOses and has communicated same to 1ELUS Mobility. 3 7 2. Ri!Zhts of Extension. The Lessor hereby granJ;s to TELUS Mobility the rights to extend the Term of this Lease for three (3) further and consecutive IJ.enod(s) ot bve (5) years each without notice. Each right shalf be automatically exercised and shall not require any prior notice in writing and shall taKe effect Unless 1ELUS Mobility specifically elects not to exercise any such right at least ninety (90) days pnor to the end of the Term or relevant extension tenn. Each such extension term will be upon the same terms and conditions as are herem contained for the Term exc..'jJt that the rent in each such extension term shall be equal to the rent prevailing in the immediately preceding five year period changed by an amount equal to the change in the Canadian Consumer Price Index (all items) in such immediately preceding perioo. 3. Unsuitabili For TELUS Mobili 's Pur oses. At any time during the Term or any extension thereo~ for any reason whatsoever TELUS 0 I Ity may tenrunate s e WI out ges or pena1ty by giving ninety (90) days written notice to the Lessor. ' 4. Covenants of TELUS Mobility. (a) Safety and Maintenance _ TELUS Mobility shall installl operate, grolUld and maintain its ~iIJ!llent and the Shelter, in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with sound engineering standaras and at a level of repair consistent With first class building standards. (b) Taxes, Rates and Assessments -TELUS Mobility will pay as and when due all taxes, rates and assessment,;;, includin,g increases in real or iJ11!11Ovable property taxes, that are levied, charged or assessed with respect to any business carried on by TELuS Mobihty on or from the Prennses. (c) Electricity Charges _ TELUS Mobility shall pay for the electrical connections and all electricity charges attributable to 1ELUS Mobility's operations at the Site either by having Installed a separately metered hydro service or, in circumstances where the local utility will not install a separate meter, TELUS Mobility shall mstall a submeter and shall compensate the Lessor for TELUS Mobility's electriciry consUJ11P!ion on a monthly basis, provided that any suCh compeI1?ation is based on existing rates of the local utility. Iftechnologicalfy feasible, tne Lessor shall allow TELUS Mobility to install electrical connections to the Lessor's emergency P9wer generator on the Premises for emergency use by TELUS Mobility in the case of any failure of hydro service to the Site and TELUS Mobility shall pay all costs attributable to such connections. (d) Government Regulation _ TELUS Mobility shall, at its own expense, at all times ensure that the installation. operation and maintenance ofits Equipment (including any antenna tower that may be constructed by TELUS Mobility) and the Shelter conwly willi all reguired laws, directions} rules .and regulations of relevant governmental authorities, indudmg all applicable building codes, and Industry Canada and Transport Canaaa reqwrements. (e) . Interference _ Tf,LUS Mobili!)' covenar,tts that TELlJS Mo~ili.ty's operation ofi~ radio_system(s) shall not cause materifil iI}terference or degradation of any~ther Signals lawfully translWtted or received WIthm or on the Prerruses. If such mterference or degradatIOn IS reasonably demonstrated to TELUS ~obility, TELUS Mobility upon receiving notice from the Lessor shall use all reasonable endeavours to immediately correct the problem. . (t) . Removal of El)uipment by TELUS Mobility - 1ELUS Mobility shall remove the EQuipment from the Premises within ninety (90) days after the termination of this Lease and shall restore the Site to the conaition it was at the date first above written, reasonable wear and tear excepted. . 5. Covenants of the Lessor. (a) Ouiet Possession _ The Lessor has good right, full power and absolute authority to grant this Lease to TELUS Mobility and covenants that TELUS Mobility shall peaceably and quietly holo and enJoy the Site and its appurtenances, subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease. TIle Lessor shall not make any change to tiie Site and its appurtenances at any time throughout the duration of this Lease without the prior written consent ofTELUS Mobility and no such change shall adversely affect the use being made by TELUS Mobility of the Site. (b) Access _ By way of appropriate easements, servitudes and rights of way on, over and through the Premises, the Lessor shall provide to TaUS Mobility and its authonzed representatives and agents, uninterrupted access with or without vehicles on a twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) da:v.s a week basis to the Site and its l!PRurtenances, and such odier rights as are necessary to enable TELUS Mooility to install, maintam and operate the Shelter and the Equipment, inducing but not limited to connectmg its installation to the local utility. (c) Exclusivity _ Throu~out the Term and all extensions thereof, the Lessor shall not use or grant a licence or lease space to any other pcrson(s) for the purpose of the installation and operation of wireless communications equipment on or about the Premises or adjacent lands owned by the Lessor, without the prior written consent ofTELUS Mobility. 6. TELUS Mobility's EQuiomcnt. (a) The Shelter a11d the Equipment wPI r~main the property of TEL US Mobility and no~thstanding the ~tt~chment or affixation of any' of the Shelter and the EqUipment to the Prennses m any manner, all of the Shelter and the EqUipment shall remam Items of personal or moveable property and not fixtures. (b) TELUS Mobility may' make any alterations and/or improvements on the Site during the Tenn and any extensions thereof without obtaining the prior consent of the Lessor. Such alterations and/or improvements may include, but are not limited to the addition of antennas, microwave dishes, equipment shelter expansions and/or various equipment deemed necessary by TELUS Mobility on the Site. 7. 1nsurancc. 1ELUS Mobility will at all times throughout the Term and any extension(s) thereof maintain: (a) All-Risk Property Insurance covering the full insurable replacement cost of all of its undertaking, the Shelter and the Equipment located pursuant to this Lease without deduction for depreciation and with reasonable deductibles; and (b) Commercial General Liability Insurance coverage in an amount not less than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) per occurrence for Bodily In]ttry and Property Damage. At the Less9f's requ~st, ~uc:l1 policy sl}alI extend to include ~e Lessor as an Additional Insured to the policy but only ansmg out of the Nan1ed msured's operations. Pohcy lllluts are not mc:reased by such additIons. At L~e Lessor's request, TELUS Mobility shall provide a Memorandum of Insurance evidencing that said coverages are in force and shall also notifY the Lessor in advance of any matenal change in coverage or cancellation of any such policy . 8. Lessor not Liable. Except for the negligent acts or omissions or the wilful and mongful acts or omissions of the Lessor or the Lessor's employees or those persons authorized by the Lessor to be on the Premises..,the Lessor shall not be liable to TELUS Mobility for any interference, inconvenience or damage to the Shelter or any part ofTELUS Mobility's r.quip'ment or any indirect or consequential damage resultjng from any cause including, without limitation, ~ailure or interru~tions in the supplt of electriciR or other utility or by fires, severe conditIOns or other ",tuml "''''''oph", '" fo"ny =e "nevcr whioh i, """'" the ,,,,,on' "oontml 0 the '-"'0'- ~ IA~~ ' , {-- i .. 38 ATTACHMENT # 2 TO REPORT OES 08-09 3 of 5 9. TELUS Mobilifri Dot Liable. Except for the negligent acts or omissions or the wilful and wrongful acts or omissions of lELUS Mobility or lELUS Mobllty's elpployees and those ~rsons authorized by TELUS Mobility to be on the Premtses, TELUS Mobility shall not be liable to the Lessor for any costs incurred or losses or damages suffered by the Lessor. 10. Default. UJ?Oll the material default by either party 9f any of its covenants or obligations under this Lease, the party not in default may tenninate 11iiS'ITase If such default is not remedied within thirty (30) da~ of the defaulting party receiving Default written notice from the pll!tY not in defuult of such defuult or within such longer period as is reasonable in the circumstances so long as the party in default is diligently moving to remedy the same. 11. TELUS Mobility's Financio!!: Arraol!:ements. (a) The Lessor acknowledges that TELUS Mobilitr has entered into, and will be entering into, certain financing arran.E;ements which may require an assignment or hypothecation of TEL US Mobihty's rights and obligations under this Lease as well as the granting oIsecurity interests in the ~onaI or moveable prope~ of IELUS Mobility located" at the Premtses. The Lessor consents to any such assigrunent J1}'P9thecation or granting of security interests and to any transfers occurring on the enforcement of same; and the Lessor shalf, at the request o(TELUS Mobility, acknowledge in wnting the foregoing in such form as the relevant financier may reasonably require. (b) For the p_~es of this Section 11, lELUS Mobility is executing this Lease for itself and as an agent for the financiers referred to herein With whom IELUS Mobility may be entering into financing arrangements from time to time. 12. Rel!istration. TELUS M~ili~ shall not publi$.or re,gister this Lease. lELt.[S Mobility ITlf!Y r~' ster a noti~ of lease or caveat on title to the Preffilses in respect hereof stlpulafing TELUS Mobility's mterest, the Term, any nghts to extend an when apphcable, a short form ofIease and the Lessor will execute any documents required to effect such registration. Such registration may be e ected on behalf of TEL US Mobility by an affiliated corporation as bare nominee for registration pl,lTPOSes orily. The Lessor also agrees to use its best efforts to obtain a non-disturbance agreement from any mortgagee(s) on the Premises in such form as TELUS Mobility may reasonably require. 13. Assil!oment. Subject to Section 11 above, this Lease shall not be assignable by TELUS Mobility without the prior written consent of the Lessor such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Notwithstandmg the foregoing, TELUS Mobility may, without consent: (i) assign its rights and obligations under this LeaSe to any related or affiliated enti!-y' including a partnership; (ii) sublet a ~ion of the Site and Its i!Ppurtenances to any reliiteq or affiliated t:ntity inc1uding a partnership; and (ili) license fo a third party a portion ofthe Site and its appurtenances, 10r use as a teleconnnurucatlons antenna Site. 14. Successors and Assil!os. This Lease shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assi~ of the Lessor and the successors and pe!"II1ltted asslfVS of TEL US Mobility, and no assignee or successor of the Lessor (including any transferee of or successor in title to the Premises) shall challenge the validity or enforceability of any aspect of this Lease and every assignee or successor of the Lessor shall be bound by all obligations of tile Lessor hereunder. 15. Governinti Law; La~~e. The provisions of this Lease shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Frovince In whIch e Site IS I and the parties hereto attorn to the exclUSive jurisdiction of the courts of that Province. The parties have reqpested that this Lease and all related documents be in English. Les parties ont exige que ce bail et tous les documents s'y rapportant soient rOOiges en anglais. 16. Entire Lease: Survey. This lease contains the entire agreement between the Lessor and lELUS Mobility with respect to the Site and there are no pnor representatIOns, either ora! or written, between them other than those set forth in this Lease. TIus Lease, including the Schedulest may not be amended or modified except by \\oTItten instnunent executed by both parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it: followirIg the execution of this Lease, TEWS Mobili!}.' obtmns a survey which identifies the location of the Site, it shall be attached hereto as Schedule "C' mld shall take precedence over Schedule "B' and form part of this Lease. Each of the parties respectively acknowledges that the nature and scope of each of the clauses of this Lease have been adequately explained to it. r 17. Facsimile Transmissions: Notice. The parties agree that this Lease may be executed by either party and forwarded to the other party by facsimile transffilSSlon and receipt by tacsunile transmissIOn of a copy of this Lease executed by a party shall bind the PartY- so sending the facsimile transmission. Any notice cont~lated or provided for under this Lease shall be given by personal delivery or facsimile transmission, "hich transmission is to be Confirmed, to the addresses set out opposite the SigIUltures of the parties abOve. 18. Additional Properties. The Lessor hereby grants to TELUS Mobility for a period of twenty-four (24) months following the Commencement Date an lITevocable and exclusive optIOn to lease from the Lessor any or all of the properties described in the attached Schedule "1)" upon the same tenns and conditions as are herein contained. 19. Severability. Should any provision or provisions of this Lease be determined to be void or unenforceable in whole or in part it or they shall be deemed not to affect or inlpair the validity or enforceability of any other provision and it or they shall be considered separate and severable from the Lease and its remaining provisions which shall remain in force and be binding on the parties. 20. Authorization. As provided in the attached letter, the Lessor hereby authorizes TELUS Mobility to obtain any information from any person, With respect to the Premises, that ~LUS Mobility may require for the purposes of exercising its nghts under this Lease and the Lessor agrees to execute same to confirm the foregomg. 21. Schedules. Schedules and oL'1er documents attached or referred to in this Lease, including without limitation, the Schedules indicated below, are an mtegral part of this Lease. ~ [3/ o Schedule "E" - 0 Authorization Letter - g. Schedule "A" - Schedule "B" - Schedule "e" - Schedule "D" - INITIALS: II I ~/]1 ATTACHMENT # 2 TO REPORT OES 08-09 4 of 5 39 SITE NO.: ON 1256 SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES Real property located in the City of Pickering, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, and with the following legal description: Road Allowance between Lots 24 and 25 fonner Twp. Of Pickering now the City of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham. Nat_t&c_December 18, 2001 /~I~ITIALS' . .1/ ,_ " .. 40 ATTACHMENT # 2 TO REPORT OES 08-09 5 of 5 ... i.. I I I I l .. Hwy # 7 LOT 25 CD c :.J CD "0 en .c - ...r N Site of Telus 12' x 27' Shelter and communication tower in a fenced enclosure of 13m x 13m C/l ;::;: (I) CD U C co ~ o co "'0 co o l.- "'0 o Hwy. 407 Hwy 407 ~ '. Site description and Sketch: (Hwy. # 7 and 26 th Side Line) (24 th sideline old Road) Notes: Plan not to scale (City of Pickering, On.) Antenna mount locations are "proposed only",locations are subject to change. Notwithstanding any antenna mounts currently shown (or not shown), Lease allows for modification, addition or reconfiguration. Easements identified in the sketch are approximations to be confirmed on a survey. LOT 24 7 ";"---; ~/ TELliS ,",,~,. mobility" Schedule B ON 1256 Drawn By: S. Mazur Date Created: January 31, 2003 Initialsl r=-1 /}/I ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPORT OES 08-09 1 of 3 AMENDMENT TO SITE LEASE ON 1256 THIS AMENDING AGREEMENT is made as of the 16thday of February, 2007. BET WEE N: CITY OF PICKERING ("Lessor") - and - TM MOBILE INC. ("TELUS mobility ") BACKGROUND: 41 ft.) the parties entered into a site lease as of the 29th day of January 2003 (the "Lease"); and B) the parties wish to amend the Lease as provided herein. AGREEMENT: NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set out in this amending agreement and for other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged by each party to this. amending agreement, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Amendment of Section 1: The following sentences are inserted at the end of Section 1 of the Lease: "In addition to the aforementioned rental rate (the "Original Rental Rate"); TELUS mobility will pay to the Lessor a further sum of Two Thousand dollars ($2000.00) per annum (the "Additional Rental Rate") plus applicable provincial sales tax and goods and services tax, effective the 01 day of May, 2007. The Additional Rental Rate is payable to the Lessor by TELUS Mobility for the expansion of the compound (the "Expanded Area") as shown on Schedule "B 1" attached hereto." TELUS will pay the pro rated amount of Two Thousand six hundred and sixty seven dollars and sixty seven cents ($2,667.67) for the amendment until August 31, 2008. The amendment will become part of the Lease on September 01, 2008. ~ 42 ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPORT OES 08-09 2 of 3 2. Delete Schedule "B" and Insert Schedule "B 01". 3. Delete Schedule "e" the Survey and Insert Schedule "e" the Revised Survey 4. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT expressly amended hereby, the Lease shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with its terms. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Amending Agreement as of the date first above written. PICKERING .J~W3~$ ~, Ke~r.q~qJ:~/ ~'L;mager. G0vernnv:lnt AffAir (}1 r{03i E3~~.~.q By: David Ryan Mayor ~. .~ ~ ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPORT OES 08-09 3 of 3 43 .rfJ Telus proposed new location of 11' x 15' Shelter. Need to extend compound. Existing Teluscompound. o :/ D~ I I I ___..J Road al owance between Lo s 24 and 25 C ncession 5 Existing Empty Lot Existing Entrance N ~ en c: ~ :::l CD Existing Field Highway 7 Site description and Sketch Hwy 7 and 24h Sideline ~'... -. WOPIiI!^...1 24h Sideline ~.... J.Ern2 City of F?ckering, ON .~. Notes: Plan not to scale. Antenna mount locations are "proposed only",locations are Schedule B- 01 subject to change. ON1256 Notwithstanding any antenna mounts currently shown (or not shown), Lease allows for modification, addition or reconfiguration. Drawn By:TC Easements identified in the sketch are approximations to be confirmed on a Dale Cleated: Feb 19,2007 survey. Initialsl I I r