HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 07-09City O PICKERING Report Number: OES 07-09 Date: January 12, 2009 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 07-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services, . regarding the Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment be received; 2. That Council support the Highway 407 East Technically Preferred Route (See Attachment #1) for the easterly extension of Highway 407, including transitway corridor/facilities and the two north-south links connecting to Highway 401; 3. That the Highway 407 EA Project Team revise the preliminary design for the proposed bridge crossings over Highway 407 (See Attachment #2) within Pickering, to include: (a) raised sidewalks (including sufficient right-of-way and the inclusion of platforms with 1.8 metre minimum width) on both sides of the roadways for all 407 East bridge crossings in Pickering; (b) dedicated 1.5 metre-wide bicycle lanes on the outer lanes on both sides of the roadways for all 407 East bridge crossings in Pickering, while maintaining the proposed pavement width of 3.5 metres for each vehicle lane; and, (c) lighting of appropriate quality, intensity and standards; 4. That the Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) acquire and transfer to the City of Pickering sufficient land for 18 metre-radius cul-de-sacs for the candidate roads for permanent closure (existing Brock Road, Paddock Road and Sideline 4), and any other lands required for municipal rights of way; 5. That the environmental impact on surrounding properties within the study corridor be minimized and mitigated with adequate measures as well as that amicable resolutions be sought with affected property owners; REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 6. That Council request the 407 EA Team to consider a better location for the highway maintenance facility that does not conflict with potential urban development plans for these lands; and Report OES 07-09 REVISED January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (Septemb~r 2008) Page 2 134 7. Further, that a copy of the Report OES07-09 be forwarded to the MTO the 407 EA Project Team, the Regional Municipality of Durham, and all Durham Area Municipalities. Executive Summary: The Technically Preferred Route (TPR) and Preliminary Design is proposed by the 407 EA Project Team, for the easterly extension of Highway 407 (including transitway corridor/facilities and two north-south links to connecting to Highway 401). The proposed alignment of Highway 407 in Pickering in the TPR is similar to the one shown in the Pickering Official Plan and the Durham Region Official Plan. Staff supports the TPR and recommends that Council also supports the same. Although in earlier versions, existing Brock Road, Sideline 14, Paddock Road, Sideline 4 and Kinsale Road were identified as the candidate roads for permanent closures, as a result of input from City Staff, Paddock Road and Kinsale Road were removed from the list of permanent road closures. Also, realigned Brock Road (to by-pass Brougham), Westney Road, Salem Road and Lake Ridge Road are proposed to have full interchanges along the corridor. A 80m wide transit-way corridor is proposed on the south side of the Highway 407 Mainline and on the west side of the West Durham Link connecting to Highway 401. A Commercial Vehicle Inspection facility is proposed on the south side of Highway 407 Mainline (eastbound lanes) east of Sideline 4. A highway maintenance facility is proposed on the north east corner of Highway 407 and Salem Road which City staff is recommending it be relocated. The City Staff supports the Technically Preferred Route and strongly recommends that the Environmental Assessment for Highway 407 conform to municipal official plans and policies, and the environmental impact on surrounding properties within the study area be minimized and that amicable resolutions be sought with affected property owners. A federal environmental assessment is also being carried out by the 407 EA Project Team to address federal issues such as navigable water and fisheries for the crossings and dealings with federal lands. Sidewalks and on-road dedicated bike lanes should be provided for all bridge crossings in the TPR to conform with the policies of the City of Pickering Official Plan, the Region of Durham Transportation Master Plan, Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and to align with the policies proposed for municipalities in the Metrolinx Transportation Plan. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 3 Financial Implications: There are no financial implications with respect to adopting the recommendations of this Report. However, should the MTO not accept Council's recommendations that the Province design, construct and fund the costs associated with the recommendations of Report OES 07-09, the City of Pickering will be required to fund such significant costs in the future. Sustainability Implications: Construction of Highway 407 with the proposed crossings and facilities, as recommended by the 407 EA Project Team will not only strengthen the economy, the staff recommended treatments for the Highway 407 crossings will promote healthier lifestyles through active transportation modes for the future residents and employees in north-east Pickering. Background: 1.1 The Environmental Assessment Process has resulted in a Technically Preferred Route Although the Environmental Assessment (EA) for Highway 407 was commenced in 2002, the EA Terms of Reference were not approved by the Minister of the Environment until January 2005. Since then, over the last four years, the 407 EA Project Team held a number of meetings with municipal and other regulatory agency staff. Four Public Information Centers (PIC's) were also held during this period to inform and receive public feedback. City staff took part in the municipal meetings and also attended the PIC meetings. The 407 EA Project Team organized a series of workshops to facilitate the generation of Community Value Plan (CVP) for the 407 East project. The purpose of these workshops was to gather comments from the stakeholders residing in communities adjacent to and within close proximity to the technically recommended route. The 407 EA Project Team confirmed that Highway 407 and a transitway are needed and also conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the merits of a large number of alternative routes for both the 407 Mainline and the East and West Links. Following an earlier presentation of a Technically Recommended Route (TRR) and after detailed consideration of numerous options for the different segments and elements of possible alignments of Highway 407 and a transitway from Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 115/35 in Clarington, along with two CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East -Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 4 north-south links connecting to Highway 401, a revised alignment called the Technically Preferred Route was presented to the public at Public Information Center #4 meetings in June 2008. 1.2 A Federal Environmental Assessment of Highway 407 is also underway. In conjunction with the provincial environmental assessment, a federal environmental assessment is also being carried out by the 407 EA Project Team to address federal issues which include impacts on fisheries and on federal lands. Staff's understanding is that once the Federal EA is completed, it will be submitted directly to Environment Canada. 1.3 The Preliminary Design includes details for proposed highway facilities and for road crossings. At a meeting in April 2008, the 407 EA Project Team advised City staff about proposed treatments of road crossings and facilities in Pickering for the easterly extension of Highway 407, as follows: (a) Proposed Permanent Road Closures • Existing Brock Road • Sideline 14 • Paddock Road • Sideline 4 • Kinsale Road City staff strongly opposed permanent closure of all of the roads/crossings with cul-de-sacs (with the exception of Brock Road). Staff argued the importance of maintaining the current level of permeability in a north-south direction to reduce bottlenecks, provide choice, ensure continuous access to adjacent properties, as well as to facilitative maintenance operations and effective emergency services for existing residents. Staff advised the 407 EA Project Team that the City's Official Plan designated crossings on all north-south roads intersecting Highway 407. Staff further advised the 407 EA Project Team that these roads will need to serve the future urban growth area in north-east Pickering identified in Schedule 'F' of the Durham Regional Official Plan (Consolidation) dated: June 5, 2008. Staff anticipates these lands to be designated as urban as a result of the Region of Durham and City of Pickering future implementation of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 5 (b) Interchanges within Pickering Full interchanges were proposed at the following locations: • Realigned Brock Road (to by-pass Brougham) • Westney Road • Salem Road • Lake Ridge Road at Highway 407 (partial interchange) The Highway 407/Westney Road interchange will limit the options for the alignment of the Westney Road by-pass of the Hamlet of Greenwood, for which an Environmental Assessment will be commenced shortly by the Region of Durham. In addition to the proposed road crossings at interchanges, re-aligned Highway 7 was identified as a crossing road. (c) Proposed Transitway Corridor and Transitway Facilities A 60 metre wide transit-way corridor is proposed on the south side of the proposed easterly extension of Highway 407 and on the west side of both the west and the east Durham freeway links with transitway stations at a majority of the interchanges (See Attachment #2). The following interchanges in Pickering are proposed to have transitway stations: • Realigned Brock Road • Westney Road • Salem Road; and • Lake Ridge Road (d) Proposed Highway Facilities A large highway maintenance facility is proposed in the north-east quadrant of the proposed Salem Road interchange. City staff commented that in the Growing Durham Study (September 2008) Salem Road is identified as growth corridor for high density residential, office and employment development. Whereas the location of a transitway station would serve workers and residents transportation needs at Salem Road, a large highway maintenance facility would create a barrier to a continuous high density growth corridor on Salem Road. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 6 A vehicle inspection facility is proposed on the east bound lanes of Highway 407, east of Sideline 4. 2.0 Preliminary Design revised based on City Staff's Input/Comments As a result of discussions/meetings with City staff between April 2008 and September 2008, the 407 EA Project Team revised the preliminary design for some elements of Highway 407 in Pickering. City staff requested sidewalks and on-road dedicated bicycle lanes be designed and constructed on both sides of the roadways for all proposed bridge crossings. Following the 407 EA Project Team presentation to Planning & Development Committee on October 6, 2008, Pickering Councillors reinforced the City's vision of sidewalks and on-road dedicated bicycle lanes on all proposed bridge crossings. Staff also requested that sufficient right-of-way be acquired to accommodate the sidewalks and on-road dedicated bicycle lane facilities and requested that platforms for sidewalks be constructed (including land, grading and bridge work). The revised preliminary design presented by the 407 EA Project Team to City staff at a further meeting in October included the following changes: (a) Interchanges within Pickering • Interchange for Lake Ridge Road upgraded to a full-interchange; (b) Permanent Road Closures: • Kinsale Road and Sideline 14 removed from the road closure list; (c) Proposed Bridge Crossings & Treatments: PROPOSED TREATMENTS BRIDGE CROSSINGS Realigned Brock New interchange proposed with sidewalks (both Road sides and a bicycle lane one side Highway 7 Pro osed to ass under the Highway 407 Sideline 16 To be realigned with no sidewalks or bike lanes Sideline 14 Proposed to pass over Highway 407 with no sidewalks and no bike lanes CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 7 PROPOSED TREATMENTS BRIDGE CROSSINGS Westney Road A new interchange is proposed at Westney Road with no bike lanes but is now proposed to be constructed with potential for sidewalks to be added later at City cost Salem Road A new interchange is proposed to pass over Highway 407 with no bike lanes but is now proposed with potential for sidewalks to be added later at City cost Kinsale Road Proposed to pass over Highway 407 to realign to the east of its current location with no bike lanes but is now potentially proposed for sidewalks to be added later at City cost Lake Ridge Road Proposed to pass over Highway 407 with a proposed full interchange with no sidewalks or bike lanes (d) Highway Facilities: • Change from south side to the north side is proposed in locating a highway maintenance facility at the Salem Road interchange. 3.0 Discussion And Comments on the Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment 3.1 The Technically Preferred Route is supported. The TPR proposed by the 407, EA Project Team through north-east Pickering proposes an alignment similar to the one shown in the Pickering Official Plan and the Durham Region Official Plan. The proposed route has an interchange with the approved Brock Road realignment (to by-pass the Hamlet of Brougham), proceeds eastwards to the north of Highway #7 with interchanges at Westney and Salem Roads and passes north of the Hamlet of Kinsale before it proceeds to the interchange at Lakeridge Road where it splits into the easterly Mainline and the West Durham freeway link to connect to Highway 401. Staff supports the Technically Preferred Route and recommends that Council also support it. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 8 3.2 Revisions are recommended to the Proposed Road Crossing Treatments During earlier stages of the Environmental Assessment, the EA Project Team proposed no sidewalk or bicycle lane accommodation for the underpasses or bridges proposed to cross Highway 407 in Pickering. Now that the EA has advanced to the preliminary design phase, the 407 EA Project Team are still proposing only a very limited accommodation. City staff's understanding is that a bicycle lane crossing with `potential' (as proposed by 407 EA Project Team) for a sidewalk on a bridge or underpass means there is sufficient right-of-way and is designed and constructed to accommodate the width of a sidewalk on each side at a later date and at no initial cost to the City of Pickering. Construction of wider underpasses or bridges during initial construction is estimated to be significantly cheaper than as later additions at City's cost. While construction with the `potential' add sidewalks in the future is an improvement, bike lanes and sidewalks should be constructed at the time that Highway 407 is first constructed. Sidewalks and bike lanes should be provided on both sides of the road to. encourage active transportation on all major roads in new communities to support complete communities, foster healthier lifestyles and reduce demand for vehicular trips (improve the modal split). The Pickering Official Plan calls for a transportation system designed to offer a range of travel choices balancing the need to accommodate automobiles with pedestrians and cyclist safety and convenience. It not only requests assistance from the Province to correct the barrier effect of Highway 401 but also requests that the barrier effect of Highway 407 be minimized by providing appropriate vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian crossings at all existing north-south roads in Pickering. The existing north-south roads will be needed to serve the future urban growth area in north-east Pickering currently identified in the "Durham Regional Official Plan. The Region of Durham is in the process of completing the Growing Durham Study and will adopt an Official Plan amendment by June 2009 to implement the Growth Plan. At that time, in order to implement the Province's imposed population and employment targets, it is anticipated that most of north-east Pickering will be designated as an urban area for development before 2031. The new urban area will include high intensity growth nodes and corridors. The City of Pickering will subsequently follow suit with more detailed policies. The Region of Durham Transportation Master Plan includes a Transportation Demand Management Policy to reduce single occupant vehicle dependency by promoting alternative transportation modes such as cycling and walking. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 9 The Environmental Assessment for Highway 407 should conform to the official plans and policies of the municipalities that it runs through. The Province's Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe provides direction to municipalities for the design of new urban areas required to accommodate population and employment targets. Growth is to be managed by reducing automobile dependency and increasing modal share of walking and cycling with safe and comfortable travel through linkages between intensification areas, adjacent neighborhoods and transit stations including dedicated bicycle lanes on the major street network. Since these new communities are mandated by the Growth Plan to foster active transportation as part of the policies, the Province should not build a significant new Highway in a manner that would frustrate that objective. The Metrolinx Transportation Plan proposes more precise and aggressive policies and a series of strategic directions for municipalities to translate the mandated policies of the Growth Plan into actions and programs, with the matter of active transportation facilities on.roads a major theme. The City of Pickering or the Region of Durham should not be burdened with any greater costs of creating the active transportation facilities necessary on Province's infrastructure. Since the Highway 407 East Extension is a major Provincial infrastructure in an area recommended for urban development to implement a Provincial Plan, and since that Provincial Plan requires safe and convenient pedestrian and cyclist facilities, the construction of the pedestrian sidewalks and on-road dedicated bicycle lanes on all the proposed crossings should be integral part of the Provincial investment in communities. As a minimum, the bridges should be built with a wide platform at the Province's cost to permit future installation of sidewalks when new communities are built on the abutting lands at a municipal cost. By contrast, all three proposed road crossings of the Highway 407 West Durham freeway link in the Town of Whitby (Taunton, Rossland and Kingston Roads) are proposed to have sidewalks constructed on both sides and a bike lane on one side. The lands abutting the West Durham link in Whitby are proposed to be designated as urban area for development before 2031 in the Growing Durham Growth Plan conformity exercise as are the lands north and south of the proposed Highway 407 Mainline in north-east Pickering. Lower standards should not be proposed for the road crossings in Pickering on the mainline. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 10 ;r The City of Pickering would be disappointed if the Province's most significant infrastructure project in Durham Region in this generation (Highway 407) did not support similar Provincial policy directions. Staff is accordingly recommending that City Council request the Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment Project Team to revise the preliminary design for the Highway 407 road crossings and facilities in Pickering to: • design and construction of raised sidewalks (including sufficient right-of-way and the inclusion of platforms with 1.8 metre minimum width) on both sides of the roadways for all 407 East road crossings in Pickering; • design and construction of dedicated 1.5 metre-wide bicycle lanes on each side of the outer lanes on both sides of the roadways for all 407 East road crossings in Pickering, maintaining the proposed pavement width of 3.5 metres for each vehicle lane; and, • lighting of appropriate quality, intensity and design. 3.3 Pickering requires sufficient land for cul-de-sacs to terminate the roads to be closed. Existing Brock Road, Paddock Road and Sideline 4 are proposed to be permanently closed with cul-de-sacs constructed north and south of Highway 407. Existing Brock Road is being replaced by a realigned Brock Road, Paddock Road is located in the greenbelt and has less potential to serve future demand in future urban growth areas and Sideline 4 due to of the location of the vehicle inspection station which would require an unusual long bridge and/or underpass. Accordingly, Staff agree these roads are the best candidates for closure, if any are necessary. In order to provide appropriate turning circles for Pickering maintenance, emergency and other vehicles, it is recommended that Council request the MTO acquire and transfer to City of Pickering a sufficient land for 18 metre-radius cul- de-sacs for each road that is proposed to be closed. 3.4 Environmental Impact and Conflicts with Property Owners Should Be Minimized Environmental impacts on properties surrounding the proposed Highway and on streams, valleys and other sensitive natural features should be minimized by careful design and construction of Highway 407. In addition, design and property CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route A & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 11 acquisitions should be implemented to minimize and/or mitigate impacts on affected property owners. It is recommended that Council request that environmental impact on surrounding properties within the study area be minimized and that amicable resolutions be sought with affected property owners. 3.5 The Location of the Highway Maintenance Facility Should Be Changed A highway maintenance facility is proposed to be located in the north-east quadrant south of the Salem Road Highway 407 interchange. Staff commented that, in the Growing Durham Study, Salem Road is identified as a Local Growth Corridor for high density residential, office and employment development. The location of a transitway station proposed for the south-west quadrant would serve workers and residents transportation needs at Salem Road. However a large highway maintenance facility would create a barrier to a continuous high density growth corridor on Salem Road without supporting the growth corridor. Staff recommends that Council request that the 407 EA Team consider a better location for the highway maintenance facility that does not conflict with potential urban development plans for these lands. Attachments: 1. Technically Preferred Route prepared by MTO and their Consultants 2. Preliminary Design (Summary of Existing & Proposed Municipal Infrastructure) prepared by MTO and their Consultants for proposed bridge crossings 3. Proposed Sidewalk/Bike Lane Location Plan prepared by MTO and their Consultants indicating Potential Support Facilities CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 07-09 January 12, 2009 Subject: Highway 407 East - Environmental Assessment City of Pickering Comments on Technically Preferred Route & Preliminary Design (September 2008) Page 12 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: 7 NA,, Kashif Shaikh, M.Eng. Coordinator, Transportation Engineering je)LA Steve Gaunt, MCIP, PP rincipal Planner - Policy Director, Operations & Emergency Services N Carr ?, RPP Director, Planning & Development Ric rd W. H orn, P. Eng. D' ision Head, Municipal Property & Engineering RH:ks Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Thprfiai?J. Qui Chief Administ DMR, &MM II Officer e_ CORP0227-07/01 revised z 'w,11HY ?a1?C-Glj\9w.?... irM1?MCL ? ?- 0 ? O ? r - I F i5t OKI' ''"i'°1 ? f) f s { ? 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