HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 29, 1994 ~~ OF P,C ':P!I\ X lUll Z f- " .. MINUTES of the 9th meeting of the Committee of Adjustment held in the Committee Room of the Pickering Civic Complex on Wednesday, June 29, 1994. PRESENT Ms. S. Archer, Chairperson Mr. B. Bhuta Mrs. D. Kerr Mr. M. Puterbough Mrs. C. Scorer ~ ALSO PRESENT Mr. J. Cole, Acting Secretary-Treasurer Mr. C. Ramdial, Planning Technician The Meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Committee Room of the Civic Complex. 1. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES There were no matters arising from the minutes. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOTION: Moved by Mr. M. Puterbough, seconded by Mr. B. Bhuta and carried unanimously- That the minutes of the 8th meeting of the Committee of Adjustment held June 8, 1994, be adopted. ...... 3. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING SECRETARY-TREASURER MOTION: Moved by Mr. M. Puterbough, seconded by Mrs. Scorer and carried unanimously- That due to the absence of Mrs. E. McDougall, Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment, that Mr. 1. Cole be appointed Acting Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment for the 9th meeting on June 29, 1994 only. 4. PICA 58/94 - North Pier Estates Limited Part of Block 22, 40M-1745 Also known as 1549 Otonabee Drive In respect of the land herein described the applicant requests relief from the provisions of Section 5.5.(b)(vi) of amending By-law 4112/92 to By-law 3036 to permit the continuance of a rear yard depth of 7.27 metres; whereas the By-law requires that a dwelling provide a minimum rear yard depth of7.5 metres. ...." Approval of this variance application is required in order to bring the subject property into compliance with the zoning by-law. The Acting Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the Town of Pickering Planning Department. Mr. 1. Rieiningar, was present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. Page 44 Mr. Puterbough asked how the variance occurred and wondered if it was a surveying error. He also indicated that the house appeared to be too big to fit on the lot. Mr. Rieiningar indicated that the model was designed to fit on all lots, but the subject property has a non-parallel rear lot line that makes the rear yard too small on one side. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Bhuta and seconded by Mr. Puterbough and carried that- this application, PICA 58/94, by North Pier Estates Limited, as outlined, be APPROVED on the grounds that the variance is minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Durham Regional Official Plan, the Pickering District Plan, and Section 5.(5)(b)(vi), of amending By-law 4112/92 of Zoning By- law 3036, subject to the following condition: ..... 1. That this variance apply only to the dwelling as shown on the site plan submitted with this application. 5. PICA 61/94 - M. Evans and H. Gardiner Part of Lots 32 and 33, Plan 21 (north side of Whitevale Road, west of North Road) In respect of the land herein described the applicants request relief from the provisions of Section 5.(1)(c)(i) of amending By-law 2677/88 to By-law 3037 to permit the continuance of a lot area of 1,380 square metres; whereas the By-law requires that a lot provide a minimum lot area of 1,390 square metres. The applicants request this variance application in order to bring the subject property into compliance with the provisions of the zoning by-law and to obtain a building permit. The Acting Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the Town of Pickering Planning Department. ..... Mr. M. Evans and Ms. H. Gardiner were present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Bhuta and seconded by Mr. Puterbough and carried that- this application, PICA 61/94, by M. Evans and H. Gardiner, as outlined, be APPROVED on the grounds that the variance is minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Durham Regional Official Plan, the Pickering District Plan and Section 5.(1)(c)(i) of amending By-law 2677/88 of Zoning By-law 3037. 6. PICA 62/94 - 1. F. Coughlan Construction Co. Ltd. Part of Lot 19, Concession 1 (Part 3, Plan 40R-8663 and Part 1, Plan 40R 10048) (Southeast corner of Finch Avenue and Royal Road) In respect of the land herein described the applicant requests relief from Sections 5.(3)(b) and 5.(3)(c) of amending By-law 4081/92 to By-law 3036 to permit the establishment of 14 visitor '-" parking spaces; whereas the By-law requires that 0.3 parking spaces per dwelling unit be provided for visitors for the lands designated "RH" and 0.25 parking spaces per dwelling unit be provided for visitors for the lands designated "RH(SC)". This formula results in a requirement for a minimum of 20 visitors parking spaces to be provided by the proposed development on the subj ect property. Approval of this application is required in order for the applicant to construct a residential development on the subject property. Page 45 The Acting Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the Town of Pickering Planning Department. Mr. G. Karakokkinos, representing 1. F. Coughlan Construction Co. Ltd., was present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. Mrs. Scorer wondered where and why the refuse building would be relocated. Mr. Karakokkinos indicated that the refuse building is required to be above ground and there is no other place for it. Mrs. Scorer also wondered about the size of the units and Mr. Karakokkinos responded that they all had two to three bedrooms. "-" Mrs. Kerr asked if the units are accessible from above ground or need above-ground parking. Mr. Karakokkinos indicated that each unit has two underground parking spaces and will be directly accessed from below ground. He also indicated that parking on-site exceeds the by-law requirements and will be controlled by tennants. Mr. Puterbough wondered if any part of the underground parking would be designated for visitors. Mr. Karakokkinos gave a negative response but indicated that they anticipate many visitors being able to use the extra spaces below ground as they are marketing to empty-nesters who often have fewer cars and regular visitors. Mrs. Kerr wondered if parking on Royal Road would be a problem and Mr. Cole responded that the Planning Department believes that there will be sufficient on-site parking for visitors and that the Town's Parking By-law will address any parking on Royal Road. DECISION: Moved by Mrs. Scorer and seconded by Mr. Bhuta and carried that- this application, PICA 62/94, by 1. F. Coughlan Construction Co. Ltd., as outlined, be APPROVED on the grounds that the variance is minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Durham Regional Official Plan, the Pickering District Plan, and Sections 5.(3)(b) and 5.(3)(c) of amending Zoning By-law 4081/92, to Zoning By-law 3036, subject to the following condition: 'W' 1. That the owner receive final site plan approval from the Town for the development as generally identified in this application within 12 months of the date of this decision. 7. PICA 63/94 - S. Spencer Part of Lot 151, Plan 816 Also known as 1420 Old Forest Road In respect of the land herein described the applicant requests relief from the following provisions: (1) Section 5.18(d) of By-law 3036 to permit the continuance ofa 1.39 metre south side yard width; whereas the By-law requires that a dwelling with an attached garage provide minimum side yard widths of 1.5 metres. (2) Section 10.2.3 of By-law 3036, as varied by PICA 52/77, to permit the continuance of a 3.02 metre front yard depth; whereas the By-law, as varied by PICA 52/77, requires a minimum front yard depth of 3.5 metres. Approval of this application is required in order to bring the property into compliance with the .... provisions of the zoning by-law The Acting Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the Town of Pickering Planning Department. Mr. Spencer was present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. Page 46 DECISION: Moved by Mrs. Kerr and seconded by Mr. Puterbough and carried that- this application, PICA 63/94, by S. Spencer, as outlined, be APPROVED on the grounds that the variances are minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Durham Regional Official Plan, the Pickering District Plan and Sections 5.18(d) and 10.2.3 of Zoning By-law 3036, as varied by PICA 52/77, subject to the following condition: 1. That these variances apply only to the dwelling in existence on the property on the date of this decision. ~ 8. PICA 64/94 - BMC Bayly Park Inc. Part of Lots 21 and 22, Concession 1 Also known as 1400 Bayly Street In respect of the land herein described the applicant requests relief from the provisions of By-law 2511, as amended by By-law 2188/86, PICA 20/85, and PICA 24/89 as follows: (a) Section 2.5.7 to permit the provision of parking spaces with a minimum area of 14.3 square metres; whereas the By-law requires that a parking space have a minimum area of 18 square metres. (b) Section 2.2.1 to permit a 6.2 metre two-way traffic aisle; whereas the By-law requires that the minimum perpendicular width of an aisle used to gain access to a parking space shall be 6.5 metres for two-way traffic. Approval of this variance application is required in order construct a retaining wall and provide additional parking on the subject property. PICA 24/89 reduced the parking space size to a minimum of 14.3 square metres on the entire subject property, except this most westerly portion. ..... The Acting Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the Town of Pickering Planning Department. Mr. S. Sang was present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. Mr. Puterbough wondered if there is currently a one-way aisle or if the new aisle will be one-way only. Mr. Sang indicated that the aisle was and will continue to be two-way. Mrs. Kerr inquired into the parking stall size and Mr. Cole gave a brief history of the site; mentioning the previous variance that approved the same parking stall size elsewhere on the property, and indicating that the same parking stall size had been approved at several other locations in the Town. DECISION: Moved by Mrs. Scorer and seconded by Mr. Puterbough that- this application, PICA 64/94, by BMC Bayly Park Inc., as outlined, be APPROVED on the grounds that the variances are minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Durham Regional Official Plan, the Pickering District Plan, and Sections 2.2.1 and 2.57, of Zoning By-law 2511, as amended by Zoning By-law 2188/86, PICA 20/85, and PICA 24/89, subject to the following conditions: ..... 1. That these variances apply only to the building and site as shown on the approved site plan applicable to this property; 2. That the parking spaces subject of this application, provide a minimum width of 2.7 metres and a minimum length of 5.3 metres, while maintaining a minimum area of 14.3 square metres. Page 47 9. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Mrs. Scorer, seconded by Mr. Bhuta and carried unanimously- That the 9th meeting of the Committee of Adjustment be adjourned at 8:00 p.m. and the next regular meeting of the Committee of Adjustment be held on Wednesday, July 20, 1994. ~:;q/L5Z /Z~ /y~)y ...... DA T# ~~/It~ CHAIRMAN A~~Y~ .... ........