HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/11/1992 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Public Information Meeting pursuant to Section 34 of the Pl anni ng Act was hel d by the Pi ckeri ng Town Council on Monday, May 11, 1992 at 7:45 p.m. -- PRESENT: Acting Mayor Maurice Brenner COUNCILLORS: R. Johnson E. Pi stritto K. Van Kempen D. Wellman ABSENT: Mayor Arthurs (ill) Councillor Higdon (vacation) " ALSO PRESENT: C.M.T. Sheffield B. Taylor N. Carroll T. Melymuk C. Rose L. Taylor J. McCarthy V. Rodrigues - Acting Town Manager - Town Clerk - Director of Planning - Deputy Director of Planning - Manager, Policy Division - Manager, Current Operations Division - Planner - Planner (I) REZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 20/91 SUBMITTED BY ERICOLE RAPONI, IN TRUST IN PART OF LOTS 10 AND 11, PLAN 282 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Informati on Report 8/92, was given by Jennifer McCarthy, Planner. ...... 2. Harol d Bolt, representi ng the Raponi Brothers, stated that the proposed lots will have a minimum of 15 metres frontage and all lots will be larger in size than is required by the zoning by-law. Mr. Raponi is a custom builder and he has asked the Region to create seven lots by land severance. 3. Jim Morrison, 1803 Woodview Avenue, stated that his property is to the south of the subject lands and that lot depths on the proposal are 120 feet which is different from his lot which is 165 feet deep. 4. Kathy Hubbard, 1839 Woodview Avenue, stated that the depths of the lots on Oakburn Street are 120 feet which is similar to the proposal. She stated that she does not want to see an easement through the subject lands to provide sewers for owners who have Woodview Avenue frontage. continued '-" 2 5. ..... Alex Charabaruk, 1800 Woodview Avenue, stated that when the Woodview Avenue frontage is developed, he hopes it will conform to the existing lots. 6. Harol d Bolt, representing the Raponi Brothers, stated that sanitary sewers are already installed on Oakburn Street and hi s cl i ents have no pl ans for devel opi ng thei r Woodvi ew Avenue frontage. The depths of the proposed lots are consistent with other lots on Oakburn Street. (II) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-91018 REZONING APPLICATION A 19/91 SUBMITTED BY COUGS INVESTMENTS (PICKERING) LTD. IN PART OF LOTS 1 TO 8, PLAN 395 AND PART OF LOT 34, PLAN 350 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report 9/92, was given by Valerie Rodrigues, Planner. .... 2. Mary Doucet, 556 Rougemount Drive, stated that she lives next to the proposed temporary access road and is concerned about damage to her home. She requested that she get a guarantee from the developer to reimburse her for any damage done to her property. She was told twelve years ago that the road to service the subject lands would lead in from Toynevale Road. 3. Ann Butler, 552 Rougemount Drive, asked if a fence will be installed where is abuts other private property and if that fence would be installed at the full cost of the developer. 4. Jack Curley asked why a temporary road is needed when a roadway from Toynevale Road has been designated. 5. Mrs. Gentile, 332 Toynevale Road, stated that her driveway will be across from the access from Toynevale Road and felt that the temporary access from Rougemount Dri ve shoul d be made permanent. 6. -- Adrian Hines, 541 Pine Ridge Road, stated that there should be more than one entrance to the subject 1 ands and fel t that the density of the site was too great. 7. Mike Gentile, 332 Toynevale Road, stated that it was dangerous to have only one access to the subject lands from Toynevale Road. 8. Frank Langston, 562 Wi nette Road, stated that he will not be able to develop his property in the future as a result of this development. 9. Len Hollinger stated that he is opposed to the temporary access road and is opposed to the kink in the road that leads in from Toynevale Road. continued ~ 10. '-" 11. '- 3 Bob Wiley, 554 Rougemount Drive, stated that there is only one access into the Rosebank nei ghbourhood and was concerned that thi s proposal wi 11 add to the current poor traffi c si tuati on. The pl an for the subject 1 ands has changed over the years and has weakened the residents' resolve to oppose it. The Rosebank neighbourhood is a unique community and the developer should accept this. There should be no further development in the Rosebank neighbourhood until the intersection of Rougemount Drive and Toynevale Road is improved. Ted Ciceura, representing the appl icant, stated that the temporary access road was put in the plan because his client does not own the land along Toynevale Road and the temporary road will only be used if it is required. His cl i ent wi 11 provi de the homeowners who abut the temporary access road with a guarantee to repair any damage to their property is the road is used. He noted that the Development Plan only provides for one access to the subject 1 ands from Toyneva 1 e Road. The dens i ty of the proposal conforms to the Communi ty and Development Pl ans and conforms to existing development. The staff have been aware of this plan for some time and have shown no concern about the length of the cul-de-sac. The zoning changes he has asked for are very minor and will allow for a varied street scape. (III) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-9000S ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 3/90 GARTHWOOD HOMES LIMITED BETWEEN ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE AND OAKWOOD DRIVE 1. An explanation of the application was given by Valerie Rodrigues. 2. Angela Dye, 528 Oakwood Drive, stated that the subject lands contain many mature trees. She asked why the subject lands are being zoned for a park only to preserve the trees and asked if the trees will be preserved and the park properly fenced. -. 3. Tim Politis, representing the applicant, stated that there is a tree preservation plan for the subject lands. (IV) ADJOURNMENT OF STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING The meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m. Dated May 25th 1992 '-' , 22cnQ< Bruce Taylor, Clerk ,..., If- Y C) It..