HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/16/1995 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES ,-". A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held on Thursday, February 16, 1995 at 7:00 p.m in the Council Chambers. PRESENT: Councillor Pistritto - Chairman ALSO PRESENT: B. Taylor L. Taylor V. Rodrigues H. Gardiner A Smith S.Hill - Town Clerk - Manager, Current Operations Division - Senior Planner - Planner I - Planner I - Planning Technician IT ..-,-, (I) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A30/87(R) JOSE DE LA TORRE & SHIRLEY COPPS PART OF LOTS 1 AND 2, PLAN 350 (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF KINGSTON RD AND ROUGEMOUNT DR) 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #6/95, was given by Valerie Rodrigues, Senior Planner. 2. Bryan Davies, representing the applicant, stated that he has studied Information Report #6/95 and was present to hear comments and answer questions. 3. Frank Kerr, Dalewood Drive, asked if one of the present permitted uses of the subject lands was a donut shop. He was concerned that at this location in conjunction with other donut shops in the area will attract traffic down Dalewood Drive and Brookridge Gate to conveniently pick up donuts. He asked for a definition of a private club because if it includes a pool hall or a similar type of operation, he is opposed to that use. Mr. Kerr felt that there are already many donut shops in the area and that they should be protected from further competition. He indicated that he spoke to a senior official of Coffee Time Donuts who assured him that their company would not be establishing a donut shop at Kingston Road and Rougemount Drive. '-" 4. Alan May, representing the Dalebrook Neighbourhood Association, stated that at the last meeting of his Association, this issue was discussed and the residents stated their concern about traffic flowing through their neighbourhood. The residents were under the impression that a donut shop has been approved at the northeast comer of Kingston Road and Rougemount Drive and that a second donut shop on the subject lands would be too much. The residents are concerned about a private or public club being a permitted use, however, they would not object to such a use if the term "social" was removed from the definition. -w '-' --2-- 5. George Papadopoulos, representing Coffee Time Donuts, stated that his company has selected the subject lands to establish a donut shop because it is economically viable. Coffee Time Donuts sells more products than just donuts and its usage is closer to that of a restaurant. This section of Kingston Road is highly traveled and cars can enter and exit the site with little problems. He noted that his company did get an inquiry from the public who asked if Coffee Time Donuts was going to establish a shop at the northeast corner of Kingston Road and Rougemount Drive and they were informed that this was not the case. '-' '-' '-" 6. Bryan Davies, representing the applicant, stated that the staff report addresses the concerns about drainage and parking on the subject lands and he noted that the Department of Public Works had no concerns about parking or traffic in the area. 7. Councillor Brenner stated that he was asked to comment on this application by the residents at the south end of Rougemount Drive and the owners of businesses in the plazas at the north and southeast corners of Kingston Road and Rougemount Drive. He noted that there will be a negative impact on traffic at the intersection of Kingston Road and Rougemount Drive when traffic is combined with cars exiting from the plaza at the southeast corner. Other donut shops in the area are concerned that they were established with the zoning already in place. Councillor Brenner noted that Council did consider at by-law to rezone the subject lands to permit a donut shop in 1988 but only two readings were given to this by-law. 8. Valerie Rodrigues, Senior Planner, noted that further study of the parking on the site must be carried out. (ll) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 94-3/P ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 1/94 R. WAGNER PART OF LOT 7, CONCESSION 5 (SALEM ROAD. NORTH OF THE FIFTH CONCESSION ROAD) 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #5/95, was given by Adrian Smith, Planner I. 2. Jack Lally, representing the applicant, stated that he has undertaken a naturalization study to protect animal habitats and to attract more wildlife. 3. Bernard Woolford, Salem Road, stated that he is a neighbour of the applicant and stated that Mr. Wagner is very conscientious and would do a good job on the golf course. He was of the impression that the subject lands would be developed as a large lot estate residential development but noted that he does support the development of a nine hole golf course because it would not attract much traffic. 4. Roger Glasco, Salem Road, Ajax, stated that he does not object to the development of a golf course on the subject lands but he is concerned about water levels and water quality. He stated that he raises cattle that needs water and noticed that the water level in Carruthers Creek has gone down over the years. He is also concerned that fertilizers from the golf course will leach into Carruthers Creek and possibly pollute it. He asked why it is necessary to establish this golf course when the Deer Creek Golf Course is less than a mile away. --3-- -- 5. Brenda Jobe, 3295 Greenbum Place, stated that she is concerned about the water level and that the Ministry of the Environment should be commenting on this. She noted that by July of every year, there is no water in Carruthers Creek. 6. William Brown, Lot 7, Concession 5, stated that he lives to the south of the subject lands and noted that due to the waste of the subject lands over the years, the water levels in Carruthers Creek have been altered. He noted that the applicant will be building ponds that are away from the creek and will not rely on water from the creek. He does not object to the development of a golf course on condition that it is not a large commercial venture. 7. Michael Head, 3340 Greenbum Place, stated that he is ambivalent about the application but would like to know the results of the hydrogeology report. 8. Randy Leavitt, 3315 Greenbum Place, stated that the development of a golf course on the subject lands contravenes the wetland policies in the District Plan. He is concerned that a golf course requires a large amount of water and during the dry season, water would need to come from wells. He is concerned about the effect of fertilizers and pesticides on Carruthers Creek and noted that some of the proposed fairways, namely fairways six and seven, are very close to existing housing. If water levels in the area drop, significant tax dollars would have to be spent to provide water to the residents. ~ 9. Paul Bowen, Consulting Engineer, representing the applicant, stated that the applicant only retained his services recently. Test drilling of water levels will be carried out but preliminary tests show that water in the area is prevalent. He outlined the approvals that are needed to irrigate lands from a well and noted that several agencies such as the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Conservation Authority must comment on water supply issues. He also noted that the process of getting water for a golf course is very stringently regulated by the Ministry of the Environment. 10. Jack Lally, representing the applicant, stated that he does not intent to use Carruthers Creek for the golf course because it is dry in July and August which is when most watering takes place. The proposed development is for a nine hole golf course that is inexpensive and easy and will be used to attract families. Only slow release fertilizers are used on a golf course and these would not be put down if rain was predicted because fertilizer is very expensive and rain would only wash it away. He noted that government regulations state that there can be no mowing next to the creek. ...... (III) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 14/94 RA YBROOK HOLDINGS INC. BLOCK DZ, PLAN M-16 (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LIVERPOOL ROAD & BAYLY STREET) 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #4/95, was given by Sharon Hill, Planning Technician II. w --4-- '-' 2. Harold Goldkin, representing the applicant, stated that over the past few years, small service stations are being phased out because the oil companies want to service the larger stations. The subject lands will be used as a retail site for selling used cars and will have about 20 cars parked on the property at any given time. He noted that once a small service station closes down, it is usually boarded up and becomes messy, however, the applicant intends to keep the property viable and the proposed use will be in conformity with lands in the area. The proposed use will allow local residents a place to have their cars repaired and the new use will generate less traffic. The owner has no long term plans for this property at this time and noted that the proposed use is in conformity with the Official Plan. 3. Roy Robinson, representing the Pickering East Shore Community Association, stated that he is sympathetic to the applicants situation. He tried to sell a used car from this location and the Shell station across the street but had no success. The issue of the site being used to sell used cars on a temporary basis should not be considered because this is a residential area and is not compatible for automobile sales. The use of the property for professional offices would be better. He asked how many cars would be on site, what the quality of those cars would be, and what type of lighting and signs would be put on the property. -. 4. Richard Ward, Box 5142, Claremont, stated that if there is a problem with fuel sales, he would like to know. He noted that the applicant only wants to sell used cars and repair vehicles. A large office has been approved at property on the northwest comer of Liverpool Road and Bayly Street. This application will allow the applicant to continue a use that is consistent with uses in the area. 5. Harold Goldkin, representing the applicant, stated that the applicant already operates a well regulated used car sales lot in Scarborough. He hopes that his business will be continued by his children. Matters such as lighting and signs on the property are controlled by the municipality. '-' (IV) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 17/94 GARTHWOOD HOMES LIMITED BLOCK 13-16, PLAN 40M-I719, BLOCKS 43-45, PLAN 40M-1700 AND PART OF LOT 24, PLAN 329 (NORTH SIDE OF PINE GROVE AVE AT NORTH END OF OAKBURN ST) 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #3/95, was given by Heather Gardiner, Planner I. 2. Christina Lazaridis, representing the applicant, stated that she was present to answer any questions. 3. Richard Ward, Box 5142, Claremont, stated that lots with 7.5 metre frontages are seen as the development of the future by the Sewell Commission. He noted that there are wooden steps leading up to these townhouses and this should be investigated. 4. Christina Lazaridis, representing the applicant, stated that she was not aware of any letter of comment sent to the Planning Department by Mr. and Mrs. Machin. She noted that her company offered to give some land to the Machin's in order for them to square off their property. The subject lands are not developable without other owners agreeing to develop. She also noted that there are single detached dwellings in the area. ,...., ....... ~ ....... '-" (IV) ADJOURNMENT --5-- The meeting adjourned at the hour of 8:25 p.rn. r Dated itEt. ;L 6 /t1S"- f Clerk L /'