HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/17/1996 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES ~ A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held on Tuesday, September 17, 1996 at 7:00 p.m in the Council Chambers. PRESENT: Councillor Brenner - Chairman ALSO PRESENT: ..... N. Carroll B. Taylor T. Melymuk C. Rose A. Smith G. McKnight - Director of Planning - Town Clerk - Deputy Director of Planning - Manager, Policy Division - Planner 2 - Planner 1 (I) NEW OFFICIAL PLAN TOWN OF PICKERING 1. Councillor Brenner thanked those in the audience for attending and set out the procedures to be followed at this meeting. The Director of Planning thanked various groups and the staff for their participation in the preparation of the new Official Plan. The Manager, Policy Division, gave an overview of the Official Plan process as set out in the Planning Act. 2. The Deputy Director of Planning gave an overview of the process involved in preparing the new Official Plan and what is contained within it. 3. Carol Bamford, representing the Planning Pickering Group, thanked various groups for their participation and tabled a submission from Planning Pickering. She noted that her group is in the process of formulating a further submission which will be very wide-ranging. .... 4. Lome Almack, 4745 Brock Road, congratulated the staff for their good effort in preparing the Official Plan. He noted that Pickering has 15,200 hectares in the rural area of which two-thirds is zoned for rural uses. Only 50% of the rural area is under the control of the Council; the balance of the lands is controlled by the Federal Government and they are not subject to the Town's zoning controls. The rural lands could produce a high amount of soya beans or other high revenue crops and he noted that there is a market in China that could sustain our rural products. The new Official Plan does not deal with the Airport Lands and it should state that the Federal lands be turned over to private interests. Council should oppose the Federal lands being designated as an airport and felt that the Minister's Zoning Order is being affected by the location of the airport. '-' Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy Division, responded that the Official Plan contains a land use map for the entire Town and Council can put forth a clear plan for the use oflands. The Official Plan does state that Council is in opposition to an international airport but the Plan does provide for a regional airport. There is a clause in the new Official Plan that the Federal and Provincial Governments dispose oflands to private interests that are excess to their needs. '-' '-" ~ '-" 5. Peter Axhorn, 324 Dyson Road, stated that he represents the Swan lands at the northeast comer of Whites Road and Finch Avenue. The current Official Plan designates these lands as low density but the new Plan shows the north area as open space and the south area is designated for educational purposes. He asked that the designation of these lands revert to residential uses. Adrian Smith, Planner 2, responded that the north part of the lands were re- designated to major open space but this will be re-examined. 6. Barbara Cillo, representing the East Frenchman's Bay Village Association, submitted a letter dated September 16, 1996 regarding the new Official Plan. Although her group remains unopposed to the new Official Plan, she noted that the Bayview Street Rehabilitation Area landowners oppose the Valley and Slope Hazard Lands designation and want to retain the right to appeal this to the Ontario Municipal Board. Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy Division, responded that there is a policy in the new Official Plan affecting these lands that is incorrect and will be addressed. The basis for mapping the area comes from the fill areas identified by the MTRCA. Staff is looking at a clarification of such terms as hazard lands or flooding. 7. Steve Hann, representing the Rosebank Ratepayers Association, stated that his Association has had a good response from the neighbourhood and noted that the community wants the character of the neighbourhood to be maintained through larger lots. There is no policy in the new Official Plan that would protect the character of the neighbourhood and therefore a petition was taken to clearly reflect that such policies are needed. The Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines should be amended to delete the clause that refers to smaller lots. A paragraph should be inserted in thQse Guidelines stating that new development must be compatible with the existing neighbourhood. Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy Division, responded that the policies in the compendium document are the current policies but his comment will be considered. 8. Craig Willoughby, 1244 Waterpoint Street, stated that he wants to collaborate with the Town to get services on Waterpoint Street and is willing to give an easement for these services. 9. Bill Nicholls, 111 W oodview Drive, stated that there are large, deep lots on W oodview Drive but one lot was built upon that was not appropriate. The Official Plan states that a building must be in character with the existing neighbourhood but this one building is not in character. The Official Plan must be more specific about building setbacks and other regulations to protect the character of a neighbourhood. Neil Carroll, Director of Planning, acknowledged that there is a concern on this street about a particular building but noted than an Official Plan should not contain specific restrictions. The current Zoning By-law does not protect the character of the neighbourhood and possibly new zoning standards will achieve this. 10. Barry Farquharson, 675 Front Road, asked that with respect to Page 132 of the new Official Plan, how will Council deal with zoning in this area; on an individual basis or a broad basis? He though there may be more urgency to review the area where he lives because of the planning of the waterfront trail. Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy Division, responded that the Official Plan does not say when implementation of its policies will occur so the detailed review has no time frame and the outcome of the study will determine how it will be rezoned. If the landowners push for a review, this may allow for that review to be undertaken at an earlier time. 11. \.-. -- ~ '-" Harvey Storm, 1128 Kingston Road, stated that his property at 1128 Kingston Road is referred to as part of Neighbourhood 8 and on Page 144 of the new Official Plan, there is reference that this is part of the Town Centre. He noted that there have been two detailed reviews already undertaken for the Town Centre area and his land has been left out of both reviews. He asked if there are any specific development guidelines for his property at this time. Section 11.1. 0 of the new Official Plan indicates a net density of 55 units per hectare but the land is too noisy for residential development and the Official Plan should designate these lands as commercial to act as a buffer or as high density residential. He noted that Section 3.6 defines Mixed Use Areas and asked what types of development are covered by Special Commercial Uses. He is concerned that the definitions are too vague and urged that the Town put pressure on the Region to lower or control speed on Kingston Road. Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy Division, responded that the Official Plan does include Mr. Storm's property in a detailed review area but there are not yet any specific development guidelines. Much of the development already on Kingston Road falls under Special Commercial Uses. Kingston Road is moving to a ''main street" and this will help control traffic on that road. 12. Richard Ward, Box 5142, Claremont, stated that he is concerned that areas 11 and 14 are being included in the Urban Area. He will re-issue his comments on this to the Planning Department. He is concerned that severances are being allowed outside of the Claremont Hamlet Boundary. In the Main Central Area, a zero setback is allowed but this is not appropriate. He is further concerned about the application to expand the Cherry Downs Golf Course. The entire property is designated as active recreational uses and this will only encourage communal systems. Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy Division, responded that Neighbourhoods 11 and 14 are not currently in the urban boundary but because of the Regional Official Plan, these neighbourhoods must in included in the urban area. 13. Marlene Mitchell, 320 Finch Avenue, inquired into the location of the Rouge/Duffins Corridor. She further asked if the area at Finch Avenue and Altona Road is designated for development. She asked if her property could be part of the urban village because if part of her property is designated as open space, it may be difficult to develop. Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy Division, responded that the Rouge/Duffins Corridor has a large level of public ownership and this will provide for a good link. The urban area at Finch Avenue and Altona Road has been expanded. 14. Kar Leong, 2730 Concession 6 Road, stated that there is a problem of traffic on Concession 6 Road and he asked if this problem is being addressed. A new Westney Road bypass should be moved further east so that all of the Concession 6 Road is in the hamlet of Greenwood. 15. Michael Goldberg, of Walker, Nott, representing Runneymede Developments, stated that he wanted to raise some preliminary issues respecting his client's lands at this time and hopefully address them at a later time. One issue is that these lands are designated as an Employment Centre but Runneymede is exploring alternate uses for these lands. Schedule 3 identifies a large wetland area on his client's lands and they are expecting a reclassification of these lands. 16. Kenneth Twinney, Twinney Planning, representing Frank Wannicott, stated that he has undertaken two studies of his client's lands; one on the Woodruff Tavern and the other on environmental concerns. He hopes to meet with staff on the designation of these lands. 17. Steve Marshall, representing Save the Rouge, stated that he has participated on developing the new Official Plan with Planning Pickering Together. He noted that the Rouge Park is well recognized in the Plan and the boundaries of the Park should be clearly identified on the maps and the areas of the Park should be recognized as core areas. Scenic roads should be addressed in the Plan in order to protect them The discouragement of east-west commuter traffic is supported by his organization. There is a concern about Finch Avenue and Townline Road being designated as a Type B Arterial Road; this would mean that this road would be improved. He has several concerns about resource management and these will be addressed in writing. He commended the Town on recognizing the Rouge Park but is concerned about the viability of the RougelDuffins Corridor and the effect of the urban areas within it. He looks forward to working with both Pickering and Scarborough on transportation issues. '-' 18. Tony Biglieri, Plantactics Group, representing various landowners in Greenwood, stated that he supports population growth in the rural area but felt that growth should be directed towards the hamlets. He noted that growth should be flexible and he supports the new alignment of Westney Road as the east boundary of the hamlet of Greenwood. Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy Division, responded that there is a process to be ~ more flexible in directing growth in the rural area. In order to get growth, minor changes to the hamlet boundaries may be allowed without undertaking a major study. 19. Paul Crawford, 867 Antonio Street, stated that the new Official Plan is a good start in improving the planning for the Town but the language of the document could cause problems because of how it is interpreted and cited the example of how the term ''Mixed Use Area" would be interpreted. There is a definition for high density development but components of that definition are too vague such as what constitutes a lot, what is the maximum height and how much development can go on one hectare. He likes the definition of intensification but asked how this will be controlled. He is glad to see rear fences and garages at the front of houses being addressed but wants "bonusing" and "density transfers" deleted because an accumulated bonus or transfer could cause problems. Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy Division, responded that the Mixed Use designation allows a wide range of uses but a study is required before such development is allowed. With respect to high density development, she noted that ~ the design of the development determines its acceptability; not the allowable density. 20. Bruce Flaherty, Altona Road, stated that he represents groups and residents in the DuffinlRouge Preserve. He asked that all references on Pages 20 and 26 in the current Official Plan be included in the new Official Plan. He noted that in the Durham Official Plan, there are two types of agricultural areas. He further noted that the proposed Seaton community is a threat to this area and the urban area is encroaching on it. There should be a statement that the Town is committed to preserving the DuffinlRouge Preserve as an agricultural area. 21. Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy Division, announced that the new Official Plan will be considered at the Executive Committee Meeting of November 7, 1996 and is tentatively scheduled to be adopted by Council on December 2, 1996. ~ '-'" ...." "-' ....... (ll) ADJOURNMENT Dated The meeting adjourned at the hour of9:50 p.m Oc~' o6FR- 3/ I 7'? C. Clerk // / p::/( / / / // l.. / / //