HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/17/1996 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES ....... A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held on Thursday, October 17, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. PRESENT: R. Johnson - Chairperson ALSO PRESENT: B. Taylor L. Taylor A. Smith R. Taylor - Town Clerk - Manager, Current Operations Division - Planner 2 - Planning Technician -- (I) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-96008 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 17/96 L. & C. DINARDO AND G. ALBANESE PART OF LOT 32, CONCESSION 1 (EAST SIDE OF ALTONA ROAD. NORTH OF WATERFORD GATE) 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #21/96, was given by Adrian Smith, Planner 2. 2. Esther Mezo, 1839 Valleyview Drive, asked how far back the development would be located from Altona Road because the present woodlot adjacent to Altona Road is very attractive. 3. David Stewart, representing the landowners to the east of the subject lands, stated that he has difficulty with the alignment of Strouds Lane between the two plans. ,-,. (II) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 19/96 1089375 ONTARIO LIMITED PART OF LOT 18, CONCESSION 1 (NORTHWEST CORNER OF TOY A VENUE AND BA YL Y STREET) 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report # 19/96, was given by Ron Taylor, Planning Technician. 2. Rob McCully, representing the applicant, stated that he was present to answer any questions and noted that the current use is a legal non-conforming gas bar. ~ .,-,. ........ '-" '-" 2 (Ill) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 20/96 MAXCON DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED PART OF LOTS 27 AND 28, PLAN 329 (NORTH SIDE OF PINE GROVE A VENUE, EAST OF OAKBURN STREET AND WEST OF WOODVIEW A VENUE) 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #20/96, was given by Ron Taylor, Planning Technician. 2. Grant Morris, representing the applicant, stated that he was present to answer questions. 3. Bruce Manning, 1860 Woodview Avenue, stated that he moved to the area because of the trees and the tranquil nature of the neighbourhood. He had hoped that the owner of the subject lands would retain the trees but stated that they were all removed. The character of the neighbourhood would be lost by high density development of this nature and noted that there is already a mix of housing, including high density, in the area. He further noted that the Official Plan states that development along this section of Pine grove Avenue must in character with the existing neighbourhood and this means preserving trees, keeping traffic at a reasonable level and building single detached dwellings. He has a petition from the area residents opposing this application. He is opposed to the proposal for on- street parking and stated that residents rely on water from wells and this development will affect the water level in those wells. 4. c 3E Sick Hatziantoniou, 6 Woodville Avenue, Toronto, stated that he purchased property across the street from the subject lands in 1988. At that time, there were mostly 0 foot lots and that is why he bought that land even though he was aware of high density development in the area. He applied to have 40 foot lots and this was approved but he was urged to build homes that were substantial and in character with the existing homes in the neighbourhood. There is a sign on the subject lands that advertises singles and semis even though townhouses are being applied for. If will be harder for him to market the houses in his development if there are townhouses across the street. Joe Pessoa, 182 Woodview Avenue, stated that before he purchased his house, he researched the present and future development and determined that only single detached dwellings would be built in the area and that development must be in character with the existing neighbourhood. The proposed townhouses are so close to his property that they will lower the value of his lands. He noted that the density of this development is based on a larger area to be developed. This development is not in character with the existing neighbourhood and noted that the frontages of the townhouses are 19 feet compared to a minimum of 40 feet elsewhere in the area. Parking for this development cannot be adequately handled off-street and that is why the applicant is requesting on-street parking. He asked who will be maintaining the roads if the on-street parking is allowed. The height of the proposed townhouses is not in character with the surrounding houses and stated that this development should recognize the requirements of Special Policy Area A. Also, this development will add traffic to the area. 6. Carolyne Pascoe, 1862 Woodview Avenue, stated that she paid a premium price for her house because of the trees and thought that development in the area would be low density. Since moving into her house, all development has been high density in the area and this is not in character with the existing neighbourhood. She noted that many cars are parked on the road as a result of the high density development and that traffic is already heavy in the area and this application will only add to it. 3 7. Peter Tipperotf, 1914 Pinegrove Avenue, stated that he is on a well and with all the development in the area, it is going dry. He asked who will protect his water supply. -.. 9. '-" ...... ...... 8. Ernest Jugovic, 18 8 W oodview Avenue, stated that he had contacted some real estate agents who felt that property values would decrease for the existing houses if this application is allowed. He asked what amount of taxes will be collected from the proposed development and noted that most vacant developable lands in the area have already been clear cut of trees. Bill 5eil, 1897 Woodview Avenue, stated that he gave a written submission and felt his comments should have been included in this report. The lands to the north of the subject lands have not yet received draft approval and therefore should not be included in the density calculation. He gave a history of the applications submitted on the subject lands and noted that 14 units were finally approved and he was told that no further development would be allowed on this land. This application is for 18 units which is double what was originally requested. He asked why servicing is going on when this application has not yet been approved. In a previous application, a tree preservation plan was required but every tree has been cut down on this property. The compatibility of this application with the whole neighbourhood must be taken into consideration and he feels that the Planning Department has already recommended the approval of this application. 10. Lynda Taylor, Manager, Current Operations Division, responded that there is a subdivision agreement pertaining to the subject lands that provides for a nine unit subdivision and if the applicants wants to risk servicing for more lots, he may do so. 11. Grant Morris, representing the applicant, stated that when a previous application on the subject lands was approved, it was on the understanding that the lands to the north and east would be included and that is why the cul-de-sac was provided for. It is for this reason that these additional lands were included in the density calculation. He is aware of the problem with the water supply and the applicant has met with the owner of lands to the west about this and Mr. Morris noted that there are two houses on that land. Maxcon has recently purchased the subject lands and has tried to market it with singles and semis and they have tried to work with the owners of the lands to the north and the east but this has been slow. The cost of servicing the subject lands is more costly than usual and the establishment and construction of the large cul-de-sac is also very costly. The parking in the cul- de-sac will only be additional parking to that provided off-street. The owner has already incurred over $100,000 of costs due to unforeseen circumstances. All corner lots in this development will have double car parking spaces. Mr. Morris noted that high and medium density development can be compatible with low density development. There is a mandate to make the most use of services which brings a conflict of high density development with low density development. Single detached dwellings make up 78% of the units in the area west of Altona Road, north of the CSR line and south of the hydro right-of-way and therefore townhouses on the subject lands are not significant given the overall development in the area. There is a shift from large houses to smaller houses such as townhouses and Maxcon has built many various houses in the area that are of high quality. The architectural design statement required by the Planning Department will ensure that the buildings are in character with the existing neighbourhood. There is no data that proves that a townhouse development will devalue single detached dwellings in the area. The Official Plan designates land uses over a large area and therefore matters such as density calculation are based over a large area. In researching the future planning of an area, people must remember that planning is not static and things will change over the years due to many factors. 4 (IV) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at the hour of 8:30 p.m. '- Dated OGTo&Ete 2.-3, /fr'J- Clerk ........ ....... .......