HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/21/1996 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held on Thursday, November 21, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. '- PRESENT: E. Pistritto - Chairperson ALSO PRESENT: B. Taylor L. Taylor C. Rose A. Smith ~ (I) ...... ~. - Town Clerk - Manager, Current Operations Division - Manager, Policy Division - Planner 2 REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 86-10!D(R) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-86013(R) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 15/86(R) 770661 ONTARIO LIMITED PART OF LOT 2, CONCESSION 5 (EAST SIDE OF AUDLEY ROAD, NORTH OF THE UNOPENED FIFTH CONCESSION ROAD ALLOWANCE 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #23/96, was given by Adrian Smith, Planner 2. 2. Henry Kortekaas, representing the applicant, stated that this development is environmentally friendly and will provide for a bird sanctuary. Only four percent of the lands will be cleared for houses and the roadway and the houses will be serviced by wells, however, a communal system will be considered if the Region requests such a system. The creek that runs through the subject lands will be protected and the overall development will fit in with the rural character of he neighbourhood. 3. Harold Hough, 3440 Audley Road, asked if a traffic light at the intersection of Taunton Road and Audley Road could be considered as a result of this development. 4. Gordon Gonyea, 3300 Audley Road, asked who will be responsible for maintaining the open space and bird sanctuary. He noted that there is a lot of wildlife in the area and therefore the bird sanctuary must be preserved. 5. Denise Tecklenburg, R.R. #1, Brooklin, stated that there has been no fish in the Lynde Creek for the past 10 years and waste from the residential development to the north runs into the Creek. She supports a development that is in character with the rural area and noted that the private school that is located nearby is a problem because it causes much traffic. Audley Road has not been upgraded over the years and hopefully this proposed development will encourage such upgrading. 6. Henry Kortekaas, representing the applicant, responded that the maintenance of the bird sanctuary must be worked out, however, such lands are usually dedicated to the municipality and special interest groups such as naturalists will undertake the maintenance. 2 7. Harold Hough, 3440 Audley Road, asked if the residents could demand that the bird sanctuary be deeded over to a public agency. 8. Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy Division, responded that the ownership of the bird sanctuary must be addressed before this development is finally approved and she noted that the private school is located in the Town of Ajax and was allowed under their current zoning regulations. ....... (II) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-96009 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 22/96 WOODSMERE PROPERTIES LIMITED PART OF LOT 31, CONCESSION 1 (STROUDS LANE. WEST OF AUTUMN CRESCENT) 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #22/96, was given by Adrian Smith, Planner 2. 2. David Stewart, representing the applicant, reviewed the planning history of the site and noted that the density of the proposed development is in the lower range of what is allowed. ~ 3. Mario Polsinelli, 1812 Rosebank Road, stated that he owns lands to the west of the subject lands that will be developed under the name of Terra Nova Homes. He is concerned that the proposed townhouses being built so close to his development of single detached dwellings will make it hard for him to sell his houses. 4. David Overbury, 1786 Autumn Crescent, stated that townhouses are not in character with the existing neighbourhood and are not congruous with open space. This development will create a lot of traffic on Strouds Lane where a school is located. 5. Doug Shearer, 1794 Autumn Crescent, submitted a petition from area residents objecting to this development. There should be no increase in density because the local schools are currently overcrowded. Also, the creek to the east of the subject lands will be negatively impacted by this development. 6. Claudio Ferreira, 451 Strouds Lane, stated that it is a tragedy to see this forested area destroyed. He bought his house because of privacy and scenery but this will be destroyed by this development. He was promised that houses would not be built on the subject lands. "-" 7. Gary Han, 1796 Autumn Crescent, stated that he was told by the applicant that the separation between the existing houses on Autumn Crescent and the proposed townhouses would be much greater than is now planned. 8. Lizeta Rasanu, 1792 Autumn Crescent, stated that the open space area is not wide enough and the townhouses will be built on a hill and overlook the existing houses on Autumn Crescent. 9. David Elder, 664 Huron Street, Toronto, stated that the developer is asking for many changes to the setbacks in order to allow as much development as possible. He asked if the Conservation area will be protected from the road. -.. 10. ~ 3 George Moretti, 1770 Autumn Crescent, stated that he sent a letter to the Town dated November 11, 1996 commenting on this proposal. He bought his house because of the uniqueness of the Altona Forest but noted that there does not seem to be any features to protect the environment. The townhouses will be visible across the conservation area and will therefore devalue the existing houses on Autumn Crescent. This development will create much traffic in the area. 11. Carmelina Moretti, 1770 Autumn Crescent, stated that her privacy will be compromised because residents of the proposed townhouses will be able to see clearly into her backyard and the rear windows of her house. 12. Paul Bollen, 1776 Autumn Crescent, stated that he bought his house because it backs onto a forested area which will be destroyed by the townhouse development. He was told that there would be no development at the rear of his property. 13. Tina Ferreira, 451 Strouds Lane, stated that before she bought her house, she asked the Planning staff what was planned for the lands to the west of her development and she was told that only Strouds Lane would be extended through these lands. 14. ..... ........ "W Lynda Taylor, Manager, Current Operations Division, responded that separation distance figures are different because in some cases the distance is measured house-to-house and in other cases it is measured from the rear of the lots. The Town did not know what housing form was proposed for the subject lands until this application was submitted. 15. Councillor Enrico Pistritto stated that he hoped the applicant would reconsider the housing form being applied for and provide for only single detached dwellings. 16. David Stewart, representing the applicant, stated that there is a lot of history that predates the houses on Autumn Crescent and possibly the residents were misled by the personnel in the sales office about the subject lands when they purchased their houses. The development is permitted under the existing Official Plan and Zoning By-law. He noted that information he has given out with respect to separation between the proposed and existing development is based on a distance from house- to-house. With respect to the need for retaining walls, this issue has been studied by an engineer and no retaining walls are required. With respect to environmental matters related to the ravine or Altona Forest, the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority has been involved all the way along with the planning of this development. The subject lands are not part of the Altona Forest and the Ontario Municipal Board has upheld the right to develop these lands. Strouds Lane is a major arterial road and can handle the traffic that would be created by this proposed development. He noted that he intends to construct only two story townhouses. 17. Councillor Maurice Brenner stated that unless the applicant is prepared to resolve the issues noted by the existing residents, he will not support this application. 18. Lynda Taylor, Manager, Current Operations Division, stated that the subject lands are currently zoned for medium density housing and allows a variety of housing forms. The proposed development is a block of a much larger piece of land that has previously been studied and the issues addressed. For those interested, she stated that she will provide copies of the policies in the Official Plan that deal with the preservation of the Altona Forest. The issues that are primarily involved in this application deal with the housing form. ~ ...... ...... ..... 4 (ill) ADJOURNMENT Dated The meeting adjourned at the hour of8:30 p.m. ~D V 2H f)G?.. :L~ . (ere; 0 ( Cl~k A--. ~