HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 22, 1996 '-' ...... ...... , it j EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson E. Pistritto D. Ryan S. Senis - Chairman ALSO PRESENT: C.M. T. Sheffield T.J. Quinn B. Taylor P. Wyger N. Carroll T. Melymuk D. Kearns MONDAY, APRIL 22,1996 -7:30 P.M. - Town Manager - Executive Director of Operations - Town Clerk - Town Solicitor - Director of Planning - Deputy Director of Planning - Co-ordinator of Council Services (D ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of April 9, 1996. (ID DELEGA TIONS 1. The Executive Director of Operations presented the "1995 Spirit Award for Transit" to the Pickering Transit Advisory Committee. He advised that this is the second consecutive year for Pickering to win this award. Don McKechnie, 1883 Una Road, addressed the Committee to request that Council appeal a decision of the Committee of Adjustment made on April 3rd to allow an addition to be built at the rear of the property at 1525 Woodruff Crescent. He stated his concerns being drainage from the property and windows in the additon overlooking his property. He would like to see the by-law enforced with respect to 7.5 metre reard yard depth. 2. 33 OID MA TIERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 013-95/D (ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 32/92) 1. AND M. SKENTZOS PART OF LOTS A, 1 AND 2, CONCESSION 8 FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 32/92 FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - OP A o 13-95/D -- In Recommendation Report 10/96, it is recommended that Council make a recommendation to Regional Council regarding Regional Official Plan Amendment Application 013-95/D submitted by 1. and M. Skentzos to allow an automobile service station on lands known as Part of Lots A, 1 and 2, Concession 8, and that staff be directed to prepare appropriate conditions of approval for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 32/92 as suggested in Recommendation Report 10/96 should Regional Official Plan Amendment Application 013-95/D be approved by the Region of Durham. Aooroved as amended See Recommendation #1 Anthony Biglieri, representing the applicant, advised that all agencies have no objection to the proposal. Some government agencies have requested additional work to be completed and this will be done. New regulations pertaining to underground tanks, double lined walls and no vapours released in the atmosphere will be complied with. -- Virginia Trevurza, 3480 Regional Road 5, advised that the site does not meet all conditions. This proposal will detract from the neighbourhood and lower the value of the surrounding properties. Gas spills, garbage accumulation and poor visibility at the intersection are all negative aspects. She advised of the objections and reports requested by the various organizations and asked that Committee refuse this application. Ken Brown, 9695 Lakeridge Road, chose to live in this location due to the open space, permanent agricultural zoning. There is little to no need for this service in the community. Garbage, pollution and intensive lights on the property are all negative factors to this application. The owner does not live in the community and is attempting to increase the value of his property which will decrease the value of theirs. Ted Appleby, 8875 Lakeridge Road, advised that he lives across the road from the property in question. He has a stream running through his property which feeds trout to Lake Ontario. If this application is approved, and pollution occurs this will end. Moira Dobson, 9695 Lakeridge Road, stated that small area businesses would feel the effect if this application is approved. An unsightly view will be created if derelict vehicles are allowed to remain on the property. CLOCA expresses their concern with this application and she requested that it be denied. 'W- Russ Trevurza, 3480 Regional Road 5, stated his agreement with the previous comments. The proposed storage area could become a garbage pit. He advised that the road rises at all points of this intersection causing a dangerous situation which will only increase with the approval of this application. Robert Mink, 4130 Lakeridge Road, stated his concern with the condition of water. He advised that a similar application was refused at the intersection of Hwy. #2 and #23. 34 Les Fisher, 2250 Hwy. 7, stated that altering laws to assist one person will have a negative impact on others. This application will definitely impact the service station in Claremont and his own in Greenwood. The community does not want it and he requested that Committee reject the proposal. Sal Cornacchia, 3210 Durham Road 5, advised that a gas station is not in keeping with the area which is rural agricultural. This proposal is on the Oak Ridges Moraine which should be protected. Pollution from gasoline spillage, oil, sewage disposal is a concern along with odours, noise and bright lights. --. Fred Andrews, 3390 Sideroad 5, stated that this is one of the worst intersections, rising at all points and not suitable for a gas station. 2. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 95-003/P ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 17/95 MET -STAR HOLDINGS LTD. PART OF LOTS 23 AND 24, CONCESSION 1 (SOUTH SIDE OF KINGSTON ROAD, WEST OF LIVERPOOL ROAD) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 17/95 FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - OP A 95-003/P In Recommendation Report 11/96, it is recommended that Official Plan Amendment Application 95-003/P, submitted by Met-Star Holdings Ltd. and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/96 to permit general retail commercial, personal service, office, residential and community uses on lands being Part of Lots 23 and 24, Concession 1 be APPROVED, and that the draft by-law to adopt Amendment No. 90 to the Pickering District Plan be forwarded to Council for enactment. ....... Tabled Anthony Kuriako, applicant, advised that road signs have been removed only to reappear almost immediately. He agreed with comments of Council and advised that he will inform his maintenance person to through and reappearing road signs away weekly. Councillor Johnson declared an interest as his son works for one of the businesses at this location. 3. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 10/93 GARTHWOOD HOMES LIMITED PART OF LOT 54, PLAN 1041 (EAST SIDE OF SPRUCE HILL ROAD, SOUTH OF STROUD'S LANE) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 10/93 ...... In Recommendation Report 12/96, it is recommended that Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/93, submitted by Garthwood Homes Limited, on subject property, known as Part of Lot 43, Plan 1041 be APPROVED AS REVISED, and that the request by Garthwood Homes Limited for permission to proceed by land severance applications to the Durham Region Land Division Committee rather than by draft plan of subdivision in order to create five lots be APPROVED. Aooroved See Recommendations #2 and #3 35 4. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 29/93 F. JOHNSON LOTS 30 AND 31, PLAN 331 (EAST SIDE OF MARKSBURY ROAD, NORTH OF PARK CRESCENT FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 29/93 ~ In Recommendation Report 13/96, it is recommended that Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 19/93, submitted by F. Johnson to permit neighbourhood commercial uses as well as three residential apartments within a renovated and expanded building on lands being Lots 30 and 31, Plan 331, be APPROVED. Apvroved See Recommendation #4 Fitzroy Johnson, 684 West Shore Blvd., requested approval of his application. He stated that he depends entirely on this property for his livelihood. Paul White, 507 Cliffview Road, stated that Mr. Johnson exemplifies entrepreneurship. He advised that Mr. Johnson brought his application to the Community Association, has addressed all issues and concerns, and received unanimous support. He requested that this application receive approval. 5. EAST DUFFINS STUDY AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH THE TOWN'S CONTRIBUTION TOWARD THE COST OF THE STUDY FILE NUMBER -B 1000 ~ In Planning Report 11/96, it is recommended that an expenditure of up to $25,000 as its contribution toward funding the East Duffin Neighbourhood Land Use and Design Study, to be undertaken by the consulting firm of Templeton-Lepek in association with others, be authorized. Aooroved See Recommendation #5 Councillor Pistritto declared an interest as his parents own orooerty in the subiect area. 6. PICKERING ZONING BY-LAW REVIEW FILE NUMBER -B 1000 In Planning Report 10/96, it is recommended that the Zoning By-law Review process and the Proposed Zoning Review Schedule be endorsed, and that staff be authorized to circulate the draft Off-Street Parking Report. Aooroved See Recommendation #6 7. REQUEST BY REGION OF DURHAM FOR COMMENTS ON VARIOUS PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE REGION OF DURHAM OFFICIAL PLAN FILE NUMBER -B 1000 ..... In Planning Report 12/96, it is recommended that Council forward Planning Report No. 12/96 to Regional Council as the Town's comments on OPA 95- 002/D, OPA 95-0 14/D, OPA 96-004/D, OPA 96-001/1D and OPA 96-005/D. Aooroved See Recommendation #7 36 8. DUFFIN PRECINCT LAND USE AND DESIGN STUDY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR DUFFINS PRECINCT ENVIRONMENTAL MASTER SERVICING PLAN FILE NUMBER - B 2310 '-" In Public Works Report PW 5/96, it is recommended that Council authorize staff to initiate a Request for Proposals with respect to the terms of reference for the Duffins Precinct Environmental Master Servicing Plan and that the 'Duffins Precinct Revised Preferred Lane Use Concept" as the basis for work to be undertaken on the Duffins Precinct Environmental Master Servicing Plan be endorsed. ADDroved See Recommendations #8 9. TRANSFER OF EASEMENT KATHLEEN SCHMITZ-HERTZBERG BLOCK 50, PLAN 40M-1627 FILENUMBER-D 3310 In Legal Services Report L 32/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law authorizing the execution of Transfers of Easement to the Town over those parts of Block 50, Plan 40M-1627, be forwarded to Council for enactment. Bv-law Forwarded to Council 10. TEMPORARY CLOSING OF ROADS FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES FILE NUMBER - E 4000 ~ In Legal Services Report L 33/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to amend By-law 1562/82 to provide for the temporary closing of a portion of Spruce Hill Road for construction purposes from May 1, 1996 to August 31, 1996, be forwarded to Council for enactment. Bv-law Forwarded to Council 11. ROAD DEDICATION P ART LOT 12, PLAN 282 (pARTS 11 AND 12, PLAN 40R-16580) OAKBURN STREET FILE NUMBER - E 4000 In Legal Services Report L 34/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to authorize the dedication of parts of Lot 12, Plan 282, designated as Parts 11 and 12, Plan 40R-16580 (Oakbum Street) as public highway, be forwarded to Council for enactment. ... Bv-law Forwarded to Council 37 12. REGULATORY BY-LAWS PARKING - BY-LAW 2359/87 PORTION OF PEBBLESTONE CRESCENT AND EYER DRIVE FILE NUMBER - E 4000 ... In Legal Services Report L 35/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to amend Schedule A to By-law 2359/87 regulating stopping on highways and on private and municipal property, be forwarded to Council for enactment. Bv-Iaw Forwarded to Council 13. LICENCE AGREEMENT PINE CREEK WATERCOURSE UNDERGROUND PIPE CROSSING FILE NUMBER - D 3310 In Legal Services Report L 36/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to authorize the execution of a Pipe Crossing Agreement between the Town and Canadian National Railway Company respecting the maintenance of storm sewer pipes at Mile 313.15 Kingston Subdivision, be forwarded to Council for enactment. Bv-Iaw Forwarded to Council 14. LICENCE/ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT ROBERT DAVIS AND BETTY DAVIS DONALD FRANK GIVEN AND SHEENA LOCKHART GIVEN BLOCK 50, PLAN 40M-1627 FILE NUMBER - D 3310 -- In Legal Services Report L 28/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to authorize the execution of a LicencelEncroachment Agreement between the Town and Robert and Betty Davis and Sheena Given respecting the use, occupancy and maintenance of Block 50, Plan 40M-1627, be forwarded to Council for enactment. Bv-Iaw Forwarded to Council 15. MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT PERMITS PARKING PROGRAM FILE NUMBER - D 2220 In Town Manager's Report M 96-09 it is recommended that the development of a Permit Parking Program be received. ADproved See Recommendation #9 w 38 16. CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES FILE NUMBER - A 2310.293 The Town Clerk recommends the cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes in the amount of$4,528.74 .... Approved exceot for 020-022-07010 which was Tabled See Recommendation #10 "YOUTH WEEK '96" - APRIL 29 TO MAY 5, 1996 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 17. That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "YOUTH WEEK '96" - APRIL 29 TO MAY 5, 1996 Aooroved See Recommendation #11 (VD OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Brenner and Councillor Johnson moved and seconded a motion concerning the Interdepartmental Development Team. See Recommendation #12 ~c 2. Councillor Brenner advised of the situation at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Plant and the response from Ontario Hydro. 3. Councillor Pistritto questioned the status of securing the McPherson House. 4. Councillor Dickerson also commented on the situation respecting the Pickering Nuclear Generating Plant. 5. Councillor Dickerson advised that 802226 Ont. Ltd. on Toy Ave. is, once again, working illegally. He requested that this matter be investigated. 6. Councillor Dickerson requested Councillor Johnson look into the matter of having the speed reduced on Finch Avenue in front of St. Isaac Jocques School. He also recommended a passing lane be constructed on the south side of the road if front of the school and church. 7. Councillor Dickerson advised that he would be introducing a Notice of Motion concerning ClubLink. w 8. Councillor Johnson requested endorsement of bringing forward a resolution concerning the widening of Finch Ave. between Liverpool and Dixie Road to four lanes. 9. Councillor Senis advised that a Notice of Motion concerning the Hydro Plant would be introduced on May 6th. '-' ~ 'w' 39 (VD OTHER BUSINESS 10. Councillor Senis advised that the Durham Regional Police Torch Run would be taking place on Friday, April 26. 11. Councillor Senis advised that the tree planting event which took place at Frenchman's Bay on Saturday, April 20th was a huge success. (VII) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 11 00 p.m. DATED hiWCJ I.S ~h ~~ CHAIRMAN TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on April 22, 1996, presents its seventh report to Council and recommends: 1. REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 013-95/0 (ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 32/92) 1. AND M. SKENTZOS PART OF LOTS A, 1 AND 2, CONCESSION 8 FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 32/92 FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - OP A 013-95/0 W' That Regional Official Plan Amendment Application 013-95/0 submitted by 1. and M. Skentzos to allow an automobile service station on lands known as Part of Lots A, 1 and 2, Concession 8, Town of Pickering be approved; and That staffbe directed to prepare appropriate conditions of approval for Zoning By- law Amendment Application A 32/92, should Regional Official Plan Amendment Application 013-95/0 be approved by the Region of Durham, which shall include but not necessarily be limited to: 1. compliance with Provincial Oak Ridges Moraine Implementation Guidelines. 2. CLOCA and MNR requirements regarding stormwater management. 3. further Hydrogeological investigation to ensure no impacts on groundwater quality and quantity. 4. conceptual site plan approval to address such matters as outdoor lighting, signage, landscaping, building design compatibility with rural landscape, vehicular access, fuel handling, protection of the existing heritage building on the property, etc. ..... 2. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 10/93 GARTHWOOD HOMES LIMITED PART OF LOT 54, PLAN 1041 (EAST SIDE OF SPRUCE HILL ROAD, SOUTH OF STROUD'S LANE) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 10/93 That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/93, submitted by Garthwood Homes Limited, on the subject property, known as Part of Lot 54, Plan 1041, Town of Pickering, be APPROVED AS REVISED to rezone the rear portion of the subject lands for detached dwellings on minimum 12.0-metre lots and to retain the current "R4" - Residential Zone on the front portion of the subject lands, subject to the following conditions: w 1.0 That prior to the forwarding of an implementing zoning by-law to Town Council on the rear lands of the subject property and the rear portion of the northerly abutting property, land severance applications to create five lots with minimum frontages of 15.0 metres on Spruce Hill Road with all of the rear lands attached to one of those lots, and to convey the rear of the northerly abutting property to the rear of the subject property, be approved by the Durham Region Land Division Committee and become final and binding. 2 2.0 That the implementing zoning by-law shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: (a) provide for detached dwellings on lots with minimum lot frontages of 12.0 metres; (b) provide for minimum side yard widths of 1.2 metres on one side and 0.6 of a metre on the other side; -- (b) provide for a minimum front yard depth of 4.5 metres; (d) provide for a maximum dwelling height of 9.0 metres. 3. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 10/93 GAR~OODHOMESL~TED PART OF LOT 54, PLAN 1041 (EAST SIDE OF SPRUCE HILL ROAD, SOUTH OF STROUD'S LANE) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 10/93 That the request by Garthwood Homes Limited for permission to proceed by land severance applications to the Durham Region Land Division Committee rather than by draft plan of subdivision in order to create five lots with minimum frontages of 15.0 metres on Spruce Hill Road in accordance with the current 'R4" - Residential Zoning on the subject lands, known as Part of Lot 54, Plan 1041, be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: 2.1 That the approval to proceed by land severance applications to the Durham Region Land Division Committee rather than by draft plan of subdivision applies only to the creation of five residential lots fronting Spruce Hill Road in compliance with the existing 'R4" - Residential Detached Dwelling Fourth Density Zone, and to the conveyance of the rear portion of the northerly abutting property to the rear of the subject property. ~ 2.2 That prior to final clearance of the severances, a comprehensive grading plan be completed to the satisfaction of the Town which will be used to determine the appropriate severance line to provide adequate room for the development of future residential lots on the rear of the subject property fronting a future new internal road. 2.3 That the owner enter into a development agreement with, and to the satisfaction of the Town which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: 2.3.1 Storm Drainage (a) satisfaction of the Director of Public Works respecting a stormwater drainage and management system to service all the subject lands, and any provisions regarding easements; (b) satisfaction of the Director of Public Works with respect to appropriate stormwater management techniques; '-" 3 2.3.2 Grading Control (a) satisfaction of the Director of Public Works respecting submission and approval of a grading and control plan with special emphasis on coordinating grades with adjacent existing lots and with an anticipated future internal road on lands immediately to the east; 2.3.3 Contribution to Traffic Light Installation '-' (a) satisfaction of the Town respecting appropriate financial arrangements for the contribution to the cost of installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Fairport Road and Stroud's Lane; 2.3.4 Tree PreservationIPlanting (a) the submission of a tree preservation and street tree planting program, to the satisfaction of the Town; 2.3.5 Design Planning (a) the satisfaction of the Director of Planning respecting a report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development, and the submission of site plans and architectural drawings identifying how each unit meets the objectives of the report, prior to the issuance of any building permit for the construction of a residential unit on the lands; (b) the report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development must address the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Development and Design Guidelines, building envelopes, house designs and siting, as well as garage designs, locations, massing and projection from the main dwelling; .... 2.3.6 Parkland Dedication (a) the satisfaction of the Town regarding arrangements, financial or otherwise, for required parkland dedication; 2.3.7 Existing Buildings (a) satisfactory arrangements with the Town regarding the removal, demolition and/or retention of all structures on the subject property; 2.3.8 Development Charges (a) satisfaction of the Town, financially, with respect to the Development Charges Act; 2.3.9 Contributions for Servicing on Spruce Hill Road (a) satisfaction of the Town with respect to contribution for road works and services on Spruce Hill Road; -- 4 2.3.10 Future Development of the Rear Lands (a) the permission to proceed by land severance applications shall apply only to the development of five lots which comply with the current "R4" - Residential Zoning fronting Spruce Hill Road and to the conveyance of the rear of the northerly abutting lot to the rear of the subject property, and any subsequent lot development on the rear of the subject property shall proceed by draft plan of subdivision. -- 4. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 29/93 F. JOHNSON LOTS 30 AND 31, PLAN 331 (EAST SIDE OF MARKSBURY ROAD, NORTH OF PARK CRESCENT FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 29/93 That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 29/93, submitted by F. Johnson to permit neighbourhood commercial uses as well as three residential apartments within a renovated and expanded building on lands being Lots 30 and 31, Plan 331, be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: 1.0 That prior to the forwarding of an implementing Zoning By-law to Town Council: i) the Town be satisfied that the underground fuel storage tanks have been removed and that the soils on the property have been rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations - Fuel Safety Branch; and '-" ii) the owner prepare detailed site plans, grading and servicing plans, landscape plans and building elevation plans and receive conditional site plan approval from the Town. 2.0 That the implementing Zoning By-law include, but not necessarily be limited to the following provisions: i) permit neighbourhood store, business offices, professional offices, personal service shops, dry cleaning depots and laundromat uses, and three residential apartments on the second floor; ii) a minimum front yard depth of 5.5 metres, a minimum rear yard depth of 4.0 metres, a minimum north side yard width of 1.0 metres and a minimum south side yard width of 17.0 metres; iii) a minimum of 15 parking spaces; iv) a maximum building height of two storeys; and v) a maximum 170 square metre floor area for retail sales. W' 5 5. EAST DUFFINS STUDY AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH THE TOWN'S CONTRIBUTION TOWARD THE COST OF THE STUDY FILE NUMBER -B 1000 That Town Council authorize an expenditure of up to $25,000 as its contribution toward funding the East Duffin Neighbourhood Land Use and Design Study, to be undertaken by the consulting firm of Templeton-Lepek in association with others. w That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute all necessary documents to give effect hereto. 6. PICKERING ZONING BY-LAW REVIEW FILE NUMBER -B 1000 1. That Town Council endorse the Zoning By-law Review process outlined in Planning Report No. 10/96 and the Proposed Zoning Review Schedule as outlined in Appendix No. I to Planning Report No. 10/96. 2. That Town Council authorize staff to circulate the draft Off-Street Parking Report (Discussion Paper - Attachment No. 1 to Planning Report No. 10/96) for comment. 7. REQUEST BY REGION OF DURHAM FOR COMMENTS ON VARIOUS PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE REGION OF DURHAM OFFICIAL PLAN FILE NUMBER -B 1000 w That Council forward Planning Report No. 12/96 to Regional Council as the Town's comments on OPA 95-002/D, OPA 95-014/D, OPA 96-004/D, OPA 96- 001/1D and OP A 96-005/D with an exception respecting OP A 95-014/D where Council does not support the introduction of smaller big box retailers having floor areas as low as 5,000 square feet. 8. DUFFIN PRECINCT LAND USE AND DESIGN STUDY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR DUFFINS PRECINCT ENVIRONMENTAL MASTER SERVICING PLAN FILE NUMBER - B 2310 That Council authorize staff to initiate a Request for Proposals with respect to the terms of reference for the Duffins Precinct Environmental Master Servicing Plan and that the "Duffins Precinct Revised Preferred Lane Use Concept" as the basis for work to be undertaken on the Duffins Precinct Environmental Master Servicing Plan be endorsed. '-' 9. ...... 10. 6 MUNICIP AL LAW ENFORCEMENT PERMIT PARKING PROGRAM FILE NUMBER -D 2220 That the Town Manager's Report M 96-09 respecting the development of a Permit Parking Program be received; and That a Permit Parking Program be developed in accordance with that Report.. CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES FILE NUMBER - A 2310.293 WHEREAS Section 446 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O, 1990., c. MAS. transfers the responsibility for the hearing of the applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes to the Council of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS notices in writing of applications have been received by the Clerk of the Municipality for the cancellation, reduction and refund of taxes for vanous reasons; AND WHEREAS upon investigation and receipt of reasonable explanations all claims have been substantiated; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Council of the Town of Pickering accept the following list of applications and authorize the adjustment of taxes in the amount of$4,528.74 '-" ROLL # PROPERTY 020-016- 17725 86/95 020-016- 28500- 0320 87a/95 020-016- 28500- 0325 87b/95 '-" 1725 Kingston Road #309 1550 Kingston Road #309 1550 Kingston Road APPLICANT REASON ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED Brockington Plaza Inc. 17 Portsmith Rd. Willowdale, Ont. M2L2W7 Commercial to Residential Reduce 1995 taxes for 153 days on an assessment of$1O,795, an adjustment of $85. 46(R) Victoria Wood Development Corp. Inc. #309,1550 Kingston Road Pickering, Ont L 1 V 1 C3 Reduce 1995 taxes for 82 days on an assessment of $2,705, an adjustment of $80. 78(B) Reduced space Victoria Wood Development Corp. Inc. #309,1550 Kingston Road Pickering, Ont L 1 V 1 C3 Reduced space Reduce 1995 taxes for 82 days on an assessment of$150, an adjustment of$18.24(B) 7 ROLL # PROPERTY APPLICANT REASON ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 020-022- 1062 815122 Ontario Ltd. Commercial to Reduce 1995 taxes for 170 days 08567 Copperstone 1062 Copperstone Residential on an assessment of $11,433, an 97/95 Drive adjustment of $ 100. 58(R) Pickering, On. LIW 3V8 W 020-017- 1211 Kingston Met-Starr Holdings Commercial to Reduce 1995 taxes for 88 days 29400 Road Ltd. Residential on an assessment of $17,732, an 98/95 695 Markham Rd. adjustment of$80.75(R) Scarborough, On. MIH 2A5 010-018- 1099 Kingston Emix Ltd. Commercial to Reduce 1995 taxes for 108 days 21212 Road 1099 Kingston Road Residential on an assessment of $500,422, an 99/95 Pickering, Ontario adjustment of$2,797.04(R) LIV IB5 010-038- 1422 Highbush 986956 Ontario Inc. Building Reduce 1994 taxes for 216 days 18700 Trail demolished on an assessment of $5,888, an 100/95 adjustment of$366.10(R) 11. "YOUTH WEEK '96" - APRIL 29 TO MAY 5, 1996 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 w That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "YOUTH WEEK '96" - APRIL 29 TO MAY 5, 1996 12. PROCESS REVIEW, NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS FILE NUMBER - B 1000 That Town Council receive IDT Report No. 1/96 regarding the Process Review, Non-Residential Development Approvals for information. ........