HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 15, 1996 j EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES "'- MONDAY, OCTOBER 15,1996 -7:40 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson D. Ryan S. Senis - Chairman ALSO PRESENT: -- T.J. Quinn B. Taylor N. Carroll J. Alfrey D. Kearns - Executive Director of Operations - Town Clerk - Director of Planning - Co-ordinator of Economic Development - Co-ordinator of Council Services ABSENT: Councillor Pistritto In ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of September 23, 1996 lID DELEGATIONS 1. Joe Wallach, representing JLW Geosciences, Russell, Ontario, stated that he was an employee of the Atomic Energy Control Board and had started a study to determine if the Pickering and Darlington Nuclear Generating Stations were at risk of an earthquake but this study was not finished. The partial results of this study were that the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station is at risk because the Pickering area is located on a fault line. He noted that there are possible fault-related features in Lake Ontario for which it should be determined if these are active. -- 71 lID DELEGA TIONS 2. Clive Alexander, representing Ontario Hydro, stated that he is currently undertaking a study for Ontario Hydro to determine what size of earthquake the Pickering "A" Plant could withstand. Ontario Hydro maintains a seismic monitoring device, along with other groups and agencies, who share information and compare historical data. He will be giving an interim report to the AECB on his assessment of seismic activity in the area. "- am MA TIERS FOR CONSIDERA nON 1. DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM 18CDM-95006 & DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM 18CDM-9600 1 EASTVILLE HOLDINGS LIMITED ("THE BROCKSTONE") PART OF BLOCKS E, F, & G, REGISTERED PLAN M-1024 (EAST SIDE OF PICKERING P ARKW A Y; WEST SIDE OF BROCK ROAD) FILE NUMBER - B 4100 - 18CDM-95006 & 18CDM-96001 In Planning Recommendation Report 24/96, it is recommended that Council recommend to Regional Council that Draft Plan of Condominium 18CDM-95006 and 18CDM-96001, submitted by Eastville Holdings Limited, on lands being Part of Blocks E, F, & G, and Part of Blocks E and F, Plan M-1024, be APPROVED Aooroved as amended See Recommendations #1 and #2 2. ADJUSTMENTS TO TAX ROLL FILE NUMBER - C 1000 ..... In Treasurer-Collector's Report TRW096-3, it is recommended that our tax roll be reduced to reflect the adjustments and corrections to the tax accounts. Aooroved See Recommendation #3 3. V ARlOUS STREET NAMES CHANGES FILE NUMBER - E 4430 In Legal Services Report L 97/96, it is recommended that the necessary process be commenced to authorize the Town Solicitor to change various street names. Aooroved See Recommendation #4 4. V ARlOUS STREET NAMES CHANGES FILE NUMBER - E 4430 ...... In Legal Services Report L 100/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to change the names of various streets in Pickering, be forwarded to Council for enactment. . Bv-Iaws forwarded to Council 72 5. DISPOSAL OF TOWN LANDS BLOCK 15, PLAN 40M-1653 FIDDLERS COURT FILE NUMBER - D 3360 In Legal Services Report L 115/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to authorize the sale of surplus municipal lands described as Part Block 15, Plan 40M-1654 on Fiddlers Court, be forwarded to Council for enactment. Bv-Iaw forwarded to Council ...... 6. ONT ARIO HYDRO LICENCE AGREEMENT KINSMEN PARK SOFTBALL DIAMOND FILE NUMBER - D 3350 In Legal Services Report L 116/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to authorize the execution of a renewal Licence Agreement for the term of ten years with the Ontario Hydro respecting the use by the Town of part of the Ontario Hydro right-of-way for softball facilities, be forwarded to Council for enactment. Bv-Iaw forwarded to Council GREATER TORONTO MARKETING ALLIANCE FILE NUMBER - A 2110 7. 'W' In Clerk's Report CL 41/96, it is recommended that the Report of the GT A Mayors and Regional Chairs Committee dated September 20, 1996 regarding the formation of the Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance be received. Approved as amended See Recommendation #5 8. ANIMAL CONTROL USER FEES FILE NUMBER - F 2300.15 In Clerk's Report CL 34/96, it is recommended that Resolution #130/96, Item #15, passed at the regular Council Meeting of May 21, 1996 to adopt the animal control user fees set out in Treasurer's Report, Item 1-96 be amended by deleting the Proposed User Fees for wildlife trap rental and wildlife pick-up and relocation and substituting therefore a user fee of $20.00 for the pick-up and relocation of nuisance wildlife and that wildlife traps remain available to the public at no charge. Approved as amended See Recommendation #6 9. RE-APPOINTMENT OF COUNCILLOR JOHNSON TO COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FILE NUMBER - A 1900 '- In Clerk's Report CL 38/96, it is recommended that the draft by-law to re-appoint Councillor Johnson to the Committee of Adjustment for a term to expire on November 30, 1997 be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 73 10. BLUE RIBBON COMMITTEE ON CLEAN AIR FILE NUMBER- A2310.15 In Clerk's Report CL 39/96, it is recommended that the resolution of the Blue Ribbon Committee respecting air quality in the Greater Toronto Area as set out in its Report dated June 4, 1996 be endorsed. Approved as amended See Recommendation #7 -- SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD PROGRAM FILE NUMBER - F 2410 11. In Clerk's Report CL 40/96, it is recommended that the proposal of ECCO Staffing Services to increase their billing for the 1996/97 school year by $14,057.55 to reflect longer daily hours at certain school crossings be approved. Approved as amended See Recommendation #8 12. "WEEK OF THE CHILD" -OCTOBER 20 - 26, 1996 "ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES MONTHS" - JANUARY, 1997 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamations: "WEEK OF THE CHILD" - OCTOBER 20 - 26, 1996 "ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES MONTHS" - JANUARY, 1997 '-' Approved as amended See Recommendation #9 (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Dickerson stated that he will be introducing a "Safe Neighbourhood" study at the Council Meeting of October 21st. 2. Councillor Dickerson expressed his concern that Shaw Cable has changed is programming schedule to air the Council Meetings on Tuesday mornings at 9:00 a.moo The airing of Council Meetings live was a way to communicate with the public. 3. Councillor Brenner noted that the Town issued a letter of support when Shaw Cable took over from Trillium Cable on the understanding that there would be enhanced community coverage. 4. Councillor Brenner noted that there is an article in the latest issue of Municipal Wodd on streamlining the building permit process and asked the Executive Director of Operations to note this. '- 5. Councillor Brenner noted that the Region is conducting a public meeting tomorrow night in Whitby on the Workfare initiative. 6. Councillor Brenner noted that the Federal Government has terminated its lease with the Rouge Hills Riding Stable and is concerned that horses may not have access to the Rouge Valley and that a program for teaching physically challenged children to ride horses may be cancelled. 74 (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 7. Councillor Ryan expressed his disappointed that Shaw Cable will be reducing its services with respect to the airing of Council Meetings but noted that Council will be meeting with representatives of Shaw Cable on November 4th to discuss this matter. 8. Councillor Ryan read a letter to the editor from a resident that stated that Pickering is a good place to live. "-- 9. Councillor Johnson stated that initiatives on traffic calming are moving along well and hopefully will be implemented this Fall. 10. Councillor Johnson noted that the Ontario Traffic Conference is sponsoring a Fall workshop on intersection safety measures which may be of interest to some Members of Council and staff 11. Councillor Johnson noted that he attended a joint Regional Planning and Works Committee Meeting on the proposed Highway 407 and he is concerned that Highway 407 will terminate at Brock Road and cause traffic problems in the area. 12. Councillor Johnson noted that the consultants for the Seaton project have been selected. 13. Councillor Johnson stated that Metro Toronto will be funding 50% of the cost of a traffic light at the intersection of Brock Road and Rossland Road. 14. Councillor Johnson noted that Finch Avenue in the vicinity of St. Isaac Jogues School will be used as a study on proving more safety measures in the area of schools. 'W' 15. Councillor Senis expressed her frustration with Shaw Cable. 16. Councillor Senis reminded Members of Council of the Blue Jeans Ball to be held at the Metro East Trade Centre on Saturday, October 19th in support of the Hospital. 17. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a) The Executive Director of Operations reported that he is arranging for Frank pazner to bring Council up to date on the status of moving landfill from the Brock North to the Brock West Landfill Site. b) The Executive Director of Operations reported that the Union wants to know the Town's position on its members attending the Day of Action strike on October 25th. Council responded that employees can only take this day off as a scheduled vacation. c) The Executive Director of Operations distributed a memo from himself dated October 15, 1996 outlining the status of the Customer Service Report. d) The Executive Director of Operations advised that Transport Canada has given its approval for train whistling to cease at the CNR W oodview Avenue crossing. - e) The Executive Director of Operations advised that the former Cook house on Liverpool Road has been demolished. f) Mayor Arthurs asked staff to investigate the preparation of a form that would provide for follow-up on incidents reported to the Town. .~ 'W' ~ 75 (IV) OTHER BUSINESS (V) DATED g) Councillor Ryan reported that he is getting calls from residents concerned about the cougar that is at large and asked the Executive Director of Operations to work closely with the Police on this matter. ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 9: 13 p.m. nor :pl/9b /'VJ /d I~~/:r) CHAIRMAN ~'/\/'/' \..:;;:, TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on October 15, 1996, presents its thirteenth report to Council and recommends: 1. DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM 18CDM-95006 & DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM 18CDM-9600 1 EASTVILLE HOLDINGS LIMITED ("THE BROCKSTONE") PART OF BLOCKS E, F, & G, REGISTERED PLAN M-l 024 (EAST SIDE OF PICKERING P ARKW A Y; WEST SIDE OF BROCK ROAD) FILE NUMBER - B 4100 - 18CDM-95006 & 18CDM-96001 ........ That Town Council recommend to Regional Council that Draft Plan of Condominium 18CDM-95006 pertaining to a 13-storey apartment building containing 116 units, submitted by Eastville Holdings Limited, on lands being Part of Blocks E, F, & G, Registered Plan M-I024, Town of Pickering be APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1. That this recommendation apply to the condominium plan prepared by Vladimir Krcmar Ltd., Ontario Land Surveyors, dated September 26, 1995, including a 13-storey apartment building containing 116 units, bearing the Town Recommendation stamp; and 2. That prior to final registration of this plan: a) the applicant shall submit a Draft Durham Condominium Plan to be approved by the Town's Planning Department in order to ensure consistency between the condominium plan and the approved site plan; w b) the Town must be satisfied that the site is in full conformity with the Site Plan Agreement dated August 26, 1996, and registered as Instrument Number LT769173 on August 30, 1996, and that all of the general on-site works, including landscaping, fencing, lighting, and surface treatments have been completed or will be completed to the satisfaction of the Town's Planning and Public Works Departments; and c) the applicant shall enter into an appropriate condominium agreement with and to the satisfaction of the Town, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following requirements: (i) assurance of the continued compliance of the subject property with the Town-approved site plan; (ii) the ensured cooperation of the condominium corporation with the Town regarding such matters as snow storage, refuse collection, and driveway entrance maintenance. '-" 2 2. DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM 18CDM-95006 & DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM 18CDM-96001 EASTVILLE HOLDINGS LIMITED ("THE BROCKSTONE") PART OF BLOCKS E, F, & G, REGISTERED PLAN M-l 024 (EAST SIDE OF PICKERING P ARKW A Y; WEST SIDE OF BROCK ROAD) FILE NUMBER - B 4100 - 18CDM-95006 & 18CDM-96001 ,--,. That Town Council recommend to Regional Council that Draft Plan of Condominium 18CDM-9600 1 pertaining to a 16-unit townhouse development on two blocks, submitted by Eastville Holdings Limited, on lands being Part of Blocks E and F, Registered Plan M-I024, Town of Pickering be APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1. That this recommendation apply to the condominium plan prepared by Vladimir Krcmar Ltd., Ontario Land Surveyors, dated December 5, 1995, including a 16-unit townhouse development on two blocks of land, bearing the Town Recommendation stamp; and 2. That prior to final registration of this plan: a) the applicant shall submit a Draft Durham Condominium Plan to be approved by the Town's Planning Department in order to ensure consistency between the condominium plan and the approved site plan; b) the Town must be satisfied that the site is in full conformity with the Site Plan Agreement dated August 26, 1996, and registered as Instrument Number LT769173 on August 30, 1996, and that all of the general on-site works, including landscaping, fencing, lighting, and surface treatments have been completed or will be completed to the satisfaction of the Town's Planning and Public Works Departments; and y c) the applicant shall enter into an appropriate condominium agreement with and to the satisfaction of the Town, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following requirements: (i) assurance of the continued compliance of the subject property with the Town-approved site plan; (ii) the ensured cooperation of the condominium corporation with the Town regarding such matters as snow storage, refuse collection, and driveway entrance maintenance. l. 3 3. ADJUSTMENTS TO TAX ROLL FILE NUMBER - C 1000 That the tax roll be reduced to reflect the adjustments and corrections to the tax accounts summarized as follows: Realty Taxes $ 3,654.79 Business Taxes $393,915.83 '-" Sub-total 397,570.62 Penalty & Interest 14,648.72 Total $412,219.34 4. VARIOUS STREET NAMES CHANGES FILE NUMBER - E 4430 That the Town Solicitor be authorized to commence the process to change the following streets as indicated: Current Street Name ProDosed Street Name ..... Appleview Road Lamour Road Maple Avenue Kingston Road (also known as Old Kingston Road and Sheppard Avenue Brookshire Square Otonabee Drive Fairview Avenue Merriton Road 5. GREATER TORONTO MARKETING ALLIANCE FILE NUMBER - A 2110 That the Report of the GT A Mayors and Regional Chairs Committee dated September 20, 1996 regarding the formation of the Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance be received; and That the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby supports the formation of the Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance; and That Mayor Arthurs be nominated as a Public Sector representative of the Regional Municipality of Durham on the Board of Directors of the Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance; and That this nomination be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham for its consideration; and .-., That the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering recognizes that participation in the Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance will require financial support and that the necessary funds be provided in the 1997 operating budget to support the Alliance. 4 ANIMAL CONTROL USER FEES FILE NUMBER - F 2300.15 6. That Resolution #130/96, Item #15, passed at the regular Council Meeting of May 21, 1996 to adopt the animal control user fees set out in Treasurer's Report, Item 1-96 be amended by deleting the Proposed User Fees for wildlife trap rental and wildlife pick-up and relocation and substituting therefore a user fee of $20.00 for the pick-up and relocation of nuisance wildlife; and that wildlife traps remain available to the public at no charge. - 7. BLUE RIBBON COMMITTEE ON CLEAN AIR FILE NUMBER - A 2310.15 That the resolution of the Blue Ribbon Committee respecting air quality in the Greater Toronto Area as set out in its Report dated June 4, 1996 be endorsed in principle; and That Premier Mike Harris be informed of this endorsement In principle. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD PROGRAM FILE NUMBER - F 2410 8. That the proposal of ECCO Staffing Services to increase their billing for the 1996/97 school year by $14,057.55 to reflect longer daily hours at certain school crossings be approved. .... 9. "WEEK OF THE CHILD" -OCTOBER 20 - 26, 1996 "ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES MONTHS" - JANUARY, 1997 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamations: "WEEK OF THE CHILD" - OCTOBER 20 - 26, 1996 "ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES MONTHS" - JANUARY, 1997 ~