HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 25, 1996 ,. i EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES -- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1996 -7:50 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson - Chairman E. Pistritto D. Ryan S. Senis ALSO PRESENT: T. 1. Quinn B. Taylor N. Carroll D. Kearns - Executive Director of Operations - Town Clerk - Director of Planning - Co-ordinator of Council Services '-' lD ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of November 11, 1996 Special Meeting of November 7, 1996. lID DELEGATIONS 1. Erica Babiuk, R. R. # 1, Locust Hill, addressed the Committee with respect to the Ward 3 Meeting held by Councillor Pistritto on November 20th. She questioned the process which was used in calling a community meeting and asked if the December 10th meeting would take the same format and if information would be distributed prior to that meeting. '-' (lID 91 MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 19/93(R) MINISTER'S ZONING ORDER AMENDMENT APPLICATION 18Z0-0299304 CLUBLINK CORPORATION PART OF LOTS 13 TO 16, CONCESSION 7 FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 19/93(R) - 18Z0-0299304 ~ In Planning Recommendation Report 34/96, it is recommended that Zoning By- law Amendment Application A 19/93(R), Ministers Zoning Order Amendment Application 18Z0-0299304(R) submitted by Clublink Corporation, on Part of Lots 13 to 16, Concession 7, BE APPROVED. Aooroved See Recommendation #1 Richard Ward, Box 5142, Claremont stated his opposition to all four aspects of this application. An intrusion into this environmentally sensitive area is wrong and an expansion of the clubhouse is inappropriate. He also spoke in opposition to the communal aspect. Mike Newman, Paddock Road stated that Duffins Creek is the most significant treasure within the Town and is being impacted negatively by development, golf courses and sludge on agricultural lands. He advised that no long term water temperature studies have been carried out on Duffins Creek. Fred Beer, Claremont stated that the proponent should speak first and the residents be allowed to speak last. This will be a large and sprawling golf course which negatively affect many streams and pump a large quantity of water out of Mitchell Creek. Any decision to close Sideline 14 prior to Hwy. 407 would be premature. He stated his concern with the process of this meeting and requested that Council defeat or defer this application. .... Bill Wilder, Sideline 12, stated his concern with receiving notification of this item one week prior to it coming to Executive. No date appears on the staff report which was only available last week and does not allow residents enough time to discuss the application with the Solicitor or Planning. Mr. Wilder requested that an article from the Globe and Mail, November 19th issue, entitled Truth & Rumours regarding the ClubLink organization be kept on record. He requested that the Town invite the Pickering Rural Associations experts to review the documentation regarding this application. Chris Willins, 2165 8th Concession, wished to reiterate the previous speakers comments on notification of this application. He stated his concern with respect to the pumping rate out of Mitchell Creek and advised that the on-line pond should be removed. He questioned if the golf course is the issue or is it the housing development. He requested that the portion of Sideline 14, allowing access to his facility, remain open. Beverley Schrum, Lots 7 and Concession 9, advised that she did not receive notification of this application until this weekend. She stated her concern regarding the amount of pesticides being used on the golf course and questioned whether another golf course is needed in Pickering. .... Carrie Newman, R. R. #5, Claremont, stated that some residents have attempted to reach a common ground with the proponent and others are totally opposed to any expansion of the golf course. She is concerned with the fairways crossing Mitchell Creek and the closing of Sideline 14. She stated that the proposed hiking trail runs through a environmentally sensitive area. .......... continued 92 Steve Murray, 2325 Concession 8, spoke on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Duncan and Mr. & Mrs. Cutney. If this application is approved traffic to the site will increase along with pesticides on the golf course. ClubLink builds golf course communities not just golf courses. Jack McGinnis, Claremont requested that Committee consider carefully this application and not agree to something which will allow the proponent to return with a housing application. He stated his pleasure that an archeological assessment will take place and requested that the community be involved in it. He asked Council to ensure that residents are protected. 'W' George Martin, Greenridge Drive, Greenwood, stated that he would hate to see Duffins Creek polluted and is concerned with the water being pumped from the creek, stored in a holding tank, used on the golf course and running back into the creek. He also stated that this golf course will have a negative impact on rural life and asked that it be refused. Pat Home, Concession 8, stated that the proposed hiking trail is nice but does not make up for the closing of Sideline 14, which should not occur. This application should be deferred for more review, adding that a decision cannot be made in three days. How much acreage is involved in the closing of Sideline 14? Louis Greenbaum, Urban Land Management Inc., advised that he has been involved with ClubLink since 1991. He received the staff report at the same time as the residents and stated that the residents were advised in October that this application would be coming forward at this meeting. He thanked staff, Council, staff of the MTRCA and the community for their involvement in the process. He advised that they support the conclusions, recommendations and conditions of approval in the staff report. This application is for the golf course only. A monitoring program will deal with the water flow and temperature. The section of Sideline 14 which would impact Mr. Willins will not be closed. -- 2. MINISTER'S ZONING ORDER AMENDMENT APPLICATION 18Z0-0299504 T.DELLAPORTAS PART OF LOT 11, CONCESSION 5 (WEST OF WESTNEY ROAD, SOUTH OF SIXTH CONCESSION ROAD IN THE HAMLET OF GREENWOOD) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - 18Z0-0299504 In Planning Recommendation Report 33/96, it is recommended that the Town of Pickering recommend to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing that Minister's Zoning Order Amendment Application 18Z0-0299504, submitted by Michael S. Manett Planning Services Ltd., on behalf of T. Dellaportas, on lands being Part of Lot 11, Concession 5 , Town of Pickering, to permit the creation of one additional residential lot with a minimum lot frontage of 5.0 metres and a minimum lot area of 0.65 ofa hectare be REFUSED. ADDroved See Recommendation #2 ..... George Martin, Greenwood requested that this application be refused, stating that this proposal would be dangerous from a traffic standpoint. This application is not consist with the Hamlet of Greenwood Development Plan. Robert Cattle, 9535 Trimbles Lane, stated that the staff report was very thorough and he thanked Council for the opportunity to speak in opposition of this application. He urged Council to agree with the Planning Department's recommendation. .......... continued 93 Joan Moritsugu, Greenwood & Area Ratepayers Assoc., stated that the Association does not want this development and that it is not in keeping with the character of Greenwood. She urged Council's refusal. Michael Minet, agent for the applicant, stated that he was disappointed with staff recommendations. 3. ROAD DEDICATION PART OF LOT 91, PLAN 1051 PARTS 1 AND 2, PLAN 40R-16432 FAIRPORT ROAD FILE NUMBER - E 4000 -.. In Legal Services Report L 131/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to dedicate parts of Lot 91, Plan 1051, designated as Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40R-16432, as public highway, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 4. ROAD DEDICATION BLOCK 170, PLAN 40M-1810 (STROUD'S LANE) FILE NUMBER - E 4000 In Legal Services Report L 136/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to dedicate Block 170, Plan 40M-1810 (Stroud's Lane) as public highway, be forwarded to Council for enactment. '-' By-law forwarded to Council 5. ROAD DEDICATION BLOCKS 46, 47 AND 48, PLAN 40M-1836 BLOCKS 65 AND 66, PLAN 40M-1832 (SILVER MAPLE DRIVE/WHITE CEDAR DRIVE) FILE NUMBER - E 4000 In Legal Services Report L 134/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to dedicate Blocks 46, 47 and 48, Plan 40M-1836, (White Cedar Drive/Silver Maple Drive) and Blocks 65 and 66, Plan 40M-1832, (Silver Maple Drive/White Cedar Drive) as public highway, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 6. EXEMPTION OF LOTS 10 AND 60, PLAN 40M -1810 THE KAITLIN GROUP LTD. FROM PART LOT CONTROL FILE NUMBER - D 2310 ~ In Legal Services Report L 137/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to exempt Lots 10 and 60, Plan 40M-181O, from part lot control, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 94 7. OBTAINSERVICESOFCONWUTERCONSULTANT TO DEVELOP ASSESSMENT PORTION OF PROPERTY SYSTEMS FILE NUMBER -A 4000 In the Manager, Information Systems Report IS 1/96, it is recommended that the hiring of a computer consultant from the corporate consulting budget be approved. Aooroved See Recommendation #3 - 8. PROHIBIT PARKING OR STOPPING OF VEHICLES ON KROSNO BOULEVARD AND GARVOLIN AVENUE FILE NUMBER - E 4000 AND D 2220 In Clerk's Report CL 43/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to prohibit parking or stopping of vehicles on Krosno Boulevard and Garvolin Avenue be forwarded to Council for enactment. Bv-Iaw forwarded to Council 9. TENDER NUMBER T -10-96 TENDER FOR WATERFRONT TRAIL FILE NUMBER - C4300 In Clerk's Report CL 45/96, it is recommended that Tender Number T-1O-96, submitted by Mopal Construction Limited in the amount of $81,816.62 be accepted. '-' Aooroved See Recommendation #4 10. UPDATE OF AUDIT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WORKPLAN FILE NUMBER - A 2110 In Clerk's Report CL 44/96, it is recommended that the Report of the Chair of the Audit Committee dated November 8, 1996 providing an update of the Audit Committee recommendations and workplan be received. Aooroved See Recommendation #5 11. "INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DAY" - DECEMBER 10, 1996 "HUMAN RIGHTS WEEK" - DECEMBER 9 - 15, 1996 "CRIMESTOPPERS MONTH" - JANUARY, 1997 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 '-' That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamations: "INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DAY" - DECEMBER 1 0, 1996 "HUMAN RIGHTS WEEK" - DECEMBER 9 - 15,1996 "CRIMESTOPPERS MONTH" - JANUARY, 1997 Aooroved See Recommendation #6 95 (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Ryan advised that he would be bringing forward a Notice of Motion concerning reducing the speed limit in front of Elizabeth Seaton Public School from 60 km to 40 km. 2. Councillor Johnson advised that he would be bringing forward a Notice of Motion concerning the renaming of Die fen baker Drive. 3. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: ... a) The Executive Director Operations advised of the status of various road construction projects. b) The Executive Director Operations advised that the second edition of the newsletter has been distributed and well received. c) The Executive Director Operations advised that the winter control operations began on Saturday. d) The Executive Director Operations advised that he had been requested by Councillor Ryan to check into the traffic situation throughout Pickering and it was found to be much improved. e) The Executive Director Operations gave a status report on the Kaitlin Development item. t) The Executive Director Operations distributed an update on Eastern Power. g) Councillor Senis advised that Craig Bamford, President L WCA offered to do a walkabout on Saturday morning at 10:30 prior to the park meeting scheduled for December 5. '-" (V) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 12:05 a.m. DATED l CHAIRMAN /' ) / / Ii /.' //'/ .,./ ;1;- l~i \... :.:rA--.~~_~_ ,,// '-" TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on November 25, 1996, presents its seventeenth report to Council and recommends: 1. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 19/93(R) MINISTER'S ZONING ORDER AMENDMENT APPLICATION 18Z0-0299304 CLUBLINK CORPORATION PART OF LOTS 13 TO 16, CONCESSION 7 FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 19/93(R) - 18Z0-0299304 ~ 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 19/93 (R) submitted by Clublink Corporation, to permit the expansion of the existing golf course facility from 27 holes to 45 holes, the construction of a new clubhouse and establishment of a public hiking trail, on Part of Lots 13 to 16, Concession 7 in the Town of Pickering, be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix No. I to Recommendation Report 34/96; 2. That the Town Clerk be authorized to advise the Ministry of Municipal Affairs that the Town of Pickering recommends that Ministers Zoning Order Amendment Application 18Z0-0299304 (R) to permit the expansion of the existing golf course facility from 27 holes to 45 holes, the construction of a new clubhouse and establishment of a public hiking trail, on Part of Lots 13 to 16, Concession 7 in the Town of Pickering, be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix No. II to Recommendation Report No. 34/96; 3. That Pickering Town Council authorize the Town Solicitor to initiate the process required for Council to consider closing, retiring, and selling a portion of the Sideline 14 road allowance between Regional Road No. 31 (the Seventh Concession Road) and the Eighth Concession Road; and '-' 4. That should a new Town of Pickering official plan be adopted by Town Council, Planning staff be authorized to prepare and forward to the Region of Durham for their consideration, an appropriate modification to the Plan to recognize the land use supported by approval by Council of Zoning By- law Amendment Application A 19/93 (R). 2. MINISTER'S ZONING ORDER AMENDMENT APPLICATION 18Z0-0299504 T. DELLAPORT AS PART OF LOT 11, CONCESSION 5 (WEST OF WESTNEY ROAD, SOUTH OF SIXTH CONCESSION ROAD IN THE HAMLET OF GREENWOOD) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - 18Z0-0299504 That the Town of Pickering recommend to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing that Minister's Zoning Order Amendment Application 18Z0-0299504, submitted by Michael S. Manett Planning Services Ltd., on behalf of T. Dellaportas, on lands being Part of Lot 11, Concession 5, Town of Pickering, to permit the creation of one additional residential lot with a minimum lot frontage of 5.0 metres and a minimum lot area of 0.65 ofa hectare be REFUSED. '-" That a request to Town Council by the applicant, Michael S. Mannet Planning Services Ltd., on behalf of T. Dellaportas, on lands being Part of Lot 11, Concession 5, Town of Pickering, to amend the Hamlet of Greenwood Development Plan to permit a 0.3 of a hectare minimum lot area (to be provided by a proposed retained lot on the subject lands) be REFUSED. 2 3. OBTAlNSERVICESOFCO~UTERCONSULTANT TO DEVELOP ASSESSMENT PORTION OF PROPERTY SYSTEMS FILE NUMBER -A 4000 That the Manager of Information Systems be authorized to retain a consultant to develop the assessment portion of the Property systems; and that the amount of $18,000 for the retention of the consultant be charged to Account 2126-2392. -- 4. TENDER NUMBER T -10-96 TENDER FOR WATERFRONT TRAIL FILE NUMBER - C4300 That Tender Number T-I0-96, submitted by Mopal Construction Limited in the amount of$81,816.62 be accepted; and that a project cost of $91,944.00, including the tender amount and other associated costs, be approved. 5. UPDATE OF AUDIT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS AND WORKPLAN FILE NUMBER - A 2110 That the Report of the Chair of the Audit Committee dated November 8, 1996 providing an update of the Audit Committee recommendations and workplan be received. "-" 6. "INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DAY" - DECEMBER 10, 1996 "HUMAN RIGHTS WEEK" - DECEMBER 9 - 15, 1996 "CRIMES TOPPERS MONTH" - JANUARY, 1997 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamations: "INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DAY" - DECEMBER 1 0, 1996 "HUMAN RIGHTS WEEK" - DECEMBER 9 -15,1996 "CRIMESTOPPERS MONTH" - JANUARY, 1997 ~