HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 6, 13, 1997 (Special) i SPECIAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES -- MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 1997 - 7:30 P.M. and continuing to MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1997 -7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson E. Pistritto D. Ryan - Chairman S. Senis ALSO PRESENT: '-'" T. 1. Quinn B. Taylor N. Carroll T. Melymuk C. Rose D. Kearns - Executive Director of Operations - Town Clerk - Director of Planning - Deputy Director of Planning - Manager, Policy Division - Co-ordinator of Council Services (n MA TTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. RECOMMENDED PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN DATED OCTOBER. 1996 To adopt the recommended Pickering Official Plan, dated October 1996, as set out in Planning Report #28/96 and revised at the Special Executive Committee Meetings held on November 7, 1996 and December 2, 1996. Aooroved as amended See Recommendation #1 '4fIw Tommy Thompson, representing the Community Working Group, stated that the preparation of this Official Plan began in 1992 and the Group has since put in many hours and this Plan has been given more study and thought than any other Official Plan in the GT A. He urged Council not to make major changes at this time because of the work that has already gone into it. He asked that the mandatory phrases not be changed to permissive phrases. 6 Fred Beer, Westney Road, stated that the residents have played a large role in formulating this Official Plan and Council should respect this work and approve the Plan. Corky DeGraauw, Valley Farm Road, stated that he is opposed to changing the name of "Spring Creek" to "Spring Creek Estates" or "Cedar Creek" . -- Greg Hoy, Sideline 12, stated that he is opposed to calling the area where he lives "Spring Creek". The creek that runs through his property is known as Willow Creek and the area has been known as Cedar Creek for many years. Grant Morris, representing Mr. and Mrs. Ammoury, stated that he is opposed to the proposed road connecting Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue. He does not feel the road is necessary and should be studied further to determine if other alternatives would be more appropriate. He asked that the Town withdraw its appeal of the severances granted to his clients. Richard Ward, Box 5142, Claremont, stated that he is appealing the approval of the ClubLink application and will be appealing any redesignation of lands he formerly owned at Rosebank Road and Finch Avenue and lands on Valley Farm Road. Mr. Denison, 1960 Woodview Avenue, stated that he opposes the Rouge/Duffins Corridor being on private lands. -- Domenik Cuk, who owns land at Dixie Road and Concession 3 Road, stated that his lands are designated as a Wildlife Corridor but he hasn't seen any significant wildlife on his lands. He stated that wildlife corridors should only be on public lands. Stephanie Fillingham, 1820 Pine Grove Avenue, asked that the proposed road between Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue be reconsidered because car lights will shine into her house if it is built. The area residents are being well served by the current roads and noted that there has been no public discussion about this proposed road. The current road running from Hogarth Street will serve the proposed subdivision much better. She noted that Council assured the residents of Pine Grove Avenue that the integrity of their properties would be maintained even with development being carried out around them. Jocelyn Barber, 450 Finch Avenue, stated that she is opposed to the Rouge/Duffins Corridor as shown on Schedule 3 of the Official Plan. There are no studies to support this Wildlife Corridor and noted that there are Provincial regulations to govern wildlife preserves that are very stringent and she is concerned the Official Plan will have similar regulations. ..... David Currie, Lot 11, Concession 9, stated that he supports Greg Hoy in opposed the renaming of the Cedar Creek area to "Spring Creek". Historically, this area has been named Cedar Creek and this name should not change. David Steele, representing Planning Pickering Together, gave an extensive presentation involving overheads which generally supported the Plan. ~ (ID w DATED ~ 7 Michael Goldberg, representing Runneymede Developments, stated that his client owns 225 acres in the industrial area and requested that the Plan be amended to allow alternative uses other than those allowed in and Employment Area and that Performance Targets to achieve a 70/30 ratio of residential assessment to industrial assessment should be deleted and replaced with a statement that such ratios are to be determined. Lorelei Jones, representing Coughlan Homes, asked Council to reconsider the north parcel of the Swan Estate Lands to redesignate these lands from open space to residential and gave the assurance that the lands would be developed properly. The south parcel does not need to be a Special Policy Area because the subdivision process would bring out issues that would be of importance. With respect to her client's lands at 2040 Valley Farm Road, she asked that a residential designation be considered for that area above the table lands and noted that there is adequate protection in developing this property in the subdivision process. ADJOURNMENT The Meeting was recessed at 12:20 a.m. on January 7, 1997, it reconvened on Monday, January 13, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. and adjourned at 8:45 p.m. ~ /! 7/.. //~-/.?; 1 7 ,. ...-d i,/') i (. )./; ..-=- _.+._..~.l.~' >>" ".-. .' CHAIRMAN (. TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on January 6 and 13, 1997 in a Special Session, presents its second report to Council and recommends: 1. RECOMMENDED PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN DA TED OCTOBER. 1996 -.. 1. That Town Council adopt by by-law the recommended Pickering Official Plan, dated October 1996 (provided under separate cover) as the new Pickering Official Plan, with the following changes: (a) Revise Schedule I (the Land Use Structure) by redesignating the lands located on the east side of Whites Road north of Finch Avenue, between the hydro rights-of- way, from "Urban Residential Areas- Low Density Areas" to "Open Space System - Natural Areas." (b) Revise the recommended Official Plan as outlined in Items 1 through 18 of Appendix No. I to the Addendum to Recommendation Report No. 28/96. ( c) Revise the recommended Official Plan as outlined in Items I through 6 of Appendix No. I to the Second Addendum to Recommendation Report No. 28/96. (d) Revise the recommended Official Plan as described by Items 1, 2, and 3 as outlined in the Table attached to the Director of Planning's memorandum to the Mayor and Council dated January 2, 1997. -- (e) Revise Schedule III (Resource Management) so that the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor be located on the Ontario Hydro Gatineau Transmission Corridor and the Ontario Hydro lands between Fairport Road and West Duffins Creek; a ten metre setback be required and Sections 10. 17(b) and 15.9(k) be deleted. (f) Revise Map 20, Neighbourhood 10: Highbush, by deleting the proposed new road connection between Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue. (g) Refer the redesignation of lands in and around 2040 Valley Farm Road to staff for preparation of an appropriate policy. (h) Revise Section 4.9 in Chapter Four - Transportation by deleting Section (c). (i) Revise Section 4.15 in Chapter Four - Transportation by deleting the first sentence and substituting therefore the words "Town Council requests the Region of Durham to implement the following:" ....... 2 G) Revise Section 7. 8(b) in Chapter Seven - Community Services by deleting the words "the location of' and the words "in or close to Regional Node 1" so that this Section now reads "encourage major outdoor community, cultural, athletic and recreational uses and facilities." (k) Revise Section 10.18 (c) in Chapter Ten - Resource Management by deleting the words " support the establishment of' and substituting the words "Town Council shall consider supporting the establishment of'. '-" (I) Revise Section 13 .15( d) in Chapter Thirteen - Detailed Design Considerations by deleting the words "discourage the use of portable signs" and substituting the words "prohibit portable signs except under specific circumstances and by permit only." (m) Revise Section 4.2(d) in Chapter Four - Transportation be deleting the words "particularly into Metropolitan Toronto and the Region of York". (n) Delete Clause 4.5(c) in Chapter Four - Transportation. 2. That the Draft By-law included as Appendix No. I to Recommendation Report No. 28/96 to adopt a new Pickering Official Plan and repeal the existing Pickering District Plan be forwarded to Town Council for enactment. 3. That the Region of Durham be requested to inItiate various amendments to the Durham Regional Official Plan required for the approval of the new Pickering Official Plan which amendments are outlined in Appendix No. II to Recommendation Report No. 28/96. -- 4. That the new Pickering Official Plan adopted by Council be forwarded to the Region of Durham for approval. '-"