HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 9, 1997 ~~ OF PIc. .....0 1-11' ~-~ f- :i:k G) ~ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES ...... MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1997 - 7:50 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner - Chairman R. Johnson D. Ryan S. Senis ALSO PRESENT: T. Quinn B. Taylor N. Carroll T. Melymuk I. Berrey D. Kearns - General Manager - Town Clerk - Director of Planning - Deputy Director of Planning - Temporary Acting Treasurer-Collector - Co-ordinator of Council Services '- ABSENT: Councillor Dickerson -(Municipal matter) Councillor Pistritto - (ill) (n ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of May 26, 1997. ~ 50 lID MA TTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 86-10/D(R) MODIFICATION #4 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-86013(R) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 15/86(R) 770661 ONTARIO INC. PART OF LOT 2, CONCESSION 5 (EAST SIDE OF AUDLEY ROAD, NORTH OF THE UNOPENED CONCESSION ROAD ALLOWANCE) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 -AI5/86(R) '-' In Planning Recommendation Report 14/97, it is recommended that the development application submitted by 770661 Ontario Limited to develop a residential subdivision in the southwest portion of Lot 2, Concession 5, be APPROVED. Approved as Amended to delete Block 16 from Condition 2.2.5 lb) in Appendix #2 See Recommendation #1 Dr. Henry Albin advised that he is pleased with the recommendations except for the inclusion of 2.2.5(b). Russ Powell, Chief Executive Officer of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority stated their support of the staff recommendations. He advised that CLOCA would like to have a conservation area within Pickering and with the approval of this application this would occur. Henry Kortekaas stated that he was available to answer any technical questions pertaining to this application. 'w. 2. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T -88092(R) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 60/88 BANNER AGENCIES. PART OF LOT 32, CONCESSION 1 FILE NUMBER - B 2310 -A 60/88 In Planning Recommendation Report 11/97, it is recommended that Council recommend to the Region of Durham, that Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T- 88092(R) submitted by Banner Agencies on lands known as Part of Lot 32, Concession 1, Town of Pickering, be APPROVED AS REVISED and that Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 60/88 to allow medium density residential development, be APPROVED. Not Approved See Recommendation #2 Andy Anderson, representing the applicant was available to answer any questions. '-' 3. 51 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 9/97 119833 ONTARIO INe. PART OF LOT 16, PLAN 221 (EAST SIDE OF FOXWOOD TRAIL, SOUTH OF BA YFIELD STREET) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 -A9/97 '-" In Planning Recommendation Report 13/97, it is recommended that Zoning By- law Amendment Application A 9/97, submitted by 119833 Ontario Inc., on lands being Part of Lot 16, Plan 221, Town of Pickering, be APPROVED, to change the zoning on the subj ect property from "A" - Rural Agricultural Zone to "S 1" - Detached Dwelling Residential Zone, to permit the severance and the conveyance of lands, resulting in the establishment of four residential lots with frontages ranging from 15.5 metres to 17.1 metres on F oxwood Trail and Chartwell Crescent. Approved See Recommendation #3 4. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 4/97 TOWN-INITIATED HOME-BASED BUSINESS FILE NUMBER - B 2310 -A 4/97 In Planning Recommendation Report 12/97, it is recommended that Town- Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 4/97 to permit Home-Based Business in the Town of Pickering, subject to conformity with a set of performance criteria, be APPROVED. Approved See Recommendation #4 '-' Bob Martindale, representing Durham Region Economic Development Association of Canada, commended staff for their hard work in the preparation of the document. He stated that they have some concern with the signage and licencing conditions. He asked for Council's endorsement. Scott Wetherall, representing Durham Homeprenuer Group, stated that Home Based Businesses is a key to economic growth in Pickering. Brian Spencer, also representing Durham Homeprenuer Group, stated that small businesses are needed to encourage growth in Pickering. He expressed thanks to Councillors for encouragement to move ahead and fight the battle for the approval of Home Based Businesses. 5. PICKERING RURAL STUDY RURAL LANDS WEST OF WEST DUFFINS CREEK FILE NUMBER - B 1000 In Planning Report 16/97, It IS recommended that Council authorize the commencement of a "Pickering Rural Study". Approved See Recommendation #5 '-" 52 6. APARTMENTS IN HOUSES (TWO-UNIT HOUSES) FILE NUMBER -B 1000 In Interdepartmental Development Team Report 1/97, it is recommended that Council receive this report regarding Two-Unit Houses. Approved See Recommendation #6 ,..,. 7 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT DECISION TO PAR TIALL Y REFUND APPLICATION FEES FOR EIGHT MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATIONS BY MAXCON DEVELOPMENTS LTD. FILE NUMBER - B 2310 In a Memorandum from the Planning Director, dated May 23, 1997, it is recommended that Council be advised of a recent decision of the Committee of Adjustment respecting the refund of application fees and to seek Council's direction on this matter. Approved as amended See Recommendation #7 8. SHARED SERVICES WITH THE TOWN OF AJAX In Clerk's Report CL 20/97, it is recommended that the partnering of the Fire and Transit Departments with the Town of Ajax be approved and that a committee be established to prepare a business case to address the issue of shared services. 'w Approved See Recommendation #8 9. TENDER APPROVAL BY GENERAL MANAGER FILE NUMBER - C 4300 In General Manager's Report GM 03/97, it is recommended that the approval of tenders by the General Manager during Council's 1997 Summer Recess period (i.e. from June 24, 1997 to July 31, 1997 and from August 6, 1997 to August 29, 1997), be approved. Approved See Recommendation #9 10. MODIFIED WORK PROGRAM POLICY FILE NUMBER - A 4000 In the Manager of Human Resources Report HR 05/97, it is recommended that the Town's formalized Modified Work Program Policy be adopted ~. Approved See Recommendation #10 11. 53 PROPOSAL TO OUTSOURCE THE DISTRIBUTION OF TAX CERTIFICATES FILE NUMBER - C 5000 In Information Services Report IS 1/97, it is recommended that the proposal to start the process of outsourcing the distribution of Tax Certificates, be adopted. Approved See Recommendation #11 12. SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT WOODSMERE PROPERTIES LIMITED DRAFT PLAN 18T-88074 (PHASE 5) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 w In Legal Services Report L 94/97, it is recommended that a draft by-law to authorize the execution of a Subdivision Agreement respecting the development of Phase 5 of Draft Plan 18T-88074 (Woodsmere Properties Limited), be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 13. MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH CLAREMONT LIONS CLUB CLAREMONT COMMUNITY CENTRE FILE NUMBER - D 3310 '-' In Legal Services Report L 87/97, it is recommended that a draft by-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement with the Claremont Lions Club to provide management services to the Corporation at the Claremont Community Centre for a term of three years, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 14. THROUGH HIGHWAYS DESIGNATION MERIADOC DRIVE, PLAN 40M-1753 FILE NUMBER - E 4000 In Legal Services Report L 80/97, it is recommended that a draft by-law to amend By-law 2366/87 to designate Meriadoc Drive, from Dellbrook Avenue to Major Oaks Road as a through highway, be forwarded to Council for enactment By-law forwarded to Council 15. SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 672003 ONTARIO LIMITED DRAFT PLAN 18T-95001 FILE NUMBER - B 2310 ~ In Legal Services Report L 93/97, it is recommended that a draft by-law to authorize the execution of a Subdivision Agreement between the Town and 672003 Ontario Limited respecting the development of Draft Plan 18T -95001, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 54 16. TENDER NO. T-6-97 TENDER FOR BOILER REPLACEMENT PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX FILE NUMBER - C 4300 In Clerk's Report CL 28/97, it is recommended that Tender No T-6-97 submitted by Canadian Tech Air Systems Inc. in the amount of$114,363.74 be accepted. Approved See Recommendation #12 '-" ELECTION SIGNS FILE NUMBER - A 2112 17. In Clerk's Report CL 27/97, it is recommended that Section 11 of By-law 2439/87 (Sign By-law) respecting election and/or campaign signs be strictly enforced during all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Election periods. Approved as amended to receive Clerk's Report CL 27/97 See Recommendation #13 REQUEST TO ACQUIRE BELL AT GREENWOOD LIBRARY FILE NUMBER - A 2150.11 18. In Clerk's Report CL 24/97, it is recommended that the request of Alyson Sonnenschein dated May 12, 1997 to acquire the bell at the Greenwood Library be refused. '-' Approved See Recommendation #14 19. RELOCATION OF MAYFAIR BINGO FROM 1735 BAYLY STREET TO 975 DILLINGHAM ROAD FILE NUMBER - D 2300 In Clerk's Report CL 25/97, it is recommended that the proposal submitted by Cameron and Johnstone Limited, operating as Mayfair Bingo, dated April 4, 1997, to relocate its Class "A" Bingo Hall from 1735 Bayly Street to 975 Dillingham Road be approved. Approved See Recommendation #15 20. APPOINTMENT OF BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS AT 726 KINGSTON ROAD FILE NUMBER - A 1900 w In Clerk's Report CL 26/97, it is recommended that a draft by-law to appoint three persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 726 Kingston Road, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 21. 55 CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES FILE NUMBER -A 2310.293 The Town Clerk recommends the cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes in the amount of $20,284.02 Approved See Recommendation #16 '-" (TIn OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Johnson advised that he would be bringing forward a Notice of Motion with respect to illegal dumping. 2. Councillor Johnson commented on the opening ofHwy. 407. 3. Mayor Arthurs advised that he attended the opening of the Hwy. 407. 4. Mayor Arthurs thanked the Regional Councillors for their support in his appointment to the Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance. 5. Mayor Arthurs thanked the Town Clerk for his response to Councillor Senis' questions. 6. Councillor Senis requested a status report with respect to the problems on Toy Avenue. 7. Councillor Senis requested that a meeting with Mr. Sterling be included on the agenda with respect to the Certificate of Approval. 8. Councillor Senis advised that $2,400 was raised for Camp Oochigeas and she thanked all participants. "-" 9. Councillor Brenner advised that he would not be in attendance at the Special Executive Meeting of June 1 Oth as he would be attending the Canadian Urban Transit Association Conference in Ottawa. 10. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a) The General Manager distributed and discussed information concerning Brock WestfBrock North Issues, Minutes: - Brock West Landfill Post Closure Landscape Planning Meeting #3 - May 23, 1997, Planning Department 1997 Activity Report, and Transportation Services to Local Neighborhoods. b) The General Manager advised that the Health and Safety Co- ordinator would like to make a slide presentation to Council regarding the Brock North Landfill Site. c) The General Manager advised that the Dragon Boat Challenge will be taking place. d) The General Manager requested direction from Council regarding the offer by Super Centre to provide refreshments at the Complex fundraiser. '-" '-" '-" '-" "'" '-' '-' 56 e) Council directed that with respect to the request from the Pickering! Ajax Italian Club to install a school portable in Centennial Park for their bochi ball club, no decision on this matter is to be made until a policy report on the use of school portables in parks is prepared by the Director of Planning and the Director of Parks and Facilities. t) The General Manager advised that a request was received by the Chip-N-Dale Day Care for a reduction in rental fees from $1,000 to $800. Approved See Recommendation #17 g) The General Manager advised that a report would be coming forward to Council regarding the Public Works Department. (IV) ADJOURNMENT DATED The Meeting adjourned at 11 :00 p.m. SEPT /~--jq1 CLERK ~ C TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on June 9, 1997, presents its eleventh report to Council and recommends: 1. REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 86-10/D(R) MODIFICATION #4 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-86013(R) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 15/86(R) 770661 ONTARIO INC. PART OF LOT 2, CONCESSION 5 (EAST SIDE OF AUDLEY ROAD, NORTH OF THE UNOPENED CONCESSION ROAD ALLOWANCE) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 -AI5/86(R) '-' '-' 1. That Town Council recommend to the Region of Durham that Regional Official Plan Amendment Application 86-010/D (R) to allow the development of up to 14 country residential lots in the south-west portion of Lot 2, Concession 5, Town of Pickering, be APPROVED. 2. That Town Council ADOPT Modification #4 to the Council Adopted Pickering Official Plan to incorporate the proposed new rural settlement of Forest Creek Estates as outlined in Appendix No. I to Town Recommendation Report No. 14/97 and request the Region of Durham to modify the Plan accordingly. 3. That Town Council recommend to the Region of Durham that Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -86013 (Rev 4), submitted by 770661 Ontario Limited on lands being Part of Lot 2, Concession 5, Town of Pickering, be APPROVED, subject to the conditions detailed in Appendix No. II to Town Recommendation report No. 14/97 as revised to delete Block 16 from Condition 2.2.5(b). w ~ 4. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 15/86 (R), submitted by 770661 Ontario Limited on lands being Part of Lot 2, Concession 5, Town of Pickering, be APPROVED to implement development as proposed by Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-86013 (R) subject to the conditions detailed in Appendix No. III to Town Recommendation Report No. 14/97. 2. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T -88092(R) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 60/88 BANNER AGENCIES. PART OF LOT 32, CONCESSION 1 FILE NUMBER - B 2310 -A 60/88 1. That Town Council recommend to the Region of Durham, that Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -88092(R) submitted by Banner Agencies on lands known as Part of Lot 32, Concession 1, Town of Pickering, be NOT APPROVED. '-' 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 60/88 to allow medium density residential development, be NOT APPROVED. '-' 2 3. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 9197 119833 ONTARIO INe. PART OF LOT 16, PLAN 221 (EAST SIDE OF FOXWOOD TRAIL, SOUTH OF BA YFIELD STREET) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 -A9197 ....... That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9197, submitted by 119833 Ontario Inc., on lands being Part of Lot 16, Plan 221, Town of Pickering, be APPROVED, to change the zoning on the subject property from "A" - Rural Agricultural Zone to "s 1" - Detached Dwelling Residential Zone, to permit the severance and the conveyance of lands, resulting in the establishment of four residential lots with frontages ranging from 15.5 metres to 17.1 metres on Foxwood Trail and Chartwell Crescent. '-'" 4. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 4/97 TOWN-INITIATED HOME-BASED BUSINESS FILE NUMBER - B 2310 -A 4/97 1. That Council APPROVE Town-Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 4/97 to permit Home-Based Business in the Town of Pickering, subject to conformity with a set of performance criteria as outlined in Appendix A to Recommendation Report No. 12/97; 2. That, in order to permit home-based businesses in the Town of Pickering in an appropriate manner, the necessary amendments to each of the Town's Zoning By-laws (Nos. 2511, 2520, 3036, & 3037), and the Town's Sign By-law (No. 2439/87) be forwarded to Council; and '-'" 3. That Council endorse the establishment of a Licensing System for Home- Based Business, and that a by-law establishing such a system be forwarded to Council. 'w'. 5. PICKERING RURAL STUDY RURAL LANDS WEST OF WEST DUFFINS CREEK FILE NUMBER - BlOOD 1. That Council authorize the commencement of a "Pickering Rural Study". 2. That Council adopt appropriate modifications to the Council Adopted Official Plan (March 1997) as set out in Appendix No. I to Planning Report No. 16/97, to extend the boundary of the Rural Study Area to include all lands in rural Pickering west of the West Duffins Creek. 3. That Council endorse a Study Process for the Pickering Rural Study as set out in Appendix II to Planning Report No. 16/97. ....... \riw' 3 6. APARTMENTS IN HOUSES (TWO-UNIT HOUSES) FILE NUMBER -B 1000 1. That Town Council receive for information Interdepartmental Development Team Report No. 1/97 regarding Two-Unit Houses; 2. That through the Home Fire Safety Program commencing in 1997, the Fire Department identify existing Two-Unit Houses and develop an inventory of these units within the Town's computer property system data base, including Fire Code conformity status and other relevant data; '-" ... 3. That Town Council authorize the Planning Department to initiate a zoning review addressing the establishment of new Two-Unit Houses in the Town; 4. That Town Council consider the establishment of a Registry for Two-Unit Houses concurrent with its consideration of zoning provisions for new Two-Unit Houses in the Town, following completion of the zoning review outlined in Recommendation 3 above. 7. COMMITTEE OF ADmSTMENT DECISION TO PAR TIALL Y REFUND APPLICATION FEES FOR EIGHT MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATIONS BY MAXCON DEVELOPMENTS LTD. FILE NUMBER - B 2310 That the Report of the Director of Planning dated May 23, 1997 be received; and That no refund will be made to Maxcon Developments; and .... That the Committee of Adjustment Rules of Procedure be clarified to specify that on any lot of record where a minor variance or variances are requested, a separate minor variance application and fee shall be required for each part of that lot affected by the requested variance which will ultimately be created as a separate lot through plan of subdivision, consent or part lot control, as anticipated by the Planning Department. ,-". 8 SHARED SERVICES WITH THE TOWN OF AJAX 1. That the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby approves in principle the partnering of the Fire and Transit Departments with the Town of Ajax; and That the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Ajax be requested to give its approval in principle to the partnering of the Fire and Transit Departments. 2. That a committee comprised of the Mayor, General Manager/Chief Administrative Officer and one senior Treasury staff person from each of the Towns of Pickering and Ajax be established to prepare a business case to address the issue of shared services; and ~ ,.... That subject to the approval of the Council of the Town of Ajax, Mr. Jack Gartley be invited to act as a consultant to the committee. 4 9. TENDER APPRO V AL BY GENERAL MANAGER FILE NUMBER - C 4300 That the approval of tenders by the General Manager during Council's 1997 Summer Recess period (i.e. from June 24,1997 to July 31, 1997 and from August 6, 1997 to august 29, 1997) be approved on condition that, (a) '-' (b) W (c) the lowest acceptable tender is approved, the cost thereof is within the budget previously allocated therefor by Council, and a report respecting those tenders is subsequently submitted to Council. 10. MODIFIED WORK PROGRAM POLICY FILE NUMBER - A 4000 That the Town's formalized Modified Work Program Policy as set out in Human Resources Report HR 5/96 be adopted 11. PROPOSAL TO OUTSOURCE THE DISTRIBUTION OF TAX CERTIFICATES FILE NUMBER - C 5000 That the proposal to start the process of outsourcing the distribution of Tax Certificates, as set out in Report IS 1/97 be adopted. w 12. TENDER NO. T-6-97 TENDER FOR BOILER REPLACEMENT PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX FILE NUMBER - C 4300 '-' That Tender No. T-6-97 submitted by Canadian Tech Air Systems Inc. in the amount of$114,363.74 be accepted; and that a project cost of $115,238.46, including the tender amount and other associated costs, be approved. 13. ELECTION SIGNS FILE NUMBER - A 2112 That Clerk's Report CL 27/97 be received. -- REQUEST TO ACQUIRE BELL AT GREENWOOD LIBRARY FILE NUMBER - A 2150.11 14. -- That the request of Alyson Sonnenschein dated May 12, 1997 to acquire the bell at the Greenwood Library be Approved. 15. 5 RELOCATION OF MAYFAIR BINGO FROM 1735 BAYLY STREET TO 975 DILLINGHAM ROAD FILE NUMBER - D 2300 That the proposal submitted by Cameron and Johnstone Limited, operating as Mayfair Bingo, dated April 4, 1997, to relocate its Class "A" Bingo Hall from 1735 Bayly Street to 975 Dillingham Road be approved. 'W 16. CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR 'W REFUND OF TAXES FILE NUMBER -A 2310.293 WHEREAS Section 446 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O, 1990., c. MAS. transfers the responsibility for the hearing of the applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes to the Council of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS notices in writing of applications have been received by the Clerk of the Municipality for the cancellation, reduction and refund of taxes for various reasons; AND WHEREAS upon investigation and receipt of reasonable explanations all claims have been substantiated; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Council of the Town of Pickering accept the following list of applications and authorize the adjustment of taxes in the amount of $20,284.02 APPL. ROLL # PROPERTY APPLICANT REASON AMOUNT OF .'-" NO ADJUSTMENT 77/96 020-025- 691 Front McDiarmid, Carol R. Removal of $111.97 '-" 28200 Road 691 Front Road swimming pool Pickering, ON LIW IPl 78/96 020-025- 776 Liverpool W oUf, Adolf & Erica Commercial to $206.51 03300 Road P.O. Box 1332 residential Bracebridge, ON PIL 1 V4 1/97 020-025- 691 Front McDiarmid, Carol R. Removal of $113.85 28200 Road 691 Front Road swimming pool Pickering, ON L 1 W 1 PI 2/97 020-022- 922 Dillingham D. & E. Precision Commercial to $275.57 06524 Road Tooling residential 922 Dillingham Road Pickering, ON LIW lZ6 3/97 020-022- 922 Dillingham D. & E. Precision Commercial to $3,300.01 06524 Road Tooling residential '-' 922 Dillingham Road Pickering, ON 'W LIW lZ6 4/97 020-016- 1540 Pickering O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. Assessment $424.05 30224 Parkway 1540 Pickering Pky #507 incorrect Pickering, ON LIV 3V9 6 APPL. NO 7/97 ROLL # PROPERTY APPLICANT REASON AMOUNT OF ADJUSTMENT $367.12 020-016- 30154 1530 Pickering Pky #502 Davenport, Paul 1530 Pickering Pky Pky #502 Pickering, ON Ll V 3V8 Assessment lower for 1997 '-' 8a/97 020-024- 933 Liverpool Ho Yuen, R Reduced space $58.17 97700- Road Ahnow, W, '-' 0000 933 Liverpool Rd Pickering, ON LIW IS7 8b/97 020-024- 933 Liverpool Ho Yuen, R Reduced space $194.75 97700- Road Ahnow, W, 0001 933 Liverpool Rd Pickering, ON LIW IS7 9a/97 020-024- 933 Liverpool Ho Yuen, R Reduced space $78.17 97700- Road Ahnow, W, 0000 933 Liverpool Rd Pickering, ON L 1 W 1 S7 9b/97 020-024- 933 Liverpool Ho Yuen, R Reduced space $260.95 97700- Road Ahnow, W, 0001 933 Liverpool Rd Pickering, ON LIW IS7 11/97 030-009- Concession 6 Brooks, Ivy Pearl Estate Clerical error $1,222.98 06610 Part Lot 13 c/o Ken 1. Brooks "'" RR#5 Claremont, ON 'w Ll Y lA2 12/97 020-016- 1530 Pickering Penny, William S. Clerical error $424.05 30126 Parkway #307 Wilding, Linda S. 1530 Pickering Pkwy #307 Pickering, ON L 1 V 3 V8 13/97 030-020- 1969 Rosebank Finchrose Development Assessed a house $2,504.67 14716 Road Corporation on vacant lot 3459 Sheppard Ave.E. Suite 206 Scarborough, ON MIT 3K5 14a/97 020-022- 1051 Brock Accu-Line Front End Reduced space $472.78 03700- Road Specialties Ltd. 0003 1051 Brock Road Pickering, ON L 1 W 3 T7 -- 14b/97 020-022- 1051 Brock Accu-Line Front End Reduced space $23.35 03700- Road Specialties Ltd. -- 0004 1051 Brock Road Pickering, ON LIW 3T7 16/97 010-021- 1797 Silver 956414 Ontario Ltd. Reduced space $529.44 03860 Maple Drive c/o Terra Nova Homes 1812 Rosebank Rd.N Pickering, ON L 1 V IP6 7 APPL. ROLL # PROPERTY APPLICANT REASON AMOUNT OF NO ADJUSTMENT 17/97 010-021- 1828 Rosebank 956414 Ontario Ltd. Assessment $1,226.77 03200 Road clo Terra Nova Homes incorrect 1812 Rosebank Road N. Pickering, ON Ll V IP6 ~ 18/97 010-021- 1800 Silver 956414 Ontario Ltd. Assessment $942.14 03740 Maple Drive clo Terra Nova Homes incorrect '-' 1812 Rosebank Road N. Pickering, ON Ll V IP6 24a197 020-024- 5-6 1477 Bayly Plummer, Dennis Reduced space $271.38 07400- Street TIA Sandy Beach Coin 0005 Laundry & Dry Cleaner 1477 Bayly St. Pickering, On LIW lL3 24b/97 020-024- 5-6 1477 Bayly Plummer, Dennis Reduced space $35.12 07400- Street T I A Sandy Beach Coin 0006 Laundry & Dry Cleaner 1477 Bayly St. Pickering, On LIW lL3 27/97 030-003- Con.6 S Part Patricia Symons Garage removed $56.93 22700 Lot 33 R.R 1 40R-2631 Pt.3 Locust Hill, ON LOH 110 ...... 28/97 030-003- Con.6 Dialfax Marketing Inc. Garage removed $55.99 22700 S. Pt.Lt. 33 R.R.l ~ Locust Hill, ON LOH 110 30/97 020-022- 1753-1797 1083922 Ontario Inc. Commercial to $1,206.17 05905 Bayly Street 1773 Bayly Street residential Pickering, ON LIW 2Y7 3 1/97 010-018- 1873 Craigen, Gary and Carol Pool removed $85.39 05757 Malden Cres. 1873 Malden Crescent Pickering, ON Ll V 3G3 32/97 010-018- 1873 Craigen, Gary and Carol Pool removed $63.10 05757 Malden Cres. 1873 Malden Crescent Pickering, ON Ll V 3G3 38/97 010-026- 664 Breezy Dr. Irvin Charles W.J. Swimming Pool $56.93 36100 Irvin, Lynda removed 664 Breezy Drive Pickering, ON LIW 2X3 ..... 39/97 010-026- 664 Breezy Dr. Irvin Charles W.J. Swimming Pool $46.82 -- 36100 Irvin, Lynda removed 664 Breezy Drive Pickering, ON Ll W 2X3 - 8 APPL. ROLL # PROPERTY APPLICANT REASON AMOUNT OF NO ADJUSTMENT 41/97 020-016- Pickering Fowler, M.B. & V.M. Clerical error $424.05 30127 Parkway #308 1530 Pickering Pkwy #308 Pickering, ON L 1 V 3 V9 -- 42/97 020-016- 1530 Pickering Jacquot, Jean Noel Clerical error $424.05 .,.. 30164 Parkway #601 1530 Pickering Parkway #601 Pickering, ON L 1 V 3 V8 43/97 020-016- 1540 Pickering Wolfe, Beresford and Clerical error $338.66 30230 Parkway #502 Blake Devon 1540 Pickering Parkway #502 Pickering, ON L 1 V 3 V9 44/97 020-016- 1535 Walker, Cheryl Clerical error $452.51 30265 Diefenbaker 1535 Diefenbaker Crt Crt. #208 Pickering, ON Ll V 3W2 45/97 020-016- 1535 Goudie, M.R. & N.F. Clerical error $424.05 30273 Diefenbaker 1535 Diefenbaker Crt Crt.#305 #305 Pickering, ON "-"" Ll V 3W2 ..... 46/97 020-016- 1535 Pallett, Philip Clerical error $424.05 30288 Diefenbaker French, Amanda Crt #409 1535 Diefenbaker Crt #409 Pickering, ON Ll V 3W2 47/97 020-016- 1525 Melissis, Mike Clerical error $424.05 30377 Diefenbaker 1525 Diefenbaker Crt Crt #411 #411 Pickering, ON LIV 3Wl 48/97 010-026- 728 Leaside Van Cedar, M Swimming pool $113.85 38100 Street Rainey, D. removed 728 Leaside St. Pickering, ON LIW 2Xl 49a/97 020-022- 1135 Squires CEM-AL Holdings Ltd. Reduced space $477.68 "-" 08506- Beach Rd. 1135 Squires Beach Rd. 0001 Pickering, ON L 1 W 3 T9 '-' 49b/97 020-022- 1135 Squires CEM-AL Holdings Ltd. Reduced space $1,572.68 08506- Beach Rd. 113 5 Squires Beach Rd. 0005 Pickering, ON L 1 W 3 T9 9 APPL. ROLL # PROPERTY APPLICANT REASON AMOUNT OF NO ADJUSTMENT 50a/97 020-025- #130-1235 Bay Ridges Hardware Reduced space $520.88 42200- Bayly Street Ltd. 0033 1235 Bayly Street Pickering, ON LIW lL7 W 50b/97 020-025- #130-1235 Bay Ridges Hardware Reduced space $72.38 42200- Bayly Street Ltd. '-' 0034 1235 Bayly Street Pickering, ON LIW lL7 17. CHIP-N-DALE DAY CARE That a reduction in rental fees from $1,000 to $800 per month be Approved for the Chip-N-Dale Day Care. 'w' ..... w '-"