HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 25, 2008 CUlf o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee November 25,2008 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Jim Simpson, Chair Shawna Foxton, Vice-Chair Theresa Abernethy, Member Shirley Curran, Member Richard Fleming, Member Gordon Zimmerman, Member Linda Roberts, (Recording Secretary) Absent: Councillor Johnson Also Present: N. Carroll, Director, Planning & Development 1. Moore, Chief Building Official Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome Jim Simpson, Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting and requested a change in order of the agenda for the purpose of hearing two items of other business first. All in agreement. 1) Jim provided information to the Committee with respect to 2935 Brock Road. Although any comments at this time would be premature, he noted this information was for discussion purposes only, in order to keep the Committee informed and also to provide support to City staff in this regard. Gordon Zimmerman provided a brief history of the property for the Committee's information with respect to the location of the property. It was noted this is a heritage designated property, and they will be submitting an application for structural repairs to the roof. Gordon also suggested John Sabean as a good resource person, as he is very familiar with the history of this property. 2) Shawna Foxton informed the Committee she would not be renewing her membership this year as she will be moving out of town. Jim thanked Shawna on behalf of the Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) 2.0 Committee for all her efforts on Heritage Pickering. will certainly be missed. Approval of Minutes Moved by Gordon Zimmerman Seconded by Richard Fleming She That the minutes of October 28,2008 be adopted. CARRIED 3.0 Delegations 3.1 Ellen Kowalchuk, M.A., Cultural Heritaqe Specialist Jim introduced Ellen Kowalchuk from the Ontario Realty Corporation. Introductions were made around the table. Ellen provided the Committee with a brief background history of her position with the Ontario Realty Corporation in the cultural heritage field. She noted the following points: . Helps individuals through the EA process, and sales process . Outlined the evaluation process . Provided an explanation of how they designate "provincially significant" properties and the difference between how the City looks at it as opposed to the Province . Provincially significant properties have a conservation process . Noted that every undertaking is subject to the EA process, and provided an outline of the process and how they are placed in categories . Sorts through potential properties, then contacts the municipality . ORC looks at property by property as opposed to building by building . Consultant has been hired to compile information . Consulting firm is: Contentworks based in Ottawa . Noted her intent to compile everything and bring forward a plan, make recommendations A brief question and answer period ensued. The Committee's interaction with ORC was discussed, who to contact, and what information the Committee could share with Ellen. CORP0228-2/02 Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 2 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Jim suggested two channels of communication; . formal (through Planning, Clerk's Departments) and; . informal (having Ellen attend meetings for sharing of information) Gordon pointed out again that we must have Council direction in order for the property to be placed on the registry. Discussion ensued on the issue of listing properties, they can be listed but not designated. Provincial designations and the issues surrounding this were discussed. It was noted that the Province is self regulating and that the wording in the Act can be confusing. Neil Carroll, Director of Planning discussed the Provincially owned properties within the Seaton lands. He noted that ownership decisions were still under discussion at various levels and informed the Committee there had been no decisions made at this time. He noted there is a public map for viewing that shows all the transferred lands. Agricultural preserves and how this differs from the Heritage system were also discussed. Neil also noted that this is part of the Central Pickering Development Plan. Most of this area is private ownership. Jim questioned the ORC's responsibility for maintaining the houses owned by the Province. Ellen stated that while the ORC does not want the position of being landlords, steps are being taken to preserve properties during the analysis period. Jim expressed the Committee's concerns with this issue, particularly within the Seaton area. He also noted the Committee's intent to work together, and through cooperation we can achieve more. Gordon Zimmerman reported that the follow up phone survey has been achieving more results with respect to the letters that went out in October to property owners for purposes of listing on the reg istry. Jim again noted the intent of listing properties was to eventually have them designated, and also, that this provides a level of protection with the owners having to provide notification of demolitions. The issue of demolition was further pursued by discussion surrounding the sustainability issues, to look at reuse, renew rather than destroy. CORP0228-2/02 Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 3 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Ellen explained the definition of enviornment~1 assessments, and noted that they can vary with each Ministry involved. Ellen provided the Committee with copies of the handbook on the heritage management process and noted she would email the PDF version. Neil Carroll suggested meeting with Ellen as well and indicated he would contact her. It was questioned whether all the Provincially owned properties could be extracted from the listings and provided to Ellen. Linda to action Neil offered the assistance of the Planning department if required. Jim thanked Ellen for attending our meeting, and she noted she could return once the study was complete. She noted she would inform us of her availability. 4.0 New and Unfinished Business 4.1 Walk of Fame Richard Fleming presented the committee with a proposal for a Pickering Walk of Fame. Copies were provided to the Committee. Richard outlined the format and talked briefly about the preliminary list of potential inductees he had compiled. Moved by Shirley Curran Seconded by Shawna Foxton That the Committee agree to continue the project development of a Walk of Fame. Carried 5.0 Correspondence 5.1 Email from Director, Planning & Development Jim noted the correspondence received from Neil Carroll, Director of Planning with respect to the Whitevale Heritage District and received this correspondence for information. Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline.as appropriate) 6.0 Other Business 6.1 Snap Pickerinq Jim has been in touch with this newspaper and they have responded that they are interested in doing a 1/8 page shot of our display. They would like to have a picture done for the January, 2009 edition. Jim asked if the Clerk's Division could arrange for the LindalDebi to action display to be set up again in the lobby sometime between now and December 15th. Jim has the contact information and will arrange a date and time for the photo shoot. It was decided Jim, Shawna and Gordon Willson would be in the picture. It was also noted Snap would like to become further involved with Heritage Pickering. 6.2 Brochure The final version of the brochure should be ready to go to print early in December. 6.3 Christmas Dinner Three suggestions were offered for the Christmas Dinner Linda to make on December 9th; at 7:00 pm, in order of preference: reservations Burbs Masseys Fox & Fiddle 7.0 Next meetinq January 27, 2009 8.0 Adiournment Moved by Richard Fleming Seconded by Theresa Abernethy That the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED The meetinq adjourned at 8:50 pm. Copy: City Clerk Page 5 CORP0228-2/02