HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 20, 2008 Oil{ o~ Minutes Waterfront Coordinating Committee November 20,2008 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor O'Connell, Chair Councillor Dickerson, Vice-Chair Mayor Ryan Craig Bamford Jim Dike David Steele David Stone Kevin Tower Ron Taylor, Coordinator, City Development Arnold Mostert, Coordinator, Landscape & Park Development Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Also Present: Gord MacPherson, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Larry Field, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Regrets: Chandra Gocool Pat Korol 1.0 Welcome & Introductions Councillor O'Connell welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced guests from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Larry Field and Gord MacPherson. 2.0 Approval of Minutes Moved by Jim Dike Seconded by David Steele That the minutes of the September 18, 2008 meeting be approved. Carried Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 3.0 Toronto and Reaion Conservation Authoritv - Frisco Road Councillor O'Connell provided a brief overview of the plans respecting Frisco Road. Gordon MacPherson from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority provided a presentation with respect to the Duffins Creek Marsh Restoration Action Plan. He explained how the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority is working with the Regions of York and Durham on this plan. He provided the Committee with a history of the Duffin's Marsh through the presentation showing aerial photos through the years, dating back to 1931. He indicated the following areas of interest: · Ecological attributes of Duffin's Creek Marsh · Extensive areas of emergent vegetation after hurricane of 1954 - flood damage · Permanent damage after Hurricane Hazel · Big events which changed systems · Adjacent lands of importance as well · Wetlands - creation and restoration · Forest restoration and management - perimeter plantings · Meadow restoration and management · Trail alignment -kept to east side - viewing platforms Discussion ensued with respect to the sewage treatment plant and the areas were shown where the expansion would be taking place. The following points were made: · berm was created along the shoreline in Duffin's Marsh which has lowered the water levels, enabling vegetation to revert back to 1967 levels. · This has huge impacts, being very beneficial to wildlife. · Successional forest groves · Wetlands - benefits were explained · Good amalgamation of ideas · Compatible use between plant & marsh A brief question and answer period ensued with respect to public parking. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Arnold Mostert, Coordinator, Landscape & Park Development, provided an overview of the conceptual plans, as presented at the September meeting. · Parking - City's wishes versus TRCA's · Bring vehicles onto Frisco Road · 1/3 way down Frisco - parking for 12 vehicles · Provide 3 metre asphalt traill with accessibility in mind · Loop trail - 2 different hiking trails · Pedestrian connection - highlight entrance to trail · existing terminus to be maintained on Frisco Road · focal feature at end of trail . rest areas · armour stone, different paving materials to highlight area · improve stairs · Linton house - 6 parking sports exist now - ask Region to expand, can accommodate substantially more parking Discussion ensued on the City's objectives when approaching the Regions. A sustainable heritage house was also discussed. Larry Field noted that the Committee has the right concepts, and need to push forward. The main area of concern is parking. Councillor O'Connell asked for everyone to comment. The general consensus was support for the plan, it being reasonable, achievable and strikes a good balance while preserving environmental features. Gord MacPherson noted the TRCA senior management is in agreement with this conceptual plan. Mayor Ryan congratulated the Committee on the progress made to date. Councillor O'Connell thanked everyone and noted the amount of work that has gone into this plan over the past months. She also thanked Arnold for taking the Committee's vision and incorporating it into the plans. The next step would be to take this to the Regions of York and Durham. Moved by David Steele Seconded by Kevin Tower 1) That the Waterfront Coordinating Committee accept the conceptual plan as seen on November 20,2008 involving the area from Montgomery Road to Frisco Road in principal, subject to an agreement with the Region of York and the Re ion of Durham re ardin fundin ; and, Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Arnold will provide electronic copy of plans to Committee Coordinator to forward with minutes 2) That City staff be authorized to take the conceptual plan to the Region of York and the Region of Durham. Carried Unanimously 4.0 Various TRCA Issues; Discussion ensued with respect to various initiatives that the City is working on in cooperation with TRCA. Councillor O'Connell referred to the memo from the Director, Operations & Emergency Services to the Chief Administrative Officer outling the various issues. Copies of the memo were made available to the Committee. Future priorities would include the West Spit, as well as ettin the ublic involved a ain. 5.0 Correspondence 5.1 Ontario Power Generation Moved by Craig Bamford Seconded by Jim Dike That the letter dated October 22, 2008, from Ontario Power Generation be received for information. Carried 6.0 Other Business 5.1 Arnold provided an update with respect to the potential off leash dog park at a part of the Rotary West Park. A brief discussion ensued with respect to this issue. 5.2 Canoe group - driving concerns were discussed as well as the need to re-Iocate the trailer to the east spit. Larry Field, TRCA, will explore this issue further. He noted that TRCA is working together with the City of Pickering's Operations staff on this matter. 5.3 Councillor O'Connell thanked everyone, and noted that we can now move forward with the lans. Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 7.0 Next Meetina To be determined. Councillor O'Connell noted she will be preparing a 2009 schedule. The Waterfont Committee will still be meeting on the fourth Thursday, but the new schedule will include alternative dates as well. Moved by David Stone That the meeting be adjourned. Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 pm Copy: City clerk Page 5 CORP0228-2/02