HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 16, 2008 ClUJ o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee October 16, 2008 7pm Pickering Civic Complex Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee. Bill Weston, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rhonda Lawson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill Utton, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Pat Dunnill, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Susan Primrose, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Cowan, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Stephen Reynolds, Division Head, Culture & Recreation Marisa Carpino, Supervisor, Culture & Recreation Katrina Pyke, (Acting) Education & Collections Officer Mandy Smiles, (Acting) Volunteer & Program Coordinator Leigh Gardner, Administrative Assistant I (Recording Secretary) Absent: Sean Byrne, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Kees Van der Vecht, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill McLean, Regional Councillor - Ward 2 Welcorne and. Introductions Laura welcomed attendees . Congratulations for winning 5 blooms again for Communities in Bloom · Steve Reynolds commented on receiving a letter regarding Community Museum Operating Grant and receiving $39,000. The money will o to current bud et to offset ex enditures 2. roval of A . enda and Minutes Motion: Moved by Pat Dunnill Seconded by Paul Savel That the agenda of October 16, 2008 be approved CARRIED Page 1 COR P0228-2102 Motion: Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Bill Weston That the minutes qf August 14, 2008 be approved CARRIED · Need to deal with Tapestry surplus. There is $2,500 remaining. Motion: Moved by Paul Savel Seconded by Bill Utton That Tapestry surplus funds be disbursed, V2 to Race Relations Advisory Committee and V2 to Pickering Museum Village CARRIED 3. Updates Capital Items (Marisa provided an update): . Ordered desk for Program Asst., arriving October 17'h · Painting of Admin Building done · Collins House - sealer done · Replace locks on Log Barn - probably will be deferred · Redman House porch - Tony Prevedel investigating options - came across weeping tiles · Flooring in Admin Building - ordered and installed · Road resurfacing - path was addressed · Workshop addition - cement poured · Shingle Mill - wood to come in - plans for structure not approved yet · Slop sink - installed Pickering Museum Village Foundation (Pat Dunnill provided an update): · Fall Family Festival - so far the best and well attended - tremendous success - net will exceed $10,000 Hotel'Restoration Update: · New Foundation Completed COR P0228-2/02 Marisa Carpino to follow up with MP&E on road resurfacing Page 2 . New roof to go on Hotel . Retaining wall . Basement windows all to be addressed before snow flies . Steam Barn and Woodwrights will be volunteering time and labour to help Special Events (Mandy Smiles & Katrina Pyke provided an Mandy to initiate a update) calendar and work with . Attendance numbers for 2008 Events as of Laura setting out October 16, 2008 were handed out upcoming meetings, . A lot of new programs have been introduced, training dates for most were a success as far as revenue volunteers, special . Katrina Pyke handed out Education Programs - event dates and Revenue Summary report as well as Museum advisory and Public Programs 2008 report foundation meeting . Only one program lost money, the Heritage PA dates Day Camp due to low registration, hopefully once word gets out numbers will improve - Summer Camp started out similar . 2009 PA Day Camp plans to go ahead, if registration is not sufficient one week before camp they will let parents know it will be cancelled . Guest speaker series have the most potential . If any programs were to come off the list it would be outreach programs - bigger niche at high school - at public school level it is not doing well - but the cost is nothing to us . On list to participate in a full day at History Conference and will be presenting The Hand that Rocks the Cradle . Volunteer Appreciation Night will be April 23, 2009 Gas & Steam Barn (Katrina Pyke provided an update): . Trillium Grant is spent - $75,000 . Provided information to Harold Quinton to support this final report to Trillium . Grant was filed and is done . Harold has to do an official opening ceremony and it will take place at the 2009 Steam Up & Opening event . Steam Barn activities are going well Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 ii4.1 2009 Capital & CUrrenti MuseumSudaets 2009 Capital & Current Museum Budgets (draft) were handed out to members 2009 Current Museum Budget (Draft): . Steve reviewed proposed current budget . Salaries & wages increase in Museum Program Assistant hours and additional collections hours . Education & Collections Officer position not acting anymore by the end of year . Increase to freight - to move things for Gas & Steam Barn . Additional radios for staff (safety & security) . Increases to fire & security alarm monitoring . Building Repairs and Maintenance includes painting exterior of Chapel, Log House & Redman House (instead of adding to capital) . increase Fall Family Festival from $1,000 to $2,000 . Young Canada works Program increased to $8,000 for 2 students . Committee increased Museum Operating Grant to $30,000 . Pat Dunnill concerned about Tapestry funds- wanted it to be additional amount - could possibly be put into a holding account . Rhonda Lawson - discussion and questions about how budget is set up and how much museum costs us. Add a column to work plan to show where money is coming from . Marisa Carpino discussed Cultural Strategic Plan and what is being worked on Motion: Moved by Pat Dunnill Seconded by Bill Utton That the 2009 Proposed Museum Current Budget be approved as amended CARRIED 2009 Capital Museum Budget (Draft): . Steve reviewed each proposed capital budget items . Discussed Log Barn and the need for a new foundation . Woodwrights repaired threshold on chapel and Page 4 COR P0228-2J02 window sills. Fire and security protection should be addressed for all museum buildings Steve advised the federal and provincial government have launched "Intake One" of the Building Canada Fund- Communities Component. The City of Pickering has the opportunity to apply for funding for a project meeting the criteria by the deadline date of November 21, 2008 subject to a Council Resolution. Various building restoration programs (including the Hotel Restoration) and upgrades to the infrastructure at Pickering Museum Village have been identified as a potential eligible project. Motion: Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Pat Dunnill That the 2009 Proposed Museum Capital Budget be approved as presented CARRIED 5. New Busin.ss . · Laura would like an adhoc meeting to clarify Museum Advisory Committee Member roles - who does what and how. Who do we report to? · Tentative date for adhoc meeting is Monday, November 1 ih at 7pm here at the Civic Complex · 2009 Work Plan and2008 Annual Report should be on the next Advisory Committee Meeting agenda in February · Pat Dunnill mentioned to members that Angela Henessey Art show taking place at the Ajax Creative Arts. She would like everyone to drop by · Historical Society at ESCC - 2 plays you may want to go see in November and December · What is going on with Mid-term Advisory Committee appointments? Steve to inquire with Corporate Services Rhonda Lawson was asked to get mandate updated by February 2009. Pat Dunnill, Bill Utton, Rose Cowan, Marisa and Katrina volunteered to help. Leigh to book meeting room at Civic for adhoc meeting Marisa hasn't heard anything about appointments, she will look into Meeting Adjourned: 9:45 pm Copy: City Clerk COR P0228-2/02 Page 5