HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 02-0214/1 PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development DATE: January 4, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: PD 02-02 SUBJECT: Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study Implementation of Study Findings: - Picketing Official Plan Amendment OPA 01-003/P (City-initiated) - Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 19/01 (City-initiated) - Amendment 7 to the Picketing Official Plan - Notion Road Area Development Guidelines lnfornmtional Revision 10 to the Pickering Of'ficial Plan Part of Lot 17, Concession 1 (West side of Notion Road, between Pickerin~ Parkway and Kingston Road, excluding the south-west corner of Kingston Road and Notion Road) City of Pickering AND Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 87-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment A 5/87 Silwell Developments Limited & Berma Estates Limited (now the Metrontario Group) Part of Lot 17, Concession 1 City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: That Report Number PD 02-02 be RECEIVED as the Final Report on the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study; 2. (a) That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-003/P, initiated by the City of Pickering, to: · replace the Urban Study Area designation on lands on the west side of Notion Road with a Mixed Employment designation on Schedule I - Land Use Structure; · delete Policy 3.17 - Urban Study .4 rca: .¥otion Road Industrial ~4rea; and, · add new policies to Section il. 11: I¥lh~,c East Neighbourhood Polisv; be APPROVED, as set out in Appendix I to Report Nulnber PD 02-02; (b) That the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 7 to thc Pickering Official Plan be FORWARDED to Council for enactment as set out in Appendix I to Report Number PD 02-02; (a) That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 19/01, initiated by the City of Pickering, on lands being Part of Lot 17, Concession 1, on the west side of Notion Road in the City of Pickering, to permit a range of prestige and higher order mixed employment uses, be APPROVED; (b) That the draft by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3036, as amended, to permit a range of prestige and higher order mixed employment uses including related development standards, as specified in Appendix II to Report Number PD 02-02 be FORWARDED to Council for enactment; REPORT NUMBER PD 02-02 Date: January 4, 2001 Subject: Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study ~/ · (OPAOl-OOa,P;A1901 City-initiated) (ePA 87-002/P; A 5 87: $ihvell & Bcm~a inox~ Nletrontario Group]) Page 2 14,.5 Ttnat fine revised Notio~t Roud .-trc~ {)c~'ciW~,zc~zz (;zmich'~cs. be .ADOPTED as tile City's strateev for detailed land rise, urban design, transportation and infrastructure within tile ~' I),-I)_ Notion Road Area, as set out in Appendix III to Report Number PD '~ '~' Tlmt "inlbnnational Revision l~)to the Pickcrin-= Official Plan" be ADOPTED. as set out in Appendix IX.' to Report Number PD 02-02: (a) Tt~at Picketing Oflncial Plain Ametndment Application ePA S--01)2 P. submitted by Sih',:ell Developments Limited ~ Bcrma Estates Limited {now thc N1ctrontario ~roup). on lands being Part ori Lot 1 -. Concession 1. City of Pickcnng. to amend thc Picketing District ~Official} Plan from L(~/~z IJzdz~xzJ'kff to .Xh,&z~m Dc'~zsin' Roside~tmd be REFUSED. alqd the applicant bo so adx ised: (b) Ttmt Zonirm Bv-la~v Amendment Application A 5 87. submitted by Silwell DevelopmerTts L'imited & Bcrma Es:ares Limited. on lands being Part of Lot 17, Concession 1. City of Picketing. to amend Zoning By-law 3036 to pennit toxvntnouse residentr~al dxvellings be REFUSED: and tile applicant be so adx iscd; -['tmt tile City Clerk be directed to forx~ard ti cop} ori Report Number PD {)2-~)2 to the Clerk of the Region of Durham. the Clerk of thc Toxvn o~ Ajax. thc Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and to tine Nletrontario Group. ORIGIN: On September 17. 2001. Picketing City Council received the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study. initiated amendments to tile Picketing Official Plan and Zoning By-law 3036, adopted in principle Urban Design ©uidetines for the Notion P, oad Area and Informational Revisions to the Picketing Official Plan. and adopted a series ori associated implementation measures to improve the Notion Road Area. AUTHORITY: The Pin,thing Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P. 13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed Orificial Plan or Zoning amendments or Urban Design Guidelines: hoxxcver, thc implementation measures identify various undertakings that will have ritltHI'C direct and indirect (slaty time} cost im-alications fbr the City. Specific implementation projects and their associated financial implications will be presented to Council For consideration m future budgets. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Tile joint City ofPickering Toxvn of Ajax "Notion Road Land Usc and Urban Design Study" xvas commenced in 1999 and completed in June 2(~t)l. A map shoxxing the location ori tho study area is provided as Attachment :1. In Juh' 2t)t)l. Ajax adopted zoning and official plan amendments and associated strategies to implement thc findings ori the Studx. Following two Planning & Development reports. Picketing Council reccnth' received the "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study". adopted in principle tine urban design guidelines and associated strategies to improxc the Notion Road area, and auttnorized the City-initiated zoning and official plan amendments to implement the findings of thc Study. 146 REPORT NUMBER PD 02-02 Date: January 4, 2001 Subject: Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study (OPA 01-003/P; A 19/01: City-initiated) (OPA 87-002/P; A 5/87: Silwell & Berma [now Metrontario Group]) Page 3 At the October 18, 2001 statutory public infom~ation meeting, the public supported the proposed amendments. Staff have now made minor technical changes and present them in a format appropriate for adoption by Council to implement the "Notion Road Land Use and Design Study". Accordingly, Report PD 02-02 recommends that Council: · receive this report; · adopt Pickering Official Plan Amendment 7; · pass a by-law amending Zoning By-law 3036 to implement the land use component of the study; · adopt the Notion Road Area Development Guidelines; and · adopt Information Revision 10 to the Pickering Official Plan. In addition, in the light of the findings of the Notion Road Land Use and Design Study, it is recommended that Council refuse official plan and zoning amendment applications submitted in 1987 by Silwell Developments Limited & Berma Estates Limited (now Metrontario Homes) to permit townhouse residential development on a parcel of land on the west side of Notion Road (see Attactnnent #2) because such residential uses are incompatible with the heavy industrial uses across Notion Road in Ajax and do not conform with the land use conclusions of the study. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Notion Road Land Use and Urban iDesign Study 2.0 3.0 3.1 Pickering City Council considered the findings of the "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study", Planning & Development Report Number PD 20-01 and Addendum to Report Number: PD 20-01 at its meeting held September 17, 2001, and adopted Resolution #105/01, Item #1, which (among other things) authorized a statutory public information meeting to initiate amendments to the Pickering Official Plan and Zoning By-law 3036 to implement the findings of the study. By Resolution #105/01, Item #1, Council also adopted, in principle, Urban Design Guidelines for the Notion Road Area and Informational Revisions to the Pickering Official Plan, to be brought back to Council for final approval in Spring 2002, following approval of the official plan and zoning amendments. A copy of Resolution #105/01 is attached (see Attachment #3). Statutory Public Information Meeting A Statutory Public Information Meeting for this application was held on October 18, 2001 to obtain the views of the public on this proposal. Information Report No. 28-01, which summarizes the proposal and outlines the issues and comments identified through circulation of the application, was prepared for the Public Information Meeting. The tcxt of the Information Report is provided for reference (see Attachment #4). At the Public Information Meeting, Planning and Development staff gave an explanation of the applications and their merits. In addition to staff, several other people were present and spoke at the meeting. The discussion that occurred is recorded in the Meeting Minutes (see Attachment #5). Additional Information Area Residents No new comments have been received from area residents since the Statutory Public Information Meeting. REPORT NUMBER PD 02-02 Date: January 4. 2001 Subject: Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study (OPA01-003/P;A 19Ul' City-initiated) (ePA 87-002/P; A 5'87: Silwell & Benna [now Metrontario Group]) Page 4 147 3.2 4.0 4.1.1 Agency comments The Ibllowing agencies provided written comments st~bsequent to the Statutory Public Information Meeting: Durham District School Board: Veridian Connections: NO COI1CCF[1S. No COI1CCFIIS. Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MI'O): No objection in principle. MTO asked for a12 assessment of the traffic impacts on the intersection at Pickering Parkxtax' Brock Road and the Highv,'ay 401 Brock Road Ramp Temdnal (see Attachment =0:,. After Picketing staff forxvarded traffic comments prepared by I-Trans consultants as part oi' the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study, no furttner comments haxc been received from MTO. Durham Regional Planning Department I~'erbal): The Durham Regional Planning Dcnartment tlave indicated verbally that tile proposed amendment to tho Pickenng Official Plan will not be exempt from approval by Durham Region. The anlendment to tile Toxvn of Ajax official plan adopted by Ajax Council in July 2001 that implements tiao findings of the Studx has been tbtxvarded to the Region of Durham for approval. It is not appropriate to CXclnpt either thc proposed Pickering or .%jax official plan amendments from approval bx thc Region of Durham because thc amendments implement thc Ilndings of a joint study that identified issues involving Provincial policies related to the compatibilit> of land uses that cross nmnicipal boundaries oFthe City oFPickcring and thc Toxxn of Ajax. Durham Planning staff indicated that once Picketing ('ounci] adopts an amendment to tile Picketing Official Plan, the Regional Planning Department will consider both the proposed Pickering and .~jax amendnlcnts togett~cr. Discussion The issues, study process, public consultation, I~ndings and recommendations of the -Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study" have been previously discussed in Planning & Development Report Number PD 2/)-~)1 and in tile Addendum to Report Number: PD 20-01. Copies of these reports may be obtained from the Planning & Development Department, upon request. Adoption of the following planni%, changes xxill implement the findings of the Study and finalize the matters previously adopted by Council. in principle, at its September 17. 2001 meeting by Resolution =105 01. Item =1. Official Plan Amendment Application A draft By-law for Council adoption of ©fficial Plan Amendment 7 to tile Picketing Official Plan is included in Appendix I to Report No. PD (12-t)2, Tile Bv-laxv recognizes that approval of this amendment to tile Picketing Official Plan is reqLlired from Durham Region before it will come into force. The proposed Official Plan Amendment, contained in Exhibit A to tile draft Bv-lax~, also in Appendix I to Report No. PD ()2-()2, replaces tine cu~ont C'r,h~zn 5'zztdx' ,4rc'~z designation with a Mixed EmplQwnc'~ designation, deletes cLzn'ent Pe:/zc'x 3.17 t)'h~z~ Study Are~: No~ion Road ]nduxD'ia/ Arc'c;. and includes ncxx policies Ibr the tV//age Eas; REPORT NUMBER PD 02-02 Date: January 4. 2001 Subject: Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study (OPA 01-003/P; A 19/01' City-initiated) (OPA 87-002/P; A 5/87: Silwell & Berma [now Metrontario Group]) Page 5 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 5.0 Neighbourhood for the subject lands. These amendments implement the findings of the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study by responding to the constraints and opportunities of these lands situated between residential uses in Pickering and heavy industrial uses in Ajax and by providing policy support for design guidelines to be contained within the Compendium to the Official Plan. Staff recommends that Council adopt Amendment 7 to the Pickering Official Plan as set out in Appendix I to Report No. PD 02-02. Zoning Amendment Application The proposed amendment to Zoning By-law 3036, contained in Appendix II to Report No. PD 02-02, implements the more general provisions of the proposed Mixed Employment designation and l?illage East Neighbourhood policies recommended for adoption in the Official Plan with a list of permitted uses and development standards that will foster compatibility with abutting residential uses and achieve a high quality employment area. The proposed amendment excludes waste transfer or management facilities and new automotive repair, sales and service establishments, includes a requirement for a landscaped strip along both the west edge of the industrial properties and along Notion Road and includes rear yard depth provisions that balance development rights of industrial property owners and compatibility with abutting residential dwellings. The proposed amendment contained in Appendix II has been circulated to the owners of the properties designated Urban Stud)' Area in Pickering. Although one question seeking clarification of the effect of the by-law on a particular property was received, no other comments have been received on the proposed amendment. Staff recommends Council adopt the proposed amendment to Zoning By-law 3036 contained in Appendix H to Report No. PD 02-02. Development Guidelines for the Notion Road Area The proposed "Notion Road Area Development Guidelines", contained in Appendix III to Report No. PD 02-02 will provide guidance for future private and public development initiatives within the area. The "Notion Road Area Development Guidelines" are proposed to be adopted as part of the Compendium to the Pickering Official Plan. The Guidelines are a distillation of those portions of the Urban Design Guidelines contained in the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study that relate only to the Pickering lands within the larger Notion Road Study Area. Informational Revisions to the Official Plan Informational revisions to the Pickering Official Plan are required to identify the adoption of the Development Guidelines for the Notion Road Area. Information Revision 10 to the Plan includes an updated Neighbourhood Map for the Village East Neighbourhood and informational text. Staff recommends Council adopt the Informational Revision 10 to the Pickering Official Plan as set out in Appendix IV to Report No. PD 02-02. 1987 Sibvell & Berma Applications In 1987, Silwell Developments Limited & Berma Estates Limited (now Metrontario Group) submitted applications to amend the Pickering and Durham Regional Official Plans (OPA 87-002/P) and the Pickering Zoning By-law (A 5/87) to redesignate the lands from Light Industrial to Medium Density Residential, to permit a 76 unit townhouse development on vacant lands on the west side of Notion Road north of Pickering Parkway (see location map - Attachment #2). REPORT NUMBER PD 02-02 Date: January 4, 2t)t)l Subject: Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study (ePA 01-003/P; A 19:01' City-initiated) (ePA 87-002/P; A 5,/87: Silxvell ac Benna [now Metrontario Group]) Page 6 Upon circulation o£ thc applications, tine Toronto and Region Conselwation Authority commented that the subject lands were located on a flood plain and residential use would only be suitable if stringent conditions could be satisfied. Conqments were also received from the Region of Durham. the Ministry of Environment and Energy, the Town of Ajax and Dufl~rin Concrete tone of the heavv industries located in Ajax). These comments indicated that residential usc xx ould not be compatible at this location due to the adverse effects on residents from the noise, dust and pollution from existing heavv industrial uses located on thc east side of Notion Road. As a result of the comments, the applications were not presented to Picketing Council ibr decision. In 1991. the Region of Durham adopted a nexx Official Plan v, ithout specific resolution of the application to amend the Durham Official Plan for the subject lands. As no appeal was received from Silwell Berma of tile designation of the subject lands in thc new Durham Ofllcial Plan, the application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan. for tile subject lands, was considered closed. One of tho findin~,s of the "Notion Road I_and Use and L rban Desian Study" was thc intention of the heavv industries to continue operating at the present locations. In addition, the Town of Aiax adopted a prestige employment designation in its official plan, in July 20()1, that recognizes thc rights of the heaxx industrial uses to continue operations on tile east side of Notion Road. Also. the recommendation that Pickering adopt a ~Sh'xed Em/;/2w,zcm~ ctesignation 1hr thc subiect lands would not pemnit residential uses on thc subject lands. Based on tiao conclusions of tiao Study, it is inappropriate to recommend residential use of the subject lands. Accordingly, it is i'ccommcndcd that Picketing Council refuse Picketing Official Plan Amendment Application S--~)~)2 P. reatsc Picketing Zonmg Amendment Application A 5 S* and so advise thc Clerk of Durham Region and the applicant. A copy of this draft report was sent via facsimile to representatives of the Metrontario Group in mid December. No comment has been received. APPENDICES: I By-law to adopt Amendment No. 7 to the Picketing Ol:ficial Plan ibr tile Notion Road Area (Amendment included as Exhibit "A" to Bv-lax~ ) II Draft Amendment to Zoning Bv-lax~ 3i)30 III Notion Road Area Development Guidelines IV Informational Revision 10 to tile Pickerin,~ OflScial Plan, Ibr tiao Notion Road Area ATTACHMENTS: 1. Notion Road Studv Area *lap 2. Location Map for Silxvell ac Benna Applications 3. Picketing Council Resolution =105 1. Item =1 4. Planning & Development Infbnnation Repo~ 2S-~;1 5. Minutes of the Statutory Public Inlbmnation Meetin~g held October 1S, 2001 0. Comment from Ministm' of Transportation i50 REPORT NUMBER PD 02-02 Date: Subject: Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study (OPA 01-003/P; A 19/01' City-initiated) (OPA 87-002/P; A 5/87: Silwell & Berma [now Metrontario Group]) JanuaO' 4, 2001 Page 7 Prepared By: Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II Catherine Rose Manager, Policy Approved / Endorsed by: NeiI CalToxli~q~iP: NPP Director, Plann"h~ ~and Development SXG/sm/jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickermg City Council . Tlm/ma/s ~l.~Qu~4~, Chic./Adminis~ve Offi~r APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUSIBER PD 02-02 151 BY-LAW TO ADOPT OFFICIAL PLAN ASIENDMENT 7 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ~ERING BY-LAW NO Being a By-law to adopt Amendment 7 to the OffiCiAl Plan for the City of Pickering (OPA 0 -003/P : WHEREAS pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.p. 13, subsections 17(22) and 21(1), the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering may by by-law adopt amendments to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 17(10) of the Planning Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has by order authorized Regional Council to pass a by-law to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; AND WHEREAS, the Region has advised that this Amendment is NOT exempt from Regional approval; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Amendment 7 to the Official Plan for the City of Picketing is hereby adopted; That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward to the Regional Municipality of Durham the documentation required by Procedure: Area Municipal Official Plans and Amendments, to seek Regional approval of an Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan; 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the da,,' of the final passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2002. clay of __ MAYOR .4~} WAYNE AR,~ CLERK BRUCE J. TAYLOR Exhibit "A" to Bv-la~' AMENDMENT 7 TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN 154 AMENDMENT 7 TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: LOCATION: BASIS: The purpose of the amendment is replace the Urban Study Area designation along Notion Road with a Mixed Employment designation on Schedule I - Land Use Structure, delete the related Urban Study Area: Notion Road Industrial Area text policy 3.17 of the Plan, and establish new Village East Neighbourhood policies to guide development and redevelopment, to implement the results of the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study. The amendment affects land located in Part of Lot 17, Concession 1, City of Pickering, adjacent to Notion Road, which includes lands on the west side of Notion Road, between Pickering Parkway and Kingston Road, excluding the south-west comer of Kingston Road and Notion Road. The area is approximately 5 hectares in size. This amendment determined to be the Notion Road both lands in the to the Pickering Official Plan has been appropriate following the completion of Land Use and Urban Design Study for City of Pickering, and abutting lands in the Town of Ajax in the summer of 2001. The central issue is the land use compatibility between the existing heavy industry located on the Ajax lands, and the surrounding ne~ver residential development in Pickering. The vision for the study is to facilitate the evolution of the NotionRoad Area, over time, to a prestige employment area which is compatible with nearby residential development through new developments, redevelopment, and pride of current ownerships, in partnership with City and Town infrastructure investment. The Land Use objective for Pickering is to establish a land use that will allow new development that will be compatible with existing residential uses to the west while co-existing with existing heavy industrial uses to the east. Accordingly, a Mixed Employment designation is appropriate. The Land Use Objective for the abutting lands in Ajax is to establish a land use that will allow new employment development that is compatible with nearby residential uses that will co-exist with heavy industrial uses until they cease operations at this location, while respecting the existing industrial operators. With this objective, Ajax Town.Council amended the Ajax Official Plan to permit Prestige Employment uses on its study area lands with existing heavy industries permitted to remain and expand in a limited manner subject to criteria. 155 ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Pickering Official Plan be amended by: Revising Schedule I - Land Use Structure by replacing the "l_'rban Stud)' Areas" designation with a "MLved Employment Areas" designation, as shown on Schedule to this amendment. Deleting policy 3.17 - ~'rban Stud)' Area: Notion Road Industrial Area, ~'hich policy currently reads as follo~vs: "3.17 Town Council shall recognize as an Urban Study Area on Schedule I, lands located south of Kingston Road, along Notion Road, opposite an industrial area in Ajax, and, (a) shall consider eliminating the Study Area designation following completion of a land use and design study for the lands demonstrating that the proposed use, (i) is consistent with the goals, objectives and general purpose and intent of this Plan; and (ii) is compatible xxqth the surrounding area given the area's location between residential lands in Pickering, and industrial lands in Ajax; and (iii) considering the results of the above study, shall establish, by amendment to this Plan, appropriate land use designations and policies." 3. Adding ne~ policies to section 11.11 I~'llage East 5eighbourhood Policies. as folloxvs: "11.11 Ciw Council shall, (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) recognize the transitional location of the lands on the west side of Notion Road betxveen low and medium density residential land uses to the xvest and existing heaxw industry to the east in the Town of Ajax, and further recognize the efforts of the Town of Ajax to upgrade the industrial areas to the east. Accordingly, City Council shall endeavour to, (i) improve the compatibility and design interface between existing residential, and existing and new employment uses established in Pickering adjacent to Notion Road; (ii) provide more direct accessibility, for pedestrians from the residential areas west of Notion Road to the Duffins Creek valley to the east; and, (iii) generally upgrade the quality ofthe area by, ~ supporting improved public infrastructure such as upgraded urban standard paving, sidewalks, street planting, boulevard treatments, gateway treatments, transit facilities and burying electrical wiring; and, supporting an improved stormwater treatment pond in Ajax; -3- 156 (0 despite Table 8 of Chapter Three*, not permit the establishment of any new automotive and vehicle sales and repair uses within the lands designated Mixed Employment Area adjacent to Notion Road, after the date this amendment comes into force; in order to ensure that development within the Mixed Employment Area on the west side of Notion Road is compatible with residential lands in Picketing and industrial lands in Ajax, require that the following design criteria be met in the development or redevelopment of properties: (i) consider protection for pedestrian pathways to the satisfaction of the City, to connect Marshcourt Drive to Notion Road at Beechlawn Drive and Bainbridge Drive, as a condition of development for abutting properties on the west side of Notion Road; (ii) provision of a continuous landscaped strip along the west property lines to contain fencing, plantings and/or berms in order to provide adequate visual screening for the existing residential dwellings; (iii) provision of loading and service areas at the side of buildings, not in the rear yards, unless suitable acoustical buffering and/or screening is provided for the existing residential dwellings; (iv) prohibition of outside operations or storage; (v) provision of a landscaped treatment along Notion Road to screen parking areas, loading areas and service areas from Notion Road in order to establish an attractive Notion Road streetscape; and, (vi)provision of screening for rooftop mechanical equipment so that it is not visible from residential dxvellings to the xvest or from Notion Road." I M PLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Picketing Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. The Clerk shall renumber section 3 of the Official Plan following the deletion of section 3.17. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. * A copy of Table 8 of Chapter Three is provided for reference at the end of this Amendment. It does not constitute part of the Amendment. Schodule ~A~ CH REDESIGNATE FROM "OTHER DESIGNATIONS-URBAN STUDY AREA" TO "EMPLOYMENT AREAS-MIXED EMPLOYMENT" .BAYLY SCHEDULE ! TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 2 SHEET 1 OF 3 OPEN SPACE SYSTEM NATURAL AREAS  ACTIVE RECREATIONAL AREAS  M ARINA AREAS MIXED USE AREAS LOCAL NODES COMMUNITY NODES MIXED CORRIDORS DOWNTOWN CORE REGIONAL NODES REGIONAL NODE 1 m REGIONAL NODE 2 L&ND USE STRUCFURE EMPLOYMENT AREAS FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES GENERAL EMPLOYMENT ~ POTENTIAL MULTI--USE AREAS PRESTIGE EMPLOYMENT ~ CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS MIXED EMPLOYMENT OTHER DESIGNATIONS URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS '~ URBAN STUDY AREAS LOW DENSITW AREAS SEATON URBAN STUDY AREA AGRICULTURAL AREAS r~ DEFERRALS  APPEALS EXTRACT FROM THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PL,atN TABLE 8 Employment Permissible Uses Areas (Restrictions and limitations on the uses permissible, ar/sing from other policies of Subcatego~' this Plan, will be detailed in zoning by-laws.) General Manufacturing, assembly, processin~ of goods, ser¥ice industries, rescarch Employment and development facilities, warehousing, storage of goods and materials, waste transfer aud rcc.x cling, waste processing, freight transfer, transportauon facilities, automotive and vehicle sales and repair; Offices as a minor component of an industrial operation or serving the arca, limited personal scr¥icc uses serving thc area, restaurants sen-rog thc area, retail sales as a mmt)r c~)mponcnt of an industrial operation; Communiu, cultural and recreational uses, and other uses with similar performance characteristics that arc more appropriately located in the cnlployincnt area. Prestige Light manufacturing, assembly and processing of goods, light sen'ice Employment industries, research and development facilities, warehousing, equipment and vehicle suppliers, automotive and vehicle sales and repair; Offices, cort)oratc office business parks, limited personal sen'icc uses serving the area, restaurants scrxing thc area, retail sales as a minor component of an industrial operation, hotels, financial restitutions sen'lng thc area; Community, cultural and recreational uscs, and other uses xxdth similar performance characteristics that arc thoro appropriately located in the employment area. Mixed All uses permissible in prcstt(gc clnployment areas; Employment Limited retailing of goods and services serving the area. 158 APPENDIX II TO REPORT NUMBER PD 02-02 DRAFT AMENDMENT TO ZONING BY-LAW 3036 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. ; Being, a By-law to amend Restricted .krca (Zoning) Bv-lax~ 3~)30. as amended, to implement the Ofl2cial Plan of thc Cfly 'eL Picketing District Planning Area. Region of Durham in Part of Lot 1' Concession 1. City of Picketing. fOPA 01-003"P: A 19 {)1 ) WHEREAS the Council of thc ('ot33orat~on of the ('itu' of Picketing. having completed the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study. deems it desirable to peru-dr a range of mixed emplo>TnCnt uses on the subject lands, being Part of Lot 1- Concession 1. City of Picketing: AND \VHEREAS an amendment to Bv-lax~ 3()36. as amended, is therefore deemed necessary: NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKER1NG HEREBY ENACTS .AS FOLi_O\VS: 159 SCItEDULE I Schedule I attached hereto with declared to be part of this Bv-lax~. i]otatlolls alld i-eI'~i'eI]ccs sl]o\x,'I] ttlei-coI] is }~.crebv AREA RESTRICTED Thc provisionsofthis Bv-ia\~ shall appl} tothosc landsin Part of Lot l- C'c)ncession 1. City of Pickering, designated "N1C 15" on $ciqcdule I attacheci hereto. GENERAL PROVISIONS No building, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used. occupied, erected, mo,:ed, or structurally' altered except in conI~m~itv xx ith tile provisions oi' this Bv-Iaxx. 4. DEFINITIONS In this ~1) (2) (3) (4) By-lay,'. "Adult Entertainment Parlour" shall mean any premises or part thereof in xvhich is provided, in pursuance of a trade, callin,~,, business or occupation, services appealing to or designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations; "Bakery" shall mean a building or pan of a building in x~hictn fbod products are baked, prepared and offered Ibr retail sale. or in x~hictn lbod products baked and prepared clsev, here arc offered for retail sate: "Business Office" shall mean an',' building or part of a building in which one or more persons are employed in the management, direction or conductin~ of an aeencv, business, brokera,,e labour or fraternal organization and shall include a telegraph office, newspaper plant and a radio or television broadcasting station and its studios or theatres, but shall not include a retail store: "Club" shall mean a building or part of a building in xxhich a not-for-profit or non-comn~ercial organization carats OUt social, cultural, welfare, athletic or recreational programs for the bencI~t of the colllI22UI1itv: 160 -2- "Commercial Club" shall mean an athletic or recreational club operated for gain or profit and having public or private membership, but shall not include an adult entertainment parlour as defined herein; (6) "Commercial-Recreational Establishment" shall mean a commercial establishment in which indoor recreational facilities are provided, and which mav include an athletic or recreational club, but shall not include any uses permissible within a place of amusement or entertainment as defined herein; (7) "Commercial School" shall mean a school which is operated for gain or profit and may include the studio of a dancing teacher or music teacher, an art school, a golf school or any other school operated for gain or profit; (8) "Convenience Store" shall mean a retail store in which food, drugs, periodicals or similar items of day-to-day household necessities are kept for retail sale primarily to residents of, or persons employed in, the immediate neig-hbourhood; (9) "Dry Cleaning Establishment" shall mean a building or part of a building where articles, goods or fabric are subjected to dr>' cleaning and related processes, are received or distributed, or where a dry cleaning plant is operated, or both. and xvhich may include the laundering, pressing or incidental tailoring or repair of articles, goods or fabric; (10) "Financial Institution" shall mean a building or part of a building in which money is deposited, kept, lent or exchanged; (11) "Food Preparation Plant" shall mean a building or part of a building in which processed food products are cooked, baked, mixed, packaged or other~vise prepared for distribution to retail or institutional outlets; (12) "Gross Leasable Floor Area" shall mean the aggregate of all storeys above or below established grade, designed for owner or tenant occupancy or exclusive use only, but excluding storage areas below established grade; (13) "Light Machinery and Equipment Supplier" shall mean a building or a part of a building in which office furniture and machines, carpet and drapery cleaning equipment, painting, gardening and plumbing equipment, small hand power tools and similar products are stored, offered or kept for wholesale or retail sale to industrial or commercial establishments; (14) "Light Manufacturing Plant" shall mean a manufacturing plant used for: the production of apparel and finished textile products other than the production of synthetic fibers; printing or duplicating; the manufacture of finished paper other than the processing of wood pulp; the production of cosmetics, drugs and other pharmaceutical supplies; or, the manufacture of finished lumber products, light metal products, electronic products, plasticware, porcelain, earthenware, glassware or similar articles, including but not necessarily restricted to, furniture, housewares, toys, musical instruments, jewellery, watches, precision instruments, radios and electronic components; (15) (a) "Lot" shall mean an area of land fronting on a street which is used or intended to be used as the site of a building, or group of buildings, as the case may be, together with any accessory buildings or structures, or a public park or open space area, regardless of whether or not such lot constitutes the whole of a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision; (b) "Lot Frontage" shall mean the width of a lot between the side lot lines measured along a line parallel to and 7.5 metres distant from the front lot line; 16) 17t IS) 19) ('2O) (21) {22) (23) (24) (25) "Manufacturino. Plant" shall mean a building or part of a building in which is carried on any activity or operation pertaining to the making of any article, and which shall include altering, assembling, repairing, ornamenting, finishing, cleaning, polishing, washing, packing, adapting /bt sale, breaking up or demolishing the said article; "Merchandise Service Shop" shall mean an establishment xx hero articles or goods including, but not necessarily limited to. business mactnnes, appliances, Furniture or similar items arc repaired or serviced, and includes the regular place of business of a nnaster electrician or master plunlber, but shall not include a manufacturing plant or any establishment used For thc service or repair of vehicles or a retail store: "Office-Associated Commercial Establishment" sb, all mean an establishment providing retail goods or equipment required Ibr the daily operation of a business office or professional office, such as a stationeo' store, a computer store, or an office furniture store: '~Personal Service Shop" shall mean an establishment in which a personal service is performed and which may include a barber shop, a beauty salon, a shoc repair shop, a tailor or dressmaking shop or a photograpidc studio, but shall not include a body-rub parlour as defined in section 224iO}tb) oi' tile Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended from time-to-time, or' anx successor thereto; "Place of Amusement or Entertainment" shall mean a building or part of a building in which ~cilitics arc proxided Ibr amuselnent or cnte~ainment pu¢oses, and whicta may include a billiard or pool room, a dance hall. a music hall or a theatre, but shall not include a room or an area used tbr any video lottery terminal use as govenqed bx tine Gan2in~ Scrxices .~ct, an adult enteNainment parlour as defined herein or a bodx rLlb parlour as defined in thc Municipal R.S.O. 1990. Chapter M.45, as amended IYonq tinao to tinqo, or anx successor thereto; "Place of Assembly" shall mean a building or part of a building in which Facilities are provided for civic, educational, political, recreational, religious or social meeting purposes and may include facilities /bt entertainment purposes such as musical and theatrical performances, but shall not include a place of amusement or entertainment as defined herein: "Place of Relimous :Xssemblv" siaall mean lands or premises where people assemble for worship, counseling, educational, contemplative or other purposes o£ a religious nature, which may include social, recreational, and charitable activities, and offices for tine administration thereof: "Printing Establishment" shall mean an establishment used for blueprinting, engraving, electro-typing, photocopying, plotting I'ron~ disk, printing, stereotyping or typesetting; "Professional Office" shall mcan a building or part of a building in which medical, legal or other professional service is peribnned or consultation gi,,en, and which may include a clinic, the offices of an arcIntect, a chartered accountant, an engineer, a lawyer or a physician, but shall not include a body-rub parlour as defined by the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 199{}. c.M. 45, as amended from time-to-time, or any successor thereto: "Restaurant - Type A" shall mean a building or part of a building where food is prepared and offered or kept lbr retail sale to the public For immediate consumption on the premises or off tile premises, or both on and off tile premises: (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) "Rental Establishment" shall mean a building or part of a building in which goods, wares, merchandise, substances, articles or things are offered or kept for offer for rent directly to the public, but does not include the rental of motor vehicles, and does not include a video store; "Sales Outlet" shall mean a building or part of a building accessory to a bakery, a food preparation plant, a light manufacturing plant, a manufacturing plant, a merchandise service shop, a printing establishment, or a warehouse, wherein products manufactured, produced, processed, stored, serviced or repaired on thc premises are kept or displayed for rent or for xvholesale or retail sale, or wherein orders are taken for future delivery of such products; "Scientific, Medical or Research Laboratory" shall mean a building or part of a building wherein scientific, research or medical experiments or investigations are systematically conducted, or where drugs, chemicals, glassware or other substances or articles pertinent to such experiments or investigations may be manufactured or othem4se prepared for use on the premises; "Vehicle Repair Shop" shall mean an establishment containing facilities for the repair and maintenance of vehicles on the premises, in which vehicle accessories are sold and vehicle maintenance and repair operations are performed, but shall not include a body shop or any establishment engaged in the retail sale of motor vehicle fuels; "Vehicle Sales or Rental Establishment" shall mean an establishment used for the sale, serv'ice, rent or lease of vehicles and which may include as an accessory use thereto a vehicle repair shop, but shall not include any establishment engaged in the retail sale of motor vehicle fuels; "Video Store" shall mean a building or part of a building in which video cassette recorders, tapes, and accessories thereto are stored, serviced, displayed, and offered for rent or retail sale to the public for use off the premises only; "Warehouse" shall mean a building or part of a building which is used primarily for the housing, storage, adapting for sale, packaging, or wholesale distribution of goods, wares, merchandise, food-stuffs, sub, slallces, articles or things, and includes the premises of a warehouseman bat'shall not include a fuel storage tank except as an accessory use; -~,~ "Waste Transfer and Management Facility" shall mean a building or part of a building which is used primarily for the storage, handling or processing of household, institutional, commercial or industrial waste; (a) "Yard" shall mean an area of land which is appurtenant to and located on the same lot as a building or structure and is open, uncovered, and unoccupied above ground except for such accessory buildings, structures, or other uses as are specifically permitted thereon; (b) "Front Yard" shall mean a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line of the lot and the nearest ~vall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot: (c) "Front Yard Depth" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a front yard of a lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (d) "Rear Yard" shall mean a yard extending across the full ~vidth of a lot between the rear lot line of the lot, or where there is no rear lot line, the junction point of the side lot lines, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; 163 (h) (i) (j) "Rear Yard Depth" shall mean tile shortest tnorizontal dimension of a rear yard of a lot betxveen the rear lot line of tine lot. or where there is no rear lot line. the junction point of the side lot lines, and the nearest wall of the nearest mare building or structure on the lot: "Side Yard" shall mean a yard of' a lot extending from the front yard to tine rear yard. and front thc side lot line to the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on tile lot: "Side Yard \Vidttn" shall mean tile shortest tnorizontal dimension of a side yard of a lot betx',een fine side lot line and tile nearest wall of tine nearest main building or structure on tho lot: "Flankane Side Yard" shall mean a side xard immediateh' adjoining a street or abutting on a reserve on tile opposite side of which is a street: "Flankane Side Yard Width" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a fiankage side yard oi' a lot betv,'een tile lot line adjoining a street or abutting on a reserve on tile opposite side of` which is a street, and tile nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on fine lot: and "Interior Side Yard" shall mean a side xard ortner titan a flankage side yard. PROVISIONS (1) Uses Permitted ("N1C - 15" Zone) No person slnall within tile lands designated "MC I5" on Schedule I attactned hereto, use ally lot or erect, alter, or usc anx building or slrklclurc tbr any purpose except tine lblloxving: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (fl (g) (h) (i) (k) (m) <n) <o) ip) <q) (r) (s) <t) /u) <v) (w) (x) (y) baker>'; business off-tee: club; commercial club: commercial-recreational establishment: commercial sclnoot: convenience store: dry cleaning establishment: financial institution: food preparation plant: light machinery and equipment supplier: light manufacturing plant; merchandise service shop; office-associated commercial establishment: personal service shop; place of amusement or entertainment: place of assembly; place of religious assembl;: printing establishment: professional office: restaurant Type A: rental establistmnent: sales outlet; scientific, medical or research laboratorx: warehouse. 164 -6- (2) Zone Requirements ("MC - 15" Zone) No person shall within the lands designated "MC - 15" on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter or use any building except in accordance with the following provisions: (a) OUTDOOR STORAGE: All permanent uses, other than parking, shall take place entirely within enclosed buildings or structures with no outside storage or display; (b) FRONT YARD DEPTH (minimum): 6.0 metres (c) INTERIOR SiDE YARD WIDTH (minimum): 4.5 metres (d) FLANKAGE SIDE YARD WIDTH (minimum) 3.0 metres (e) REAR YARD DEPTH (minimum): ·: 12.0 metres (f) BUILDING HEIGHT (nmximum/' : <: " 12.0 metres (g) PARKING: (i) There shall be provided a~d maintained on thc lands designated "MC-15", parking at a ratio of: 5.5 spaces per 100 square metres gross leasable area for thc first 500 square metres; plus, 3.5 spaces per 100 square metres gross leasable area Ibr all floor space in excess of 500 square metres; (ii) Clauses 5.21.2 (a), (b), (c), (e) and (13, inclusive, of By-law 3036, as amended, shall not apply to the lands designated "MC .- 15" on Schedule I attached hereto; (iii) Despite clauses 5.21.2g) and 5.21.2k) of By-law 3036~ as amended, all entrances and exits to parking areas and all parking areas shall be surfaced with brick, asphalt, or concrete, or any combination thereof. (h) LOADING: (i) shall only be located in the side yard; (ii) Despite (i) above, loading max be located in the rear yard provided it is screened from public view and from abutting residential land uses through architectural screening, landscape buffering, bem~ing or a combination of these ~rcatments. -- 165 (il 0) REAR YARD LANDSCAPED OPEN AREA: A minimum x metre landscaped open ai-ea shall be provided along the rear lot line to screen parking, loading and buildings through architectural screening, landscape buffering, bemm~ or a combination of these treatments, ikom the x'iex~ of abutting residential uses. SPEC[AL REGULATIONS' (i) till) (v) (vi) Despite any other provision in this By-lay,. lawful uses existing oi2 the lands designated "MC-15" on Schedule I attached to this law on the date of passing of this Bv-lax~. shall be deemed to comply v, ith the proxisions of Bx-laxx 3()30. as amended. Anx alterations, additions, or nov, dexelopment on tiao lands shall comply v, ith all tile prox isions set out itl this Bv-lax~: Despite anx other proxision in this B'~-lav,. a waste transfer and management facility shall not be permitted on lands designated "MC-15" on Schedule I attached hereto: A sales outlet, accessory to a pemlittcd bakery, tbod preparation plant, light manufacturing plant, manuI'acturmg plant, merchandise service shop. printing establishment or warehouse, shall only be permitted proxidcd tiaa gross leasable area of the sales otttlet does not exceed 25". of tiao gross leasable floor area of the related industrial operation: Despite Clause (iii) abo'~e, a sales outlet may exceed £5~'. up to a maximum oi' 4()'Co of thc xross leasable floor area of thc related industrial operation, proxided the aggregate gross leasable floor area of all sales outlets in a buildin<~ does not exceed ,>" -°,o oi' thc total ~ross leasable floor area in that buildim,' The maximum gross leasable floor area ibr any convenience store, office-associated commercial establishment, financial institution, personal service shop. and restaurant 'F}pe A shall be 325 square metres: The maximum aggregate gross leasable floor area shall be' A for all convenience stores on the lot: 325 square metres B all office-associated commercial establishnlents on tile lot: 325 square metres C Ibr all financial institutions on tine lot: 325 square metres D for all personal service shops on the lot' 325 square metres E for all restaurants T)Ve A on the lot' 325 square metres 166 -8- BY-LAW 3036 (1) By-law 4257/72 is hereby repealed; (2) By-laws 2118/85 and 2245/86, only as they affect the subject lands designated "MC-15" on Schedule I attached hereto, are hereby repealed; and. (3) By-law 3036, as an]ended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of Bv-law 3030, as amended. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, if required. BY-LAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this day of ,2002. Wa5~e Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk / MC-I~ BLOCK 215, 40MM499 SCHEDULE T TO BY-LAW PASSED THIS DAY OF 2001 MAYOR CLERK APPENDIX III TO REPORT NUMBER PD 02-02 NOTION ROAD AREA DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES Village East Neighbourhood Section 12 Notion Road Area DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES NOTION ROAD AREA DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES / o¢,:-~ 'iI / 170 Notion Road Area Development Guidelines -Table of Contents Section I-2.1.0 I-2.2.0 I-2.3.0 I-2.4.0 I-2.$.0 I-2.6.0 I-2.7.0 I-2.8.0 Page General Description 1 Background 1 Relationship with Pickering Official Plan Vision Statement 2 Guiding Principles 2 The Guidelines 3 I-2.6.1 Roads and Frontages 3 Figure 1 Proposed Streetscape Improvements for Notion Road 4 I-2.6.2 Gateways 5 I-2.6.3 Open Space Edges 6 I-2.6.4 Paths 6 Odour Control 6 Implementation Strategies 6 APPENDIX I Notion Road Area Land Use And Urban Design Study Figure A: Study Area Map Figure B: Demonstration Plan The Notion Road Area Development Guidelines were adopted by Pickering Council oq XT,~, 171 Notion Road Area Development Guidelines I-2.1.0 General Description The ' - +' ~ !* ~o,~o , Road Area is Ia.coted on the wes, ~c~= c:~ ]~r-i~Rc:oc extends west to *'~e rear Io7 lines of the resicentia! developme c ,',es' :'c'-- $ c<eric~ PafKwoy NOrth, to, bUT excluding, the proper::: mT the south-west ~c"~er c~ ~, r":gsTor-, RCaC and Notion Road. The lands comprise OD:Ddt 5 hectares, of ,:.r- sr' CO,2 * Tv, S tr~irOE ~re currently vacant. T,qere is one large . ccont pmrcei and tv~c sq~o;e' ~ ~unT p~,~,z .... ~,S at the north eno of the Area cra quite smmii, and are oevelspes .:..~-~]gr-,* ~no,ostrial and outomotive-reioted uses. Lands to the west are developed with low and medium density '-q '~r~' ~ ts the north are developed as arterial commercial uses. Lands TO, the ess5 ;' The Town ~,~ Ajax, ore developed with heavy industrial uses tho~ are or, t c~po~eo tc remoir-' for the foreseeable future, with new ~,=s, ge deveJopmec and rese',~ ..... "-,~ ~,, ~rtlm~. Further east is Duffins ~,~k To tb,~ SCott' O'S::3~";[eS '-C ~de ' ..... ' 'large for'n-of' commercial ' ~'~ ' ..... ' _ccc Notion Rosa include o HigP,~c, z2' c.,erpcss cc .... ect;r,cj ,.."- 2c:' 'es Eec,ch xccc and to Bo'/~? Sx-eet. I-2.2.0 Background The Notion Road Area Deve cc --e:-- Z~ce ,-es hove been adapted fi'om work done by Brook Mcltroy Inc., City of ?ic~erinc~ ~.sr~- r-g & Development staff, and tine Town of Ajax Planning staff, as part o; :~-,e i~n: ~' c:: ='cr:er-ic,~q / Town, of Ajax Notion Road Area Land Use and Urban Desigr',.~ q ....; ~,~,. ~c ~.~-=~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~,'-: ~ ...... , ~ ~-~,,u ~ k._.u'~ ~ ~' ~.~ ~.r ,,~ ~ on the 'lolnt' land use and design study is provides ir-, z, ose .... ; I-2.3.0 Relationship withPickeringOfficiaIPlan ~ ~ ' ' - ..... :~- ~ d Arec os o Detailed Map 19- NeigiaDourhood 9: Villac~ East icaer~'fies e ;<:~,,u' Review Area for- which Council has ocop~eo De.e~cc,.menT S-,~,ide~Jnes. Section 11.2 of the PickeringOfficial Plan requires mat where Sc'dncil fas adopted Development Guidelines for c Detailed Review Area, de,elco, merit sno',l comply with those Guidelines. The Guidelines build on the u, xcsr- cesign obiect',e: c; S'-~r~ter' 9 -- "Community Design" and Chapter 13- 'Data es Design Co,~sce, c-c,~' c; ~n,e PicXerng Official Plan. in addition To me Guidelines cc. ntained in tr-s cz~_'-' er-c refe~er',,ce sno,JId be made to these other City-wide design ,objectives c' c ccrsi~xerotions in ~ec. oring and reviewing development proposals. Notion Road Area Development Guidelines Page 2 ]~-2.4.0 Vision Statement Through new development, redevelopment, private investment in properties and partnerships with public agencies including the City of Pickering (and the Town of Ajax to the east), it is proposed that the Notion Road Area will evoIve over time to become a prestige/mixed employment area, that values high quality uses on existing sites, and is more compatible with the existing residential uses in the area. It is the City's objective to encourage new development that is compatible with existing heavy industrial uses to the east, and provides for a positive fit with the existing residential development to the west through high performance standards for site operation and appearance within the Notion Road Area. The City's objective was prepared recognizing that the Town of Ajax has the same vision statement for its lands on the east side of Notion Road, and recognizing that the established objectives for the Ajax lands are: to protect the employment land base; make the area more attractive so as to promote additional investment; and to provide for new higher profile employment uses that can co-exist with heavy industry. I-2.5.0 Guiding Principles The following principles have been introduced as mechanisms to guide the course of physical improvements in the Notion Road Area: Vehicular access points and parking should be designed to accommodate the needs of industry and business and should contribute to the evolving mixed employment character of the area, while not adversely affecting existing residential uses; Public safety should be addressed through improved lighting, fencing, access restrictions, screening and enclosure of employment functions; · The streetscape of Notion Road should be unified through landscaping and building placement; Opportunities should be provided for pedestrians to access the Duffins Creek valley to the east; Generous landscape strips and features should be provided along Notion Road and along the western edge of the Notion Road Area as a way to address compatibility issues; Provisions should be made for "gateways" at the north and south ends of Notion Road, to mark municipal enfry points and to establish a sense of identity and profile to the Notion Road Area; · Materials and equipment storage and servic!ng functions fc xJsting uses should only occur within fully enclosed buildings. ObTdoor storage is not permitted. Notion Road Area Development Ouic-~'iqa~ Page ~[-2.6.0 The Guidelines Deveiooment guidelines are intended Tc 'ets ce.e~eers and the public ,understand the intent of the municipality, while ens,,'J,-?, T'-C: ,n~= .cmo review development applications clearly understand the desigr oeiectives me',, are trying to achieve. Development guidelines also provide direction for sub;lc sector imbrovements that will reaui~e Dudget allocations in order that 1-~_.6.1 Roads and Frontaaes Roads should ~rovi~e for ~ safe aN3 oF; c'er, t c. ire,dlaTion [~u ....... ~,,-= *m',OT O~o,~', ,~'-~'~q~ quality cf building materials. image of Notion Road as an empioymer~t sc:'Kwax' B,uiidings should be set s. cck a minimum o; c.- '*-e-'es ;~cm the street i;ne of %oran Road. This ¢¢i ai!o,,, for appropriate c~,,~",,".'- 3 crees sa.iacent tc +,*=i ' ~ ~ ' ~ ~ '~'~+ the future visual Cr-~,OrSctGr 0~ the oreo is re 3-,9, cc-ss'e'er. This will o;sc allow buildings to approach =~ b-,eot wniie mm .... ' ......" u .... o'v'eroli ior-dsccpeo character; For existing lots with Jess tea~- 5{~ metre? f,-onts~:e ct:r-- access easements should be used to maximize landscaped oreo. X. ccess cc,,rTS '3 smaller properties should beconsoliaateowhereverposs'ce. _mr-,oscape~ traffic islands should be used to identify main cri',,e,¢,'o',z and succ,'ce argo corking areas adjacentto the street: A continuous landscaped ccr~' action sr'-~ c: :se :3'c. c~eC ceTvveer~ T,ne building dna the street, for o~ eos~ 25~ ~; the s-e ;"c".'3tje. c~ec:, such andscoped building. Public safety should be improved by encouraging pedestrian activity in areas designed to accommodate pedestrians. Appropriate actions would include providing welt-lit and maintainec sidewalks, clear and identifiable pedestrian paths, and clearly marked p~o~c spaces. "Fence-isosoing" and unrestricted access to areas of employmer-' acf,'i', should De cisc.c, uraged through building placement, and provisions for-asc"cc~ UTe crtdscccec: suffers along the western edge of the Notion Road A'eo: Main entrances to buildings sr-,c~,d oe em:c'-csizec '~-rc~gr-' canopies, ownings and other architectural detoiis. Entrances s,~c,~,c be c"omnent and should be coordinated with on-site pedesTr'aq wal~, .s, s' Notion Road Area Development Guidelines Page 4 174 Double rows of trees should be planted along Notion Road, to create a locally distinct streetscape image, while having the effect of encouraging pedestrian traffic and masking existing industry (see Figure 1)' ! 0 m 0 5 m NOTION ROAD Typical StreetscaDe Plan and Section Figure 1' Proposed Streetscape Improvements for Notion Road Notion Road Area Deveiopmen~' GuJaelines Page S 1 75 A minimum boulevard widthu,-; 5.~. ,_,.,~.. ...... .... c, cu c ce s"o~,,.~_~i'-='- at the street front of buildings alone N¢-;~ - ..... ......... = fo:", ,qd=raround facilities, while ~mprc. nc the face of c~c c ~ ............... canna: be · Tree species should s,e _sad consister+iy w'tniq ,or-cscs:ce s'r ~,s and should be Io'¢, maintenance aha pollution *ate snT spec es' Blank, or single m, oTerloi facoaes that extend The er ~ire Jer-',gtr-.of the Suilding should not De permitweo. ~,~s~e',xo iorge facades~,~,"~ be d;vsed throuoh~ o combination of winoo,¢,'s cr~,j~ ...... ~, materials and colours: significant percentage c .... ,.e s:reeT e,e,c' c'~' Lcrcje ur',broken pork'r-,g are,ssshou,,d rs, e c,c'cec. _sr-cscapingsnouid be used ;c, bering smaller por~ir-:c crees, and st'au c ce crooortionoie to the size of the c, or K~n9 oreo; · n ali cases, rooftop n:~=~ ..... ..... ~ ecu]oma'-* '< '-' ~=e sc,eened from view from the Service areas (Ioad:,-,~ ...... - ;:=~ ....... ~ ~ cesrz'eer-,ec f'cn', - "~ and from the r-ear ",'~':J< ac~ I-2.8.2 Gotewo~ Gateways, or ceor end identifies e xsc nts of er-*r ~ snc, uid se provided at the north and south ends of Notion Road ~o q~,c:.~ ernTr'x' ir-,~o ~r~,e ~r'eo and to signal the municipal boundary bet~,,een Ajax and Picker'ir-3. ~n cj + '-;9 r 3 i 33T9,',3,.5 sh,osld ~e provided with an upGradedstondardofbuildin9tres:me'~- ~r-csc*¢~'~' , ~ , ~ ~,, ~ ~-'-~"~ oqd materiels. Gateway buildings should be oescr-,ed~ os pr?r~r:er, ...... ,,:~-.~' foci. V'erticoJ elements such os towers OF S~C,q* '~e CC; [DECKS 2!qSJiO C;'e used tO Qq©FK their location; · Signage should be used at gaTe¢~,a? cca-'c'-: ~ ~oer~:;:,, and visually unify both ends of Notion Road; Corner buildings should be located~'-~=-¢~=-~-~ 3 n-e'r-es and 8 metres of the street points. Pedestrian entrances src~ c ce .coates ~ a~ .... to the street corner; · It is anticipated that gOTe,',O, een~e'-'z s'c~ c ce coated on both sides of Notion Road and shouio ir, o ~;ce ~si=:rooe3 ~Ir 3~s3;3e eements; Notion Road Area Development Guidelines Page 6 Although there is greater opportunity for a gateway element on the Ajax side of Notion Road at the north end, redevelopment on the Pickering side may permit gateway elements to be achieved. The northern gateway treatments should reflect the architectural and historic character of Pickering Village. I-2.6.3 Open Space Edges Side yard landscape strips between neighbouring properties should be a minimum of 6.0 metres (3.0 metres in width on each property), for vegetation, fencing and snow storage; A minimum 3.0 metre landscaped open area shall be provided along the rear lot line to screen parking, loading and buildings through architectural screening, landscape buffering, berming or a combination of these treatments, from the view of abutting residential uses. I-2.6.4 Paths During the review of site plans for lands centrally located within the Notion Road Area, careful consideration should be given to incorporating public walkways, in a safe and appropriate manner, from Marshcourt Drive through the property to Notion Road. This will also allow connections to the trails along Duffins Creek to the east in Ajax. I-2.7.0 Odour Control The establishment of uses, such as restaurants and bakeries, which may incorporate commercial cooking equipment and thus, may produce odours, shall be required to install high efficiency odour control mechanisms, approved by the City of Pickering, at the construction stage. Requirements for such odour control mechanisms shall be addressed at the time of building permit review. I-2.8.0 Implementation Strategies Council shall consider, during it annual budget process, the allocation of funds for the following projects to assist with improving the image of the Area, and the environmental quality of stormwater run-off: · reconstruction of the northern portion of Notion Road to fully curbed urban standards with sidewalks (a portion of the cost is to be collected through development charges); · special 'gateway' and sidewalk pavement treatment on the south side of the intersection of Kingston and Notion Roads, and the north side of the intersection of Pickering Parkway and Notion Road; · street trees, pavement splash-strip and similar improvements as recommended for Notion Road in the cross-section identified in Figure 1; and Notion Road Area Development G,~,i,seiJres Page 7 ~- 7 7 · burial of above-ground wiring r pm~tnersnip with others' (Pickering owns Notion Road while the Town of Ajax is responsiDle for its maintenance ten,a,~ve~ aL,=-~-,~ for standard urbanization of under an agreement. Picketing has .... ~,_, The west side of the north per- of Notion Rooo -o occ,~r '~- ~r~e year 2003.) The City of Pickering shall consider so"*ce"-~: cs~- *'-,e CASTS cf or-:n-,proveo srorn-~v, cte~ Dona :n Ajax, south and ecs: cf ~ne e'-3 of ~cp,~rm ~o, oc', o~ o $:e~senwoge DOSJS emuo municipoiity. The City of Pickerin.g supnscrts Tr~e eSTOOi!shn~e.qT o: a c,cnnr'~unity/'ndustry liaison committee to seek SOlUTiOnS TO ,?~r'c~e the Notch Re, om ~,rea for ~)us]nesses and residents. Local residents agency officials, as requ~rem. The mits,~ , of Picketing shol!,ea~eSCTne Town of ~,'o>,,-~ c~-.-eqc: i*s noise m)/-,~,' ,~, '=';,~ Dern-,iT' ~,iox To, investigate ccn~,s);c n;s ~ror~-~ nearby Pie<o' r zj '~=~ c~='-';~ of inappropriate noise fr,cn-', Aiox sources. 178 APPENDIX I to the Notion Road Area Development Guidelines Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study The Notion Road Study Area, shown on Figure A, included lands located within both the City of Picketing and the Town of Ajax. It was bounded by Kingston Road to the north, Duffins Creek to the East, Highway 401 to the south and the rear lot line of properties on the west side of Notion Road to the west, excluding the south-west corner of Kingston Road and Notion Road. The Notion Road Study Area and its surroundings evolved from an historic settlement at Pickering Village, with the progressive post-war development of industrial and related uses within the Study Area. More recently, residential uses were introduced to both the east and the west of the Study Area. The introduction of these newer uses, coupled with a proposal for a new waste transfer station on the Aiax side of Notion Road brought public attention to conflicts between heavy industry and residential development in the area, and raised concerns about what the future held for the Study Area. Consequently, the joint City of Pickering/Town of Ajax Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study was conducted between 1999 and 2001, which resulted in official plan and zoning amendments, strategies to improve public infrastructure and other associated strategies to improve the compatibility between the surrounding residential uses and the industrial uses within the Study Area. A central purpose of the policy changes was to encourage development within the Study Area to evolve over time to a high quality mixture of prestige/mixed employment uses. An additional result of lhe study was the adoption by the City of Pickering of the Notion Road Area Development Guidelines for the Pickering lands within the Study Area and the adoption by the Town of Ajax of Urban Design Guidelines for Ajax lands within the Study Area. I 2.4.0 Demonstration Plan One of the products of the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study was a demonstration plan that incorporated the urban design principles arising from the Study. The demonstration plan is provided as Figure B. 1 7:) Figure A: Notion Rcc,s S:uct ,kre.s  ~ I ,~,/OTION ROAD LAND USE ~ ~, AND URBAN DESIG,N 1SO Figure B: Demonstration Plan b TOWN of AJAX CITY of PICKERING APPENDIX IV TO REPORT NUMBER PD 02-02 INFOR~IATIONAL REVISION 10 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN 182 INFORMATIONAL REVISION 10 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN Informational revisions to the Official Plan can be adopted by Council at any' time. The revisions required to reflect the completion of the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study are as folloxvs. Revise the introductory text to the Village East Neighbourhood in order to identify that Council has adopted the "Notion Road Development Guidelines", such that the introductory text reads as set out below: 2. Revise Map 19 - Neighbourhood 9: Village East, to add shading to indicate that the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study has been completed (see next page). NEIGHBOURHOOD 9: VILLAGE EAST Description · Is bounded by the hydro transmission corridor, thc West I)uftin ( ircck, the Ajax-Pickering boundau', and H~ghway 401 · Has established residential areas fronting Guild Road, Royal R<>ad and Southview Drive; recent subdivision acuvitv at thc western anct eastern ends of the neighbourhood occurred since 1970's · Consists of a mix of detached, semi-detached, townhousc and apartment dwelhngs; also includes fimr neighbourlnood parks plus part of the 'Diana, Princess of \Vales Park', a cemetery and a pohce staUon · Has neighbourhood and communiw shopping around the intersecuon of Brock and Kingston Roads, and the Metro t';ast Trade (;cnn:c, located on the east side of Brock Road · Has enviromnentalh, sensitive areas associated with the \Vest 1)uffins Creek CHANGE ................ · Has/J;ree Detailed Review _\rca,< within its boundatw: (i) lands along the Kingston Road frontage: n l:mds containing and surrounding thc Metro East Trade Centre and thc Home and Leisure Centre; /an& a/o~.g ltae we.~'I .,'ide qi'.k'~,,','~,~: Ciw Council has adopted "I-~mgston Road Corridor Development Guidehnes", which guideline~ :q, ply to thc Kingston Road Corridor through this Neighbourhood CHANGE SET UP OF EXISTING TEXT RE GUIDELINES: ................... Council has adopted development guidelines ea:'l :o~er e/'l];e t-h~p,. 401 / Bro:k Road ADD REFERENCE TO NEW GUIDELINES: ................... T& '~'o/io~ Road y/de qf~N'otzbt~ Road MAP 19 NEIGHBOURHOOD 9: 'vILLAGE EAST P L ~LLL!NO ¢, LEGEND SYMBOLS DETAILED REVIEW AREA '~ LANDS FOR WHICH COUNCIL HA,% RC {REFER ~'O COMPENOIUM DOCUMENT! iCEM CEMETERY POLICE STATION CITY OF PICKERINO PLANNfNG & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DECEMBER, 2OO1 ',:-E LA',2 _7~ 2E%:GNANONSI PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 2: Char3te"Eie,e,- - ~rL:c'- ~;=~- ............ T:'o 184 Oi~ of Piokering Planning & Dovelopmont Dopa~ment MA~ NOTION BOAD ~ND USE AND URBAN DESIGN STUDY [ DATE AUG 15, 2001 TO 185 BANBURY COURT City of Picketing Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BLOCK 215, 40M-1499 7 OWNER SILWELL DEVELOPMENTS LTD. DATE dAN 2, 2002 DRAWN Bv RC i % APPLICATION No. A 5/87 [ SCALE 1:7500 'CHECKED BY SG L ~/ FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-9 PA- 186 ~TTACHME~IT #_ ..~ TO ADMINISTRATION DEPART NT CLE CS DIVISION 1VLEMORANDUM September 20, 2001 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Bruce Taylor, Clerk Referrals from Council Meeting of September 17, 2001 RECEIVED SEP 2 1 2ool CITy OF Please be advised that the Council of the City of Picker/ng passed Resolution #105/01, Item #1, at Council Meeting of September 17, 2001, as follows: That Council receive the Addendum to Report PD 20-01 and replace the recommendations in Report PD 20~01, dated May 4, 2001, by adoption of the following recommendations; That Council receive, as background information, the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study, prepared by the Planning & Development Departments of the City of Picketing and the Town of Ajax, with consulting assistance from the firms of Brook Mcllroy and iTrans Consulting Inc., dated May, 2001, and attached as Appendix I to Report Number PD 20-01; as amended June, 2001 by the updated replacement pages contained in Attachment #1 to this Addendum Report; o That Council initiate an amendment to the Picketing Official Plan to implement the results of the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study, and request staff to hold a statutory pubhc meeting on October 18, 2001 to replace the "Study Area" designation on the west side of Notion Road in Pickering with a "Mixed Employment" designation, and add new policies to the Village East Neighbourhood, generally as set out on Appendix II to Report Number PD 20-01; That Council initiate an amendment to Picketing Zoning By-law 3036 to implement the results of the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study, and request staffto hold a statutory public meeting on October 18, 2001, to replace the various "MI" zonings with an appropriate "MC-mixed employment" zoning, generally as set out on Appendix Ill to Report Number PD 20-01; That Council adopt in principle, the Urban Design Guidelines for the Notion Road 'Area, generally as set out on Appendix IV to Report Number PD 20-01, and request that staff rev/se the guidelines as necessary to be consistent with the adopted official plan amendment, reformat the Guidelines to fit the Compendium Document to the Official Plan, and bring the final Development Guidelines to Council for adoption with the final official plan amendment and zoning by-law by Spring 2002; That Council adopt in principle, the h}~tbrmational Revisions to the Pickerin_o O£ficiai Plan, generally as set out in Appendix V to Report Number PD 20-01. and request ti-mt sta~tT refine the In£onnational Revisions iS necessary to be consis:ent with the adopted official plan amendment, and bring the ~tinal Inl~brmational Revisions to Council with the final official plm~ mnendment ~2d zonin~ by-law by Spring. 2002; 7. That Council adopt other implementation measures to improve the Notion Road Area, as set out in Appendix VI to Report Number PD 20-01, hncluding the following: al) consideration during the azmual budgeting process for contributions towards the future urbanization of the north end of Notion Road; possible acquisition of blocks 1'or walkway purposes bet~veen Marshcourt D5ve and Notion Road; special gateway pavement treatments at intersections; pianting street trees; burial of hydro wires; an~t a stonnwater pond adjacent to Du£fins b) supporting the establishment o£ a communitF..business improvement Iiaison group, for the Notion Road Area; ~d c; requesting the Town o£ Ai~,c to amend is noise by-law to permit action on complaints from Picketing residents about noise originating in Ajax; and That Council request the Clerk to for~vard a cop.,.' of' Report Number PD 20-01 and the Addendum to Report Number PD 20-01 and the ~-elated Council decision to the Clerk of the Town of A_~ax. BT:dk Copy: T.J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Ofticer 188 INFORS~ATION REPORT NO. 28-01 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF OCTOBER 18, 2001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIlE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Picketing Official Plan Amendment OPA 01-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A .19/01 City initiated: Notion Road Study Area Part of Lot 17, Concession 1 (West side of Notion Road, between Picketing Parkway and Kingston Road, excluding the south-west comer of Kingston Road and Notion Road) City of Picketing 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject lands are 5 hectares in area and consist of a 50 to 60 metre wide strip located on the west side of Notion Road, between Pickering Parkway and Kingston Road, excluding the south-west corner of Kingston Road and Notion Road (see location map, Attactunent #1 ); the northern third (1.7 hectares) of the subject lands, comprising 9 individual properties, supports attto repair, sales and body shops and other light manufacturing and service industries in facilities with no permitted outdoor storage; the southern two-thirds (3.3 hectares) comprising three properties, is presently vacant; the north and south property are under the same ownership; uses surrotmding the subject lands are: o to the north is a building equipment rental business on the south-west corner of Kingston and Notion Roads; o to the south of Picketing Parkway are vacant lands abutting the Pickering Home and Leisure Centre; © to the west are townhouse condominiums at the north end, detached dwellings in the central area and a small parcel of vacant land immediately north of Pickering Parkway; further west is the Wal-Mart store, the Metro East Trade Centre and the Home and Leisure Centre on the south side of Pickering Parkway; and, o to the east, across Notion Road in thc Town of Ajax are located more than 20 heavy industrial uses with extensive outside storage and manufacturing activities including two cement plants and an asphalt plant; Duffins Creek runs to the east of the industrial properties; 2.0 BACKGROUND the subject lands comprise the Pickering lands within the larger joint City of Picketing/Town Of Ajax Notion Road study area, for Which the "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study" was conducted; further detail about past and present development of the study area lands, surrounding areas and the transportation system is provided in the "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study"; (a copy can be obtained from the Pickering Planning & Development Department); the study process commenced in 1999, involved broad based consultation and resulted in Ajax Town Council adoption of the study results for the Ajax study area lands in July 2001; Information Report No. 28-01 Page 189 3.0 4.0 4.1 4.2 Picketing City Council considered the tindings of' the "Notion Road Land Use aud Urban Desigm Study". Planrlhag a: Development Report Number PD 20-01 and Addendum to Report Ntmlbcr: PD 2(1-C)1 at its meeting held September 17, 2001 and adopted Resolution #105'I)1. Item ::1, which (along with other associated decisions} authorized a statutory public inlbrnmtion meeting to initiate amendments to the Picketing C)/'ficial Plan and Zoning By-law 3036 to implement tile findin~ss <of tile study; tile background and study consultation process is described in Appendix III: a full discussion of the siLldv process, planning considerations, land use options considered, urban design proposals and proposed policy is provided in the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Desion Study, Planning & Development Report Number: PD 20-01 and Addendum to Report Number: PD 20-01 (copies of these items ca~ be obtained from the Pkuming & Development Departmentl; CITY'S PROPOSAl. the City of Picketing proposes to amend the Picketing Official Plan and Zoning By-law 3030 in order to imptcment the results of the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study: specifically the Gitv proposes to redesignate the sub ect lands fi'om Urbau Study Arerz to ~lh'.ved /5~Uo/qv,ze~[ as set out on Schedule l, the Land Use Structure schedule of thc Picketing Official Plan: thc text policy tbr thc Notion Road Urban Study Area ~Scction 3.17) is proposed to be deleted, in addition, tho City proposes to add a number of new Village East Neighbourbood policies (Section 11.11 of the Plan~ to guide development of this Mixed Emplo)qnent Area; tho City also proposes to rezone the subject ]ands item various light industrial zoning categories to pe~qnit a range of prestige and higher order employment uses, and establish appropriate yard and other zone provisions, to implement the proposed Mixed Emplosqnent designation. a copy of thc proposed official plan amendment and zoning by-law amendment is attached ~see Appendices I and lI); OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Regional Official Plan the subject lands appear to be designated Em?/q;,,tet~! Area in the Durham Regional Official Plan; lands designated Employment Area may be used lbr manufacturing, assembly and processing of goods, setwicc industries, research and development ihcilities, warehousing, business parks, limited personal sec'ice uses, hotels, storage of goods and materials, retail warehouses, fi-eight transfbr and transportation facilities; the Plan encourages prestige cmplo>qncnt uses xvifl~ high employment generating capaci~ and ~eater architectural, landscaping and s~gn controls to be located along Itighways and T3Tc :X and B Arterial roads: Kingston Road is designated as a ]57c /3 ~:z'icz't~z[ r(;c:d and a Regional D'ansit 5);iue on Map B2- the Transportation System ,~t' thc I)urham Regional O~cial Plan, while both Notion Road and Pickcrii~g Parkway are designated as 7j;7;e C arterial roadx; no amendment lo the Durham Regional ()fficial Plan is required to permit the proposed amendments to thc Picketing Official Plan and Zoning By-law 3036; Pickering Official Plan tile subject lands are designated Lh'bm~ Suidx' .drer:.s' in the Picketing Official Plan and are subject to the Urban Study Areas.' .~¢[io~ Ro~d ],dux~rial Area policies; the subject lands arc located within thc Village East Neighbourhood; lands within an Urbau Stud;' .drerJ.$' designation may be used tbr conse~ation, environmental protection, restoration, education, passive recreation, similar uses and existing lawful uses; Information Report No. 28-01 Page 3 - the Urban Study Areas: Notion Road Industrial Area policy provides that Council shall consider eliminating the Study Area designation following a land use and design study demonstrating that the proposed use is consistent with the goals, objectives and general purpose and intent of the Official Plan; is compatible with the surrounding area, given the area's location between residential lands in Picketing and industrial lands in Ajax; and, shall establish appropriate land use designations and policies, by amendment to the Official Plan; - completion of the "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study" satisfies the foregoing need for a study; the Picketing Official Plan recognizes Employment Areas as those areas having (or intended to have) significant concentrations of manufacturing, assembly, warehousing and/or related employment opportunities; Council shall require the highest standards for site operation and appearance in Mixed Employment Areas, recognizing their, highly visible and accessible locations along main arterial roads; the next highest order of Employment lands, Prestige Employment, may be located in proximity to residential areas; uses permissible in each of the Employment Area subcategories are set out in Table 8 to the Official Plan, which is provided as Attachment # 2 to this Report; Schedule II to the Picketing Official Plan, the Transportation System schedule, designates Kingston Road as a Type B Arterial Road and designates Notion Road and Pickering Park~vay as T),lve C Arterial Roads. Schedule III to the Picketing Official Plan, the Resource Management Schedule, designates the subject lands as Shorelines and Stream Corridors and as Flood Plain Special Policy Areas; these designations recognize areas that may be subject to flooding; the Flood Plain Special Policy Area designation pemfits development and redevelopment within the flood susceptible lands, providing appropriate flood protection measures are instituted; Map 19 of the Picketing Official Plan identifies the subject lands as lying within the Village East Neighbourhood; as described in Section 3.0 of this Report, the City initiated proposal includes an amendment to the Picketing Official Plan (see detailed amendment, Appendix 1 to this Report); 4.3 Compendium Document to the Pickering Official Plan on September 17, 2001, Picketing City Council adopted the "Urban Design Guidelines for the Notion Road Area", in principle, for the subject lands; these guidelines address matters affecting site layout and design such as preferred building locations, screening of roof top equipment, vehicular access and parking, public safety, streetscapes, landscaping, and gateway elements. the "Urban Design Guidelines for the Notion Road Area" will be added to the Compendium to the Picketing Official Plan once the Official Plan Amendment proposed in this Report comes into tbrce; the Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines apply to the lands to the immediate north of the subject lands, the south-west comer of Kingston and Notion Roads; the Guidelines .would require any redevelopment of this comer, whether through rezoning or site plan approval, to provide a symbolic eastern gateway to Picketing, through urban form and streetscape elements, to reduce the dominance of the automobile and strengthen pedestrian amenity by such means as improved urban form and streetscape elements (including removal of roadside ditches) and other design features to create a sense of community pride; 4.4 Zoning By-law 3036 the northern one-third of the subject lands are zoned "MI" and "MIS", while the southern two-thirds of the subject lands are zoned "MI-4", all storage and light manufacturing zones, by By-law 3036 as amended by By-laws 4257/72, 2118/85 and 2245/86; the "MI" zone permits business and professional offices, service or repair shops, warehouses or distributing depots, garages, light manufacturing or assembly of products and other specific uses; Information Report No. 28-01 '--~;..ox'.7?jT #_.~TO Page 4 ! 91 one property is zoned "NilS", which pernuts a caretaker's residence in addition to the "M 1" uses; the "M1-4" zone permits warehousing, light manufactunng and other specific uses; O11 lands zoned "Nil" and "MIS", buildings must bt: scl back a minimunl of 12 metres from thc front lot line, and a ini~.il'nUill of 7.5 metres tiom tile rear lot lille or 30 nlclrcs fi'om the rear lot linc when tile abutting usc is residential; on lands zoned "M1-4", buildings must bc set back a nnnimum of 7.5 metres from the front lot linc, and a minimum of 12 metres Ii'om the rear lot line; an amendment to Zoning By-law 3036 is required to iinplement the rccommendations of thc Notion Road l~and Lse and Urban Design Study (see detailed amendment, Appendix II to this 5.1} 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments no comments have been received fi'om ;esidents or industrial property owners or operators in response to the notice about the Statutory Public information Meeting; Comments - no agency comments have been received to date i~n response to file notice about thc Statutory Public Inlbnnation Nleeting: Staff Commenls Proposed Amendment to tile Picketing Official Plan the City is proposing these amendments for tile lands withila tile Notion Road study area in order to fulfill the following objectives: o replace the Urban Study Area designation in the Picketing Official Plan with a land use designation that will be compatible with abutting residential nses in Picketing and both heavv industrial uses that cu~ently exist and prestige industrial uses that arc expected to evolve with new development as a result of recent policy amendments of the Town of Ajax for the Ajax study area lands; o establish specific pennitted uses and standards tbr new development and redevelopment within the area by amendment to Zoning By-law 3036 that will lbster compatibility betxvccn employment uses on the subject lands and low and medium density residential uses on abutting lands; o hcilitate evolution of the Notion Road area, over time, to a high quality and attractive prestige employment area; Deletion of Policy 3.17 -- (.5'br~ Study Area: Notiot, Ror~d ]t~rlt~s;~'i~l Area tile "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study", the proposed amendments to the official plan and zoning by-law, tile proposed urban design guidelines and related implementing recommendations satisfy the requirements contained in Policy 3.17 for removal and replacement of the Study .,M'ea designation; the proposed Mixed Employment designation and policies are consistent with the goals, objectives and general purpose anti intent of the Official Plan, and will result in the establishment of uses that are compatible with the surrounding area; an annendment to thc Official Plan is be/ag processed to estalolish apt~ropriate land use desigmations and policies; Information Report No. 28-01 Page 5 192 ,k T'? ACHMEr'JT #_/-./ TO REPORT # PD t"t,,.?--c;~ 5.3.2 Proposed Mixed Emplo?nettt Designation the Mixed Emplo. wnent designation responds to the constraints and opportunities facing these lands; Mixed Employment uses are compatible with both heavy industrial uses currently occupying the Ajax lands east of Notion Road and the prestige uses intended for the Ajax lands in the future; by contrast, a residential use of these lands would be a sensitive use that would be adversely affected by proximity to the current heavy industry in Ajax, and the flood risk; Mixed Employment uses do not include the same broad range of heavy manufacturing, storage, waste transfer, recycling and processing and fi'eight transfer and transportation facilities of the General Emplo. vme~t uses, and a mix of the higher quality prestige employment uses and limited retailing of goods and services serving the area permitted by the proposed Mixe~t Emplo.~,ment designation can be expected to be more compatible with abutting residential uses than prestige or general employment uses; Proposed Village East Neig/~bot~rhood Policies the proposed Irillage East Neigl~bottrhood Policies provide further dctail with respect to the purpose and means of addressing compatibility between residential and employment uses, accessibility for pedestrians and the methods to upgrade the quality of the area; a list of upgrades is provided to specify the items that Council considers of significance; the exclusion of new automotive and vehicle sales and repair uses, and the inclusion of specific design criteria in the Official Plan provides policy direction for the review of further rezoning and site plan approvals; one of the proposed design criteria is to consider protection for pedestrian pathways, to the satisfaction of the City, to connect Marshcourt Drive to Notion Road, as a condition of development for abutting properties on the west side of Notion Road; the intent of this desi~ criterion is to increase access for residents of the Village East Neighbourhood; concerns respecting the safety of pedestrians in proximity to heavy industry will be one issue to be addressed by an industry/community liaison group; the remaining design criteria proposed for the Village East Neighbottrhood Policies seek to provide policy support for design guidelines proposed within the Compendium to the Official Plan; PropOsed Amendments to Zoning By-law 3036 Permitted Uses - the list of permitted uses proposed for the subject lands implements the more general provisions of the proposed Mixed Emplo)~ment Official Plan designation; the proposed list of uses incorporates the industrial, office, personal service,-restaurant, retail, financial, community, cultural, recreational and similar uses, in addition to the limited retailing of goods and services serving the area permitted by the Mixed Emplo3~nent designation; - the list proposed for Zoning By-law 3036 also includes industrial uses existing on the date this amendment comes into force; this provision is included in recognition of current fights of existing automotive repair, or sales and service establishments and other industrial uses to continue as legal uses with expansion or redevelopment rights on those properties where these uses are currently practiced; - the list of permitted uses is to exclude new automotive repair, or sales and service establistunents, and waste transfer or management facilities as uses not considered compatible with abutting residential uses in light of the potential for noise, pollution, and heavy truck traffic; outdoor storage is not proposed in this area in recognition of both the existing provisions of the current "MI" and "M1-4" zoning and of the objective to Infonnation Report No. 28~01 Page 6 foster compatibility with residential uses and achieve a high quality employment area; Other Provisions 6.0 6.1 6.2 a inaximum building height of' 12 metres is proposed to match maximum building heights permitted tbr the abutting residential dwellings; miifiinuin yard rcquiremel~tS of 7.5 metres ibr thc ITont yard, 12 metres ibr thc rear yard and 4.5 metres ibr side var'ds are proposed in order to permit a reasonable size lbr industrial and commercial buildinos within this shallow (50 to 60 metre wide) strip of land: o t~ical front yard requirements tbr the "~I1" zone are 12 metres and 7.5 metres lbr the "M1-4"zonc, and 7.5 metres is proposed; o t~ical rear yard requirements of 3{) metres ibr properties zoned "MI" would eft~ctix'clv prevent any industrial or commercial building fi-om being constructed on ii,ese lands; the typical rear yard requirements For the"Mi-4" zone of 1~' metres is proposed to be maintained; o lbo t>~ical requirement of 4.5 metre side yards of the "Nil" zone is maintained by these recommended standards: parking, loading and sea-vice uses are to be permitted in the side yard and loading and service areas arc not to be located in the rear yard unless buffered to provide an adequate mitigation of noise fi'on] existing residential dwellings; the proposed requirement ibr a 3-metre landscaped strip tbr planting, fencing and/or benns along the rear property line will ensure an appropriate level of visual screening Ibr existing residential dxvcllings; finally, it 5-metre landscaped strip in the i?ont yard will provide adequate screening of parking, loading and service areas fi'om Notion Road' at the time that an amending zoning bv-iaxv is fbrwarded lbr Council adoption, the tbregoing objectives can be implemented, provided suitable flexibility is also available to make any necessary technical changes. PROCEDUILAL INFORSIATION Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval ii' sucit applications are determined to be locally si~ificant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and. or Provincial interest; at this time, the Region has not vet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt fi'om Regional Approval; General written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Inlbnnation Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department For a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to resen'e the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide conm~ems to the City betbrc Council adopts an5r by-taw For tiffs proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's adoption of any official plan amendment, or passing of any zoning by-law amendment, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk: if you wish to be notified of thc decision of the Region of Durham with respect to the proposed amendment to the official plan, you must make a written request to the Commissioner of Planning, Region off Durham Planning D ep artm ent. Information Report No. 28-01 19/1 7.0 OTHER INFORMATION 7.1 Appendix I copy of the Proposed Picketing Official Plan Amendment; 7.2 Appendix II copy of the proposed amendment to Zoning By-law 3036; 7.3 ..Appendix III the background and consultation process of the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study 7.4 Appendix IV list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the proposal at the time of writing this report; Steve Gaunt, MCiP, Pd)P Plammr 2 SG/CLR/jf Copy: Director, Planning & Development Cathehne L. Rose, Manager, Policy t._itq "tY ~ PICKERING REPORT ¢, PD ¢'2.-,,,. Excerpts from the Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes Pursuant to the Planning Act Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:00 P.~l. Chair: Councillor Johnson The Xlana,gcr, Policy Division. pro\ idcd an overview o~' thc rcciu~rc~ncn~5 of tt~c Plannin~ .Ac~ and the ()ntario Nlunicipal Board rcspcct~n~ ttqi5 meeting and nT'~tttci?, LlIq(~iCI' consideration there :it. (I1} PlCKERING OFFICIAl. PI~.XN ANIENI)3I ENT ()P.\ 01-tH}3/P ZONING BY-LAV~' :\.~IENI)_~IENT APPI.IC.\TION A 19/01 CITY INITIATED: N()'I'I¢)N ROAD STI'DS' :\REA PART OF LOT 17. (ONCESSION 1 (WEST SIDE OF NOIION ROAD, BETXYEEN PICKERING PARK'~¥AY AND KINGSTON ReAl). EXCLtDING THE SOt'TH-\,\'ESI CORNER OF KINGSTON ROAD AN1) NOTION ROAD) Report .lack Milos. 1964 Notion Road. cluc>tioncd }aox\ this '~q~pi]cat]on xxill impact the cxistin,M buildings and uses. Cathy Rose responded th'at 'anx cxistin~ lax,,t'ul t_t:<os xxould continue to be permitted. New construction or si~nilhcant ztdditions xx ould bc ~,ubjcct to .,,itc plan apt')T'OX al. clone dowll by Millxx orR. Cathy Rose advised that thc road is owned by thc ('it\ of t'ickcmnc but maintenance is shared with the Toxxn ct' Ajax. Paving nltiv be conducted >ubjcct to budget approval in 2001. Money bas tentatively been included in dexelopmcnt charges. C'athx also toni]tuned that the appearance of thc area will begin to change as applications arc r'cccix cd but t}]at no aptMications have been received. Mlnl~llry of Tran~portntlon Tra~lsport$ Phone: Fax: E-ma/l: (416) 235-4572 (416) 235-4267 hugh. fyffe~)mto, gov. on.c a AT~, ACH,VIENT # ~ TO Ontari Corridor Management Office 7th Floor, Atrmm Tower 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontmso M3M l J8 October 02, 2001 City of Pickenng Administration Depamnent Clerk's Division Picketing Civic CompIex One The Esplanade Picketing, Ontario Official Plan Amendment OPA 01-004/P anti Zoning By-law Amendment A 19/01 City Initiated: Notion Road Study Area Part of Lot 17, Concession 1 City of Pickering We have reviewed tim above Applications and have no objection in principle, subject to thc following comments. This Ministry is concerned about thc future traffic impacts ar/sing from the i~nplmnentation of the above Applications, on tzhe intersection at Picketing Parkweay/Brock Road mad at the E-N/S Ramp Terminal at Brock Road. CC. The mi~fistry would encourage a traffic impact study to rightly assess the possible and probable traffic impacts at these two locations. ' Hugh Fyffe Corridor Management Technician