HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 25, 2008 Attendees: Kelly Collins, Chair Stephen Little, Vice-Chair Zoia Horne Prem Noronha-Waldriff Lisa Broad (Recording Secretary) Absent: Garry Cuthbert Aisha Nathifa Heywood Lori Murray Councillor Bonnie Littley Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate)  1.0 Adoption of Minutes – April 23, 2008 All    Moved by Kelly Collins Seconded by Zoia Horne That the Minutes of the April 23, 2008 meeting be adopted. CARRIED   2.0 Brochure All    Final drafts were reviewed by all members present and approved as final. Prem to work with Lisa to get final colour copies made to distribute. Discussion ensued on where and how brochures would be distributed. Brochures should be located in all City facilities, Retirement Homes, the Pickering Town Centre, CNIB, Durham Deaf Services, and the Durham Region Transit. Zoia also suggested distributing in schools. The Committee will be in contact throughout the summer to work on distributing these brochures. Lisa to get costing on printing brochures. There is approximately $5,000 in the budget that can be used towards this advertising venture. The Committee thanks Tanya Ryce, the Marketing/Promotions Graphic Designer for all of her hard work on the brochure. They are very happy with the outcome.  Prem & Lisa to action    Final drafts were reviewed by all members present and approved as final. Prem to work with Lisa to get final colour copies made to distribute. Discussion ensued on where and how brochures would be distributed. Brochures should be located in all City facilities, Retirement Homes, the Pickering Town Centre, CNIB, Durham Deaf Services, and the Durham Region Transit. Zoia also suggested distributing in schools. The Committee will be in contact throughout the summer to work on distributing these brochures. Lisa to get costing on printing brochures. There is approximately $5,000 in the budget that can be used towards this advertising venture. The Committee thanks Tanya Ryce, the Marketing/Promotions Graphic Designer for all of her hard work on the brochure. They are very happy with the outcome.  Prem & Lisa to action  3.0 2008 Workplan     Tip the Hat Award An award that serves to nominate a business that goes out of their way to make their business accessible. Zoia suggested nominating a business that we have examined their site plan. Stephen suggested awarding a business that has responded to a suggestion to make their business more accessible. At the September meeting, the Committee will be discussing the criteria for this award and determining what decal will be used to award. Committee members should come prepared with ideas to discuss. Accessible Business Brochure Brochure is in the final draft stages and will undergo its final review next meeting. Committee members to review and come prepared to discuss at the next meeting. Lori to bring copies for all members. Press Releases Zoia suggested a short statement of the Committee’s goals and how citizens can contribute and help. Zoia to draft something up and Prem will ensure it is posted in the News Advertiser.  AAC Members to action AAC Members to action Lori to action Zoia to action Prem to action  4.0 Site Plan Review All    Lisa to follow up with Tyler Barnett from Planning & Development with regards to our comments on Site Plans. Are developers hearing and/or adopting our suggestions? Pickering Recreation Complex – Expansion It appears as though 2 accessible parking spots will be lost due to construction. Will these spots be temporarily re-located and if so, where? Squash entrances – are the doorways wide enough to be wheelchair accessible or are they standard size? Are all doors in this building automatic? Bathrooms – are the sinks accessible for wheelchairs to access? S07/08 No elevators shown. How is the second floor accessed? S09/08 There are 301 parking spots in total; therefore there should be 8 accessible parking spots, not 6. Two more accessible parking spots are required. Building D has no accessible spots. S02/07 (R08-1) San Francisco by the Bay Temporary Commercial Building Requires one more accessible parking spot What is the temporary building going to be used for? S08/08 Greenwood Driving Range Parking lot contains the correct number of accessible spots. Suggestion to pave the granular walkway and gravel parking lot for greater accessibility.  Lisa to action    Lisa to follow up with Tyler Barnett from Planning & Development with regards to our comments on Site Plans. Are developers hearing and/or adopting our suggestions? Pickering Recreation Complex – Expansion It appears as though 2 accessible parking spots will be lost due to construction. Will these spots be temporarily re-located and if so, where? Squash entrances – are the doorways wide enough to be wheelchair accessible or are they standard size? Are all doors in this building automatic? Bathrooms – are the sinks accessible for wheelchairs to access? S07/08 No elevators shown. How is the second floor accessed? S09/08 There are 301 parking spots in total; therefore there should be 8 accessible parking spots, not 6. Two more accessible parking spots are required. Building D has no accessible spots. S02/07 (R08-1) San Francisco by the Bay Temporary Commercial Building Requires one more accessible parking spot What is the temporary building going to be used for? S08/08 Greenwood Driving Range Parking lot contains the correct number of accessible spots. Suggestion to pave the granular walkway and gravel parking lot for greater accessibility.  Lisa to action  5.0 Other Business & Adjournment All    Stephen mentioned that there is no disabled parking in the Kinsmen Park parking lot. Lisa to forward to the Manager, By-law Services for action. Together We Rock brochure – to keep on file for future accessibility forums. Memo from the City Clerk regarding the Committee’s 2008 Workplan presentation to Council was distributed. Kelly and Stephen to prepare presentation throughout the summer months, and present to the Committee in September.  Lisa to action Kelly & Stephen to action  6.0 Next Meeting All    September 24, 2008    Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 pm Copy: City Clerk