HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 14, 2008 CifLJ ()~ Minutes / Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee August 14, 2008 7pm Pickering Civic Complex Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill Weston, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Cowan, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Pat Dunnill, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill Utton, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rhonda Lawson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Susan Primrose, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee David Pickles, City Councillor - Ward 3 Mandy Smiles, City of Pickering Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Carol Corey, City of Pickering Absent: Sean Byrne, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Kees Van der Vecht, Steam Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Stephen Reynolds, City of Pickering Katrina Pyke, City of Pickering 1. Welcome and Introductions Attendees introduced themselves Welcome to newest members of the committee, Rhonda Lawson and Susan Primrose 2. Motion: Moved by Bill Weston Seconded by Pat Dunnill That the minutes of May 15, 2008 be approved CARRIED Page 1 co R P0228-2/02 3. Tapestry Review Paul Savel provided update regarding Tapestry Review. 1 . Comment cards were distributed to the participants to get feedback regarding event. Comments are as follows: a) Criticism of stage - the combination of the black stage with the hot sunlight made for a very hot surface b) Conflict of other events on the same day c) Complaints about people not going to bandstand to see performers d) Main stage scheduling and communication not ideal 2. There was difficulty in getting people to attend meetings and to promote the event to the public 3. Staff perspective: this was the best tapestry event put on by the City. 4. Low attendance for event. The event has not drawn a diverse community as was intended 5. If event was held in a different location such as the Esplanade Park, it would more likely attract a larger audience but that would defeat the purpose (community building) of the event 6. We will put the event on hold for now. If the community comes to us asking for the event we will take another look at it 7. There is approximately $2,000 - $2,500 in the Tapestry budget that was raised that is unused. Need to discuss what to do with the money 4. 2009 Event Calendar Mandy previewed the 2009 Event Calendar a) Feb 7 - East Shore - Seedy Saturday b) March 18 - Pickering Museum Village - Settler Trail c) March 27, 28, 29; April 4,5 - Brougham Community Hall- Spoon River Anthology d) May 24 - Pickering Museum Village - Steam Up e) June 14 - Not sure what event as yet. Let staff know that the event on this date will most likely be a children's event f) July - Pickering Museum Village - Whodunit? g) August - Nothing h) Sept 18, 25, 26 (Sept 17 & 24 - Students only) - Pickering Museum Village - A Spirit Walk i) Oct 4 - Pickering Museum Village - Fall Family Festival j) Dec 6 & 13 - Pickering Museum Village - Christmas in the Village. Backwoods theatre presents Robin Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Hood and the Singing Nun 5. Updates:....Sudget& PMVFoundation Updates: 1 . Budget. Marisa provided an update a) Restoration of Steam Barn Collection - steam barn crew will spend the funds by year end b) Hotel Restoration - Tony Prevedel received tenders for hotel restoration project (basement work). Company has been selected and work is anticipated to begin during week of August 18. Staff will schedule work so it does not interfere with Spirit Walk c) Katrina is currently receiving quotes for the painting of the exterior of Administration Building and Collins House d) Katrina is sourcing a company to replace logs in the log barn e) Roof of Redman House - Paul Jurecka, architect, is preparing stamped drawings for permit with the Planning Dept. Volunteers will do the work. f) Floor Replacement in the Administration Building is complete. A new desk for Sandra was ordered in July and will be coming shortly g) Facilities staff are getting quotes for slop sink for Redman House h) Will be doing road and parks repair this summer i) Single milk shed being completed currently by Gas & Steam Barn crew. Stamped drawing for addition being prepared by Jurecka. 2. PMV Foundation. Pat provided update: a) The Foundation is pleased that the hotel restoration project is progressing b) Foundation also pleased with Tony's contribution c) 2007 a rocky year financially for the Foundation. Bingo and Whodunnit did not do very well in 2007 d) This year Whodunnit has made a comeback and Bingo revenues have returned to normal e) Campaigning for Fall Festival - Looking for volunteers may get more revenue because of food (Paul and his wife changing food from cater to volunteer) Page 3 CO R P0228-2/02 6. Marketing Plan Review April Meeting Minutes for List of Priorities 1 . Trailer with a Steam Barn demo to other events 2. How do we attract volunteers from Pickering? a) We have a volunteer who is doing a write-up on volunteering b) Losing costume interpreters c) Hard to attract young adult volunteers 3. Are there any partnerships that we could make? a) Create partnerships to get people to know about us b) We are in competition with about 5 - 7 other museums in the durham area 4. What services or activities might we add? a) We needto concentrate on making the services and activities that we have now great instead of adding more and spreading ourselves too thin 6. Collections a) Collections need to be a priority b) Looking for program that allow staff person hours to assist c) Insurance of the collection is a consideration d) Need to keep focused on getting the job of recording the information and taking pictures completed 7. Role of Advisory Committee. Laura circulated attachment. It would be advantageous for Committee members to volunteer to events so they can have better knowledge of them a) We need to have something written to tell us about each member's role b) We need to know staff expectations of the advisory committee, Le. regarding volunteering c) New members to the committee should also be trained on the museum's rules and regulations that volunteers need to follow d) Mandy said that there is volunteer training available Sept 27 at 9am - 12pm at the Museum Village e) Pat is unsure how important any input we have in program or budget decisions is or how important council and volunteers see the committees role as being f) The committee should have a proactive influence in the budget, yet only see the budget when it is completed. 8. Program of Work a) Collections - 600 hours per year Page 4 COR P0228-2/02 b) We must have pre-budget information before making any decisions regarding budget. For example 'Did the Mother's Day program cost us or make money?' c) We keep programs that work and make money. Adults in the Village cancelled because it was not making any money d) Need to keep in mind that new programs have a learning curve e) Marketing of programs crucial for success f) Need to do a balancing act. Must pick and choose our priorities g) We have great volunteers and a great volunteer program. Need to sustain and develop program h) Need to help volunteers to find a balance i) We should know volunteers and they should know us 7. Adjournment & Next Meeting Other Business - Marisa thanked staff and volunteers for their contribution to the Communities in Bloom Tour. There were very positive comments from judges regarding eve nt Next Meeting - Thursday, October 16th, 2008 @ 7:00pm at City Hall, Tower Room, Second Floor. Meeting Adjourned: 9:25pm Copy: City Clerk Page 5 CORP0228-2/02