HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 31-08 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 31-08 Date: October 14, 2008 r- ~) From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Municipal Bridge Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight Restrictions By-law to establish a load limit for Bridge #5001 on Whitevale Road Amendment to By-law 6753/07 File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 31-08 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the establishment of safe load limits on municipal bridges be received; and 2. That the attached Draft By-Law limiting the gross vehicle weight of any vehicle or any class thereof, passing over certain bridges, under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering be enacted. Executive Summary: The Highway Traffic Act and Bridge Act require that every bridge and or structure be kept safe and in good repair through periodic inspections under the direction of a Professional Engineer and in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Structure Inspection Manual, or equivalent. Further, The Highway Traffic Act establishes that municipalities "having jurisdiction over a bridge may by by-law limit the gross vehicle weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over the bridge". The City of Pickering retains Totten Sims Hubicki Associates to perform regular bridge IIlspections (every two (2) years). As a result of the inspections, the City currently has three (3) bridge structures that are subject to gross vehicle weight limits by by-law. As a result of flooding that impacted the Whitevale Road bridge on July 23, 2008, a subsequent review of the Whitevale Road bridge over West Duffins Creek has determined a need to reduce the maximum weight load on that structure (due to non- flood related structural deficiencies), and amend the municipal by-law. Subject to the above, staff hereby present a proposed by-law which identifies the new established maximum weight load limits on all bridges under the jurisdiction of the City and which repeals the previously established associated by-laws. Report OES 31-08 October 14, 2008 Subject: Municipal Bridge Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight Restrictions By-law to establish a load limit for Bridge #5001 on Whitevale Road Amendment to By-law 6753/07 . f I I 6 Page 2 Financial Implications: There are no financial implications associates with the works as proposed by this report. However, in order to remove the bridge load limits, future expenditures will be required to rectify structural deficiencies and to bring the bridges up to current code requirements. Sustainability Implications: The changes proposed by staff are relevant to the social lens of sustainability by addressing municipal compliance with legislative requirements, public safety and traffic operations and their impact on municipal infrastructure management and preservation. Background: In April of 2007, staff presented report OES 14-07 to Executive Committee. The report, as adopted by the Committee and approved by Council: · identified the maximum vehicle load limits established as a result of the inspections on the three (3) bridges currently under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering to which load limits apply · presented for Council endorsement, the draft by-law necessary for bridge load designation · established the necessary schedules for signature by two Professional Engineers certifying the safe load limits and the duration for which the limits apply As a result of the recent flooding in the Whitevale area, a subsequent inspection of the municipal bridge # 5001 on Whitevale Road has prompted a need to reduce the maximum vehicular weight capacity of the structure to 15 tonnes and amend the municipal bridge load By-law 6753/07. A copy of a location map, the draft amending bylaw and revised Schedule "A" which identifies those structures to which the by-law applies are attached. If passed by Council, a completed applicable Schedule B will be signed and sealed by two (2) professional engineers and will form part of the new by-law. Attachments: 1. TSH letter regarding Whitevale Bridge 2. Location Map 3. Draft By-law and Schedule CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 31-08 October 14, 2008 Subject: Municipal Bridge Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight Restrictions By-law to establish a load limit for Bridge #5001 on Whitevale Road Amendment to By-law 6753/07 7 I Page 3 PrePCired By: Approv~cf/Endor~ed By: /"/ I /;"" I "'~'''~..-. /"'0" (", X /'1/ \ j/' ,li , 'V' " c " ..~ ',- I /' Everett Bunt'smi Director, Operations & Emergency Services MP:ds Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Manager, By-law Services Superintendent, Municipal Operations Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Coun . COf\P0227-07101 revised 'ts I / () c: ~) G;~ engineers architects planners August 19,2008 Darrell Selsky, C.E.T. Supervisor, Engineering and Capital Works Citv oCPickerin(J . b Pickering Civic Complex Gne The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1Y6I<7 Dcar Mr. Selsky: Re: Whitevale Bridge City of Pickering As requested, we carried out a visual inspection of the above noted bridge on July 29,2008. The purpose of the inspection was to assess damage to the structure from a recent storm event. The existing bridge, which was constructed about 1929, is a two span (16.0 m::t each) continuous concrete bridge, of T-beam and slab construction with a concrete deck and asphalt wearing surCace. The bridge superstructure is supported on concrete abutments and centre pier constructed normal to the roadway al ignment. The bridge provides a roadway width of 6.1 m between concrete curbs and accommodates two lanes of vehicular trarfic. A \.6 m::t wide concrete sidewalk and a 0.2 m::t wide concrete curb are provided on the south and north sides of the bridge respectively. Concrete parapet walls with double rail systems are provided on the outside edge of the sidewalk and curb. The approach roads are paved with asphalt. The bridge is in general conformance to the condition as documented during our 2006 Bridge Appraisal Update Study with the following exceptions: I. The bridge was restricted to a single lane of traffic at the time of our inspection. } The embankments are severely eroded at the ends of the bridge. The erosion extends a significant distance into the roadway platform, particularly in the southeast corner. 3. The stream flow is scouring the streambed along the centre pier with lowering of the channel along both t~lces of the pier. Probing of the pier foundation indicated that undermining is not present. 4. During our site inspection, it was noted that the west abutment is spalled and delaminated below the north exterior girder with significant loss of bearing support. On the basis of our visual inspection of the structure, it is recommended that the following works be completed to permit re-opening of the bridge to two lanes of vehicular traffic: I OE~-~ IU2S 2- Z_ Darrell Selsky, C.E.T., City ofPiekcring August I'). 200X 2 9 I. Restore roadway embankments, provide drainage channels at the corners of the structure and repave the damaged section of roadway. ') Install a support post below the north girder at the west abutment. Following the completion of the foregoing repairs, it is recommended that the bridge be posted with a load limit of 15 tonnes until such time as long term works to the bridge are implemented. We would be pleased to elaborate on any aspect of the report or to assist further as may be required. Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions in the above regards. Yours very truly, /2~ DennisJ~axt7t, P. Eng. Manager, Transportation Structures DLB/dlb ('\J)OClIlllcnls anJ Scltingsldbaxlcr\My DOC1I111cl1tslTS11 ActtvclPrOlecls\Whilcvale BrldgclLelter - Clly 200S-0X-19Joc 10 ~ I _Qf:5> 3/-0 ~ I .-.:j ~. II .' " ~I ::1 O"'i JJ ' . : (~OO1) r ~.~ _ w,' t'.:Ji1; I ,~L~ ~' "01 'i sl ~~~'~4. '. i , i,l, ./' EIGHTH " ~(', 7004) 30i _ _ ~ ~ LEGEND: OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION SCAlf ..__uu_.__u..____ OAAWf,jo"Ti---~-n___....--~.,_._' N,T,S, AUG 28, 2008 ~ i l-'; \ :.: u o IX lD /1 !U1 'fi.<- -}~-_\" '~'ii.=rT1. ~':~!j~' ,,' ., :"1 ','~ GRDNir:' ' ..;lUVD I, rrr: " -'~I ~~,.- ..;..) :.,! WH:I1EvALE ::;, ".,-~i >~ ,c','," \27;";[J.-'li~~~T' , c 'I 'A ", ;ij ~:i . tt 5001 ) 'gJI; ...;/ 4( ,I' 1",\ n.-.. -,r e c 7004 ) Restricted Bridge location City of Pickering Bridge Number BRIDGE LOCATION MAP BRIDGE LOAD BY-LAW .3 Forn to' tJES 3>1-() ~ 2. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING 1 BY-LAW NO. /08 Being a By-law to amend By-law 6753/07. WHEREAS, By-law No. 6753/07 provides for the regulation of gross vehicle weight limits on municipal bridge structures; and WHEREAS the City wishes to amend By-law 6753/07. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule A to By-law No 6753/07 shall be repealed and substituted with that as attached. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2008. day of David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk 3 +;-2...~.2 ~ 1-08 _~y-~~w No. Page 2 2-.. b , I! . () '-- SCHEDULE A BRIDGE LOAD LIMITS Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 BRIDGE NO. BRIDGE LOCATION MAXIMUM GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT 7004 Sideline 34, OAkm south of Eighth Concession Road 11 tonnes 8001 Eighth Concession Road, 0.10km west of Sideline 34 15 tonnes 10002 Pickering/Uxbridge Townline, 0.10km east of $ideline 30 11 tonnes 5001 Whitevale Road, 330m east of Altona Road 15 tonnes