HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 6, 2008 Planning & Development Committee Agenda Monday, October 6, 2008 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor McLean PART" A" PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORTS (I) PRESENTATIONS PAGES Representatives from the Ministry of Transportation and Their Consultants (TSH and URS) Re: Status of the Highway 407 East Individual Environmental Assessment & Preliminary Desiqn Study 1. Memo Dated September 22, 2008 from the Director, Planning & Development Referral of Request from Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited For Exemption to Section 10(b) of Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law 6060/02 Duffin Heiqhts Neiqhbourhood 1-17 Director, Planning & Development Report PO 30-08 Request from Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited for Exemption to Section 1 O(b) of Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law 6060/02 Duffin Heiqhts Neiqhbourhood 18-22 [At the July 7, 2008 meeting of the Joint Planning & Development and Executive Committee the matter of Report PO 30-08 was referred back to staff until the October 6th Planning and Development Committee Meeting for the purpose of obtaining further information with respect to the exemption request]. RECOMMENDATION 1. That the request of Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited for exemption from Section 10(b) of Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law 6060/02 to allow pre- grading of its lands in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood be approved; and 2. Further, that the appropriate City officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Planning & Development Committee Agenda Monday, October 6, 2008 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Mclean 2. Director, Planning and Development Report PD 33-08 23-37 Maxcon Developments Ltd./Cassel, Sidney/Cassel Consultants Ltd. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1827 Nugget Construction Co. Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-1831 Maxcon Developments Ltd. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1861 Garthwood Homes Limited/Thomas Feeley Construction Ltd. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1866 Woodsmere Properties Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-1875 Marshall Homes (Woodview) Limited/Rinal Enterprises Inc. Plan of subdivision 40M-1877 Shrone View Holdings Inc. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1887 Woodsmere Properties Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-1896 Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report PD 33-08 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 40M-1827, 40M-1831, 40M-1861, 40M-1866, 40M-1875, 40M-1877, 40M-1887 and 40M-1896 be received; 2. That the highways being Chickadee Court and Sparrow Circle within Plan 40M-1827 be assumed for public use; 3. That the highways being Sandhurst Crescent, Meldron Drive and Deerhurst Court within Plan 40M-1831 be assumed for public use; Planning & Development Committee Agenda Monday, October 6, 2008 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Mclean 4. That the highway being Nordane Drive within Plan 40M-1861 be assumed for public use; 5. That the highways being Lekani Court and Mountain Ash Drive within Plan 40M-1866 be assumed for public use; 6. That the highways being Woodsmere Court, Wildflower Drive and Deerhaven Lane within Plan 40M-1875 be assumed for public use; 7. That the highway being Rouge Forest Crescent within Plan 40M-1877 be assumed for public use; 8. That the highway being Clearside Court within Plan 40M-1887 be assumed for public use; 9. That the highways being Summerpark Crescent, Garland Crescent and Wildflower Drive within Plan 40M-1896 be assumed for public use; 10. That the services required by the Subdivision Agreements relating to Plans 40M-1827, 40M-1831, 40M-1861, 40M-1866, 40M-1875, 40M-1877, 40M- 1887 and 40M-1896, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except from Blocks 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 27, Plan 40M-1827; Lot 35, the remainder of Lots 36 and 80, Blocks 99,100,101 and 102, Plan 40M-1831; Blocks 13, 14, 15 and 17, Plan 40M-1861; Block 57, Plan 40M-1866; Block 144, Plan 40M-1875; Blocks 33, 34, 35 and 38, Plan 40M-1877; Block 21, Plan 40M-1887 and Blocks 209 and 211, Plan 40M-1896; 11. That the Subdivision Agreements and any amendments thereto relating to Plans 40M-1827, 40M-1831, 40M-1861, 40M-1866, 40M-1875, 40M-1877, 40M-1887 and 40M-1896, save and except from Blocks 17 and 18, Plan 40M-1827; Lot 35 and the remainder of Lots 36 and 80, Plan 40M-1831 and Blocks 13, 14 and 15, Plan 40M-1861, be released and removed from title; 12. That Council enact a By-law to dedicate Block 103, Plan 40M-1831 as public highway; and Planning & Development Committee Agenda Monday, October 6, 2008 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor McLean 13. That Council enact a By-law to dedicate Blocks 54 and 55, Plan 40M-1866 as public highways. 3. Director, Planning & Development Report PD 34-08 Rockwood Drive Road Extension Road Closing and Abandonment of Easements Reconvevance of Land/Interest to Adiacent Owners 38-42 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report PD 34-08 of the Director, Planning & Development be received; 2. That Council enact a by-law to: a) stop-up and close those portions of Rockwood Drive being Blocks 16, 17,18 and 19, Plan 40M-2164 and Blocks 19 and 20, Plan 40M-2068 as public highway; b) declare those portions of Rockwood Drive being Blocks 16, 17, 18 and 19, Plan 40M-2164 and Blocks 19 and 20, Plan 40M-2068 surplus to the needs of the Corporation for the purpose of sale to the abutting owners, in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act and the Acquisition and Disposal of Land Policy and subject to any required easements; c) abandon the easements, in favour of the City, for road access/maintenance purposes, over those parts of Lots 1, 2, 14 and 15, Plan 40M-2164, designated as Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4, Plan 40R-22162 and reconvey the easement interest to the abutting owners; and d) authorize the execution of all relevant documentation necessary to abandon the existing access/maintenance easements, stop-up and close portions of Rockwood Drive as public highway and effect the conveyances of same to the abutting owners for nominal consideration, subject to any required easements. Planning & Development Committee Agenda Monday, October 6, 2008 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor McLean 4. Director, Planning & Development Report PD 36-08 S.R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. -Parkland Conveyance 43-71 RECOMMENDATION That Council confirm the requirement that S.R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. pay the sum of $533,250 in lieu of the conveyance of parkland in relation to the redevelopment of the lands in the former Bay Ridges Plaza shown on Attachment #1 to Report PD 36-08. 5. Director, Planning & Development Report PD 39-08 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/07 Dalar Properties Limited 1050 Squires Beach Road (Part of Lot 32 & Part of Block C, Plan M 1040) City of Pickerinq 72-89 RECOMMENDATION That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/07 submitted by Dalar Properties Limited, on lands being Part of Lot 32 & Part of Block C, Plan M 1040, City of Pickering, to amend zoning of the subject property to add commercial recreational uses including a gymnastics facility, a dance studio, karate club and a soccer club, in addition to the currently permitted industrial uses be refused. 6. Director, Planning & Development Report PD 40-08 1291821 Ontario Limited 1070 Toy Avenue (South Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 Parts 1 - 5, 40R-19641 and Parts 1 - 3, 40R-22986) City of Pickerinq 90-110 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 31/05 submitted by 1291821 Ontario Limited to amend the zoning of the subject property to permit outdoor storage, truck parking, loading facilities and railway trackage in any yard in association with the existing permitted liquid waste Planning & Development Committee Agenda Monday, October 6, 2008 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Mclean management facility on lands situated on the South Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 (Parts 1 - 5, 40R-19641 and Parts 1 - 3, 40R-22296) be approved; and 2. Further, that the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 31/05 as set out in Appendix I to Report PO 40-08 be forwarded to City Council for enactment. (II) OTHER BUSINESS (III) ADJOURNMENT Ciiq o~ I 1 "C:~) ,) 71GG~ MEMO 't,....\ 'I." To: Debi Wilcox City Clerk September 22, 2008 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Planning & Development Committee Referral of Request from Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited for Exemption to Section 10 (b) of Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law 6060/02 Duffin Heights Neighbourhood On July 7, 2008 the Planning & Development Committee considered Report PO 30-08 that dealt with a request from Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited (Mattamy), for exemption from the City's Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law, The Committee referred the matter back to staff until the October 6, 2008 Planning & Development Committee Meeting "for the purpose of obtaining further information with respect to the exemption request" (see Attachment #1 - copy of Joint Planning & Development Committee & Executive Committee Minutes), More specifically, Councillors requested further information respecting Mattamy's draft plan proposal, sustainable development components of the proposed development, and tree preservation/removal. Discussion also occurred respecting the timing of the commencement of topsoil disturbance and Mattamy advised that should approval for the exemption be granted they would not begin site works until October 15, 2008 (after Thanksgiving). Response to Issues Identified Development Application Mattamy has submitted applications for an Official Plan Amendment, a draft plan of subdivision and a zoning by-law amendment to permit the development of 208 lots for detached dwellings, 21 blocks for 112 street townhouse dwelling units and a mixed corridor block for future development, various blocks for village greens, a park block and a stormwater management block (see Applicant's Submitted Draft Plan, Attachment #2). A copy of the Information Report (PO 18-08) pertaining to Mattamy's property was included in the September 29, 2008 Special Planning & Development Committee agenda. ; f I ' I 'J Susfafnability Mattamy submitted a Sustainability Report to the City on September 3, 2008. The report outlines the elements of Mattamy's approach to sustainable development for their submitted draft plan. The report has been circulated to the Chair of the Sustainability Committee and to various staff for review (see copy of Sustainability Report Attachment #3). At the time of writing this report a detailed analysis has not yet been completed. This Sustainability Report will be reviewed and commented on as part of the comprehensive review of Mattamy's draft plan submission. Tree Removal Trees will be removed from the site as a result of any approval for topsoil removal and related earthworks to cut and fill to pre-grade and rough grade the site. Tree removal will only occur on the developable tableland, not within the Natural Heritage System as identified in the Duffin Heights Environmental Servicing Plan. At the July 7, 2008 Planning & Development Committee Meeting the matter of a 'heritage tree program' was raised. MP&E is currently undertaking an exercise to identify heritage trees within the City and pursue possible heritage s~atus for specific trees in consultation with Heritage Pickering, Pickering Naturalists, Pickering Museum Village Foundation and the Pickering Historical Society. No formal program has been established to date. The lands subject of Mattamy's draft plan of subdivision submission have not been reviewed under this initiative. Also, Mattamy will be required to submit a tree preservation plan which will identify potential tree preservation opportunities at perimeter locations. It should be understood that, for the Mattamy lands located outside the TRCA fill regulated area, there is currently no City requirement to achieve compensation for tree removal. Conclusion This information is provided to assist Council in its consideration of Mattamy's request and the related Planning & Development Report, originally considered July 7, 2008. Please ensure that this information is included with Report PD 30-08 in the October 6. 2008 Planninq & Development Committee aqenda. NC:kb J:\Documents\Planning\L T-Mattamt topsoil2.doc Attachments September 22, 2008 Page 2 Exemption to Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law 6060/02 Section 10 (b) Attachment #1 to September 18/08 Memo 13 CitJJ 0# Joint Planning & Development Committee & Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, July 7,2008 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Pickles 5. Director, Planning & Development, Report PO 30-08 Request from Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited for Exemption to Section 1 0 (b) of Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law 6060/02 Duffin HeiQhts NeiQhbourhood Roger Miller of Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited appeared before the Committee in support of Report PO 30-08. Mr. Miller noted that an exemption to the Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law would assist his firm in the servicing and development of their lands. He noted that due to Planning approval schedules cold weather would hinder the progress of the development and by being allowed to start sooner with pre-grading, they could complete that process before the cold weather became a factor. Mr. Miller also noted that Mattamy Limited and Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries were working together on the proposed development. Mr. Miller also stated that he had no problem with similar approval being granted to other developers. Written correspondence was received from Robert Dragicevic, Walker, Nott. Dragicevic Associates Limited on behalf of the Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries, owners of property immediately adjacent to the Mattamy lands. He noted that at this point in time there are some outstanding concerns with respect to the proposed grading of the Mattamy lands which will need to be resolved. RECOMMENDA TION Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Littley 1. That the request of Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited for exemption from Section 10 (b) of Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law 6060/02 to allow pre- grading of its lands in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood be approved; and 2. That the permit for the exemption to the Fill & Topsoil Disturbance by-law not be issued until October 15,2008; and 3. Further, that the appropriate City officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. SEE FOllOWING MOTIONS Moved by Councillor Littley C.o.,....nnrlo,"'" h\J r',..u In,...illnr ni,..(,arconn L/ Attachment #1 to September 18/08 Memo Joint Planning & Development Committee & Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, July 7, 2008 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Pickles That Report PO 30-08 of the Director, Planning & Development, be tabled until further documentation has been submitted for review. MOTION DEFEA TEO Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Littley That Report PO 30-08, of the Director, Planning & Development be referred back to staff until the October 6th Planning and Development Committee Meeting for the purpose of obtaining further information with respect to the exemption request. CARRIED I ' j I I I I , I ' i I I ; -Lj I I i i I l~ II '--l I I 1 I 10 1<( ~!~ Il (J ,0 10::: jm I I i I ~.~ I I I i .-------L <EET -I '\ I ---"-~I Ii I[ II II II INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN MATTAMY (BROCK ROAD) LTD. SP-2008-01 & A 001/08 Attachment #2 to September 18/08 Memo 5 ORC JUVENTIS CONS. lTD. ORC KAHN AUCTIONS [";9\;"9 C~r~~iOI I Re,idllntiol ~ [x;sti"9 Goll Cou"" a"d Club House ORC ZAJC E_isti"", Residentiol <;" ~ q, ~ ORC ORC I- W oW \ 0:: "-- MIXED USE BLOCK VJ STREET OR~ I .... .... .... .... I -.-I STREET A I MOUNT PLEASANT GROUP OF CEMETERIES Lot Size Count 0 8.5m Lot 2 . 10.4m Lot 24 ... 11.0m Lot 111 . 13.1m Lot 71 112 Townhomes l' 'I Ii FULL SCALE COPIES OF THE APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING &- DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING &- DEVELOPMeNT DEPARTMENT. INFORMATION'" SUPPORT SeRVICES. AUCUST 18. 2008. ,- , t) !;iU~ .')(;il!II.;~]~ f~ j!' , ,; : ~) : J ! ' l f; i 1: r: j 1 \ i ,1 i, ~ ) ~ : II ' 1 ; I,; ~:':'_;,:C!)!:!t!W I\L:'~IO:iili '~:)f!::>;!:: I ' ,I': ": !.II) I :~ ;~;, I;; :-: i1 ~}i ,i!','I' I) (i i)\i!>1'-' .I!ii \, '} , : ,~ j , l ~! I """""'~"-_' ..~. "'f"yli', Attachment #3 to September 18/08 Memo DUFFIN HEIGHTS NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN AND MATTAMY DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION (S-p-200a-01 ) REVIEW IN LIGHT OF CITY OF PICKERING DRAFT SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES August 2008 04565 Attachment #3 to September 18/08 Memo l INTRODUCTION The City of Pickering has prepared a set of Sustainable Development Guidelines. These Guidelines have been presented to Council where they have been received in Draft. The Draft Sustainable Development Guidelines are a series of standards and targets for new development that promote sustainable communities. The Guidelines are intended to be used at the neighbourhood plan and site development level. Guideline #1 applies at the neighbourhood scale where the natural heritage system, street layout and mix of uses are defined. Guideline #2 applies to more detailed planning approvals such as Draft Plans of Subdivision and building permits. The purpose of this report is to review the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Plan in light of Guideline #1 and the Maltamy Draft Plan of Subdivision (S-P-2008-01) in light of Guideline #2. Mattamy's building program is reviewed within the context of Guideline #2 under separate cover. Each of Guideline #1 and #2 list a series of sustainable development elements within a number of general categories (such as Pre-Consultation, Environmental Protection, Design of Development, etc.). There are (wo types of elements: required elements which are mandatory and must be met; and optional elements for which points are awarded. The sections which follow are organized first by guideline wherein the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Plan (Guideline #1) is reviewed in its entirety and then the Mattamy Draft Plan of Subdivision (Guideline #2). Within each guideline, each category is reviewed in turn. All of the required elements are reviewed within each category with a single commentary on how they are satisfied. Where a required elemenl is not applicable (e.g. conformity to CPOP in Seaton or urban design for commercial developments), it is not listed. Any optional elements within a category are then highlighted with a specific commentary on each optional element for which points should be awarded. Sefllas Associales (04565) August 19. 2008 Paue 1 The Duffin Heights Landowners Group (DHLG) has recently completed an Environmental Servicing Plan (ESP) for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. The ESP will be the basis for revisions to the land use designations and policies guiding development for the Neighbourhood that are contained in the Pickering Official Plan. The ESP process included extensive consultation with the City and stakeholder agencies which resulted in policies and processes including sustainable community planning elements. 2.0 I I Environmental Protection Required Elements: Watershed and Subwatershed Planning Master Environmental Servicing Plan Conservation Authority Regulations Conformance to PPS for Building Strong Communities Conformance to PPS for Wise Use and Management of Resources Conformance to PPS for Protecting Public Health and Safety Water Balance and Source Water Protection Groundwater Protection Plans Preserve Natural Corridor Crossings Optional Elements: Biodiversity Protection and Enhancement Natural Habitat Protection Compensation for Unavoidable Effects Net Environmental Gain Sames Associales (04565) The TRCA has completed a Watershed Plan for the Duffins Creek Watershed. The Duffin Heights ESP has been completed in conformity with the Watershed Plan to ensure its objectives and targets are achieved. The ESP has thoroughly reviewed issues related to - and provided recommendations for-: Water balance and source water protection Groundwater protection TRCA regulations Natural and manmade hazards Preserving natural heritage corridors The land use recommendations and, indeed, the current City of Pickering Official Plan designations for Duffin Heights are in conformance with the PPS; in particular, the PPS intent with respect to building strong communities and wise use and management of resources. August 19. 2008 Page 2 ..... o (J) CD "S.)> CD ~ :3 0> 0-0 CD:T -, :3 -'-CD CO:::l -- ..... O=t:t: COw s: CD :3 o I I t 3.0 I Farmland Preservation Location of. Development Lands Required Elements: Site Location Infrastructure Efficiency Optional Elements: Site Typology Commentary I j I ! The developable portions of the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood do not contain any prime agricultural land or i specialty crop areas. I I j I i ! The Duffin Heights Neighbourhood has been designated for development for over 17 years. In fact, it is within i the Built Boundary as defined by the Province under "Places to Grow", These lands are adjacent to existing, i developed and serviced lands and are the next area of Pickering planned to be serviced by the extension of ! Regional water and sewer infrastructure. j Duffin Heights is a greenfield site adjacent to existing development. However, as noted above, it is considered to be within the Built Boundary of Pickering due, we suspect, to the high degree of non-farm, and yet non-urban development within the area. It is, therefore, a greenfield area upon which development can occur without impact[ng agricultural operations. ..-+ o (f) (J) ~)> (J) ::+ 3 w 0-0 (J):T -, 3 -"(J) 00::::l - ..-+ o:t:/:: OOw s: (J) 3 o 4.0 Design of Development - Land Use Distribution Required Elements: Diversity of Uses Construction Phasing Proximity to Schools Provision of Mixed Use Commercial Streetscape Environments Housing Diversity Retail Parcel Size Proximity to Public Spaces The Duffin Heights Neighbourhood provides for the development of a complete community with a mix of residential, commercial, community and service uses within a comfortable walking distance. In particular, sites are identified for both Public and Catholic Elementary Schools. The neighbourhood is also home to a significant place of worship and a (9 hole) golf course, both of which are encouraged to remain. This diversity of uses includes a diversity of housing forms where no one density is more than 65% of the total and a wide distribution of public spaces through the use of .VilIage Greens". Non-residential development is provided for primarily in the mixed corridor designation. This designation can develop at the same time, or even before, residential uses. We understand that development guidelines will be produced which will encourage smaller retail parcel sizes and a pedestrian-oriented built form. 5.0 Design of Development - Density and Compact Built Form Required Elements: Density - Greenfield Density - Residential Density - Commercial Retail Future Intensification Semas Associates (04565) As noted above, Duffin Heights is technically within the Built Boundary. However, it does meet the Places to Grow target of 50 persons and jObs per gross hectare of designated area for greenfield lands. The residential density overall for Duffin Heights exceeds 30 units pernet hectare. The density of development and potential for future intensification of development within the mixed corridor designation will be addressed in the City's development guidelines. August 19. 2008 Page 3 \-D I . I Commentary I I 6.0 Design of Development - Connections I i 'I I II Required Elements: i - Open and Connected Communities Duffin Heights will consist of open and connected communities with no gated communities. The collector road ! I . Support for Alternative Transportation network has been designed to accommodate transit within the neighbourhood on each side of Brock Road (i.e. '[ I - Provision for Transit not just along Brock Road). This will promote the use of transit by making it readily accessible. Alternatives to Cycling N~twork Br~k Ro~d are ~lso provided for cycling in tt:e fo:m of parallel collector roads and provision for future dedicated I Block Pen meter major cycling trails connected to the overall city-wide network. i Corridor Frontage I Street Network The local street network is not identified at the ESP level. However, the. collector road orientation provides Linked Open Space System opportunity for a well connected tocal street system, allowing for convenient pedestrian and bicycle connections i within the neighbourhood. The street pattem and dedicated trail system are designed to inter-connect the open . space system consisting of the neighbourhood park, numerous vlHage greens, the two schools and the I extensive Natural Heritage System around the perimeter of, and within, the neighbourhocd. The Mixed Corridor blocks fronting onto Brock Road are flanked at the rear by local and collector roads. These roads not only ensure convenience access to the future commercial uses, they provide for the access for longer term intensified development. Optional Elements: Transit Oriented Compactness Lanes in Residential Areas The planned transit routes on the parallel collector roads on either side of Brock Road will provide for a very high level of transit accessibility with transit routes well less than 1000 metres apart. These transit-oriented collector roads are also conducive to the use ,of laneways to reduce driveways and traffic "friction" to transit buses. 7.0 Design of Development - Pedestrian Oriented Community Required Elements: Conveniently located Amenities Pedestrian Network Pedestrian Safety and Comfort Because the mixed corridor designation has the potential to provide for amenities and services in a linear pattern along a north{south spine on either side of Brock Road, they will be within convenient walking distance to the interna! residential areas. I Sidewalks will be provided on both sides of the main north/south streets. The local road pattern will be primarily oriented east/west to connect with the north/south main roads. It has been determined through the ESP process that only the primary local roads will require sidewalks on both sides. Minor local roads (most of which will iun I I eastJwest) will be provided with sidewalks on one side in accordance with the ESP. I - - - ~~" - . - u cy I , Required Elements: As noted above, the majority of local streets will be oriented in an east/west direction providing for most of the Passive Solar Gain lots to have windows oriented for oassive solar aain. Semas Associates (04555) August 19, 2008 Page! CJ ....... o (f) CD ~)> CD ~ 3 n> crO CD ::T ..... 3 -"'CD CX>::J -- ....... o~ CX>w s: CD 3 o GUIDELINE #2: PLAN OF SUBDIVISION GUIDELINES Commentary I I i I I [ 2.0 i I I I i.O Pre-Consultation and Ongoing Consultation Optional Elements: Completion of Extensive Pre-Consultation Sustainability Elements Environmental Protection Required Elements: Watershed and Subwatershed Planning Master Environmental Servicing Plan Conformance to PPS for Building Strong Communities Conformance to PPS for Wise Use and Management of Resources Conformance to PPS for Protecting Public Health and Safety Slormwater Quality Maintain or Reduce Stormwater Runoff Rates Water Balance and Source Water Protection Groundwater Protection Plan Required Residential Site Design to Maximize Permeability Landform Conservation Minimize Construction Related Environmental Impacts Erosion and Sedimentation Control Optional Elements: Biodiversity Protection and Enhancement Native Species and Planting Net Environmental Gain Pesticide and Fertilizer Use on I Mattamy has been involved in substantial discussions with City of Pickering Staff regarding sustainability elements throughout the ESP and plan of subdivision approval processes. I Requirements for watershed and subwatershed conformity have been addressed in the ESP. Similarly, requirements for conformity to PPS have been addressed in the ESP and local Official Plan policy. as the Mattamy Plan conforms to these local policies, it also conforms to provincial policy. As required by the ESP, the Mattamy Plan is supported by a Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report (FSSR). This report demonstrates how the plan of subdivision will be implemented to meet or exceed tile ESP's targets for: Stormwater quality Water balance and source water protection Constructioil related environmental impacts The FSSR also includes a conceptual grading plan illustrating the conservation of land forms (none to be maintained) and a sedimentation and erosion control plan. It is anticipated that the requirements for residential site design to maximize permeability will be addressed in the implementing zoning by-law. The Mattamy development will be contributing to the ESP's reccmmended fisheries compensation plan and natural heritage system monitoring plan. These will result in both Biodiversity Protection and Enhancement and ! a Net Environmental Gain. . I Mattamy will also commit to USing native species for at least 75% of public landscaped area and to participating I in the City's ongoing education program for the minimal use of pesticides and fertilizers on pUblic and private 'I lands. i Semes Associates (04565) AugUSI19, 2008 Page 5 ...... o (j) CD "0)> ............ CD ...... 3 ~ O"'=r ~ 3 .......CD ())::J ......... ...... O::f:l:: ())w s;: CD 3 o --" I I Commentary I 3.0 Site Typology I I Required Elements: None I 1'0 I Optional Elements: On a greenfield site adjacent to existing development On previously developed lands at a higher density The Matlamy site is the first logical parcel for development within Duffin Heights. As such, it will be the catalyst for the implementation of local infrastructure (collector roads and stormwater management pond) and Region infrastructure (sewage pumping station and water pressure booster station) that will facilitate other developments in Duffin Heights. As such, the Mattamy site can be viewed as greenfield development adjacent to existing development (i.e. sequential greenfield development). On the other hand, the Mattamy site is within the built boundary identified by the Province and is a re- development of a portion of the Seaton Golf Course. Therefore, it should also be given credit as a fonn of intensification. i I I Required Elements: i The Matlamy Plan is adjacent to the existing Seaton Golf Course and in the vicinity of other employment uses Diversity of Uses I such as Kahn Auction Barns and Arnt's landscaping. These latter uses are designated Mixed Corridor and, Construction Phasing I therefore. will likely be replaced with new, higher-intensity employment uses over time. Proximity to Schools I Provision of Mixed Uses and Commercial Streetscape . There is a Catholic Elementary Schoof site on the adjacent lands to the north of the Mattamy Plan. AI! units are Environment I within 800 metres of this site. Enhanced Housing Diversity Retail Parcel Sizes Commercial Concentration Proximity to Public Spaces 14.0 i I I I I Design of Development. Land Use and Distribution Semas Associates (04565) All units in the plan are within 800 metres walking distance of the existing place of worship (mosque) on the west side of Brock Road just north of Dersan Street. They are also within 800 metres walking distance of the Mixed Corridor designation along Brock Road where main-street mixed use commercial development is anticipated. The retail parcel sizes and the commercial streetscape cannot be determined at this time. They will be dependent on site plans for future development in accordance with the development guidelines adopted by City Council. The Mattamy Plan provides for a variety of unit types including three lot sizes for single detached units, on-street townhouses and townhouses accessed by a rear lane. Some oi the latter unit types wlll also be conducive ior I . I live-work occupancy. I The Mattamy Plan includes a variety of publicly accessible open spaces distributed throughout. They include: (1) I the neighbourhood park for Duffin Heights; (2) a central village green on the collector road (Street 'ft.'); (3) a I village green providing access and overlook to the stormwater pond; and (4) a village green linking the bicycle I trail from Brock Road to the stormwater management pond. In addition, the storm pond block will house the I A~gust 19. 2008 P~ge 6 r-+ o (f) CD "'8.)> CD:::: :3 w 0-(') CD:J'" -. :3 -"CD O):J - r-+ o~ O)w $: CD :3 o i I I J i ! 5.0 i 1 I I i [ 16.0 i i I I Design of Development - Density and Compact Built Form Required Elements: Residential Density Design of Development - Connections Required Elements: Open and Connected Communities Protect Linked Open Space System Provision of Interconnected Transportation Network Street Net.vork Block Perimeter Cycling Network Parking Location Corridor Frontage Optional Elements: Lanes Transit Amenities Commentary The street network itself is a modified grid which provides multiple routes for all methods of transportation. North/south movements are primarily focused on the main collector road (Street 'A'). There are numerous connections east/west which intersect with the collector road. This street network provides for 53 intersections per square kilometre with no cul-de-sacs (does not include intersections of laneways with streets). This is well in excess of 40 intersections per square kilo metre considered to be necessary for a well connected street network It is noted that one block perimeters exceed the recommended length of 550 metres. However, given the overali degree of interconnectness within the Plan. no change is recommended. Where units front onto the collector road (Street 'A') rear lanes are used for access and private parking. This minimizes the impact of garages and front yard parking on the collector road streetscape. The Plan also contains a Mixed Corridor block along Brock Road to provide for more intense development over the longer term. . As noted above, lanes are provided along main collector roads. They are also used adjacent to and facing the central village green. This provides for units facing the public open space without garages or driveways. Along Street 'A', the transit spine within the Mattamy Plan, it will be possible to accommodate transit stops at 200 metre to 250 metre spacing. These stops can be coincident with public open spaces which front the collector road. Semas Associates (04565) August 19. 2008 Page 7 (J~ Required Elements: Amenities in Proximity Pedestrian Network Pedestrian Safety and Comfort Samas Associates (04565) The local street hierarchy in terms of right-of-way, pavement width and number and width of sidewalks is as per the Duffin Heights ESP. Main local roads have a 17 metre right-of-way with sidewalks Gn both sides. Less significant local roads have 15.5 metre rights-of-way with a sidewalk on one side only. The exception is Street 'E' which has a right-of-way of 16 metres in order to accommodate a wider sidewalk of 1.8 metres which will double asa bike path. August 19. 2008 Page 8 ..+;::. ..-+ o en CD "S..)> CD :::t 3 w 0-0 CD ::r -. 3 "">'CD CX>::l -... ..-+ o=t:t: CX>w ~ CD 3 o MATTAMYBUILDING PROGRAM GUIDELINE #2: PLAN OF SUBDIVlS10N GUIDELINES - RESOURCE EFFICIENCY ~J 'rhere are a number of ,terns that Martamy will ;;;rovide to future homeowners that are either included with the purchase or are available as an optional item_ These items ccmbine to satisfy the city of Pickering sustainability glJidelines for Resource Efficiency llilm BUilDING COMPONENTS: Included with heme purchase; 3-Sep-Oa Suslainabilitv Benefil \u~!I~Sl .; 1_ 20m; Energy S;8r romes promote the usa of energy-2RiCIE::rH prodlJcts {nut can nl.so help s.ave thf; environment. In many parts of Canada, fossil fuels are often burnoo lei prCdJCE e1eCir~::-li/_ The ourniu1g cf fGSSi; fuels is a major source of gr~enhc-u$e gas (G~G) emissions. a leading ca'J~€ of climate change ~ ;,m(J o!ner pcllwtlants that CCIlrr:DU:r: to ~rb~n smog ';110 acid r@n. \1Vhen \".'e use less (margy by selectinj ~nerg.y-efi;cfeni products, less e~ectricily needs to be pf~ducEd, Thus we Clre reducing GHG err,ISSI:)ns ~nd pro;lloklg cleaner air as wen MaHamy ccr:'unlts to bliildin,g our homas in Plckerin.;) :Jl1der the gUideline or Energy Star lier$lcn 30 Specillcation m e~ec! oS ci ,~u<just 31 2CD8 Fuil Truss syslEJnS minimize' loosE lu:nbEf neing shipped and wa$ted on slle. 'frusses are engineered and m~nufdc:urC{j in the tfUSS pl~nts and shippee direcii, to !/",e COn$lructior'i SiIt- fGductng lease :umber shipmenis therebyreducing waste by up to 30~~ y~;~ Flbergi2ss S" nclc The 25 ye(Jr fib~rglass shing:v pro'J~des a longer w;:;rrJnt'{ Ihan the typical 20 year shingle commonly used by orner :1ew home buHders. Fiberglass shmgles in feu O'i ~sphait ar,s mOL? dtJiible 2S w'e~1 as better su~.tainaqi!ily ,In high _wi~(js a~d stor'1":1 conditions Mattamy Hor'1es ;ncludes c:;deki:mal Ice and water shield exsee'Jing the Ontario Buildu'lg Code in .J1i feoi valleys, and all areas sus:eptible 10 snow and Ice buildup. Extra I~e and ~)\Ia!ef Shield plovides the protection needc.;j to minimize the likelihoO'j of ieaks and mold growth as has been j)relJaient in recent wimers. Less leaks mmirn:,zes repr:% and r'ndtenal waste EiiJI~&2rlf; iO',.}E.i ::,amInG O\/E IS a co~leci,on of tra11mg methods that use less lumber lhan c01venlioncJ! fra~i:lg by placing framing members o~ly where they're nooded. T1e ailE strategy 0 U5:r.g less lumbar also ma~e$ Ihs home more €nerg'{-el'tjcient by reducing the number of cold spots in the wai:s. leavjn~ more room fcr insuiat:on Spray foam llisul&!ior; ~s lnst::3Hed in all Garage ceiEngs ~"Iith habitable sp:.ce above, ail bO,t out windO'o'lS and 45 degree :.:orners, Spray fOEm loslJla;ion expands to tOO ;:rnas :15 iniL;)! 'J:;IUr:1e 10 comoletely fill all '.'ofds, A tight building Bnvelope If"! cornbinGlticn wilh the H\jAC system will result In lowered heating and coo~ing costs and :'clo m(.~lnldln ;3 c8miortabie incoor envjrcnmenl r'Aanam)1 ~om2S instalis a prerTlurn caulkin9 ~./ith a longer mdnL!fac~ur€rs wa''(an:y The cauiking ~(.!s J longer life. IS mJch mare pliab:e prO'Jiding a l'gl~ter seal and rn:nirnizing (jr~i!s MiJttamJ's Ctlulking does not require {f,;plz<ernsnl as scan as the slartdard;:Juildar (a:::cepWb!e) caulking, Repairs and replacement minimized. ~/1Lr:IGITIJ' HC:-:1f::s inslails j',.'g' fl:J:x niy 1I11ieIJ o~ !M2 standard 5/8" alb.......'llig lfle englr:eered tloor jcists tn be spaced at 24' on c;:mrr'e red~cing L'1e number- O' jOls!s 'I/hile pro','I(!in~ a much SlfQI';g€! tJ02,r system_ The Ll$i? of To iloar ply has a direct impcc! on {he 211QUnt of waste generated from sub.floor maler:a1 H~;j~o:;\,'.'ra;) Cl al: 2 ), lJ e;:j~:!or ,,'/;-:111:) '-,~/rappng {: ho:r;::~ c~ bwld:ng :r'i ~ v...e::;JheHc,sislt1r1r o2rffel' helps combat waie'", mOisture and air intiltratiO:1 tr,al are an:!' struclure's wC{sr enemtes ;.,ilavled tc (::zjjil1?:le $l;r:lanps:J Gr1(j :;e,:~iec:;,;:h ll!Gk ~erei~a!E tel1:nd ~~ld:ng, '/Jlnd,drll,'8n rCi:r:1 Glr,ti r.',o:sil~rc ccn s,Jtur~te wa!:s. (;featirg J breeDing ~rouf1C' for mord, mildew &r.d v.mcd r~i Pie prOPo:!le: Of hOU~-;f;'//!dP ,do r:':::1 s'.JpP:if; thi: J:cwtr cr rrold Cf l1'jk~f.\"-i Air infiltrat,'n; f~or: QJts1ce CJn c~eat~ CJmfcrt,robbrng coid Or ',.,arm spots '.vhile !f1creaslng ne3i;ng 3,lj ,;:C;)lloq cas!:;. I~j .-,~~'):i ,:11:: J ';".:'f:C-,: C~S0~1:;ni ','.,n::o':::; avai;able :i:G 1r.5lJ~a:~r. Ur::F.;=.ce:; ,.::'i: baser:-[:1:, n~jl;i Jnd sewrd HOOf wmdows ,,\:iil be L:J-,'.' cmI5~;l'/liJ (Lo';',' E) and ,.;r90\1 Filled. Low E giass is coated wan a rrdGrOSCOOIC, \ntu2f1y Itl'IlSio:i:, metai:ic [nice 12J'je~ th,~: :J':1proves t:~er,m~:!1 ~trtc:mance. Tre pnffiai)' function IS to foB-Jee'&" :~"1e LJ.Fucl,:;.r :0)' ~U;)preS3i1g thi? r5dl(jti'le he51 flo..v A $(':o/id,;ry feClture is b;c(;k,'rlg of sno'[ ':;,'Z;'if; 'adi2:ion 10 irnpsde heaf ~2in, Argoru g&$ i~ mOsl c:Jrnmonly u.s'tO t'Gc(3use of its high ins:Jlatirg v31J8 2nd iis felatlvei',' 10~\' cast oGuDle'~anGt '.vln~jG'/Is can .;;chlev'e U-v3:'ues of 0,33 or lo~'.\::r_ Argon IS presem:n tr-e E2~lh':5 atrfi05prere at Oc93%. rtld~lng it rhe most abunj~nt r.ob!e gas on t.ar!h. C2sGn-renL \f':I:1d~,'.'.'s al1 {jrmmd on 11.fn and se:o:-:d fie"Of (no: JUS! the 1ronl as IS ccmmon I[i, the mdlJ5tfy}.,:asement '.vllldo'.ljs prOVide 2 better S'?,31 i~~H; slnJ!e hrng cr ~onZ::}1ial sllc;~rs, c\'\L!lti poml iOCK!ng systems o~, ~!! CZiserr~0ilt wmdo'::s Irrpraves tr,e 52-v! of the \JJindow ','H')2n closed fTlin::T1i2Jng crafts A;l:c ;r.sulati:;'11. c~grac~c to R50 {."./,ere p::Jssible wIth blC'.'IfHn insulation) !iom the reQuiremenr a! R40 CiS pCI Energy St~r and tOe Oni;m:J auiidir.~~ C::HieinSHJiJ;iJ~' h(.:!ps ';leer hcr.'1;~ ,'elalll r.O~lt ir~ ::010 ','jealr,er and (\,;jEct hei~l in ',"t:rm seJSC'-;s. OJ ,...... o (f) CD ""8.)> CD::+ 3 Q) 0-0 CD::J .., 3 --"CD CXl:::::l --- ,...... 0:;1:: CXlv:> s: CD 3 o lIe'!). liNTERIOR COMPONENTS: LectriGa:' !nc;:Jdea' v/ith home purcnasr::.' ,~::r~':::;z:: :,:..::es~:2iV _.3rnp:~ Susiainabilitv Benefit Optionr"!l components 3'r'aiI.'Jbfe" :i~cl;on SenS:Jr S~'.'Iicne:. COli~~;: ~:n .Rc;,jv !:jVAC !ncluded ~yith home purchase: J:...:r hand:er ','.'::n ~!,;~:rO:1lc~:I/' Co~nmut()tej f~.1G\!)r n::Ci\1) TherrnJs:al I I I I 1-~E:20: ,~8:0-'j':;"! \'Enil:;)l:r I I ! Piul11bina l/nciudcd l'lith hama p~/rCh~-;;-- lLm'i F!o'.... '~eri.J'.Ois i 130detS Jnd 0'.1':\ P:,.:fp:Jse rot \I\"2:er Tar'KF, I I Optior:af components i!',/ai:abir I Sensc' F2'xels I "".,1 C-:, s.n -) .e"- u ;~;, '.d ' . r I, .J L Ccrnp2ct Fluorescent 8~lbs (eFt) are an 'excf::Hent wa'j 10 save anergy costs, reduce your energy use and greally CIH greenhouse gas emiSSions. CFL's use aoout 7S pefcen: less enerpy it'.8r1 standJrd :ncandes:.:ent bulbs and last up to 10 limes IQ;"g~r r,;::>iion senso~ S;,\'::~t1ZS au:oma\i:;,~1\y tu:n oft after a deSignated nurnter of minutes. eliminating the possibility of lighls being reft on Can be installed In any room O:"cvloe ccr,dcli ':or ;'r.~r.r.a"lc81' :"eq:wrcmen!s for future roof solar colleclors AClive solar devices sucn 2S P"lotovoltaic solar pane:s help ,~o pro\jlde sustainable E1e::jriClty for ,Wi use ECMs itre m::m: e:ficlent mo:ors m H'le d~r h3nd1er of the forced z::r system that can SMe the typical ~omeownei. money on overall energj costs, ard offer benefits Ie the enVifOn"T,en: throug:: reductions m gre€nii~ouse gases ~Ssccl?tedy,r!!l1 ~:or.lJen;ionol el,eclr;::; ~{)'''JergeneraJi9~ Save energy In ine wlmter by setting the IMermosttit to 68;)r while a'''va~e and satling it lower lNhile aslrep or o'NElY from home 8y turning the i~€JrmD5tat back, ;. st:lVings of as much as 'r% ror eiich degree if Ihe setbac.{ (;€r;o.1 ~5 eight hour5 lcng, The pec8!'ltage of savIngs from setback IS greater fo~ bUildings In mdder climates ind~l jor those ;n more. severe climates. rn :he summer. follow the same slrategy wrth centra1 a:r condil~oning, lco, by keeping the house wam!er than normar '.-vnrm away, arid lowenng the therrnostSl set!~ng to 78<>F (2o'"q only 'linen at home anD neea cooling. hlthcugh thermostats CeO be cGJustec manually. prcgrammoble ihe~moS!;jts "'Jill avoid any discomfort by return~ng temperatures 10 normal as you wake or return home. A heat r€cover! venlitaJor (HRV) brings in fresh air from the cJtside, preheats tela mcor:"ling air during lhe Wlnler and precools the incoming air during the summer :t ca.'l orovid~ cleEn fresh air every d<3y while r.elpinr; to keepen~rgy costs_lay;. Ai: Lavaior)' faJcets Include La'll Flow Aerators reducing water consumption on all bathroom sinks by 40%. The waler flow is reduced from 2.5 gallons per minute to 15 gallons per mmute simply by chang'ng the aerator Ma~j;;.M~ Hor;es :ns:aHs a DlJa~, Purpcse hot ...'1ater ~ank {mini bailel') prov~(jing on demand domestic hot water and heatlng MaHamis boiler sys:em is energy s1ar approved 21j pro;::des up to 60% ene:gy savings ;n domesllC rot ',,';zler ane h€a;~ng for the a'..'ercge single family dwelling. :::inisnes 'nc/:.JC'~d .~!th fwmo p"Jrcnase: 38CWiiW2:l:l R::.cy-:;I..'2,~j ?alrr ('/;CiIOf' Serls:' Faucets ::m:orfi:r2dby~Aa~!arnyfr.om9~ltaFaucel Canada, Mot~o~ .Se~so~ fau_celsreqlJce 'Naste,d'~y.ater by UP 10 8Q% Co'1; Si3','C up to n:'() jeppro;( 18,nC.:J gal;ons) of JnnJtiJ l,vater ~Js?ge compared to the 1,2diiion~ 3.5-galicn fi~sll and up to 40c,o (aoprox 4600 gallons) compa~ed io t:::,jt)'{s sln1',di:1~J i 5 ~li):jOn $lnq1e nush toilets, 5 cr 3Iile~, dua.! ~J:Jsh iechnOi09Y - :;~22r' L]~,;;: - ,"c.c:;r ;~:(~:iai:(',' [".:;:1 ,:JrC;fc::m T.1e 8:0meoa:ig c(~~nc' oh'f-rs recl;:3In12d prcdL;~ts mr,.;,;:~e irom wlu~;ci portions of f€'covere,j domestic pa~nt and sta,n re~ains It takes 88 per cen'( fewer carbon d:D:Nje emission:: to pcduce :.l C;Jn of i~s o2:nt (nan In pr::der,2 (1 ~:Dn of r1a1.rf.;.."'f;YCl.?d ra;nt. Recjcled pain!s t"lrt- subjected Ie e:defsl'.'e leslmg fer read ~nrj r.~ercury cor.tcni Jnd '.,tOC:; l:voi;:j~i1f.' o:"gJn;t ccmj:ouncs}: BoomerJng m-Z:ZIS and c.\::::-,zas 611 Carl{;oi&1 indus~{y ard governnenl specifications and stJndoreJs :ncltJding hea:lh Ctl::dG s1,:mJ2rds lor low:'iCC GnT%!C;'S. 80~)meiar:9 al::50 tr::lnsaI0.s IC,:O gre;J( cO'Jerage, edSY appLca~iol"', 2.1d a durable. wash2ble i:nlsn CJ~~21 thJ: ha~ t:Sf.n CHr'"CC Gt~EEl'i LABEL c;pprvvEd 2a'r.::; ere ,; 1) :Joir;:; toward LEEO@ce:(ifJeatic1. Carpets Z<re tested fer a:: IC:2', liOI:;tile crgz'riic CCmr;ClJil0S (TVOC); b) fCUnJld2Myoe (:0 5h::;~o.' rhat it 1$ tlJt use~~ m the fri()nJfc~c.lr rg ?'o~ess}: c:. 4.iJC (t-pi1er1'i:cyctDn8xBn~): and OJ Si'/rz-ne 0\ .-+ o (f) CD ~)> CD.-+ 3 W 0-0 CD ::r ...., 3 ->'CD CX:>:J -- .-+ o~ CX:>w s: CD 3 o Item Sustainability Benefit . _. I ~P!!Onal components available. ) 3ZTboD Fio')r,~g 8ambo~ ~,c"'J:"in'J IS a fast grm~.'in9 grass that requires no re.planting, Bamboo groW!. ~,\'i,thoul the use of pest~cide$ ant fertilizers. BamtxJO Flooring is a low-energy ncturclly rene'.':able resou(c::: and oHers ecological div~rsit}, .aSr3sustainabre l1:sc[J~ce jE_ngir'iei1rf:d '-'arc".'lc:::;j :=10:;'(5 2.pl,/ e1g:reertC 'Nooa prcdu:::l provides mere s!abiliiy w~~h Its hardwood to hard'liood backmg and Increased resistance in mOls1ure prob!ems. Non-allergenIC, lorma1oe.11oe free EcoLast" finish with UV Protection" and Anti.Mlcrobial Coating-' mal<es the engmee!ed products a healthy and en'ilronmentally sound I choice Mcr1ufaCiUrers 00 {jot ne2d to h3~'Vest larger tfees to gel 16;-g8 diameter p;eces, as the pieces can be a design 10 tH the need. One of the key benefits fS Its I I durability, I[ is less likely to b~lckle or'li03rp under r.wnidllY. It is sealed andlreated to withstand most mojslU~e, as weIJ ; 10"""2 C~lJr.:e'!cp, Quartz 15 the nost common l1:'1ineralu'llne earth's crus:' Engl~eered stone courrterlops are made of abou( 96 percent quartz. Quartz has a:1 ad'/aotage over gran:le .0 lrai it is nO:lporJUS ar.(J fesis!s bac!eria and mold , Iv1!f1lnizlf1g VOGi, (Vo:~IIJe Orgamc CompOUndS) lh:Js mcrr::l51r.g !f',e Indoor air quc.Jity. Eco Cushi:)r, underpao: is inslaHed under all Gerner car~,eting in a 1\1attamy I Eco CUSf',~'f\ lnder.o:.;j I come ; t- Aoo'iiance-s jinc/U'ried ~'J;:h hOt71r! purc-;;;;;:---- IEn2i~Y S~Jr .':',iJ~!I,;'~C2S ,~pphances offered are energy star and ene~gcide ~~le9r;:rcd~JC(S P<ltC:1Sn K:;::j'Cii::S; Ce:llre K!tchen recychn;J is the m;"v norm Ir C2nad~;;m househOlds, MaHdi1'l;/s kitchen rt:eyclrng r.antre 'tIlde,nCOU~39~ _con~~enieTH recyclrng. I r Landscapjr.~ I included wih home purchase: ,"f.' ') ..,- ~,.. i\,- o. ,- Eve.7 spring i'.'Jailamy ~ome$ Mc.sts a ';;jower 1=esi' w,'\-ereby .all roe'.." homeowners receive native pian~ species (shrubs and perennials) provide-,j by Matlam~' I......-..,v(>' , ,a", In"ent. ,t . ! o:jram I H1T-€s.TiI:s beaJt i!oes ~he ccmmL:'!"\:~{ a~.:l pr.':3~'ides susrainabie landscaping I CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES: included with home purcf7ese: i,Vaste ;={e::ycI1g Pmgram ;A,'a.s:e recuc:!c~ er.orts a~a swpplemented tl1rougr. a ntml:Jer of lnitiatr~les, Includ':l1.g direct Gotleclion a::o off-site transier cf ma-rE:nals by sub-contractors, ~e-use ~ bt:cks/::ilcsr,$, I,:';c~:(i anti cardtcard. lr,e applicatlon of re-useireduclion conslru:t.;cn techniques such as Op:irnal 'V()llie Engineering and Parieli:::a!ion, and the use Cl maie~liJl5 CQn!ai,1It~g (ecjclcc conten': The combined error!:; p~ovide$ fm ihe divers:on of appro;omate!y 88% of malerlc3ls. He':yc:t;::! J,'/i"'CJU Dr:/wal "'.'a.;:e :$ collect~d bj Ir.e dv;mali con:rac:or UPOfl Gwnpl~lian of e;-:x;h a:1d Every herre. Dr/wall 'Ni1S1~ is tiJKe1 to iJ recydr.g Taciilty for rf>use dS GeW gYPs~Jm pl'cdJc:s .-.....J ...... o (j) CO "0 ......)> CD ...... 3w 0-0 CO ::r -. 3 .......CO (X):::J 0...... (X)=I:t: s:W CO 3 o '.......~ Citlf o~ REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 8 Report Number: PO 30-08 Date: July 7, 2008 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Request from Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited for Exemption to Section 10 (b) of Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law 6060102 Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Recommendation: 1. That the request of Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited for exemption from Section 10 (b) of Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law 6060102 to allow pre-grading of its lands in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood be approved; and 2. Further, that the appropriate City officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited owns land in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood, which is subject of a Draft Plan of Subdivision Application and Zoning By-law Amendment Application. Mattamy wishes to proceed at the end of July 2008 with topsoil removal and earthworks for cut and fill to pre-grade, and rough grading for a stormwater management pond. However, City of Pickering Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law 6060102 Section 10 (b) prohibits the Director, Planning & Development from issuing a permit unless the land use to which the proposed work pertains is permitted by applicable by-laws passed under the Planning Act. As the current 'A'- Agricultural zoning of the lands does not permit the development to which the proposed grading work pertains, Mattamy requires Council approval of an exemption from Section 10 (b) of the Fill & Topsoil By-law in order to proceed with the proposed grading work to accommodate future development. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications to this request. Sustainability Implications: This report does not contain any sustainability implications. Report PD 30-08 July 7, 2008 Subject: Exemption to Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law 6060/02 Section 10 (b) Page 2 '9 Background: In a letter dated June 11, 2008 (see Attachment #2 - copy of letter), Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited has requested an exemption to Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law 6060/02 in order to commence pre-grading site works activity on its lands in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood at the end of July 2008. These works include topsoil removal and earthworks for cut and fill to pre-grade, and rough grading for a stormwater management pond. The works are required prior to installation of underground servicing which Mattamy anticipates will commence in late 2008/early 2009 following Council's consideration of their draft plan/zoning amendment applications. Mattamy wishes to proceed with pre-grading work as earthworks, especially topsoil removal, cannot be completed when the ground is frozen. However, the lands subject of Mattamy's request are currently zoned 'A' - Agricultural which does not permit the land use to which the proposed grading work pertains. Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law 6060/02 Section 10 (b) prohibits the Director, Planning & Development from issuing a permit unless the land use to which the proposed work pertains is permitted by the applicable by-laws passed under the Planning Act. Mattamy has submitted a draft plan of subdivision application (S-P-2008-01) and zoning by-law amendment application (A 1/08) on its lands, but these applications will not be considered by Council until late 2008 (see Attachment #1 - Location Map). Consequently, in order for a permit to be issued at this time, Council's approval of an exemption to the By-law must first be secured. The Planning & Development Department has no objection to Mattamy's exemption request. The lands are currently designated for urban development and the environmental development limits have already been established in consultation with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Ministry of Natural Resources and other approval authorities (these lands were part of the Seaton land exchange). The exemption will only apply to the timing of grading activity. All other requirements of the Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law and permit process will apply. Further, the proposed earthworks are limited to pre-grading of the site and will not pre-determine the subdivision design which has yet to be considered by Council. Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2. Copy of letter requesting exemption from Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law .--""-- __.4 Report PO 30-08 July 7,2008 Subject: )0 Exemption to Fill & Topsoil Disturbance 3y-law 6060/02 Section 10 (b) Page 3 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: .~--/ ~~~:'''- /J .' //;. /'.-. '/-?x/~~'I,tf/Y t."?....,, / y "--' ~t ~ "Il" Neil Carro, oMCIP,RPP Director, Planning & Development Robert Starr Supervisor, Development Control NC:kb Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council r. ......, ,--~"",-,,~""'-c __ "------...- 2. -+- t) . ~ ~ '-' z j >= ''''DU CUL ruRAL C DERSAN STREET ~ City of Pickering ~"""".._'..""'-"""""""~"~-,,,,............._",,,~,,,,, J.ilACHMEN7-1 J TO REPORT' PO dO.. 06 ) '1 L. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CON 3, N PT LOT 17,18 40R-2114, PART 1 TO 5 Planning & Development Department OWNER MATTAMY HOMES INC. FILE No. SUBDIVISION APPLICATION DATE JUNE 19, 2008 DRAWN BY JB SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY DB l' a a ourees: Teronel Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not 0 pion of survey. 2005 MPAC and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not 0 pion of Survey. PN-15 (: 2 ATTACHMENT'~ IU JiF'ORi I PD~-OB ~."\{f ;; ,~--:; F Fl. ~ f'lj C~ VIA EMAIL JUN 11 2008 June II, 2008 ~P:ECEIVEDl \- !I ';':~ ~ 1 ,:r<.n'J i cJ 0'; ~j 1 l ).,1 .:.; J 1 CITY OF PICKERING i. . I PI ANNING AHD l ("\-. I~' o;~./~:--,F DEP~d=iT~,~ENT ,1 L_~~,;.~~~~,~.=.~.~....~rt.~"",-'~"'=" Dear Ms Wilcox: RE: Fill and Topsoil Disturbance Bylaw 6060/02 Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited, Duffin Heights We are writing to City to request an exemption to the current Fill and Topsoil Disturbance Bylaw 6060/02 and allow our application for site alteration as submitted in October 2007 to be approved which would allow Mattamy to start site works at the end of July. Our development schedule will require approximately 3.5 months for topsoil stripping and cut & till moving to pre-grade the land for servicing and complete the rough grades for the pond. Our Consultant is preparing their detail engineering design for submission with the anticipation that the City and Region will be able to review and approve the plans and allow us to start servicing approximately 100 units in October. Over that past year we have frequently pre-consulted with Planning and Engineering staff to review our draft plan prior to our December 2007 application. Since then we have regularly met with staff to discuss and resolve outstanding planning and engineering matters. The Duffm Heights Landowner Group (DHLG) revised the Environmental Servicing Plan (ESP) and submitted it to the City and TRCA May 15th. A coordination meeting was held on June 6th that continued the ESP was approved "In Principle" by the TRCA. We anticipate the approval ofthe Group's Local OPA will occur this fall and Mattamy's Draft Plan and Zoning by-Jaw will happen at the same time. We understand that a staff report will need to be approved at Council to support our request, as such we respectfully request your report be presented at the earliest possible Council meeting for consideration. We thank you in advance for your cooperation with these matters. Please contact me if you require any additional infonnation. Yours truly, MATIAMY (BROCK ROAD) LIMITED -L T (90S) 477-2048 F (905) 477-2337 140 RENFREW DRIVE, SUITE 206, MARKHAM, ONTARIO L3R 603 Citlf o~ REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 33-08 Date: October 6, 2008 3 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Maxcon Developments Ltd. / Cassel, Sidney / Cassel Consultants Ltd. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1827 Nugget Construction Co. Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-1831 Maxcon Developments Ltd. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1861 Garthwood Homes Limited / Thomas Feeley Construction Ltd. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1866 Woodsmere Properties Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-1875 Marshall Homes (Woodview) Limited / Rinal Enterprises Inc. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1877 Shrone View Holdings Inc. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1887 Woodsmere Properties Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-1896 Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision Recommendation: 1. That Report PO 33-08 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 40M-1827, 40M-1831, 40M-1861, 40M-1866, 40M-1875, 40M-1877, 40M-1887 and 40M-1896 be received; 2. That the highways being Chickadee Court and Sparrow Circle within Plan 40M-1827 be assumed for public use; 3. That the highways being Sandhurst Crescent, Meldron Drive and Deerhurst Court within Plan 40M-1831 be assumed for public use; Report PD 33-08 October 6, 2008 Subject: Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 40M-1827/40M-1831/40M-1861/40M-1866 4 40M-1875/40M-1877/40M-1887/40M-1896 Page 2 4. That the highway being Nordane Drive within Plan 40M-1861 be assumed for public use; 5. That the highways being Lekani Court and Mountain Ash Drive within Plan 40M-1866 be assumed for public use; 6. That the highways being Woodsmere Court, Wildflower Drive and Deerhaven Lane within Plan 40M-1875 be assumed for public use; 7. That the highway being Rouge Forest Crescent within Plan 40M-1877 be assumed for public use; 8. That the highway being Clearside Court within Plan 40M-1887 be assumed for public use; 9. That the highways being Summerpark Crescent, Garland Crescent and Wildflower Drive within Plan 40M-1896 be assumed for public use; 10. That the services required by the Subdivision Agreements relating to Plans 40M-1827, 40M-1831, 40M-1861, 40M-1866, 40M-1875, 40M-1877, 40M-1887 and 40M-1896, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except from Blocks 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 27, Plan 40M-1827; Lot 35, the remainder of Lots 36 and 80, Blocks 99, 100, 101 and 102, Plan 40M-1831; Blocks 13, 14, 15 and 17, Plan 40M-1861; Block 57, Plan 40M-1866; Block 144, Plan 40M-1875; Blocks 33,34,35 and 38, Plan 40M-1877; Block 21, Plan 40M-1887 and Blocks 209 and 211, Plan 40M-1896; 11. That the Subdivision Agreements and any amendments thereto relating to Plans 40M-1827, 40M-1831, 40M-1861, 40M-1866, 40M-1875, 40M-1877, 40M-1887 and 40M-1896, save and except from Blocks 17 and 18, Plan 40M-1827; Lot 35 and the remainder of Lots 36 and 80, Plan 40M-1831 and Blocks 13, 14 and 15, Plan 40M-1861, be released and removed from title; 12. That Council enact a By-law to dedicate Block 103, Plan 40M-1831 as public highway; and 13. That Council enact a By-law to dedicate Blocks 54 and 55, Plan 40M-1866 as public highways. Report PO 33-08 October 6, 2008 Subject: Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 40M-1827 /40M-1831 /40M-1861 /40M-1866 40M-1875/40M-1877 /40M-1887 /40M-1896 Page 3 '5 Executive Summary: The City entered into Subdivision Agreements with the above-noted developers for the development of Plans 40M-1827, 40M-1831, 40M-1861, 40M-1866, 40M-1875, 40M-1877, 40M-1887 and 40M-1896. As all works and services within these plans have been completed to the satisfaction of City staff, it is appropriate to assume the roads and services within these plans under the jurisdiction of the City and release the developers from the provisions of the Subdivision Agreements. Financial Implications: There are no new financial implications to the City as a result of this recommendation. Sustainability Implications: The final assumption of these plans of subdivision is an administrative process that legally concludes the City's acquisition of necessary roads and other infrastructure. It does not directly impact the City's sustainability initiatives. Background: The City entered into Subdivision Agreements with the above-noted developers for the development of Plans 40M-1827, 40M-1831, 40M-1861, 40M-1866, 40M-1875, 40M-1877, 40M-1887 and 40M-1896. As the developers have now completed all works and services to the satisfaction of City staff, it is appropriate to assume the roads and services within these Plans, save and except from Blocks 17, 18, 22,23,24,25 and 27, Plan 40M-1827; Lot 35, the remainder of Lots 36 and 80, Blocks 99,100,101 and 102, Plan 40M-1831; Blocks 13,14,15 and 17, Plan 40M-1861; Block 57, Plan 40M-1866; Block 144, Plan 40M-1875; Blocks 33, 34, 35 and 38, Plan 40M-1877; Block 21, Plan 40M-1887 and Blocks 209 and 211, Plan 40M-1896. Further, it is also appropriate to release the developers from the provisions of their respective Agreements with the City, as follows: 1. Plan 40M-1827 Subdivision Agreement dated June 26, 1995, registered as Instrument No. L T73691 0 save and except from Blocks 17 and 18 and the Amending Subdivision Agreement dated October 19, 1995, registered as Instrument No. L T741264; 2. Plan 40M-1831 Subdivision Agreement dated October 16, 1995, registered as Instrument No. L T744601 save and except from Lot 35 and the remainder of Lots 36 and 80 and the Amending Subdivision Agreement dated September 15, 1997, registered as Instrument No. L T834581; Report PD 33-08 October 6, 2008 Subject: Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 40M-1827/40M-1831/40M-1861/40M-1866 /' b 40M-1875/40M-1877/40M-1887/40M-1896 Page 4 3. Plan 40M-1861 Subdivision Agreement dated July 12, 1996, registered as Instrument No. L T790716 and the Amending Subdivision Agreement dated August 1, 1997, registered as Instrument No. L T827617 save and except from Blocks 13, 14, and 15; 4. Plan 40M-1866 Subdivision Agreement dated June 17, 1996, registered as Instrument No. L T790727 and Acknowledgement dated March 12, 1999, registered as Instrument No. L T892695; 5. Plan 40M-1875 Subdivision Agreement dated June 24, 1996 and registered as Instrument No. L T809125; 6. Plan 40M-1877 Subdivision Agreement dated February 3, 1997 and registered as Instrument No. L T809399; 7. Plan 40M-1887 Subdivision Agreement dated April 7, 1997, registered as Instrument No. L T830828 and the Amending Subdivision Agreement dated July 30, 1998, registered as Instrument No. L T870899; and 8. Plan 40M-1896 Subdivision Agreement dated June 16, 1997 and registered as Instrument No. L T834624. Attachments: 1. Location Map - Plan 40M-1827 2. Location Map - Plan 40M-1831 3. Location Map - Plan 40M-1861 4. Location Map - Plan 40M-1866 5. Location Map - Plan 40M-1875 6. Location Map - Plan 40M-1877 7. Location Map - Plan 40M-1887 8. Location Map - Plan 40M-1896 9. Draft By-law to dedicate Block 103, Plan 40M-1831 as public highway 10. Draft By-law to dedicate Blocks 54 and 55, Plan 40M-1866 as public highways Report PO 33-08 October 6, 2008 Subject: Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 40M-1827 /40M-1831 /40M-1861 /40M-1866 40M-1875/40M-1877/40M-1887/40M-1896 Page 5 7 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: . ~, // 1-(/ .01/-(/ Denise Bye,tSupervisor Property & Development Services N~ Director, Planning & Development DB:bg Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ~t Recommendation approved: ""'V"- ..... ,../'. r <---r:-~-a_-' . " ...... ~/f'{7 j~ ,.,:d '0'::</' --- ... ,- I' '", "./ ,../"/" /1' '.,/" J Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Director, Office of Sustainability Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Planning & Development . City Clerk (' d ,. f; I TO v . :2'71) - ( ~ G '---- ) - ~Q --- \ I l V/~ E 'FiNCH - AVENUE FINCH AVENUE \~~~~~/ /) F~ [l: 1 r1l!fJ/ll I Inri ] I S-\\jOS- l ( / cOS- ~ / \jS-O ~ 0~ ~ s- S-\\jOS- ~ ~_W - I--==-'~ [l:--U ill[ :=l~=[l:== co~ fl/ == \)\<-0 ~ 0 '== ~ = f~R~;- ~ y 0--< \\~ -, / I I - ~ - - - - SPARROW - - ~~~ =- - - f--- J 11---- - ~ - [l: ::::=;- [l: - :\ CRts. (?' :=l-- - <( - <( o ::::=;_ - 0... - ~ aIr'cfN[ ~ - [l: - z w 0 I--- ::2 f--- y-1 ~ 1\ ( I-- I--- ::2 f-- -' f-- <( f--- :=l - I 7 ttl~1 SUBJECT (fJ f--- '-- f--- SUBDIVISION - - ~3 MELDRDN - ~ ~ - - - ~ ~12-0 ~~ t ~?ii -;0 Of-- 11 t- - <' Z f-- ~ - r'l <( f-- y..0 _ (fJ ~ ~ ~ CR,~ PiNE GROVE ~ IIIIDI ~\\\n; =0 ~ = ) [~~~- 0= \ / ~MOS ~ II~ / "- City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M-1827 l' OWNER VARIOUS DATE JULY 18, 2008 DRAWN BY JB FILE No, SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY DB [:c :>cu.ce., PN-10 Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All ri9htll Reserved. Not a pion of survey. 2005 MPAC ond its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not 0 plan of Survey. J l t//llE ~ '\II~ ~ FIN~ AVENUE PLACE ~ ( ~ ~ /' ",0 ~~/ ~ ~~ ~ 17;C-~3--- -'- rnTI1 ~~~~ o :::::t== - = (j -::-t== U = ~~f~ = 1i~~0~ ~ 1 \~~ J II IT SPARROW '~n Ii ,,;) TO f PL_3'?:r D ~. HH IIH FINCH ~ \ \ I - ~- z w > <t ~ ?--\VO?-- GO~ / ,\ ?-EST SUBJECT SUBDIVISION A I ~ @R€~c~~~ ) ~ ~~ J /I-=J I <t -~ ri;1ft? I /\. MELDRON I---" trJ J d,t),,':s..\\Njt_ ~- o I- 1 -;:0 0_ 7-==~ ~ - S SANDHURST _ U) - ~'0 Cli'cs: PINE GROVE ~ =gS~ ~ III ~ i\\\l< =';iJ 11:- == 0 -<t~ wf:= == ~ F= \ " .J""'"""""'"l- ~ ~ - =d~ \ ~ . ~ AVENUE Ll=J ~OSI I ?F De-- I I W 0\<-0 0~ " '-----, 3= - ---i ~ T o o o 3= NT I T ~I I I City of Pickering GROVE 9 I l =- c- --+- O::~ ~ --+- O~ U --+- eKifll === 1111' T ~ / / PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M-1831 Planning & Development Department OWNER VARIOUS FILE No. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION DATE JULY 18, 2008 DRAWN BY JB ""^' I' SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY DB o 0 :::.ource.: Teronet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All riont. Reserved. Not 0 pion of survey. 2005 MPAC and its suppliers_ All rights Reserved. Not 0 plan of Survey. PN-10 ':, (I ,~, l.) .-) 1- '''''"It t"<tP her,]"_ '"') Y'n c:",,,,"'.,,,- '.;- ff_~~..~\..i j r PC '~;:1. - 0.;- ,.,....".-.,.,.""-"'4,:...J~"'''''''':,'_c"'~.~~ ~ L ( ~ ~ , w 9- :J Z w > q: ~\vO~ CO?: / ~ J~ eRe' Wffjj / ~ ~ qJ;l f:CtNT I ( e ( Q?-O 0---< ~ ~ - II I ^ I - ~ ~;:: MELDRON r---1rn J \ ~c - - - W~~_ '5- I -~ I- ~ /Nm~ -- t' __ 0- -:-i JBOT! -~ ~ - 0<<- SAN _ U]- '" ~I'-O b T - c ~ ..,os PINE GROVE ~ r--- 0 111111l ~ r--- 0 r--- s: PINE GROVE 1---1 CRESCENT == ~J =0 PARK ~ /f11 == !i ~~~_ == ~ I I == ~~ \' === = ~ / 0 PINE GROVE AVENUE ----".U / ~ 111 I E w I--- / f-- f--- > --., MOSSBROOK ",T~Q~ f--- D::: i--- 0 - - ----, ~ - f---- ---'"-< - - - ffiE w - W ::J '>- 0 ~L-{ ( z 0 - / SQUARE w I 0 - f- > s: w f---- II~ <( ~ - w - J,I 'gr-"~~ u D::: 0 f- - D:::~ f--- UJ I I tJJ2 1 - f--~ II~~ \"'" f--- Z ~ WESTCREEK DRIVE - w 81--- II I > cr <( - (j w s: 0 - > W sl--- W D::: I > y:1--- WESTCRITK ~LLEYVIt \ ~ - z 0 0 PUBUC SCHOOL PARK 0 q:r-- - - PROHILL ST. 0 o~ D- :::0-' .1 I I IS: r City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M-1861 l' OWNER VARIOUS DATE JULY 18, 2008 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY DB ~o~~r;~:rc~~~erprise. Inc. and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not 0 pion of survey. PN-10 2005 MPAC and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not a plan of Survey. ~ ./ ?--'V/ :/' ,!\O~r '!<AGS /' ----~ I/~ ------ --...-: ~ / ~~'{ / \ ~\G~rr( rf TOYNEVALE ROAD I ~ f- -0:: ::J o -0 - f-- / ~~ ~~, I \" ~ ~ ,0' ___~ I ~~ ffiO~ FRONTIE~~ == C )L R j - i=- z- ~- o ~ ~ I -~LL 0:: Of--- f-- 1--6 f-- f- /~ _ -J % ~ \. '\ \. '\ '\ '\ I ~~ ~~ ~~ DK ~ '<''\ " " " , \ \~ \ ~ \ 7J " " "" ~ ~ "', ..... ...---.-,...... . @ D "[f';'7 @[? u@[}8@8[]v@ 1pc 3'3 .~, cl$ ==~ -B~fr- f--- COURT'y-- I J t--- I I f- Z ::J o L w l) ::J o 0:: i i ! t---- w ~~ DRIVE ~ \. 0! \ \ \ \ "{j\ c\ ~ ~\ ~\ \ \ \ \ I-- I V1 <( - f-- Z t---- <i: f- f-- Z ::J :;J . I S~ BJEC'" SUB IJIVlS/ON I I I \ \ I I o o o ~ ~ <( f--- 0 o o w ~~ta /- J II - B I I MAITLAND DRIVE II F TOYNEVALE -L -f- Z t--~I / _ t3 I-- V ,f-- tJ t-- Vf-- 5 f- Z W o V1 w 0:: U I ~ ---j ',! 1 ~ /I ~,~ o <( o 0:: - r--- I----. l ~ ~ I R05. PI SC Mt <( -J I <( o ~ IT? - ~ Z <( m w- V1 o 0:: I I I I COy., _\ - - - f-- L-- GILLMC ROJ I Planning & Development Department City of Pickering PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M-1866 OWNER VARIOUS FILE No, SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION DATE JULY 18, 2008 DRAWN BY JB SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY DB l' ~a a :::.aurce.: Teronet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not 0 pion of survey. 2005 MPAC and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not a plan of Survey. PN-1 I II II I------ I-- '--- == II - == ~ =~ \ -<(-'------:: -0... _0:' f--';i 0 I-- 2 z I-- =:J <( I-- UJ -.J 0:' I-- <( '--- 0 - ....--- "- f-- ~-::: ^'."Y ~ ~~ ~\\\\\\: /' ~ ~ Si:- J\\'~~::::::::<(f--I7) '--~-==O:' STROUDS \.}J-\( ~ ;1--t1 . ~~ : -= - ~ ::::::=: u- w [ ~ \ \\ \ \ \ \' '\ \ \ \ \ \ / u City of Pickering 2 1/ I ~ ~ SUBJECT SUBDIVISION ! .3~".:Q~ - - I - r - _wI I-- > I-- I-- 0:: I-- I-- 0- I-- I-- I '--- 0 <( 0 CRESCENT DEER HAVE 0:' I - JJ E - I--- j(~ I--- I-- - f- Z w U UJ w 0:' U I 11 ~ I-- r-- z - (ij w UJ o 0:' - 0:'- w ~ o -.J_ ~-- -.J ~ - WOODSMERE I--- - I-- 1/ II CRESCENT WOODSMERE A TONA FORE5 F UBLlC SCHOO PARK ST. ELIZABETH SETON SEPARA TE SCHOOL STROUDS LANE 1--_ - - -I-- - - w ~ 0:' o w > 0:' o - W -.J 0... <( 2 f--- OJ f--- f"Tl L.--- ~ f---k :..-1..--- o~~ DRIVE ~ 1 ,)'\lS ~ == H/GHBL - PUBLIC S( f-- z_ tj- UJ_ i}:!- u- - "---- , W -.J ;;; Z _1--t::J I-- 0:' - I-- 0 - -~ =Lj I I CHARNWOOD I I OC-- S2 -f--+- 0- ~- AJ -1 o <( o 0:' / f- Z tit- UJ w Q:: U ~ w -> -0 _z 0:' 0... UJ - f- --8 -0... .-/ -I-- t--~ o o <( o ~ 0:' -z I--ffi <{- CD W UJ o 0:: }--~ \.. """ 1/ /7 I I -- COURT AMBO PAR Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M-1875 OWNER VARIOUS FILE No. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION DATE JULY 18, 2008 DRAWN BY JB SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY DB l' eO T~r~::::;c~~~erprifJe5 Inc. cnd ita suppliers. All ri9htS Reserved. Not 0 pion of survey. 2005 MPAC and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not a plan of Survey. PN-11 to ::? ':';:> _.f 5;' ~.) J '--" ,I, -5 w yS0 0 '?-- ::J Z coy.: w > <( / Lllll~ :\ afr"s.!... ~ ~CtN'r"' ) s~~ \ \ SUBJECT V ~ ~~ SUBDIVISION ~ y 7/ I-- I-- rJ,,'S, \ \~ _ I--- \\\\, -~- ~o\<..E I -- -<- ~~~m ~T 1 3; ~ -f'l - \),?--o w SANDHURST - - > C/j' __ 0 ('0: PINE 0'\ == 0 0 IIII PINE GROVE ~ CRESCENT 3; ~ 0::: PARK ,//7 I 0 ~ w !~ rr t== z <{ S^NDC~ r I PINE I ~ ~H\' GROVE AVENUE z ,.-'" / - - ffi8 = I lE - I-- w I-- ---...., M 0 S S B RO 0 K c:::: > I-- 0::: I--- ffiE - =t I-- I--- - 0 - I-- f--- I--- I--- L--'-< I--- - - - - / I - w - 0 - (") ::J 0 - - 0 z SQUARE c w 0 - f- - II I :;0 - > 3; W I-- kJ - -4 II ~ <{ ~ - w - - - U 0::: 0 f- - - ET CRESCENT \~ I-- (J] - - I-- w 'l5F ::J - II~ I-- z t-- WESTCREEK ~ w > - , T <{ - - w STREET f-- > - 0::: I - WEsrCREEK Z i---- 0 I-- PUBLIC SCHOOL w U I--- PROHILL ST. I-- (J] I-- W 0 I-- 0::: 0 U I--- w 0 ~~ if STREET - I--- > 3; - 11 I I I I I 0 ~ - City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M-1877 l' OWNER VARIOUS DATE JULY 18, 2008 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY DB ~a 0 Sources: PN-10 r. ranel Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not a pIon of survey. 2 005 MPAC cnd its supplie"'!!I. All rights Reserved. Not a pion of Survey. /,4 ~~ ~ ~ ----- CONCESSION - J ROAD \v ~/ ( rrr~ "-- ~ECT ~ !;lOAD ,n SUBDI'V!SION ~CW I ~ f--->D "< C2 ~ o I I J, ~ Y'Q I~ ~ ~ \ ~ I' f- f- CROSS Y f )" ~ f- - - f--- is ~ 11111// 2 SAGGINS ,~ _ I I I f-~~ _ ~\f-~= ~ ~~~- ~LY~M~ == CRT = - - CENTENNIAL ~ i0V('11;, V(' ~ ---~~ HADRIAN CRT '" "L \" <.v0: S; d :;0 i:- 'f Cf= \~\- -I t= ~'-- r WILFRED'S r----- SEPARATE 1== ~ SCHOOL f- r-- f- a u I f- 6~ ______ (f) ~ r-- '1 PARK -\ 1 / ~t\e~p..~ -Q ~ ~ -- 0 oar! ~:= ~ ~ ~ - ~ UI \:::- _ ~ t- 8 5; TAWNS<" - -f--- z -'--I~ r II I Il::al-- -I-- ~ a u_ City of Pickering PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M-1687 OWNER VARIOUS FILE No. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION o 0 ::Sources: lA- Teranet Enterprises Inc. ond ita suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not a plan of survoy. It; 2005 MPAC and its suppliers. All rit;;)hts Reserved. Not 0 pion of Survey. 1 33 c'~ SOUTHCOTTo PARK ) - C' -"P <:<:-1- ~ ,<:-0 ~ c,<<; <",0 G~ 1----- l- I --- '--- es 1--' - U 7 I---CJ~ I-- - 5 r--- (f) a C -1 :r " a ~ ~) \ ~ ~ c(. ~ ~ ) ~(\\\ :V .....,lJ\.--- 'tj~ >- f---- '5 f---- &?f---- w ~r-- <( u ~/ .-,' '\ ~ C?) .. ~ .. .,' ~ @ ~ ~ @ [? L Planning & Development Department 1\'0-'1D DATE JULY 18, 2008 DRAWN BY JB SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY DB l' PN-13 c.' ') -::::>.-, -- L) .\{ ,:':'::t::L.m ," :J I I I ~ l / FINCH AVENUE --=- 0 Jj <( ~ - 0 cr: - I l ~\\)Q~ ~ GQ~ ~ - - - J I II I _r- AMBE \)~Q - IIII I 0'\ - _w > ~ -Q' -0 - I-- - I-- - - I------ - - I-- - - r-- ~ r-- t= SUBJECT f--- f--- - r-- cr:_-u_ SUBDIV/S/tN == ~ :::J==~= r-- o _ u= '-- == () - - - // ~~== 9::' -= - - !;~~<(fJ ~ - 1 II II I II r--- 10 I I 1 1\\ ==:j ~ ~<( - 0 - CRESCENT J DEERHAVEN cr: - I-- II III ~ E - - I-- - SPARROW - ""'\ I-- < I =- - - /~ I-- II Ie--- '<:: - r-- r-- cr: ==:;- - cr: - r-- - - ~ - r-- :::J-- - <( - f--- - <( I, 0 ==:;- - D- - - Z f--- cr: - uf--_ w 0 GKADEE/i::=== r-- ::;- 0 e- '<:: e- r-- ::;- z z - z -' w <( <( '-- :::J ::J u m _UJ cr: UJ w IIII I - <( w UJ - l? cr: - 0 ~ - u II T cr: - cr: ..--- \.... - w - :;s: 1'-' ~I 0 -' LL I-- - 0 -' r--- 3: ~ ~ - - - - WOODSMERE - r--- ------l I------ 'l ~( - r--- ) II II I I ~ CRESCENT CHARNV\ / I I L/ ~OOD5MERE I TONA FORES T F ueLlc SCHOO City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M-1896 l' OWNER VARIOUS DATE JULY 18, 2008 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY DB o 0 ::>ources: PN-11 ;) Teronot Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not 0 pIon of survey. 2005 MPAC and its suppliers. All ril';jJhts Reserved. Not 0 plan of Survey. Roadded.504 S6 1 ,~ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. JJJ'Apr Being a By-law to dedicate Block 103, Plan 40M-1831 as public highway. WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of Block 103, Plan 40M-1831 and wishes to dedicate it as public highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Block 103, Plan 40M-1831 is hereby dedicated as public highway (Sandhurst Crescent). BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 20th day of October, 2008. David Ryan, ~rr Oebi A. Wilcox, City Clerk Roadded.505 '..~~_........" -Ci\; '7 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a By-law to dedicate Blocks 54 and 55, Plan 40M-1866 as public highways. WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of Blocks 54 and 55, Plan 40M-1866 and wishes to dedicate them as public highways. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Block 54, Plan 40M-1866 is hereby dedicated as public highway (Lekani Court). 2. Block 55, Plan 40M-1866 is hereby dedicated as public highway (Mountain Ash Drive). BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 20th day of October, 2008. Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 34-08 ,~) 8 Date: October 6, 2008 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Rockwood Drive Road Extension Road Closing and Abandonment of Easements Reconveyance of Landllnterest to Adjacent Owners File: 00507 Recommendation: 1. That Report PO 34-08 of the Director, Planning & Development be received. 2. That Council enact a by-law to: (a) stop-up and close those portions of Rockwood Drive being Blocks 16, 17, 18 and 19, Plan 40M-2164 and Blocks 19 and 20, Plan 40M-2068 as public highway; (b) declare those portions of Rockwood Drive being Blocks 16, 17, 18 and 19, Plan 40M-2164 and Blocks 19 and 20, Plan 40M-2068 surplus to the needs of the Corporation for the purpose of sale to the abutting owners, in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act and the Acquisition and Disposal of Land Policy and subject to any required easements; (c) abandon the easements, in favour of the City, for road access/maintenance purposes, over those parts of Lots 1, 2, 14 and 15, Plan 40M-2164, designated as Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4, Plan 40R-22162 and reconvey the easement interest to the abutting owners; and (d) authorize the execution of all relevant documentation necessary to abandon the existing access/maintenance easements, stop-up and close portions of Rockwood Drive as public highway and effect the conveyances of same to the abutting owners for nominal consideration, subject to any required easements. Executive Summary: The northerly portion of Rockwood Drive was constructed through Plan of Subdivision 40M-2068 and the southerly portion was constructed through Plan of Subdivision 40M-2164 leaving the central 160 metres (approximately) to be constructed. Report PD 34-08 October 6,2008 Subject: Rockwood Drive Road Extension Road Closing and Abandonment of Easements Page 2 '9 The central portion of Rockwood Drive is now complete and therefore the turning circle located at the south limit of Plan 40M-2068 and the turning circle and access/maintenance easements located at the northerly limit of Plan 40M-2164 are no longer required by the City and should be reconveyed to the abutting owners. Financial Implications: Legal Fees and Disbursements Grant Morris Associates Sustainability Implications: The road closing and abandonment of access/maintenance easements are administrative processes that will ensure compliance with legal and City conditions prior to the conveyance of the subject lands to the adjacent owners. It does not directly impact the City's sustainability initiatives. Background: The northerly portion of Rockwood Drive was constructed through Plan of Subdivision 40M-2068 and the southerly portion was constructed through Plan of Subdivision 40M-2164 leaving the central 160 metres (approximately) to be constructed. The City acquired the 160 metres of land necessary to complete the central portion of the Rockwood Drive extension from the abutting landowners and pursuant to a Development Agreement between Grant Morris Associates and the City, the central 160 metres has now been constructed satisfactory to the City. The central portion of Rockwood Drive is now complete and therefore the turning circle located at the south limit of Plan 40M-2068 and the turning circle and access/maintenance easements located at the northerly limit of Plan 40M-2164 are no longer required by the City and should be reconveyed to the abutting owners. As the lands subject of both turning circles have been dedicated as public highway, it is necessary to formally stop-up and close them prior to reconveying the lands to the abutting owners. Attached is a draft by-law giving authority to formally stop-up and close the lands subject of the turning circles and to abandon the existing easements in favour of the City, which lands and interests will be reconveyed to the abutting owners. Attachments: 1. Stop-up and Close Location Map 2. Draft Stop-up and Close By-law Report PO 34-08 October 6,2008 Subject: Rockwood Drive Road Extension _~ : I Road Closing and Abandonment of Easements 'J Page 3 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: l,('! 2. IJ . \!.J(/~_. Denise Bye, 'Supervisor, Property & Development Services Neil Carro ,-i~CIP, RPP Director, Planning & Development DB:bg Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Coup. . ,4" I I I, 1 - W :J Z w > e.- <{ PROHILL STREET W > - cr: 0 0 0 - 0 S "{ u 0 I--- cr: ..- BLQC K20 # 40M- 068 # ..- ~M~9 1(19 068 I-- w - :J Z W > <{ f--- w ::il~ ~:J ~p s > w 0 cr: A Cr~ > 0 0 CL ~ 0 f--- 0 S w z - e.-- Q.. - BLOCK 19 4?_~ :~1fi4 ~ PART 1, 40R- 2162 --.- "'ll BLOC Ie 16 40M-2164 ..- - RI n~K 18. 40M 2164 V~ 40R-22162 PART 2, 40R-2~ 162 --.- BLO?J 17 40M-2164 -.J w PAR 3,40R-22162 > cr: ---...... 0 0 0 0 s - "{ u 0 - cr: City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BLOCKS 16, 17, 18 & 19, 40M-2164 AND BLOCKS 19 & 20, 40M-2068 l' OWNER VARIOUS DATE SEPT. 3, 2008 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. STOP-UP AND CLOSE ROAD PARTS SCALE 1:2000 CHECKED BY DB ~a!.o Sources: PN-10 Teranel Enterpr-ises Inc. and its suppliers. All riCiJhts Reserved. Not a pIon of survey. 2005 MPAC and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not 0 pion of Survey. P1 ACHMENi # f)U';)R1 Ii PO TO --'\' _ ____.J -'-,4- ~ ~ . } ATTACHMENT 1-"'" TO REPORT # PO ;~ Y " (.; S. 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a By-law to stop-up and DOE'T portions of Rockwood Drive as public highway, abandon easements in favour of the City and reconvey certain lands and interests in land to the abutting owners. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Act, the Council of the City may pass by-laws to acquire or dispose of land or interests in land and to stop-up a highway, or part thereof, and to authorize its sale or the sale of a part thereof. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The following portions of highway are hereby stopped-up and closed to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic: . Rockwood Drive being Blocks 19 and 20, Plan 40M-2068 and Blocks 16, 17, 18 and 19, Plan 40M-2164. 2. That those portions of Rockwood Drive described above are hereby deemed surplus to the needs of the Corporation and shall therefore be offered for sale to the abutting owners, subject to any required easements, for nominal consideration ($2.00). 3. The following portions of land are no longer required by the City for road access/ maintenance purposes and the City's interest in them shall be abandoned and reconveyed to the abutting owners for nominal consideration: . Those parts of Lots 1, 2, 14 and 15, Plan 40M-2164, designated as Parts 1, 2,3 and 4, Plan 40R-22162. 4. The Mayor, City Clerk and City Solicitor are authorized to obtain and execute all relevant documentation necessary to effect the above. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 20th day of October, 2008. David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk D0507 REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 36-08 Date: October 6, 2008 ~3 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: S.R.&R. Bay Ridges Ltd. Parkland Conveyance File: S 2/07 Recommendation: 1. That Council confirm the requirement that S.R.&R. Bay Ridges Ltd. pay the sum of $533,250 in lieu of the conveyance of parkland in relation to the redevelopment of the lands in the former Bay Ridges Plaza shown on Attachment #1 to Report PD 36-08. Executive Summary: S.R.&R. Bay Ridges Ltd. ("SR&R") disputes the amount that City staff have calculated to be payable in lieu of the conveyance of parkland. This report sets out the positions of both SR&R and staff, and recommends that Council confirm the $533,250 parkland payment calculated by staff. Financial Implications: If Council adopts the recommendation contained in this report, the City will collect a total of $533,250 as payment in lieu of parkland conveyance for the redevelopment of the property. If Council accepts the offer contained in a letter from SR&R's lawyer (William Friedman) dated June 18, 2008, the City will only collect a total of $150,000. Sustainability Implications: Other than the financial implications set out above, there are no sustainability implications. 1.0 Background: The relevant background information is as follows: 1. On October 3, 2006, Council approved SR&R's zoning by-law amendment application to permit a mixed use development on the lands in the former Bay Ridges Plaza site, shown in Attachment #1 and Attachment #2 (the "Lands"). The issue of parkland was addressed in the recommendations report (PD 45-06) as follows: Report PO 36-08 October 6,2008 Subject: S.R.&R. Bay Ridges Ltd. - Parkland Conveyance Page 2 I. j ,~ , -r The City will be requiring cash-in-lieu of parkland from the applicant in order to satisfy the full provisions of Section 42(1) of the Planning Act Further, the applicant will be required to design and construct certain amenity areas, including a 'parkette' within the development in order to provide outdoor amenity space for residents of the project. For development of this nature, and in accordance with the Planning Act, the City of Pickering Official Plan provides two options for the calculation of required parkland dedication. The first is the conveyance of land or cash-in-lieu of land at an amount of five percent of the proposed land to be developed. The second option, as an alternative for High Density Residential Area or Mixed Use Areas, requires land or cash-in-lieu of land at a rate of up to one hectare for each 300 dwelling units proposed. It is recognized that the second option may have significant financial impact on the viability of the project. The first option, being the five percent calculation, is recommended as this may assist the economics of site development, especially when considering the significant costs associated with sanitary sewer upgrades and installation. If Council had chosen to use the second option, SR&R's payment in lieu of parkland conveyance would have been up to approximately $5,578,000 based on the current zoning for 497 units and the most recent appraisals that show that the market value of the residential portion of the Lands is $10,665,000. Even if SR&R's payment was calculated based on the price SR&R paid to purchase the Lands prior to rezoning ($6,333,000), this second option would have required SR&R to pay up to approximately $3,312,000 in lieu of parkland conveyance based on the current zoning for 497 units. 2. Section 5 of Schedule C to the Development Agreement signed by SR&R and registered against title to the Lands on February 14, 2008 provides as follows: CALCULA nON OF AMOUNT PA Y ABLE IN LIEU OF PARKLAND CONVEYANCE Prior to the issuance of the first permit for the construction of any building on the Lands, the Owner shall.' (1) Obtain a written appraisal, prepared by a professional land appraiser acceptable to the City, of the value of the Lands, as of the day before the issuance of the permit, and (2) Pay the sum equal to 5% of the appraised value, which sum shall be provided in the form of cash or certified cheque, and which sum the City shall accept in full satisfaction of the Owner's obligation to provide parkland. 3. SR&R disputes the amount that staff have calculated to be payable in lieu of parkland conveyance (the "parkland amount") in relation to the redevelopment of the Lands. Pending a resolution of the issue, staff agreed to process up to 110 building permits for the townhouse units on the Lands (areas zoned SA-8, SA-LW and MO-H6 on Attachment #2) on the condition that SR&R paid $200,000 to the City to be applied against whatever amount Council determines should be paid. SR&R also agreed to provide the City with an appraisal showing the current market value of both the commercial and residential components of the Lands. Attachment #3 to this report is a copy of a letter dated February 29, 2008 confirming this agreement. Report PO 36-08 October 6, 2008 Subject: S.R.&R. Bay Ridges Ltd. - Parkland Conveyance Page 3 r'~ ) 4. SR&R has provided two appraisals dated March 17, 2008 and July 24, 2008. The March 17, 2008 appraisal indicates that the market value of the Lands is $12,765,000. The July 24,2008 appraisal indicates that the market value of the commercial portion of the Lands is $2,100,000. Therefore the residential portion of the Lands is $10,665,000. 5. The first building permits were issued on March 13, 2008. 6. By letter dated June 18, 2008 from SR&R's lawyer (William Friedman) to the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer (see Attachment #4), SR&R has set out its position on the issue of parkland dedication. SR&R has clarified that its offer is to pay the City a total of $150,000 in lieu of parkland; in addition to the costs it will incur to implement improvements in the buffer lands and the ravine stewardship plan. Consequently, SR&R requests that it be reimbursed $50,000 of the $200,000 payment already made to the City. 7. The laws, by-laws and policies relevant to the calculation of the parkland amount are as follows: (a) Section 42 of the Planning Act (extracts in Attachment #5); (b) Section 15.28 of the Pickering Official Plan (Attachment #6); and (c) City Parkland By-law 5373/98 (Attachment #7). 8. The City has recently received applications from SR&R to amend the City's Official Plan and zoning by-laws to facilitate the redevelopment of the former 'Square Boy Plaza' lands. If these applications are approved, SR&R will be required to pay a further parkland amount. 2.0 Discussion: Staff's responses to each of the points raised in Mr. Friedman's letter dated June 18, 2008 as well as two other arguments that SR&R has previously put forward in relation to this issue are set out below. Valley Land and Buffer Land Contributions SR&R Position 1. "Bay Ridges has conveyed to the City 4.94 acres, the Buffer Lands, for park or public recreation purposes. This represents the entire 5% required to be conveyed for Parkland. II 2. "In addition Bay Ridges has been required to convey an area equal to 1.505 acres. This area is known as the valley lands. II Report PO 36-08 October 6,2008 Subject: S.R.&R. Bay Ridges Ltd. - Parkland Conveyance Page 4 / .: ~) Staff Response In accordance with the registered Development Agreement, SR&R conveyed Part 2 (517.88 m\ Part 3 (139.50 m\ Part 4 (48.44 m2) and Part 6 (1,287.41 m2) on Plan 40R-25170 for Buffer Lands. These parts total 0.1993 hectares or 0.492 acres, not 4.94 acres. The valley lands total 1.505 acres. Therefore, SR&R has conveyed just under two acres of land for such purposes. The buffer lands and valley lands are shown separately on Attachment #1. They are shown together as the area zoned OS-HL in Attachment #2. The conveyance of the buffer lands into public ownership is a requirement of the TRCA and is necessary for the protection of the natural heritage system. Buffer lands constitute an integral component of the natural heritage system. They provide space for the protection and ecological function of valley lands. The City does not accept valley lands, environmental buffer areas, or other lands unsuitable for park development as parkland dedication. This policy is outlined in the City's Official Plan (section 15.28(c)) and this approach has been upheld by the Ontario Municipal Board (K.p. Isberg Construction v. Toronto (City) (2007), 56 O.M.B.R. 418). Conveyance of environmental buffer areas to public authorities has become common in development approval processes. For example, the Environmental Servicing Plan for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood has identified significant buffer areas beyond the physical top-of-bank of the Ganatsekiagon Creek that must be conveyed to an appropriate public authority through the development approvals process. While these buffers are beyond the physical top-of-bank of valley systems, they are considered part of the ecological function of the natural heritage system and are therefore contained outside of the development area. These buffer lands will not be considered as parkland conveyance or as any amount payable in lieu of such conveyance. If they were to be accepted as parkland in fulfillment of Planning Act dedication requirements, the City would not be able to secure sufficient lands for its active neighbourhood parks without purchasing such lands at market value and passing this cost on to the taxpayer. Consequently, qualifying buffer lands as parkland conveyance in fulfillment of Planning Act requirements would have serious implications on the City's parks program. Ravine Stewardship Plan SR&R Position 3. "Bay Ridges has also agreed to provide a three year Ravine Stewardship Plan for the Valley lands at a cost of $50, 000. 00" Report PD 36-08 October 6,2008 Subject: S.R.&R. Bay Ridges Ltd. - Parkland Conveyance Page 5 c__ / Staff Response The Development Agreement requires that SR&R secure $36,000.00 (not $50,000.00), which represents 100% of the anticipated cost of preparing and implementing the Ravine Stewardship Plan. TRCA required that SR&R fund the cost of the Plan as a condition of site plan approval (see letter from TRCA dated July 3, 2007 - Attachment #8). The value of the Ravine Stewardship Plan ($36,000.00) was determined by TRCA. This TRCA requirement has nothing whatsoever to do with the City's requirements for parkland dedication. While the Stewardship Plan is an initiative in support of environmental responsibility and is commendable, the cost of such program initiatives should not be credited against parkland amounts. Site Plan Improvements SR&R Position 4. "Bay Ridges has agreed to make certain improvements to the Buffer Lands conveyed to the City at a cost of $46, 000, 00. " Staff Response SR&R has agreed to make certain improvements to the buffer lands as a condition of site plan approval. Staff cannot determine if the cost estimate of $46,000 is accurate without more detailed information from SR&R. Site improvements are a standard requirement for any major development in the City of Pickering. They can be on private property and/or on public property (i.e. boulevard planting; pedestrian connections to existing sidewalks). As a condition of the City's approval of the site plan for this redevelopment and with the approval of TRCA, SR&R was required to construct a walkway within a section of the Douglas Ravine buffer area. Certain landscaping features have been incorporated into the walkway design. The costs associated with these site improvements are part of the overall site development requirements. The City does not credit the cost of improvements like these against parkland dedication requirements. Previous Parkland Dedications SR&R Position 5. "Bay Ridges is entitled to (sic) pursuant to Section 42(9) of the Planning Act to a credit for any amounts previously conveyed with respect to the Lands for park or other recreational purposes or paid in lieu thereof" ~~'""..",......,,..__,.,..,,,,,~_",-&>__,,^,,",';,,,,,,,~._,,~-...,,,,... 4."l'~&'~~~~_,~ Report PD 36-08 October 6, 2008 Subj~ct: S.R.&R. Bay Ridges Ltd. - Parkland Conveyance " tl Page 6 Staff Response Staff have reviewed all development agreements and subdivision agreements relating to the Lands and most of the lands that make up the communities of Bay Ridges and West Shore. We did not find any evidence of any parkland dedications in relation to the Lands. In fact, staff did not find any parkland dedications relating to any commercial lands in either the Bay Ridges community or the West Shore community. Staff did, however, locate several parkland dedications and cash-in-lieu contributions in relation to residential development in these communities. For example, a combination of parkland and cash-in-lieu was given to the City to facilitate the construction of the East Shore Community Centre as a condition of the development of all three of the residential condominium projects located immediately south of the Bay Ridges Plaza (agreements were dated February 12, 1969 and December 30, 1970). Consistent with the City's current parkland policy, staff are not aware of any situation in which the City has taken parkland or cash-in-lieu for any commercial development (including the Bay Ridges Plaza). Based on the foregoing, it is staff's opinion that no credit is available to SR&R pursuant to subsection 42(9) of the Planning Act. Commercial Component Credit SR&R Position 6. "Bay Ridges is entitled to a credit for the value of the commercial component of the development. This is estimated as follows: a) Total commerciallretail space is 24,721 sq. ft and ass,uming a typical yield from commercial land of 27%, then the total acreage required to develop and build this amount of commerciallretail space would be 89,892 sq. ft or 2.063 acres. b) Land for commercial purposes in Pickering is worth $800,000 to $1,100,000. And by taking the mid-point of say 950,000 the land required to build this amount of commerciallretail would be $1,959,850. c) Therefore (sic) the residual land value of the commerciallretail space that will be built amounts to $1,959,850 and should be deducted from any values before calculating the 5% in lieu. " ..._----""-~~....~,,~~,,"'" . Report PO 36-08 October 6,2008 Subject: S.R.&R. Bay Ridges Ltd. - Parkland Conveyance Page 7 9 Staff Response Staff agree that the base figure used to calculate the parkland amount should be reduced to reflect the fact that a portion of the development is commercial. In fact, City staff made SR&R aware of the need to make this adjustment to the parkland amount at a meeting held on February 27, 2008 and committed in writing to make the adjustment based on an appraisal from a qualified land appraiser (see Attachment #3). This approach ensures that SR&R's parkland amount is calculated in a manner consistent with Section 3 of the City's Parkland By-law (see Attachment #7) which provides that parkland conveyance is not required as a condition of any development or redevelopment of land for commercial or industrial purposes. In the opinion of staff, the City should not rely upon the calculations in Mr. Freidman's letter dated June 18, 2008. Instead, the proper figure to use is the appraiser's estimate of the value of the commercial portion of the Lands ($2,100,000). Accordingly, the figure used to calculate the parkland amount is $10,665,000 which represents the difference between the appraised value of the Lands ($12,765,000) less the appraised value of the commercial portion of the Lands ($2,100,000). Purchase Price v. Market Value SR&R Position In discussions with staff, SR&R representatives have repeatedly argued that the parkland amount should be calculated based on the price it paid to purchase the Lands. They feel that City staff previously advised them of this. SR&R purchased the Lands on July 29, 2005 for $6,333,000. If the initial purchase price was accepted as representing land value, SR&R would be required to pay 5% of $6,333,000 or $316,650 as its parkland dedication. Staff Response In the opinion of staff, for the purpose of calculating the parkland amount, the value of the Lands should be determined as of the day before the first permit was issued (March 13, 2008) and not as of the date that SR&R purchased the Lands. This is what is explicitly provided for in subsection 42(6.4) of the Planning Act and section 5 of Schedule C of the Development Agreement between SR&R and the City. In fact, it is only as a result of the rezoninq of the Lands (which happened after the Lands were purchased) that the City acquired the leqal authority to collect a parkland amount (see subsection 42(7) of the Planninq Act). Report PO 36-08 October 6,2008 Subject: S.R.&R. Bay Ridges Ltd. - Parkland Conveyance . ('\ "'1 I' Page 8 Staff have previously used a developer's purchase price as the basis to calculate a parkland amount, but only where (a) the payment was made within 1 year of the date that the property being developed or redeveloped was purchased and there was no reason to believe that the property value had materially increased; and (b) there had not been any intervening change in land use or increase in the density for the site. This is done to save the developer an unnecessary expense. The City does not use a developer's purchase price to calculate a parkland amount where there has been an intervening change in land use or increase in density. Tot Lot SR&R Position In discussions with staff, SR&R representatives have argued that the parkland amount should be reduced because they are providing a tot lot on the Lands. Staff Response A tot lot is being constructed on the Lands. It is an important component of the condominium project. With developments that produce the density that is planned at this site, there is always a need for outdoor amenity space, and specifically an area for children's play facilities. This is a common City requirement for any residential development of this nature and it represents an important site design component. The tot lot is located on private property for the use of the residents of the condominium project. The City does not credit the cost of a site improvement like this against parkland dedication requirements. 3.0 Conclusion: As discussed above, SR&R already received the benefit of a significantly lower parkland amount when Council elected not to require land or cash-in-lieu of land at a rate of up to 1 hectare for each 300 dwelling units in the development. SR&R will also receive the benefit of a deduction in the amount payable to reflect the fact that a portion of the redevelopment is commercial. In the opinion of staff, there are no other reduction options or credits available under the Planning Act, the City's Official Plan or the Parkland By-law. Accordingly, it is staff's position that the proper parkland amount in relation to the redevelopment of the Lands is 5% of the appraised market value of the residential portion of the Lands as of the day before the first permit was issued. The amount payable should therefore be 5% of $10,665,000 or $533,250. Report PO 36-08 October 6, 2008 Subject: S.R.&R. Bay Ridges Ltd. - Parkland Conveyance Page 9 ) "I Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Schedule II to By-law 6705/06 as amended by By-law 6786/07 3. Letter dated February 29, 2008 from City Solicitor to William Friedman 4. Letter dated June 18, 2008 from William Friedman to the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer 5. Extracts from Section 42 of the Planning Act 6. Section 15.28 of the Pickering Official Plan 7. City Parkland By-law 5373/98 8. Letter dated July 3, 2007 from TRCA to Tyler Barnett Report PD 36-08 October 6,2008 Subject: S.R.&R. Bay Ridges Ltd. - Parkland Conveyance ') .' of:- Page 10 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: R~~CI;;? Principal Planner - Development Review c..-- T mas J. Qui Chief Administ tive Officer Approved/Endorsed By: Neil Carr Director, Panning & Development Approved/Endorsed By: c--' _--~Jz'''-~.' -Gillis Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Evere unts Director, Operations & Emergency Services Approved/Endorsed By: ~L(~ Andrew C. Allison City Solicitor RP:jf Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering CitY.: Cou cil ,/ !! J Fl ",~"",'o,C""""''-_''''~~.<i<e:~..';_,., -~ ~,Jf PJf . ~- _1"\0 '~"-""""'_'i:'<."~,_="",~>""_,_,,,, 40\ 'r\IG'r\\fII/>':'{ w > (Y o (f) Z I- (Y <C 2 I- (f) RADOM STREET City of Pickering Planning & Development Department D ~ ~ DEVELOPMENT SITE-7.823 acres (3.166 ha) VALLEY LAND BUFFER-0.492 acres (0.1993 ha) DATE: AUG. 26, 2008 l' VALLEY LAND-1.505 acres (0.6091 ha) Dote Sources: e Teronet Ent<ftrprises Inc. Qnd its suppliers. All rights Re!Served. Not a plan of survey. C 2005 MPAC and its suppliers. All rights RS!Jerved. Not 0 plan of Survey. ~ ': ~ , J#_~~TO ~' PD ... ~ - Qe.__....__ ) 4 40\ \-\\G\-\\f'J f'.,'{ c.~.~. -, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ RH-MU-2 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ j------- w > 25 3: ...J I <( WAYFARER en LANE MD-H6 / / / ~lbS-HL 01 I I I ! SA-8 UJ z f= BUILD- TO-ZONE I / cr: fZZJ <( / 2 ENVELdPE BUILDING ( l r-: I UJ --- I "'-- '\ ~ RADOM STREET I '\ - SCHEDULE ]I TO BY-LAW 6705/06 AMENDED BY BY-LAW 6786/07 PASSED THIS 23,d DAYOF JULY 2007 l' IV ORIGINAL SIGNED BY MAYOR - DAVID RYAN ORIGINAL SIGNED BY CITY CLERK - DEBI A. BENTLEY . -~ , ,.; C't Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Canada L1 V 6K7 Direct Access 905.420.4660 Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 cityofpickering.com eif,! 0# ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Legal Services Division 905.420.4626 Facsimile 905.420.3534 legal@city.pickering.on.ca r-' ) ,J February 29, 2008 William Friedman Barrister & Solicitor 3550 Victoria Park Avenue Suite 110 Toronto, ON M2H 2N5 Subject: SR&R Bay Ridges Ltd. - File: L-3210-001-06 I can confirm that the City is prepared to issue up to 110 building permits for single attached units on lands zoned SA-LW, MD-H6 and SA-8 within the property legally described as Parts 1, 5 and 7 on Plan 40R-25170 (the "Property") provided, (a) all requirements relating to the issuance of building permits of the City's Chief Building Official are met; and (b) SR&R Bay Ridges Ltd. ("SR&R) pays $200,000.00 to the City to be applied towards the amount owed by SR&R in lieu of parkland dedication. I can also confirm that City staff, if requested by SR&R, will prepare a report for consideration by Council at its meeting on March 25, 2008 seeking direction on the total amount payable in lieu of parkland dedication provided, (a) SR&R has conveyed the valley lands legally described as Parts 12, 13, 14 (save and except Part 3 on Plan 40R-25170), 15 and 16 on Plan 40R- 24800 to the City free and clear of all encumbrances save and except the encumbrances set out in Schedule A attached; (b) SR&R has provided a certified appraisal showing the current market value of both the commercial and residential components of the Property; and (c) SR&R agrees to remit whatever amount Council determines to be the appropriate amount payable in lieu of parkland dedication (less the )6 SR&R Bay Ridges Ltd. February 29, 2008 -. ;; .? (:,- c:-: , - t.' Page 2 $200,000.00 already paid) forthwith after Council's decision subject however to any rights of appeal to the OMB. Finally, I can confirm thatlhe commercial component of the market value of the Property will be deducted from lhe overall market value for the purpose of calculating the amount owed in lieu of parkland dedication. If these conditions are acceptable to your clien!. please sign and forward to my office the enclosed copy of this lelter. Yours truly 44(.* Andrew C. Allison Cily Solicitor ACA:ks Altachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Planning & Development Manager, Development Review Supervisor, Property & Development Services Senior Planner - Site Planning SR&R Bay Ridges Ltd, agrees to the conditions set oul in this letter. !"I 7>>d8 Dated: I.{ b~ 2f!, /"l A TT ACHMENl # :'" TO '-PORT (J PD.~' ,," :-' . 7 Schedule "A" ]. The reservations, limitations, provisions and conditions expressed in the original grant from the Crown and all unregistered rights, interests and privileges in favour of the Crown under or pursuant to any applicable statute or regulation. 2 Liens for taxes, local improvements, assessments or governmental charges or levies not at the time due or delinquent. 3 Zoning restrictions, restrictions on the use of the Lands. 4. Any unregistered right-of-way, watercourse, rights-of.water or other easements not disclosed by the registered title :lJ1d the survey, if any, provided to us and any defects in or omissions disclosed by the survey. 5. Any subdivision, servicing, development, engineering, site plan, performance agreement or other similar agreement with a municipal or other public authority. 6. All applicable governmental orders, laws, by-laws and regulations. 7. The reservations, limitations, conditions and exceptions to title set out in the Land Titles Act (Ontario), 8 Part Lot Control By-Law registered March 7, 1961 as Instrument No. LTC 2527; , r 'c., ..... q "(0 \'iljiLJII,"',-,\lI;t.,__,_,,>~- . .... .. .; I. (.~ ~. . ""R. f :': ,) . ~~ ,., .....~. f '.," ., .. '_'_. (~ C WILLIAM FRIEDMAN B.eL., L.L.B Barrister & Solicitor 150 Ferrand Drive, Suite 802 Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3C 3E5 Tel: 416-496-3340 Fax: 416-497-3809 E-mail: ~IQl:Qia By Email 2paterson(iiJcitv.pickerine.on.ca By Courier June 18,2008 Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer The Corporation of the City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario, Canada LlV 6K7 Dear Sir: Re: Parkland Dedication - SR & R Bay Ridges-Mixed Use Development 1215-1235 Bayly Stree4 Pickering, Ontario Pursuant to Section 42(1) of the Planning Act (the "Act"), the council of the City of Pickering as a condition of development or redevelopment of land may require that land in an amount not exceeding 2%, in case of a commercial or industrial development or redevelopment and in all other cases 5% of land be conveyed to the municipality for park or other recreational purposes. Section 42(6) of the Act permits the City to require payment of money to the value of the land otherwise required to be conveyed in lieu of a conveyance. DETERMINATION OF V AWE Pursuant to the Planning Act the value of the land shall be determined as of the day before the day the building permit is issued in respect of the development or redevelopment or if more than one permit is required on the day before the day the first permit is issued. Section 42(9) of the Act then provides that in the case where land has been previously conveyed for park or recreational purposes or a payment of money has previously been made in lieu a conveyance and the land was originally proposed for commercial or " IffTACHlvd::i'JH'_ l TO nEPOR11 PD_ ~ ~, ,,:~ (, h .. 2 industrial purpose and has now been proposed for another purpose then the land previously conveyed or money previously paid shall be included in detennining the amount of land or money required to be conveyed or paid in connection with the new development or redevelopment. Accordingly this section requires the City to credit the amount of previous payment or conveyance against what is now to be paid or conveyed. 9 If there is a dispute as to value of the land or as to the credit for previous payment then the matter can be brought before the OMB. POSITION OF SR& R BAY RIDGES LTD. Bay Ridges takes the position that: I. Bay Ridges has conveyed to the City 4.94 acres, the Buffer Lands, for park or public recreational purposes. This represents almost the entire 5% required to be conveyed for Parkland. 2. In addition Bay Ridges has been required to convey an area equal to 1.505 acres. This area known as the valley lands. 3. Bay Ridges has also agreed to provide a three (3) year Ravine Stewardship Plan for the Valley lands at a cost of $50,000.00 4. Bay Ridges has agreed to make certain improvements to the Buffer Lands conveyed to the City at a cost of $46,000. 5. Bay Ridges is entitled to pursuant to Section 42(9) of the Planning Act to a credit for any amounts previously conveyed with respect to the Lands for park or other recreational purposes or paid in lieu thereof 6. Bay Ridges is entitled to a credit for the value of the commercial component of the development. This is estimated as follows: a) Total commerciaVretail space is 24,271 and assuming a typical yield from commercial land of 27%, then the total acreage required to develop and build this amount of commerciaVretail space would be 89,892 sq. ft. or 2.063 acres. b) Land for commercial purposes in Pickering is worth $800,000 to $1,100,000. and by taking the mid-point of say $950,000 the land required to build this amount of commerciaVretail would be $1,959,850 c) Therefor the residual land value of the commercial/retail space that will be built amounts to $1,959,850 and should be deducted from any values before calculating the 5% in lieu. The value of the lands as at the issue of the first building pennit was detennined by appraisal to be $12,800,000. Five (5%) percent thereof is $640,000.00. Based on the foregoing it would appear that no further sum is owed or needs to be conveyed to the ~ i i i:.(...n ," 1 ~-:--.,. ~Q ~.,c y, uO City. Moreover an argument can be made that Bay Ridges has conveyed and/or paid an amount in excess of what it is required to conveyor pay under the Planning Act. Rather than enter into a prolonged dispute resolution process, Bay Ridges is prepared to resolve the issue relating to the parkland conveyance by pa~ng an additional amount of $ I 50,000.00. It is more than a reasonable amount given the various credits noted above to which Bay Ridges believes it would otherwise be entitled. cc. Mayor Dave Ryan Councillors Bonnie Littley, Bill McLean, Rick Jolmson, Jennifer O'Connell, Doug Dickerson, David Pickles r.Tj-....~' . ."-_" !lTT ACf-i.\'lEiH # -;'r'\rrr _!~ ,- "), S rTQ ''1 / \. <7 ~...L'D1:. I~ 1 .1 Conveyance of land for park purposes 42. (1) As a condition of development or redevelopment of land, the council of a local municipality may, by by-law applicable to the whole municipality or to any defined area or areas thereof, require that land in an amount not exceeding, in the case of land proposed for development or redevelopment for commercial or industrial purposes, 2 per cent and in all other cases 5 per cent of the land be conveyed to the municipality for park or other public recreational purposes. Alternative requirement rn Subject to subsection (4), as an alternative to requiring the conveyance provided for in subsection (1), in the case of land proposed for development or redevelopment for residential purposes, the by-law may require that land be conveyed to the municipality for park or other public recreational purposes at a rate of one hectare for each 300 dwelling units proposed or at such lesser rate as may be specified in the by-law. Official plan requirement ill The alternative requirement authorized by subsection (3) may not be provided for in a by-law passed under this section unless there is an official plan in effect in the local municipality that contains specific policies dealing with the provision of lands for park or other public recreational purposes and the use of the alternative requirement. Payment instead of conveyance lID The council of a local municipality may require the payment of money to the value of the land otherwise required to be conveyed under this section in lieu of the conveyance. No building without payment @JJ If a payment is required under subsection (6), no person shall construct a building on the land proposed for development or redevelopment unless the payment has been made or arrangements for the payment that are satisfactory to the council have been made. Determination of value (6.4) For the purposes of subsections (6) and (6.2), the value of the land shall be determined as of the day before the day the building permit is issued in respect of the development or redevelopment or, if more than one building permit is required for the development or redevelopment, as of the day before the day the first permit is issued. Where land conveyed ill If land has been conveyed or is required to be conveyed to a municipality for park or other public purposes or a payment of money in lieu of such conveyance has been received by the municipality or is owing to it under this section or a condition imposed under section 51.1 or 53, no additional conveyance or payment in respect of the land subject to the earlier conveyance or payment may be required by a municipality in respect of subsequent development or redevelopment unless, AnACHMENT , 5 TO '1 F r,.' REPORT , PO '> C, . L ,"; 2a) there is a change in the proposed development or redevelopment which .. would increase the density of development; or (b) land originally proposed for development or redevelopment for commercial or industrial purposes is now proposed for development or redevelopment for other purposes. Changes fill If there is a change under clause (7) (a) or (b), the land that has been conveyed or is required to be conveyed or the payment of money that has been received or that is owing, as the case may be, shall be included in determining the amount of land or payment of money in lieu of it that may subsequently be required under this section on the development, further development or redevelopment of the lands or part of them in respect of which the original conveyance or payment was made. . Disputes .l1.QJ. In the event of a dispute between a municipality and an owner of land on the value of land determined under subsection (6.4), either party may apply to the Municipal Board to have the value determined and the Board shall, in accordance as nearly as may be with the Expropriations Act, determine the value of the land and, if a payment has been made under protest under subsection (12), the Board may order that a refund be made to the owner. Same ll.1} In the event of a dispute between a municipality and an owner of land as to the amount of land or payment of money that may be required under subsection (9), either party may apply to the Municipal Board and the Board shall make a final determination of the matter. Payment under protest 012 If there is a dispute between a municipality and the owner of land under subsection (10), the owner may pay the amount required by the municipality under protest and shall make an application to the Municipal Board under subsection (10) within 30 days of the payment of the amount. Notice f.1J2 If an owner of land makes a payment under protest and an application to the Mu'nicipal Board under subsection (12), the owner shall give notice of the application to the municipality within 15 days after the application is made. ATTACHMENT I REPORT I PO l' _ JD '-' ". ~) '1' '? (< Enabling Policies This section of the Plan provides policies that outline how the City will obtain its park land through development applications, and how road widenings will be secured. (a) shall as a condition of residential development, and may as a condition of other development, except for the uses described in (b), (i) require the conveyance of land to the municipality for park or other public recreational purposes in an amount not exceeding 5% of the proposed land to be developed; (ii) may, as an alternative to requiring conveyance of land as provided for in (i) above, in 'the High Density Residential Areas and Mixed Use Areas, require land to be conveyed for park or other public recreational purposes at a rate of up to one hectare for each 300 dwelling units proposed, whichever is greater; and (iii) may, in lieu of a portion or all of the land conveyance stipulated by (i) or (ii) above, require the payment of money to the value of the land that would otherwise be required to be conveyed for park purposes; (b) may, as a condition of commercial or industrial development, (i) require the conveyance of land to the municipality for park or other public recreational purposes in an amount not exceeding 2% of the proposed land to be developed; and (ii) may, in lieu of a portion or all of the land conveyance stipulated by (i) above, require the payment of money to the value of the land that would otherwise be required to be conveyed for park purposes; and CITY POLICY Parkland: Conveyance of Land for Park or Other Public Recreational Purpose.! 15.28 City Council, 'If\f\ 4 lITTM'll'\ '" >,> '1" / N fO\tJi.~,/j;.~!;J {},~-._~~~.,""""..,..TO 'I>> > >1 '-,> l - () t, CITY POLICY Parkland: Conveyance of Land]or Park or Other Public Recreational Purpom (cont'd) (c) shall not accept as parkland conveyance lands required for drainage; val1ey and stream corridor or shoreline protection purposes; lands susceptible to flooding; steep val1ey slopes; hazard lands; lands required to be _ conveyed to a public agency other than the City of Pickering; and other lands unsuitable for park development. CITY POLICY Road Widening! 15.29 City Council shal1 secure, at no charge to the municipality, the right-of-way widths in accordance with section 4.10 for roads shown on Schedule II, through the subdivision, land severance and/or site plan control process, and/or through development agreements, and/or by dedication or conveyance, subject to, (a) exact right-of-way widths being determined at the time of development, considering the proposed land use, intensity of development, road function, cultural and heritage features of the area, and development guidelines prepared for Detailed Review Areas; and (b) road widenings being taken equally from both sides of the road measured from the centreline, except in areas where special circumstances exist (such as areas containing unusual soil, topographic or other environmental features; 'areas where existing buildings or structures warrant protection; and where jog-eliminations are proposed at intersections), which circumstances require that more of the required road widening is taken from one side than the other. PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 4: Chapter Fifteen -- Development Review 301 Ii TT ACHMENT I REPORT # PO 7 TO ~~-OS r- ') j THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 5373/98 Being a by-law to require the conveyance of land for park or other public recreational purposes as a condition of development or redevelopment, or the subdivision oflands. WHEREAS sections 42, 51.1, 51(25) and 53 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.l3 provide that the Council of a local municipality may by by-law require that land be conveyed to the municipality for park or other public recreational purposes as a condition of development or redevelopment or the subdivision of lands; WHEREAS sections 42 and 51.1 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.l3, provide for an alternate parkland rate of one hectare for each 300 dwelling units proposed for development provided the municipality has an official plan that contains specific policies dealing with the provision of lands for park or other public recreational purposes at such a rate; WHEREAS the Official Plan of the Town of Pickering contains specific policies dealing with the provision of lands for park or other public recreation purposes at the conveyance rates referred to in the Planning Act; WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering wishes to use these provisions to further the acquisition of lands for parks or other public recreational purposes. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. F or the purposes of interpretation of this by-law, the following definitions shall apply: (a) "Development" means the construction, erection or placing of one or more buildings or structures on land or the making of an addition or alteration to a building or structure that has the effect of substantially increasing the size or usability thereof; and (b) "Redevelopment" has the same meaning as Development. (c) "Subdivision" means the process referred to in section 50 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.B. 2. This By-law shall apply to the whole of the Town ofPickering. 3. As a condition of development or redevelopment of lands for any purpose other than commercial or industrial purposes, Council shall require that land be conveyed to the Town, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, for park or other public recreational purposes in the amount offive percent (5%) of the land proposed for such development. 4. As a condition of subdivision of lands for any purpose other than commercial or industrial purposes, Council shall require that land be conveyed to the Town, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, for park or other public recreational purposes in the amount of five percent (5%) of the land proposed for such development. 5. As an alternative to sections 3 and 4 above, as a condition of development or redevelopment or in the case of subdivision of land as a condition of approval of 6 '1"1 M'(~' 'P''1 Jil 7 "I' g.t . . .K\,.I! i)-J.1,T,]:, tf., _ . _ . .'__ g 0 Pff<j;:rr it PD~~,~.. ge sudivision of lands for development in the High Density Residential Areas and Mixed Use Areas in accordance with the Town of Pickering Official Plan, Council may require that land be conveyed to the Town for park or other public recreational purposes at a rate of one hectare for each 300 dwelling units proposed. However, in no case shall the parkland dedication be less than that required in sections 3 and 4 above. 6. As an alternative to sections 3, 4 and 5 above, Council may require the payment of money equal to the value of any land otherwise to be conveyed under this by-law, or such combination of land and money as Council may require. 7. This By-law shall at all times be subject to the provisions of sections 42, 51.1, 51 (25) and 53 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.l3, as amended from time to time, or any successor thereto. 8. By-Law No. 4152/93 of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering being a by-law "To require that land be conveyed to the Town for park or other public recreations purposes as a condition of development or redevelopment anywhere in the Town", is hereby repealed. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this; 8th day of Septe1Per, 1998. wayn'7'Ma~ Bruce Taylor, Clerk TOWNCF Plc;.<~=rn:~G r:~.CJ;,lJll'Wil ,r;:lWv LE(-:.~'",. DE,:~T. I, '" )Conservifuon for The Living City July3,2007 RECEIVED 7 CFN 38686.01 XREF CFN 39234 VIA E.MAIL AND MAIL JUl 1 0 2007 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Tyler Barnett Planning and Development Department City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON ,L 1V 6K7 Re: Site Plan Application No. 502/07 . 1215 -1235 Bayly Street (San Francisco by the Bay, Bay Ridges Piaza) City of Pickering S. R. & R. Bay Ridges Limited Dear Mr. Barnett: Thank you for the opportunity to review the second Site Plan application submission. We have reviewed the fol/owing documents: . Drawing Nos. SP-01 to SP-04, prepared by Kirkor Architects, dated Apri/4, 2007, Revision No.3, revised April 9, 2007, receivedon May 8,2007; . SWM Report, prepared by Sernas, dated May 8, 2001, received May 14, 2007; . Drawing No. GEO-1, Pine Creek Bank Stabilization and outfall Channel Design, prepared by Sernas, dated May 2001; . Drawing No. SD-1, Site Drainage Area Plan, prepared by Sernas, dated October 2006; . Drawing No. SG-1, Site Grading Plan. prepared by Sernas, dated October 2006; . Drawing No. SS-1, Site Servicing Plan, prepared by Sernas, dated October 2006; . Drawing No. ERS-1, Erosion/Sediment Control Plan, prepared by Sernas, dated October 2006; and . . . Drawing Nos. L-1 to L-l, prepared by James McWilliam Land~cape Architect, dated March 2001, Revision 3, revised April 5, 2007, receiv~d on May 8,2007. We offei the fo!lo't:ing comments. . Slope Stability 1. Theproposed outfall and limits of development are satisfactory with respect to slope stability. Stormwater Ma.nagemimt 2. Please provide confirmation whether the proposed future development was taken into account for total imperviousness calculation qnd Visual Otthymo calculation for total contribution from Catchment 116. Please provide a summary of the total area and percent imperviousness of the existing, proposed and future development. Please. provide an electronic copy of the . modified V02 model. Review of all details r~garding minor system flow, flow capacity and conveyance of on site flows through minor systems, and major overland flow conveyance is' deferred to City staff. . Confirmation should be provided via a copy of City comments that City staff has no concerns in this regard. F:\HOME\PUBLlCIDEVELOPMENT SERVICES\DURHAM REGIONIPICKERING\1215 - 1235 BA YL Y _ 4.DOC Member of Conservation Ontario ."..c:..... /~C.\ q l., ..;-. " \..,.(. . Tyler Barnett .2. July 3. 2007 3. Figure SD-1 shows that major overland flow is directed towards the valley wall on the east side of the property. Please be advised that TRCA policy does not support discharge of unattenuated concentrated major flow into the valley as shown in Drawing No. SG-1. Acceptable alternatives to the current proposal would include grading of the southeast corner of the site to provide temporary attenuation offlow and dispersal of flow into the valley wall through a level spreader or curb acting as a weir, or conveyance of major system flows via a pipe to an outfall located at the bottom of the valley wall. 4. Please describe the implications of site construction phasing on the function of the temporary pond and stormwater flow patterns on site, and confirm that the function of the pond will be maintained through all phases. . . 5. Please provide appropriate proposed contours of the pond and volume calculation on Drawing No. ERS-1. 6. The outlet of the pond is very close to the inlet of proposed temporary swale for proposed ponds on the east and west side, as shown on Drawing No. ERS-1. This will reduce retention time and then3fore affect the performance of the pond to effectively settle sediment. Please change the location of the inl~t of the temporary swale or orient the temporary pond so that there is sufficient travel time provided to the outlet of the pond. 7. Please note that the TRCA Erosion and Sediment Control Guideline require a minimum 48 hour drawdown time with minimum 75 mm orifice. Please provide calculation of the drawdown time. Further, an emergency spillway must be provided to safely pass the 100 year storm event and supporting calculations must be provided. Please provide a note on the plan stating sediment basin must be constructed prior to any construction activities except for topsoil stripping and grading operations associated with the construction of the ESC pond. All details and calculations regarding to the pond should confirm.to the TRCA Erosion and Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction, December 2006. The Guideline can be downloaded from www.sustainabletechnolooies.ca. 8. Please provide appropriate drawings to demonstrate erosion and sediment control measures that will be provided during construction of the temporary pond, site stripping and grading. outlet structures, stormwater pipes, sanitary sewer and manhole. Appropriate notes on construction staging, phasing, maintenance and good site practice should be provided. Additionally, erosion control and site stabilization will be required during and after construction of the 250 mm sanitary sewer in the valley. . 9. Please provide some spot elevations for the swafe on Drawing No. ESC-1, and provide. rational for temporary interceptor swale sizing calculation. It is preferred the swale conveys the "first flush" with majority of the sediment laden water directed to the temporary sediment control pond. A preliminary hydrologic calculation (rational method or V02) for an estimate of flows from a 15-25 mm storm event to confirm the flow that can.be conveyed through the temporary. interceptor channel. 10. Please provide the location of topsoil stockpile on Drawing No. ERS-1 or a separate drawing and provide heavy duty sediment fence at the perimeter of topsoil stockpile. Please provide details of the seeding or other stabilization measure for the topsoil stock pile. 11. The proposed outfall should join the watercourse at a flat angle and avoid the outside bend if possible. Pleas~ look into opportunities to orient the outfall, if possible, so that the outfall is F:IHOMEIPUBLlCIOEVELOPMENT SERVICESIOURHAM REGIONIPICKERING\1215 - 1235 BA YL Y _ 4.00C /, Tyler Barnett .-""" ~' :::.(.0 . 3 . Julv 3. 2007 9 south of the proposed location and intercepts the watercourse at a flatter angle. Please provide velocity calculations of all proposed erosion control treatment types. Please provide a note on Drawing No. GEO-1 to avoid disturbance to the low flow channel of the watercourse. Further, please indicate sediment control fence around the perimeter of the proposed cascade pool and modify "construction phasing" on Drawing No. GEO-1. . 12. Page 2 of the Stormwater Management Report states the infiltration trench will be able to handle all runoff to the 25 year design storm event and refers to an attached spreadsheet. Please forward this spreadsheet to TRCA staff Shahzad Khan bye-mail atskhan@trca.on.ca. The approximate 25 year storm runoff frOm a 600 sq. m roof is 22 cU.m where as the volume of the infiltration tre~ch is 14 cu m. It would appear that for a 25 year runoff capture the size of the infiltration trench should be larger; please explain this discrepancy. Further, please confirm whether roof flow control device will be provided for the building in front of Street G. 13. Further to the previous comment, it would appear that the infiltration facility could capture a greater total volume of rainfall if it received drainage from other parts of the site. For example, if the trench volume provided could capture runoff from up to the 25 mm storm over the entire site instead of the 25 year storm -runoff from a small portion, a much greater proportion of the total annual runoff from the site could be managed in this facility. 14. Please provide appropriate drawings and details to describe the configuration of the infiltration facility, including a typical cross-section. - . 15. It is not typical for an infiltration basin design to allow excess flows to surcharge to the ground through a catch basin and discharge overland. Typically, the overflow system is directly connected to the storm sewer if feasible; we recommend investigation of this alternative as most proponents have found this to be an improved design. Further the catch basin connected to the infiltration basin will allow runoff from the paved area to enter the basin which, if not the intent of the design, will decrease the lifespan and the performance of the facility due to poor water quality. 16. The City of Pickering has identified, in its ongoing Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan, that Pine Creek and Frenchman's Bay are highly degraded and will require dramatic water quality improvements to restore their ecological function. While the proponent should be recognized for providing an innovative infiltration facility as a component of their stormwater management strategy, this treats only a small portion of the site and additional measures should be provided to maximize erosion control and water quality treatment. While we note that oil/grit separators have been provided, it is our opinion that these typically do not achieve Level 1 water quality control in real-world conditions, which is supported by recent research and the evolving position of other municipalities such as the City of Toronto Qn OGS use. Please revise the stormwatermanagement strategy to include other measures in addition to OGS that will provide an additional degree of erosion control and waterquality treatment. Potential measures include parking lot bioswales and enh.anced drainage swales plus enhanced capture from the proposed infiltration facility, although there are many other measures that could be applied. Landscape Plans 17. A Ravine Stewardship Plan should be prepared for the valley slopes. The plan .should be prepared by a qualified Ecologist or Forestry specialist and include a plan and costing for staged removal of invasive species and replacement with native species over an appropriate time period. We recommend that the City hold a Letter of Credit for this work. . F:\HOME\PUBLlCIDEVELOPMENT SERVICES\DURHAM REGION\PICKERING\ 1215 - 1235 SA YL Y _ 4.DOC /7 --:.':":-t:::_ "\ i.., 1,...; . TIlL) Barnett - 4- July 3. 2007 18. Please replace sod in the majority of the 10 metre buffer with a native seed mix. A small strip of sod along the edge of the visitor parking area may be appropriate. We may have some minor adjustments to the species list and will respond shortly. We apologize for the delay. Conveyance of Valley Lands 19. The valley lands including the buffer should be conveyed to public ownership. This requirement may be included in the Site Plan Agreement. Sewer Connection 20. We are currently reviewing preliminary design for the proposed sanitary sewer crossing of the Pine Creek south of Radom Street, west of Douglas Avenue in Douglas Park. We understand this sewer connection is required to service the San Francisco by the Bay development. The existing sewer crossing, to be replaced, is located within an earthen embankment as it crosses the creek. The embankment itself is located on top of five corrugated steel pipe culverts. The culverts convey the Pine Creek and are perched at the downstream end. A pedestrian trail is located on the top of the embankment which connects Douglas Park to the townhouse complex at Radom Street. As currently proposed in the preliminary drawings, the new sewer line is to be constructed within the embankment, leaving the five culverts in place. Based upon our observations during a site visit on March 16, 2007, we note that the present preliminary proposal for the crossing (with the five culverts and embankment) has several significant ecological drawbacks: a. Hydraulics. Based upon our review of the profile of the Regional Storm Floodplain at this location, it is evident that there is a significant backwater behind the crossing due to the high embankment of this crossing as well as the Radom Street crossing. A more open crossing at this location could help to reduce the larger problem of the Pine Creek Floodplain upstream north of Highway 401. b. Fish Passage. The perched culverts are a barrier to fish passage and prevent any movement of fish upstream of this location. c. Erosion. The location of the culverts is causing significant undercutting of the embankment and erosion of the downstream banks of the Pine Creek. The culverts have created a large plunge pool downstream and have constrained the natural meander of the watercourse, preventing it from continuing to form naturally. d. Wildlife Passage. The culverts and embankment may impair wildlife passage along the Pine Creek valleylands. . e. Maintenance/Replacement. It appears that the upstream end of the culverts regularly becomes blocked with detritus flowing down the creek. A larger opening may reduce this. The CSP culverts will eventually require repair or replacement. In addition, the new sewer infrastructure ma"y be at risk from storm events. Therefore, it may be advantageous to avoid a future need to repair or replace the culverts with an improved design now. The proposed sanitary sewer improvements continue to utilize the present culvert/ embankment configuration of the crossing and do not resolve the issues identified above. New sewer infrastructure at this location using the present configuration precludes any improvement to the present situation in the near-term. Given this, we strongly encourage an alternate design be considered which would not utilize the culvert/embankment configuration F:\HOME\PUBLlC\DEVELOPMENT SERVICES\DURHAM REGION\PICKERING\ 1215 - 1235 BA YL Y _ 4.DOC ,'7 ATTACHMEN11,f; TO REPORlI, PO -.. ~ r c '7 Tyler Barnett -5~ Julv 3. 2007 / 1 but would allow for improvements to the watercourse and valleylands. For example, it may be possible to provide for a siphon underneath the creek or a new, wider, open-footed culvert. TRCA staff is more than willing to discuss this matter further with the Region, City and proponent in order to arrive at a satisfactory solution. ' TRCA Permit Requirements 21. The applicant has applied for an Ontario Regulation 166/06 permit for the development and new outfall. Upon final Site Plan approval, the applicant should submit three sets of the following drawings, revised as necessary. to TRCA: Drawing Nos. L-1, L-4 and L-7; Drawing Nos. GEO-1; ERS-1, SS-1, and SG-1. In addition, a permit application will be required for the sewer crossing downstream. Recommendation In light of the above, we have no objection to th~ approval of the Site Plan application subject to the owner addressing Comment Nos. 2 to 16, above, to TRCA satisfaction, and the Owner agreeing in the Site Plan Agreement to the following: ' 1. Owner to gratuitously convey the valleylands and buffer to the City of Pickering. 2. Owner to prepare and implement a Ravine Stewardship Plan for the valley slopes, to TRCA satisfaction. The Plan shall be prepared by a qualified Ecologist or Forestry specialist and include a plan and costing for staged removal of invasive species and replacement with native species over an appropriate time period. 3., Owner shall provide a Letter of Credit to the City of Pickering for 100% of the cost of the Ravine Stewardship Plan. , 4. Owner shall revise the Landscaping Plans to TRCA satisfaction. 5. Owner shall apply for and receive a TRCA permit under Ontario Regulation 166/06. We request that the applicant respond in a cover letter addressing each comment above by number. We trust this is satisfactory. PJ~ase feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. Sincerely, I(~ -r--- Steven H. Heuchert, MCIP, RPP, MRTPI Manager, Development Planning and Regulation Planning and Development Extension 5311 cc: Steven M. Warsh, Partner, S & R Developm'ent Group Limited (bye-mail) Stephen I. Fagyas, Commercial Focus Advisory Services Inc. (bye-mail) Bob Starr, City of Pickering (bye-mail) Peter Castellan, Region of Durham (bye-mail) F:\HOME\PUSLlC\DEVELOPMENT SERVICES\DURHAM REGIONIPICKERING\ 1215 - 1235 SA YL Y _ 4,DOC Cit'l (1~ REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2 Report Number: PD 39-08 Date: October 6,2008 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/07 Dalar Properties Limited. 1050 Squires Beach Road (Part of Lot 32 & Part of Block C, Plan M 1040) City of Pickering Recommendation: That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/07 submitted by Dalar Properties Limited, on lands being Part of Lot 32 & Part of Block C, Plan M 1040, City of Pickering, to amend the zoning of the subject property to add commercial recreational uses including a gymnastics facility, a dance studio, karate club and a soccer club, in addition to the currently permitted industrial uses be refused. Executive Summary: The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property, located on the northwest corner of Squires Beach Road and McKay Road to permit the establishment of commercial recreational uses, including a gymnastics facility, a dance studio, karate club and a soccer club, in addition to the currently permitted industrial uses (yard storage and heavy manufacturing). The applicant proposes to utilize the existing building, subject to site and building alterations/conversions to accommodate the requested commercial recreational uses. The Region is delegated review responsibility for compliance with Provincial Policy (matters of provincial interest applicable to the application) and has advised that the applicant's proposal does not comply with the Ministry of the Environment (MaE) Guideline D-2-Compatibility Between Sewage Treatment and Sensitive Land Uses recommended separation distance for residential or other sensitive land uses adjacent to sewage treatment facilities. The Region does not support the proposed commercial recreational uses at 1050 Squires Beach Road as this property is located within the recommended separation distance of the MOE Guideline D-2. In view of the Region's position on this matter, the proposed land use change is considered inappropriate for this location and it is recommended that the application be refused. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. Report PO 39-08 October 6,2008 Subject: Dalar Properties Limited (A 11/07) Page 2 i ~) Sustainability Implications: The applicant's proposal is aligned with the principle of adaptive reuse of buildings and utilization of existing buildings for additional purposes. Re-use of the site also takes advantage of existing infrastructure and retains an existing business within the City. However, as the proposed use is considered a sensitive land use under the MOE Guidelines and is within 150 metres of the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP), approval of the requested rezoning would not contribute to a healthy environment or represent responsible development. Background: 1.0 Introduction The owner of the property, Dalar Properties Limited proposes to develop the subject lands, located on the northwest corner of Squires Beach Road and McKay Road, to permit the establishment of commercial recreational uses, including a gymnastics facility, a dance studio, karate club and a soccer club, in addition to the currently permitted industrial uses (yard storage and heavy manufacturing, (see Location Map Attachment #1). The property currently supports an industrial building. The applicant proposes to utilize the existing building, subject to site and building alterations/conversions to accommodate the requested commercial recreational uses (see Applicant's Submitted Plan, Attachment #2) 2.0 Comments Received 2.1 At the January 7, 2008 Public Information Meeting No public comments were received at the Public Information Meeting (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #4 & #5). Report PO 39-08 October 6,2008 Subject: Dalar Properties Limited (A 11/07) 4 Page 3 2.2 Agency Comments Region of Durham a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was undertaken as a means of addressing the subsurface and ground water conditions on the site for environmental impact associated with a previous manufacturing facility; - the Phase II ESA indicates that the potential for significant contamination is considered low; - the ESA recommends environmental management be undertaken for the removal of a spill containment UST (Underground Storage Tank) and a hydraulic lift as well as the removal of all remaining drums of chemicals on the site; - a reliance letter and record of site condition is required; municipal water supply and sanitary sewer services are available to the subject property (see Attachment #6); - the proposed recreational uses are within the recommended separation distance requirements of the MOE Guideline D-2-Compatibiltiy Between Sewage Treatment and Sensitive Land Uses; - the Region does not support the proposed uses at 1050 Squires Beach Road (see Attachment #7); 3.0 Discussion 3.1 The proposed recreational use does not comply with the MOE Guideline D-2-Compatibiltiy between Sewage Treatment and Sensitive Land Uses The existing zoning for the subject property permits yard storage and heavy manufacturing uses. The applicant intends to convert the existing building to accommodate a gymnastics facility, a dance studio, karate club and a soccer club, in addition to the currently permitted industrial uses. The Region is delegated review responsibility to indentify matters of provincial interest. Report PD 39-08 October 6,2008 Subject: Dalar Properties Limited (A 11/07) Page 4 ) The subject property is situated within the recommended separation distance of the MOE Guideline D-2 pertaining to Sewage Treatment and Sensitive Land Uses. The proposed uses are considered to be a sensitive receptor due to the public congregation nature of a gymnastics facility. Consequently such uses should not be permitted to locate within 150 metres of the Water Pollution Control Plant (see Attachment #3) The proposed uses may be sensitive to objectionable noise and/or odours from the WPCP, and it is not appropriate to locate these new land uses within this area. Further, if complaints occurred from the users of the recreational facility the MOE may find the WPCP to be out of compliance with the Environmental Protection Act. The change in zoning to add the requested uses increases the potential for future problems for both the recreational users and for the WPCP. The Region has advised that it does not support the application due to the property's location adjacent to the WPCP and has also requested that the City consider an Official Plan Policy to address land uses in this area of the City. This request will be considered through the City's review of its Official Plan. 3.2 Site Alterations would be required to accommodate the use if it was permitted If the property was not located within the MOE 150 meter radius of the WPCP and complied with the MOE Guideline, several site function issues would need to be addressed to accommodate the proposed recreational uses. The site would need to be redesigned to separate recreational use traffic from manufacturing/industrial traffic. Several site plan revisions would be required to address safety and site functioning issues including lighting, parking location and number of spaces, on site traffic, fencing, improved front yard landscaping, grading and stormwater management and building alterations. Despite requests to the owner for conceptual site designs to address the functioning of the site, to date, staff have not received any drawings for review. 3.3 An Order To Comply has been issued for the building construction and change of use The building on the subject site was converted to a gymnastics facility without City approvals. On January 23, 2008 an Order to Comply, for construction and change of use of a building without a permit, was issued by the City. Since the Order has not been complied with, the City is pursuing legal action. Report PD 39-08 October 6, 2008 Subject: Dalar Properties Limited (A 11/07) , I, I ,1 6 Page 5 4.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant is aware of the contents of this report. Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2, Applicant's Conceptual Site Plan 3, 150 m Radius Map / WPCP 4. Text of Information Report No, 02-08 5. Minutes from January 7,2008 Statutory Public Information Meeting 6. Agency Comment - Region of Durham Planning Department - Jan. 8/08 7. Agency Comment - Region of Durham Planning Department - Feb. 20/08 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: ~~^ ,."..'-'- 'j ,f/// /-~/" ---- /J c/r Y;lCJ;~ {" t^- . Lynda Tayl r, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development eview L T: cs Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City ~~ncil / "....-L,,_TO ., q ,)1 . . ,;>,.,,..;:,..Q..-,,,._,.,. '7 0 <( 0 n:: w Z I 0 U J1 I <( n:: w w iD CL CL VJ 0 W u n:: ::J a VJ CLEME N S ROAD CLEMENTS ROAD L.= I ci z 0 0 <( 0 n:: I u L5 iD \ ~ C.N.R. VJ w n:: ~ :::J a (J1 ~ McKAY ROAD I '--- r McKAY ROAD SUBJECT ~ PROPERTY ~ '> City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PLAN Ml040, PT LOT 32,PT BLK C RP 40R.l0559 PART 5,6 l' OWNER DALAR PROPERTIES LTD. DATE NOV. 30, 2007 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. A 011/07 SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY RC l@oi-~r:~~{CE~~~HP,..j5el! Inc. o.nd it::t supplion,. All rights ROl'lervl'ld. Not 0 pion of survey. PN-4 2005 MPAC and its supplIers. All rights Regerved. Not 0 pion of Survey. , I q ~" D" , . -,-"-" '.r--- ',"- " ' ,", ',' ; ._Ipk'> ::P1c.~:t...IIL__~ r..".f...l..:t<; 1 E 1 <XlI (.) J wl I l~.._ , I "\ -I. '/'., "r\ ) "~I . l' 't, INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN A 011/07 - DALAR PROPERTIES LTD. I _.~.___._J......L..-.............-.-,__.---------<---+,-~__._~ r..... ~.7.7T -. ;'7,,'-A"-k:..kth..- j/n< < ..... ............ . . . {~_n .,,' /- -- /' _' . . ,f.' ~LLL ~..--I i/....-. ','T <"" l . ,.~~_ "'T';,_ F:l:~~-u' ~~' ".L, _ ,." ~.'1"-;:::t,.....~'..I, 115.3m McKAY ROAD TO AMEND THE ZONING TO ADD COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL USES, INCLUDING A GYMANSTICS FACILITY, A DANCE STUDIO, A KARATE CLUB, AND A SOCCER CLUB AS PERMITTED USES, ~ THiS M^P W^S PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICI(ERING PL^NNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFor1MATION SERViCES DIVISION M^PPING ,\ND DESIGN, SEPT. 17,2007. M",PH!1RSON COURT Water Pollution Control Plant ;::lAD MONTGOMERY ~ CO'N~ . C:::J ~~/ ~// / LA,!{E ONTAf<!O Citv of Pickerin Z;.~ (fj~ -f! ~ l!~ ~~i!J ,.,.,...~ .,..:"c.:..:t ;-,,,,1< 2~ ~ ~q&: :{i . ' 6 \ ~ ~:.'..J.;CJ.. -Q. , o J~, Plannina & DeveloDment DeDartment Legend ~ Subject Property 150 metre offset of Water Pollution Control Plant Teranet Enterpris.:s Inc. ~.nd it~ ,~uppUers, All rights Reserved. Not a plan of survey DATE: FEB. 8. 2008 .~ ~ ISCALE: 1: 1 0,000 I PN-4 I j '1 i/ -" c ':::. (- OK , ,..... :') ;J CiUI o~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 02-08 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF January 7, 2008 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning Amendment Application A 11/07 Dalar Properties Limited 1050 Squires Beach Road Part of Lot 32 & Part of Block C, Plan M-1040 (Part 5 & 6, 40R-10559) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is located on the northwest corner of Squires Beach Road and McKay Road (see Attachment #1 - Location Map); a one-storey industrial warehouse building currently exists on the property; the property is surrounded by a mix of warehousing, trucking and manufacturing uses to the north, south, east and west. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL the applicant has requested to amend the existing zoning to permit the establishment of commercial recreational uses on the subject property including a gymnastics facility, dance studio, karate club and soccer club; - the proposal would utilize the existing building, subject to minor alterations / conversions to accommodate the requested uses; - the applicant's submitted plan is provided for reference (see Attachment #2). Information Report No. 02-08 j C{'_ /: 'P' .~ L_ Page 2 ; 1 :~ I 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Re~ional Official Plan designates the subject lands as Urban Area - Employment Area; establishes that designated Employment Areas shall be used for manufacturing, assembly and processing of goods, service industries, research and development facilities, warehousing, business parks; the subject application will be assessed against the policies and the provisions of the Durham Region Official Plan during the further processing of the application; 3.2 Pickerin~ Official Plan designates the subject lands as Employment Area - General Employment within the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood; permits manufacturing, assembly, research and development, warehousing, storage of goods and materials, offices as a minor component to an industrial operation, limited personal service uses serving the area, retail sales as a minor component to an industrial operation (i.e. sales outlets); also permits community, cultural and recreational uses with similar performance characteristics that are more appropriately located within the Employment Area; 3.3 Compendium Document to the Official Plan there are no current development guidelines specific to the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood; 3.4 Zonin~ By-law the subject lands are zoned "M2S" Yard Storage and Manufacturing Zone by By-law 2511, as amended by By-laws 61/74 and 4824/86; a zoning by-law amendment is required to implement the applicant's proposed uses on the property; the applicant has requested that the permitted uses for the subject property be expanded to include commercial recreational uses such as a gymnastics facility, dance studio, karate club and soccer club. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments no objections or concerns received to date; t./ " I 3 C(-,["t. Information Report No. 02-08 ) ') {) ~ Page 3 4.2 Agency Comments Toronto and Region Conservation Authority no objections (see Attachment #3); 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: · reviewing the application in terms of its level of sustainable development components; · reviewing the proposed development in terms of compatibility with, and sensitivity to, surrounding lands; · reviewing the adequacy and location of on-site parking to support commercial recreational uses on the property · reviewing the driveway/internal road pattern to ensure appropriate vehicle flow; · reviewing the proposal to ensure that adequate information is provided, that technical requirements are met and that the proposed site design is appropriate and pedestrian friendly for the requested additional uses; the Planning & Development Department will conclude its position on the application and its design after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMA liON written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. Information Report No. 02-08 .y '.' 3 '1- C b Page 4 ,><: 'Z J -,J 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received - full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; - the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department received a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment with the Zoning Amendment Application; - the need for additional information will be determined through the review and circulation of the applicant's current proposal. 6.3 Company Principal - the owner of the subject property is Dalar Properties Limited.; - the applicant and company principal is Dennis Large. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Rick Cefaratti Planner II Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review RC:jf Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Ii ! '1 ....( "\'" _Y'( - c C '.) 4 ' ; APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 02-08 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1 ) none received COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, December 7, 2007 COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1 ) none received ~ :../f () '8 Excerpts from Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes .', 5 Monday, January 7, 2008 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Pickles (II) PART 'A' - PLANNING INFORMATION MEETING 2. Information Report No. 02-08 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/07 Dalar Properties Limited 1050 Squires Beach Road Part of Lot 32 & Part of Block C, Plan M-1040 (Part 5 & 6, 40R-1 0559) City of Pickerinq A public information meeting was held under the Planning Act, for the purpose of informing the public with respect to an application submitted by Dalar Properties Limited for property municipally known as 1050 Squires Beach Road. Lynda Taylor, Manager, Development Review gave an outline of the requirements for a Statutory Meeting under the Planning Act. She also noted that if a person or public body does not make oral or written submissions to the City before a by-law is passed, that person or public body are not entitled to appeal the decision of City Council to the Ontario Municipal Board, and may not be entitled to be added as a party to the hearing unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. Rick Cefaratti,' Planner II, gave an overview of zoning amendment application A 11/07. No members of the public in attendance at the public information meeting spoke in support or opposition to application A 11/07. 2 The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E 4'H FLOOR PO BOX 623 WHITBY, ON L1N 6A3 'Cl05) 668-7711 JX: (905) 666-6208 E-mail: planning@ region.durham .on ca www.regiondurham.on.ca A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning "Service Excellence for our Communities" { ,- b "/"- C~ ,:,: \. January 8, 2008 Rick Cefaratti, Planner II Planning and Development Department City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 Sent. via email to: reefaratti@eitV.pickerinq.on.ea Mr. Cefaratti: Re: Zoning Amendment Application A11/07 Applicant: Dalar Properties Limited Location: 1050 Squires Beach Road Municipality: City of Pickering We have reviewed this application to amend the zoning on the above noted property. The following comments are offered for your consideration. The purpose of the application is to permit commercial recreational uses on the subject property including a gymnastics facility, dance studio, karate club and soccer club. Reqional Official Plan The lands subject to this application are designated "Employment Area" in the Durham Regional Official Plan. The examples of permitted uses in the Employment Area policies of the Regional Official Plan illustrate the range of activities permitted. Specific uses, such as those proposed, may be defined in the area municipal zoning by-law. Provincial Policies & Deleqated Review Responsibilities This application has been screened in accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities. A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), prepared by AMEC Limited, was undertaken as a means of addressing the subsurface and ground water conditions on the subject property for environmental impact associated with a previous manufacturing facility. The Phase II ESA indicates that the potential for significant contamination on the subject lands is considered low. The report recommends environmental management be undertaken for the removal of a spill containment UST and hydraulic lift as well as the removal of all remaining drums of chemicals on site. An agreement c ,"' ~ cf- :,7 between the applicant and the City of Pickering should contain the necessary provisions to ensure the implementation of the recommendations in the report. As per Regional policy, a reliance letter and a Record of Site Condition prepared and submitted in accordance with Ontario Regulation 153/04 should be submitted for all development applications that have undergone a Phase II ESA. A holding symbol is encouraged to be used in conjunction with the required zone category and not removed until such time as the Region's requirements including; the submission of a reliance agreement letter and a Record of Site Condition has been completed to the satisfaction of the Region. Reqional Services Municipal water supply and sanitary sewer services are available to the subject property. Please contact me should you have any questions or require any additional information regarding this matter. a~W\~hNl Dwayne Campbell, Project Planner Current Planning Copy (via email): Regional Works Department - Pete Castellan The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E 4"' FLOOR PO BOX 623 WHITBY,ON L1N6A3 '(05) 668-7711 JX: (905) 666-6208 E-mail: planning@ region.durham.on.ca www.region.durham.on.ca A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning "Service Excellence for our Communities" ~~ \.., -"I ( . /) '.....1. _ ! 'y / v lJ February 20, 2008 Rick Cefaratti, Planner II Planning and Development Department City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6 K7 Sent via email to: rcefaratti@citV.pickerinq.on.ca Mr. Cefaratti: Re: Zoning Amendment Application A09/07 and A 11/07 Location: 1050 and1100 Squires Beach Road Municipality: City of Pickering Further to our comments of January 8, 2008 for the two above-noted zoning amendment applications, the Regional Works Department has provided additional comments as the subject properties are within the vicinity of the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP). The Works Department has indicated that the Ministry of the Environment (MaE) Guideline 0-2 - Compatibilitv Between Sewaqe Treatment and Sensitive Land Uses provides recommended separation distances for all development or redevelopment applications for residential or other sensitive land uses adjacent to sewage treatment facilities. The proposed commercial recreational uses at 1050 Squires Beach Road are within the recommended separation distance requirements of MaE Guideline 0-2. The guideline also advises that a separation distance of greater than 150 metres may be required on an individual basis. The proposed commercial recreational uses at 1100 Squires Beach Road are outside of the recommended separation distance but are within the vicinity of the Duffin Creek WPCP approaching the recommended separation distance. As the proposed commercial recreational usesare within or approaching the recommended separation distance of MaE Guideline 0-2, the Region does not support the proposed commercial recreational uses at 1050 and 1100 Squires Beach Road. The proposed industrial and office uses may be permitted. ~.., i.."'- c~ ,~) ,; Please contact me should you have any questions or require any additional information regarding this matter. a~W\~MVl Dwayne Campbell, Project Planner Current Planning Copy (via email): Rich Tindall - Regional Works Department Pete Castellan - Regional Planning Department ''\ ) I,) REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 40-08 Date: October 6,2008 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 31/05 1291821 Ontario Limited 1070 Toy Avenue (South Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 Parts 1 - 5, 40R-19641 and Parts 1 - 3, 40R-22986) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 31/05 submitted by 1291821 Ontario Limited to amend the zoning of the subject property to permit outdoor storage, truck parking, loading facilities and railway trackage in any yard in association with the existing permitted liquid waste management facility on lands situated on the South Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 (Parts 1 - 5, 40R-19641 and Parts 1 - 3, 40R-22296) be approved; and 2. Further, that the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 31/05 as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 40-08 be forwarded to City Council for enactment. Executive Summary: Direct Line Environmental Services Inc. currently operates from both the subject property, 1070 Toy Avenue, and the abutting property to the south, 1060 Toy Avenue, (number companies 1291821 and 2042530 Ontario Inc. respectively). The subject property currently supports one industrial building, and the southerly abutting property supports an office building. The combined properties operate as one cohesive development. Direct Line acquired surplus land from the Canadian National Railway and desires to expand their operation into these additional lands for outdoor storage, truck parking, and loading facilities, while also permitting truck parking and storage in the front yard of 1070 Toy Avenue. Report PD 40-08 October 6, 2008 Subject: 1291821 Ontario Limited (A 31/05) Page 2 ,j 1 The subject property is dual zoned (M1 & MC-6), therefore an amendment is required to rezone the property to one zone (MC-6) to permit outdoor storage, truck parking, loading facilities and railway trackage in any yard in association with the existing liquid waste management facility (see Location Map and Applicant's Submitted Plan, Attachment #1 and #2). The existing light manufacturing plant is a permitted use within both the M1 & MC-6 zones. The Ministry of the Environment (M.O.E.) issued an Amended Provisional Certificate of Approval for both 1060 and 1070 Toy Avenue in December 2005. The Certificate allows the north end of 1070 Toy Avenue to be used for the storage of empty containers and waste management equipment provided the site is in accordance with all local Municipal zoning requirements and by-laws. The Certificate also allowed an increase in the total amount of liquid industrial waste to be stored on-site from 931,150 litres to 2,312,500 litres. The application has been with the City since 2005. The owner has been working with City staff and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) over this time period to address TRCA environmental concerns. TRCA recently reached a wetlands compensation agreement with the owner and consequently has no objection to the zoning amendment moving forward. Approval of this application will establish a zoning for the subject property which will permit outdoor storage, truck parking, loading facilities and railway trackage in any yard, in conjunction with the existing liquid waste management facility. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood and conforms to the Pickering Official Plan. The City's detailed requirements respecting development of the property will be addressed through specific zoning provisions and conditions of Site Plan Approval. It is recommended that this application be approved and the draft by-law be forwarded to City Council for enactment. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. Sustainability Implications: The owner will be required to establish off-site wetland units on publicly owned lands within the Duffins Creek Watershed through a wetland compensation package agreed upon with the TRCA. An expansion to the existing operation will allow the site to effectively handle the processing and transfer of liquid wastes from businesses and customers across the Province of Ontario, which will help reduce the illegal disposal of untreated waste. Report PD 40-08 October 6,2008 Subject: 1291821 Ontario Limited (A 31/05) ) ,) .I 4..... Page 3 Background: 1.0 Comments Received 1.1 Before the Information Meeting (see Information Report, Attachment #3) Ministry of the Environment no objection to obtaining Certificate of Approval, provided the storage of containers and equipment on the former CNR property at the north end of the site is in accordance with all local municipal zoning requirements and by-laws; the total amount of liquid industrial waste allowed to be stored on site at 1060 and 1070 Toy Avenue shall not exceed 2,312,500 litres; Ministry of Transportation applicant is required to obtain permits before any proposed structure or visible sign from Highway 401 is erected; Region of Durham no objections, proposed uses may be permitted within Employment Areas; Veridian Connections no comments; Pickering Fire Services no objection, further comments will be provided during Site Plan review process; 1.2 At the March 23, 2006 Information Meeting none received (see Minutes, Attachment #4); Report PO 40-08 October 6, 2008 Subject: 1291821 Ontario Limited (A 31/05) Page 4 ~~ 1.3 Following the Information Meeting Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) - April 25, 2006 a scoped Environmental Impact Statement is required; Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) - July 24, 2008 no objections, further comments will be provided during the Site Plan review process; the applicant has agreed to provide TRCA with a financial compensation package to be finalized at the Site Plan Agreement stage (see Attachment #5); Municipal Property & Engineering (MP&E) no objections, further comments will be provided during the Site Plan review process; MP&E will discuss with the applicant, the option of conveying a part of their property to install a proper turning circle at the north end of Toy Avenue in conjunction with the proposed road construction in 2009; any agreements will also be finalized at the Site Plan Agreement stage. 2.0 Discussion 2.1 Company History Direct Line Environmental Services Inc. (Direct Line) is a liquid waste management company that has been in operation for more than forty years, employing approximately 100 people. The company receives liquid waste products from industrial and commercial properties throughout the Province of Ontario. Examples of the types of liquid waste products include, but are not limited to: waste water, hazardous and non-hazardous sludge, acid and alkaline wastes, used anti-freeze and others liquid waste products and bi-products. In 1998, Direct Line obtained a Ministry of Environment (M.O.E.) Certificate of Approval (CofA) for its current operation at 1060 and 1070 Toy Avenue. Under their existing CofA, the site is authorized to transport, receive and process waste and has full general and environmental liability coverage insurance for treatment and transport. Report PD 40-08 October 6,2008 Subject: 1291821 Ontario Limited (A 31/05) Page 5 ) 4 In 2005, Direct Line obtained an Amended Conditional M.O.E. Certificate of Approval to allow the company to store and process additional liquid waste on site (increase in the total amount of liquid industrial waste to be stored on-site from 931,150 litres to 2,312,500 litres). The Certificate also granted approval for the on-site processing of waste on a 24 hour/7 days per week basis, and permitted the facility to receive emergency shipments of waste from spill clean-ups outside of normal waste receipt hours. Use of the north end of 1070 Toy Avenue for the storage of empty containers and waste management equipment is conditional upon compliance with all local Municipal zoning requirements and by-laws. While the current operation complies with zoning, the expanded operation requires a zoning amendment to permit outdoor storage, truck parking, loading facilities, and railway trackage. Consequently, this rezoning application has been submitted. 2.2 Proposed accessory uses in all yards is compatible with the existing site operation and the surrounding area provided these areas are properly screened and separated from the street and parking areas The applicant requests that the zoning by-law permit open storage and truck parking in any yard. The property is situated entirely within an established industrial area along Toy Avenue which includes other industrial uses such as automobile repair, manufacturing, and a waste transfer facility. The MTO yard storage facility is located immediately west of the property. The site has supported an industrial liquid waste management facility use since 1998. Its existing operation, and proposed expansion area, yard storage and truck parking uses, and utilization of the existing rail spur are in keeping with the general character of the neighbourhood and reflect a logical extension of the existing use. The proposed location of empty storage containers and truck parking area to the north and west portions of the site will be properly screened from Highway 401 and set back well within the property boundaries. CN Rail sold the subject property, including the remnant rail spur, to Direct Line. Direct Line is exploring the option of transporting their products by rail using the existing rail spur. The proposed zoning requirements will help assist Direct Line to improve the organization of their site and operations and accommodate expansion plans. 2.3 The applicant and TRCA have agreed upon a wetland compensation package to address ecological concerns on the property The Scoped Environmental Impact Study report submitted by the applicant to both the City and TRCA identified the presence of a wetland on the property. The applicant has consulted with both Plann~ng & Development and TRCA staff to discuss appropriate mitigation measures regarding the loss of on-site wetlands. In June 2008, the applicant and the TRCA agreed to a financial compensation package (known as the wetland compensation project) for damages to the Report PD 40-08 October 6,2008 Subject: 1291821 Ontario Limited (A 31/05) Page 6 , f-- ) J on-site wetlands, caused by any of the associated uses approved by this zoning amendment application. According to TRCA, the wetland compensation project would be used to establish wetland units of equal or greater ecological value on publicly owned lands within the Duffins Creek watershed. Planning & Development staff supports the concept of a wetland compensation project in this. particular situation, as it is considered an environmental enhancement. All landscaping, buffer and compensation requirements will be addressed through the Site Plan review stage, and will be a condition of TRCA's site plan clearance. 2.4 Toy Avenue Reconstruction Project anticipated to commence in 2009 The reconstruction of Toy Avenue is a joint project by both the City of Pickering and Region of Durham. The project is identified by the City as a storm sewer and road reconstruction initiative. The Region of Durham will be financially responsible for replacing the existing watermain and signalizing the intersection at Toy Avenue and Bayly Street. The City of Pickering budgeted in 2008 for storm sewers and road urbanization from Bayly Street to a point just north of Quartz Street, south of 1070 Toy Avenue. The storm sewer is unable to extend throughout the entire length of Toy Avenue due to: the lack of available outlets, coordination within two watersheds (Duffins and Krosno) and conflicts with the York/Durham Sanitary Trunk Line. The north section of Toy Avenue will maintain a rural profile with ditches and culverts (no storm sewers). The applicant intends to discuss with the City a design which will accommodate storm sewer connections to and from the subject property in the future. The City will work with Direct Line Environmental Inc. to discuss the acquisition of additional lands from 1070 Toy Avenue, in order to create a proper turning circle in collaboration with the proposed road work along Toy Avenue. These works are expected to commence in early 2009. The City's requirements respecting this matter will be addressed through the Site Plan Approval process. 2.5 Site Functioning Issues will be addressed through the Site Plan Review Process The Site Plan Review process will address all matters pertaining to site functioning. The applicant is proposing open space storage and truck parking in any yard. The proposed Site Plan as submitted by the applicant indicates the proposed areas for open space storage and truck parking (see Applicant's Submitted Plan, Attachment #2). The bullet points outlined below identify many of the development matters to be addressed through the site plan review process: Report PO 40-08 October 6, 2008 Subject: 1291821 Ontario Limited (A 31/05) Page 7 ,I , 6 · significant landscape buffer to screen the view of open storage containers from Highway 401 as well as The Canadian National Railway Corridor; · minor landscaping buffer to screen the view of open storage containers along the south-west portion of the subject property parallel to Toy A venue; · separation of passenger vehicular parking from truck parking and traffic as well as from open storage containers in all yards; · on-site usage of the old CN Rail spur which currently exists on the site and how it will function with the Canadian National Railway Corridor; · height of storage containers proposed to be stacked on site; · possible conveyance of a portion of the subject property to the City in order to provide for a turning circle as part of the Toy Avenue Reconstruction Project; · finalization of a compensation package requested by TRCA to compensate for the loss of an existing wetland complex on-site. 2.6 By-law to be forwarded to Council The attached by-law schedule included as Appendix I to this report, implements Staff's recommendation to approve the applicant's request. A text and schedule amendment to the existing 'MC-6' Industrial-Commercial zoning is proposed. It is recommended that the attached schedules be forwarded to Council for enactment should Council approve this application. 3.0 Applicant's Comments The owner is aware of and supports the recommendations of this Report. Report PO 40-08 October 6,2008 Subject: 1291821 Ontario Limited (A 31/05) Page 8 J 7 ! APPENDIX: Appendix I: Draft Implementing Zoning By-law Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Plan 3. Information Report 4. Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes 5. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: {1/:/ Neil Car MoP, RPP Director, Planning & Development Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 41 t~ APPENDIX I TO REPORT PO 40-08 DRAFT BY-LAW ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 31/05 9 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. ~FT Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 2511, as amended by By-law 2234/86, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham, on South Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 Parts 1 - 5, 40R-19641 and Parts 1 - 3, 40R-22986, in the City of Pickering (A 31/05). WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to permit outdoor storage, truck parking, loading facilities and railway trackage in any yard in association with the existing permitted light manufacturing plant within a 'MC-6' - Industrial Commercial Zone on South Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 Parts 1 - 5, 40R- 19641 and Parts 1 - 3, 40R-22986, in the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 2511, as amended by By-law 2234/86, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. SCHEDULE "I" AMENDMENT Schedule "I" to By-law 2511 as amended by By-law 2234/86, is hereby repealed and replaced with Schedule "I" attached thereto. 2. TEXT AMENDMENT Section 5.(1)(b) - Zone Requirements of By-law 2243/86 is hereby amended by alphabetizing the following subsection after subsection 5.(1)(b)(ix): A Outdoor storage shall be permitted in any yard except the front yard so long as the area used for outdoor storage purposes does not exceed 30 percent of the area of the lot B Despite Section 5.(1 )(b)(ix)A of this by-law, outdoor storage, railway trackage and loading facilities are permitted in the hatched area shown on Schedule I. Section 5.(1)(b) - Zone Requirements of By-law 2243/86 is hereby amended by alphabetizing the following subsection after subsection 5.(1)(b)(x): C Section 5.21.2a) of By-law 2511, shall not apply on the hatched area shown on Schedule I of this by-law. "1 U;] Section 5.(1 )(b) - Zone Requirements of By-law 2243/86 is hereby amended by alphabetizing and adding the following subsection after subsection 5.(1 )(b)(xi): - 2 - A Sales outlets are permitted uses only if accessory to food preparation plants, light manufacturing plants, merchandise service shops or warehouses, and providing the gross floor area of the sales outlet does not exceed 20 percent of the gross floor area of the food preparation plant, light manufacturing plant, merchandise service shop or warehouse B Existing railway spurs prior to the passing of this by-law are permitted to encroach beyond the hatched area shown on Schedule I C Despite Section 2.74.1 and 5.19(c) of By-law 2511, temporary storage tank containers located in the hatched area shall not exceed 6.0 metres in height. 3. BY-LAW 2511 By-law 2511, as amended by By-law 2234/86, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the provisions of the By-law as set out in Section 1 and 2 above. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 2511, as amended. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, if required. BY-LAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this 20th day of October, 2008. Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk 0\G0\N ~'< 40'\ -_-............. o <( o 0:: ~ U o 0:: (D 1 r -- - -- - -,- ---- - - - --- -- I I ------, I 1------------- I I --------------1 I I ________ I ------r------------ w ::) z w > <( >- o I- l' SCHEDULE I TO BY-LAW PASSED THIS DAY OF / / I I I / I I I I I \ I / \ I I \' I' / f I I , I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I 1 / / 1070 W ::::> Z w > <r: 1060 0 <r: w m ci z U ET QUARTZ ST. C<:: 0 0 0::: rn >- 0 f- 2 0\Gl-ltli'-'i SUBJECT PROPERTY BAYLY City of Pickering I I I I I o <r: o 0::: STREET PROPERTY DESCRIPTION SOUTH PART OF LOT 18, CONCESSION 1, PART 1, 40R-19641 Planning & Development Department OWNER 1291821 ONTARIO LTD. FILE No. A 31/05 o a oureBS: Teranal Enterprises, I".c. and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not a plan of survey. 2005 MPAC and ill!! suppliers. All ri9hts Reserved. Not 0 plan of Survey. DATE JULY 18, 2008 SCALE 1 :5000 DRAWN BY JB CHECKED BY AY l' PN-4 L/ . / L L 'I I 3 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN A 31/05 - 1291821 ONTARIO LTD. ~"I\.\flP.'/ ..p.\. tv' IIp.110'' CP.llP-O",1l ''';,+~~;F~~:'-. .\--,. , U.$5l.I-TCIlM:R ~, NOTE SITE SCREENING REQUIREMENTS FROM 401 HIGHWAY TO BE DETERMINED DURING THE SITE PLAN APPROVAL PROCESS. EX M1NfSTRY Of- TRANSPORTATION YARD EX. MATERIAL STOCKPilE TO BE REMOVED w ::> z w ~ ~ o .... I, _It / if'..' ~ if<:~ 1[1 ;,'\; \ \', i \ r ~ THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, JULY 18, 2008 ,1 I 4 t T7 /;CH~~FlT /! -3_ Tn RU';JRl f Pl: 5:'>" (" C - ,-'-'"~-- ,,:\, INFORMATION REPORT NO. 03-06 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF March 23, 2006 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 31/05 1291821 Ontario Limited 1070 Toy Avenue South Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 (Parts 1-5, 40R-19641 & Parts 1-3, 40R-22986) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is located at the east side of Toy Avenue (see Attachment #1 - Location Map), and is surrounded by industrial uses; - the subject property is bounded by the Canadian National Rail (CNR) Corridor to the north and east and is visible from Highway 401; - the subject property is approximately 3.3 hectares in size, including the southern portion of 1 hectare which supports an industrial building and the northern portion of 2.3 hectares which was recently acquired from CNR; Direct Line Environmental Services Inc. operates a liquid waste recycling business from the existing building on the southern portion of the site. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the subject property is currently dual zoned (M1 and MC-6); - the applicant proposes to amend the existing zoning on the subject property from dual zones to one unified zone which would allow for outdoor storage, truck parking, loading facilities and railway trackage in any yards, associated with the existing permitted liquid waste management facility (see Attachment #2 - Site Plan); Information Report No. 03-06 Page 2 ! 15 the applicant has applied to the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) to amend their existing Certificate of Approval to allow for an expansion at 1060 and 1070 Toy Avenue. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham ReQional Official Plan the Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the subject land as being within an 'Urban Areas - Employment Area' designation, where development is intended for employment purposes; the applicant's proposal appears to conform with this designation; 3.2 PickerinQ Official Plan the subject property is designated "General Employment" within the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood; this designation allows for storage and truck parking as accessory uses to the primary industrial use; Toy Avenue is designated Local Road, such roads are to provide access to individual properties and carry local traffic; an easterly strip of land on the subject property abutting the CNR Corridor is identified as "Shorelines and Stream Corridors" and "Wetlands" on the Resource Management Schedule in the Pickering Official Plan; the applicant's proposal conforms to the applicable Official Plan policies; 3.3 ZoninQ By-law 2511 the northern portion of the subject property is zoned M1 - Yard Storage and Light Manufacturing Zone, under Zoning By-law 2511, as amended (see Attachment #3 - Zoning Map); the southern portion of the subject property is zoned MC-6 - Industrial-Commercial Zone, under Zoning By-law 2511 , as amended by By-law 2234/86; M1 zone currently does not permit outdoor storage; MC-6 zone currently does not permit outdoor storage in the front yard, 100% parking in the front yard, and any railway trackage; an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to allow for the proposed accessory uses such as outdoor storage, truck parking, loading facilities and railway trackage in any yards on the subject property. 4.0 RESUL 15 OF CIRCULA liON 4.1 Resident Comments no resident comments have been received to date; /,. ,J Information Report No. 03-06 -1 '.' 6 I . j (' S~ Page 3 4.2 Agency Comments Ministry of Transportation requires the applicant to obtain permits before any structure or visible sign from Highway 401 may be erected (see Attachment # 4); 4.3 Staff Comments Pickering Fire Services has no objection to this application and will provide further comments during site plan review process; in reviewing the application to date, planning staff has identified the following matters for further review and consideration: · examine the compatibility of the proposed accessory uses in the yards with surrounding lands; . assess the potential impact on the wetland to the east; · evaluate the proposed outdoor storage/truck parking in terms of their locations and area percentage to determine whether any limitation should be implemented in any zoning by-law; · ensure that proper landscaping and buffer can ,be provided between the proposed outdoor uses and the surrounding lands and Highway 401; . confirm the status of the owner's MOE Certificate of Approval Amendment Application; this Department will conclude its position on this application after it has reviewed and assessed the above-noted comments, and any comments received from the circulated departments, agencies and the public. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. Information Report No. 03-06 :~) //C:" Page 41 7 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; - the City of Pickering has received the following technical information / reports on the proposed application: · Executive Summary Groundwater Monitoring, prepared by Ecotech Planners & Advisors Inc., dated November 2005; · Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, prepared by Ecotech Planners & Advisors Inc., dated December 2004. 6.3 Company Principal - the President of 1291821 Ontario Limited is Robert Munshaw. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Joyce Yeh Planner I Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review JY:jf Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development ,', ! g , "''''7 I' --'i_, "". '''_' fe.. Llo g Minutes I Meeting Summary Statutory Public Information Meeting Council Chambers Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:00 pm. Attendees: Councillor Dickerson - Chair Councillor McLean - left 7:20 pm to attend Library Meeting Ross Pym, Principal Planner - Development Review Joyce Yeh, Planner I Birgit Wilson - Recording Secretary Also Attendeing: Samantha Keser, Barrister & Solicitor Hem/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Ref # (summary of discussion) 1. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 31/05 1291821 ONTARIO LIMITED 1070 TOY AVENUE SOUTH PART OF LOT 18, CONCESSION 1 (Parts 1-5, 4OR-19641 & Parts 1-3, 4OR-22986) CITY OF PICKERING 1. Planner Comments Joyce Yeh, Planner1, provided an overview of property location, applicant's proposal and City's Official Plan policies pertaining to this site, as outlined in Information Report #03-06. 2. Applicants Comments Applicant nor a representative for the applicant was present at the meeting, 3. Comments from Members of the Public No comments from members of the public. 2. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 01/06 1678445 ONTARIO LIMITED 1630 - 1634 BAYLY STREET SOUTH PART OF LOT 19, CONCESSION 1 CITY OF PICKERING Page 1 CORP0228-2102 ;--' .J ,/t.- (' 2 ~onserRvaiWn for The Living City July 24, 2008 CFN 37347.04 VIA MAIL AND EMAIL (ayearwood@citv.pickering.on.ca) Mr. Ashley Yearwood City of Pickering Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering ON L 1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Yearwood: Re: Zoning By-law Amendment Application No. A31/05 1070 Toy Avenue South Part of Lot 18, Concession No.1 City of Pickering (1291821 Ontario Limited) First, we wish to advise that the applicant has satisfactorily addressed the concerns of TRCA staff with respect to the zoning By-law amendment application captioned above. Second, we wish to document, for your benefit, the significant events during the review process that took place subsequent to our previous correspondence of April 25, 2006. Review Process In our correspondence of April 25, 2006 we had asked that an Environmental Impact Statement be prepared by the applicant in order to describe and assess the existing site conditions and evaluate the ecological impacts of development permitted by the proposed re-zoning. TRCA staff had specific concern with respect to the presence of the adjacent Provincially Significant Wetland complex and the interrelationship between that environmental feature and the environmental features on the subject lands. A draft Scoped Environmental Impact Study was received by TRCA on August 2, 2007 for our review. Our review of the report revealed that wetland units were present on the subject lands. Further, we were unable to agree with the recommendations of the draft report with respect to the removal of the on-site wetlands. Specifically, the report supported wetland removal while TRCA staff were in opposition to that recommendation due to the continuing ecological function served by the on-site wetlands. Discussions took place in the fall of 2007 and spring of 2008 between the applicant and TRCA staff surrounding the development of the portions of the site containing wetland units while TRCA staff continued to investigate the ecological value of the wetlands. On April 11, 2008, TRCA staff offered to consider an off-site wetland compensation project to be paid for by the applicant. Such a project would compensate for the destruction of the on-site wetlands through the creation of new wetland units of equal or greater ecological value on publicly owned lands. After a written submission to the applicant by TRCA staff providing a dollar value to the wetland units was submitted on April 24, 2008, a contribution amount of F:IHomelPubliclDevelopment ServiceslDurham RegionlPickeringl 1070 Toy-2.wpd Member of Conservation Ontario 5 5horeham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.Dn.ca ., I 9 @ """ n u c-' .J 1/(. ( S Mr. Ashley Yearwood -2- July 24, 2008 $80,000 was agreed to between the applicant and TRCA staff on June 27, 2008. Recommendation Given this agreement, we have no objection to the zoning by-law amendment application A31/05. While this amendment will place the subject lands, including the on-site wetland units, within a uniform industrial zoning category that, along with a TRCA permit, will permit the destruction of the wetlands, we are satisfied that the wetland compensation project will re- establish wetland units of equal or greater ecological value on publicly owned lands within the Duffins Creek watershed. Next Steps: Site Plan Control and Ontario Regulation 166/06 Permit Requirement Should the proposed zoning By-law amendment be approved by Council, we anticipate that the owner will proceed with a site plan application in conformity with the amended zoning. We intend to request that provisions be included into the Site Plan Agreement that will ensure that the applicant provides the agreed to compensation amount. We intend to honour that agreement by supporting a permit application, made by the owner pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06 to remove the on-site wetland units. It should be noted that we intend to review the detailed site plan design proposed by the applicant and provide comments, as necessary. We trust that this is of assistance. Please contact the undersigned if any clarification is required. Yours truly, ~~.. Chris Jones, B.U.R.PI. Senior Planner Planning and Development Extension 5718 CJI cc: Tyler Barnett, City of Pickering (via email totbarnett@citv.pickering.on.ca) Ed Hystead, Direct Line Environmental Services (via email toehaystead@dlenv.com) David Mihlik, Spriet Associates (via email tomail@arvadesiqn.ca) Steve Heuchert, TRCA Lisa Roberti, TRCA F:\Home\Public\Development Services\Durham Region\Pickering\ 1070 T OL2.wpd