HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 11, 2008 Cilq o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Communities in Bloom Advisory Committee July 11, 2008 2:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Bill McLean, Regional Councillor, Ward 2 - City of Pickering (Co-Chair) Tom Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Pickering Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability - City of Pickering John Hannah, Superintendent, Municipal Operations - City of Pickering Lynn Winterstein, Manager, Marketing & Business Development, City of Pickering Judy Hodgson, Manager, Customer & Administrative Services, City of Pickering Marisa Carpino, Supervisor, Culture & Recreation - City of Pickering Mark Guinto, Executive Assistant to the Mayor, City of Pickering Mike Bender - Toronto Region Conservation Authority Donald Igbokwe, Multi-Faith Group Jim McCafferty - Durham Catholic District School Board Gail Lawlor - Durham Sustain Ability Larry Noonan - Altona Forest Stewardship Committee Julie Oakes - Bloomers & Britches Sigrid Squire - Pickering Horticultural Society Marla Shim, Executive Assistant, Councillors' Office - City of Pickering (Recording Secretary) Presenter: Joanne Finn, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, City of Pikering Absent: Dave Ryan, Mayor - City of Pickering (Co-Chair) Allan Arsenault - Pickering Town Centre Chris Braney - Durham District School Board Kathy McKay - Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Lorna Murphy - Pickering Town Centre Heather White - Pine ridge Art Council Item I Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome . Councillor McLean welcomed everyone to the meeting 2. CIS Slide Presentation . Lynn advised that the slide presentation was created as a result of the number of great photographs that were taken (many by staff) Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 . They were limited as to how many photographs they could fit into the Profile Book . The presentation will also be displayed in the judges' rooms . Joanne presented the slides and gave an explanation of each photograph 3 Judaes Tour . Marisa distributed copies of the revised Judges Tour and described the program and each day's activities in detail . Speakers have been confirmed for the various locations . Would like to be notified of members' plans for Please advise Marla participating in the tour, as well as the locations that they by Monday, July 21 sl would like to be picked up . Need to have a count for lunch and breakfast . Members are advised to not be too concerned if they are a little behind schedule at the pick-up locations . All participants are reminded to wear their Communities in Bloom shirts 4 Staff Update . Tom Quinn commended Lynn, Judy and the rest of the staff team that worked on preparing the Profile Book . It was reported that the ice storm damaged some of the City's flower beds, but they are beginning to look better now that the good weather is here . Approximately 90 residents have registered for the Front Yard Garden Competition . Sigrid reported that the Garden Competition Workshop was a great success and good feedback was received from attendees . Julie gave a big thanks to the staff members that did such a good job in setting-up the equipment for the workshop . It was suggested that the judges could prepare a comment sheet to attach to the judging sheet . It was recommended producing an electronic form for any additional comments 5. Other Business . Councillor McLean requested that staff do constant checks on the areas that are know to be targeted for graffiti . John advised that the CAO has arranged to tour the various areas with staff Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 . Veridian has hired a company to specifically clean-up their utility boxes . Residents are encouraged through the "Eyes on the Street" program, to report any graffiti that they see in the community to our Customer Care Department . If graffiti is witnessed taking place, call and report to the police . Sigrid reported that the schools were judged on June 111lh . Schools need to have some guidelines that they can follow . Vaughan Willard is ahead of other schools and can be used as an example . Donald reported that he contacted the multi-faith community, and both Dunbarton Fairport United Church and the Pickering Islamic Centre indicated that they will participate in next year's program . It was suggested contacting participants in the future to find out if they are interested in participating once again, in order to avoid them filling out the forms . Larry suggested getting in touch with the key persons for eco-schools to encourage them to enter next year's competition . Need to have a contact person to speak with the judges during their visit to the schools . Councillor McLean expressed his appreciation to all members for their commitment and hard work on the program . Larry thanked the City politicians and staff for making the residents so proud of their city 6. Next Meeting Date July 30th at 8:00 am - Debriefing Session Meeting Adjourned: 3:30 pm Copy: All Members Chief Administrative Officer Directors City Clerk Page 3 CORP0228-2/02