HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 23-08 REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: OES 23-08 Date: July 14, 2008 ., ," 2 i-. i..-, ...) ,..} - From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Tender T-12-2008 Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park Artificial Turf Field File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 23-08 regarding the Artificial Turf Field at Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park be received; 2. That Tender T-12-2008 submitted by Rutherford Contracting Ltd. for the Artificial Turf Field at Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park in the amount of $625,047 (GST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $734,772 and a net project cost of $699,783, including the tender amount, consulting fees and other associated costs be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project as follows: (a) The sum of up to $499,000 to be financed by the issue of debentures through the Regional Municipality of Durham, over a period not exceeding 5 years, at a rate to be determined; (b) The sum of $200,000 to be funded by a financial contribution from the Pickering Soccer Club; (c) The balance amount of $783 to be funded from the 2008 Current Budget; (d) The annual repayment charges in the amount of approximately $113,700 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2009, continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid, and any financing cost to be paid out of the Current Budget; Report OES 23-08 July 14, 2008 Subject: Tender T-12-2008 5 ~. 3- Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park Artificial Turf Field Page 2 (e) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has updated the City's 2008 Annual Repayment Limit and certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Annual Repayment Limit for debt and financial obligations, as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario, and would not cause the City to exceed the updated Limit, and therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval is not required prior to City Council's authorization; (f) The Treasurer is authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and 5. That the appropriate officials at the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The Artificial Turf Field at Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park was approved by Council in the 2008 Capital Budget. Work of this contract comprises upgrading an existing outdoor soccer pitch at Kinsmen Park with the construction of an artificial turf field. Tender T-12-2008 was issued on June 17, 2008 and closed on July 7,2008 with four (4) bidders responding. The total gross project cost is estimated to be $734,772 with a total net project cost to complete the Artificial Turf Field estimated to be $699,783. Supply & Services and Kenneth J. Hoyle Strategic Planning & Management have confirmed that low bidder Rutherford Contracting Ltd. have satisfied their tender requirements and is qualified to undertake this project. Financial Implications: 1. TENDER AMOUNT T-12-2008 GST Sub-Total GST Rebate Total $ 595,283 29,764 625,047 ( 29.764) $ 595,283 CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 23-08 July 14, 2008 .7 [, L1 ,) ,.' Subject: Tender T-12-2008 Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park Artificial Turf Field Page 3 2. APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS Parks Ca ital Bud et Location Project Code Kinsmen Park 5780.0817.1701 5780.0817.1592 Source of Funds Debt (5 years) Donations FUNDS AVAILABLE Budqet $500,000 $200,000 $700,000 Required $499,783 $200,000 $699,783 3. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTING SUMMARY T-12-2008 - Tender for Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park Artificial Turf Field $595,283 Associated Costs Consultant Fees Testing Contingency Total 28,500 4,000 72 , 000 699,783 GST 34,989 734,772 Total Gross Project Cost GST Rebate (34,989) $699,783 Total Net Project Cost 4. Project Costs under (over) Approved Funds ;,., :/ \ ,~. ) / / The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and concurs. Sustainability Implications: Upgrading an existing outdoor soccer pitch to artificial turf will allow for Pickering Soccer Club to continue to encourage the development of active, healthy lifestyles through the provision of high quality programs as well as expand the numbers, capacity and quality of their programs. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 23-08 July 14, 2008 I . Subject: Tender T-12-2008 -, , r- - Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park Artificial Turf Field ~) ~) j Page 4 Background: The Artificial Turf Field at Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park was approved by Council in the 2008 Capital Budget. Work of this contract comprises upgrading an existing outdoor soccer pitch at Kinsmen Park with the construction of an artificial turf field. The Pickering Soccer Club has committed to contribute $200,000 for this project. The consulting firm of Kenneth J. Hoyle Strategic Planning & Management was retained by the Pickering Soccer Club to provide tender specifications and technical support. A summary of the bids received is included in the attached memorandum from Supply & Services. Tender T-12-2008 was issued on June 17, 2008 and closed on July 7, 2008 with four (4) bidders responding. The total gross project cost is estimated to be $734,772 with a total net project cost to complete the Artificial Turf Field estimated to be $699,783. The low bid was submitted by Rutherford Contracting Ltd. Rutherford Contracting Ltd. references have been checked and are deemed acceptable by the consultant (Ken Hoyle) and the Superintendent, Municipal Operations. The Health & Safety Policy, inclusive of Confined Space Entry Procedures, Workplace Injury Summary Report, WSIB Clearance Certificate and Certificate of Insurance as submitted by Rutherford Contracting Ltd. have been reviewed by the Coordinator, Health & Safety and are deemed acceptable. In conjunction with staff's review of the contractor's previous work experience and the bonding available on this project, the tender is deemed acceptable. Upon careful examination of all tenders and relevant documents received, the Operations & Emergency Services Department, Municipal Property & Engineering Division recommends the acceptance of the low bid submitted by Rutherford Contracting Ltd. for Tender T-12-2008 in the amount of $625,047 (GST included) and that the total net project cost of $699,783 be approved. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager, Supply & Services who concurs with the foregoing. Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2. Supply & Services Memorandum dated July 7, 2008 3. Kenneth J. Hoyle Strategic Planning & Management - Letter of Recommendation 4. By-Law to authorize the Artificial Turf Field at Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park and the issuance of debentures in the amount of $499,000. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 23-08 July 14, 2008 Subject: Tender T-12-2008 Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park Artificial Turf Field "'.~ r"'- /" :) 'j 0 Page 5 4. By-Law to authorize the Artificial Turf Field at Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park and the issuance of debentures in the amount of $499,000. Prepared By: ~./~ \, ' " \., " Jo Hannah upenntendent, MUnicipal Operations Approved/EndorS9d By: // .. ,~;_.- .:~/./ / / Everetfi:funts~.a-/ Director, Operations & Emergency Services I) (, . " l ~p~f;;~ ,~,{,fl^ t Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer I .~ /,} <-fr~ " (I ~;f ;'j, 'j/IL .==:--::-. Ri ard Holbo Ivision Head, Municipal Property & Engineering ___ ~.../..~..\ C:;~1 ,,~L..Y Stephen Reynolds ' Divisio Head, Culture & Recreation Vera A. F gemacher C.P.P., PPO, CPPS, C.P.M., CMM III Manager, Supply & Services SRlg Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City;.Co /~// // CORP0227-07/01 revised LjrJ7 ~ 'CRESCENT i.\!IACH."H:I\l t iT L. Kt:rUFU L.:. "-~ :;1 3, ,..., C1 FOOTBALL FIELD o I () <( W MAIN m PARKING LOT o <( o 0::: SOCCER PITCH FIELD 3 SOCCER PITCH FIELD 2 SOUTH PARKING LOT SOCCER PITCH FIELD 1 SOCCER PITCH FIELD 4 J BASEBALL DIAMOND >- o z <( (f) MONTGOMERY OPERA nONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION SCALE N.T.S QArE JULY 9 /2008 SUB.JECT FIELD ATTACHMENT FOR OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 23-08 T-12-2008 BAY RIDGES KINSMEN PARK ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD PARK Ciq o~ \ ACH;''''1 2, \~(L C ~-~~:: .~)_ 0(' L\ (-- (;..; '-.' ,--,I :) !:) ~3 MEMO To: Stephen Reynolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation From: Vera A. Felgemacher. Manager, Supply & Services July 7, 2008 Copy: Superintendent, Municipal ~ Operations Subject: Tender No. T-12-2008 Tender for Artificial Turf - Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park Tenders have been received for the above project by the closing date of July 7, 2008. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News and on the City's Website. Sixteen (16) companies picked up a tendering package for a non-refundable fee of $75.00. A mandatory site visit was held on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 and 16 bidders attended of which four (4) bidders responded and submitted a bid for this project. Two addenda were issued during this teridercall. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tenders shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions; unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly, which has been done. All deposits other than the low three bidders may be returned to the applicable bidders as provided for by Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03(w). Three (3) bids have been retained for review at this time. SUMMARY PST included, GST included Bidders Total Tendered Amount $ After Calculation Check $ Rutherford Contracting $625,047.05 $625,048.10 Dig Con International $773,167.50 $773,167.50 Pine Valley $824,570.25 $824,570.25 Dol Turf Restoration Ltd. Rejected - Form of Tender Item 5.1 - Bidder MUST indicate how the artificial turf sports field is being constructed by selecting one of the Artificial Turf Suppliers in the section by placing a check mark beside "one" being bid upon. Bidd did not do so. Reference: Purchasing By-law No. 5900-01, Procedure No. PUR 010-001, 10.04, Item 15, IB Item 3 (b), 5, 18, 19, Addendum No.2. hiACHi'1ENi#-.2- .TOREPORT#_Cfc::, Ce I I' 3 :) 9 'F::>C>- c.)~' 2 G~' L1 . Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 21, the following will be requested of the low bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call. Please advise when you wish us to proceed with this task. (a) Proof of compliance with amended Confined Space Entry Regulations (September 30, 2006). Copies of certified Training and Procedures to be used on this project. (b) a list of employees trained in the confined space entry procedure who will be working on this project (c) a copy of the Health and Safety Policy to be used on this project; (d) a copy of the current Workplace Injury Summary Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Workplace Injury Summary Report document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); (e) a copy of the current Clearance Certificate issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; (f) the City's certificate of insurance shall be completed by the bidder's agent, broker or insurer; (g) list of sub-contractors in accordance with GC Item 33, Form SCL-1 Include the following items in your Report to Council: (a) if items (a) through (h) noted above, are acceptable to the Co-ordinator, Health & Safety . (b) any past work experience Rutherford Contracting including work location; (c) without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (d) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (e) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (f) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (g) related departmental approvals; (h) any reason(s) why the low bid of Rutherford Contracting is not acceptable; and (i) related comments specific to the project. Kenneth Hoyle as the consultant on this project will be reviewing submissions and making recommendations to you. The consultant should also review carefully all submittal information based on tendering instructions. If the consultant notices any infractions or information missing during the evaluation, please contact a member of Supply & Services as soon as possible. . Please do not disclose any information.to enquiries except you can direct them to the City's website for the unofficial bid results as read out at the Public tender opening. Bidders will be advised of the outc me in due course. If yo require further information, please feel free to contact me or a member of Supply & Services. ~_~A \b-r Vera A. F~gemacher vf Attachments July 7, 2008 T-12-2008 Artificial Turf - Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park Page 2 (\/J T-12-2008 Tender for Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park Artificial Turf Field Summary Item # Descriotion Rutherford ContractinQ DiQ Con International Pine Vallev Enterorises Inc. Unit Price Tendered Unit Price Tendered Unit Price Tendered 1.0 General Conditions $5,893.84 $44,500.00 $25,500.00 2.0 Demolition, Removals & Site Preparation $1,174.20 $500.00 $7,550.00 3.0 Earthworks $51,788.07 $67,000.00 $131,960.00 '1" " 4.0 Subsurface Drainage $1,577.87 $1,500.00 $4,900.00 :r $3,426.36 $3,700.00 $5,900.00 C $23,779_34 $55,000.00 $200,000.00 :J r; 5.0 Artificial Turn Sports Fiield $464,502.32 $500,000.00 $339,900.00 6.0 Retaining Walls $11,487.78 $18,000.00 $18,800.00 \) t~ P I '" 7.0 Prefabricated Metal Fence & Gates $7,612.92 $17,000.00 $15,660.00 L---" If' 8.0 Site Furniture $1,494.90 $2,500.00 $5,600.00 , $5;295.20 $7,500.00 $6,000.00 r) 'I'" 9.0 Planting . .. $17,251.10 $19,150.00 $23,535.00 ..t n $595,283.90 $736,350.00 $785,305.00 (\\ Sub Total III GST-5% $29,764.20 $36,817.50 $39,265.25 Total Tendered Amount $625,048.10 $625,047.05 $n3,167.50 $773,167.50 $824,570.25 $824,570.25 CJ OJ (]>.j 0'\ o CITY OF PICKERING RECORD OF TENDERS OPENED AND CHECKED CD (J Tender Description: TENDER FOR SAY RIDGES KINSMEN PARK ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD C'~ Tender No. T-12-2008 Date: Monday, July 7, 2008 Time: Approx. 2:15pm . /i v ,-..I i-' ~ '. -+-- v.... . ATTENDED MANDATORY . SITE VIST .'"'::' 'J DOL TURF RESTORATION YES '/v ;/ 05~ fe>Of;. 55" ::. ,-, 1; _i ~l - ...) \J PINE VALLEY ENTERPRISES INC YES 10% ;/ Vi,/' (jc?-~ 570. ;;Z.S;- NfL DIG CON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED YES .... .... /0% v"*"" 7 73 Iw7. 50 I ./ 7' U ':E: :r: J .:( .:( YES RUTHERFORD CONTRACTING LTD. iOh .,/ ../ ;/ fo.:L~ 0 ~7. 0.)- OTHER ,,- \ i.~~ r~) ') .~) :.s ,,- e, ...., " :) b L Reynolds, Steve fO~J'; \ (.if' .'> , ...?- From: Sent: To: Subject: Attach ments: Kenneth J. Hoyle [ken@hoyle.ca] July 9, 2008 10: 18 AM Reynolds, Steve Kinsmen Park Artifical Field - Tender No. T-12-200B tender analysis July B, OB.xls Good Morning Stephen, Further to our meeting yesterday, we are writing to confirm our recommendation regarding the award of a contract for the above. After careful analysis of the three acceptable tenders and our discussion at our meeting with representatives of the City and Pickering Soccer Club, we recommend that the contract for the supply and construction of the above be awarded to Rutherford Contracting Ltd. of Gormley, Ontario in the amount of $625,048.10 including PST and GST. Please see the attached a copy of our analysis including our estimate of the value of work. If you have any questions regarding our recommendation do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Ken Kenneth J. Hoyle, OALA, FCSLA, CAHP Urban Design, Site Planning & Landscape Architecture 30 Colborne Street Cambridge, Ontario N1R lR2 Tel: (519) 740-0229 Fax: (519) 740-0245 www.hoyle.ca Notice of Confidentiality Thi~> crnaiJ and its JttZlchments may b~ privileged and/or confidentii'J! and may (ontain pcr~;ona: inform;]tlon. The sender docs not consent to tile use of any personal im:olTllatfon that may be contained in the conllllunication except: as othenrvisE' c'\'press!v stated in \vriting. Any distribution, use or copying uf t:i"'liS ernail or tllt?: inforflldtion it contains by other than the intended recipient is un,iuthorizecL If you r(~ceive this e.l11aillll errorj please ,1dvise the sender by rC'Lurn ellli1iJ !n'H~1('diately and dek,te lhe message. 1 Excavation & storaQe on site - native topsoil for re-use $2.97 $10.00 $6.50 Engineered fill $15.00 $23.88 $35.00 $13.00 Artificial Turf - ProSport $44.95 $74.67 $76.00 NA Artificial Turf - IC Improvements NA $76.00 NA Artificial Turf - Sportexe NA $76.00 NA Artificial Turf - Field turf NA $76.00 NA Artificial Turf - Kombi Pro 1.65 (detail 1) $100.94 $76.00 NA Artificial Turf - Kombi Pro 1.65 (detail 2) $96.55 $76.00 NA Artificial Turf - NewQrass 45oz. $83.47 $76.00 NA Artificial Turf - TiQerTurf $63.78 $76.00 $50.49 Precast Concrete RetaininQ Wall $450.00 $302.31 $500.00 $318.00 Storm Sewer $150.00 $21.93 $115.00 $90.00 Insulated Storm Sewer $250.00 $27.49 $200.00 $125.00 Prefabricated Metal Fence $200.00 $200.34 $600.00 $435.00 New bench c/w footinQ $2,900.00 $747.45 $1,500.00 $1,400.00 Sodding $8.00 $7.06 $8.00 $4.50 2.4m fencing $102.40 $160.00 $100.00 3.65m fencinQ $132.46 $240.00 $136.00 Backhoe incl. operator $74.00 $200.00 $9500 Bulldozer incl. operator $7700 $200.00 $95.00 Kinsmen Park Artificial Turf PROJECT: Kinsmen Park Tender for Artificial Turf T-12-2008 PROJECT NUMBER: KJH07-06 PREPARED BY: KJHSPM DATE: July 8,2008 PAGE: 1 Note: Unit Prices are SUDDlied and Installed ITEM 1.0 General Conditions 2.0 Demolition, removals & site preparation 3.0 Earthworks 4.0 Subsurface Drainage Catch Basin Maintenance Hole Wee in Tile 5.0 Artificial Turf Sorts Field 6.0 Retainin Walls 7.0 Prefabricated Metal Fences & Gates 8.0 Site Furniture Goal Posts Players Benches 9.01 Plantino/Soddin Subtotal GST5% Total $7,500.00 $19,150.00 $736,350.00 $36,817.50 773.167.50 UNIT PRICES , . \_../-.......,~ ...,.. ,_/ "' eN $25,50000 $7,55000 $4,900.00 $5,900.00 $200,000.00 "'$339,900.00 . $18,800.00 $15,660.00 $5,60000 $6,00000 $23,535.00 $785,305.00 $39,265.25 $824.570.25 ~-f) --OJ ,... ("' u (( W \ c' 1;n ~ rn U' t\ . 1'-' n cb SEPARATE PRICES Supply & install soakawav pit, weeping tile, connect weeoino tile to CB, sodding $8,700.00 $1,528.00 $11,00000 NA Demolish & remove fencino $1,334.00 $6,000.00 $4,000.00 S&lnstall 2.4m fencinQ $23,552.00 $30,00000 $24,380.00 S&lnstall 3.65m fencino $19,808.00 $35,000.00 $20,40000 Highest Lowest << L\- OL<,,> 2'~ -. 08 t)C"L C..{' I c{' 2_ .. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING ?, /:) l" ....j '- _ ~t BY~LAW NO. Being a by-law to authorize the Artificial Turf Field at Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park in the City of Pickering and the issuance of debentures therefor in the amount of $499,000. WHEREAS Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that a lower- tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting matters within the spheres of jurisdiction described in that Section; and, WHEREAS Subsection 401 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that a municipality may incur a debt for municipal purposes, whether by borrowing money or in any other way; and, WHEREA~ Subsection 401(3) of the Munipipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that a lower-tier municipality in a regional municipality does nothave the power to issue debentures; and, WHEREAS The Regional Municipality of Durham has the sole authority to issue debentures for the purposes of its lower-tier municipalities including The Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "City");and, WHEREAS the Council of the City wishe~ construction to proceed in respect of the Artificial TOrf Field atBay Ridges Kinsmen Park project; and, . WHEREAS before authorizing the construction to proceed in respect of the Artificial Turf Field at. Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park project on the date hereof the Council of the City had the Treasurer update the City's Annual Repayment Limit, the Treasurer calculated the< estimated annual amount payable in respect of such project and determined thatsuch annual amount would not cause the City to exceed the updated Limit and, therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval is not required as per Section 401 of the MunicipalAct, 2001, as amended, and the regulations made thereunder; and, AND WHEREAS after determining that Ontario Municipal Board approval is not required, the Council of the City approved Report OES 23-08 on the date hereof and. awarded Tender T-12-2008 for the Artificial Turf Field at Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park project. NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: BY-LAW NO -1, f, C ... J,.j =--1 1-\ fX;L CJ ~- C-<:r:-.c.-- -2/ Fe) ...Jc:- -'" => -- '-C) ) (2 c- 0, Page 2 1. That the City proceed with the construction of the project referred to as "Artificial Turf Field at Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park"; 2. That the estimated costs of the construction in the amount of $699,783 be financed as follows: a) That the sum of $499,000 be financed by the issue of debentures by The Regional Municipality of Durham over a period not to exceed five (5) years; b) That the sum of $200,000 be funded by the Pickering $occerClub; c) That the balance of $783 be funded from the 2008Curreht Budget; 3. That the funds to repay the principal and interest of the debentures be provided for in the annual Current Budget for the City commencing in 2009 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid. BY-LAW. read a first, second and third time and finally. passed this 14th day of July, 2008. David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk