HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 20-08 I . "7 1 r ..I.) L~ J REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: OES 20-08 Date: July 14, 2008 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Emergency Roof Replacement Pickering Recreation Complex (Skylight Area) File: A-1440-001-08 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 20-08 regarding emergency roof replacement at the Pickering Recreation Complex (Skylight Area) be received; 2. That the quotation submitted by Provincial Industrial Roofing and Sheet Metal Co. Ltd to provide this roof replacement work at the Pickering Recreation Complex be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $60,834 and a net project cost of $57,938 be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the additional roofing replacement costs at the Pickering Recreation Complex: a) The total cost of $57,938 to be funded from the Federal Gas Tax funds; b) The Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and 5. Staff at the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The Pickering Recreation Complex requires unanticipated roof replacement in an area around the skylights. IRC Building Sciences Group (IRC), our roofing consultant, completed a condition assessment of the area and have identified that replacement of roof areas needs to be completed in order to ensure the roof is moisture free. Report OES 20-08 Subject: Emergency Roof Replacement Pickering Recreation Complex (Skylight Area) July 14, 2008 --; I, -" '\ I.]. b \.,) , " Page 2 In order to proceed with this project it will be necessary for the City of Pickering to approve additional funding in the amount of $57,938. In the 2007 Capital Budget, the related project "New Vapour Barrier on Metal Siding Wall of Pool & Repair & Seal several Skylights (5731.0707)" has increased the efficiency in heating and cooling of the building, increased insulation in the wall of the swimming pool at the Recreation Complex and as a result the project was funded from the Federal Gas Tax. The unanticipated roof replacement in the area around the skylights would provide the same benefits as the above 5731.0707 project and thus deemed appropriate to fund this emergency replacement from the Federal Gas Tax. IRC and City staff recommend that Provincial Industrial Roofing and Sheet Metal Co. Ud complete the required roof replacement. The additional roof area to be replaced ties into the original contract Provincial Industrial Roofing and Sheet Metal Co. Ltd was awarded in 2007 as the low bidder. Financial Implications: Roof Replacement at Pickering Recreation Complex Estimated Project Costing Summary Quotation from Provincial Roof and Sheet Co. Ltd. - Roof Replacement (Skylight Area) $57,938 Subtotal GST Total Gross Project Cost 57,938 2,896 60,834 GST Rebate (2,896) $57,938 Total Net Project Cost A new set of accounts will be set-up to capture this un budgeted emergency replacement. They are as follows: 5731.0899.6181 Unbudgeted, Other Fixed Assets 5731.0899.7505 Unbudgeted, Funding-from Federal Gas Tax CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OF.....c:;....?n-08 , -, III '7 ,5 t, Subject: Emergency Roof Replacement Pickering Recreation Complex (Skylight Area) July 14, 2008 Page 3 The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications of the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and concurs. The expenditure of $57,938 will be financed from Federal Gas Tax. Sustainabilit}i Implications: The upgrading of this portion of the roof will produce a more safe and efficient operation and consume less energy. Background: The Pickering Recreation Complex requires unanticipated roof replacement in an area around the skylights. IRC Building Sciences Group' (IRC), our roofing consultant, completed a condition assessment of the area and have identified an area bound by the skylights that require replacement due to wet insulation. . Attached is a quotation from Provincial Industrial Roofing and Sheet Metal Co. Ltd. to complete the required roof replacement at a cost of $57,938 plus GST. In order to proceed it will be necessary for the City of Pickering to approve additional funding in the amount of $57,938. A new vapour barrier on the metal siding wall of the Pickering Recreation Complex Pool and sealing of skylights was approved by Council in the 2007 Capital Budget. The low bid submitted by Provincial was accepted and Provincial was awarded the contract. Provincial completed the installation of the new vapour barrier in late 2007. IRC and City staff recommend that Provincial.lndustrial Roofing and Sheet Metal Co. Ltd. complete the required roof replacement. The City's Purchasing Policy typically requires a formal quotation to be called. This additional roof area ties into the original contract Provincial was awarded as the low bidder. An exemption requires Council approval. This work requires immediate repair in order to continue to operate the Pickering Recreation Complex safely. Attachments: 1. Quotation from Provincial Industrial Roofing and Sheet Metal Co. Ltd. for additional roof replacement. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 20-08 Subject: Emergency Roof Replacement Pickering Recreation Complex (Skylight Area) July 14, 2008 -/ 11 ~~ ,J --j> " Page 4 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By;-- ' / Len Hun er Supervisor, Facilities Operations Everett sma Director, Operations & Emergency Services ~.~ ~.~"......~._;::;:.... -.-' .~.~ ~,-""':.--~ . - ~.-..." ~ - Gillis Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer ~# Stephen e Ids Division Head, Culture & Recreation SR:lg Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering CAy C9~u iI f'" ,.'. " -...."....,.. CORP0227-07/01 revised PROVINCIAL I OEs' 20.-08 AT1'ACHMENT tfl!J':> bbftJ'~~'dRlW~~b~'("(~l:jl:j r'. ~..:S/I1~ OCA-C e I 0.(' .3 \ J H~~ ~':> ~~~ I!J~;~~ ~~ 7 LI, 0 I,' ,. ....) t.j_ Industrial Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. Ltd. 176 Creditstone Rd., Ullit 10, CODc:ord, Ontario UK In Tel: (905) 669-2569, Fax: (905) 669-6118 WcbPag" www.0t0Ilincialrooftne-eornl6mallinfo@provincialroofing.com. April 25, 2008 IRe Building Sciences Group Inc. 7565 Danbro Crescent Mississauga, Ontario LSN 6P9 905.607-7244 905-607.7288 (fax) Attention: Zen Szewczyk Re: Pickering Recreation Centre Extra cost to remOve and replace the roof syStem in an area bound by the skylights west of roof area 3.0 All work to be completed to existing specification from the deck up. Notes: . Materials for this repair are not supplied to us from Bakor as per the original specifications, . The existing tapered insulation that will be removed during this replacement will be replaced to the best of our ability in an improvised manor unless we can obtain as built tapered dra:wings to refer too. . Skylight lenses will have to be removed and replaced to complete this repair and we take no responsibility to there existing condition or any breakage thereof. Cost break out: Disposal Roofing materials Roofing labour Metal Materials Metal Labour Total Markup 15% Grand Total $ 878.00 $12,040.00 $33,777.00 (6 men 10 days @ $62.55 per menlhr) $ 311.00 $ 3,375.00 $50,381.00 $ 7,557.15 $57.938.15 Total for the above extra work $57,938.15 If you require any further information please do not hesitate to call. Members of: 1'he Canadillll Roofing Conlraclon: Assoc. - Olllario Industrial RoofinS Con~ors ~O.:. . Torooto Conrouction Assoc.- Nlltional RoofConltactor5 Ass[)C. ?icl<:erine Rec Centre cl\lnl ] H~~ ~J ~~~O ~~.~O ~~ ld Uglow President Provincial Roofmg 1 OES 2o~08 ATTACHMENT #~~::> bTb1tEl'dRT1i.~::>b~I( ~t;ltj '2 af!3 fG1-cr t-'.1a4/1a::> !) 5 0 Ht"1'< ~::, O::::~:Jlat::l ~'::I;~b 1-1'< ~ ~II. -, f ~~ " ':-)( 4\ : . I' t I I' 1 OE.S f\fTACt;MEN"1'1f'~ WREfE>l\"ffl~~8~ ~.. I ~A f---.-.--, . MA~ __ ./ 4\' 5.5 .. - -'. . ., '. 9 -.....- , /./, 4.5"!. ',\. !. .' --- 2 ()..- Cia F,05/1215 1 ~ i t p~Je 3Cl~'"$ ,~...\ ...1'..... ......"'-Qo I 'P........... "'" - '\ I.' . '" . ~ -:;T' __......--~ I s ~~ -WL 1,~ El.: 2ll" I S.o . S' ~;;,s'.. l .$ T e' @ @ 1.2E a2i ~ Sl.OPfO 11 L~ 9 CAN, A ::1:-6 0(;5 @ ~t:lF'RAl iii 1. CA VlTY RI TO suaST AS AP?RC (\'ERY 18 5.0 2, ALL &Ml ~20' A 6" 'MOl lS! 3, All. suaG GE SECVR SElF TIIPI '.. 4, s!I..F MlHo aLUE SJ<JN , ( !I. fASTENER 0,25' OIA 6. WORK ARI lNCLuOlNG ~ 7, m SEAt.! TO BE SE. . ....,\ ~) 0 r _.t. I ~..d'v . r -< p 1.(((... ........ J... A,.,...cvl HIGH POINT :3.0 SLOm e 10 \lIOE N GU~ 3.1 Si:OPm ;100/ 4~ AF<'~ . C,l" X I 30 .<..vr-L~_____ / ~ ~ Cl " . ,,/ 3.0' lit flAT ..-'- - ---- -- ------ ... 35" 4- . I 4.0 SL1iPEi5 1.18 ~ ,".. u w 0: o ~ ffi3 ~ en v o 111 ~ N III I ~I ./ <II ti ~ , :i ~oo. AAr />,<:. (~Q,.W 1,0 - 1,872 '1,0 - 15.463 1,1 - 15.831 ".1 - 12,402 1.1A - 7,561 S.O - .:s.1I1:; t,16 - 15.0'\1 6.0 - 211 l,le - 4,328 7.0 - 29.029 1.2A - 2,250 8.0 - 17.312 1.28 - 6.140 9.0 - 21,724 2.0 - 8,O.f2 em. A - 55/2 J.O - 15.0~ em, B - :iIZ 3.1 - l,agl TOTAL .. 179.M7 I i 1 i i " ! i if ~ : ! i L1JJ. ' ~,o~~ ! t i . : I ~ ~ ~ !. ~ ! j .; i . I : i ! : ! : ; . . . ! I . I I I . III t i 1 ! ; 'I i 1 ., , I I i I ! , . I i ~O', W1QE JR~N CllTTE!A: ," '<0 \,1'-\ ,),., ~)\ \J " .:. .. II c o E r Ci H ** TOTAL PAGE.05 **