HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 04-08 Cilil (J~ REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 04-08 Date: June 2,2008 '! 1 t i ) From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Sidewalk Installation on Wharf Street, West of Liverpool Road City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Report PO 04-08 of the Director, Planning & Development, regarding sidewalk installation on Wharf Street, west of Liverpool Road, be received; and 2. That Council authorize the construction of a sidewalk on the south side of Wharf Street (Option #2) from the east side of the entrance to DCC #184 (Frenchman's Bay Village), to the west side of the entrance to 1289 Wharf Street (Port restaurant); and 3. That this project be funded through Account 5321-Development Projects (Development Charge Funded) (Project 07-5321-001-12 Roads), as provided in the Council Approved 2007 Capital Budget; and 4. Further, that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: An existing marina, located at the western terminus of Wharf Street, has recently been redeveloped to accommodate a restaurant (Port), marina and marina office. While the new restaurant provides on-site parking, it is also anticipated to draw significant pedestrian traffic from the surrounding neighbourhood, Waterfront Village, and the Waterfront Trail. Currently sidewalks are not provided on Wharf Street, presenting a pedestrian safety concern. The City's Official Plan, Liverpool Road Waterfront Guidelines, and sustainability objectives encourage the introduction of sidewalks to improve the pedestrian environment and promote healthy lifestyles. With the increased pedestrian activity anticipated for Wharf Street, it is important that a safe and functional sidewalk be introduced. Staff has evaluated locational options for a sidewalk and recommends installation on the south side of Wharf Street. This location best serves pedestrian traffic, provides the most direct route, and can be installed within approved budget provisions. Report PD 04-08 June 2, 2008 Subject: Sidewalk Installation on Wharf Street Page 2 . . {'\ !. Financial Implications: Installation of the sidewalk on the south side of Wharf Street is estimated to cost approximately $21,000. This sidewalk is identified as a Development Charge Project, and the 2007 Council approved capital budget provides funding for this project in the amount of $25,000 (External Subdivision Works account 07-5321-001-12 Roads - the cost is shared with 25 percent from Development Charges and the remaining 75 percent from the City). Sustainability Implications: Installation of a sidewalk on Wharf Street will improve pedestrian connections which assist in promoting a healthy and safe environment. Background: 1.0 Introduction The Council adopted Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines, provide direction to establish a well connected network of open spaces and streets, which exhibit a high level of streetscape design and quality, further reinforcing the character of the Nautical Village and to provide pedestrian friendly spaces. During the review of the site plan application for the Marshall Homes townhouse development known as "Frenchman's Bay Village", staff recommended that the developer be required to install a sidewalk on the south side of Wharf Street to implement the vision of the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines and to provide for pedestrian safety on a road used by a working marina (see Attachment #1 - Location Map). However, at that time, plans to redevelop the Marina for a substantial restaurant use had not been submitted, and Marshall Homes preferred not to introduce a sidewalk across the eight townhouse units fronting Wharf Street. Consequently, the registered subdivision agreement made the installation of a sidewalk conditional upon the concurrence of three of the eight affected property owners. The eight landowners were later polled and the required level of support was not achieved. Consequently, the sidewalk was not installed and the developer's security related to the sidewalk installation was released. 2.0 Discussion 2.1 Recent redevelopment of the Wharf Street Marina has generated the need to provide a safe and appropriate pedestrian connection The redevelopment of the marina located at 1289 Wharf Street for a restaurant (Port), marina, and marina office has prompted a review of the pedestrian connections in this area. The new restaurant will supply its own parking in accordance with the zoning by-law, however it is anticipated that the restaurant will draw pedestrian traffic from the surrounding neighbourhood, the Waterfront Village and users of the Waterfront Trail. Report PD 04-08 June 2,2008 Subject: Sidewalk Installation on Wharf Street Page 3 z, --) The Liverpool Road Waterfront Node guidelines identify that Wharf Street is to remain a "working" street for marina activities. Marina functions and activities are proposed to remain with the introduction of the Port restaurant. With the introduction of this additional commercial use, it is important to provide safe pedestrian access for the users of the restaurant and area residents walking within the neighbourhood. Consequently, it is necessary that a sidewalk be introduced along Wharf Street. 2.2 Staff recommend a sidewalk be installed on the south side of Wharf Street (Option #2) Planning & Development and Municipal Property & Engineering staff considered various locational options for the introduction of a sidewalk, and recommend that the most appropriate location is the south side of Wharf Street. The south side location best serves anticipated pedestrian traffic flow and provides the most direct route. The majority of available public parking in this area is located south of Wharf Street on Liverpool Road (both on-street and in the municipally owned parking lot). Pedestrians coming to the restaurant from the area north of Wharf Street using Liverpool Road, could cross to the south side of Wharf Street at the controlled intersection, and access the sidewalk. Design options for the sidewalk on both the north and south side of Wharf Street are identified on Attachment #2 to this report. The recommended sidewalk design on the south side of Wharf Street was developed with the objective to locate the sidewalk as close as possible to the curb in order to minimize disturbance to the parking area of the eight existing townhouses, and to minimize disturbance to the landscaping that some landowners have completed at the end of their driveways (within the City-owned portion of the street). The introduction of a sidewalk on the south side will reduce the depth of the driveway currently available for resident vehicle parking. Our calculations indicate that the resultant driveway depth (from garage to sidewalk) will vary from 9.24 metres at the most westerly townhouse to 10.18 metres at the most easterly townhouse. A depth of just under 10.0 metres is required to accommodate two mid-size sedan automobiles in tandem. Consequently this design will be tight to fit two vehicles in the driveway, but depending on vehicle type, it may be possible. It is important that the sidewalk not be blocked by parked vehicles, and such blockage is not permitted by City by-laws. It should be noted that the zoning by-law provision applicable to these units requires two parking spaces for each townhouse, one of which is located within the attached garage. Townhouses internal to this project provide driveway depths capable of accommodating only one vehicle in front of the garage. Report PD 04-08 June 2,2008 Subject: Sidewalk Installation on Wharf Street Page 4 n '+ ~,) \ A portion of the boulevard on the south side of Wharf Street was improved by Marshall Homes with the introduction of a parking area associated with their office. Therefore the cost of the sidewalk installation on the south side is less than the north side, as a portion of sidewalk has already been completed. The cost to install a sidewalk on the south side of Wharf Street is estimated at $24,057. This includes sidewalk installation, adjustments to existing utilities, and adjustments to the existing landscape features installed by the property owners (see Attachment #4 - Cost Estimate Wharf Street Option #2 - South Side). 2.3 Alternative to install sidewalk on north side (Option #1) is feasible but not recommended An alternative design was considered for locating the sidewalk on the north side of Wharf Street (see Attachment #2 - Option #1). The design mirrors the treatment recommended in Option #2. This design option does not impact existing residents to the same magnitude as the south side option due to the fewer number of lots affected and the greater amount of lot area available to accommodate vehicle parking. The north side design cost estimate is $25,350, being marginally more expensive than the south side, given the greater length of improvement required (see Attachment #3 - Cost Estimate Wharf Street Option #1 - North Side). The north side installation is less desirable as it provides an indirect route for pedestrians and will likely not be used by the majority of pedestrians. It is unlikely that pedestrians originating from the Waterfront Village and Waterfront Trail will cross Wharf Street to access a sidewalk on the north side of the street, knowing that they will have to cross back a short distance later to access the restaurant. We anticipate that pedestrians would walk on the south side of the Wharf Street, in conflict with traffic, even if a sidewalk was installed on the north side of the street. Further, we anticipate that pedestrians originating from the north will cross Wharf Street at their earliest convenience and travel along the road to the restaurant. Report PO 04-08 June 2,2008 Subject: Sidewalk Installation on Wharf Street Page 5 ~ r- :i ,J Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Proposed Concrete Sidewalk Options 1 & 2 3. Cost Estimate Wharf Street Option #1 - North Side 4. Cost Estimate Wharf Street Option #2 - South Side Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Tyler Barnett Senior Planner - Site Planning Neil Carr II, P, RPP Director, Planning & Development Approved/Endorsed By: TB:ld Attachments / / G Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Directors Recommended for the consideration of PiCkenn,9 City rnci\ .... .'" . ."i ".,?'~~J j, r;(I//2- Thom~s J. Quin : RDMFt, CMMiU' Chief Administ~ ive Officer -'.,.,<.., / N , , <...:i' I I I '-\ IU \ I , i i r J \ \ I 0 L <C I " 0 \\ r-- 0:::: mmmmm.mm._n I ........... -....- .............- THE y, RT REST AU RANTl, [I~\- /1 il ..........----- \ .m...... ........................ ........n.............. FRENCHMAN'S l""" BAY L ':~-~~'~0l~~ PICKERING HARBOUR COMPANY(P.H.C.) M7'; \" CITY ~ OF PICKERING 0.... ----~ PARKING '.. 0.. m ----~ r~':;~ .. ------ ---...-..........,-"~ ""- -""""'-, ......,'....... . -0. [ -....:, -~ -. 0.0 -"'-"'~...,- ~-~ '......,'--."... --'-..-. "_m .. .. o~ '--............. ~ ' "'..,' ~~~-- " " ,.~ City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION N/A l' OWNER VARIOUS DATE DEC. 18, 2007 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. N/A SCALE 1 :2000 CHECKED BY TB ~a~~r~~eu;c;~~erpr;ses Inc. and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not a plan of :survey. PN-3 2005 MPAC and its !luppliers. All rililhts Reserved. Not 0 plan of Survey. I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I OPTION #1 f NORTH SIDE I PROPOSED FUTURE CURCi PROPOSED FUTURE SIDEWALK EXISTING SOD BLVD. EXISTING SOD BLVD. ! 4.ym EXISTING SOD BLVD. EXISTING SOD BLV~. " ." ..... ".:'~' ..'. .. .:~ .:: ~ "'.\.:':..~<;.:~'.,'~~~<: ~<:~.""~ ;'." ,'. ,", .::".. .\,"~: l... :...~.:. ..... ." I:,:;. - ~:~'>..., .-." r CUT EXISTING CURB FOR DEPRESSION (FOR OPTION #1) .. ;,;" mWM", "CCOWm {DEPENDS ON LANDSCAPING OPTION ',C!' ~ ,'.l ",..: ... PROP. UNILOCK HOLLANDSTONE DAm PROP. 1.5m CONC. SIDEWALK ADJUST VALVE r RELOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES r PROP. UNILOCK HOLLANDSTONE DAm r PROP. 1.5m CONC. SIDEWALK STREeT I I I I I I I I I I I I I OPTION #2 - SOUTH SIDE I OPERA TraNS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK OPTIONS 1 & 2 WHARF STREET Utq "I " ~ NTS NOV 26/2007 o <( o n::: .-J o o 0- n::: W > .-J r~ ~ -.J I 'I I II (~ UL '___ J ,TO ;.""',n', "0 O~ ()8 -, U't.ir) i Y '... . - ._ ~..o_~.. Operations & Emergency Services Municipal Property & Engineering Cost Estimate Sidewalk Construction Wharf Street Option #1 - North Side Date: November 27/2007 (after meeting) Item Description No. Actual Tender Unit Total _ __ __ __ _ql:l~_~!~~:( _ _ _ _ g~_~~_~i~y_ __ .l}_,:,~! _ _.. ..~.r.i~~..... __.. _ _. ..~.C?::>_tm _ _.. Excavation and Removals 1.02 Excavation and Gradina 1.02.01 Earth Excavation, grading 53 55 m3 $30.00 $1,650.00 (Sod 200mm = 23.6m3 Pavers 21 Omm = 8.4m3 Sidewalk 130mm = 21 m3) 1.03.21 Cut Existing Curb for Depression 2 2 ea $250.00 $500.00 Total - Excavation & Removals $2,150.00 Roadworks and Storm Sewers 1.07 Alternative Surface Treatments 1.07.01 Interlocking Paving Stone 40 42 m2 $150.00 $6,300.00 (including 150mm depth of Granular 'A') 1.14 Adiustments to Existina Utilities 1.15.58 Adjust Manholes, Catch Basins and/or Water Main Valve Chambers (max. 300mm) ea $300.00 $300.00 1.19 Sidewalks 1.19.02 Concrete Sidewalk (130mm depth) 162 165 m2 $75.00 $12,375.00 (154m2 + 8m2) 1.20 SoddinQ/SeedinQ 1.20.01 Unstaked Sodding (1.0m width) 118 120 m2 $8.00 $960.00 (107m2 + 5.5m2 + 5.5m2) 1.20.04 Screened Imported Topsoil (150mm depth) 118 120 m2 $8.00 $960.00 Total - Roadworks & Storm Sewers $20,895.00 Total Value of Work 10% Contingency $23,045.00 $ 2,304.50 Total Estimate $25,349.50 Page 1 of 1 >-ill ;, u Operations & Emergency Services Municipal Property & Engineering Cost Estimate Sidewalk Construction Wharf Street Option #2 - South Side ! '.' 9 u. Date: February 21/2008 (Revised) Item Description Actual Tender Unit Total ~~'__ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _9.....~_~~~~~ ____g~_~~_~i~y. _ _ _U_':1!~_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_r_i~~_ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<;:_C?~_~_____ Excavation and Removals 1.02 Excavation and GradinQ 1.02.01 Earth Excavation, grading (Sod 200mm = 8.5m3 Pavers 21 Omm = 4.5m3 Sidewalk 130mm = 12m3) 1.03.21 Cut Existing Curb for Depression 36 40 m3 ea $30.00 Total - Excavation & Removals $250.00 Roadworks and Storm Sewers 1.07 Alternative Surface Treatments 1.07.01 Interlocking Paving Stone (including 150mm depth of Granular 'A') 21 23 1.14 Adiustments to ExistinQ Utilities 1.14.30 Relocate Bell Pedestal (By Others) 1.14.40 Relocate Rogers Pedestal (By Others) 1.19 Sidewalks 1.19.02 Concrete Sidewalk (130mm depth) (80m2 + 12m2 + 17m2 + 18m2) 1.20 SoddinQ/SeedinQ 127 130 1.20.01 Unstaked Sodding (1.0m width) 42.5 45 1.20.04 Screened Imported Topsoil (150mm Depth) 42.5 45 6.2 Adiustments to ExistinQ Landscape Features 6.20.04 Adjust Existing Interlock Driveway Borders / Walls and Corner Feature m2 ea ea m2 m2 m2 Is $150.00 $750.00 $750.00 $75.00 $8.00 $8.00 $5,000.00 Total - Roadworks & Storm Sewers Total Value of Work 10% Contingency Total Estimate Page 1 of 1 $1,200.00 $250.00 $1,450.00 $3,450.00 $750.00 $750.00 $9,750.00 $360.00 $360.00 $5,000.00 $20,420.00 $21,870.00 $ 2,187.00 $ 24,057.00