HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 20, 2008 CilLJ o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Seaton Advisory Committee Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:30 am Pickering City Hall, Main Committee Room Attendees: Rick Johnson, Regional Councillor, Chair Bonnie Littley, Regional Councillor, Vice-Chair Mayor Ryan Doug Dickerson, City Councillor Bill McLean, Regional Councillor Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy, Planning & Development Steve Gaunt, Senior Planner, Planning & Development Robert Starr, Supervisor, Development Control, Planning & Development Grant McGregor, Principal Planner, Policy, Planning & Development Dorothy Skinner, Region of Durham Kathy McKay, Executive Director, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Donna McFarlane, UOIT, Durham College Rodger Miller, Mattamy Development Corporation Chris Matson, Matson, McConnell Ltd. Bruce Fischer, Metrus Development Tom Albani, Metrus Development Lloyd Cherniak, Lebovic Enterprises Jim McCafferty, Durham Catholic District School Board Steve Heuchert, TRCA Peter Rodrigues, Whitevale Resident Gordon Willson, Whitevale Resident Andy McKinnon, GTA Resident Cat Beattie, Whitevale Resident Jim Robb, Friends of the Rouge Watershed Renee Michaud, City of Pickering (Recording Secretary) Absent: Tom Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Graham Martin, aRC Ash Kothyial, aRC Reg Webster, Sernas Associate Joan Wideman, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade John Connolly, Transport Canada Item / Ref # Details & Discllssion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as a ro riate Councillor Rick Johnson Chair 1. Welcome 2. Neil Carroll Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) difficult to achieve at initial build out. The developers do not disagree with the total, just the timing of the actual achievement of the numbers. The Province, Region and City have indicated that the 70,000 population target is expected at initial build out. The developers met the week of March 10th to discuss what they heard further; however, they have no decision to express at this time. Councillor Johnson distributed a copy of the letter from Roger Anderson to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the Regional development charges for the Seaton lands. The City's Terms of Reference for the Neighbourhood Program identify Seaton to be planned for 70,000 people and 35,000 jobs. Tom Melymuk mentioned that the developers had requested the City not proceed with the Neighbourhood Planning study until the population and employment issue is resolved. Bruce Fischer suggested that we continue with the neighbourhood planning program at this time. Bruce suggested that we should be planning by built form, not by numbers. Planning by numbers is not the preferred way to build. Councillor Dickerson agreed with Bruce Fischer. Councillor Littley said that the 70,000 is a good goal, and that we should still consider this, and has a good urban form. Seaton should support some high density buildings as well. Neil said that the best way to find out what the urban form should be is to proceed with the neighborhood plan at this time. Councillor McLean asked if the model for Seaton is based on what was developed in Richmond Hill. Lloyd mentioned that if we are going to offer retail then we can't do the high density buildings. Mayor Ryan agreed that we can't define the numbers until we have a plan in place. Reference to other neighbourhoods is a good point, but many of these are being redesigned as a result of growth and community changes. The Mayor stated that in his view, the projected population number is CORP0228-2/02 Action Items.! Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 2 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) a long term goal and that the one number he is not willing to change is the employment number of 35,000 jobs; if anything that number should be increased. Tom Albani stated that it may be worthwhile to hold further discussions and suggested a one-day workshop with City staff, developers and consultants to look at design forms and develop a neighbourhood plan. Lloyd mentioned that part of the reason the Regional Chair sent the letter to the Province about development charges was to encourage discussion and obtain a commitment from the province for funding. Neil stated that he is concerned that one of the objectives in conducting this process is the same as what the Neighbourhood Planning process would accomplish. He noted matters to be looked at in the neighbourhood planning are very complex. It is important to look at all elements of the neighbourhood planning process to know what the results will be. The neighbourhood planning process should be completed before we proceed with this proposed workshop. He noted that the Province is very firm about the numbers identified in the Central Pickering Development Plan. Rodger Miller commented that they will be making more detailed comments on the Neighbourhood Planning Program Terms of Reference. Stakeholders at the table seem to have taken positions on what the numbers should be. We need to understand what the urban form would be for Seaton at 70,000 population. The one-day workshop might be of some assistance to the people around the table before we embark on the Neighbourhood Planning and spend a lot of money. 3. Stephen Heuchert mentioned that there is report he is aware of from the US on visualizing densities, which shows various forms of development at a range of densities. This might be usefull when developing neighbourhood plans. He will send the weblink to P&D staff. Neighbourhood Planning Program - Draft Terms of Reference (Update) Catherine mentioned that comments have been received from the Province, the Region and some internal feedback. The timeline for going to Council with the Terms of Reference will be delayed to early June because of the developers concerns with the population and employment figures contained in the document. Tom Melymuk mentioned that we have to ensure that the funding will come from the landowners group. Councillor Dickerson suggested that it may be worthwhile to get an CORP0228-2/02 Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Stephen Heuchert to send the website link to P&D staff. Catherine Rose Page 3 Item / Ref # 4. Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) idea of how many neighbourhoods and then how many people per neighbourhood and what the density may be. There was a comment that since the employment land acreage is less than anticipated when the CPDP was produced, the employment figures should be changed to reflect this. It was also suggested that greater use in the open space would provide more opportunities to achieve the population. Lloyd stated that workshops/charettes are useful exercises, but maybe it would be worth it to show people what the actual designs are by visiting similar sites. Councillor Johnson stated that Members of Council would definitely be interested. It was agreed that Tom Melymuk would arrange a meeting to discuss details related to the workshop/charette with the developers, consultants and staff. MESP Update Reg Webster was unable to attend the meeting. Grant advised that there have been no recent meetings. Dorothy Skinner advised that some background technical work was to be released in March, but they have not received anything yet. Grant confirmed that a meeting to discuss the technical work was to be scheduled as well, but no date has been set at this time. Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Tom Melymuk to setup one-day workshop. Reg Webster Grant to follow up with Reg for more details and obtain materials. . Stephen Heuchert advised there is a meeting with Sernas, TRCA and City staff on April 8th to discuss stormwater ponds. 5. Update on Other Studies All Natural Heritage Study - Steve Gaunt gave an update on the upcoming consultation meetings at which the preliminary draft management strategies and proposed trail plan would be presented. The stakeholders' meeting scheduled for today (March 20) was cancelled because of the Easter weekend, and they have been invited to attend the April 2nd public meeting. The First Nations consultation is scheduled for April 1. Steve stated Steering Committee members have a working draft of the report, but that the Draft Final Report will not be released until mid April, following the consultation sessions. Steve advised that the report is being written to act as a "guideline" where there is an interface with the developable areas, rather than be prescriptive. In response to a question about what trails were being constructed, CORP0228-2/02 Page 4 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Catherine stated that at the earlier public meeting, the Province had committed to build the main trail connections, but there was no specific commitment to funding all the trails. 6. Financial Impact Study for City of Pickering - Tom Melymuk provided an update. IBI, who is conducting the study for the developers, met with City staff in late February, 2008, to discuss how best to recommence this study. Other Business Catherine Rose advised that she has considered the recent request from Gord Willson to include the boundary of the Whitevale Heritage District on the Seaton website, and that there will be a revision made to the website. This information, along with another report on heritage landscapes that is referenced in the CPDP, as well as the Whitevale Heritage District Guidelines (which are being put on the City's website by the City Clerk) will be added in the near future. A comment was made about having a heritage tree planting program. Councillor Johnson mentioned that Heritage Pickering also has a similar request with regards to preserving trees and urban forests. Steve Heuchert asked about the status of the Morrison Water Balance that the Province is undertaking. No one from the Province was present to answer. Jim Robb of the Friends of the Rouge Watershed mentioned that they would like to get involved in this committee as they are concerned about the watershed and stormwater management. These are major challenges and the province should be involved in protecting the ground water resources. A comment was made that the trail system should be in place before development. There were also concerns about the fact that there would be 70 stormwater ponds and that this is a concern with respect to the potential airport as the ponds are waterfowl breeding grounds. (See submission for Friends of the Rouge Watershed) Councillor Dickerson suggested that Jim Robb contact TRCA and the Natural Heritage System working group for further details. Stephen advised that there are 2 different types of wetlands and suggested that Jim contact him to review the studies completed to date. Councillor Littley asked whether anyone was involved with the Oakville Moraine plan as it is quite similar to what we are doing. Gord Willson advised that he believes the urban form workshop idea CORP0228-2/02 Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) All Catherine to arrange changes to website. Catherine to contact MMAH about the status of the Water Balance Study. NOTE: On April 2, 2008, Catherine Rose advised that the study was completed on March 31, 2008. Page 5 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) very good idea. He noted it would be useful to have the developers with their consultants who have completed the studies. This will also provide an opportunity to test the population and employment numbers. He noted it will be difficult to choose a neighbourhood because of the challenges in the Whitevale area, but suggested we may want to consider where Sideline 26 intersects with the Fifth Concession, to address integrating heritage and cultural aspects with the urban form workshop. Gord also noted that in considering built form, sustainability should also be considered in the proposed workshop, energy, heating sources, geothermal, etc. \ Gord further advised that at a recent meeting of the Residents Association, a concern was expressed about the pace of development that is anticipated in Seaton, and the anticipated impacts of the traffic through Whitevale. Gord stated that the Go Station for Seaton and the Whitevale Road - 14th Concession By- pass should be constructed to prevent the traffic impacts. With respect to the Natural Heritage Study, he noted the draft trail plan appears to locate a trail on his property. Meeting Adjourned: 11 :40 am Copy: Members of Council Directors Division Heads City Solicitor City Clerk CORP0228-2/02 Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 6