HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 18, 2008 Cillf o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee March 18,2008 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Johnson Jim Simpson - Vice-Chair Shirley Curran, Member Karen Emmink, Member Shawna Foxton, Vice-Chair Gordon Zimmerman, Member Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Pamela Fuselli Theresa Abernethy, Member Richard Fleming, Member Debi Wilcox Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome Jim welcomed everyone and noted that he and Shawna would be co-chairing the meeting this evening in Pamela's absence. 2.0 Approval of Minutes Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Karen Emmink Minutes of the February 26,2008 meeting were approved Carried 3.0 New and Unfinished Business 3.1 HeritaQe Trees Shawna reviewed the email received from Scott McKay regarding an inquiry on heritage trees. Discussion ensued with respect to heritage trees, with the following points being discussed: Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) . Put together a list . Types of trees along various roads were reviewed . Start a tree planting program so that trees are established as others are lost . Speak to an arborist to get started . Forward letter to an arborist . Forward letter to Council . Possibly make this a Spring planting with students . Questioned whether there was anything in place under the Heritage Act (Gordon noted it is very loosely defined in the Act) . Set up a program - on-going - add locations each year . Invite Scott McKay to a Committee meeting to help formulate a plan for tree preservation . Karen provided a brochure, gave to Shawna Shawna to look into . Karen provided website for www.treecanada.ca website provided 3.2 Plaque Presentation Discussion ensued as to how best to make the presentation of Jim/ Shawna to email the two plaques for Glen House and the Willson House. Jim Lloyd and Shawna will investigate the possibility of planning this around the same time as the Whitevale Festival Day, May 24th or 25th. It was noted this would be a good opportunity to have a number of dignitaries in attendance. It was questioned whether City staff did the installation. 3.3 Annual Report It was noted that the 2007 Annual Report and 2008 Workplan Linda to email memo will be going forward to Council in May. Jim noted once the and format sample format is received from the Clerk's Division, they will get together and review it. 3.4 Review of New and Unfinished Business Jim and Shawna reviewed the new and unfinished business items. Shawna noted that once the designer has made the changes, she will email the brochure to Debi/Linda for looking Linda to look into into the printing of the brochure. It was questioned who would printing of brochure be looking after this. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Ref# Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Gordon questioned the email regarding Rogers Farm, whether Debi had received it or not. He provided a copy of the email. Questioned the status of the Landlord Tenant Act and how it pertains to the Province. 4.0 Correspondence 4.1 2008 Heritaqe Conservation Conference/CHO News Shawna advised the Committee with respect to correspondence received for the 2008 Heritage Conservation Conference being held May 30th to June 1st in Collingwood. She provided a brief outline of the conference for anyone wishing to attend. 4.2 Advisory Group Meeting - Seaton Natural Heritage System and Master Trail Plan Shawna reviewed correspondence received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with respect to an invitation to participate in the advisory group meeting which will be held on Thursday, March 20th in the Pickering Central Library. Shirley and Gordon noted they planned to attend. Karen advised that she would be there working that night. Shawna provided copies of the CHO Newsletter. 5.0 Other Business CORP0228-2/02 5.1 Update from Sub-Committee Jim noted that there have been no further meetings to date, but plans are underway to meet and schedule further meetings. 5.2 Memo from Director of Planninq Jim reviewed the memo received from Neil Carroll, Director of Planning & Development, in response to questions raised at the previous Heritage Pickering Committee meeting. Discussion ensued with the main issues being Sideline 26 and the preservation of the John Major House. It was questioned whether the City of Pickering could make a request through the Region of Durham. They also asked what the Region's plan was for the route of the extension with respect to the two Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Debi to include on Municipal Heritage Register Debi to action Page 3 Item / Ref# Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) designated properties. It was also questioned how the City plans to support Heritage Pickering's requirements with respect to applications. It was noted that Neil Carroll and Tim Moore plan to attend the April 29th meeting at which time these issues could be addressed. It was suggested Linda bring a copy of one of the plans which were reviewed at the last meeting to April's meeting to show Neil the problems they are having reading them. Questions arose with respect to obtaining golf shirts for Committee members. 5.3 Ontario Heritaqe Trust Jim reviewed additional correspondence received with respect to the 2008 Heritage Community Recognition Program. It was noted they were looking for nominations for this and the deadline for submissions is July 4th, 2008. It was suggested we get a recommendation from the Committee at the next meeting to take to Council. Jim asked the committee to think about potential nominees. 5.4 Greenwood School House Shawna provided an update on the Greenwood School House, which is situated beside Valleyview Public School. She indicated she had toured it along with Gordon and advised the Committee of the following: . Currently a library - but not really in use at present . Architecturally very nice, very good condition, well looked after . Refurbished in the 80's . Not pedestrian friendly . Putting together a report with assistance of John Sabean to have this designated as an historical structure . Visited Registry office . City to maintain ownership Discussion ensued on how best to use building CORP0228-2/02 Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Linda to look into previous nominations Page 4 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 6.0 Adiournment Moved by Karen Emmink Seconded by Shirley Curran That the meeting be adjourned. Carried 7.0 Next Meetinq Tuesday, April 29, 2008 Meeting adjourned: 8:30 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 5 CORP0228-2/02