HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 6, 2008 CLUJ o~ Minutes PICKERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY March 6, 2008 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor David Pickles, Chair Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering, Vice-Chair Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Cathy Grant, Pickering Public Library Siobhan Saravanamutto, Dunbarton High School Linda Roberts (Recording Secretary) Absent: Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Tanya Malika Foster, Community Appointee Mariyah Gonzales, Dunbarton High School Ishu Vij, Dunbarton High School Sharon Singh, Pine Ridge Secondary School Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Joanne Guindon, Durham Catholic District School Board Item / Ref # 1.0 Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Welcome Action Items I Status (include deadline as appropriate) Councillor Pickles welcomed everyone and introductions were made. A brief explanation on the functions of the Committee were provided for the benefit of our uest in attendance. Review & A roval of A enda 2.0 All Marisa reviewed the action items from the previous minutes. Everything had been taken care of with exception of looking into doing the printing and binding in house for the books containing the winnin entries of the writin contest. A roval of Minutes 3.0 All Minutes of the February 7,2008 meeting of Race Relations were ap roved. Page 1 4.0 Events Race Relations Forum Marisa reviewed the events for the Race Relations Forum which will take place on March 19th . Invitations were sent to the winners, schools, dignitaries as well as cultural organizations . The importance of having the members attend was stressed . The judges invitations have gone out and the RSVP's have been received . Still to confirm dance performers . Circulated the March calendar, showing the schedule as well as an article showing the winners . Winning entries are now on the website . News Advertiser to publish next week . Siobhan will invite [YOU]nity members to attend Marisa noted that this event has been well promoted. She also noted there will be a display on Monday in the lobby at the Civic Complex featuring the winners. She explained each winner will receive a package. It was noted we need to have a staff person present with the photographer to take down names of those being photographed, and to ensure the proper release forms are received for publication purposes. Tapestry Councillor Pickles stressed the need for volunteers to act as representatives on the Tapestry Committee. To date we have had no representatives on this Committee. He also requested we have volunteers out on the day of the event, to be held on Saturday, June 7th. Cathy Grant noted that she would be available on the day of the event. Councillor Pickles also noted that friends and family were welcome to volunteer as well. Siobhan stated that [YOU]nity members would attend as well. The next meeting will take place on April 12th at the Museum at 9:00 a.m. This is the last meeting, which will be a wrap up meeting. Page 2 Marisa to action E-mail to be forwarded asking members to commit now for the April 12'h meeting and to RSVP Marisa noted she had provided the committee meeting dates to the Durham Tamil Association President, and noted she has been informed that they would like to send two representatives to our meetings. Marisa informed the Committee that a memo had been sent to Council requesting the City of Pickering proclaim March 215t as International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. She indicated this had been proclaimed, and that it will appear in the paper. Heritaqe Day Review Marisa informed the Committee that the Heritage Day event held on February 16th at the Pickering Town Centre was very successful. She reviewed the day's events and noted that the images are now on our website. Media attendance was also good, with plenty of coverage. Marisa noted she had done a TV interview as well. She noted that the performances went from 11:15 am - 3:00 pm. The welcoming remarks will be changed to later in the day to allow those dignitaries attending the Claremont event to attend our welcoming remarks. 5.0 Diversity Workshop by [YOU]nity Siobhan provided an update on the Workshop to be held during March break and explained the Committee was meeting tonight in the Library. . Have received 25 youth registrations . Event to be held March 11 and 13 from 9 am - 3:30 pm . Agenda is finalized - lots of games . Speaker is lined up from Star camp . Sharon has contacted Tim Hortons for donation of snacks . Library will donate fruit . Library will laminate certificates Page 3 Discussion ensued with respect to purchasing prizes, drinks. Marisa advised Siobhan to provide her with their requirements, and she will purchase from the Race Relations budget. It was suggested we purchase two $10-$15.00 movie gift certificates as well as two $10-$15 gift certificates from the mall. The Committee can provide approximately $200.00 for this event. The best time for the Councillors to attend was discussed. It was suggested around 3:00 pm would be a good time for them to arrive. Reminder to be sent out to Councillors and placed on their calendar. Councillor Pickles advised that he would be attending. Cathy Grant noted that OPG has sponsored the event by way of T-shirts. [YOU]nity have also designed their own T-shirts for the event. Valleyview Public School will be holding a multi- cultural event, and it was suggested {YOU}nity could set up a booth there. Siobhan indicated she will speak with some of the Grade 8 students after the completion of the program with respect to joining [YOU]nity. Marisa provided an update with respect to the Principal's meeting, where they promoted their group and the March Break workshop. 6.0 2008 Workplan/2007 Annual Report Marisa advised that the draft report has been reviewed and the speaking notes are ready. Kirk and Siobhan will be presenting the report. Marisa passed around copies of the report and presentation. She advised that the written report is almost complete now. Marisa advised she has three colour copies of the presentation here tonight to view, and also explained the format. Marisa to send out email from Councillor Pickles on behalf of Committee Siobhan to provide further details Page 4 Marisa advised the Committee to provide her with any additional comments by March 17th. Councillor Pickles asked the Committee to start thinking about our goals for the 2008 workplan. This will be placed on our May agenda for discussion purposes. Siobhan advised the Committee she hopes to bring in a student from Pine Ridge next year. 8.0 Adjournment 8:20 pm Next Meeting: Thursday, April 3, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the Main Committee Room Copy: City Clerk All members to be prepared for discussion Linda to check on deadline for 2008 workplan Page 5