HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 5, 2007Accessibility Advisory Committee September 5, 2007 7:00 PM CAO Boardroom Attendees: Kelly Collins, Chair Stephen Little, Co-Chair Garry Cuthbert Aisha Nathifa Heywood Zoia Horne Councillor Bonnie Littley Lori Murray Prem Noronha-Waldriff Lisa Broad (Recording Secretary) Absent: Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate)  1.0 Adoption of Minutes – June 27, 2007 Kelly Collins, Chair    Moved by Kelly Collins Seconded by Lori Murray Kelly welcomed everyone back from summer break.   2.0 2008 Annual Accessibility Plan All    Kelly inquired if anyone had any comments, suggestions, or additions to the plan. Councillor Littley inquired about some items (Page 15) that were pending. Have quotes been put out? Prem - This document is current. Quotations have been received and facilities are in the midst of completing some items. Kelly inquired as to why Petticoat Creek is having accessibility issues because it’s a new building and as new buildings are being built should they not have to follow the building code for accessibility? Councillor Littley asked why is it taking so long to put the translator list on the website? (Page 26) Lisa to contact the Website Coordinator to put translator contact info on web. Discussion ensued on the threshold percentage for accessibility for buildings to renovate – what is that number and how does the building code apply to new buildings? What is the law and is there any obligation at all? Stephen thought the plan was good and liked seeing the many improvements that were in place. Discussion ensued on the passage of the Workplan through council and approval. Stephen & Zoia would like to register as delegates for the 17th Council meeting. All of the committee to attend council to support Stephen & Zoia who will discuss what the committee is about and what we do. Zoia wanted to confirm that $3,000 was set aside for the flyer. Marisa was supposed to give the flyer to the graphics designer. The graphics designer was going to suggest format and layout for the flyer. Prem to follow up about this.  Lisa to action. Lisa to action. Prem to action.    Kelly inquired if anyone had any comments, suggestions, or additions to the plan. Councillor Littley inquired about some items (Page 15) that were pending. Have quotes been put out? Prem - This document is current. Quotations have been received and facilities are in the midst of completing some items. Kelly inquired as to why Petticoat Creek is having accessibility issues because it’s a new building and as new buildings are being built should they not have to follow the building code for accessibility? Councillor Littley asked why is it taking so long to put the translator list on the website? (Page 26) Lisa to contact the Website Coordinator to put translator contact info on web. Discussion ensued on the threshold percentage for accessibility for buildings to renovate – what is that number and how does the building code apply to new buildings? What is the law and is there any obligation at all? Stephen thought the plan was good and liked seeing the many improvements that were in place. Discussion ensued on the passage of the Workplan through council and approval. Stephen & Zoia would like to register as delegates for the 17th Council meeting. All of the committee to attend council to support Stephen & Zoia who will discuss what the committee is about and what we do. Zoia wanted to confirm that $3,000 was set aside for the flyer. Marisa was supposed to give the flyer to the graphics designer. The graphics designer was going to suggest format and layout for the flyer. Prem to follow up about this.  Lisa to action. Lisa to action. Prem to action.  3.0 Site Plan Review All    Prem Planning & Development has asked that we have a more formal format to deliver our comments. Councillor Littley suggested that Planning & Development could give us a template (checklist) to review and place our comments on. We can capture the comments through the minutes and then use the checklist to add comments and review in an additional comment box. It would also be very beneficial to have a member from Planning & Development attend the meetings when we really need their attendance, perhaps when we have more than one site plan to review. Kelly (Chair) to determine two weeks prior to a meeting if a P&D representative is required to attend and to advise Prem. S07/07 - Brock and finch townhouses. Typical townhouses that are not accessible to everyone. No ground level entrances. 3 floors, all stairs, main intersections, and no commercial plazas nearby. AAC members to raise this question at council - why are all of these housing areas being created without regard for accessibility? Parking is limited. Some builders now offer accessibility packages. Zoia – please include the accessible parking sign on the legend and indicate how many spots are accessible on the legend. It would also be beneficial to mention how many units are designed to be made accessible on the legend too. S01/76 (R07/02) Duffins Creek WPCP Water Pollution Control Plant. Kelly didn’t understand anything on this plan – too much jargon and technical language. No problems with this plan. Councillor Littley inquired if the Waterfront Trail was still accessible, had a paved section, and had low legible and angled signage. S06/07 Home Depot plaza Parking for Building A, 518 parking spots, 8 accessible spots. Building B – 125 parking spots, not one accessible spot. Should have three spots. Building C – only one accessible spot, where they should have 3. Building D & E, no plans for the underground parking so we don’t know about accessible spots. Elevator? It was recommended by Council that there is an elevator in each building with 2 floors. There are X’s, which usually represents elevators on each place – can we confirm that there are elevators for each building with two floors? Prem to confirm with Planning & Development to please send all relevant documents along with each plan. S01/07 Typical three story townhouse. Zoia would like the accessible parking spots put in the legend. Does this plan contain living units that can be converted to accessible living areas? Kelly told Zoia that yes; some of the living areas can be converted into accessible areas. Zoia inquired why building companies are not being creative with their designs. It seems each design resembles the last. Councillor Littley recommended to Zoia that she mention this when she attends Council on September 17th. S08/07 Pickering Auto Body Shop Dimensions, not a legend, label the one accessible spot. The legend states that 20 spots are required however there are only 16 showing on the plan. Why is this so? The Committee would like to start receiving some feedback from Planning & Development regarding the comments that are sent to them. Questions are asked that never receive a response.  Prem to action. Kelly to action. Prem to action. Prem to action.    Prem Planning & Development has asked that we have a more formal format to deliver our comments. Councillor Littley suggested that Planning & Development could give us a template (checklist) to review and place our comments on. We can capture the comments through the minutes and then use the checklist to add comments and review in an additional comment box. It would also be very beneficial to have a member from Planning & Development attend the meetings when we really need their attendance, perhaps when we have more than one site plan to review. Kelly (Chair) to determine two weeks prior to a meeting if a P&D representative is required to attend and to advise Prem. S07/07 - Brock and finch townhouses. Typical townhouses that are not accessible to everyone. No ground level entrances. 3 floors, all stairs, main intersections, and no commercial plazas nearby. AAC members to raise this question at council - why are all of these housing areas being created without regard for accessibility? Parking is limited. Some builders now offer accessibility packages. Zoia – please include the accessible parking sign on the legend and indicate how many spots are accessible on the legend. It would also be beneficial to mention how many units are designed to be made accessible on the legend too. S01/76 (R07/02) Duffins Creek WPCP Water Pollution Control Plant. Kelly didn’t understand anything on this plan – too much jargon and technical language. No problems with this plan. Councillor Littley inquired if the Waterfront Trail was still accessible, had a paved section, and had low legible and angled signage. S06/07 Home Depot plaza Parking for Building A, 518 parking spots, 8 accessible spots. Building B – 125 parking spots, not one accessible spot. Should have three spots. Building C – only one accessible spot, where they should have 3. Building D & E, no plans for the underground parking so we don’t know about accessible spots. Elevator? It was recommended by Council that there is an elevator in each building with 2 floors. There are X’s, which usually represents elevators on each place – can we confirm that there are elevators for each building with two floors? Prem to confirm with Planning & Development to please send all relevant documents along with each plan. S01/07 Typical three story townhouse. Zoia would like the accessible parking spots put in the legend. Does this plan contain living units that can be converted to accessible living areas? Kelly told Zoia that yes; some of the living areas can be converted into accessible areas. Zoia inquired why building companies are not being creative with their designs. It seems each design resembles the last. Councillor Littley recommended to Zoia that she mention this when she attends Council on September 17th. S08/07 Pickering Auto Body Shop Dimensions, not a legend, label the one accessible spot. The legend states that 20 spots are required however there are only 16 showing on the plan. Why is this so? The Committee would like to start receiving some feedback from Planning & Development regarding the comments that are sent to them. Questions are asked that never receive a response.  Prem to action. Kelly to action. Prem to action. Prem to action.    Prem Planning & Development has asked that we have a more formal format to deliver our comments. Councillor Littley suggested that Planning & Development could give us a template (checklist) to review and place our comments on. We can capture the comments through the minutes and then use the checklist to add comments and review in an additional comment box. It would also be very beneficial to have a member from Planning & Development attend the meetings when we really need their attendance, perhaps when we have more than one site plan to review. Kelly (Chair) to determine two weeks prior to a meeting if a P&D representative is required to attend and to advise Prem. S07/07 - Brock and finch townhouses. Typical townhouses that are not accessible to everyone. No ground level entrances. 3 floors, all stairs, main intersections, and no commercial plazas nearby. AAC members to raise this question at council - why are all of these housing areas being created without regard for accessibility? Parking is limited. Some builders now offer accessibility packages. Zoia – please include the accessible parking sign on the legend and indicate how many spots are accessible on the legend. It would also be beneficial to mention how many units are designed to be made accessible on the legend too. S01/76 (R07/02) Duffins Creek WPCP Water Pollution Control Plant. Kelly didn’t understand anything on this plan – too much jargon and technical language. No problems with this plan. Councillor Littley inquired if the Waterfront Trail was still accessible, had a paved section, and had low legible and angled signage. S06/07 Home Depot plaza Parking for Building A, 518 parking spots, 8 accessible spots. Building B – 125 parking spots, not one accessible spot. Should have three spots. Building C – only one accessible spot, where they should have 3. Building D & E, no plans for the underground parking so we don’t know about accessible spots. Elevator? It was recommended by Council that there is an elevator in each building with 2 floors. There are X’s, which usually represents elevators on each place – can we confirm that there are elevators for each building with two floors? Prem to confirm with Planning & Development to please send all relevant documents along with each plan. S01/07 Typical three story townhouse. Zoia would like the accessible parking spots put in the legend. Does this plan contain living units that can be converted to accessible living areas? Kelly told Zoia that yes; some of the living areas can be converted into accessible areas. Zoia inquired why building companies are not being creative with their designs. It seems each design resembles the last. Councillor Littley recommended to Zoia that she mention this when she attends Council on September 17th. S08/07 Pickering Auto Body Shop Dimensions, not a legend, label the one accessible spot. The legend states that 20 spots are required however there are only 16 showing on the plan. Why is this so? The Committee would like to start receiving some feedback from Planning & Development regarding the comments that are sent to them. Questions are asked that never receive a response.  Prem to action. Kelly to action. Prem to action. Prem to action.  4.0 Other Business & Adjournment All    Discussion ensued on the layout of the flyer and having the two flyers separate, one on making businesses more accessible, and one to advertise the committee. City of Pickering website. Aisha suggested having tips and reminders about accessibility posted on the web. Perhaps we can develop seasonal ones and re-post them each year. To be discussed at the next meeting. Next meeting to be entitled a “promotions” meeting. Prem will be going to Uxbridge’s Barrier Free day and will report back to the Committee.   5.0 Next Meeting All    September 26, 2007 – “Promotions” Meeting    Moved by Kelly Collins Seconded by Stephen Little The meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm. CARRIED