HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 24, 2007Accessibility Advisory Committee October 24, 2007 7:00 PM CAO Boardroom Attendees: Kelly Collins, Chair Stephen Little, Co-Chair Garry Cuthbert Aisha Nathifa Heywood Councillor Bonnie Littley Prem Noronha-Waldriff Lisa Broad (Recording Secretary) Absent: Zoia Horne Lori Murray Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate)  1.0 Adoption of Minutes – September 6 & 26, 2007 Kelly Collins, Chair    Prem to check on Site Plan Application S06/07 with regards to comments made by the AAC to Planning. Will there be elevators on the floors with two levels? Prem to follow up with Tyler Barnett from P&D. The AAC would like to ensure that elevators are considered in all 2 story buildings.  Prem to action  2.0 Site Plan Review All    S09/07 New EMS Facility on Walnut Lane and Highway 2. Stephen enquired if traffic lights will be put in at the exit to Kingston Road. The parking lot is adequate. The site plan is good from an accessibility perspective. S10/07 Quality Packaging Canada located at Silicone and Copperstone Drive. If this industrial building is two storeys, will there be an elevator? No other comments related to accessibility for this site plan.     S09/07 New EMS Facility on Walnut Lane and Highway 2. Stephen enquired if traffic lights will be put in at the exit to Kingston Road. The parking lot is adequate. The site plan is good from an accessibility perspective. S10/07 Quality Packaging Canada located at Silicone and Copperstone Drive. If this industrial building is two storeys, will there be an elevator? No other comments related to accessibility for this site plan.   3.0 Other Business & Adjournment All    Councillor Littley brought in a draft of the flyer that she has created. Discussion ensued about possible changes to the layout and format of the flyer. Once the flyer is finalized, the plan is to hand them out at community events and transit services. Stephen will email Councillor Littley some additional information to place on the flyer. Councillor Littley will make suggested changes to the flyer and bring in a second draft to the following meeting. Garry suggested making the committee more visible in the community by distributing the flyer and displaying it in places of business. Councillor Littley suggested doing a tour around the City of Pickering to promote awareness and/or to highlight really accessible businesses. Kelly suggested piggybacking on the annual “Mayor’s Light Tour” by using accessible transit. There might not be sufficient time to prepare this for 2007, so these events might be deferred until 2008.  Stephen to action Councillor Littley to action  4.0 Next Meeting All    November 28, 2007    Meeting adjourned at 9:07 pm